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Qanon Bernd 07/18/2022 (Mon) 16:56:57 [Preview] No. 48311 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>/qanonresearch/ - Q War Room

why do these subhumans boomers have a board?
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Dutch bernd Bernd 08/06/2022 (Sat) 19:18:18 [Preview] No.48451 del
Ebin or cringe? Let me know bernds

Bernd 08/06/2022 (Sat) 19:22:09 [Preview] No.48453 del
Like most bands they made a trip from ebin to cringe.

Bernd 08/07/2022 (Sun) 07:01:47 [Preview] No.48456 del
I have to agree on this. Some Rammstein stuff is breddy gud, a classic now. Some I rather avoid.

Bernd 08/07/2022 (Sun) 20:19:49 [Preview] No.48457 del
Q-boards got busy. 8coom is getting spammed I gathered from couple of comments.
Has Bernd seen the HBO show about this? Q: Into The Storm.

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faking my death and disapeparing forever Bernd 01/17/2020 (Fri) 17:22:41 [Preview] No. 34091 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I am considering faking my own death and disappearing from the human world,becoming either a travelling homeless or a "Nature man"in some forest.
I know this is no easy task,it will take around one year to prepare,but im willing to go trough with it.
so,give me advice and tips.
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Bernd 06/29/2022 (Wed) 05:19:32 [Preview] No.48099 del
It's really not a good idea to do it all alone though.

More people helping out means better outcomes for it. And a better outcome of surviving the wilderness

Bernd 06/29/2022 (Wed) 11:53:02 [Preview] No.48104 del
It's hard work, and doing alone it really is just too much I concur.
But it's hard to find reliable people, most who would be into such things are 1. paranoid schizos (and generally useless); 2. too egotistic and just want their own kingdoms and serfs serving them.
For me too is just nice fantasy, maybe a bit of escapism. Since have to tend the garden I have first hand experience that even keeping some order without actually growing enough stuff to keep yourself alive independent from other sources of food can be tiring and grows old fast. Same with doing manual labour of house maintenance and building furniture and stuff.

Maybe relying on animal husbandry as single source of food could be less work. Chicken and goats.

Bernd 07/08/2022 (Fri) 03:31:07 [Preview] No.48202 del
You could just also just build a farming community instead. It's much easier but no good monies

Bernd 07/08/2022 (Fri) 06:09:47 [Preview] No.48207 del
It's not about money. It's about self-reliance, survivalibity, retreat from the insanity of the world (like the constant hysteria that media forces unto us, or the chasing of wealth). The point is a calm and quite life. People in the city are fucked if no water running, no food arriving, no fuel for heating. People in the countryside can make or have all that. In the city you can't just go out and chop the tree in the park an build a fire in the middle of your apartment. You could grow a tomato in a pot but you could produce only so much food you can starve to death with that. If no electricity most professions are useless, just a bunch of hungry mouth looking for food and asking for trouble.
Problem is it's very hard to find similar minded people for a community of such. It's not just an aspect of personal life, like a hobby, but itself is a living. As I stated before. And alone it is a bitch.

Dutch bernd Bernd 07/13/2022 (Wed) 04:27:03 [Preview] No.48271 del
Well that is certainly something to think about.

Lets have a weather thread Bernd 04/03/2019 (Wed) 15:16:18 [Preview] No. 24257 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Starting it off with some recent evens

https://youtube.com/watch?v=pa9Yk1YadkU [Embed]
Flooding in Nebraska and Iowa, USA (March 15, 2019)

https://youtube.com/watch?v=YT3XsHAIl5U [Embed]
Crazy flooding in Shiraz, Iran (March 25, 2019)

Lots of flooding in agricultural states in usa wonder if it will affect the food prices
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Bernd 06/29/2022 (Wed) 05:11:27 [Preview] No.48094 del
I hate summer so much. It's unreal.

Bernd 07/04/2022 (Mon) 01:38:39 [Preview] No.48139 del
Table grapes, wine or juice? Are those European or American?

Bernd 07/04/2022 (Mon) 07:30:19 [Preview] No.48142 del
Wine. White. But we eat it, or drink it as juice, because not enough for wine, and we have neither the tools nor the facilities to make wine although I could give it to a pal who has, or even to a relative, but again, the amount lacks seriously, plus too much bother.
I dunno their actual type. One looks similar to muscat. Others I think Juhfark or something similar, Hungarian cultivars.

Bernd 07/04/2022 (Mon) 07:38:26 [Preview] No.48143 del
Could be Hárslevelű. I think last time I tried look it up this was my conclusion.

