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/go/ - Golden Oaks General #2 Anon 12/20/2023 (Wed) 10:22 [Preview] No. 9086
Welcome to Golden Oaks! Sit back and get /confy/ and dive into the vast amounts of data across the web that has been generated by the MLP fandom.

What is Golden Oaks?
Golden Oaks is /endpone/'s archival and analysis thread devoted to the rather broad topic of the fandom itself. Active archival is a major feature, but a variety of topics are also active points of discussion. From analysis of trends and situations, to self reflection and representation.

What is Golden Oaks not?
Golden Oaks is not for the simple dissuasion of the latest scandal within the fandom or gossip about X. These subjects maybe relevant at times in the discussion of certain happenings and periods within the fandom, but the thread itself shouldn't dive into drama without reason.

What is this place?
This is the Endchan's pony board. While we are microscopic we have regular posting and a fairly distinct culture as can be with a handful of anons and drifters. /go/ welcomes outside contributions. Feel free to look around.
Current /NMAiE/: >>8915

Pegasi Anchor Anon 12/20/2023 (Wed) 10:48 [Preview] No.9088 del
(1.40 MB 571x456 ItsHAPPENING.gif)

Special anchor post. Reserve for only impending shutdowns of websites or mass deletions (or at least when the there is a high potential for such).

Stuff like this:>>8116,>>8983

Cerberus Anchor Anon 12/21/2023 (Thu) 00:58 [Preview] No.9093 del
(256.22 KB 800x448 doggy.png)
General Updates

Updates on the various archiving related activities of the thread. Not every little update of course, but stuff that maybe more worthy or certain milestones. Completed scripts, important progress and what have you. Use your own discretion.

Posts more like this:>>>8361, >>9068

Anchor Anon 12/21/2023 (Thu) 01:08 [Preview] No.9094 del
(932.80 KB 841x1000 Anchor.png)
Other Stuff

An anchor for everything else that might be worthy of highlighting. Again, use your own discretion.

Posts more like this:>>8195

Some Notes Anon 12/21/2023 (Thu) 06:52 [Preview] No.9096 del
(3.05 MB 3854x3994 ItsNow2023.jpg)
Okay, started a new thread:

Previous Thread
Should've probably put that in opening post. Might still edit it in at some point.

Also, 3000 posts, if one traveled back to that thread, back in the innocent days of 2019, when the show was still on the air I imagine they would look like pic related now to their past selves now.

The Pegasi and Cerberus anchors are based off this:>>8123 Might it evolve into something resembling this idea? Maybe, maybe not. I still feel it is a useful organization system regardless. That and the third anchor are meant for easy navigation of a messy thread and allow things to be (relatively) easily findable. It may not workout that way and I know anchor posts can be hit or miss on how well they are used. We will see how it goes, I do think of anything, a special anchor for emergencies and such is usable regardless. A lurker who only checks in sometimes would know what is going on (at least as far as /go/'s own collective awareness of emergencies). Since some interest has been shown I'll see where it goes (as well as looking into YT's feed analyzer:>>8413).

I wanted to make a thing highlighting certain important posts. This thread though. I have been interrupted constantly and have given up (as in, sit down to type this post, and something happens or I am called away.). I will say once again, thanks to all anons, from random lurkers to YT, L23, Archiver-Anon, (whose is archiving terabytes:>>.9072 of data like it was nothing). Whether this thread goes slowly or quick, it certainly has been worth it even if things have felt like a out of focus limp plenty of times.

What else?
>next thread
Yeah, raincheck for the moment. For the fandom representation, I want to lay something out first. For the entry system, still has my interest, but I feel like I need to make a few more and get a feel for it before I make yet a forth anchor post for those.

Anon 12/21/2023 (Thu) 21:34 [Preview] No.9099 del
(689.39 KB 1536x2048 2730683.jpg)
(1.32 MB 1024x1365 2730683.translated.jpg)
40 gigabytes of data copied from mega.nz:
* ipfs://QmPGcYEfWvcrRW8u7TpuUgtxT44XaHtfRe2SSZ1YvazC8r
** Some proof:
*** https://megalodon.jp/2023-1222-0620-42/https://gateway.pinata.cloud:443/ipfs/QmPGcYEfWvcrRW8u7TpuUgtxT44XaHtfRe2SSZ1YvazC8r
*** index: not shared as of now

* Pony Life/
** from https://mega.nz/folder/Ji5VkAwY#BYzHARWDjj-djo8e4WTsnQ
* https-mega.nz-F-rrZCGaJJ-hX40ghckXITc03z4Y1gYmg/
** Comics from https://mega.nz/folder/rrZCGaJJ#hX40ghckXITc03z4Y1gYmg
* https-mega.nz-folder-PjB01LLI-IEi9B5CopZK0E5M17yObNQ/
** Audiobooks from https://mega.nz/folder/PjB01LLI#IEi9B5CopZK0E5M17yObNQ
* https-www.mediafire.com-file-l43u24xfk736yx3-Books.rar-file/
** Some books from https://www.mediafire.com/file/l43u24xfk736yx3/Books.rar
* MegaBasterdLINUX_8.14_portable.zip
** Software I used to download from mega.nz

( Some files from critter.cloudns.nz: ipfs://QmZUW3E5JTmnAFJD33HydKSfLgK4YK5Ghb2kvFpZdQJbEc )

All currently stored on low/medium-trust HDDs (not one-to-one). Images from

Anon 12/22/2023 (Fri) 02:08 [Preview] No.9100 del
Last night I had a dream that it was daytime and Lauren Faust and I were basically watching some MLP movie together, with other people sitting nearby and watching too I guess. After that Lauren and I walked and talked together. (Dream not perfectly described, other details missing and stuff.)

>It does in fact work after replacing "sh -c" with "bash -c".
Problem with "...bash -c..." that "...sh -c..." doesn't have: "bash -c" sometimes or always puts the loop in the background and may also disown it before doing that.
>one big CAR file
I went with that solution. If I gotta do something like that again, maybe I'll try different solutions.

Index of "mega.nz" at QmPGcYEfWvcrRW8u7TpuUgtxT44XaHtfRe2SSZ1YvazC8r:

Also, I have tens of gigabytes of YouTube data, looks like I will be spliting it into ~50 GiB folders and making hash trees based on those 50-GiB-or-less splits. Images from these links (in QmPG...zC8r):

Anon 12/22/2023 (Fri) 03:24 [Preview] No.9101 del
52 GB of data from YouTube, videos mostly not in TPA:

Videos with ML voice from

Anon 12/22/2023 (Fri) 05:25 [Preview] No.9102 del
Bye old thread!

I think it is a interesting idea. I know back on /mlp/ anons didn't always use them that well but here I think with the slower posting it might work out better. I do hope you do something with those projects ideas. Work being even partly scattered out to other anons sounds like a more long term success strategy. I do understand your own limitations right now in being able to coordinate and organize that.

>For the fandom representation, I want to lay something out first.
Like, what? Do you mean laying out some rules or in the sense of some project?

> I feel like I need to make a few more and get a feel for it before I make yet a forth anchor post for those.
If you got that worked out, it might need its own thread. Multiple anchors per category if I understand what you intend for that system.

>It's crushing when a HDD is basically/seemingly dead and I did nothing wrong to result in its failure.
How bad is it for you? It seems like you have a lot of TB just lying around, but I am curious of how precarious the set up is.If you mind my asking.

>This is why privacy is important.
Whole other can of worms but the amount of surveillance that people now passively accept is insane.

Anon 12/22/2023 (Fri) 11:37 [Preview] No.9109 del
38 GB from YouTube, videos mostly not in TPA:
- https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmdiP1UcbRxo4ye8H3pVwNkjxNb9M92cMMq5vBC2BKeVrR
- https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmWEnETcx9Bb4y9yKThk4tbzQJazmGTivHCHikm9BXeJ86

Rainbow Dash-focused videos from
> from Apache HTTP Server with symlink /var/www/html/ipfs -> /ipfs (see github.com link below)
> 49M, couldn't post it ITT, so here's ipfs://bafybeid6jstwnbp7ig6nhtrb6drncfzcy4azqkfqpymzt7zuhw3vp7hyva/Epic_Sax_Pony-20darkmoon-20120102-youtube-1280x720-R7eemv4jXEY.webm
> lyrics https://dumb.privacydev.net/4everfreebrony-loyalty-original-by-acoustimandobrony-lyrics
> PMV of "Rainbow In The Sky" by DJ Paul Elstak
> lyrics https://dumb.privacydev.net/Paul-elstak-rainbow-in-the-sky-lyrics
> C9QiGCd9s7g title="See Dashie's Smile"

Added more helpful info:

= post in previous thread

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 02:34 [Preview] No.9110 del
Was going to make this accessible today - 128G /z8/web/676f3a7/mlp/ - however, there was a crash, so nope. Folder "./mlp/" = WARC of /pag/ threads 1 to 15. Videos from

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 05:17 [Preview] No.9111 del
(397.44 KB 1280x719 large.png)
Nevermind, hashtree completed before the crash. Found in relatively small number of pins via:
> ipfs pin ls --type=recursive | sed "s/ .*//g" | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do ipfs files stat /ipfsargs; done' _

Found 137-GB folder "WARC: /pag/ threads 1 to 15":

Image from
>https://derpicdn.net/img/2014/7/16/676205/large.png 1700610187 - - 6DN2FCZBZIDL3BN4E5QRQPQRKVWDC4J6 406876 1328577971 z8-web-676f3a7-mlp-2in1.txt-2023-11-21-d214a920-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:76a4b474-8e8d-4042-988e-91dbdb3fc3fa>
POV: walking on a road in Ponyville. Specified in:

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 05:40 [Preview] No.9112 del
>How bad is it for you?
I kinda don't want to think about it. I'll explain more later. Regarding a different HDD, I've learned the following. Constant usage for 4380 Power_On_Hours ("sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdx") = a hard drive which is basically near-death. At least that's the case with a certain Western Digital model. So, don't exceed 3500 or 4000 hours if it sees nearly constant usage (mostly at a speed of ~300 KiB/s to ~3 MiB/s in my case). This wasn't really unexpected to me, but now I have better numbers. 4,380 hours is like 7 months, and I didn't store very critical stuff on said 4380 hours HDD.

*>$ ipfs pin
*/$args; done

YouTube video from ipfs://QmY3Yiarfcg3w5bqa7LMJdcZngRffxFDLKPBDZYVK6H7BM

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 08:59 [Preview] No.9113 del
I found an old .bkf from several years ago. Extracted the music folder, and found
which is a pretty okay recording, and 1:55. The YT vid at atojICwIZeg on the other hoof, is 4:12, and sounds like it was recorded from the hallway, through a closed though hollow-core door.

Because I haven't thought of this in a very long time, I'm betting you haven't either.
You're welcome?
I'm going to round this post out with some other old music that you may not have encountered too much, depending...

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 10:27 [Preview] No.9115 del
(22.10 MB 1280x720 Celestia_as_Pilate.mp4)
Well. First Luna as Judas, now Celestia as Pilate.

I found some cool stuff but can't post it over in the video thread just now.
Probably can't post there here, either.

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 10:57 [Preview] No.9116 del
2019 video not in TPA - "Dj Pon3 and Pinkie Pie PMV MLP A Little Less Conversation":

>YT vid at atojICwIZeg

pfp from npr

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 12:13 [Preview] No.9117 del
More links to previous thread:

As text files (via Browsers lynx and Brave) and an HTML file without images, etc.:
( seed it! "$ curl -sL https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeif7akj4qbwymtyz3gr7ea3vyeclzu3yszp44vluqzsuqxzzx7y4ge?format=car | ipfs dag import" )

Neat, got it:

>2019 video
I downloaded that small channel by using this one-liner:

Here's that YT channel: Ariana_Chim_Chim_UC9DdUaW9lRyPcRJr7cUUBDw ->
VXZkvHZ4Ru4 local, top

>2011 video not in TPA - '"Luna" - Parody of Judas by Lady Gaga (FINISHED Version)'
atojICwIZeg local, remote, midgrade

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 12:53 [Preview] No.9118 del
>I found some cool stuff but can't post it over in the video thread just now.
>Probably can't post there here, either.
There's various ways to share files. Some ways you may not be familiar with, like send.cm and archive.org; video related from

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 13:14 [Preview] No.9119 del
FUCKIN' RIP! Just heard the 4380-hours ZFS HDD clicking in a bad way. That means that it is essentially totally dead, unless I DIY repair or pay some company like 2000 dollars to repair it. I have some less-than-fantastic indexes of said dead HDD. It mostly contained BitTorrent data, so fingers crossed that those torrents are still alive and I can recover them from the network. If I can't, I can recover most of that set of torrents from this other slow local HDD (hope it doesn't die in the process). Other stuff that HDD had: highly ephemeral imageboard data that no one else was saving. Luckily I rsynced almost everything from that set like 5 or 6 days ago. Compared to now, there will be multiple days missing, but I can continue with the downloader script on another HDD to get today and future days. Crazy that I rsync-ed some more semi-important things from that low trust HDD to medium trust HDDs today, today roughly being the day that z4 died.

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 13:38 [Preview] No.9120 del
(48.23 KB 640x480 maxres.jpg)
LMAO, I was looking at "sudo zpool status -v" and it says that this file is corrupted:
>[from degraded HDD which isn't dead yet]
Notice the text "Corrupted_Cutie_Mark_Crusaders". Coincidence. Non-corrupted version (picrel):

File "*youtube-640x480-qH1WBOiwgRA.png" is in fact corrupted ("[ffmpeg/video] png: chunk too big \ Error while decoding frame!"), only the top ~1cm of the PNG loaded. This also explains why ipfs would error when trying to add folder "Matthais_Media_Mashups_UCDZ-H818JKMUoK0RxBbQq2w/".

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 21:35 [Preview] No.9122 del
Was looking at torrents that were stored on that now-dead drive. I saw this nice 1GB one which is related to FIM seasons 1 and 2. I especially recommend downloading it if you love ponies in more than one way. You can download it from
(proof of remote pin: https://cid.contact/routing/v1/providers/QmV8oRhzTzebik25tCcsNQi4JFqav3jxt2yhRdWt9sWKEX - seems to also show that it's stored in Filecoin)

(Or just stream the videos from IPFS without downloading/storing.) More info:

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 21:57 [Preview] No.9123 del
>if you love ponies in more than one way

Sounds like the CMC anatomically correct edits?

Since I can't upload files right now, and don't want to take the time to download, unpack, and use FFmpeg right now, those .FLV files are on hold.
Here's some stuff on my mega folder, link deliberately broken to discourage automated scraping.

Pathfinder with ponies:

And here's my recently rediscovered .flv files, and the .mp4 files I had lost for most of the G4 run...
to which I'm still uploading stuff but at least .nz isn't failing me the way .org, .net, and even Margaretha have been this past day.

Anon 12/23/2023 (Sat) 23:17 [Preview] No.9125 del
More torrents restored/restoring from imperfect backups:

npr: /ipfs/QmPwuwFrZbbhSJqDrfUKYxVWw4pFmLwvhuvGCrTRpvkaSm -> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e99d156a7eae444463a0326b10f73cabd6c62c6a&dn=Halo%203%20OST

Related to MLP leaks: Qmeo...zaYt -> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a8ed48dc7402905beb098566283dae3b0e652902&dn=Holidays_unwrapped_packed . More info:
>$ ipfs ls /ipfs/QmeoiscbvumvuKmgi6f6YCUR5ZkMgb3LQCsWBnz5sZzaYt
>QmUdRgdoWjNg3zTeWwR1YXqisikNoocUGZW8T4hbqpzbcw 13602421784 Holidays Unwrapped.7z
>$ ipfs ls /ipfs/QmUdRgdoWjNg3zTeWwR1YXqisikNoocUGZW8T4hbqpzbcw
>QmUjXUAAPtHLcDVQuU9fdbP43bgpagS7yvFT69q4Gc56rT 7936671744
>QmSnuYWHXsav1AiuW5nTxUrtpqeQNbNUb5as1defFVcBVG 5665750040
>$ # ^partial IPLD

Didn't know who was singing that at first, then after re-listening to it for a while I remembered the name of the singer/character - "The Magic Inside" by Coloratura

>Sounds like the CMC anatomically correct edits?
Guessing that CMC is the name of the group or individual who made those edits.

Anon 12/24/2023 (Sun) 02:13 [Preview] No.9126 del
More links for restoration:

npr: /ipfs/bafybeifs5jc6vddh2qxfvv452badftxm7kdwk3okrsxxlxtqmcl3axqppu ~= magnet:?xt=urn:btih:72b85f498babaff9fcae926580e466453cffbc4d&dn=Kevin%20MacLeod%20%28Royalty%20Free%20Music%29%20-%20Jazz

200,000 ponibooru.org webpages (raws): /ipfs/bafybeidw6cifw2wmumkrn3nn4sexkcqjktkqpl7q4hrnlykt75cjhyg55q ~= magnet:?xt=urn:btih:909580c34af14007ac06ec08ae885ede14f9cecf&dn=Ponibooru%20Metadata

Since TAR is an uncompressed format, you can view those Ponibooru webpages via:
>$ vim <(zcat metadata.tar.gz | head -n5000 | cat -v)

http://ponibooru.org/post/view/11732 had some comments about crazy ponies:
>>UserAccount</a><br/>#71402<br/><span title='on May 8, 2011'>1 year ago
>>Has Rainbow Dash ever gone crazy? Yes, she almost had a nervous breakdown in &quot;Sonic Rainboom&quot;, but that doesn&#039;t quite qualify.
>Trombe</a><br/>#72027<br/><span title='on May 9, 2011'>1 year ago
>I agree with UserAccount above. Having an anxiety-induced nervous breakdown does not equal craziness. And Rarity&#039;s breakdowns don&#039;t actually make her look particularly crazy either. Just overly dramatic. Applejack <i>also</i> wasn&#039;t crazy, just completely incoherent from overworking. And Fluttershy might have had her &quot;time of the month&quot;, as Anon above said. So, really, only Pinkie is the genuinely, outstandingly crazy one, the others are just quirky.

BTW, thing I noticed about gateways - if the link is to a folder and it doesn't end in "/" then that may show up as HTTP 404 in some cases. This is a recent change, like sometime in the past 20 days. For example,
https://cf-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmaZ3sK93tgAMEhsTnHB8DT5dz765u2BAu1kpKHy6eYiHA versus

Proposal Anon 12/24/2023 (Sun) 04:13 [Preview] No.9127 del
(268.79 KB 1227x1500 19.jpeg)
Proposal: move archiving updates and direct operations out of /go/ and into a separate Project Cerberus thread. Daily scattered updates and disorganized posting goes to the new thread go there. This thread being reversed for after the chaos when stuff already has been updated when it is figured out what do with it. Fan archaeology or whatever you call it. I don't mean it in the sense of "/pag/ anon is cancerous derailing" or should I say, archiver? because looking back, some of the old stuff in /go/ is very similarly formatted and chaotic in previous rush archive attempts in the past, more of a separation of categories of activity.

The dreaded click of death! Oh, the precious data it has taken.

>I kinda don't want to think about it
You can't hide from your data storage problems forever. One it'll come to haunt you... JK. I get it, sea old drives and what have you.

Anon 12/24/2023 (Sun) 07:17 [Preview] No.9128 del
More interesting videos in P2P, currently seeded by pony.tube: /mlp/ Antithology 1 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3cafc706a852bd18e9471ec5e1ce01f48f4eb4e6&dn=Antithologyfinal3%5BUnofficialAudioFix%5D_new%20720p.mp4 + /mlp/ Antithology 2 https://pony.tube/download/torrents/424cb6cd-52df-4203-b222-43eae5efb86d-1080.torrent (infohash?)

( npr: /ipfs/bafybeibppmaqx4ynv26tt6cc6zfnafr7q5zryjumpgjkow3ge6ltctk77u ~= magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3bd49f1e0bfe331a559f10c87c5bb2aff7a34d14&dn=Hot%20Chip%20-%20In%20Our%20Heads%20%282012%29%20%5BFLAC%5D + magnet:?xt=urn:btih:da0def7b2cce92bfad80adaf35490d4557a91962&dn=Five%20Finger%20Death%20Punch%20-%20War%20Is%20The%20Answer%20%282009%29 + magnet:?xt=urn:btih:dec6392af6cae3e63c8540ddc88f063af84a5e7f&dn=Macintosh%20Plus%20-%20Floral%20Shoppe )

Antithology 1 (2021 I think) has a part which is an edit of a part/scene with Gaston from "Beauty and the Beast". In that edit it is said that Anon frequently masturbated to My Little Pony fanart in boorus. Honestly, in my life, I've jerked off and came to pony porn 3 or 4 times per day, in multiple days (not in a row). Antithology 2 = 2022.

Ugh, I don't know if I like any more splintering. If everyone takes a vote on it or something, I guess I'll go along with stupid democracy.

Anon 12/24/2023 (Sun) 23:32 [Preview] No.9129 del
(797.05 KB 1280x720 1701545698335.png)
WARC: www.ponychan.net - 2023-12-09
(64 GB, CID index not very needed)

I won't be uploading that grab specifically to archive.org. I can explain more on that later. If you want it, try downloading it from IPFS from my shitty tech.

npr music which I have at a share ratio of >10.00, but the folders are seemingly dead/offline: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a31a8e823e4402084a91231ba44d6699b31a2071&dn=Led%20Zeppelin%20-%20Discography%20%282008%29%20%5BEAC%20FLAC%5D%20%5BJapan%20SHM-CD%5D%20vtwin88cube + magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6db1b2844aca277c98a527423963583395b881b1&dn=Parliament%20-%2020th%20Century%20Masters%20The%20Best%20Of%20Parliament%282000%29%20vtwin88cube + magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9a17c3724751903d60db6e8fae99a78b819be9f3&dn=Ringo%20Starr%20-%20Y%20Not%20%5B2010-MP3-Cov%5D%5BBubanee%5D

Image from download log of www.ponychan.net-2023-12-09-e8526e3c

Anon 12/25/2023 (Mon) 00:47 [Preview] No.9130 del
> don't know if I like any more splintering

Generally I don't show up here so I can only say this thread isn't for me, but my overall thought is that /go/ is mostly not intended for human consumption; an unholy melding of JavaScript and zsh.

IF there is a split, that, I would say, is the basis of it: how and what, here. The human-readable summary of what was saved, in /cerb/

So, in trying to convert CMC_Tribute from Macromedia Flash Video to Google Webm, ffmpeg somehow decided the best way to do that was DOUBLE THE SIZE.
Constrained, it came out better.

But for the Maretrix trailer, that same constraint caused it to shrink to ONE FOURTH the original size with commensurate loss is visibility. Unconstrained, it compressed to roughly the same size as the .flv file

<insert shrugging pony emoticon here >

I'll have some old .flv files for the webm thread soon, however this place sorts itself out.

Anon 12/25/2023 (Mon) 19:43 [Preview] No.9136 del
WARCs of some MLP-related Google Drive / Google Docs data (all offline for now[1]):

2.83 GiB, from_site_n_tumblr_drive

1.67 GiB, from_site_n_tumblr_docs

11.31 GiB, from_mlp_40589284_post

764.82 GiB, from_gdrive-reskey-adder.user.js_file
[Due to the file count, I maybe can't share this folder with hundreds of gigabytes as-is as a torrent]


Software which didn't work (not mine):

95.53 KiB, googledrivearchiveretrieval


Loginwalled pony-related video - "Silence of the Anime - SWF file":
^ months ago this was copied to "alt-backend"[2]:
>$ ipfs dht provide bafybeig6ho6kpptqdlkr7jqcq2obgnxt4huuzto6qz3pgpk5l5rawnyoki
>[ -> https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafybeig6ho6kpptqdlkr7jqcq2obgnxt4huuzto6qz3pgpk5l5rawnyoki -> https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmbiB3TNfepTXKfzJEuyThdrL7Z2UNZEAEcKhmFunXH85B ]

I recently started a PHP file to get loginwalled files from archive.org. One of the reasons - CLI program "ia" can't download these files: https://ia904701.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=[...] (which is IA's extracted version of ZIP files and whatever). Code:
> $ cat /var/www/html/fuckia.php
> <?php
> $output = shell_exec('a=$(wget --no-verbose "'.$_GET["url"].'" 2>&1 | head -n1 | sed "s/:$//g"); curl -sL --cookie "logged-in-user=youremail%40notgmail.com; logged-in-sig=yourloginsighere" "$a"');
> header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=test.mp4");
> echo $output;
> ?>
> $ # get cookies: https://superuser.com/questions/1715037/how-can-i-view-the-content-of-cookies-in-chrome
It works:
>$ lynx -source -auth=$(cat ~/u):$(cat ~/p) http://localhost/fuckia.php?url=https://archive.org/download/bf83d152c1c048fe02c6c21fd61788/smertime.zip/videoplayback%20%281%29.mp4 | head|xxd|head
>[first bytes of an MP4 file]
>$ # https://files.catbox.moe/v8puhy.mp4
>$ lynx -source -auth=$(cat ~/u):$(cat ~/p) http://localhost/fuckia.php?url=https://archive.org/download/6573745f636d735f646174610a2e2f/weeb.mp4 | head|xxd|head
>[also works, "... ftypisom....isomiso2avc1mp41"]
>$ # helpful for iph0ne users in case it downloads as .html instead of .mp4: https://filext.com/online-file-viewer.html

[1] Todo: various stuff. The data of the first 3 links are in 2 HDDs (as normal FS in one and IPFS in another). It would be better if said data was in 3 HDDs (one-to-one in 2).
[2] Stored one-to-one in 2 HDDs. Uptime of dedicated computer: 27 days.
[-] Referenced videos attached

Anon 12/26/2023 (Tue) 01:48 [Preview] No.9137 del
(287.64 KB 530x532 shitposting.gif)
It is not a bad idea, potentially a great one, but so is the anchor system. I'd like to see how that works out first. A no for the moment from me. There is a risk of splinting not being justified except during high workloads anyway.

>IF there is a split, that, I would say, is the basis of it: how and what, here. The human-readable summary of what was saved, in /cerb/
It would honestly make sense for it to be the other way around, /go/ being the human readable summery, the library, while /cerb/ being the actual operations center. [spoiler[not that my opinion counts for much.[/spoiler]

>I'll have some old .flv files for the webm thread soon, however this place sorts itself out.
This is one of the things I personally enjoy about /go/ (and sometimes /endpone/ in general). I think the high caliber posts, fandom analysis/retrospectives and nerdy aspects and code, random things being dumped to look at deserve a highlight. Both have been part of /go/ and can coexist without much effort.

>764.82 GiB, from_gdrive-reskey-adder.user.js_file
Wow, that is a big file! How do you do it? I mean, most data plans I know of usually cap out at some point even when they say unlimited.

Anon 12/27/2023 (Wed) 03:32 [Preview] No.9140 del
WARC: eqg.heartshine.gay
- like 22 MB
- local, remote, related to "Equestria Girls"
- heartshine.gay is one of those websites where it is isn't very easy to get data off of it, due to JavaScript
- I have the other *.heartshine.gay subdomains (not just eqg.heartshine.gay-2023-10-19-bda53dc6)

BTW, heard some complaining regarding people "stealing" this dumb whore's artwork
npr, but it's "SciFantasy Art by Michelle Gonzo". Was going to get better at downloading DeviantArt but she deleted all of her art there. Maybe I could get better at downloading from other sites that she posted her shit to. Image from
**You're a ghost! Fa la la la la la la la la! https://archive.org/details/20.-paris-1919-piano-mix/06.+Paris+1919.mp3**

Anon 12/27/2023 (Wed) 03:39 [Preview] No.9141 del
>Wow, that is a big file!
It's a folder. I had also got "/z8/put/gd/from_desumlp_drive.google.com_search/" which is a 676.06 GiB folder. Among other things, it contains Google Drive folders that I downloaded via rclone.

spoiler didn't work due to hyperlink. test

Try getting loginwalled Tweets - https://twitter.com/KeeperofAges

Anon 12/27/2023 (Wed) 03:53 [Preview] No.9142 del
WARC: www.goldenoaklibrary.org and www.goldenoakslibrary.com
- small site, like 2MB total
- local, remote (as .car)

>These posts are protected
>Only approved followers can see @KeeperofAges’s posts. To request access, click Follow. Learn more [ https://support.twitter.com/articles/14016 ]
Guess I'd have to circlejerkoff on twitter.com until I become an "approved follower". Whatever, I don't really care. Maybe I'll figure out that mechanic later.

Anon 12/27/2023 (Wed) 04:13 [Preview] No.9143 del
Wonder if Endchan has markup to not apply markup to a part of text, like <nowiki> in wikis.

