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Nameless 08/26/2018 (Sun) 15:27:59 [Preview] No. 1

Nameless 08/26/2018 (Sun) 16:42:05 [Preview] No.2 del
Why do I have an American flag

Nameless 08/26/2018 (Sun) 21:14:50 [Preview] No.3 del
Bad geolocation

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 05:28:53 [Preview] No.4 del
O o o o, hi there :333 is it fine if I ask you a load of questions about japan? Also are you a neet? Is it true that Japanese people really don’t like gaijins in their culture? Do you go to yoshida every year to observe the cherry blossoms blooming? (Or whatever the correct word is I’m sorry I’m dumb, but I still love your people! OwO) do you use Skype? Can we talk, or are you rather reserved in friendships? I’m very open and friendly, do you think I could learn Japanese the same way I learned English? As in, by using it? Speaking it? Is miso soup good? Oh yeah, for steam, what game would you like me to buy for you? Choose something rather cheap as I only have access to a small amount of neetbux due to my mental illness I’m sorry ;-; please don’t be afraid of me <3

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 05:54:56 [Preview] No.5 del
just to be clear of course I realize that in comparison our culture is barbaric and that is why I love and envy japan!!! <3333333333 also have you seen this?? https://youtube.com/watch?v=KG770hOuT2k [Embed] Or http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm26617374

Also are you willing to play games together? I can try out any game just for you

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 07:01:29 [Preview] No.6 del
(2.87 MB 4032x3024 image.jpg)
Ok another thing how come are Japanese boys so cute, and women even cuter? Like look at this

European vs Japanese

It’s like looking at anime >.>

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 08:49:27 [Preview] No.7 del
drug addict with tattoo, probably working as prostitute
stay away, not safe

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 10:05:12 [Preview] No.9 del
What site is this, where am I, where are all the Cyrillic symbols so familiar to me? Came here from /int/ .

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 10:21:43 [Preview] No.10 del
I'm a hikki and a neet but I'm not living on welfare or with parents.
>Is it true that Japanese people really don’t like gaijins in their culture?
Yes, although depending on the person they might be okay with it depending on how respectful you are/how well you integrate.
>Do you go to yoshida every year to observe the cherry blossoms blooming?
>do you use Skype?
>Can we talk, or are you rather reserved in friendships?
If you're interesting sure.
>do you think I could learn Japanese the same way I learned English? As in, by using it? Speaking it?
You'll need to study things like Hiragana, Katakana and most importantly kanji, but yes using it helps.
>Is miso soup good?
>Oh yeah, for steam, what game would you like me to buy for you?
I only play CSS/CSGO, preferably CS:GO.
>Ok another thing how come are Japanese boys so cute, and women even cuter? Like look at this
Good mostly pure genetics, healthy culture especially when it comes to eating.
endchan, where anyone can make a board and modify it.
I think he is calling her ugly

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 10:27:03 [Preview] No.11 del
So howd you find it?

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 10:32:22 [Preview] No.12 del
>I think he is calling her ugly
she is not naturally ugly, she has just destroyed herself through an immoral lifestyle

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 10:37:22 [Preview] No.13 del
She might be naturally ugly but you're right it hasn't helped
This another thing that doesn't happen in Japan

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:13:20 [Preview] No.14 del
How'd you get here if you don't mind

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:19:37 [Preview] No.16 del

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:24:54 [Preview] No.17 del
Oh man, csgo! The game that I also play a lot!! <33

I just have real anxiety now hoping you will find me interesting because I’d really like to be your friend! I get some money tomorrow, I’ll buy you the game! <33

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:27:20 [Preview] No.18 del
(156.24 KB 1084x453 AqD4opJcvsg.jpg)

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:30:30 [Preview] No.19 del
That’s the wrong picture xd I actually wanted to use this

Sorry my folders aren’t organized

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:31:43 [Preview] No.20 del
I met a really nice Finnish boy there!

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:34:29 [Preview] No.21 del
there are no bad finnish boys, you know.

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:35:12 [Preview] No.22 del
(731.15 KB 1100x1232 ルイズ.jpg)
Oh I see
Thanks, just wondering what's with >>18 I don't mind but I only made this board so people can find me. Maybe have it as a back up for librejp but thats unlikely.

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:36:56 [Preview] No.24 del
Truly words of wisdom

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:39:00 [Preview] No.25 del

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:45:50 [Preview] No.27 del
we aren't you tripfagging, tripfag?

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 11:59:29 [Preview] No.28 del
Oh yeah, my phone is about to die I’ll come back in the evening guys!!

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 12:01:49 [Preview] No.29 del
Oh ok don’t worry, I made that thread, and I’m still here (the original OP) I’ll be back in the evening!!

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 12:02:18 [Preview] No.30 del
I'm not a tripfag.
Why are you hiding your flag?