Bernd 07/12/2022 (Tue) 18:30:43 [Preview] No.48262 del

Chinese imageboards Bernd 05/25/2022 (Wed) 23:15:55 [Preview] No. 47691 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
With kuku down, what are some other bigger Chinese altchans?
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Bernd 06/05/2022 (Sun) 18:17:25 [Preview] No.47800 del
No I don't think there are any OP

Bernd 06/14/2022 (Tue) 04:32:32 [Preview] No.47929 del
Wechat man, it's obviously

Also Qq

Dutch bernd Bernd 06/19/2022 (Sun) 03:13:59 [Preview] No.48017 del
>Also Qq

Never used it. Is it any good?

Bernd 06/29/2022 (Wed) 05:17:49 [Preview] No.48098 del
You still there?

Bernd 06/29/2022 (Wed) 11:54:36 [Preview] No.48105 del
I know Schwechat.

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KOHLZINE #12 out Bernd 11/17/2019 (Sun) 19:36:05 [Preview] No. 32375 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
There was no Kohlzine on October because Casey was hidden.
But now we are back, even more autistic than ever and featuring some illustrations by Russian bernd.

We are waiting for your OC and text (any content, really) submissions on our mail: [email protected]
If KC doesn't die by then, lucky #13 will be our ANNIVERSARY issue, so expect lots of quality content(well it depends on your input too, kinda), KC posters, copypastas and more.


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Bernd 06/19/2022 (Sun) 11:02:28 [Preview] No.48027 del
I don't have the time, energy, and will to do it. And judging by the traffic of our board, I have to assume the others neither. We can barely keep alive this board. It might be disappointing, but this is how I see it.

Bernd 06/19/2022 (Sun) 19:59:35 [Preview] No.48031 del
>Maybe we should do it ourselves then?

If there will be content, it wouldn't be too hard to make PDF with it. So you need to find few writers first - it will be the most complex task.

Bernd 06/21/2022 (Tue) 08:06:07 [Preview] No.48044 del
So if done, the title, Kohlzine has to be changed. As a self-definition it can be stated that it is a continuation of the zine. Also if real effort is done maybe old editors will get on the wagon.
I think it should be extended to other imageboards, reach out to other chans. First and foremost bernd.group, and maybe ernst. A thread should be put to Kohl/make. Any other chan can be involved essentially, it's not the chans that would make it, but the users, Bernds, Anons, whoevers.
Needs an email acc, where the submissions has to be sent. Either some standards have to be set how submissions should look like, or just let all kinds of stuff to be sent, and compiled together as is.
Someone has to edit the stuff. There are publishing applications, I think Scribus is on Linux and probably LibreOffice can be used as well. But in the simplest form some pdf creator tools (I dunno liek PDFChain??) can be used and just make an ebook looking publication, and not a magazine type.
Cover art also has to be created.

1. pick a name
2. set up a mailbox
3. inquire on chans all over
4. wait, check mail time to times
5. post reminders everywhere
6. when enough material sent edit it together
7. create cover art

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Bernd 06/24/2022 (Fri) 15:49:04 [Preview] No.48067 del
I miss Outokumpu. It will always have a special place in my heart.

Bernd 06/26/2022 (Sun) 11:14:44 [Preview] No.48075 del
What a fate.
I think quite a few towns walk in similar shoes all over the globe. Some just ghost towns as industry left, some bear same marks of the dangerous nature of whatever was done there.

Wages of Destruction Bernd 07/09/2019 (Tue) 20:28:52 [Preview] No. 27926 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
As I promised I'll write about this book.
It's quite lengthy but you'll reach the end if you read at your own pace. Most of the book isn't dense for me, an economic layman, with the exception of the parts about trade, which left me confused. I'll write what I manage to understand.
The author wrote it to argue in historiographical debates and make some points, but I read it just to add to my historical knowledge.

I'll write in sections, at most one a day so Bernd doesn't get overwhelmed, and will try to make the sections more thematic rather than just a sythesis of each chapter, as Hitler himself suggests in Mein Kampf for how one should mentally organize knowledge. I want to write about:

-Trade and controls of foreign currency and raw materials
-Budgets and revenue
-Businessmen and workers
-Consumer goods
-The fate of different industries
-General progression from 1933 to 1939

If I give up on writing I hope at least to cover the prewar period. I also hope to write on:
-Armaments priorities until 1940

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Bernd 06/15/2021 (Tue) 07:12:46 [Preview] No.43990 del
Also. He is a good example of ideological bias. It is more than that "trust the plan" Q thing, they're getting their chops busted for. It's a whole world view and real motivation put into actions. A life built on it. Nowadays it's easy to claim "I'm a this or that" (think "I'm libertarian", "I'm anarcho-capitalist" etc.) when their life and how they live it doesn't really reflects anything. They just find things true and they voice their thoughts.

Bernd 06/15/2021 (Tue) 20:26:29 [Preview] No.43994 del
At least it helped him sleep at night.

Bernd 06/17/2021 (Thu) 09:06:58 [Preview] No.44037 del
>. Nowadays it's easy to claim
It was always easy to claim such things, I mean for example champange socialism is not a new term. Comformism always existed but it has never been such an overwhelming norm before. You go to twitter you wave your ideological flag, release your anger, relax and live like everyone else. This new way of life prevents any meaningful change as it comforts pretty much everyone. The illusion of change is worse than normal stagnation.