Manual method to fix it, not IO-intensive, works with one large file w/root_block->45MB_blocks->256K_blocks:
># look for "block was not found locally (offline)", note the line count from the first line to "not found locally", let's say the count=55
>ipfs ls QmYhMWbLFTG8yhUBkC8daArsmCkr4L1Ur5drmkViAdho4W | sed "s/ .*//g" | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $args; ipfs ls $args | grep QmUpFCCD1u8CApWjzhEm9LpxjtYUB5xLfCQ7S2LDT8EpyX; done' _
>ipfs object links [CID for 45MB_block] | grep -n [CID for missing 256K_block]
>[some number, call it 110]:[CID for missing 256K_block] 262158
>tail --bytes=+$(expr $(expr $(expr 262144 \* $(expr $(expr 55 - 1) \* 174)) + 1) + $(expr 262144 \* $(expr 110 - 1))) YP-DVD-APFAS.iso | head --bytes=262144 | ipfs add

ipfs://QmYhMWbLFTG8yhUBkC8daArsmCkr4L1Ur5drmkViAdho4W should be the same as "A Pony for Every Season" at magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6ee9ccf3c921b2e7f60e01205766d8f2b2c0d2ce&dn=YP-DVD-APFAS.iso . I was missing some of QmYh...ho4W's blocks, but I think I can fully fix it.

>Wow, that is a big file! How do you do it? I mean, most data plans I know of usually cap out at some point even when they say unlimited.
Unfortunately I live in an area with metered connections, so I gotta pay an additional $30/month for "unlimited", which is actually a max of 100,000 GB per month. In one month in the past I downloaded/uploaded about 5 or 6 TB (so like 94 TB to spare); I could get other statistics which might be more interesting, but don't feel like it. My upload and download speed is somewhat OK, and I'd rank it low to medium.

Anon 12/27/2023 (Wed) 04:32 [Preview] No.9144 del
I have "/z8/t/rendertraces.zip" (31.50 GiB), which is deprecated pony animation resources/software
> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c56b7b60b0ac5092d01f26ba92600d7468d76c7f&dn=rendertraces.zip
> ipfs://QmUhbk9he45fACXQWg3oDu5of3yqvmjBWPoD8ZJkGJBqAD
Both offline I guess, torrent not created by me. Maybe based on leaks; you might not care, but I thought to mention it anyways. Takes minutes to mount:
>archivemount -o readonly /z8/t/rendertraces.zip /mnt/z

Or it was 200 TB per month max, but maybe not. Also, real example:
>ipfs ls QmYhMWbLFTG8yhUBkC8daArsmCkr4L1Ur5drmkViAdho4W | sed "s/ .*//g" | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $args; ipfs ls $args | grep Qme4xUVDaAecMbkuQLnWav7SD3vqxXEkZEBNh7CAPwCXfv; done' _
> [164 lines to QmNtqjMgMfgAWGKg5sV7K1WPATgCvRXsyb8oWev5vA92S3, with next line being "not found"]
>ipfs object links QmNtqjMgMfgAWGKg5sV7K1WPATgCvRXsyb8oWev5vA92S3 | grep -n Qme4xUVDaAecMbkuQLnWav7SD3vqxXEkZEBNh7CAPwCXfv
2:Qme4xUVDaAecMbkuQLnWav7SD3vqxXEkZEBNh7CAPwCXfv 262158
>tail --bytes=+$(expr $(expr $(expr 262144 \* $(expr $(expr 164 - 1) \* 174)) + 1) + $(expr 262144 \* $(expr 2 - 1))) YP-DVD-APFAS.iso | head --bytes=262144 | ipfs add
> added Qme4xUVDaAecMbkuQLnWav7SD3vqxXEkZEBNh7CAPwCXfv [...] 256.00 KiB

Anon 12/27/2023 (Wed) 07:46 [Preview] No.9145 del
I checked 3 non-Ponychan links in
They are also in wbm, so it looks like AT ran grab-site or whatever with offsite links on. Image from
> https://www.ponychan.net/fan/src/1555178748395.jpg

Anon 12/27/2023 (Wed) 07:51 [Preview] No.9146 del
Even if your Internet is sort of in the middle, I'd say 5 or 6 TB and for only $30 extra isn't the worst I have heard even if it isn't one of those miracle small towns that directly set up their own ISPs. Bridgefag would salivate over that from what I know of his strange life.

>Wonder if Endchan has markup to not apply markup to a part of text, like <nowiki> in wikis.
Does Endchan's markdown have escape characters I wonder? I mean, it should. Don't see it mentioned in the help page though:

Anon 12/27/2023 (Wed) 11:20 [Preview] No.9149 del
>Antithology 1 magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3cafc706a852bd18e9471ec5e1ce01f48f4eb4e6&dn=Antithologyfinal3%5BUnofficialAudioFix%5D_new%20720p.mp4
>currently seeded by pony.tube
Not anymore, looks like. And the webseed link is dead.

Also, Antithology 2 had a part related to the idea of building a portal to Equestria IRL. Is there anywhere in the multiverse (*soyface*) or reality that contains something like Equestria? Maybe. https://yt.artemislena.eu/watch?v=kTXTPe3wahc - consider the Many Worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, also consider the implications of a vast or infinity large universe. Or, parallel universes could exist, cannot prove or disprove that if there is no observation (like that classic "can't prove or disprove that there is an invisible unicorn there that we cannot sense"). So Many Worlds interpretation is based on observation that hints at a possibility, not just "the multiverse could exist".

> 45MB_blocks -> each with 174 (except the last) 256K blocks
Assuming that is a common thing, maybe it is 170 or some other number, depending on stuff. Also assuming 45MB is a common block size. (Different math if different numbers.) Not assuming on 256K.

>link to folder ending in "/" vs. not
Or that was just a brief glitch with wbm.

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 00:19 [Preview] No.9150 del
Some Google Drive metadata related to MLP website WARCs, mostly per-ID folder info (offline):

Qmd9...neNW is 13.77 GiB and is related to /ipfs/QmeZLFkzycAL4nL7JdHMWibXhRCPzFjp2x35kaXRtzZ7mr or this one .txt.gz file. Qmd9...neNW is somewhat important because those folders were deleted days after I got metadata on them. Metadata on them is maybe/probably not in wbm, and those folders were deleted by the user, probably. All of the data has seemingly been moved to another website.

*infinitely large universe
>Antithology 1 torrent that few cared about
Restored thanks to web.archive.org and also me if I saved it there months ago

Another missing block - in a set described as "rare pbooru.com webpages":
- missing: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmeMLUir3RXhenDLAiL82wBV1R9UdoYZLDCfjYdF833rk9
- not missing, nearby: https://web.archive.org/web/20221123235246/https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYBvB3Xx7xRkBn3Kx87jHqBFCHCuNcnzQ5RcbM3P4tzQK

I think I have the folder or other info related to QmeM...3rk9 which is in neither HDD. QmYB...tzQK = pbooru.com image upload number #308700. It had a source of https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=76497477 and two comments:
>Anonymous >> #2616
>Posted on 2019-09-02 12:48:30 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)
>Man, Sundown does a nice job drawing lolis.
>Anonymous >> #2618
>Posted on 2019-09-02 13:46:46 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)
>gosh I love seeing her whored up like that )
The image was apparently a humanized Apple Bloom lolicon drawn by Sundown.

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 01:01 [Preview] No.9151 del
Recently looking over older stuff[1] made me wonder: are we allowed to post loli porn to Endchan?

http://pbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=308700 / http://img.pbooru.com//samples/309/sample_d4736b4bc910292b2e36c76d5c1e2df3.png?308700 / http://img.pbooru.com//images/309/d4736b4bc910292b2e36c76d5c1e2df3.png in neither wbm not archive.is, maybe added to IA by me (same with QmeM...3rk9). pixiv.net link is dead, and the image might be in a pbooru.com torrent.

Maybe it's this one
>$ ipfs files stat /ipfs/bafybeihn472ueesncd4hyfwpzzabczhhmk762hk452ozmajnqavkbzax7i
>Error: block was not found locally (offline): ipld: could not find bafybeihn472ueesncd4hyfwpzzabczhhmk762hk452ozmajnqavkbzax7i
Perhaps I could compare data I have with wbm/20221124002212/... to get it again after editing that wbm webpage back to how the HTML originally looked. As far as I know web.archive.org does not provide the unedited HTML file unless it is in a publicly available WARC in IA. bafybeih...ax7i = http://pbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=308741 which was also an Apple Bloom loli image, this time drawn by Pokefound; it had one comment:
> Anonymous >> #2615
> Posted on 2019-09-02 11:05:55 Score: 0 (vote Up/Down)
> >Loli is banned
> >Posts Loli
> ¿QUE?
[1] Also, some npr music
> https://web.archive.org/web/20221123190000/https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmSyDnQJX3ccW7fGm4kz87LjxGbSCqw2NihcH4myezmgjY?filename=Kryptonite.mp3
> https://web.archive.org/web/20221124164253/https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmYgxR4EnMFMmon8FP7sUxa7FKc9YwN31beKCJdR4JCRV7
2012 video not in TPA - "PMV - Kryptonite":

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 01:17 [Preview] No.9152 del
*>gosh I love seeing her whored up like that

>Perhaps I could compare data I have with wbm/20221124002212/... to get it again after editing that wbm webpage back to how the HTML originally looked.
Here's an untouched http://pbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=308700 :
- in a tarball: https://gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmYBvB3Xx7xRkBn3Kx87jHqBFCHCuNcnzQ5RcbM3P4tzQK?format=tar
- in a CAR file: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmYBvB3Xx7xRkBn3Kx87jHqBFCHCuNcnzQ5RcbM3P4tzQK?format=car
- webpage: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmYBvB3Xx7xRkBn3Kx87jHqBFCHCuNcnzQ5RcbM3P4tzQK ( also https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmYBvB3Xx7xRkBn3Kx87jHqBFCHCuNcnzQ5RcbM3P4tzQK?format=tar )

Small YouTube channel

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 03:11 [Preview] No.9153 del
Downloading that small channel via No.40570289 in

Tried editing that wbm web page back to how the live version originally was. I got close, but no dice. One of the things that Wayback Machine does to webpages it saves: "<br />" -> "<br/>". Pages:
> ipfs://bafybeifvpftahusbwuyf2dicjz722yaq6rdevhzir47hpks23ikjeu5cwu
>> 174 pbooru.com webpages - various post IDs, 225 to 308,706
>>> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeicg3pxkb5niimllhv2tft5r3ekrjnpbuqnfm4l7u3vrlmhyby2kpi/
>>>> "pbooru_174.tar.zst": https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmcKpYRTLZpuKUmMWdqqEWmmG5hpt6mkRmp8DoTkeSUTpN
>>>>> extracted version (offline): ipfs://Qmf1eDUANEr8HEDs8EGVnUPmsqv4KedMUXfhXjXbsqBGxE
>>>>>> doesn't contain QmeM...3rk9
>> 3,103 pbooru.com webpages - various post IDs, 1,301 to 308,741
>>> 4.3 GB: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeicpwn6rqyrrqomthcjlavm2drbsxfofit4nwrbwknghlxj3ipniim
>>>> to extract and check: "pbooru_3103.tar.zst" ("$ tar -I zstd -xf $file")

Videos from that channel, I didn't watch many of them yet

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 03:33 [Preview] No.9154 del
MLP-focused channel Cupcakesyumy UCfi_dQD0f-IRl2QnIQ7LCmw = 221.73 MiB. 24 hour temp share of that channel:
>$ ipfs dag export QmPbdMeoHZ4hwrkZcKG7uuJMfdb87LSV2PUVDgwmTHfS9D | curl -T - https://put.icu/upload
>$ # computer 1

Online in ipfs://bafybeiaswhpj5hnyhsu2jhwdpgpegoeb4d2ix223wnt3pvbvlfjva5basa for as long as I'm online
>$ wget -qO- --no-check-certificate https://put.icu/ibus2no8.file | ipfs dag import
>Pinned root QmPbdMeoHZ4hwrkZcKG7uuJMfdb87LSV2PUVDgwmTHfS9D success
>$ # computer 2

I watched the first minute of attached video from
BTW, can't post links to .icu websites in some/all 4chan boards. (Same with .ph sites.)

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 07:39 [Preview] No.9155 del
Recently excluded from the Wayback Machine
* https://soyjak.party/
** edit time=00:17, 14 December 2023 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=List_of_websites_excluded_from_the_Wayback_Machine&diff=prev&oldid=51357
** someone shared a collections of MLP-related stuff from sharty, will maybe look into sharing that again
* https://xhamster.com/ [1]
** edit time=07:22, 28 December 2023 https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=List_of_websites_excluded_from_the_Wayback_Machine&type=revision&diff=51419&oldid=51415
** similar to xvideos, maybe xhamster also has pony porn [2]

>in neither HDD
I have a 3rd HDD; maybe that block is in there (unlikely).

[1] Discovered this when looking at stupid/crappy gay porn https://web.archive.org/web/20231228071716/https://realbooru.com/index.php?page=history&type=tag_history&id=669337 - see the source. Block QmcB2JmrMawwdSbJw8UmSPHs7vKjwgoVxNvaTzWYiyraxw in neither HDD, see 3rd:
>$ ipfs ls QmR7P3Crtw4qVMH91MiHWqp6XCfnz8Tx2L99nHZxDEXBpe | grep QmQ5aPKpHHGFMSqAn4HBubqVrbvvhhiCqhxg2yt4KAnTrn
>QmQ5aPKpHHGFMSqAn4HBubqVrbvvhhiCqhxg2yt4KAnTrn 24874449 35103a55ea33b2f38dd440f1d41d392a.webm
>$ see https://web.archive.org/web/20221225053536/https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmR7P3Crtw4qVMH91MiHWqp6XCfnz8Tx2L99nHZxDEXBpe
Like pbooru.com was ran by booru.org, realbooru.com is ran by the untrustworthy cunt(s) who run booru.org. I cannot restore from video file at https://realbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=669337 because it looks like Realbooru re-encoded all of the vidoes sometime between 2022-12 and 2023-12. Partial copy of the previous version: https://put.icu/2m1kzezh.webm

[2] yeah https://xhamster.com/search/my+little+pony at https://archive.ph/nunQy

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 07:48 [Preview] No.9156 del
>someone shared a collections of MLP-related stuff from soyjak.party, will maybe look into sharing that again
This >2GB file named "soy_mlp.rar" (I have an IPFS copy of it):

>[PMV] Wake Me Up When September Ends
Oh, other thing I saw when looking through older folders - one which includes "Wake Me Up When September Ends.mp3" (CID online for now):

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 09:02 [Preview] No.9158 del
(519.88 KB 768x1080 GarbageGirl.png)
(573.37 KB 1168x1187 TheMoonyPrince.png)
(267.92 KB 1500x1317 PrinceSol.png)
(3.45 MB 3000x2000 Sn0wP0ne.png)
(164.78 KB 600x600 WhoaOh.gif)
>of soy_mlp.rar
No, but seriously --- what?
What is this?

Also what is a .desarga file? Seems to be a bash script? Some PHP-wannabe I've fortunately never heard of?

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 10:19 [Preview] No.9159 del
Copied https://files.catbox.moe/9727os.mp3 . Attached GIF: I don't exactly remember this part in FIM.

Neat, IRL porn video restored because that block was in a 3rd HDD ( https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmQ5aPKpHHGFMSqAn4HBubqVrbvvhhiCqhxg2yt4KAnTrn ). So that folder may also contain more previous versions of booru data which would otherwise be lost if it is not in wbm. 3rd HDD didn't contain the block for that rare "PoniBooru" webpage.

>what is this?
As explained in past posts, it has been explained as pony data from the soyjak.party website. As for what exactly it contains, IDK; I never extracted it or looked at a file list of it.

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 10:45 [Preview] No.9160 del
WARC: fim.heartshine.gay
- 22 MB
- fim.heartshine.gay-2023-10-19-93f11fcf
- local, remote, likely missing stuff >>9140

*In past posts it has been explained as pony data

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 12:21 [Preview] No.9161 del
I saw this fart storage link in the comments section of this one video - "Rarity's Hornwerk - The Jewel [Kraftwerk - The Model COVER] by Flyghtning":
>For everyone interested, here are the songs that I managed to save.
>If want to listen to them, I advice you to start with those which the title start with "Flyghtning", they're my personal favourites from a few years ago. (However, I haven't listened most of the others)
>Beware that "The one who I love" can be a little bit weird, if you don't like it, please, don't let that stop you from listening to the others.
>Yeah, I'm a bit of a fanboy when it comes to Flyghtning or Foozogz

pfp, banner from npr

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 15:12 [Preview] No.9163 del
*12 files x 5 GB [starts at zero]

ArchiveBot only grabbed www.ponychan.net (+outlinks) and not any other subdomains. Wasn't in wbm before just now:

Other than ml.ponychan.net, any other hostnames or subdomains that I should know about?

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 15:17 [Preview] No.9164 del
which I already knew about, and these are not very important ones. Does Ponychan have any hidden folders/files/whatever which aren't linked anywhere in the site?

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 20:19 [Preview] No.9165 del
>Maybe it's this one
It is (bafybeih...ax7i = pbooru.com image upload #308741 webpage):
>$ ipfs cid base32 QmeMLUir3RXhenDLAiL82wBV1R9UdoYZLDCfjYdF833rk9

Now in this pin:
> ipfs://bafybeifvpftahusbwuyf2dicjz722yaq6rdevhzir47hpks23ikjeu5cwu/
>> 3,103 pbooru.com webpages - various post IDs, 1,301 to 308,741
>>> 4.3 GB: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeicpwn6rqyrrqomthcjlavm2drbsxfofit4nwrbwknghlxj3ipniim/
>>>> extracted version (offline): ipfs://QmZbLpYa7RMuGJy35E7vHWRFBeJdj2YKREHc8oXjiLFTRp
This file:
>$ grep QmeMLUir3RXhenDLAiL82wBV1R9UdoYZLDCfjYdF833rk9 clidmp55.txt
>added QmeMLUir3RXhenDLAiL82wBV1R9UdoYZLDCfjYdF833rk9 p/webpage/index.php@page=post&s=view&id=308741
Interested to know how how close I was >>9153 since I can now diff them. Attached: 2019-09-09 text file - tags for the pbooru.com file with that filename; this image https://twibooru.org/2232454

Anon 12/28/2023 (Thu) 20:39 [Preview] No.9166 del
>learned that history is better understood than erased
Good pony

I missed one fix ( https://diffchecker.in/ ):
* original pbooru.com webpage:
** <div id='paginator'
* web.archive.org copy/edit of that same pbooru.com webpage:
** <div id="paginator"

> https://ipfs.eth.aragon.network/ipfs/bafybeihn472ueesncd4hyfwpzzabczhhmk762hk452ozmajnqavkbzax7i?format=car

Anon 12/29/2023 (Fri) 03:18 [Preview] No.9167 del
In the past there were posts about dealing with large IPFS folders (>100GB), like updating them with more data. MFS is useful (as posted about previously); this is also useful:
>$ ipfs pin update <older-CID> <newer-CID>
"--unpin=true" is the default if --unpin=... is omitted; use --unpin=false to not unpin the older CID. Say that you have a 150GB folder with 10 folders. Next, you use MFS to add an 11th folder to it. To more quickly pin the new CID (from adding a folder), use "ipfs pin update --unpin=false <CID-for-10-folder> <CID-for-11-folder>". (It should be quicker than "ipfs pin add --progress <CID-for-11-folder>".)

PMV UzK7EMWHKA0 and other videos from that channel= local, remote, top, video file was at
PMV VXZkvHZ4Ru4 local-top, remote-midgrade, video file was at

>Flyghtning Brony Tunes
>Type: Folder
>Modified: 10/6/2019 11:27 AM
>Added: Francesco Mistretta
>Date created: 9/21/2019 06:29 AM
>Shared: 9/22/2019 03:21 AM
>Size: 694 MB
Looks like Microsoft OneDrive (1drv.ms / onedrive.live.com / storage.live.com) is less archive-friendly than Google Drive. (Images from YT and live.com.)

Anon 12/29/2023 (Fri) 07:56 [Preview] No.9168 del
2011 video not in TPA - "Dexter Plays A Little MLP; Fighting Is Magic":


About scanning printed stuff - I think 1200 PPI is overkill, so I scan at 600 PPI:
>$ time=$(date +%s); utc; scanimage --progress --device-name="hpaio:/usb/Deskjet_F2400_series?serial=CN9AUB52X205H4" --format=png --resolution=600 --output-file=./image/scans/scan_${time}.png; utc; echo ./image/scans/scan_${time}.png


That "Old Town Road" PMV is in one of these folders which have the same parent folder - https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmed5oRxF9sgHzVPdYMXvjNUucAD4eiDg7hemzmPukRNAR and https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmPyi2v8pzc2asyE44TLK4d3CmPza9geu2sZ5C7CWXaM2g/?filename=QmPyi2v8pzc2asyE44TLK4d3CmPza9geu2sZ5C7CWXaM2g - as "temp": https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmS28WbUiCxMJwNBfts7Qenmdcp6HhxXc3A7aDZxx4ZJ7p?filename=temp

Pics somewhat related

Anon 12/29/2023 (Fri) 08:52 [Preview] No.9169 del
Was thinking about this recently. I could soon check if I have warcs of these on any HDD. Otherwise, I know I could submit some links from CDXs to wbm. Time sensitive matter.

Small channel: wawashkesh123_UCJPXQxKrzjnq5ITt0xXrRmw

Finished downloading a while ago. "ipfs add -rHw 'Ringo Starr - Y Not [2010-MP3-Cov][Bubanee]'" = ipfs://QmQimTs3vgqdhtR3ocA6VTdpAqcMZE93AK6bada4vgWnnZ
Still stalled
Finished downloading about an hour ago.

I watched the first minute of attached video from

Anon 12/29/2023 (Fri) 12:39 [Preview] No.9170 del
(166.44 KB 416x438 141862371978.png)


CDX(s) for ml.ponychan.net? I guess those are all dead links by now, so it doesn't so much matter?

'ipfs add -rHw "Led Zeppelin - Discography (2008) [EAC FLAC] [Japan SHM-CD] vtwin88cube"' = ipfs://QmSYL8SQMyZTGyYQw3YcBMx1vEoMUnJYTsW46PS6NtDQ7o
Image from https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/141862371978.png

Anon 12/29/2023 (Fri) 16:06 [Preview] No.9171 del
(1.31 MB 4800x4800 twibooru-67753.jpg)
2 videos in TPA
* live, 2012, "General PMV - Time to Pretend", https://iv.datura.network/watch?v=5qFMHcq7wKM
* private, 2012, title like "PMV Time To Pretend", https://inv.n8pjl.ca/watch?v=e9HyGzf1FtM - linked from https://mlpforums.com/topic/9479-pmv-time-to-pretend/ ( mlpforums.com links to https://poniverse.net/ )
** MP4 derive online at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmPfFKKS15i3w4uNBG3q9NNcY9GyMdCqkdhAfhwvna9a2N
*** https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmPYBmMERKmB7jRsDovrh8BknpQnz2FacwpQAE3gWxgV2a

Size of YT channel wawashkesh123 UCJPXQxKrzjnq5ITt0xXrRmw = 117.65 MiB, offline at ipfs://QmPumHP8nHbwsxFoPQPQkSrctx7JADwHjK1qj4fwDdQBAz

I'm using spn.sh ( https://github.com/overcast07/wayback-machine-spn-scripts/ ) to request that those vintage.ponychan.net links be saved to WBM
>./spn.sh -a "api:key" -d 'if_not_archived_within=157680000' -s -n -f . vintage.cdx 1>14log1.txt 2>14log2.txt & disown

Anon 12/30/2023 (Sat) 05:53 [Preview] No.9172 del
Repost of last post in previous thread
Anon 12/22/2023 (Fri) 10:10:00 [Preview] No. 9108 [X] del
Found this old comic series today called My Little Pony: Friendship is Betrayal. Some links:

The comic was hosted on this webcomics hosting site which seems to have other pony-related webcomics too: https://comicfury.com/search.php?query=&tags=My+Little+Pony%3A+Friendship+is+Magic
There aren't many of them at all so it shouldn't be difficult to get them backed up.

2012 video not in TPA - "PMV Pinkie Likes to Party (The Vengabus)":

- in TPA https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=G2IZC-6b3KI
- npr https://invidious.drgns.space/watch?v=HnFFfyLlXco&listen=0

Anon 12/30/2023 (Sat) 06:56 [Preview] No.9173 del
Here's Dexter_Plays_A_Little_MLP_Fighting_Is_Magic-wawashkesh123-20111105-youtube-640x480-FBEXb4mZPBA:
>ipfs ls --size=false QmT2iunGrQS1MsaTr29ZnfLTzLdbGd2WJRYihgfiuJkmAz | grep MLP | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do ipfs cat $(echo $args | sed "s/ .*//g") > $(echo $args | sed "s/.* //g"); done' _; sleep 10; ipfs add -rHQ .
>[ https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmRCUzNBtXUAmPRf65BRwd3TRY8uXZ92TrRiTzZvjr6wVQ ]
FBEXb4mZPBA local, remote, top, video file was at
> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmQ7bbUSKTknq4QTithNrt4khKko2LMYKi7NT3T7h9MG8x
(program uptime in host computer which is dedicated on a rotational basis: 4-06:36:50)

Small channel; I'm downloading it (channel banner attached). Maybe todo: change YT channel downloader thing so it can work "locklessly".

720p MP4 version attached for fun, from online folder ipfs://QmRFkv549efPjAX6tPMhPi3qwDHeVQhjmxqojWzQW5UfDb
-> file https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmVHnvASdTSjsDs264VWRahroRU1JKwuhP7GyoAvgd7u4R

Anon 12/30/2023 (Sat) 12:19 [Preview] No.9174 del
Greentext anon, are you still here? I improved that script for you. It was really easy to do, and I could have done it sooner. I guess I either don't really enjoy programming or think back to bad experiences so I avoid it. Maybe the better I get the better time that I will have when doing it. I still wish that I was much better at reading other people's code, especially more complex/longer code that users shared.

Use this script with whatever you use for userscripts - "Greentext lines according to desuarchive.org":

It's not perfect because desuarchive's detection is imperfect. I could make the script better if I want. I don't know if working on that would really matter if you aren't reading this though. In picrel I thought of writing the following to spice up the screenshot, instead went with capturing the JS.
>Days ago, I had a dream about playing tennis or something with Pinkie Pie's body parts. Like I would take pieces off in a non-gory/bloody way. Kinda like that one episode of FIM where Pinkie falls into pieces. In the dream I was wondering why she was having a slightly bad time. (Or she was having an indifferent or slightly fun time; I don't really remember.)

Anon 12/30/2023 (Sat) 23:51 [Preview] No.9175 del
Reading older threads

2013 - https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/11988893/
>This link is the current complete versions of all three Daring Do books /mlp/ created.
Looks like a MediaFire link; tried URL replacements like https://mediafire.com/file/7vdm92dko7qg/qtqxtrdf0amuwxj/Daring+Do+Complete+Edition.rar - didn't work. Nothing here: https://web.archive.org/web/*/* - and I know that those 3 PDFs are available elsewhere, but what about that RAR file? Maybe I have it, but probably not.

2013 - https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/10706675/#10708812
>Xaekai !xaekaij6cg Sun 19 May 2013 14:45:29 No.10708812
>[post about 3D-printed guns]
Always kinda wanted to talk to Xaekai, saw he was still around in 2022/2023. Looks like in the past he shared what has become lost media today.

2023 - https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40019148
>glowie Izzy plushie

pfps from
>brony simpson, "Lifelong Simpsons fan" https://y.com.sb/channel/UCidSXhm28SqLbQuxPGVOK3Q
>@bartsimpsongoatbootleg682 https://web.archive.org/web/20231229081642/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=yh7-wAy_8ss

Anon 12/31/2023 (Sun) 01:12 [Preview] No.9176 del
>>9086 (also using OP as an anchor)
Read >>9174. I thought of making a thing to do this: if class greentext line and class LinkToPost (">>987") but no textContent then don't add to total greentext lines count. (So filter out /^>>\d+$/.)