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 12:42:54 [Preview] No.31 del

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 12:44:52 [Preview] No.32 del
I should make an imageboard that autobans phone posters tbh

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 15:31:01 [Preview] No.34 del
xddd I’m so sorry, I’m still in a hospital, just like I mentioned in the first thread xd <3

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 16:40:18 [Preview] No.35 del
Just a few more days and I’m back home, in the meantime I’ll continue reading this book and asking more questions >.>

Thank you! You are such a nice person btw I think you could invite some Japanese people and maybe you could turn this into sort of a Japanese meetup <3

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 16:47:57 [Preview] No.36 del
Also what is a hikki? You’re an introvert right? What program could we use to communicate and maybe talk? I want to hear your undoubtably cute accent which you can’t hide xd I’m sorry xd <3 also here I posted an image from Poland, want to share pictures? Show me how your city looks! You’re not depresssed are you? If you are I’m going to support you and get you out of it! This boook I’m reading here is highly critical (maybe unjustifiably) of Japanese worker rights and conditions, saying it is likely the biggest cause of depresssion, saying the country lacks therapists, is it true???

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 16:54:49 [Preview] No.37 del
Sorry about the accent thing, I just genuinely believe Japanese people are precious! Even if I sound funny.

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 16:59:36 [Preview] No.38 del
Anyway I can’t wait to have a chat with you!

Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 23:05:44 [Preview] No.39 del
>I think you could invite some Japanese people and maybe you could turn this into sort of a Japanese meetup <3
Doubt my friends would like that.
It's someone who is a social shut in/recluse
I don't have a microphone so we can't talk but for chatting I can use steam if you get me an account.
>Show me how your city looks
Don't have a camera/smart phone
Google Ozu, Ehime if you want to look.
>You’re not depresssed are you?
No I'm not
>is it true???
It's true for about 1% of the population, people act like every person in Japan works like that, fun fact Japans average working hours are below the OECD average and most of the people who work long hours live in tokyo..

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 04:50:10 [Preview] No.40 del


>All these emojis


Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 07:18:50 [Preview] No.41 del
Sure! I’m leaving the hospital tomorrow, is It possible to add people with a fresh new account so I can gift you the game or do I have to link my credit card and buy it directly on the account itself?

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 07:21:47 [Preview] No.42 del
If I remember correctly an account needs at least $5 usd either on it or in games/other items to interact with the community, I recommend you email me the account login.

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 07:29:20 [Preview] No.43 del
(609.92 KB 1240x1754 啊叭叭叭叭叭叭.jpg)
Ignore the korean flag, as I said this site's geolocation is shit

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:23:12 [Preview] No.44 del
Ok! What is your email? Mine is [email protected] I made it when I was young so it translates to something retarded

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:27:40 [Preview] No.45 del
(1.23 MB 1200x900 2018年紅蓮祭.png)
I emailed you

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:29:03 [Preview] No.46 del
oooooooooohhhh is that wahat this board is? want 2 chat?

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:34:04 [Preview] No.47 del
And here I thought the board's name stands for World-2Chan.
I mean, how fun it'll be to shitpost alongside Japanese Redditors, amirite?

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:36:30 [Preview] No.48 del
no its w2ch for world2ch

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:37:21 [Preview] No.49 del
You're right
I'm not riaju

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:37:44 [Preview] No.50 del
Weird, I didn’t get anything but anyhow I will buy you the game tomorrow ok?

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:41:46 [Preview] No.51 del
(3.20 MB 1447x2047 バーサーカー.png)
Check spam folder

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:43:24 [Preview] No.52 del

I was just axin I wasn't insinuatin nuffin

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:51:44 [Preview] No.53 del
I did!
I know I’m so sorry

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:55:00 [Preview] No.54 del
Also what a beautiful illya, great taste!

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:58:04 [Preview] No.55 del
(427.64 KB 800x1028 暗殺者.jpg)

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 08:59:37 [Preview] No.56 del

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 17:26:54 [Preview] No.59 del
Look mate, assuming that you're a real Japanese, I really want you to know several things before you really get into English internet culture (Or rather, imageboard culture)

リア充 = Normalfag (英訳)
Redditor = Redditを使う人 = 最悪のリア充


Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 18:07:24 [Preview] No.60 del
Hey, I just wanted to share this before I go to sleep because it just puts me in such a good mood >.> https://youtube.com/watch?v=qlBRGXEZFmI [Embed]

I cant wait to play some csgo with you ^^

Nameless 08/28/2018 (Tue) 21:21:35 [Preview] No.61 del
dont worry, ive been using english imageboards since world2ch, ive been on 4chan since it came out

Nameless 08/29/2018 (Wed) 06:49:40 [Preview] No.62 del
Oh yeah also, how old are you? I’m 22, English speaking adults are kind of a rarity in japan, what is your story? I can share mine if you want first, if you’re comfortable ^^ but it’s kind of sad and fulll of misery and loneliness

Nameless 08/29/2018 (Wed) 06:52:17 [Preview] No.63 del
Oh yeah also email me again, the last time you tried didn’t work and I didn’t receive anything for some reason

Nameless 08/29/2018 (Wed) 07:28:07 [Preview] No.64 del
(7.04 MB 4299x6071 夢幻召喚.jpg)
should work now

Nameless 05/23/2019 (Thu) 10:33:36 [Preview] No.65 del
>ive been using English imageboards since world2ch
This is almost like if someone walked up to me and told me they’d been on Ayashii World.

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