Bernd 06/18/2021 (Fri) 07:58:21 [Preview] No.44046 del
"Moved" this discussion to the politics thread.

Bernd 05/24/2022 (Tue) 03:05:41 [Preview] No.47652 del
Weird link

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Bernd 05/16/2022 (Mon) 02:41:24 [Preview] No. 47552 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hi I decided to finally jump from KC to somewhere else.

Can I get cosy autistic discussions and sharing of media and OC content here?

regards ex old and 'new' KC bernd
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Bernd 05/17/2022 (Tue) 14:29:07 [Preview] No.47575 del
Endchan location detection is like that sometimes. Just FYI me (board owner) can't do anything about it, if you want you can complain about it on /operate/ but this problem was known for years.

Bernd 05/18/2022 (Wed) 01:02:09 [Preview] No.47582 del
How big is the userbase here lel. Goes quite slow, which is kinda cute.

Bernd 05/18/2022 (Wed) 07:19:01 [Preview] No.47584 del
>how big
Small. Check endchan's board list for daily stat. It does not count Torusers, which is sometimes one.
Problem is, this band is together since 2016-17 and we expressed our opinion on every important topic twice from start to end and backwards. Also posted many interesting shit, most of not in the catalog anymore, and run out of things to post. Plus all of us has our lives, some moved away from imagebaords.
Plus plus, since we are only a few it is less likely that a post will overlap with another's interests, so might not provoke replies.
Plus plus plus, personally I feel less and less the "need to correct" wrong opinions on the internet (I did not have much of that to begin with, and sometimes I rather ridicule, especially if I smell trolling, also I'm busy and tired), and the others aren't keen on argue over bs either. So heated discussions are rare.
During busiest times we had ~15 posters. Now daily ones are me and that Australian fella. And we have some more posters who checks in once or twice per week. And other occasional posters.
If you post something we'll read it, maybe even reply.

Dutch bernd Bernd 05/19/2022 (Thu) 02:17:35 [Preview] No.47597 del
>Can I get cosy autistic discussions and sharing of media and OC content here?

Sure. Welcome aboard new fren

Dutch bernd Bernd 05/19/2022 (Thu) 02:20:17 [Preview] No.47598 del
>most of not in the catalog anymore

Search for archived threads here.

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RU**aIN Bernd 05/09/2022 (Mon) 15:38:24 [Preview] No. 47474 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
my new nickname in dota 2
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Bernd 05/11/2022 (Wed) 06:45:08 [Preview] No.47501 del
Both Venezuelands and Cubans?

Bernd 05/11/2022 (Wed) 06:46:22 [Preview] No.47502 del
1. reference links don't work on magrathea now it seems
2. makes me Norwegian, but it seems OP too

Bernd 05/11/2022 (Wed) 23:11:25 [Preview] No.47509 del
Are you Witoric or Atlantapole OP?

Dutch bernd Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:07:08 [Preview] No.47519 del
Where are u OP?

Bernd 05/14/2022 (Sat) 09:46:18 [Preview] No.47537 del
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Moved this redundant thread here.
Especially since for the purpose he already made another thread in the past >>47016

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Bernd 03/07/2020 (Sat) 22:19:31 [Preview] No. 34905 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Hello friends. Can I sit here?
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Bernd 01/01/2022 (Sat) 11:47:19 [Preview] No.46020 del
>I'm actually the plushie bernd from Hungary.
>Finally tiem to tells the truth
And triples don't lie eh? Three is the Hungarian Truth/Justice

Bernd 05/15/2022 (Sun) 11:04:43 [Preview] No.47545 del

Bernd 05/15/2022 (Sun) 11:07:02 [Preview] No.47546 del
Do you come to sit here too?

Bernd 05/16/2022 (Mon) 10:43:47 [Preview] No.47555 del
can sb help me?
about month ago I was using "Hello, anon" site to fine another interesting forums and news, but now it doesn't work... I can't open that site to find another sites

Bernd 05/16/2022 (Mon) 10:50:47 [Preview] No.47556 del
Sorry, I dunno what site that is.

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PolandBall thread Bernd 01/12/2021 (Tue) 03:57:38 [Preview] No. 42021 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Polandball thread?
Polandball thread?

I have some comics saved up that I wanted to upload here. Enjoy. And remember to like, r8 and subscribe for more content
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Dutch bernd Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:24:09 [Preview] No.47528 del
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Dutch bernd Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:25:29 [Preview] No.47529 del

Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:26:14 [Preview] No.47530 del
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Dutch bernd Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:27:30 [Preview] No.47531 del
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Dutch bernd Bernd 05/12/2022 (Thu) 23:29:42 [Preview] No.47532 del
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