>/mlp/ Antithology 2 (2022) https://pony.tube/download/torrents/424cb6cd-52df-4203-b222-43eae5efb86d-1080.torrent (infohash?)
It's in this link - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:79719864fe637d9d3a602c8da4df28415d4ec7bc&dn=FINAL%2012mbps%20anti2022%20silenced%20-%20reencoded%201080p.mp4&tr=wss%3A%2F%2Fpony.tube%3A443%2Ftracker%2Fsocket&tr=https%3A%2F%2Fpony.tube%2Ftracker%2Fannounce&ws=https://pony.tube/static/webseed/424cb6cd-52df-4203-b222-43eae5efb86d-1080.mp4 but that HTTPS URL is 404'd:
>$ utc; TZ=UTC wget https://pony.tube/static/webseed/424cb6cd-52df-4203-b222-43eae5efb86d-1080.mp4; utc
>--2023-12-31 00:22:26-- https://pony.tube/static/webseed/424cb6cd-52df-4203-b222-43eae5efb86d-1080.mp4
>Resolving pony.tube (pony.tube)... 2604:2dc0:100:318c::def,
>Connecting to pony.tube (pony.tube)|2604:2dc0:100:318c::def|:443... connected.
>HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
>2023-12-31 00:22:26 ERROR 404: Not Found.
Last seen complete on that ("FINAL 12mbps anti2022 silenced - reencoded 1080p.mp4") in P2P: today, not me.

>Shared to a ratio of >10.00 but no one has it online in the past month.
Dammit sneeders. I guess I'll share some/all torrents to a ratio of at least 15.00 before I basically quit seeding. Speaking of, here's bronibooru.com raws:
It would be helpful to run that tarball indexer program on that >100GB TAR file. mpv can play MP3 and FLAC (likely also JPG and PNG) in a ZIP file. mpv cannot play JPG or FLAC in a TAR file. mpv can play MP3 in TAR. Tested on .flac file ipfs://QmbfmvcPGRkuCR9TvNnd7qFHZVnDG9z15GnCaN3pnzmiCC and .mp3 file ipfs://QmdXBcR2sfQTuXTZWcGqesGkfMfPcJ7NYzz9dTM4tHvzTW and a .jpg file (error with FLAC in TAR: "Failed to recognize file format"). So how could I get one file from .tar without extracting it all? Works quick enough if the file is near the top of the TAR: "tar -tvf file.tar" ->
>$ tar --to-stdout -xf file.tar FileYouWannaExtract.ext > /path/to/save_path.ext" # press ctrl+c after a few seconds
Picrel "archive://bronibooru/s3.tar|/s3/00154b8c6551f641364a15213c84c87a.jpg" reminds me of an experience I had with an IRL equine.

Anon Board owner 12/31/2023 (Sun) 04:27 [Preview] No.9177 del

For any code and development. The
 tag has now been enabled on the board. 

[code]grep "best pony" Dolores

grep "**markup should not break code any more**" pony.txt

>greentexts doesn't work

Code tag plus red

>using OP anchor
Perfectly fine and whatever works.

Perhaps deserving a more indepth response. Point of any sort of splitting of the thread would be to allow both easy tracking and allow the more long form "fandom archaeology" and other analytical to not be drowned out while allowing the code sharing and scattered postings also not being broken or restricted. I totally agree that both have their place.

For the moment, I don't have the time to baby a new thread and do agree there could be overlap/unnecessary splintering. Still, it is a idea I will continue to look at.

Have more to reply here but have run out of time. Happy New Years Eve, /endpone/!

Anon Board owner 12/31/2023 (Sun) 08:31 [Preview] No.9178 del
Format fail, but I mean this tag: [code]. I don't know what the escape characters are here either, but it is probably me being a retard.

>For the moment, I don't have the time to baby a new thread
Or being stupidly specific. I think I'll just leave things as normal for now and see how it goes.

Anon 12/31/2023 (Sun) 09:23 [Preview] No.9180 del
I had errors on some data in my copy of https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ghKZKsOvBoI8KnDgDdLOQrUB2aon0Xod when rsyncing to another HDD. "1ghKZKsOvBoI8KnDgDdLOQrUB2aon0Xod.json": https://w3s.link/ipfs/bafybeid2rbl6etky56lpvgfr3mozlai5p5bqsgbl2bxsmdaymnmotoz2zi (index). Errors on these files:
* {"Path":"Good Poni Content/zz To organize later/queen chryslais Feat Cozy Glow And Diamond Tiara tough Love ThunderShyOfficial - QC CG DT.mp4","Name":"queen chryslais Feat Cozy Glow And Diamond Tiara tough Love ThunderShyOfficial - QC CG DT.mp4","Size":167008731,"MimeType":"video/mp4","ModTime":"2023-03-13T10:46:12.298Z","IsDir":false,"ID":"19wmNR5vNjpzTb7HJrH6edVaM-pKn5zol"},
** https://drive.google.com/uc?id=19wmNR5vNjpzTb7HJrH6edVaM-pKn5zol
*** https://web.archive.org/web/20231231083627/https://drive.google.com/uc?id=19wmNR5vNjpzTb7HJrH6edVaM-pKn5zol&confirm=t&uuid=62ab668e-4660-448b-be48-e37c56458c35
* {"Path":"Good Poni Content/zz To organize later/rainbow dash all you need is your beat ThunderShyOfficial - RD.mp4",[...],"Size":59260678,"MimeType":"video/mp4","ModTime":"2023-03-13T10:46:26.774Z","IsDir":false,"ID":"1EU4eDJJHCDJellHlj-5WcxqLpAAWLpwl"},
** https://web.archive.org/web/20231214011219/https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1EU4eDJJHCDJellHlj-5WcxqLpAAWLpwl
* {"Path":"Good Poni Content/zz To organize later/rainbow dash sings 4everfeebrony bright eyes ThunderShyOfficial - RD.mp4",[...],"Size":185539300,"MimeType":"video/mp4","ModTime":"2023-03-13T10:47:04.344Z","IsDir":false,"ID":"1WHYfQfatrmhUBDLsvqUlV76N9JGHkowg"},
** https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1WHYfQfatrmhUBDLsvqUlV76N9JGHkowg
*** https://web.archive.org/web/20231231084359/https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1WHYfQfatrmhUBDLsvqUlV76N9JGHkowg&confirm=t&uuid=1db4f300-582d-4492-a1f7-058a3e89bf6c
* {"Path":"Good Poni Content/zz To organize later/rainbow dash sings auld lang syne punk rock version ThunderShyOfficial - RD.mp4",[...],"Size":178928198,"MimeType":"video/mp4","ModTime":"2023-03-13T10:47:15.635Z","IsDir":false,"ID":"1tMOU-dFYL436QjeTgUsGcMGh6fUna9MI"},
** https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1tMOU-dFYL436QjeTgUsGcMGh6fUna9MI
*** https://web.archive.org/web/20231231084604/https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1tMOU-dFYL436QjeTgUsGcMGh6fUna9MI&confirm=t&uuid=b3803dff-e0c4-43ac-9797-304d2bfb61a0
** sounds Christmassy

Fix for "./put/z8-put-gd-from_desumlp_drive.google.com_search/0folder/1ghKZKsOvBoI8KnDgDdLOQrUB2aon0Xod/Good Poni Content/"
rsync: [sender] read errors mapping "[...]/1ghKZKsOvBoI8KnDgDdLOQrUB2aon0Xod/Good Poni Content/[...]": No data available (61)

"Good Poni Content" is a folder with AI/ML-related data that someone liked. You can view the files in there by opening up the above-linked index ( https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafkreiepbxy7tdbv7myjb2rgkwb6cna7x5hdayronbgjzlytu53tckipwq ), looking for a file, then copying the file ID here: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=<ID>


Pinkie Pie spotted: https://boards.4chan.org/gif/thread/26418080/deepfakes-time#p26428969
* Anonymous 12/21/23(Thu)03:46:23 No.26428969 \ File: brie larson mm.webm (3.82 MB, 1280x720)
** https://i.4cdn.org/gif/1703155583814343.webm

Not excluded yet: https://xhamster.desi/

>code tag

Some files from that folder "./1ghKZKsOvBoI8KnDgDdLOQrUB2aon0Xod/Good Poni Content/zz To organize later/"
>67.2 MB=too big to attach? "rainbow dash sings i love mare pussy ThunderShyOfficial - RD.mp4"
>11.5 MB=attached, sounds like crap, "MLp Sings Elton John Dont Stop me Now.wav"

Anon 12/31/2023 (Sun) 13:58 [Preview] No.9181 del
* WARC: g1.heartshine.gay
** https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmUXoLbdSrBnKDa6oHwuQic9n6RUnZnRr4G2o91AA8uRmd
** local, remote (as CAR), some things missing due to JS
** 21 MB, g1.heartshine.gay-2023-10-19-7f2cb30f
* WARC: pl.heartshine.gay
** https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmbBKSyFykFjL9EsEeA47ioJVxWJkpXf8JmjTTDiLmEPTH
** local, remote, also preliminary
** 22 MB, pl.heartshine.gay-2023-10-19-bdda7bf3
* WARC: mlp.heartshine.gay
** https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmNW15v7XWwbyHhmdtuQtmknW9Jn4VnhwPQ952HE28V48n
** local, remote, also preliminary
** 21 MB, mlp.heartshine.gay-2023-10-19-73c57470

PGmFoP4QdbY local, remote, midgrade, video file was at

>Pathfinder with ponies
got it; online at ipfs://Qmbzia4kBJRiMRSwxXG1gqY6byZxMf9JT8v77Ck58Koj98
>$ ~/Downloads/megatools dl $(echo "/folder/L9YCxbZS#56e4eQ7cDStXpjmfBRIWoA" | sed "s/^/https:\/\/mega.nz/g")
- local, remote, no mega.nz metadata

got it; offline at ipfs://Qmcn8t4BTdMQfq55n4KZgBMs5zKcupMbTXSUkZwW3dCFWE
>$ ~/Downloads/megatools dl $(echo "/folder/e0YlRTRZ#DJ73Wo4gU9Xn7Rt7Zi8l4A" | sed "s/^/https:\/\/mega.nz/g")

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 10:39 [Preview] No.9190 del
2018 video not in TPA - "Mr Blue Sky-PMV":

2018 video not in TPA - "Will the Circle be Unbroken PMV":

2019 video not in TPA - "❤️❤️❤️ Crawling - (PMV) ❤️❤️❤️":

Nice, it took about 2 minutes to get the updated pin on a ~40GB folder after adding ~1GB to it:
>$ utc; ipfs pin update <cid1> <cid2>; utc
>updated <cid1> to <cid2>

This PMV made me realized that that one "Friendship is Witchcraft" image is from that Parasprites episode of FIM. Nevermind, it's not, just similar-looking. Video attached to this post from >>9180 (g id 1CZli3pJqb9qg1ocbZ8bu_LxSDdY5jyP-)

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 21:27 [Preview] No.9194 del
(2.11 MB 949x11537 twibooru-2336109.png)
A while ago I did a grab of MLP data in this one NFT website:

Log file:

"wpull.log" shows that the following URL was saved as HTTP "200 OK. Length: 64811 [image/jpeg]".
- 2023-09-30 17:52:01,180 https://solana.com/_next/static/media/breakpoint.d9ed8ac2.jpg = alive
- 2024-01-01 21:25:24.106 (now) solana.com/_next/static/media/breakpoint.d9ed8ac2.jpg = dead

I have a WARC which includes that URL, but I didn't see that URL in web.archive.org. I wonder about extracting that specific file from that 2023-09-30 capture of that link from the .warc.gz, without using IPWB. Image: IDK, didn't read.

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 22:33 [Preview] No.9195 del
>Will the Circle be Unbroken PMV
I'm downloading that small channel: Twitchyy Live UCjVuMgZFWcrlKBkRCPHPnMw

I'm guessing there's a better way to extract a web file or webpage from .warc.gz. Hacky method:
>$ zcat QmdhyCk6v3W7sgXyXEVcUdas4cgVbvxLjKs5tZHbry4fAj?filename=SizeOfThisFileIs478MB-2023-09-30-eed417c7-00000.warc.gz | grep -ai -A 74811 "WARC-Target-URI: https://solana.com/_next/static/media/breakpoint.d9ed8ac2.jpg" > dat.bin
>$ vim dat.bin # go to the last match for "\/_next\/static\/media\/breakpoint.d9ed8ac2.jpg" because the JPG data of the first match isn't it (it's like 120 KB)
>[...]WARC/1.0 \ WARC-Type: response \ Content-Type: application/http;msgtype=response
>WARC-Date: 2023-09-30T23:52:01Z
>WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:ef15499d-1950-4fff-9107-d3360719080a>
>WARC-Target-URI: https://solana.com/_next/static/media/breakpoint.d9ed8ac2.jpg
>WARC-Concurrent-To: <urn:uuid:8e76fbee-5c20-45bd-8899-ccbb2c33edc9>
>Content-Length: 65360
>WARC-Warcinfo-ID: <urn:uuid:d76feb69-61d8-4b7a-8c52-00ffdabecd97>
>HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>[...]Content-Disposition: inline; filename="breakpoint.d9ed8ac2.jpg"
>Content-Length: 64811 \ Content-Type: image/jpeg
>Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2023 23:52:01 GMT \ [...]Server: Vercel
>[...]X-Matched-Path: /_next/static/media/breakpoint.d9ed8ac2.jpg
>X-Vercel-Cache: HIT \ X-Vercel-Id: sfo1::xrth7-1696117921088-0dc003128811
>[...binary data for JPG file starting on line 103...]
>[use vim to delete everything that isn't that JPG data then save to "d.bin.1.jpg"]
>$ xxd -c 999 -ps d.bin.1.jpg | sed "s/0d0a$//g" | tr -d \\n | xxd -ps -r - > breakpoint.d9ed8ac2.jpg
>$ sha1sum breakpoint.d9ed8ac2.jpg
>9b7c91ec0c94dd7b8bc3ae69b9921ab84a0de041 [...]

What's the encoding for "WARC-Payload-Digest...sha1"? Doesn't look like Base64. Also with webpages in .warc.gz, I've seen split markers every 80,000 or some number of lines. Some webpages are just one very long line, like one million plain text bytes all on one line; in WARCs that one-million-byte line would be split into multiple ~80K lines, and it would still be replay-able or get-able as the original one-million-byte line webpage. 2nd image from
Maybe it's that one game that one guy in /pag/ was asking about.

Anon 01/01/2024 (Mon) 23:01 [Preview] No.9196 del
>downloading that small channel: Twitchyy Live UCjVuMgZFWcrlKBkRCPHPnMw
done. video related from that channel linked to 2013 video not in TPA - "My Little Nazi":
LOL. Small channel: Epic Nerd UC_NW1XUAkizOZ0J1kkywkzg

Also downloaded that, also attached. I then went to this website, which "doesn't exist":

Anon 01/02/2024 (Tue) 07:28 [Preview] No.9199 del
code tag test. I guess this solves the broken text problem.


Does this work?

>anon in /pag/ talking about a game.
What game? Could you explain the interest?

>does not exist
Elaborate on this too please.

Sorry, retard lurker of the thread.

Anon 01/02/2024 (Tue) 10:50 [Preview] No.9201 del
Invidious version 2023.11.02-db3c57d @ master was able to scroll to the end of a playlist with 19,489 videos: nicely paginated as 98 pages. Neat. Proof: https://archive.is/hawke - which is a capture of https://web.archive.org/web/20231226070057/https://y.com.sb/playlist?list=UU2wac-sRkNMPSFEnaOHCL3g&page=98 . BBC News YouTube channel also has 19 thousand something videos IIRC.

Websites which only exist as "this domain name is for sale" or "this domain is parked" are said to not exist. And in a way, they don't exist, based on an idea of what a website should be. Does a site that only redirects to an offsite URL exist? Depends. nazi.club redirected to https://www.afternic.com/forsale/nazi.club?utm_source=TDFS_DASLNC&utm_medium=DASLNC&utm_campaign=TDFS_DASLNC&traffic_type=TDFS_DASLNC&traffic_id=daslnc& which is "this domain is available for sale", so refer to previous statements. A website that does not exist in any way is one for which there is no DNS record to resolve whatever text to an IP address. I think the dig command gives info on DNS stuff. Example: https://cutesweetiebelle.com/ - does not resolve + https://friendship.mlp/ - that top-level domain does not exist (yet?) so this obviously does not resolve to anything.

Anon 01/02/2024 (Tue) 18:52 [Preview] No.9202 del
(447.15 KB 1200x850 2687069.png)
(346.83 KB 800x800 3110784.png)
>explains non-existence extants

There are several versions of sites that don't exist. There's URLs, such as the .mlp TLD that won't resolve, so any such URL written probably was written as some variant of a joke, from fan-fiction where sciTwi types in Griffinstone.MLP into her browser, to trolls who refer callers-out to https suckmyseveninches com;
There's your nazi club URL, which used to exist, but no longer have control of their DNS entry, so some real-estate agency has put up a for-sale sign where a robust bazaar once sat;
I posit too, that robust bazaars, mead halls, etc that have no DNS entry but are fully accessible by raw IP, also don't exist in an actchually... sort of way.

I'm less sure about functioning informational pages that aren't locatable but work the way they're expected to. .onion sites that only exist on the TOR network, and there are some blockchain equivalents, and our archivist here's love of ipfs, which requires you have a working hash of the repository you want to see, and I'm assuming unlike hyper-text, you can't, and aren't expected to be able to, find sites by reviewing the sights and following links -- someone has to post direct, not-misspelled hashes to a hypertext form, such as their TOR page - or on usenet, which still exists in the technical sense, just as gopher does.

Heh; that's what I should do -- make a 'blog site in gopherspace, and spam links to it around the 'net -- and keep track of statistics on how many out there install a client just to see if my rambling is any good.

(bleh. You know if I was sharing CP they'd all do it. Why not for pony pr0n? Oh, right...that's not illegal. To misapply the Han Solo quote, "Well, that's the real trick, isn't it?")

Anon 01/03/2024 (Wed) 03:52 [Preview] No.9204 del
(889.93 KB 791x1088 131407929553.png)
(69.94 KB 608x534 131413877582.jpg)
More "first archives" recently rolling in - seems like it won't finish in time, but I have a plan for that with vintage.ponychan.net:
>$ tail -f ~/Documents/overcast07-wayback-machine-spn-scripts-31d6bf1/15log1.txt
>2024-01-03 03:34:27 [Job completed] [First archive] https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/fic/src/131413877582.jpg
>2024-01-03 03:34:27 [Job completed] [First archive] https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/fic/src/131407929553.png

>nazi club URL
BTW, there was this funny thing I saw years ago
redirected to
As of now, http://kike.biz/ still redirects to worldtolerance.momentous.com

>ipfs, which requires you have a working hash of the repository you want to see
I could explain more about my attempts at better uptime in the past, but for now I can say that only a select few CIDs of mine have actually good propagation. Those are the ones in an actually dedicated computer where program and network uptime currently = 8-03:43:55. Also I saved some of them to wbm. If anyone wants and CID of mine I could share CAR files via https://send.cm/ which allows for a file up to 100 GB to exist on their server for 15 days max. But how many 100GB files can you upload there at a time? Could you have 5 100GB files exist there all at the same time, each with an expiration of 15 days (so 500GB uploaded there over a few days from one IP address).

Anon 01/03/2024 (Wed) 04:14 [Preview] No.9205 del
(1.98 KB 189x132 1561478333425.png)
>>anon in /pag/ talking about a game.
>What game? Could you explain the interest?
This game:
>Anonymous 11/25/23(Sat)22:02:19 No.40572847
>File: 1561478333425.png (2 KB, 189x132) 2 KB [ https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1561/47/1561478333425.png ]
>anyone have the link where I can play this game? I remember it being fun. and not being able to beat the first boss
(I was using the GNU program "less" in the processing of getting info, and wow that program really sucks in some cases; it is usually fine.)

http://worldtolerance.momentous.com/ is snapping up some domain names with gamer words in them, like http://nigger.ca/ - see https://archive.ph/2022.09.02-181317/http://worldtolerance.momentous.com/

Other CIDs with good/better uptime: ones I also have remotely pinned, like those currently hosted by https://web3.storage/ - check >>9117 https://cid.contact/routing/v1/providers/bafybeibkpls62emixtv5fhcwmg3wrsu5iwdisns26aynqpj2psccfnsjte for example ("elastic.dag.house" and "dag.w3s.link")

Anon 01/03/2024 (Wed) 04:33 [Preview] No.9206 del
*If anyone wants any

>Download Limit - Guest: 10 GB/day
>Bandwidth Limit - There's no bandwidth limit for your files.
>Storage Limit - Guest: 100 GB/day
>Upload Limit - Guest: 100 GB/day

That game seems to be "Filly Astray", a "pony platformer developed by BitAssembly with assistance from Bizarre Song and Sugar Morning":

Anon 01/03/2024 (Wed) 04:59 [Preview] No.9207 del
(22.39 KB 1532x898 9KS1St.png)
>Nothing here
I meant to post "Not here"

>Download Limit - Guest: 10 GB/day
This would be unusable, and I never experienced that. In 2023-~05 I downloaded a 40GB file from send.cm in one day, not four. Also it said "DL limit for Guest = 10 GB per day" back then:

>"Filly Astray: The Sewers"
Didn't see that in http /Pony/Games/Fan-made/Digital/. YT description: "... Play the free demo here: https://t.co/jzAWRhIzWc ..." which links to https://mcpalm.itch.io/fillyastray . See also:
- 22mcpalm.itch.io%22">https://desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text22mcpalm.itch.io%22
- https://mcpalm.itch.io/fillyastray?download
- Development log, Comments

> https://itchio-mirror.cb031a832f44726753d6267436f3b414.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/build/173738/660849-archive-default?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=3edfcce40115d057d0b5606758e7e9ee%2F20240103%2Fauto%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240103T044522Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=a39285a491b94d5819faf848d581d91c63329392bfe6f9354c722f50e475c7a5
> https://itchio-mirror.cb031a832f44726753d6267436f3b414.r2.cloudflarestorage.com/build/179381/682785-archive-default?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=3edfcce40115d057d0b5606758e7e9ee%2F20240103%2Fauto%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240103T044550Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=9692a903486d0245259ecddf6ba4c92dc156611de11bbbfda466fa6f13a388d6
which is HTTP status=403 for everyone other than me, so use this instead:
- local-unstable, remote

Image from https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvNDI2MTYxLzIxMzkzNTcucG5n/original/9KS1St.png

Anon 01/03/2024 (Wed) 12:25 [Preview] No.9208 del
2013 video not in TPA - "pmv trinity 009 soundsystem" (shows up with "1 comments" for me on picrel live version):
- Woah, on the same video, ggtyler.dev says "0 comments": https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=ziViFWAfVzU
- also "0 comments": https://archive.today/2024.01.03-113512/https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=ziViFWAfVzU
- bloatware says "1 Comment" but only when sorted to "newest first": https://www.youtube.c om/watch?v=ziViFWAfVzU
- says there's a comment, but doesn't show it: https://piped.smnz.de/watch?v=ziViFWAfVzU (Piped has a "download frame" option, neat)
- "0 comments"/didn't work from other Invidious and Piped instances. So far, nothing worked in regards to saving to wbm/archive.ph
- BTW, 009 Sound System also made "Dreamscape" ( https://youtube.owacon.moe/watch?v=bnKLrGe2Nyk )

HTML/text missing from screenshot:
- [pfp] https://vid.puffyan.us/ggpht/lyNyfAJFXhChStisCi_Bplc2vT1ezSx6kxJDn0TFvtWmmX_Be4mSiA14_r_Z74ByNXt-zvph=s176-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj
- @LiliPistilliCelestino268 [ https://iv.ggtyler.dev/channel/UCJwsrsvEPVcfZadHDMEulLw = small channel with a small amount of EQG vids ]

MrPonylover91_UCf6zF2sQXVnWK5DDY418p4A :
- channel folder: offline at ipfs://QmbV3oy6kBF3Mwk19yqSBjq34ZbzWdUyWH5AH5o9yfqooq
- 5 files for RCB6PKTMb1Q online at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmfHhFrP3NEJTY4gAGVfxX4tJJWxwWPipca65uPuEA3YRd
- RCB6PKTMb1Q local, remote, top

Filly Astray/"anonfilly-windows.zip" and "fillyastray-linux.zip", local-stable, remote

>YouTube channel downloader one-liner at https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafkreicvlo3xuq3igrj3mwsw4m42btse5cw2w5azdk7qwybl7i5nkh6n4y#No.40570289
Here's the thing to then upload YouTube video IDs and their data to archive.org:

Anon 01/04/2024 (Thu) 02:43 [Preview] No.9209 del
(195.87 KB 684x314 mgrifgljegn.png)
Was looking through some mostly 5TB HDDs for a folder with vintage.ponychan.net warc. Probably not in: z2 (Power_On_Hours=4863), z4 (dead), z6 (Power_On_Hours=2505), z7, z8, [ntfs] (Power_On_Hours=22656). So it might be in: z0, z1, z3, z5.

>dedicated computer
Offline for now: uptime at end was 9-00:25:54. "bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory" defeats the point of semi-remote usage of a computer when I gotta physically walk over to it to restart/fix it ("sudo reboot now" didn't work):
>$ ssh [email protected].[...]
>[kinda screwed with stuff for a while]
>$ free
>-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
>$ [almost any command]
>-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
>$ :(){ :|:& };: # fork bomb
>-bash: fork: Cannot allocate memory
>$ [...]
>-bash: xmalloc: .././bashhist.c:782: cannot allocate 1056 bytes (1458176 bytes allocated)
>Connection to 10.0.[...] closed.
>$ ssh [email protected].[...]
>kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer
>Connection reset by 10.0.[...] port 22
>$ # https://askubuntu.com/questions/845233/running-any-command-returns-cannot-allocate-memory-on-ubuntu-server
Image from "/z2/data/205c227/y.smutty.horse/y.smutty.horse/mgrifgljegn.png" (https://y.smutty.horse/ = now gone as "DNS address could not be found")

Anon 01/04/2024 (Thu) 02:51 [Preview] No.9210 del

which was uploaded to Deletionbooru
>source: https://y.smutty.horse/mgrifgljegn.png
>tags: safe, the twilight zone, twilight sparkle, open mouth, grayscale, monochrome, door, mare

Anon 01/04/2024 (Thu) 07:33 [Preview] No.9211 del
(211.42 KB 1070x1500 810JuYGR9KL._SL1500_.jpg)
Torrent was offline for like 15 days (not me). 'ipfs add -wHr "Parliament - 20th Century Masters The Best Of Parliament(2000) vtwin88cube"' = ipfs://QmZdZivuq9znqcbezyRejafMfiws9oiaVjFpw1nggsVzFj (online)

>Will the Circle be Unbroken PMV
Channel folder "Twitchyy_Live_UCjVuMgZFWcrlKBkRCPHPnMw" currently online:
- OhQ_kgpL_yY local, remote, MKV video file at

Back up for 01:38:31 so far.

There's also [ntfs2], which has data that looks like what was on z4 (dead). [ntfs2] (Power_On_Hours=10108, Raw_Read_Error_Rate In_the_past=2468, Reallocated_Sector_Ct=3104, Current_Pending_Sector=27) is slow and going to die soon. I could sorta triage and copy the rarest data first before it becomes inoperable. (Use ddrescue and not rsync for larger files.) Image from "./dl/t/mlp/810JuYGR9KL._SL1500_.jpg"

Anon 01/05/2024 (Fri) 00:22 [Preview] No.9214 del
Medium-size channel, MLP focus, goes with the coincidental EQG theme of the below text and attached image

*OhQ_kgpL_yY local, remote, top

Took like 16 hours to finish copying out 91,194,392,576 bytes of ISO files that it didn't see in any torrent:
>$ utc; rsync --archive --info=progress2 /[...]/dl/t/EQG/MLP* .; utc
>[...low= 8,417,476,608 9% 42.19kB/s 545:03:53...]
>[...low= 85,846,818,816 94% 40.62kB/s 36:33:57 xfr#5, to-chk=1/6)...]
>[...high= 85,953,970,176 94% 16.52MB/s 0:05:09...]
>[average= 1,643,882 B/s = 1.6 MB/s (= 91194392576 bytes/55475 seconds)]
https://chat-gpt.org/chat >>2024-01-04T08:30:43.242799318Z to 2024-01-04T23:55:18.776072690Z >The duration between the given timestamps is approximately 15 hours, 24 minutes, and 35 seconds.
Image from "$ vlc ./dl/t/EQG/MLP_EQG4_Legend_of_Everfree_DVD.iso"

Anon 01/05/2024 (Fri) 01:13 [Preview] No.9215 del
Something I was thinking of learning from "yt-dlp --help": how would I get yt-dlp to only download a video if its duration is under 1 hour?

