Nameless 08/27/2018 (Mon) 05:28:53 No.4 del
O o o o, hi there :333 is it fine if I ask you a load of questions about japan? Also are you a neet? Is it true that Japanese people really don’t like gaijins in their culture? Do you go to yoshida every year to observe the cherry blossoms blooming? (Or whatever the correct word is I’m sorry I’m dumb, but I still love your people! OwO) do you use Skype? Can we talk, or are you rather reserved in friendships? I’m very open and friendly, do you think I could learn Japanese the same way I learned English? As in, by using it? Speaking it? Is miso soup good? Oh yeah, for steam, what game would you like me to buy for you? Choose something rather cheap as I only have access to a small amount of neetbux due to my mental illness I’m sorry ;-; please don’t be afraid of me <3