>"[Carrot's Privateers]-Batsy-20220104-youtube-1920x1080-Euf2DO6cYQE.webm"
Based on "Barrett's Privateers" by Stan Rogers from the album/recording "Home in Halifax":
> "ipfs add -rHw Stan\ Rogers\ -\ Home\ in\ Halifax/" = online at ipfs://QmVAHowKHqEsHAeiCyX7dV5MvR2UkesE1QCbU35zuwL55Z and magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c0108c93a682939c059809021d6f11174730267b&dn=Stan%20Rogers%20-%20Home%20in%20Halifax&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A6969%2Fannounce (source)
In that WebM file Applejack's lovely legs have to be amputated.

Anon 01/05/2024 (Fri) 07:17 [Preview] No.9216 del
(1.50 MB 2160x2160 2235986.png)
Really important to use ddrescue and not rsync in some cases, because rsync's temp file should be tens of gigabytes larger but isn't. Where'd that data go!? I may have realized this in the past, weeks/months ago, but just forgot:
>$ fg # 4,262,756,352 3% 13.69MB/s 2:09:14 # 2024-01-05T00:44:20.429538379Z
>rsync --archive --info=progress2 /src/100gb.file /dest/100gb.file
>[...low= 62,317,690,880 55% 5.19kB/s 2712:05:22...]
>[...high= 62,534,483,968 55% 16.99MB/s 0:48:19...]
>112,997,181,440 100% 1.30MB/s 23:02:01 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
>rsync: [sender] read errors mapping "/src/100gb.file": Input/output error (5)
>134,640,936,960 119% 2.20MB/s ??:??:?? ^Z
>[1]+ Stopped [...]
>$ jobs -l
>[1]+ 25969 Stopped [...]
>$ ls -liah . # something like "kill 25969" then "ps aux | grep rsync": STAT=T for terminating?
>[...] 21G Jan 4 23:36 .100gb.file.Vcv75n
>$ mv -n .100gb.file.Vcv75n 100gb.file # 2024-01-05T06:41:39.620162833Z
>$ # so avg. = ~5 MB/s (108734425088 B/21439 sec)
Temp file=21GB, should be about 100GB. (State=T=stopped - https://askubuntu.com/questions/360252/ - kill stopped jobs via "kill -9 <PID>").

Apparently not in z5. Glowzigger from
>/z5/Pony/Art/Image archives/twibooru.org/2020/08/20/2235986.png

Anon 01/05/2024 (Fri) 08:08 [Preview] No.9217 del
(206.60 KB 2449x2449 1892411.jpg)
(222.91 KB 450x399 1594686818586.png)
(1.08 MB 1080x1080 1655533963030.png)
(1.82 MB 864x8519 2235989.jpeg)
(40.64 KB 637x355 2235995.jpeg)
vintage.ponychan.net warc is also apparently not in [ntfs3]: which is for some reason or somehow a read-only FS (maybe because it copied from a ZFS HDD which I could have set up differently). Images from
>/z5/Pony/Art/Image archives/twibooru.org/2020/08/20/tmp/a/20/2235989.jpeg
>/z5/Pony/Art/Image archives/twibooru.org/2020/08/20/2235995.jpeg

Anon 01/05/2024 (Fri) 08:55 [Preview] No.9218 del
Downloaded 4.3GB of that channel then lost Internet access. I think my YT channel downloader should have more info in "1stats1.txt" about which stages are finished.

*>/z5/Pony/Art/Image archives/twibooru.org/2020/08/20/2235989.jpeg

Other images in those HDDs (attached):
> https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafybeigcaawgfin456sjvydiaxmnayxs2ev47jc2ax3f355vi7qmjfyx7m
> https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafybeighnoe5yn7ldmo5qxwvlh5red6s4ghbvntnxw5wu4gaxanv5tvpcm
> "/z5/Pony/Art/Image archives/twibooru.org/2020/08/20/2235999.jpeg" (NSFW, thought that pony was a mare at first)
BTW, [ntfs3]->Power_On_Hours=2457,Errors=none,Avail=39G. Also attached:
> ./youtube/Mlp_Brightness_UCo1oHP-lesaQsKr1vDPJvsg/All_About_That_Bass_PMV-Mlp_Brightness-20160720-youtube-1280x720-pXSTwkedCPI.webm
webm: kinda sounds like she sang "I'm bringin' pony back"

>not in...
also was looking through z0. is it in there? IDK, I guess not.

Anon 01/05/2024 (Fri) 10:30 [Preview] No.9219 del
>MLP.flv from mega.nz from not me
Here's "PMV_ChopSuey.flv" (FFmpeg says "httphostheader : v5.cache8.c.youtube.com", remote pin=Filebase):
Converted to "PMV_ChopSuey.flv.mp4" (via ffmpeg version 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1):

Here's "/z0/text/655dd9b/" which has a bunch of Closed Captions and subtitles of various official MLP media:
>\ 375 \ 00:18:28,206 --> 00:18:31,443 \ Now, what in tarnation \ did you do that for? \
>\ 376 \ 00:18:32,844 --> 00:18:34,713 \ That was the most \ fool-pony thing \
>\ 377 \ 00:18:34,746 --> 00:18:37,282 \ I've ever seen anypony \ do in all my life \
in http://bafybeichgg642obbgbpofq32iprgoy34q3usy44d7iuwijbuldeibto7qu.ipfs.fzdqwfb5ml56oadins5jpuhe6ki6bk33umri35p5kt2tue4fpws5efid.onion/?filename=My.Little.Pony.Friendship.is.Magic.S04E20.Leap.of.Faith.GP.WEB-DL.English.CC.srt

Anon 01/05/2024 (Fri) 12:04 [Preview] No.9220 del
2015 video not in TPA - "PMV: Paint It Black":

>"Home in Halifax" at ipfs://QmQQD8xHt5rruAFmfgyuoPxwwVmt5hARr1f4D7mU6ZT6w4
I like multiple tracks in there, such as "16 The Mary Ellen Carter.mp3" and "07 The Idiot.mp3".

Seems I finished downloading Mlp_Brightness UCo1oHP-lesaQsKr1vDPJvsg even with that disconnection. Errors:
- "Offline." https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=A6k9tXn5W14
- "This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds" https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=HXXn_j17xwc

Attached clop from https://twibooru.org/518871 - I recently found out about the "actually anatomically correct" tag, so that would apply to pony butts which look like horse butts and don't really look like human butts.

Anon 01/05/2024 (Fri) 16:53 [Preview] No.9221 del
Got it:
>$ TZ=UTC wget -p -r --level=1 --span-hosts --adjust-extension --convert-links --warc-max-size=700000000 --warc-cdx -e robots=off --warc-file=libraryofbabel.app-ref-41a9768e-d28d-4c70-ac1b-b4de875c1ffa. https://libraryofbabel.app/ref/41a9768e-d28d-4c70-ac1b-b4de875c1ffa. 1>1wget1.txt 2>1wget2.txt
>$ TZ=UTC wget -p -r --level=1 --span-hosts --adjust-extension --convert-links --warc-max-size=700000000 --warc-cdx -e robots=off --warc-file=libraryofbabel.app-ref-51dd2c67-4a5a-4bb3-bde7-e85ba1145f3a. https://libraryofbabel.app/ref/51dd2c67-4a5a-4bb3-bde7-e85ba1145f3a. 1>2wget1.txt 2>2wget2.txt
online at https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmNwA2o6YPwgUHFyU7FMYLVEnDW94p3JLr3S6JMWRWCbGb
- 6 files matching *.warc.gz or *.cdx = local, remote

One of the reasons - at https://web.archive.org/save/https://libraryofbabel.app/ref/[...] this happens, even with low latency:
> Save Page Now browser crashed on https://libraryofbabel.app/ref/[...].
What is it?
>What is the Library of Babel?
>Read the home page first.
>The Library of Babel is a fictional library that contains every possible unique book of 1,312,000 characters. Each book has 410 pages of 40 lines of 80 characters each. 410 × 40 × 80 = 1,312,000. As each book consists of a combination of the same 29 characters, the total number of unique books is 29^1,312,000. For comparison, it is estimated that there are around 10^80 atoms in the observable universe.
>It contains every book that has ever been written, and every book that ever will be written.

10 files:
- ChkFY2hW3NM local, remote, top
- pXSTwkedCPI local, remote, top

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 01:58 [Preview] No.9222 del
https://mega.nz/folder/wO0TQaxD#v9Iu_wUrAPRAEMd2Jz_4kw - folder name="The Comments of Eurobeat Brony's early remixes from Bandpuffs' channel"
I still have those 17 files from 2022-09 in z0 (zpool z0 CAP=97%, should be at most 95% instead). I saw those screenshots in a folder with other files which weren't from that mega.nz folder, so I sftp'd them and stuff to make a folder which matches to that Mega folder. mega.nz/folder/wO0TQaxD#v9Iu_wUrAPRAEMd2Jz_4kw (not mine) = offline at ipfs://QmQCFT3GZSC4bz6SVePT5FTKv4j729VKGZMeAQnw8wtR5N - which is:
>ipfs ls QmQCFT3GZSC4bz6SVePT5FTKv4j729VKGZMeAQnw8wtR5N
>QmR3NpJi4tTtyhdJj46T3nbXXhA5i4rn9xQcqy4JEc5KXt 631169 Art of the Dress (Euro Fashion Mix) - Preview.png
>QmNUinQRp5rKbuRF9ysEy1nDqBfqKLr3jL5HHV5epBWeCF 245618874 Super Ponybeat - Art of the Dress (Complete).png
>QmYeVjUYCBDuC89KunnAkzsrnpQf6mJBXcUE2NgBfrjo9R 145152522 Super Ponybeat - Cupcakes.png
>QmWmVnpTXkhTu3rjcqJv9vCzECkvdV3wwtSocxVLKGQnT3 691216 Super Ponybeat Vol. 2 - Diamond Dogs (preview).png
>$ ipfs ls QmQCFT3GZSC4bz6SVePT5FTKv4j729VKGZMeAQnw8wtR5N | wc -l # output=17

Why did that runtime become mostly useless (not enough memory)? I symlinked some folders instead of files, and that was part of the reason why.

* screenshot of mega.nz folder wO0TQaxD#v9Iu_wUrAPRAEMd2Jz_4kw
* PMV_ChopSuey.flv.mp4 from ipfs://bafybeiafdsba3heztwhklnx3qmud7dwuiwkvgijw5uzlmfg4v5r57qi7pq
** which YouTube video ID is this from?

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 02:40 [Preview] No.9223 del
Dubnium (Db), a transuranic chemical element with atomic number 105

Correction to text in >>9222:
>QmWmVnpTXkhTu3rjcqJv9vCzECkvdV3wwtSocxVLKGQnT3 691216 Super Ponybeat Vol. 2 - Diamond Dogs (preview).png
>$ ipfs ls QmQCFT3GZSC4bz6SVePT5FTKv4j729VKGZMeAQnw8wtR5N | wc -l # output=17

>code tag test
Here's another code tag test - does it wrap text (code=YT channel downloader):
$ echo $IPFS_PATH; yt-dlp -j --flat-playlist UUfi_dQD0f-IRl2QnIQ7LCmw > 1plist1.json 2>1error1.log.txt; cat 1plist1.json | jq ".id" | tr -d \" >> 1plist1.txt; fdir=$(yt-dlp --get-filename --skip-download --restrict-filenames --windows-filenames -o "%(channel)s_%(channel_id)s" -- $(head -n1 1plist1.txt)); if [ -f $fdir ]; then sleep 9d; else mkdir $fdir; fi; cd $fdir; mv -n ../1plist1.txt .; mv -n ../1plist1.json .; mv -n ../1error1.log.txt .; utc > 1stats1.txt; chan=$(pwd | grep -o "........................$"); bash <(ipfs cat bafkreiax2gvahqvtx5vbnrnnz62p2robdj5n6zgy3xykwlwdwh4fvqety4); cat 1plist1.txt | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do wget --spider --no-verbose "https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=$args" -o temp.txt; cat temp.txt >> 1plist2.txt; done' _; rm temp.txt; grep -v '!!!\| 200 OK$' 1plist2.txt | sed "s/.*=//g" | sed "s/://g" > 1plist3.txt; ids=1plist3.txt; bash <(echo -n "ids=1plist3.txt;"; ipfs cat bafkreidih3jklvypuib2lisvi2du4lodhdjt5ebr36o7v52f6xmegltlty); cat $ids | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do fname=$(yt-dlp --restrict-filenames --windows-filenames --skip-download --get-filename -o "%(title)s-%(channel)s-%(upload_date)s-%(extractor)s-%(resolution)s-%(id)s.apimeta.txt" -- $args 2>>1error1.log.txt); curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=snippet,id,contentDetails,liveStreamingDetails,localizations,player,recordingDetails,statistics,status,topicDetails&id=$args" > $fname; done' _; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channelSections?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails&channelId=$chan" > 1_channel_sections_1.json; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlists?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,localizations,player,status&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50" > 1_channel_playlists_1.json; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/subscriptions?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,subscriberSnippet&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50" > 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json; if [ $(cat 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json | jq .pageInfo.totalResults) -gt 50 ]; then nextpagetoken=$(cat 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json | jq -r .nextPageToken); while [ ! "$nextpagetoken" = "null" ]; do echo $nextpagetoken; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/subscriptions?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,subscriberSnippet&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50&pageToken=$nextpagetoken" > temp.txt; cat temp.txt >> 1_channel_subscriptions_all_1.json; nextpagetoken=$(cat temp.txt | jq -r .nextPageToken); done; fi; utc >> 1stats1.txt; bash <(ipfs cat bafkreibmctj6wjeajcf2ce36efsatxicjfazuo63fow46wpmk3wstwfcxa); cd ..

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 02:52 [Preview] No.9224 del
>does [code tag] wrap text?
On all Endchan layouts, no. Other than screenshots, that's fine. Layouts Makaba and Muon add a horizontal scroll bar which is nice. I like the Makaba layout for selecting text in some case, but I'm not going to use it because it doesn't show filenames of files attached to posts. Speaking of, here's
(significant video editing)

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 03:21 [Preview] No.9225 del
>https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeia6udeh6zthdjnfwidc3hdcgt5kkddzwzsdm6nrcqmbgu6eurzu4m -> 07 The Idiot.mp3
>But I like being free and that makes me an idiot I suppose.

Of course it's on one of the last HDDs that I checked:
>$ ls /z1/data/4443494/vintage.ponychan.net/warc >f; wc -l f; head -n3 f; tail -n3 f
>84 f

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 04:17 [Preview] No.9226 del
(21.26 KB 1024x768 scr.png)
Uploading from a computer with an uptime of about 32 days:
>$ date -u; ~/Downloads/ia upload 755cd7b3662ae68182e8f46411b98b "vintage.ponychan.net/" --metadata="title:WARC: vintage.ponychan.net" --metadata="subject:vintage.ponychan.net; ponychan.net; Ponychan; www.ponychan.net; MLP:FIM; imageboard website; imageboard; website; site; image; images; MLP; FIM; My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic; My Little Pony Friendship is Magic; snowpity; brony; bronies; 4chan; 4chan.org; pony; ponies; mare; mares; little mare; little mares; little pony; little ponies; shut down; shutdown; website shutting down; fan; fans; fandom; pegasister; pegasisters; MLP fan; MLP fans; anon; anons; anonymous; friend; friends; ponyfag; ponyfags; horsefucker; horsefuckers; hugbox; circlejerk; epic win; warc; grab; webpage; web page; webpages; web pages; thread; threads; Applejack; Fluttershy; Twilight Sparkle; Rainbow Dash; Rarity; Pinkie Pie; website which began in 2011; website which began in early 2011" --metadata="description:From https://vintage.ponychan.net/ as of 2020. Ponychan, an old MLP:FIM imageboard website, will shut down in 2023-01-07 - https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Deathwatch&oldid=51473 . This grab was uploaded and shared in part thanks to the anons at Endchan /pone/." --metadata="mediatype:data" --metadata="collection:opensource_media"; date -u
>Sat Jan 6 04:13:29 AM UTC 2024
>[in progress]

WARC: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/stanrogers/theidiot.html
- web.archive.org: blocked
- wget: "Access denied."
- grab-site: no wall from azlyrics.com encountered
-> level-one copy online at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmNveBWfkw2ct8UhQmLukx2DyxczFAsSYug7S9kxWQrcVQ
--> *.warc.gz+*.cdx local, remote

Image from wbm ->

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 04:25 [Preview] No.9227 del
*will shut down in 2024-01-07

Image=screenshot of "/chat/ - The End of Ponychan"

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 04:32 [Preview] No.9228 del
links to website dump or partial/complete website back-end:

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 04:44 [Preview] No.9229 del
Oops, forgot to "& disown" it, done: same command except
>opensource_media"; date -u
>opensource_media" & disown; date -u
Remember to disown long-lasting processes issued over ssh!

getting it:
>.../warc/003$ utc; grab-site https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/ 1>1log1.txt 2>1log2.txt; utc
>[in progress]

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 06:54 [Preview] No.9230 del
Derpibooru reverse image search is lame. It failed on picrel at default setting, 0.4, and 0.49. I know this image is in Derpibooru because I used Tineye and it basically linked to Derpibooru. Attached image in https://archive.org/download//adorasexy-mares-bedroom-eyed-stares-viadr-0s-cartoon-female-fan-art-highlight-reel

Recent 2023 upload from that channel not in TPA - "Becoming Popular (OcarEEEna cover)":
for a short time I thought it was based on this audio (online):
but obviously it is based on this audio - "My Little Pony - Becoming Popular (The Pony Everypony Should Know) Lyrics":

Did you know that the guy who runs TPA also runs his own ISP. He's probably not this guy, but I found this story kinda interesting/inspiring - "This Man Launched a New Internet Service Provider from His Garage | Freethink DIY Science":

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 08:21 [Preview] No.9231 del
(20.25 MB 640x360 ri_mMGbiIXU_fixed.mp4)
>will shut down in 2024-01-07
Final grab of www.ponychan.net:
* no offsite links
* ignore:
** https://<www|vintage>.ponychan.net/<all boards>/thumb/16[...]
*** Unix Epoch 1699999999 = 2023-11-14 22:13:19 UTC
*** also ignore 10[...] 11[...] ... 15[...]
** https://<www|vintage>.ponychan.net/<all boards>/src/1700[...]
*** Unix Epoch 1701000123 = 2023-11-25 08:15:23 UTC
** https://<www|vintage>.ponychan.net/<all boards>/[^\/]$
*** wish it was at something like https://www.ponychan.net/pony/orig/ so I could more easily skip original filename links
** boards = /oat/, /pony/, etc.
** example URLs
*** https://www.ponychan.net/pony/src/1700270246013.png
*** https://www.ponychan.net/pony/thumb/1700464611958.png
*** https://www.ponychan.net/pony/DD92A2A4-6A27-4100-B87E-D8916A0A91B4.jpeg
see also: >>9162 >>9129

I got this:
>https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/pony_01-04-2024_173846.zip 1704516730 - - PK72DTFTQNRAY6J7BWJG7DT3WRXWWEPI 371531909 13330 getchan.net-ponychan-archive-2024-01-06-f3c2ce20-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:08f494ba-1abd-4647-8116-8c856d808864>
most of the other links:
>[grab-site:] 2024-01-05 22:55:58,518 - wpull.processor.base - ERROR - Fetching ‘$url’ encountered an error: Connection closed.
might help: "...wget --no-warc-compression...". I saw someone else try to download it and also fail, so I guess it's not just me.

The YouTuber who uploaded that PMV of "Defying Gravity" included low/medium-quality audio in the video. FTFY (video related, local, remote):
Fixed via FLAC file in non-incomplete IA-autogenerated torrent:
+ ffmpeg (did flac->aac):
>ffmpeg -i ri_mMGbiIXU_original.mp4 -an -c:v copy ri_mMGbiIXU_noaudio.mp4
>ffmpeg -i "11 Defying Gravity.flac" -i "ri_mMGbiIXU_noaudio.mp4" -c:v copy -shortest ri_mMGbiIXU_fixed.mp4

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 08:23 [Preview] No.9232 del
^y tho?
> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ec47427a3f4123fb117e930ecfef260fa8e45b0bdn=wicked-2003-broadway-cast&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt1.archive.org%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbt2.archive.org%3A6969%2Fannounce&ws=http://ia601708.us.archive.org/5/items/&ws=https://archive.org/download/

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 08:39 [Preview] No.9233 del
(2.76 MB 1754x1240 deletionbooru-809027.png)
> wish it was at something like https://www.ponychan.net/pony/orig/ so I could more easily skip original filename links
> https://www.ponychan.net/pony/DD92A2A4-6A27-4100-B87E-D8916A0A91B4.jpeg
Those are maybe all 404'd. Also ignore:
Didn't see any non-404 [...]/res/[...] links after quickly looking. More Ponychan URLs from my grab from last year: "$ vim <(ipfs cat Qmf5Lan9QJyG2X4VdNZJqnopgbQwPbLEB7EFgHCQFuJVYt | head -n4000)"

So all that gets downloaded is webpages and images from after Unix Epoch 1700999999. other board: /fan/. Some of the above text in this post refers to https://derpibooru.org/images/809027 (attached). Maud Pie: "In the years before explosives, they used to mine granite by drilling holes into it, then filling those holes with water, plugging those water filled holes with waxed wooden plugs, and waiting for winter. The continuous freezing temperatures would cause the water in the holes to freeze, and expand, which would crack the huge blocks of granite loose from the solid vein of granite rock." --https://web.archive.org/web/20240102150614/https://invidious.drgns.space/watch?v=t5mdZD00POs

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 09:06 [Preview] No.9234 del
doin it
>.../warc/004$ utc; grab-site --no-offsite-links --warc-max-size 100100100 --import-ignores 1ig1.txt https://www.ponychan.net/ 1>1log1.txt 2>1log2.txt; utc

I didn't use this "ignores" file, but here's an example of a working one:

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 09:50 [Preview] No.9235 del
Seems that that upload-to-IA process died even though it was disowned. Maybe it quit/errored when it detected a brief disconnection from the Internet.

Important notes:
* not 404 https://www.ponychan.net/pony/src/9pp7ffdfhjl1eloot570.png
** seemingly, most non-Unix timestamp filename URLs = HTTP 404
* unix time 1701999999 = Fri Dec 08 01:46:39 2023 UTC

>YT data at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXvyXoc5mcsztcnvtdvo9HAUAQGDBcT569m4ERZMTu6RW
Thing I used to check pin lists to see if I have each pin in multiple HDDs (should be in at least 2):
>$ grep QmXvyXoc5mcsztcnvtdvo9HAUAQGDBcT569m4ERZMTu6RW ~/Documents/mntn_p2.txt ~/Documents/z2_p1.txt ~/Documents/z6_p2.txt ~/Documents/z7_p1.txt
Just added QmXv...u6RW to a second HDD (might be in 3 now, but the 3rd non-dead HDD is not very accessible). Video from that folder attached because why not?

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 13:12 [Preview] No.9236 del
WBM: "Sorry \ Cannot resolve host new.theponyarchive.com." but archive.is can still get it and it is not down. Not sure what's happening there, wbm using not-amazing DNS?
* funny PMV (.mkv) https://web.archive.org/web/20240106125103/https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=HmdaSi1afxA
** (better if Pinkie Pie was singing that song?)
* https://web.archive.org/web/20240106124109/https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=JFgH1eQomy0

2017 video not in TPA - "Lollipop (The Chordettes PMV/Dedicated To Sarahndipity Cosplay)" (I mostly didn't watch this):

Here for now:

>>above post
I can check when that grab finishes by looking at this in my private HTTP Server:

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 14:22 [Preview] No.9237 del
Ponychan will be shutting down tomorrow, January 7th, but in which timezone?

Download finished:
>.../warc/004/www.ponychan.net-2024-01-06-6f431dbf$ ls | wc -l; tail -fn4 wpull.log
>2024-01-06 06:50:38,127 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.ponychan.net/arch/res/21516%20->%20artist_tenchisamoshi%20big_macintosh%2.jpg’: 400 Bad Request. Length: 155 [text/html].
>2024-01-06 06:50:38,178 - wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - FINISHED.
>2024-01-06 06:50:38,179 - wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - Duration: 4:45:30. Speed: 918.8 KiB/s.
>2024-01-06 06:50:38,179 - wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - Downloaded: 62680 files, 5.6 GiB.

ignores file:

archive.org cli program just doesn't like being disowned or exited on:
>computer2@name:...$ ia upload id files [...] & disown
>computer2@name:...$ exit
>Connection to 10.42.[...] closed.
>computer1@name:...$ ssh [email protected].[...]
>computer2@name:...$ ps aux | grep ia
>[...] 1328 [...] Ss [...] /usr/bin/tor --defaults-torrc /usr/share/tor/tor-service-defaults-torrc -f /etc/tor/torrc --RunAsDaemon 0
>[...] 4145689 [...] Sl [...] /usr/bin/python3 [$HOME]/.pex/unzipped_pexes/e8eb8aa5a602892386b5354c6d6f832d42badaf5 upload 755cd7b3662ae68182e8f46411b98b vintage.ponychan.net/ --metadata=title:WARC: vintage.ponychan.net --metadata=subject:vintage.ponychan.net; ponychan.net; Ponychan; www.ponychan.net; MLP:FIM; imageboard website; imageboard; website; site; image; images; MLP; FIM; My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic; My Little Pony Friendship is Magic; snowpity; brony; bronies; 4chan; 4chan.org; pony; ponies; mare; mares; little mare; little mares; little pony; little ponies; shut down; shutdown; website shutting down; fan; fans; fandom; pegasister; pegasisters; MLP fan; MLP fans; anon; anons; anonymous; friend; friends; ponyfag; ponyfags; horsefucker; horsefuckers; hugbox; circlejerk; epic win; warc; grab; webpage; web page; webpages; web pages; thread; threads; Applejack; Fluttershy; Twilight Sparkle; Rainbow Dash; Rarity; Pinkie Pie; website which began in 2011; website which began in early 2011 --metadata=description:From https://vintage.ponychan.net/ as of 2020. Ponychan, an old MLP:FIM imageboard website, will shut down in 2023-01-07 - https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Deathwatch&oldid=51473 . This grab was uploaded and shared in part thanks to the anons at Endchan /pone/. --metadata=mediatype:data --metadata=collection:opensource_media
>[...seconds or soon later:]
>computer2@name:...$ ps aux | grep ia
>[(4145689) - No such process]

Anon 01/06/2024 (Sat) 14:44 [Preview] No.9238 del
(160.58 KB 2048x1402 1702124719854.jpg)
(240.17 KB 2000x2000 1703712096538.jpg)
(118.52 KB 541x709 1704433250235.png)
www.ponychan.net-2024-01-06-6f431dbf finished in "2024-01-06T13:50:45.555092990Z".

>archive.org cli program being dumb
Maybe GNU Screen would help. I looked at "ia upload --help" and saw this:
> -H, --header=<key:value>... ; S3 HTTP headers to send with your request.
"nerd shit"
> -c, --checksum ; Skip based on checksum. [default: False]
So -c skips based on checksum if a bit-identical file at the same path was already uploaded? Unclear.
> -R, --retries=<i> ; Number of times to retry request if S3 returns a 503 SlowDown error.
> -s, --sleep=<i> ; The amount of time to sleep between retries [default: 30]
might need to do this
> --no-backup ; Turn off archive.org backups. Clobbered files will not be saved to history/files/$key.~N~ [default: True].
nice option I guess, but I more so need a thing to skip same-path-and-filesize (or same path+filesize+hash).


Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 00:28 [Preview] No.9240 del
Still up:
>--2024-01-07 00:27:37 UTC-- https://www.ponychan.net/
>Resolving www.ponychan.net (www.ponychan.net)... 2606:4700:3037::6815:2963, 2606:4700:3031::ac43:a42c,, ...

Should I grab it again?

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 00:37 [Preview] No.9241 del
>.../z1/data/4443494$ find vintage.ponychan.net/warc -type f | sort | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do date -u; ~/Downloads/ia upload 755cd7b3662ae68182e8f46411b98b "$args" --metadata="title:WARC: vintage.ponychan.net" --metadata="subject:vintage.ponychan.net; ponychan.net; [tags]" --metadata="description:From https://vintage.ponychan.net/ [desc]" --metadata="mediatype:data" --metadata="collection:opensource_media"; date -u; done' _
>Sun Jan 7 12:31:33 AM UTC 2024

>last start was at 2024-01-06T09:05:00Z
unix time 1702999999 = 2023-12-19 15:33:19 - /1702.+/
unix time 1703999999 = 2023-12-31 05:19:59 - /1703.+/
unix time 1704999999 = 2024-01-11 19:06:39 - no

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 03:18 [Preview] No.9242 del
(1.44 MB 1024x3138 142985048281.png)
I have Ponychan basically up until 2024-01-06 09:05:00 UTC and not after. Unless I say so or someone suggests that I do it, not going to run another grab. Also I hope or assume getchan.net/ponychan-archive/ will be updated with all of the last posts before shutdown (06/07 January 2024 posts). And anyone can do a 2023-01-07 grab of it right now if you have the software https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/grab-site . Also any updates as to exactly when ponychan.net will disappear would be informative.

>Maybe GNU Screen would help.
It did help, ia CLI program no longer dies unexpectedly from disown or ssh exit (I think exit is what really killed it, it would work disowned but not exited from ssh session) - "GNU Screen Basic Tutorial" https://nyc1.iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=HomIzLB-HBc - first minutes explained here. How to use screen:
>$ screen
>$ # run command >>9241 which is "find[...]-type f[...]xargs[...]for args do[...]ia upload[...]pony[...]2020-04-06[...]done[...]"
>$ # when it is running press ctrl+ad (no ctrl keyup until you see "[detached from ...]" in non-screen session)
>$ # you can now exit the ssh session the IA upload task will still be running until it finishes
>$ # check running tasks with "ps aux | grep -v "args\|grep" | grep pony"
>$ # if you want, return to screen session via "screen -r" then detach again via "ctrl+ad"
Also I caught a command from spn.sh with "ps aux | grep..."; it uses curl which I guess is better than using "wget --spider...":
>curl -s -m 60 -X POST --data-urlencode url=https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/136014615002.jpg -d if_not_archived_within=157680000 -H Accept: application/json -H Authorization: LOW api:key https://web.archive.org/save/

More on vintage.ponychan.net:
>net,ponychan,vintage)/chan/files/src/136014615002.jpg 20240103134752 https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/136014615002.jpg text/html 404 QYPOPDNN5X7JCZJQWXIUH42YBHBJ4E6L - - 1037 2947403670 archiveteam_archivebot_go_20240103145919_979e7207/vintage.ponychan.net-inf-20240101-115910-1qo9v-00050.warc.gz
So AT's ArchiveBot also got vintage.ponychan.net. Previously I suspected that it might have got www.ponychan.net then quit there, never to get vintage.ponychan.net. Looks like I was wrong.

>net,ponychan,vintage)/chan/files/src/142985048281.png 20230418105157 https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/142985048281.png image/png 200 EAFIQU2ICZOX7UZUOXE2B6ADCMDKIGFB - - 1492762 869941152 spn2-20230418110113/spn2-20230418093752-wwwb-spn09.us.archive.org-8005.warc.gz
>net,ponychan,vintage)/chan/files/src/142985048281.png 20240101115933 https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/142985048281.png image/png 200 EAFIQU2ICZOX7UZUOXE2B6ADCMDKIGFB - - 1492830 4097210 archiveteam_archivebot_go_20240101141106_5fcad2b9/vintage.ponychan.net-inf-20240101-115910-1qo9v-00000.warc.gz

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 05:09 [Preview] No.9243 del
Remember to get the files again once the site goes offline. They are continuously being updated.

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 07:22 [Preview] No.9244 del
2015 video not in TPA - "MLP-TETRIS":

>greentext doesn't work in code tag
Witherward: >>9232

Uploading per-file in a loop is more fault-tolerant. Other nice thing I learned: if you are in tty3 (ctrl+alt+f3) you can run the following command to turn off the screen if no buttons are pressed for ~5 minutes. Helpful to run "echo -ne "\033[9;5]" > /dev/tty3" in a laptop which has no hardware button to turn off the screen (also run "vlock -as").

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 11:45 [Preview] No.9248 del
(59.48 KB 600x150 sersys-sombra.jpg)
(70.09 KB 250x158 1702256128931.png)
Though I think it is already taken care of, I will post a notice here. For anyone lurking or wishing to visit or get some keepsake for that site one last time. Ponychan is set to go down today. It maybe minuets, hours (or, as some wonder, lol, grance period and randomly in a few days.) I am aware people are reacting to it already, but... IDK, feels right to make this be the first death notice here.

Reading through there has left me haunted and sad to some extent. Stayed up way to late and even posted a few times. They certainly weren't quite my type of people (well, a lot of them) but I am so used to the place just existing and continuing on. It feels weird to think this place will be... gone.

If anyone from ponychan happens to pass by, feel free to contribute any memory or thing related to the site. Interested in testimonies and a basic timeline as well, etc.

Amidst the fire that was put out, a few embers remain:

Will they take off or will that be just another poni.fun? Who knows!? But I will keep a lose radar on them. Ponyville.us might as well, it being the main established remnant still kicking.

I believe you don't have to panic:
> These files are the archives of the Ponychan boards as they existed before the server went down, separated into individual boards and the files necessary to view the site normally, as well as a small program to act as a local server to view them. This list will be updated periodically with the latest archive version as they come in.

Their host is in Quebec from my understanding.

Something of a PoLS. If I have been missing anything, only barely got the chance to skim thread: >>9247 IRL stuff and spent a lot of time Ponychan itself before bed.

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 15:10 [Preview] No.9250 del
unix time 1704499999 = 2024-01-06 00:13:19 - /1704(0|1|2|3|4).+/
unix time 1704599999 = 2024-01-07 03:59:59 - no

grab-site uses Python regex or something, test it here:
Can represent >>9237 regular expression for ignores with less bytes

>I believe you don't have to panic:...
I suspect that those aren't web archive files and they are backend files. Back-end files are great, but verification/web-replay/archive-related stuff is largely focused on front-end-sourced WARC files as far I can tell. Non-web archive files can be faked (not saying that anyone here is trying to fake web data). Also those getchan.net files might not be the full backend, just a public part of server-side. Having the full front-end (so to speak, I mean client-side web data) is useful. (Thinking about this made me realize that webdev fags probably care a lot about all the serverside backend data; I also care about that.)

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 15:31 [Preview] No.9251 del
Like what was said above, Ponychan and its culture might not be my bowl of oats, but it is still sad to see a non-FAGMAN website with it's specific culture die off.* Another web forum/imageboard gone, and I didn't really participate in it recently, just have real hazy ~decade-old memories of when I participated in Ponychan all those years ago. Cannot really actively be a part of ponychan.net anymore, but hopefully it can be experienced in the future from a lurker-only standpoint. And who knows, maybe I will find those "really old" threads that I was in via looking through snapshots of them. *Also sad to see FAGMAN data/sites die off, but I mean it is sad that the web becoming more centralized to just a few specific websites means that sites that aren't tech monopoly sites die out (too often with not enough archival efforts).

and no offsite links and

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 15:43 [Preview] No.9252 del
Sure, why not? And this process that I'm running might crash prematurely anyways:
>.../warc/005$ cat 1ig1.txt; utc; grab-site --no-offsite-links --warc-max-size 200200200 --import-ignores 1ig1.txt https://www.ponychan.net/ 1>1log1.txt 2>1log2.txt; utc

Also curious to see the size of grab www.ponychan.net-2024-01-07-8ef60c28 if it finishes.

Anon 01/07/2024 (Sun) 20:06 [Preview] No.9254 del
Users can now request their data to be removed, preferably before the site goes down: https://www.ponychan.net/chat/res/123305.html
Also said here: https://archive.org/details/vintage-80

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 01:29 [Preview] No.9255 del
Ponychan still up as of now

2015 video not in TPA - "PMV Roulette":
description incl:
> Inspired by AMV Hell
> 6. Catbug Audio . . . 21. Tetris theme music . . . 27. Burning Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash . . . 29. I Feel Fantastic - Jonathan Coulton

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 02:09 [Preview] No.9256 del
>grab 8ef60c285be135721cf184c806b6b7f0 https://www.ponychan.net/
More on that:
>INFO - FINISHED. ... Duration: 2:20:41. Speed: 1.2 MiB/s. ... Downloaded: 14562 files, 2.5 GiB.
If I ran it again, maybe ignore /arch/. Possible secret boards:

>raws at archive.org/details/vintage-80
Got it. Online at the following (served by a RAM drive, offline in an HDD, program uptime=3-20:05:45)
- https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmYUEiRS3vzGxSrEvpV4i493JBNEhqZGnSU5gE1dafDLxd/vintage-80 = match to IA item vintage-80
- https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmYUEiRS3vzGxSrEvpV4i493JBNEhqZGnSU5gE1dafDLxd/vintage-80.zip-www-old-chan-80 = has index.html, "extracted version" of vintage-80.zip
- CAR file saved, maybe

It's interesting how much faster a RAM disk is compared to HDD. RAMdisk is a lot quicker. Maybe I'll buy a SSD and dedicate it to serving data.

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 06:47 [Preview] No.9258 del
Last 50 of this thread for crap devices:

Also done - 2024-01-08Z grab which only took about 2 hours (no /arch/, etc., "Duration: 1:43:09. . .Downloaded: 11306 files, 2.4 GiB"). I should change the command to make a connivence file which is stats from the tail of wpull.log. Use with downloads which result in a multi-megabyte URL list.

From small channel SpikeroTheDragon_UC_0GCaX-1ANMj-Qqgc6kx9A

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 06:57 [Preview] No.9259 del
^*convenience file

Screenshot with text linked from Ponychan

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 09:34 [Preview] No.9261 del
2021 video not in TPA - "My Little Pony/Pony Life PMV - I Feel Fantastic - Ponyville, Chaos Capital of the World":
- in tpa, "PMV - I Feel Fantastic (Remastered)" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=O4ndD7gyYx8
- npr gem, "I Feel Fantastic SMV (Soyjak Music Video) . . ." https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=rVEGdFtMCRc

Got it:
- 8Rmeb5huhsI local, remote, top

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 12:35 [Preview] No.9262 del
(15.89 KB 250x135 1704707091011.png)

It looks like the host pulled the plugged finally. Thanks to all who archived. Here and elsewhere.

>They certainly weren't quite my type of people (well, a lot of them) but I am so used to the place just existing and continuing on. It feels weird to think this place will be... gone.
Me either, but they were still not the worst people on the planet and more like us than many around /mlp/ and /pone/ side of the fandom care to admit and /endpone/ arguably sits somewhere in between both in terms of culture. It is a shame to see them die.

>Also sad to see FAGMAN data/sites die off, but I mean it is sad that the web becoming more centralized to just a few specific websites means that sites that aren't tech monopoly sites die out (too often with not enough archival efforts).
Totally agree. Some places are holding out and still able to grow but a lot are selling out from convenience and conditioning. Ponychan did squander some of there chance to have a impact from poor leadership early on but it is really Discord that killed the site. Discord is a understandably adictive and a places like do have their uses but they aren't a complete replacement for a imageboard.

This sort of thing always has left me conflicted. I can totally understand not wanting something stupid you said up somewhere for all entirety but often in places that enforces these deletion policies context and culture can be lost from deleted posts and users.

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 12:53 [Preview] No.9264 del
Goodbye Ponychan
Here are some ponychan related repositories on bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/ponychan/
Some may migrate to Ponyville.us instead: https://ponyville.us/pony/res/1155928.html It seems to be the more preferred option compared to the other two new splinter sites.

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 13:53 [Preview] No.9265 del
(209.80 KB 898x915 x8mk6yviqr4gqtu357zl.png)
I downloaded all of those. Here's an extracted version of IA item pony_20240107 (has index.html; no ZIP file, not rescened yet):
* https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmcToaeEifq9EWCGm4LxxZnKNe8zuaXiMq3yUCeDTYjQFZ
** no gateway = css/js works ipfs://bafybeias454lhrn5ge6ysqscvt6akulryaknm2urojvzsbl6mq6fytkumy/pony/
** QmcT...jQFZ tarball saved

Served in part thanks to symlinked .data files (and yes I know what using /tmp means):
$ echo n=$n; n=$(expr $n + 1); echo $n; d="$HOME/.ipfs/blocks/$(ls $HOME/.ipfs/blocks | tail -n+$n | head -n1)"; echo d=$d; l $d; find $d -type f | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do f=$(echo $args | sed "s/.*\///g"); cp -n $args /tmp/a/linkedblocks/$f; rm $args; ln -s /tmp/a/linkedblocks/$f $args; done' _; l $d; df -h 2>/dev/null | grep "cow\|tmpfs\|Avail\|Used" # Tried to functionize=failed. Also use sshfs.


50[...command ran multiple times...]

Test for non-inline code:
        276,847 100%  232.77MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#2, to-chk=0/3)
_: 1: _: l: not found
        786,593 100%  107.15MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#4, to-chk=0/5)
_: 1: _: l: not found
        262,158 100%   72.92MB/s    0:00:00 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/2)
_: 1: _: l: not found

Image from Ponychan

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 13:56 [Preview] No.9266 del
So I might have ran a final grab on it, but I was looking for documentation/evidence of this one specific thing in this one software. Ugh, didn't find it even though I spend ~hours looking. Gonna end up in the loony bin, "It existed! It existed!"

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 13:57 [Preview] No.9267 del
*spent ~hours looking

image from >>9265

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 14:01 [Preview] No.9268 del
I was just thinking, it would have been nice if ponychan.net became read-only for like 2 days before finally going offline in 2024-01-08 12:35 UTC. So they could have had an exact datetime specify when they could have began the read-only duration. Whatever, I guess it is all saved well enough.

Anon Admin 01/08/2024 (Mon) 14:55 [Preview] No.9269 del
(10.46 KB 240x255 mascot.jpeg)
Hello, /pone/!

In case some of you guys are new here, if you experience issues, bugs, whatnot with the site you should seek help on >>>/operate/ there might be a thread discussing it already. Give us some time to reply. Alternatively you can reach us on IRC, Discord, Telegram, and perhaps even Ex-Twitter. Al the links on the home page navbar.
Home page also offers other useful links, like the FAQ, or the logs.
For a more mobile friendly experience you can use https://magrathea.endchan.net which uses our new frontend.

Welcome to Endchan, I hope you'll enjoy your stay!

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 18:36 [Preview] No.9270 del

>it would have been nice if ponychan.net became read-only for like 2 days
That is what some posters suggested too. The reasoning behind not doing that might have been explained in the thread.
>2024-01-08 12:35 UTC
Where did you get this from? This /mlp/ post seems to suggest an earlier timestamp (2024-01-08T09:46:14Z): https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/40710510#p40713949

Anon 01/08/2024 (Mon) 23:52 [Preview] No.9272 del
It is their once feuding sibling. Seems legit a lot would go there and I imagine that one will win out unless some users clash over being a little bit too edgy or something

What sort of feature?

>If anyone from ponychan happens to pass by, feel free to contribute any memory or thing related to the site. Interested in testimonies and a basic timeline as well, etc.
This would be neat, but also hard to pull off considering all the old wounds there. and perhaps a seperate /fandom/ archeology or whatever Bridgefag had been talking about might be warranted for something like that even if I still really like the anchors idea.

>Where did you get this from? This /mlp/ post seems to suggest an earlier timestamp (2024-01-08T09:46:14Z):
I want to also add that I've seen this timestamp on Ponyville.us and wanted to know the source of it:
>3:36 AM CST

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 02:32 [Preview] No.9273 del
Small channel:

>SpikeroTheDragon channel folder
>Friends friendship friend friend friends friend friendship friend friends friend friendship friendship friendship friends friend friends friends friends friendship friend friends friends friends friends friend friendship friendship friend friends friend friendship friends friends friends friends friends friends friends friends friendship friendship friend friends friend friendship

>"fancy index"
If this website wasn't dead, maybe it would have been helpful in showing the default index instead of whatever is provided by index.html:
>Edge CID Explorer

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 05:53 [Preview] No.9274 del
I used this Lynx browser version from "/var/cache/apt/archives/" in a diff. computer:

>Better with GNU Screen 4.9.0
It can still end up hanging though:
$ utc
[...]$ screen -r
Mon Jan  8 04:54:19 PM UTC 2024
 uploading vintage.ponychan.net-2020-10-24-70377fe3-00001.warc.gz: 100%|###| 5122/5122 [47:24<00:00,  1.80MiB/s]
Mon Jan  8 05:41:48 PM UTC 2024
Mon Jan  8 05:41:48 PM UTC 2024
 uploading vintage.ponychan.net-2020-10-24-70377fe3-00002.warc.gz:   7%|#  | 367/5121 [47:04<386:16:55, 292.51s/MiB]
$ date -u
Tue Jan  9 05:28:02 AM UTC 2024
Fix it by ctrl+c then re-run it with --checksum >>9238 or something. Remove dead screens: ctrl+a[no ctrl keyup]d + "$ screen -wipe". Delete all screens: ctrl+a [a keyup, ctrl keyup] \.

>>2024-01-08 12:35 UTC
>Where did you get this from? ... https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40710510
I was lazy and just got that time from >>9262

>Frenemies Forever UCaSU0Dzh_eoaqFIDVQ_gWRg
Downloaded, size=338M

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 06:32 [Preview] No.9275 del
(3.70 KB 125x125 mtr_1703036702077.jpg)

>32 days
uptime of that computer is now approx. 43 days.

Will see how this goes:
$ cd /z1/data/4443494/; find vintage.ponychan.net/warc -type f | sort | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do date -u; ~/Downloads/ia upload 755cd7b3662ae68182e8f46411b98b "$args" --checksum --metadata=[...] --metadata="mediatype:data" --metadata="collection:opensource_media"; date -u; done' _
Update: now hashing "vintage.ponychan.net-2020-10-24-70377fe3-00002.warc.gz".

Image from not in wbm
- index ./warc/006/www.ponychan.net-trash-2024-01-08-da1d6e36/www.ponychan.net-trash-2024-01-08-da1d6e36.cdx
>https://www.ponychan.net/trash/thumb/mtr_1703036702077.jpg 1704681909 - - YKLOKFMHC3EJHLIXKSGTWK6F5YW4CZ6P 4806 3667003 www.ponychan.net-trash-2024-01-08-da1d6e36-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:e9299fc6-fe5d-4b08-a5c2-f77803377607>
- http status ./warc/006/www.ponychan.net-trash-2024-01-08-da1d6e36/wpull.log
>2024-01-07 19:45:09,517 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.ponychan.net/trash/thumb/mtr_1703036702077.jpg’: 200 OK. Length: 3786 [image/jpeg].
- replay via "ReplayWeb.page-1.8.14.AppImage" at
> saved by dev tools > network > reload > preview > save

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 09:24 [Preview] No.9276 del
(9.47 KB 125x115 1444356789093.gif)
I was looking through "./warc/006/www.ponychan.net-test-2024-01-08-96bc08c4/www.ponychan.net-test-2024-01-08-96bc08c4.cdx". It might not have much which isn't in IA. Image from
>https://www.ponychan.net/test/thumb/1444356789093.gif 1704682617 - - UDVOGIPDI7DWFJARSA27BBSX6GOD5CHV 10836 74312717 www.ponychan.net-test-2024-01-08-96bc08c4-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:0607c79d-0326-431b-8332-25f81e0dbf05>

Most of the full images in /test/ = 404. I guess ponychan.net deleted them months/years after they were first posted.

>AiR at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeidrmesnt2adhtvvbxhxbv2c4kijj365wb4l37zccvmvk4qqpipjpm
Somewhat matches to these two:

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 09:50 [Preview] No.9277 del
(39.22 KB 500x529 137978576444.jpg)
>when exactly did Ponychan go offline?
>2024-01-08T09:46:14Z or 3:36 AM CST
I guess it would be that, which is:
2024-01-08 09:46:14 UTC, or
2024-01-08 09:36:?? UTC.

I recently ended all of my spn.sh PIDs to save vintage.ponychan.net to wbm. "spn.sh" log file might detail the datetime you are interested in. ("vim <(tail -n100000 15log1.txt)")

Haha, "a-ha - Take On Me" chiptune cover:

Image from the following. I agree with that 1 out of the 10 doctors.

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 10:36 [Preview] No.9278 del
(224.76 KB 990x534 137944229419.png)
(49.02 KB 212x212 137061709800.png)
(279.88 KB 1024x1031 136970210158.png)
(594.96 KB 450x450 137124187927.gif)

Ponychan Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 10:41 [Preview] No.9280 del
(1.37 MB 1920x5500 3135647.png)
Ponychan was once a rather large and (in)famous imageboard. Founded from GR15 (General Rule 15: A global ban on all pony images and discussion across 4chan) it immediately became a focal point of the fledgling but massive community at the time. The site struggled with moderation and various drama and infighting. Couple with questionable mod practices and a ever present conflict of what being a kinder and gentler anti-chan left gradually weakened throughout the years as splinters fractured its once large audience and new sites and social media cut down on its once massive presence of artist and content creation. After going through several administrations [timeline needed] the leadership finally decided to shut down the site when Zeke Roa, the person maintaining tinyboard [ponychan's version of tinyboard?], the software powering Ponychan, decided to step down and retire and no suitable replacement whom they trusted was available [tinyboard hard to maintain and finicky?]. The site shutdown on Jan 8, 2023, around 13 years after it's founding in [insert date].

Though the board is gone and it's chance to be remain a cornerstone of the fandom was thwarted by a mix of drama and newer social media. It's impact should not be underestimated. At one point it was a cultural cornerstone for the fandom and remained a major hub for some projects [need data on sites like Daily Oat, need to study projects like Desktop Ponies]. Many [maybe reduce to some] spinoff sites and groups around the internet do have some blood and traditions that can be traced to there. In spite of all the drama and chaos, there were many friendships made, shenanigans and found memories, even a few marriages, whose impact will certainly be felt in the lives of the users who once posted and called Ponychan home.

status: Dead

This is my mind suddenly being active at 4 AM. This is a test of the entry system I mentioned. A very early first draft that is woefully incomplete. I am trying to get a feel for it only of what this process and formatting would look like.

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 10:43 [Preview] No.9281 del
Multiple G5-related playlists here:

Forgot to deselect "Spoiler".

Based on accessible evidence:
- 2024-01-08 08:22:21 UTC = www.ponychan.net last seen up
- 2024-01-08 09:27:28 UTC = vintage.ponychan.net last seen up

Based on ???:
- 2024-01-08 09:36:?? UTC or
- 2024-01-08 09:46:14 UTC = ponychan.net first seen down

Cloudflare caching might play a role in this.

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 11:20 [Preview] No.9282 del
>This would be neat, but also hard to pull off considering all the old wounds there.
I think it is a pitfall inherent to that place. Though, they certainly have seemed like they were making amends in this final time and talking about some of good times they had there too. I think a standing offer that some random bystander or two might answer is pretty safe from drama.

>and perhaps a seperate /fandom/ archeology or whatever Bridgefag had been talking about might be warranted for something like that even if I still really like the anchors idea.
Here is my philosophy right now. I am going to test the anchors system. If it doesn't work out than I will split off something. Even if it does, I might a dedicated emergency archive thread (something I have toyed with for over two years now) or a thread dedicated to my desires from a encyclopedia or whatever it's called (something I have toyed with for two years now, x2).

>This sort of thing always has left me conflicted. I can totally understand not wanting something stupid you said up somewhere for all entirety but often in places that enforces these deletion policies context and culture can be lost from deleted posts and users.
I understand. Say in ponychan's instance, if someone accidentally posted some doxing information and/or something reeeeeally stupid would understand wanting that gone. When you get past a few isolated I lean more into the no delete cap. Is that basically your stance though? LOL.

Still, even then, I do admit some gray areas. Some of the thoughts posted in the past on Ponychan here for example I felt were certainly borderline if Ponychan in the final few years was just a group of friends, where is something that was abusive adminstatrion and where is something stupid and private interpersonal drama that is unworthy of discussion/consideration.

On a certain fandom representation angle with this. I feel like something somewhat stripped down with basic timeline and certain facts established might be the way to go. It feels like even those thinks can be in jeopardy from hazy memories and revisionist history. Still, I would love to do more. I would love to know the ins and outs of every tiny thread and cliche there and I imagine this system, if I can get it to take off. Trying to be realistic here though.

Most of the full images in /test/ = 404. I guess ponychan.net deleted them months/years after they were first posted.
I ran some scraping (just a few thread, I was doing this from a netbook and had access to some better internet, whim of the moment and no WRACS unfortunately) and noticed quite a few 404 images from /arch/ as well. My first thought is simply files that were removed from moderation at the time but I do wonder if they had some sort of database crash or something were they lost some stuff.

Anon Board owner 01/09/2024 (Tue) 11:39 [Preview] No.9283 del
(245.98 KB 444x600 lurkerinthefog.png)
Howdy, are you the anon from:>>8963 Sorry if prying, I just had a question I wanted to ask said anon if the chance arose.

Admittedly I rarely ever used operate because I got so used to the board being... bonkers and a heaping mess in those earlier days. Still, thanks for dropping by with that info. There is a few new eyeballs here and stuff like threads disappearing shouldn't be the norm.

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 13:25 [Preview] No.9288 del
>For a more mobile friendly experience you can use https://magrathea.endchan.net which uses our new frontend.
That https://magrathea.endchan.net/pone/thread/9086.html should be helpful. I had some bad experiences in mobile here at https://endchan.org/pone/... and maybe also https://endchan.org/.static/last50.html?b=pone...

The --checksum option is apparently useless. If it worked like I expected or how it was supposed to, this wouldn't happen (two bit-identical files, clobbered one moved to "./history/files/"):
> history/files/vintage.ponychan.net-2020-04-06-d2098b5d-00002.warc.gz.~1~ 07-Jan-2024 04:56 5.0G
> sha1>5759833862ca5cd0b38e277b10b7e1c19c31c020
> vintage.ponychan.net-2020-04-06-d2098b5d-00002.warc.gz 09-Jan-2024 10:54 5.0G
> sha1>5759833862ca5cd0b38e277b10b7e1c19c31c020

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 13:36 [Preview] No.9289 del
Wow, not a lot of mispellings but a lot of missing words where needed. LOL, that is what I get for posting when horribly exhausted early in the morning.

Anyway, just wanted to note, if something is confusingly worded or seems off, that is not y'all, but me.

I wonder if Zeke Roa might have the exact time or one of the others who was scraping it? There was a user or two doing so outside of his efforts. AT least one... Starshine I think? Was still scraping it on the night it went down and noted it was only halfway done.

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 13:46 [Preview] No.9290 del
(200.51 KB 717x516 1704614705557.png)
(265.16 KB 3320x2600 1704630236237.png)
Forgot to post, here's the command with --checksum:
$ cd /z1/data/4443494/; find vintage.ponychan.net/warc -type f | sort | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do date -u; ~/Downloads/ia upload 755cd7b3662ae68182e8f46411b98b "$args" --checksum --metadata="title:WARC: vintage.ponychan.net" --metadata="subject:vintage.ponychan.net; ponychan.net; Ponychan; www.ponychan.net; MLP:FIM; imageboard website; imageboard; website; site; image; images; MLP; FIM; My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic; My Little Pony Friendship is Magic; snowpity; brony; bronies; 4chan; 4chan.org; pony; ponies; mare; mares; little mare; little mares; little pony; little ponies; shut down; shutdown; website shutting down; fan; fans; fandom; pegasister; pegasisters; MLP fan; MLP fans; anon; anons; anonymous; friend; friends; ponyfag; ponyfags; horsefucker; horsefuckers; hugbox; circlejerk; epic win; warc; grab; webpage; web page; webpages; web pages; thread; threads; Applejack; Fluttershy; Twilight Sparkle; Rainbow Dash; Rarity; Pinkie Pie; website which began in 2011; website which began in early 2011" --metadata="description:From https://vintage.ponychan.net/ as of 2020. Ponychan, an old MLP:FIM imageboard website, will shut down in 2023-01-07 - https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=Deathwatch&oldid=51473 . This grab was uploaded and shared in part thanks to the anons at Endchan /pone/." --metadata="mediatype:data" --metadata="collection:opensource_media"; date -u; done' _

Images from not in wbm and in wbm:
> 2024-01-07 20:11:59,885 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.ponychan.net/chat/src/1704630236237.png’: 200 OK. Length: 271523 [image/png].
> https://www.ponychan.net/chat/src/1704630236237.png 1704683519 - - VPLEZEAIW6UXCR3DMAYZYT7F242PGYRN 241484 156112362 www.ponychan.net-2024-01-08-0c6ef70c-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:3a2bea76-12c3-4039-a2a2-901713092813>
> replay by ReplayWeb.page-1.8.14.AppImage at ipfs://QmU1L9cxDVBS62kUQGC27SiTu19P2KKsJ14BLQDNCKmJvd > search url https://www.ponychan.net/chat/src/1704630236237.png > ctrl+shift+i for dev tools > Network tab > Reload page > click on "1704630236237.png" ( link = http://localhost:5471/w/id-d2202d888f9c/20240108031159mp_/https://www.ponychan.net/chat/src/1704630236237.png ) > Preview tab > click "Save image as..."
>also https://web.archive.org/web/20240108063811/https://www.ponychan.net/site/src/1704614705557.png

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 14:14 [Preview] No.9291 del
(65.23 KB 750x1000 1704634561819.jpg)
(5.94 MB 1280x720 1704635099861.mp4)
Already posted the command with --checksum at >>9275 but >>9290 has the unabridged command - better for debugging or something. And while I still have "www.ponychan.net-2024-01-08-0c6ef70c-00000.warc.gz" open, here's more 170463* not in wbm:
>2024-01-07 20:12:02,181 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.ponychan.net/chat/src/1704634451631.jpg’: 200 OK. Length: 78928 [image/jpeg].
>https://www.ponychan.net/chat/src/1704634451631.jpg 1704683522 - - AG37FXGZQYOXRQRLD2JB3YRNMKATHD4K 78288 157369726 www.ponychan.net-2024-01-08-0c6ef70c-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:dbd08814-a5d0-4cc0-9a9e-23b2590594c1>
>2024-01-07 20:12:02,828 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.ponychan.net/chat/src/1704634561819.jpg’: 200 OK. Length: 66796 [image/jpeg].
>https://www.ponychan.net/chat/src/1704634561819.jpg 1704683522 - - AMZGWZ5DJ4ANM637U7NMNKZ6RM4JXKVU 67135 157603427 www.ponychan.net-2024-01-08-0c6ef70c-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:f8aa6d7d-13e8-4d5b-a1b1-3546c91a7e1a>

Video from
The buildings in this video fall ridiculously/unrealistically fast, even for a demolition, somewhat like the WTC towers.

Nice track https://milki.org/acme/ACME%20-%20AdLabPlus%203.1%20kg.xm.mp3

Anon 01/09/2024 (Tue) 14:18 [Preview] No.9292 del
(77.08 KB 1192x670 1704634451631.jpg)
"1704634451631.jpg". Other consideration: "./warc/005/www.ponychan.net-2024-01-07-8ef60c28/"

Anon 01/10/2024 (Wed) 04:13 [Preview] No.9293 del
For now, I'm using ipfs.filebase.io for IPNS, the following was recently updated to ipfs://QmUirC1LZLr7qC9X2ZWtWu1NMZvYXozyS24h4vygBoqZHE (previous=Qmej...B4EM):
* ipns://k51qzi5uqu5dgoonkv12bkl03m8lc7ndfxs3f7j9bthhe5u0boxv5mkx4cjwbz
** HTTP gateway: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5dgoonkv12bkl03m8lc7ndfxs3f7j9bthhe5u0boxv5mkx4cjwbz
*** (I noticed a different gateway lagged behind and still shows Qmej...B4EM.)

I don't think Filebase gives me the private key to k51q...jwbz, so I don't actually own that IPNS name. Didn't see that key at console.filebase.com; however, it doesn't really matter since I should have all of the data that it points to pinned locally. Why do this? In order to have one link to all of the CIDs that I have online which are easily accessible (low latency), and I can add/remove/rotate them and still use that same link. Run:
$ ipfs files ls /a; ipfs files ls /a | wc -l; ipfs pin ls --type=recursive | wc -l; ipfs pin ls --type=recursive | sort -R | sed "s/ .*//g" | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $args; ipfs files cp /ipfs/$args /a/$args; done' _; ipfs files ls --long / # or instead of "/a/$args", something like "/a/$(date +%s.%N)"

>The --checksum option is apparently useless.
If ran with --checksum: it takes a while to start uploading a 5GB file. If ran without --checksum: it start uploading a 5GB file almost immediately. Why the delay when ran with it? I suspect that it hashes the file before uploading, maybe it does this to check for I/O errors. But in that case it would be faster to run an equivalent to "cat $file > /dev/null". I didn't see any skipping based on checksum as described by the docs, so this is another example of the ia cli program being not very good (lacking in functionality and documentation).

"I'll Make a Mare Out of You" from

Anon 01/10/2024 (Wed) 04:16 [Preview] No.9294 del
^Use of the code tag = code text doesn't wrap. If the line of code is long enough it also makes non-code text in the same post not wrap, which is bad. This bug is the case with the default layout and not the Makaba layout in Endchan.

Anon 01/10/2024 (Wed) 08:02 [Preview] No.9298 del
2019 video not in TPA - "My Little Pony in Super Mario Bros 1 (Super Mario All-Stars)":

Funny, cute game. Why does Twitchyy dislike Anonfilly?

Not much of a problem in the mobile version. The mobile version definitely could be better.

Anon 01/10/2024 (Wed) 11:27 [Preview] No.9299 del
This weird/odd animation -- "Kids with AI Girlfriends be like" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=KjnbUGbgHeM ( https://archive.ph/3tTit ) -- made me think to mess around with an "AI marefriend" at chat-gpt.org/chat - results: https://files.catbox.moe/s3o478.md

>PMV_ChopSuey.flv.mp4 at https://ipfs.nftstorage.link/ipfs/QmPMYiBERgsCxU8NXiAroPZvWScPF2mUvYkBZnzZBLsGyo
>which YouTube video ID is this from?
It's not these:
* live, https://invidious.lunar.icu/watch?v=SO4LeGp2g6Q title="PMV - Chop Suey! (System of a Down) (Metal Ponies RE-UPLOAD)" by "HairMetalBrony1016" in 2019
* live, https://inv.zzls.xyz/watch?v=WzygZj-Kby8 title="[PMV] SOAP: Chop Suey" by "ESB" in October 13, 2012

It's maybe this one:
* dead, https://web.archive.org/web/20201223085304/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJmVZ4iVXbU title="My Little Pony: Chop Suey"? by ? in ? ( circa 2011-08 per https://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/08/pmv-seapony-2021-my-little-pony-chop.html )

Anon 01/10/2024 (Wed) 12:06 [Preview] No.9300 del
(303.17 KB 2048x1152 channels4_banner.jpg)
(111.58 KB 1117x1119 unnamed.jpg)
>>9190 and other posts
nothing yet on
* ziViFWAfVzU , david_bowyer_UCVg7P0A1nTXcEoMRRoXNTXw
** small channel; nothing downloaded
* 1oZMuoxLu44 , MLP_YTPMW_UCWlRc9ZymU9gbHOzJOJHX2Q
** small channel; nothing downloaded
* 5HdCTKsO5AE , Batsy_UCVvQ5E-M0kjufkdQfPsDVsA
** all other videos except that video downloaded and shared
* fxPUCNpPr-c , Spike_s_Video_Center_UC0o1RpeaiMO9dQ6zVcowTHg
** medium-size channel
* CF5qETemw34 , Frenemies_Forever_UCaSU0Dzh_eoaqFIDVQ_gWRg
** channel downloaded
* V0CN93CnN7o , Epic_Nerd_UC_NW1XUAkizOZ0J1kkywkzg
** channel downloaded
* JxaMH4hgwPw , Rodrigo0_Official_UCgWOzzsJg5WhA4gMiHpbepg
** channel size=medium or larger; nothing downloaded
* 0hLpxb8ov9w , Thumper_Medley_UC3-tQ-h9kAUuTdJltQBV7Eg
** channel size=medium or larger; nothing downloaded
* 7Dg2-0HqqOI , True_Blue_UCnjNrJw4IIhORvMJVqYuM0Q
** channel size=medium or larger; nothing downloaded; images related
*** This guy is interested in "Thomas the Tank Engine"; example: "What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me (MLP TMV)" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=5YtINBPcufk . Better than being interested in gay v-tuber crap I guess.

Video proof

Anon 01/10/2024 (Wed) 16:42 [Preview] No.9302 del
Months ago I wondered if Ponychan was the first pony-focused imageboard. Or the first imageboard with a board dedicated to MLP. Which was first: Ponibooru or Ponychan?

It failed to provide the image to me, so here's markdown->image thanks to https://markdown-to-image.aimazing.site/

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 04:00 [Preview] No.9303 del
1oZMuoxLu44 + olemGsWjGf4 + eMsqxY34AbU + other files from that channel like pfp = local, remote, top

Local files for 2 deleted youtube videos, 1 live file
> ipfs://bafkreicvlo3xuq3igrj3mwsw4m42btse5cw2w5azdk7qwybl7i5nkh6n4y/#No.40571699 > https://files.catbox.moe/ohcic8.mp4 > "ipfs add -w tu4ZPv-0ZfM.mp4" > online at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZEMenxxGe2vw9r4uiBoRSjXPwdXpFGZ6paYuLYdcRfkW
> https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40422488/#40535741 > https://files.catbox.moe/y9xr88.mp4 > "ipfs add -w 4MTj4FUmQfk_youtube.mp4" > online at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZHn9jxeTcD5PM29hSJAKxG9hMmnCTKHwPU6DmregkW4e
> >>9299 > https://files.catbox.moe/s3o478.md > "ipfs add -w chat-gptdotorg.md" > online at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmdyeQYr3nG1U6qobqWT2EcbtZmnY5W2HDBeVzkSHCUzRw

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 08:29 [Preview] No.9304 del
Another channel online at:

Includes attached video:

Obligatory Dreamscape:

>How do I get yt-dlp to only download videos under a specified duration
yt-dlp --match-filter "duration<3600" ... # only download videos with a duration of less than 3600 seconds (1 hour)

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 08:47 [Preview] No.9305 del
getchan.net links in https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/ = all 404 now

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 09:16 [Preview] No.9306 del
(68.03 KB 721x295 Ponyville-us.png)
I think you should start with a base and build out on some details as time permits. I think stuff like pic relate deserve some converge here.

To any pony historians, might want to watch this thread on ponyville:
https://ponyville.us/pony/res/1156156.html ponyville is even less of my type of place than ponychan but seeing them warmly embracing their old edgier cousins and old friends reuiniting has given me a warm and fuzzy feeling.

>Which was first: Ponibooru or Ponychan?
I want to say, Ponychan. It was established as a bunker for the increasingly restrictive moderation on 4chan as the original battles across the site were playing out. /co/lts I thought were a little slower than /b/ronies at getting infrastructure together even though they dominated it more later. But my memory is quite hazy and I wasn't in tune to those politics very well, just passively consuming pone on my own.

I see links to the Internet Archive. It still shows stuff here at least:
Or is the actually download link or something messing up?

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 09:25 [Preview] No.9307 del
ChatGPT is amusing but very robotic and artifical in what it does (most of the time). Always fun adventures and attempts and I do find it cute/humorous at points.

Nice catch!

FiW. Yeah, I forget sometimes that some popular meme and shitpost screencaps are actually based fully within the show without editing.

Maybe that is why it spread so much very memes?

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 09:53 [Preview] No.9309 del
Via memes is what I meant.

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 10:03 [Preview] No.9310 del
So outside of spn.sh (and as an alternative to running wget --spider...), run this:
$ curl -sL https://ipfs.nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafkreicpxcytmfyyx6xterb5xnzdt5h6hl3mgcuoganubwkpjupohroadu | tail -n +13273 | perl -pE "s/ /\n/g" | grep http | sort | uniq | sort -R | grep -v "/preview/\|/pone/res/3148.html" | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $args; curl -s -m 60 -X POST --data-urlencode url="$args" -d "if_not_archived_within=157680000" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: LOW api:key" https://web.archive.org/save/; echo; sleep 50; done' _
Images from
* https://endchan.org/.media/d1acf07e67ff7b967fbcf8fd73773c71-imagepng.png - now https://invidious.asir.dev/watch?v=aFyQ4jGzkn4 = bad gateway
* https://endchan.org/.media/41595ceea870ee8e3c6668c8e924abbc-imagepng.png - ASCII art
* https://endchan.org/.media/db419236e5f343db5140c8b7c7ddc00e-imagepng.png - "research team"

> >>9305
> I see links to the Internet Archive. It still shows stuff here at least:
> https://archive.org/details/arch_20240107
> Or is the actually download link or something messing up?
getchan.net/ponychan-archive/ links to these getchan.net links which are dead as 404 not found:
- https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/chat_01-06-2024_191639.zip
- https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/oat_01-06-2024_191639.zip
- https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/rp_01-06-2024_191639.zip

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 12:51 [Preview] No.9311 del
I didn't see
http://pmvtoday.com/ (HTTP ERROR 500) or

I kinda wanna grab pmvtoday.com right now. It's maybe a neglected website due to: CSS/JS not working, seeing what may be spam, PHP error(s) at http://pmvtoday.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=273485

So I should adapt my YT channel downloader so I have a separate thing which does the following: only download one or multiple videos from a channel and save to "${channel_name}_${channel_id}.partial". Image from
> https://web.archive.org/web/20200115020543/http://pmvtoday.com:80/forum/

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 13:01 [Preview] No.9312 del
This is painful. Like in the book "The Sound and the Fury", where well-off people eventually decline into a tragic state. What's more painful is I may not have the computer stuff to grab it no-problem. I have the storage, but I have other problems. Wait, what's even WORSE is this:
https://web.archive.org/web/20240111125630/http://pmvtoday.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=236 (2013 thread "Strangest PMV ever?")

Cannot read ANY posts due to PHP errors! Maybe the only hope is to email the webmaster, ask for a fix to the site to see the posts. Hopefully he doesn't say "fuck it, too much work, I don't care about history, I'm deleting this website."

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 13:24 [Preview] No.9314 del
Real sad. Those posts may be lost forever. Decline as seen from snapshots on one thread:
1. https://web.archive.org/web/20171203040052/http://pmvtoday.com:80/forum/showthread.php?tid=133398 - basically no problem
2. https://web.archive.org/web/20200707101636/http://pmvtoday.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=133398 - no CSS
3. https://web.archive.org/web/20240111131520/http://pmvtoday.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=133398 - no CSS, has PHP errors, post body deleted as part of a mass purge or something (which came first, PHP errors or mass deletion of post bodies? for a timeline with 4 chronological list items)

So if I download that site now, what can I get? I could get this: usernames, post times, post subjects, profile pictures, etc., just not post bodies which is like the most important part. Only positive of the mass deletion: don't have to download a million "spam" links. But I could just run grab-site with "--no-offsite-links", so not really a valid point. Image from
> https://web.archive.org/web/20180305115855/http://pmvtoday.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=14

Anon 01/11/2024 (Thu) 13:47 [Preview] No.9316 del
no one cares https://desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/%22pmvtoday.com%22 

Getting it:
>$ cd ./warc/009; pwd; utc; grab-site http://pmvtoday.com/forum/ 1>1log1.txt 2>1log2.txt; utc
>[in progress]
Hopefully it doesn't take 15 days or longer. Maybe it will finish in 1 to 3 days.

Anon 01/12/2024 (Fri) 02:25 [Preview] No.9319 del
Webpage retrieval is slow, likely slower than Ponychan:
$ utc; sleep 10 & disown; a=$(ps aux | grep -v grep | grep sleep | sed "s/ubuntu\s*//g" | sed "s/ .*//g"); cd ./warc/009/pmvtoday.com-forum-2024-01-11-4c54c2d1; du -sh .; tail -fn5 --pid=$a wpull.log; utc
[1] 30394
510M	.
2024-01-11 19:19:38,620 - wpull.processor.base - ERROR - Fetching ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/forum-21-19923.html’ encountered an error: Connect timed out.
2024-01-11 19:19:38,630 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/forum-21-10266.html’.
2024-01-11 19:19:43,257 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/forum-21-10266.html’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html; charset=UTF-8].
2024-01-11 19:20:18,409 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/forum-21-7688.html’.
2024-01-11 19:20:19,597 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/forum-21-17526.html’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html; charset=UTF-8].
2024-01-11 19:21:00,291 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/forum-21-19789.html’.

Anon 01/12/2024 (Fri) 06:37 [Preview] No.9320 del
I didn't intend for this to be gay, but that site responded with that text so I went with it.

Here's a page from that book from online folder
-> uploaded to Crapsite:
>u: https://derpibooru.org/images/3279070
>d: 2024-01-12T06:33:11Z
>t: pony, ponified, spike, cutie mark, safe, book, text, open book, irl

Anon 01/12/2024 (Fri) 11:24 [Preview] No.9321 del
"WARC: vintage.ponychan.net" (2020):
>total size of requested files (409 GB) is too large for zip-on-the-fly


In the past, there were posts about organization and IPFS. One method is indexing via text files. Another good method is indexing via MFS: use the "ipfs files" set of commands; also use text files and stuff. Get info on pins:
$ ipfs pin ls --type=recursive | sed "s/ .*//g" | xargs -d \
"\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $args; ipfs ls -s --size=false $args \
| head; sleep 10; echo; done' _ # see also: "ipfs files stat \
which is also helpful for copying CIDs into IPFS MFS.


Notes on uploading to archive.org:
$ ia upload <ID> "./path/to/folder1" --metadata="[...]"
Entire path from working directory to and including "folder1" will be replicated on HTTPS server, so http.../<ID_root>/path/to/folder1/
$ ia upload <ID> "./path/to/folder1/file1.ext" --metadata="[...]"
No path replication, file uploaded to ID root, local:./path/to/folder1/file1.ext -> server:http.../<ID_root>/file1.ext
$ cd /path/to/folder/; cat /path/to/filelist.txt | \
xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do date -u; ~/Downloads/ia \
upload <ID> "$args" --metadata="[...]"; date -u; done' _
Use this to upload files/folders after a program exit or crash. File "filelist.txt" should contain local paths to files/folders which haven't yet been uploaded to that item but should be. Maybe todo: better automation.

>The Sound and the Fury
book by William Faulkner; PDF also pinned by LibGen here:
>youtube watch?v=KjnbUGbgHeM
video by BENBROS

Anon 01/12/2024 (Fri) 13:03 [Preview] No.9322 del
I'm glad someone grabbed ml.ponychan.net back in 2020. I have that here:
>$ d=/z1/data/4443494/ml.ponychan.net/warc; ls $d | head -n2; ls $d | tail -n3


ponebin.org dumps as of 2023-04-04:
(In the "storage computer" it is also stored at MFS paths "/a/blocks/history/QmaJbZCKT2NFiPujZEiPAhWVvXc7NEe6dgHWMTNCttRjZi/" and "/a/web_raws/ponepaste.org/".)

Read tarball:
>$ vim <(ipfs cat -l 90900 /ipfs/QmYKAF6NDGbDgNqWk888mQ8W3vpeCdmoStkiLvRf7ML6M9 | zcat)
Some of the text that I saw in there:
> >He jabs you with a hoof. "Hey new blood, I got seniority so don't be giving me any lip, you hear?" he says with a smirk.
> >You roll your eyes and throw your pack on.
> "Let me get my gloves."
> -Music: https://youtube.com/watch?v=uakPJhG9kYU- [Embed]
> >"Okay go!"
> >You take a running leap over the guard railing of your patio and enter momentary freefall.

I was going to unpin and gc npr music torrent QmZd...VzFj, but due to symlinking .data files it didn't work (false error seen below):
>$ ipfs pin rm QmZdZivuq9znqcbezyRejafMfiws9oiaVjFpw1nggsVzFj
>Error: write [$HOME]/.ipfs/datastore/008041.log: no space left on device
>$ # even though I have hundreds of megabytes free; "ipfs repo gc" ran without errors.
Not a big problem since that is an error in the "server computer" and not the "storage computer". I wonder how I could do this: find all .data files in $IPFS_PATH/blocks/* associated with a CID then manually delete them.

Anon 01/12/2024 (Fri) 16:01 [Preview] No.9323 del
It's getting http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-*.html a lot quicker for some reason:
>$ utc; sleep 10 & disown; a=$(ps aux | grep -v grep | grep sleep | sed "s/ubuntu\s*//g" | sed "s/ .*//g"); cd ./warc/009/pmvtoday.com-forum-2024-01-11-4c54c2d1; du -sh .; tail -fn5 --pid=$a wpull.log; utc # this command: >>9319
>[1] 70951
>864M .
>2024-01-12 08:54:46,228 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-65991.html’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html; charset=UTF-8].
>2024-01-12 08:54:46,255 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-66095.html’.
>2024-01-12 08:54:46,370 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-66095.html’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html; charset=UTF-8].
>2024-01-12 08:54:46,399 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-66087.html’.
>2024-01-12 08:54:46,527 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-66087.html’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html; charset=UTF-8].
>2024-01-12 08:54:56,366 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=6&page=3978’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html; charset=UTF-8].
>2024-01-12 08:54:56,529 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-91974.html’.

Uploading it:
>$ cd /z1/data/4443494/; head -n1 /z1/put/v/c | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do date -u; ~/Downloads/ia upload 75689cc179881574617267468223b3 "$args" --metadata="title:WARC: ml.ponychan.net" --metadata="subject:ml.ponychan.net; ponychan.net; Ponychan; www.ponychan.net; MLP:FIM; imageboard website; imageboard; website; site; image; images; MLP; FIM; My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic; My Little Pony Friendship is Magic; snowpity; brony; bronies; 4chan; 4chan.org; pony; ponies; mare; mares; little mare; little mares; little pony; little ponies; shut down; shutdown; website shut down; fan; fans; fandom; pegasister; pegasisters; MLP fan; MLP fans; anon; anons; anonymous; friend; friends; ponyfag; ponyfags; horsefucker; horsefuckers; hugbox; circlejerk; epic win; warc; grab; webpage; web page; webpages; web pages; thread; threads; Applejack; Fluttershy; Twilight Sparkle; Rainbow Dash; Rarity; Pinkie Pie; website which began in 2011; website which began in early 2011" --metadata="description:From https://ml.ponychan.net/ as of 2020. Ponychan, an old MLP:FIM imageboard website, shut down in the 9th hour of 2024-01-08 UTC. This grab was uploaded and shared in part thanks to the anons at Endchan /pone/." --metadata="mediatype:data" --metadata="collection:opensource_media" --metadata="date:2020"; date -u; done' _
Images from ipfs://bafybeidhakvvi267766osowdy5q4bk2u2gi2x5xujb3lgsttnme33ulf7a

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 03:34 [Preview] No.9325 del
With &filter_id=2 I searched Twibooru for "penis nipples", "nipple dicks", "shitting nipple dicks", etc. I found no results. No pony porn for that niche tag, which I think first started in hentai. Attached: that classic shitting nipple dicks image. I was thinking about this because today I had a dream where Tara Strong maybe had nipple dicks (two penises, each normal/maybe a bit above average size, definitely no fecal matter). In the dream other stuff happened (maybe I will detail the whole thing), such as: I saw a depiction of Twilight Sparkle near her VA. Also Tara Strong was basically nude and she kinda spread her pussy which I saw. Writings from journoscum:
> https://www.vice.com/en/article/3b47j3/shitting-dicknipples-is-the-weirdest-porn-category-on-the-internet
Image from the old ED:
> https://web.archive.org/web/20170525204029/https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/File:Shitting_Dicknipples.jpg

pmvtoday.com grab died. Will try to install grab-site on a more stable computer:
>$ sudo apt-get update
>$ sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends wget ca-certificates git build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev libffi-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libre2-dev pkg-config
>$ TZ=UTC wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer/master/bin/pyenv-installer
>$ chmod +x pyenv-installer
>$ ./pyenv-installer
>$ ~/.pyenv/bin/pyenv install 3.8.15
>$ ~/.pyenv/versions/3.8.15/bin/python -m venv ~/gs-venv
>$ ~/gs-venv/bin/pip install --no-binary lxml --upgrade git+https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/grab-site
>$ PATH="$PATH:$HOME/gs-venv/bin"
>$ # "restart your shell (e.g. by opening a new terminal tab/window)."

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 05:47 [Preview] No.9326 del
>pmvtoday.com grab died. Will try to install grab-site on a more stable computer
I installed it in the other Linux computer. It didn't work in that one. I don't feel like fixing python bullshit or whatever is causing it to not work. I'll just use the crappy unstable computer, this time ignoring already-downloaded threads. The "ignores" file has 72,778 lines/URLs; hopefully that much regexing doesn't make it work too slowly. More info below.

"./pmvtoday.com-forum-2024-01-11-4c54c2d1/wpull.log" -> vim
:g!/200 OK/d
-> make URL list and save to "1w200_1.txt" (has 104,137 lines) -> do not ignore entry point links like http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/forum-... -> vim
(29,378 fewer lines = 72,778 lines) -> ignore all threads which I already downloaded vim
:%s/^/^/g | %s/$/$/g
and save to "1w200i1.txt". Running this, has to download 25,000+ thread index webpages again, but whatever, maybe that will be faster now if they got cached due to me and stuff:
>$ utc; grab-site --import-ignores 1w200i1.txt http://pmvtoday.com/forum/ 1>2log1.txt 2>2log2.txt; utc
>[ saving to ./warc/009/pmvtoday.com-forum-2024-01-13-b8f5fc74/ ]

What's the structure of that site?
* thread #1 http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-1.html
* thread #1 page #3 http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-1-3.html
* thread #10 http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-10.html
* thread #100,200 http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-100200.html
* other URLs

I guess I have all of /forum/archive/index.php/forum- downloaded, so if I did this differently I could use no ignores but have start_urls set to the thread numbers which I didn't download. Concern: pages of threads might get skipped in some cases like with what I'm using now; possible solution = extract all .html files from .warc.gz via warcat (https://github.com/chfoo/warcat - this one I think) then "lynx -dump" in search of "thread-\d+-\d+.html" for thread-[thread_number]-[thread_page].html

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 06:44 [Preview] No.9327 del
I basically found it!
>curl -X POST 'https://dweb.link/api/v0/dag/export?arg=YOUR_CID‘ --output FILENAME.car
Maybe there was more documentation on that API elsewhere.

Another sad thing about all of those post bodies being gone: think of all the YouTube links to pony music videos and other videos which may have only existed in pmvtoday.com = all gone now. And if the videos are totally gone also then that data and associated posts have been completely memory-holed or have disappeared without a trace. Many of the threads in PMV Today Forum have been memory-holed (if not saved to wbm or whatever years ago), but there's still a trace of what was.

grab-site with input_file with 200,000 lines works. IIRC, if it had 400,000 lines it wouldn't work. I think I now have all of the oldest threads in PMV Today from "...forum/archive/index.php..."

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 09:03 [Preview] No.9328 del
I know that sinking feeling. When the option is gone... or little is left. It can be disheartening and haunting.

>Another sad thing about all of those post bodies being gone: think of all the YouTube links to pony music videos and other videos which may have only existed in pmvtoday.com = all gone now.
The comfort I have here is a somewhat cold one. The great privating of unlisted videos that already occurred probably took out most of the videos that would've been unlisted.

>I installed it in the other Linux computer. It didn't work in that one. I don't feel like fixing python bullshit or whatever is causing it to not work.
Different OS and set up?

>I'll just use the crappy unstable computer,
I have lots of experience with crappy unstable computers! Durring the height of my time archiving here I had:
A Dell D610 Latitude with broken hinges, it couldn't stay on without the plug held in
A Vostro... can't remember model, laptop also, ditto on issues above.
Decent but also old Gateway Tablet PC.
All trying to scramble and save stuff. My Internet even then was shaky and caring for my grandfather in decline. It was far from a smooth operation or a sane idea.

Anyway, yeah, I can relate to crappy unstable computer doing archive tasks.

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 09:20 [Preview] No.9329 del
(593.26 KB 1332x1070 1689018.png)
Oh, indeed I do want to have a mention of stories like that. Thanks for the link as well!

>ponyville is even less of my type of place than ponychan but seeing them warmly embracing their old edgier cousins and old friends reuiniting has given me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
Ditto on both counts.

>greentext anon
>It's not perfect because desuarchive's detection is imperfect. I could make the script better if I want. I don't know if working on that would really matter if you aren't reading this though.
Two things:
1): Linking this to anchor, should he show up: >>9093

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 09:28 [Preview] No.9331 del
2017 video not in TPA - "I'm Blue (PMV)" (half a million views, loginwalled):

>wonder how I could do this: find all .data files in $IPFS_PATH/blocks/*/ associated with a CID then manually delete the .data files.
Did some research on that, saw nothing. Solutions: learn more about how that sharding works (read the source code or something), analyze the data, more research.

>Different OS and set up?
with that probably 64-computer computer, grab-site didn't work in Ubuntu (problem with re2) and now I see it doesn't work in Linux Mint also, something about DNS. Maybe I could fix it in Mint. grab-site has also been updated since then so maybe it would work in Ubuntu in that computer.

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 09:31 [Preview] No.9332 del
*64-bit computer

BTW, I watched this video on purple gold - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=d6Pcp944sRI - really cool how he used chemistry to turn gold into dust. First thing I thought when I saw that purple heart-shaped jewelry: horse pussy clit.

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 10:15 [Preview] No.9335 del
Small channel: TheBlank_Page_UCLf2fF1EL_Mr_vC8u6KpPrw

>software issue
Solution which might not work: use IPFS Cluster instead, don't symlink any DATA files. Or, maybe use this, which requires nodejs (so perhaps no): https://github.com/Alexcitten/ShardingIPFS . Image from Ponychan, CSS works:

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 10:33 [Preview] No.9336 del
I'm dumb, pressed the wrong button.
was going to attach to >>9335

Some text on that webpage:
>going to equestria sounds fun until you realize you have to explain every and anything about humanity to ponies, almost like how a kid will ask you how the most complicated shit works, chances are ponies won't shut up and ask you about redudent things endlessy.

A "Goodbye Ponychan" thread:

So CSS works there and not in some other links because it asks for the stylesheet from root. And if the gateway is at http.../ipfs/... then root doesn't have JS+CSS, but if it is a link like this then it does have it: http...cid.ipfs.host/...

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 14:55 [Preview] No.9337 del
Enumeration completed so far: thread #1 to thread #269872

673MpdmO4qQ local, remote, top, video file linked in
which is from
>sftp> get ./youtube/TheBlank_Page_UCLf2fF1EL_Mr_vC8u6KpPrw/I_m_Blue_PMV-TheBlank_Page-20170428-youtube-1920x1080-673MpdmO4qQ.*
one of the comments in .info.json:
>"id": "UgxfRA7oLP5gPMkYHxB4AaABAg.8eIKYkQnYkz8wB5Cz3pDXd", "text": "I LOVE RAINBOW DASH SO MUCH[...]

Great, IPFS Cluster -- https://dweb.link/ipns/ipfscluster.io/ ( ipns://ipfscluster.io ) -- also works in 32-bit computers.

Anon 01/13/2024 (Sat) 17:52 [Preview] No.9338 del
>>Another sad thing about all of those post bodies being gone: think of all the YouTube links to pony music videos and other videos which may have only existed in pmvtoday.com = all gone now.
>The comfort I have here is a somewhat cold one. The great privating of unlisted videos that already occurred probably took out most of the videos that would've been unlisted.
I don't get it, how is that a comfort? That event made videos even more inaccessible.

Possible solution: make a union mount or overlay filesystem. In this video - https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=DfENwtNRlD4 - he says that the lower layer of the overlay FS = read-only; that wouldn't be very helpful to me if I couldn't delete "./lower_layer/somefile.txt", and also maybe not helpful because programs would try deleting from the non-lower-layer folder. (If I can delete ./lower_layer/somefile.txt then I could compare upper layer with lower layer occasionally to manually delete files to better sync them.)

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 03:34 [Preview] No.9339 del
Rule34.xxx is an advertising website ran by booru.org cocksuckers. I see that they implement rate limiting - wbm/https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9031491 - will keep that in mind if I want to download webpages, comments, images, etc. from there. Various retards comment a lot on image posts in that imageboard, and it has some MLP images. web.archive.org only allows like 2000 captures of that site per day - so rate limiting there also.

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 04:59 [Preview] No.9340 del
(95.85 KB 1024x768 archive.is-scr.png)
"WARC: ml.ponychan.net":
>total size of requested files (79 GB) is too large for zip-on-the-fly
Attached image from https://web.archive.org/web/20200812150310/https://ml.ponychan.net/

>that keygen music set (original files+mp3s)
3m10s to 3m22s in 'Big Giant Circles - The Glory Days: "Peanut Butter Cupquakes"' at https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=izMEU4orFBU sounds a lot like a specific section of audio from those non-mp3 audio files. (Other parts of "Peanut Butter Cupquakes" might also sound like specific audio from that linked keygen music set).

>/ipns/ipfscluster.io [ currently resolves to ipfs://bafybeic4rlezfo6b4fmkteyusnztk7by6t4hsfawe5eid6jasusjn74u6a ]
Odd: https://web.archive.org/web/20240113175801if_/https://ipfscluster-io.ipns.dweb.link/cluster/svg/cluster_cube_illustr.svg - caused by 404'd images

Weird block/limiting page from that site - "TANWP不當資訊防護系統 - 您疑似欲連線至不當網站":

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 05:31 [Preview] No.9341 del
Size of channel folder for TheBlank_Page UCLf2fF1EL_Mr_vC8u6KpPrw = 2.3G. I'm guessing that he set Family friendly=No on 673MpdmO4qQ to prevent the video from getting MFK'd - which would result in the hundreds of comments on https://web.archive.org/web/20240113090945/https://invidious.privacydev.net/watch?v=673MpdmO4qQ getting deleted.

>TANWP不當資訊防護系統 - 您疑似欲連線至不當網站
Translation from https://simplytranslate.esmailelbob.xyz/?engine=google :
>TANWP Inappropriate Information Protection System - You are suspected of trying to connect to an inappropriate website

Video from[...]/youtube/TheBlank_Page_UCLf2fF1EL_Mr_vC8u6KpPrw/My_Little_Pony_Intro_Friends_style-TheBlank_Page-20170125-youtube-1280x720-BM__x47d8sc.webm

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 07:23 [Preview] No.9342 del
>YouTube is an American online video-sharing platform headquartered in San Bruno, California. The service, created in February 2005 by three former PayPal employees—Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim—was bought by Google in November 2006

Another loginwalled video from that channel not in TPA - "Stamp On The Ground (PMV)" (2017):

Years ago, comments were posted about something similar - https://web.archive.org/web/20240114062112/https://invidious.einfachzocken.eu/watch?v=izMEU4orFBU ->
>3:13 omfg hahahaha nice quote! I love how you hid little secrets in these songs . . . That tune is from a Eurovision song from 1991, Carola - fangad av en stormvind. And yes, Eurovision 1991 is just as corny as you'd imagine [ https://invidious.einfachzocken.eu/watch?v=ft1QeiAG2fg ] . . .
Speaking of music based on music, audio in attached video, which was posted in the previous thread, is apparently based on "Leviathan - Chug Jug With You (Lyrics) | number one victory royale yeah fortnite we bout to get down" (2021-02):

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 08:23 [Preview] No.9343 del
That was no longer a problem like 12 to 24 hours after >>9246 was posted.

Here's Stamp_On_The_Ground_PMV-TheBlank_Page-20170410-youtube-1920x1080-Ix4iEjtCK6Y.* + MP4 derive ("ffmpeg -i ${in}.mkv -c:v copy ${out}.mkv.mp4"):

Used a slightly different version of this command >>9265 :
echo n=$n; n=$(expr $n + 1); echo $n; d="$HOME/.ipfs/blocks/$(ls $HOME/.ipfs/blocks \
| tail -n+$n | head -n1)"; echo d=$d; l $d; echo after:; find $d -type f | xargs -d "\n" \
sh -c 'for args do f=$(echo $args | sed "s/.*\///g"); cp -n $args /tmp/a/linkedblocks/$f; \
rm $args; ln -s /tmp/a/linkedblocks/$f $args; done' _; l $d; df -h 2>/dev/null | grep \

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 09:13 [Preview] No.9344 del
(428.16 KB 2560x1440 sunset.png)
"Sunset Shimmer is the best anything!":
site runs this software: "Apache/2.4.29 (Debian) Server at Port 80"

Inaccessible WARCs:
* https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=
** https://archive.org/download/liveweb-20170820062144
** https://archive.org/download/spn2-20200827225309
** etc.

Open-access WARC:
* https://ipfs.pchain.id/ipfs/QmcpBiSaSnNgrWMtmCssVdEgojWGN6vy9kP4gXNm5U4GgX
** was going to pin this 2020 grab to w3s, but I guess I gotta update the API or whatever because this no longer works: "$ node put-files.js --token=$(cat token) /tmp/sftp/" -> "[...]Error: This API feature has been sunset, and is no longer available. To continue uploading, use the new web3.storage API: https://web3.storage/docs.[...]"

Where the stars are scattered thinly, and the cold of space seeps in. /spike /twilight /pinkie /octavia /cloudsdale /temp. Image from

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 09:37 [Preview] No.9345 del
Dead MyBB-like forum website: brohoof.kilorat.com ("Brohoof.com")

$ grep "^http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/" /z1/data/4443494/brohoof.kilorat.com_port_8880/warc/brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16.cdx | wc -l
>707885 [URLs]
>613 URLs have been captured for this URL prefix.

Image from
brohoof.kilorat.com:8880 looks like this today in 2024-01-14:

>has been sunset
Funny coincidence

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 09:49 [Preview] No.9347 del
Some of the URLs not in WBM that someone thankfully saved:
>$ head -n 9000 brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16.cdx | grep "^http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/" | sort -R | head[...]
>http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/topic/57589-powerpuff-girls-2016-reboot/ 1608395055 - - CFDIAK3EYC6676AC6O5JEX3RRU6DO3NV 17036 17112519 brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:e6376b20-8465-4387-a3d0-d9cd7af958d3>
>http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/topic/56941-sorry/ 1608395349 - - NCYQOF3IXUKSXXGQ4V6ZPHLT3RYABLBN 9679 51150698 brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:939800c9-4cdc-48a0-9b71-5a956390577d>
>http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/topic/57522-violetp/ 1608395339 - - WDO7FK5DKE3JNTKQHEXVWB75PVOU7GR7 9228 49428398 brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:0aeeb001-2942-4c67-b5c8-e0894bb07ee9>
>http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/topic/36602-rainbowdash115268/ 1608395526 - - XZ45OTV5TVMZIRL6TLUDYGJQLNVTW3A6 10489 91996697 brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:a7594c1a-4672-4bbc-b83f-96f4ffac102f>
>http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/user/38442-mar2ck/ 1608395475 - - MASIWS3IRYXSPVFHRIN37L2FCBVV6HPK 7359 68116958 brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:94195822-48e2-46e1-9d36-28c946a0d77c>
>http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/user/39825-mystic/?tab=posts 1608395513 - - QSQBP2N4TOAVJS3GWCLEFJJ6X7CE72RG 9370 80507681 brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:426ebb24-695e-4dba-a34d-67027eb0cb09>
>http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/topic/13410-lavawaterobsidian-grief-by-andreww1218-and-arceaus1/ 1608395535 - - FEDK3643OE72XANJVC5ODOHZQ5DW5CL3 10328 93174889 brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:eb37a746-a783-43dc-9134-043688b41df2>
>http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/topic/47427-dominus-nox-critiques-welcomed/ 1608395146 - - ZX4I4BXE2XJ4ER54PVWR52XRRBBF4MLD 10463 22016765 brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:b86d2cbb-39f3-4f8e-a0cd-8b13ebd4c261>
>http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/topic/52960-have-no-idea-what-im-doing-help/ 1608394761 - - P5NI4ONGPXD3PXEJKN4TPQZ42PKU3GVE 21754 2943841 brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:0505a823-50f8-4eb5-b67b-fa23bda42fe1>

doesn't break it but this does >>9207 >>9275 :
I guess because it has the "/" then "%".

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 14:26 [Preview] No.9349 del
Recently saw this cool video - "Lemur Sequencer" (2006-12):

More well-known - "Evolution of Dance" (2006-04):

Uploaded ~2 years and ~1.2 years after YouTube began. I was also thinking: what's the oldest MLP video which is still live on YouTube?

Other possible solution: use unionfs or unionfs-fuse.
- https://en-wikipedia--on--ipfs-org.ipns.dweb.link/wiki/UnionFS
- https://linux.die.net/man/8/unionfs-fuse
- https://yt-us.anon.no/redirect?referer=/watch?v=aCBRT1PLV50

Double asterisk = italics in //magrathea.endchan.net and nothing in //endchan.net

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 15:07 [Preview] No.9350 del
2011 video not in TPA - "Chumbawamba - Tubthumping (PMV)" (from small channel Silverleaf_UCtuXnyk13LevE7Fsgch4UnQ):

LOL, I rewatched this today, entertaining video.

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 15:47 [Preview] No.9351 del
Got ~2/3 of it:
via updated downloader:
$ echo $IPFS_PATH; yt-dlp -j --flat-playlist UUtuXnyk13LevE7Fsgch4UnQ > 1plist1.json 2>1error1.log.txt; cat 1plist1.json | jq ".id" | tr -d \" >> 1plist1.txt; fdir=$(yt-dlp --get-filename --skip-download --restrict-filenames --windows-filenames -o "%(channel)s_%(channel_id)s" -- $(head -n1 1plist1.txt)); if [ -f $fdir ]; then sleep 9d; else mkdir $fdir; fi; cd $fdir; mv -n ../1plist1.txt .; mv -n ../1plist1.json .; mv -n ../1error1.log.txt .; utc | tr -d \\n > 1stats1.txt; echo " overall start" >> 1stats1.txt; chan=$(pwd | grep -o "........................$"); bash <(ipfs cat bafkreiax2gvahqvtx5vbnrnnz62p2robdj5n6zgy3xykwlwdwh4fvqety4); utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " channel video count, metadata, profile picture, and banner downloaded" >> 1stats1.txt; cat 1plist1.txt | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do wget --spider --no-verbose "https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=$args" -o temp.txt; cat temp.txt >> 1plist2.txt; done' _; rm temp.txt; grep -v '!!!\| 200 OK$' 1plist2.txt | sed "s/.*=//g" | sed "s/://g" > 1plist3.txt; ids=1plist3.txt; utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " check other site done" >> 1stats1.txt; bash <(echo -n "ids=1plist3.txt;"; ipfs cat bafkreidih3jklvypuib2lisvi2du4lodhdjt5ebr36o7v52f6xmegltlty); utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " videos, descriptions, thumbnails, info JSON with comments, and any subtitles downloaded" >> 1stats1.txt; cat $ids | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do fname=$(yt-dlp --restrict-filenames --windows-filenames --skip-download --get-filename -o "%(title)s-%(channel)s-%(upload_date)s-%(extractor)s-%(resolution)s-%(id)s.apimeta.txt" -- $args 2>>1error1.log.txt); curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=snippet,id,contentDetails,liveStreamingDetails,localizations,player,recordingDetails,statistics,status,topicDetails&id=$args" > $fname; done' _; utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " video metadata downloaded" >> 1stats1.txt; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channelSections?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails&channelId=$chan" > 1_channel_sections_1.json; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlists?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,localizations,player,status&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50" > 1_channel_playlists_1.json; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/subscriptions?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,subscriberSnippet&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50" > 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json; if [ $(cat 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json | jq .pageInfo.totalResults) -gt 50 ]; then nextpagetoken=$(cat 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json | jq -r .nextPageToken); while [ ! "$nextpagetoken" = "null" ]; do echo $nextpagetoken; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/subscriptions?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,subscriberSnippet&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50&pageToken=$nextpagetoken" > temp.txt; cat temp.txt >> 1_channel_subscriptions_all_1.json; nextpagetoken=$(cat temp.txt | jq -r .nextPageToken); done; utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " channel metadata such as playlists and subscriptions downloaded" >> 1stats1.txt; fi; utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " overall done" >> 1stats1.txt; bash <(ipfs cat bafkreibmctj6wjeajcf2ce36efsatxicjfazuo63fow46wpmk3wstwfcxa); cd ..

JewTube said
"WARNING: [youtube] Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error 429: Too Many Requests" x4
when trying to download agX7c4Keu98 so I didn't get it:

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 16:08 [Preview] No.9352 del
>uploaded in 2011-12-22
>"drinks a cider drink"
Was that before "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000"? Yes, original air date in US=2012-01-28:

>HTTP 429
Possible fix: update yt-dlp. Older binary:
>$ whereis yt-dlp
>yt-dlp: /usr/local/bin/yt-dlp
>$ # --wrap-with-directory $f: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmfYybVACVGKxZ1JLW4VjddSfVrZoTwUmnmDzcenB9c8bd
Newer binary:
>$ sudo yt-dlp -U
>Available version: [email protected], Current version: [email protected]
>Current Build Hash: be5cfb6be8930e1a5f427533ec32f2a481276b3da7b249d0150ce2b740ccf1ce
>Updating to [email protected] ...
>Updated yt-dlp to [email protected]
>$ # -w $f: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmVCrLHbj32diP9giS6FqX3KjYX4CDDmgP5tEpz421W8TA

Anon 01/14/2024 (Sun) 16:34 [Preview] No.9353 del
Uploading it:
>$ cd /z1/data/4443494/; head -n 8 /z1/put/v/c | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do date -u; ~/Downloads/ia upload 750142375737467665727802752579 "$args" --metadata="title:WARC: brohoof.kilorat.com:8880" --metadata="subject:brohoof.kilorat.com:8880; brohoof.kilorat.com; kilorat.com:8880; kilorat.com; MLP:FIM; forum website; forum; website; site; image; images; MLP; FIM; My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic; My Little Pony Friendship is Magic; brohoof; brony; bronies; kilorat; dead; pony; ponies; mare; mares; little mare; little mares; little pony; little ponies; dead website; dead site; dead MyBB-like forum website; fan; fans; fandom; fan-made website; HTTP 523: Origin is unreachable; MLP fan; MLP fans; Minecraft; MyBB-like forum website; video game; friend; friends; video games; My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic; user; users; Brohoof.com; Off Topic; music; warc; grab; webpage; web page; webpages; web pages; thread; threads; fanart; fan art; Twilight Sparkle; Rainbow Dash; Sweetie Belle; unicorn; pegasus; fanmade website" --metadata="description:From http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/ as of 2020. http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/ was an MLP-related MyBB-like forum website which went offline ~years before 2024." --metadata="mediatype:data" --metadata="collection:opensource_media" --metadata="date:2020"; date -u; done' _

>mangofoalix UUjJlB82tvM3lXOMp_Pk0dNQ
Downloading it

K2h8UEVx4MY local, remote, top, video file at

disregard that i suck cocks agX7c4Keu98 is in tpa so that's why the script didn't get it

Anon 01/15/2024 (Mon) 05:07 [Preview] No.9354 del
Video not in TPA (AC/DC):

DDG: https://www.youtube.com › watch?v=5BjARE2Sr1I
PMV: Rainbow Dash - You shook me all night long - YouTube
VDOMDHTMLtml> PMV: Rainbow Dash - You shook me all night long - YouTube I had to make a Rainbow dash PMV with this song... I found that it was rather fitting.I only used windows moviemaker,...

>This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds
Except it's blocked in every country.

Anon 01/15/2024 (Mon) 06:07 [Preview] No.9356 del
Also blocked in that channel:
>$ cat 1_ytdlp_error_1.log.txt
>WARNING: [youtube:tab] YouTube said: INFO - 2 unavailable videos are hidden
>ERROR: [youtube] c8a5oW11KQg: Video unavailable. This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds
>ERROR: [youtube] 5BjARE2Sr1I: Video unavailable. This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds

>Except it's blocked in every country.
API metadata says the following ( curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=snippet,id,contentDetails,liveStreamingDetails,localizations,player,recordingDetails,statistics,status,topicDetails&id=5BjARE2Sr1I" ):
>"id": "5BjARE2Sr1I"[...]"publishedAt": "2011-12-14T18:43:41Z"[...]"channelId": "UCTQ8Qeq5j2j3OK5Hl5TPCSg",
>"title": "PMV: Rainbow Dash - You shook me all night long",
>"description": "I had to make a Rainbow dash PMV with this song... I found that it was rather fitting.\r\nI only used windows moviemaker, so it isn't some super quality, but it's okay I guess. \r\n\r\nHD is your friend! \r\n\r\n\r\nDISCLAMIER:\r\nMy Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Rarity ©Hasbro\r\nYou shook me all night long - AC/DC",
>"contentDetails": {"duration": "PT3M33S","dimension": "2d","definition": "hd","caption": "false","licensedContent": false,"regionRestriction": {"blocked": [
>"madeForKids": true[...]"viewCount": "6665","likeCount": "66","favoriteCount": "0","commentCount": "0"
I accidentally ran "$ vim >(cat 5BjARE2Sr1I.txt)" which was annoying; it seemed to get stuck. (Intended to run "vim <(cat 5BjARE2Sr1I.txt)".)
So is there any country that isn't one of those countries? UY=Uruguay, ES=Estonia, US=USA, etc.

Video from

Anon 01/15/2024 (Mon) 06:27 [Preview] No.9357 del
Actually, ES=Spain and EE=Estonia: https://www.iban.com/country-codes - I see there's no code for PV, so PV=Ponyville; same with EQ, so EQ=Equestria.

= www.iban.com/country-codes AND 5BjARE2Sr1I, so they are the same list. Blocked in 249 countries.

>there are now 195 independent sovereign nations in the world (not including the disputed but de facto independent Taiwan, plus some 60 dependent areas and several disputed territories, such as Kosovo.
So like 249 to 255 countries on Earth. For any country without a 2-letter country code, I assume it is also blocked there.

So that video is blocked worldwide, completely inaccessible. Perhaps in like 50 years when copyright expires or before then if something happens, then that video can be downloaded. I wish YouTube would just tell me that it is blocked worldwide without having to use its API.

Anon 01/15/2024 (Mon) 18:35 [Preview] No.9358 del
ziViFWAfVzU local, remote, top, video file at

>>Which was first: Ponibooru or Ponychan?
>I want to say, Ponychan.
. proof 2011-09-23 , ref 2011-07-01 - https://web.archive.org/web/20110923175817/http://www.ponibooru.org/
. proof 2011-02-15 , ref 2011-02-08 - https://web.archive.org/web/20110215033233/http://www.ponychan.net:80/chan/

So it looks like Ponychan was first, which was my guess too.

Had pic related error on that site like a week or two ago.
404 today also

Images from
. https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmcXAT515S3Lb223p5GHqhWexVQ6h22cxpietS9UnK3fFk
. ipfs://bafybeias454lhrn5ge6ysqscvt6akulryaknm2urojvzsbl6mq6fytkumy/pony/res/36834471.html - Rainbow Dash thread in Ponychan
.. lol'd at "Dash_butt_wings.png" a while ago
.. has this text regarding "Email":
... "sage — lets you post without bumping a thread." - everyone knows that
... "nonoko — uses the original post behavior to redirect to the board index." - I don't get it. Update: I guess I get it - you don't stay in the thread right after you make a post.
... text shows up in the no-CSS/JS/thumbs version at https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafybeias454lhrn5ge6ysqscvt6akulryaknm2urojvzsbl6mq6fytkumy/pony/res/36834471.html

Anon 01/15/2024 (Mon) 18:55 [Preview] No.9359 del
>like a week or two ago.
more like about 3 or more weeks ago

>Ponychan thread
That "hover over image to see the full-sized version" thing is sorta bringing back memories. I think that was a feature for most of the time that website was up. Ponychan existed for like 13 years. Video with metadata with "nostalgia" from
> "Nostalgic_Dreams-mangofoalix-20220411-youtube-1920x1080-G6AoMd5E5ck.mkv"=83 MiB, so too big for here

Anon 01/15/2024 (Mon) 19:37 [Preview] No.9360 del
(1.52 MB 576x324 1692418999740.gif)
>from mega.nz at ipfs://QmPf29yMVzk6hfpVAvA3gtGKZv6N8XAG9mACp6neBg6bP2/MLP.flv/
. PMV_ChopSuey.flv + MP4 derive: >>9219 >>9299
. MLP-Tetris.flv + MP4 derive: https://ipfs.moralis.io/ipfs/QmVnXDVom1MwjpGB67QdwM2dvkhkJJcWznviXGtHRMSgXW
.. funny song and/or PMV; local, remote
.. FFmpeg says "httphostheader : o-o---preferred---sn-nx57yn7y---v6---nonxt6.c.youtube.com".
.. I guess I love Tetris. I at least like it. (Tetris is sometimes annoying, so call it a love-hate relationship.) I've played various form of that game a lot. Recently I've been playing tint - https://pkgs.org/download/tint - "Tetris clone for text based terminal". I have a high score of about 1600 in tint. Was playing tint/Tetris (http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/t/tint/tint_0.07_amd64.deb or nearby) and listening to Iron Maiden like a couple days ago.

should have looked in the image file metadata before posting that. it says "Date/Time Original : 2023:12:27 21:44:08".

Image from Ponychan/pony/res/36834471.html >>9358

Anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 06:23 [Preview] No.9361 del
"Chestnut Mare":
>Always alone, never with a herd
>Pretties mare I've ever seen
>You'll have to take my word.
>I'm going to catch that horse sometime soon
>And when I do I'll make her aswoon.

>adapt my YT channel downloader so I have a separate thing which does the following: only download one or multiple videos from a channel and save to "${channel_name}_${channel_id}.partial"
Somewhat done, it works: see next post.

*from mega.nz, offline at

Video from

Anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 06:27 [Preview] No.9362 del
$ echo 5HdCTKsO5AE > s.txt
$ echo $IPFS_PATH; fdir=$(yt-dlp --get-filename --skip-download --restrict-filenames --windows-filenames -o "%(channel)s_%(channel_id)s" -- $(head -n1 s.txt)); if [ -f ${fdir}.partial ]; then sleep 9d; else mkdir ${fdir}.partial; fi; cd ${fdir}.partial; mv -n ../s.txt .; utc | tr -d \\n > 1stats1.txt; echo " overall start" >> 1stats1.txt; chan=$(pwd | sed "s/.partial$//g" | grep -o "........................$"); curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,statistics,topicDetails,status,brandingSettings,localizations&id=$chan" > 1chan1.json; chanp=$(jq ".items[].snippet.thumbnails.high.url" 1chan1.json | tr -d \"); chand=$(echo $chanp | sed "s/=.*/=s0/g"); curl -sL $chanp > 1pfp1.img.jpg; curl -sL $chand > 1pfp2.img.png; banc=$(curl -sL https://y.com.sb/channel/$chan | grep "=w2560-fcrop64=" | sed "s/\" alt=.*//g" | sed "s/.*\".ggpht/https:\/\/yt3.googleusercontent.com/g"); band=$(echo $banc | sed "s/=.*/=w0/g"); curl -sL $banc > 1banner1.img.jpg; curl -sL $band > 1banner2.img.png; utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " metadata, profile picture, and banner downloaded" >> 1stats1.txt; cat s.txt | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do wget --spider --no-verbose "https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=$args" -o temp.txt; cat temp.txt >> 1plist2.txt; done' _; rm temp.txt; grep -v '!!!\| 200 OK$' 1plist2.txt | sed "s/.*=//g" | sed "s/://g" > 1plist3.txt; ids=1plist3.txt; utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " check other site done" >> 1stats1.txt; bash <(echo -n "ids=1plist3.txt;"; ipfs cat bafkreidih3jklvypuib2lisvi2du4lodhdjt5ebr36o7v52f6xmegltlty); utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " videos, descriptions, thumbnails, info JSON with comments, and any subtitles downloaded" >> 1stats1.txt; cat $ids | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do fname=$(yt-dlp --restrict-filenames --windows-filenames --skip-download --get-filename -o "%(title)s-%(channel)s-%(upload_date)s-%(extractor)s-%(resolution)s-%(id)s.apimeta.txt" -- $args 2>>1error1.log.txt); curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=snippet,id,contentDetails,liveStreamingDetails,localizations,player,recordingDetails,statistics,status,topicDetails&id=$args" > $fname; done' _; utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " video metadata downloaded" >> 1stats1.txt; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channelSections?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails&channelId=$chan" > 1_channel_sections_1.json; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlists?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,localizations,player,status&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50" > 1_channel_playlists_1.json; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/subscriptions?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,subscriberSnippet&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50" > 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json; if [ $(cat 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json | jq .pageInfo.totalResults) -gt 50 ]; then nextpagetoken=$(cat 1_channel_subscriptions_1.json | jq -r .nextPageToken); while [ ! "$nextpagetoken" = "null" ]; do echo $nextpagetoken; curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/subscriptions?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=id,snippet,contentDetails,subscriberSnippet&channelId=$chan&maxResults=50&pageToken=$nextpagetoken" > temp.txt; cat temp.txt >> 1_channel_subscriptions_all_1.json; nextpagetoken=$(cat temp.txt | jq -r .nextPageToken); done; utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " channel metadata such as playlists and subscriptions downloaded" >> 1stats1.txt; fi; utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " overall done" >> 1stats1.txt; bash <(ipfs cat bafkreibmctj6wjeajcf2ce36efsatxicjfazuo63fow46wpmk3wstwfcxa); mv -n s.txt 1_set_1.txt; cd ..

Video from

Anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 06:38 [Preview] No.9363 del
>tint, which is basically Tetris
I like playing tint (s=show next, d=show lines). However, the speedup in regards to how fast the pieces fall is brutal. I don't really want to press a button multiple times in a row in a very fast way. I would be fine with a much more gradual speedup, which might be more satisfying.

Typo fix:

Always alone, never with a herd
Prettiest mare I've ever seen
You'll have to take my word.
I'm going to catch that horse sometime soon,
And when I do I'll make her aswoon.

Daybreaker Vinyl Scratch

Anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 09:17 [Preview] No.9364 del
Deleted video in IA, not in TPA - "Youtube: lFFlmyQ5cmc - Vandalizing on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Wiki (6/18/2015)" (no derive):

Image from "Pony Waifu Cover (Feat. Feather)" at

Anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 11:42 [Preview] No.9365 del
>MLP-Tetris.flv.mp4 at https://bafybeidoujx5mozh2boexvqnltot5nhfkrd2pklz55y3eqztznufgq6ubu.ipfs2.eth.limo/
I wonder which YouTube video ID this is from. It's not these:
* https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=XJHZ4E9tRHM - "My Little Soviets: Communism is Magic", in TPA
* https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=C3GBAZmTaro - "MLP's History of the Soviet Union to the melody of Tetris (PMV)", 2013 video not in TPA, IRL MLP toys, kinda cute, from small channel 321MLP_UCy8N1ojbEH2bYqcZWALBl6Q


Did you know? If you make a ghost post on https://desuarchive.org/ you have to fill out a google recaptcha? I hate Google recaptcha so fucking much. I do not want to select more than 4 motorcycle/whatever squares at a time. Some sites try to get me to select a million squares over 50 images. I hope the self-driving car they make with that data crashes and breaks the neck of Google's CEO.

Anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 16:34 [Preview] No.9366 del
I downloaded this channel -- "The PMV Hub" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/channel/UCWLvzM3gKftHn3ODyCeyIBg -- and it's like 3GB. Sounds like it is mostly or all 2010s/2020s *pop* music PMVs. Also has EQG PMVs, which I didn't watch. Maybe it would be correct to say that is has PMVs of non-popular tracks in the specific pop music genre, so it's like for those who are really fans of pop music. (I wasn't really interested in what I heard; BTW, I do like some pop music, such as some tracks in Non Stop Pop FM/100.7 FM https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=I6vi-jhq3ac and some tracks from Ke$ha, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, et al.) Image=./youtube/The_PMV_Hub_UCWLvzM3gKftHn3ODyCeyIBg/MLP_-_FiM_-_Message_in_a_Bottle_PMV-The_PMV_Hub-20231210-youtube-1920x1080-lxFonBeID0Q.png


I've used ia, "A command line interface to Archive.org." Two versions, incl. ia version 3.5.0 (which is what I was using):

I've had some serious problems using ia, and updating ia probably won't help. Problem I have: seems that now, it usually doesn't really work over ssh. Cannot upload larger files. Recently failed (laptop crashed/shitty battery) twice at ninety something percent on uploading a 5 gigabyte file. Before those two events, it often died when trying to upload. I also used sshfs with BitTorrent in the past: similar problems with shitty tech. The laptop can handle pretty much anything else and not die, but stuff regarding IO-intensive Internet-related ssh stuff crashes it. Network setup: router/modem->wifi to->laptop->ethernet cable to->desktop computer which only accesses the Internet via said Ethernet cable. Uploading done like this: laptop[/ssh]/wifi/Internet<->ethernet<->computer/HDD<->ia in GNU Screen. It's inconvenient, but I guess I'll have to sftp the files before using ia to upload. Before doing this, I could try just using TTY (plus screen turn off >>9244 "echo -ne "\033[9;5]" > /dev/tty#"): maybe that would help. This is like a flaw in HTTP. With popular P2P data, the contents is SHA1-hashed in pieces with BitTorrent or multihashed in chunks with IPFS, so that enables fault-tolerant uploading and downloading. (Just get a bunch of typically 256K to 32M parts of the data which anyone can do; not everyone can upload/download 5GB, 50GB, 100GB, etc. all in one go.) Filerun is non-P2P (ran in websites as HTTP+HTML+whatever) and you can resume an incomplete upload; however, I've seen that screw up before. (Filerun probably doesn't usually screw-up when resuming a failed upload, but it doesn't happen.) archive.org doesn't have an option to resume a failed upload of a file (like you uploaded 97% of a 5GB file and want to upload only the last 3% after connection lost). Why? I suspect because that sort of upload resuming is flawed and definitely imperfect, so it isn't really "archive quality".

>Pony Waifu Cover [has a quarter million views]
After reading, I see that some users really like that song. I don't think that track is super amazing or outstanding, but it's pretty great.

Anon 01/16/2024 (Tue) 16:55 [Preview] No.9367 del
>The PMV Hub
Also includes one or more where the genre of music is Europop, trance - such as "MLP: FiM - In My Head (PMV)":

>don't think that track is super amazing or outstanding
*don't think that track is super amazing or super outstanding

ElectroKaplosion_UClQNUvucQtCeWU1BurvxJIA uploaded that video 11 years ago. Last upload from ElectroKaplosion as of now = 3 days ago. I could download all public videos from ElectroKaplosion not in TPA, but first I may want to make a thing to ignore >1-hour-long videos.

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 03:01 [Preview] No.9368 del
(4.75 MB 600x240 Season1ComfyFall.gif)
>64 bit computer
Yes, unless you are running pretty old version of Ubuntu.

Forums!!! These old relics. Thanks for archiving these. Someone mentioned this back on /pag/ that they weren't getting enough attention. I miss forums.

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 06:25 [Preview] No.9373 del
>30-day temp share from host https://www.storj.io/ipfs
Neat, can also upload via CLI:
>$ curl -F "file=@./t/audio/music/IRON MAIDEN - DISCOGRAPHY (1980-15) [CHANNEL NEO]/[1980] Iron Maiden [1998 Remastered]/01 - Prowler.mp3" https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/api/v0/add # no "@" = adds path text (~140 bytes) and not multi-megabyte binary file
>{"Name":"01 - Prowler.mp3","Hash":"QmQxz3V2MEN5VLfaWE3k2pJCfghRtSfBEoX1jS2cnpYsVA","Size":"9450309"}
>$ # also pinned in 2nd laptop computer where uptime=13-00:27:16

tty with no GUI ("sudo systemctl stop gdm") then uploading the same way with ia: 1 success, 2 fails. Now the downstream computer cannot access the Internet (https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/518266/ping-displays-name-or-service-not-known - tried these fixes, didn't work). I pinged but always get "100% packet loss".

There was this other MLP-related myBB-like forums thing I was going to get. I'll have to check older posts to see its link. Enumeration completed so far on pmvtoday: 1 to http://pmvtoday.com/forum/archive/index.php/thread-467850.html in folder "...-1w200s3_next_200000_1.txt-2024-01-15-57844e71". Image from folder bafybeid...lf7a.

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 07:11 [Preview] No.9374 del
(1.68 MB 1002x1486 1697418321549.png)
(1.31 MB 679x714 1701832504628.gif)
"Non-interactively" getting files from "remote" (rsync's -c option seems to be the same as ia's -c option as seen in https://linux.die.net/man/1/rsync and >>9238 >>9293):
>.../put/ia/+$ echo -n /z1/data/4443494/brohoof.kilorat.com_port_8880/warc/brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-20-6f6042f2-00009.warc.gz /z1/data/4443494/brohoof.kilorat.com_port_8880/warc/brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-20-6f6042f2-00010.warc.gz /z1/data/4443494/brohoof.kilorat.com_port_8880/warc/brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-20-6f6042f2-00011.warc.gz /z1/data/4443494/brohoof.kilorat.com_port_8880/warc/brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-20-6f6042f2-00012.warc.gz /z1/data/4443494/brohoof.kilorat.com_port_8880/warc/brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-20-6f6042f2-00013.warc.gz /z1/data/4443494/brohoof.kilorat.com_port_8880/warc/brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-20-6f6042f2-00014.warc.gz | xargs -d " " sh -c 'for args do date -u; rsync -a --progress=info2 [email protected]:$args .; date -u; done' _ # guess I have to enter the password each time if using password-based auth and not key-based auth
Images from Ponychan

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 11:10 [Preview] No.9375 del
It also works on multiple video IDs from a channel, such as with WTLBAUv8ih8 zw7Onlya0YY d_hEfa5HiNc P1_3pTcoX_Y. Vids zw7Onlya0YY and WTLBAUv8ih8 = is MLP. Vid d_hEfa5HiNc = not sure. Video P1_3pTcoX_Y = not MLP, but I kinda like the pony character design. Ran:
>$ echo -e "WTLBAUv8ih8\nzw7Onlya0YY\nd_hEfa5HiNc\nP1_3pTcoX_Y" > s.txt
>$ [same command]
This channel - Whistely_UC587uBd_JGj6wPiWWNLwLFA (saves to folder "Whistely_UC587uBd_JGj6wPiWWNLwLFA.partial"):
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240117093159/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=NpVg-hA349I - under "View 11 replies"
.. https://web.archive.org/web/20240117094002/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/channel/UC587uBd_JGj6wPiWWNLwLFA - attached=pfp

>have to enter the password each time if using password-based auth and not key-based auth
I do have to enter it for each file, and if I'm too slow to enter the password I get this error:
 17,149,947,375 100%    2.18MB/s    2:05:04 (xfr#1, to-chk=0/1)
Wed Jan 17 09:04:03 AM UTC 2024
[email protected]'s password: 
Connection closed by port 22
rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [Receiver]
rsync error: unexplained error (code 255) at io.c(231) [Receiver=3.2.7]
Wed Jan 17 10:40:26 AM UTC 2024
[email protected]'s password: 
receiving incremental file list
    889,978,880  16%    2.78MB/s    0:26:13

Video from
Whatever cartoon this is from, I feel like it has that stereotypical "voice acting a kid's show (plus the writing)" sound. (Same sound/writing in the "Lucas the Spider" cartoon which started in YouTube and is not a series on Netflix, I only watched the first ~2 minutes of that series.)

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 11:28 [Preview] No.9376 del
(2.35 MB 1280x720 EqualWearyHake.mp4)
*started in YouTube and is now a series

MP4 from
>$ zcat brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-20-6f6042f2-00008.warc.gz | tail -n+20000 | head -n10000 | grep -a "WARC-Target-URI:"
>[...] WARC-Target-URI: https://giant.gfycat.com/EqualWearyHake.mp4 [...]

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 12:03 [Preview] No.9377 del
Some pages in brohoof.kilorat.com:8880 were errored as HTTP 521 in 2020-12; that site was partly offline in 2020, now in current year it's basically totally down as HTTP 523. Example from "brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-20-6f6042f2-00009.warc.gz":
>WARC-Target-URI: http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/topic/9439-how-high-can-you-count-before-an-admin-posts/page-280
>Content-Length: 756
>WARC-Warcinfo-ID: <urn:uuid:8b3a8de7-b5b2-450b-8d97-09ee4399957a>[...]
>HTTP/1.1 521 Origin Down
>Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 08:28:39 GMT
>Content-Type: text/html

"how-high-can-you-count-before-an-admin-posts" - sounds off topic. brohoof.kilorat.com did have an off topic section of the forums, for stuff like "look at this interesting outdoorsy video - 'Can I Survive Alaskan Winter with No Sleeping Bag, No Tent & No Tarp?' at https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=qRODjitiKP8 ."

Don't ignore IDs by status in TPA - replace
cat s.txt | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do wget --spider \
--no-verbose "https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=$args" -o temp.txt; cat temp.txt >> 1plist2.txt; done' _; rm temp.txt; grep -v '!!!\| 200 OK$' 1plist2.txt | sed "s/.*=//g" | sed "s/://g" > 1plist3.txt; ids=1plist3.txt; utc | tr -d \\n >> 1stats1.txt; echo " check other site done" >> 1stats1.txtp
cat s.txt > 1plist3.txt; ids=1plist3.txt

>rsync error
same error if 20 minutes late on entering the password

Video from the following (only MKV in TPA)
todo (maybe): save to ".partial.{unix_time}" instead of just ".partial" in order to have multiple partial copies for updates or whatever.

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 13:11 [Preview] No.9378 del
Another website found to be wbm-excluded: favpng.com. Related to attached images:
>$ curl -sL https://archive.org/download/750142375737467665727802752579/brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.os.cdx.gz | zcat | head -n 3000 | grep favpng
>com,favpng,img)/8/11/15/derpy-hooves-pony-fan-art-deviantart-png-favpng-gn38smq120pzpwbprmy3ydta1.jpg 20201219203802 https://img.favpng.com/8/11/15/derpy-hooves-pony-fan-art-deviantart-png-favpng-Gn38sMQ120pZPWBprmy3YDTA1.jpg text/html 403 2XSGO6G22DZHWE5R6PGNMPJQNM7DVYUX - FI 2492 4588622349 750142375737467665727802752579/brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz
>com,favpng,img)/8/17/25/derpy-hooves-pony-muffin-winged-unicorn-png-favpng-5v2xnfyfjfvgyiaj2yaa9b5le.jpg 20201219203802 https://img.favpng.com/8/17/25/derpy-hooves-pony-muffin-winged-unicorn-png-favpng-5v2XnfyFjFvgyiaJ2yAa9b5Le.jpg text/html 403 RMSDGVP5SHJPHE25HYDCOSIQPBKIQNSY - FI 2605 4588617098 750142375737467665727802752579/brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-19-35f57a16-00000.warc.gz
>$ # notice "text/html 403"

. to at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:55:04 GMT
.. This list currently contains 1838 URLs.
.. * https://favpng.com/
... -> https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php?title=List_of_websites_excluded_from_the_Wayback_Machine&diff=next&oldid=51518

Uploading it again, this time not directly over SSH.
>$ cd ./put/ia/+; find . -type f | sort | xargs...ia upload...

Anon 01/17/2024 (Wed) 17:58 [Preview] No.9379 del
>"Prowler" by Iron Maiden at https://dweb.link/ipfs/QmQxz3V2MEN5VLfaWE3k2pJCfghRtSfBEoX1jS2cnpYsVA
Led me to looking at this channel again, it seems that I never downloaded this YT channel:

It has some PMVs with music by Iron Maiden. AC/DC=greedy sellout kikes, so some video from that channel are likely completely inaccessible.

Here's what's basically the original "Lucas the Spider" series from YouTube - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=1YjqQBLEiZo - cute jumping spider. Nice, simple series. Netflix adaptation felt like crap to me. Image from https://twibooru.org/2174337

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 04:08 [Preview] No.9380 del
I looked more for that Tetris PMV on YouTube, didn't see it. I did find video not in TPA - two of them:

2013 - "[PMV] Soviet Pony - Soviet March":

2016 - "My Little Pony (USSR, 1926)":

Edit from a YT video, pfp from npr:
. https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=74ZNSQp-O3I "Can You Always Win a Game of Tetris?"
.. nearby https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=_jmixkcQkdw "Tetris 101 with Jonas Neubauer"

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 04:52 [Preview] No.9381 del
Two corrections - all initiated via ssh, what type of connection was used...
>doesn't really work over ssh
I meant that it doesn't work well over a shared connection, so "computer->ia->Internet access" works better than "computer->ia->Internet access via a different computer->Internet access".
>this time not directly over SSH
rather, this time not directly over "computer->ethernet->laptop->wifi" (instead it's "laptop->wifi")

>find . -type f
I should be aware of any dotfiles before running this; otherwise, use "ls -1", which does not show hidden files. I was rsyncing this file from computer to computer then the receiving computer crashed->auto-rebooted, so rsync didn't get a chance to delete the partial file ".brohoof.kilorat.com-8880-forums-2020-12-20-6f6042f2-00014.warc.gz.YphfgP". That dotfile is 8,799,911,936 bytes in size (~8.8GB), and I may have accidentally uploaded it to IA. Whatever, it really doesn't matter, just something to be aware of in the future.

Oh, and uploading by "computer->ia->Internet access->..." instead of this -- "computer->ia->computer->Internet access->..." -- seems to work a lot better and with no problems. (Also, GNU Screen was useful as it worked in tty with gdm off then when I turned GNOME Display Manager back on I could resume that screen session in a GUI terminal emulator program.)

>Edit from a YT video
This one, which is in TPA: "Soviet Pony March" at https://par1.iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=3DSbowW5j34

Image from

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 06:08 [Preview] No.9382 del
>wonder which YouTube video ID "MLP-Tetris.flv.mp4" is from ... couldn't find it
Maybe search for it in wbm snapshots of YouTube from years ago. >>9123 what's the timestamp on MLP-Tetris.flv in your device?

>tint at archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/t/tint/tint_0.07_amd64.deb
Fun subgame to play in that game: fill the bottom 6 rows with random pieces then try to clear it all. Challenging, but I did it.

>It also works on multiple video IDs from a channel, such as...
Other thing I was thinking of doing: view video list of a channel > click on html divs regarding video IDs that I want to download > IDs keep getting appended to clipboard with " " or "\n" delimiter.

>Communist propaganda
On the day of the rope, communists will "ACK!" Video from "Applejack - Get my rope." at

Socialists don't actually want to create wealth. They want to destroy wealth, so that everyone is as miserable as they are.

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 06:28 [Preview] No.9383 del
When downloading "VITAS874 UCYcRqYLqVIUBthOE2A0pJHA" - non-serious errors showing up between
>2024-01-18T06:08:28.390848063Z videos, descriptions, thumbnails, info JSON with comments, and any subtitles downloaded
>2024-01-18T06:17:49.204282167Z video metadata downloaded
= this message, 38 times:
>_: 1: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
cat $ids | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do fname=$(yt-dlp --restrict-filenames --windows-filenames --skip-download --get-filename -o "%(title)s-%(channel)s-%(upload_date)s-%(extractor)s-%(resolution)s-%(id)s.apimeta.txt" -- $args 2>>1error1.log.txt); curl -sL "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?key=$(cat ~/ytapikey1.txt)&part=snippet,id,contentDetails,liveStreamingDetails,localizations,player,recordingDetails,statistics,status,topicDetails&id=$args" > $fname; done' _
$ echo "Throw communists out of helicopters." | xargs -d " " sh -c 'for args do echo a > $empty; done' _ 2>&1 | head -n3
_: 1: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
_: 1: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
_: 1: cannot create : Directory nonexistent
$ # thought: occurs if $fname is empty

Video from

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 06:47 [Preview] No.9384 del
Here's that small channel - Lippe-Detmold UCI_wGdEk3NSY-p_VR8CYl8A :
- qJIaqdDf7FY local, remote, top

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 08:52 [Preview] No.9385 del

Don't know that's where I got it, but the comments mention the song, and two of the three vids (post from late '11) are private now so ... maybe one of those two?

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 08:53 [Preview] No.9386 del
video ID YMFVY57dksE,
confirmed to be the third video that uses tetris theme to tell the history of Equestria...

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 10:37 [Preview] No.9387 del
(14.58 KB 100x100 anima-dos.png)
I made an open redirect which uses JavaScript and Base64! Seed/host/store this simple code (or don't, see a minor bug below)! Put the Base64-encoded URL after "?" here:
or here:

. ipfs://bafybeigtmbfekxxjukto244f335whrheit5h62ygcd5jf6qfkgz6ifrequ/b64_or1.htm?aHR0cDovLzM3LjE4Ny4xMTcuNTUK
.. redirects to HTTP website
. ipfs://QmXQu4YdfPjqi5YvGj3YGupH2QHoJwsuujZrGWHDprNEfW?aHR0cHM6Ly9zaWxseS5jb21wdXRlcgo=
.. redirects to https://silly.computer
. https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafybeiegz656arku6lm3thqjtpvw5co2u475qg5hevexbkizilylvemliu?aHR0cHM6Ly90cmFuc2Zlci5hcmNoaXZldGUuYW0vCg==
.. redirects to https://transfer.archivete.am/
... as seen here: https://megalodon.jp/2024-0118-1855-28/https://cloudflare-ipfs.com:443/ipfs/bafybeiegz656arku6lm3thqjtpvw5co2u475qg5hevexbkizilylvemliu?aHR0cHM6Ly90cmFuc2Zlci5hcmNoaXZldGUuYW0vCg==
. https://dweb.link/ipfs/QmcZmtm6q1hPFTbUF9haNmWi5vs2Ufg8vLrzDVRNNZyjx8/b64_or1.htm?aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGV2aWFudGFydC5jb20vYW5pbWEtZG9zCg==
.. redirects to https://www.deviantart.com/anima-dos
... as seen here: https://web.archive.org/web/20240118100149/https://megalodon.jp/2024-0118-1900-15/https://dweb.link:443/ipfs/QmcZmtm6q1hPFTbUF9haNmWi5vs2Ufg8vLrzDVRNNZyjx8/b64_or1.htm?aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZGV2aWFudGFydC5jb20vYW5pbWEtZG9zCg==

( Folder = https://dweb.link/ipfs/QmcZmtm6q1hPFTbUF9haNmWi5vs2Ufg8vLrzDVRNNZyjx8 - works with "/" in Base64, bug=doesn't work with "+" in b64 )
( Content ARchive = https://dweb.link/ipfs/QmcZmtm6q1hPFTbUF9haNmWi5vs2Ufg8vLrzDVRNNZyjx8?format=car )

Image = pfp of Wayback Machine-excluded URL prefix https://www.deviantart.com/anima-dos

Private video in 2020 and now:

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 10:58 [Preview] No.9389 del
If you can and feel like it, post the timestamps of the files on your computer which you uploaded to mega.nz folder "MLP.flv". Those timestamps could be informative in regards to YT video upload date, YT video access date, etc. Use whatever works for you to get the file timestamps. If you are using MS Windows, I recommends using the "stat" CLI program in Cygwin or WSL to get timestamps. If you use GNU/Linux, just use "stat". If you use a BSD OS, then IDK. (OpenBSD=server and FreeBSD=desktop.)

wbm has that thumbnail, so YMFVY57dksE might be linked in some YT snapshot (in the related videos section on the right).

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 12:02 [Preview] No.9390 del
https://wattpad.com/ = wbm-excluded. In /z1/data/4443494/brony.fandom.com/ :
>2021-04-22 15:25:36,994 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.wattpad.com/367766239-history-of-ponies-zawieszone-na-jaki%C5%9B-czas’: 200 OK. Length: 178873 [text/html; charset=utf-8].
> https://www.wattpad.com/367766239-history-of-ponies-zawieszone-na-jaki%C5%9B-czas 1619097936 - - XOZMPAZB2QELFMEKDGTN4DHNBL3LLWPB 40424 576781817 brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:9c527596-c928-463f-90d2-4a241e860727>
>2021-04-22 16:42:17,111 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.wattpad.com/story/73260685-diamentowe-serca’: 200 OK. Length: 124051 [text/html; charset=utf-8].
> https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/73260685-diamentowe-serca 1619102535 - - U7C3HMSAN7VE3L3R3ABI3HBEIV4ZJMAO 959 1825681974 brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:fc967b38-b3c7-4ae9-893a-ff4e074b0bf7>
etc. Image from https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/73260685-diamentowe-serca -> https://img.wattpad.com/cover/73260685-256-k323361.jpg - info:
>2021-04-22 18:41:13,237 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://img.wattpad.com/cover/73260685-256-k323361.jpg’: 200 OK. Length: 25095 [image/jpeg].
> https://img.wattpad.com/cover/73260685-256-k323361.jpg 1619109673 - - RFQTEMAMQEL4U4FSOYTYTCD4FIS4EB35 25897 987308816 brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855-00002.warc.gz <urn:uuid:0dff89b2-a130-46d7-933e-3da6eb804f97>

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 12:38 [Preview] No.9391 del
"WARC: brohoof.kilorat.com:8880":

Something I should do: get SHA1 hashes of .warc.gz files and compare those with what IA says they are. I have seen sftp make a non-bit-identical copy of a file from computer to computer over a local network; that happened when using Cygwin and stuff in Windows 7, so hopefully that doesn't happen in Linux (in which I'm using this which is related to sftp: "$ telnet localhost 22[...]SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.4").

*I recommend using the "stat"

Anon 01/18/2024 (Thu) 15:51 [Preview] No.9392 del
(59.11 KB 1280x720 nj6kfZr1QAA.maxres.jpg)
Another file from there + MP4 derive:
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZat7uAS48cxNDBspC9TPMMjPKY2BvTvvvZmzFeS1dVFM
.. "CMC_tribute.flv" - YouTube video ID?
.. FFmpeg said "httphostheader : v12.nonxt4.c.youtube.com"

Hashes and stuff:
$ ipfs resolve QmPf29yMVzk6hfpVAvA3gtGKZv6N8XAG9mACp6neBg6bP2/MLP.flv/
$ ipfs ls QmPDJmxQdD13563gosqJxubzCZSegu6gD3AU3Dmvw2X8nn
Qmd19BgnMJFWktJEkqv45Y1bUxsed8MDwkLUkwP6dVKju1 18461980  CMC_tribute.flv
QmfCNNtnJEtYr3Aprb5dmpp1m4P1dRXCfum8j3q16ETANq 22276689  MLP-Tetris.flv
QmPK3dJnAx6s6tqMexp6dzdV45J7Z3F6vsrcX4AqZ1iDTx 32319439  MLP_21stEquCur.mp4
QmevjfDbLGwsekNzHUPDPtAfmzvP97dd7KMQ5XMshNZ9Uw 30914965  MLP_AplsnPsych.flv
QmNgr2GWzQ7R44YqQ3bBVWiHe1KGgZpN9S7hikbN5Pf2b1 6948087   MLP_FrWASmgc.flv
QmNRJbRhqCvMiTBoXnUzMCtYvV92mtzxeJpS9qShLxGo4n 9037486   MLP_RavIsPrincess.flv
QmQYvDe4DzysehhCczDqYiiCUp2Qpqxjyp3DQ8MzzGEs7W 50127240  MLP_RavingTia-xtnd.mp4
QmRFMsgANMDo2ABQhx7pvazjcAVUUpHr7x1e3rZwdNRRFB 5039639   MLP_RumGone.flv
QmYJ1rSC7aFQnnJSu1vT5SrCRHW2LomRJDTeeUuMbMbQzV 18365771  MLP_TeyCtrl.flv
QmePoRzU9B68xZd6yCZRDZRmP7WR27iX3JNATJXv9NmbZ7 8099247   MLP_ThisIsNMN.flv
QmcqfDyh7ZRx1i9R4x6GrwP86UesyPdwnKr6vXjpUHiTnS 11673460  MLP_TwiLonliestD.flv
QmNMXE8CK93HYuLi98nUKnSgG6dZiUVsz7uDFn2fqsxAwy 10143102  Maretrix.flv
QmdoP8u4ny7jeEZ4g6ZcvWKn6PZaSuPZ7fVnWj29NRZK57 7592356   Morning in BerryTube.flv
QmadAWQEb5vf75RHyzTELfu8ks89DfVnpXt5Sus1FGPDy2 15289490  PMV_ Ponygazer.flv
Qmb2ipKWBnFabG1SkG8FwgD3Lq5KnNCimVQJtu8DGWp4gS 18068179  PMV_ChopSuey.flv
QmSMCUcSWvqfDd9BcCaDcTwyrnSwdNApSwxWQ715ZFoHio 22783261  PMV_NotAfraid.flv
QmXVvtCY9i5yJeap7zK7d1W34nTvdzgrSotSExQJkXunLJ 15032931  PMV_Van.Twi.flv
QmaKvL8zP66p22CAHkCHk9kX6EXVheuvh3n9j1pF6Wn34w 354472614 PoniesAnth-II.flv
QmQJhPNVw4hmEV8rJ2haYqKHjZjP8chqKEAjfBYKKg5wYA 125264188 PoniesAnth.mp4
Qmc8X8hczeFLz6Kcw5YhUKfqbicfFSneL3jvw97tGvVTDW 48172687  RarityDubStepKill.mp4
QmYNEUc7xVMtJo9dd17uujTKDJ53E96DwLyU8mJhrEbUi4 2045467   cruelshyVOODOO.flv
Qmet6DRmcxSFocS555z4bFZSx464R772NBi79ueU1JBgmQ 46100656  pmv_KnightsEq.flv
$ # online now: MLP-Tetris.flv + PMV_ChopSuey.flv + CMC_tribute.flv

I got "Video unavailable. This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds" on these videos from VITAS874 UUYcRqYLqVIUBthOE2A0pJHA (do they all have a worldwide block?):
>3tDhOcljYpA IZ3VAD07MxA llOdcr-Fw9E KwBeR_6b-OU 746lRMrUEE4 EEjSGvQunBs iL8VHoxALuk aOdBZ0CbeXQ A1uHBsKiPMY 1NYqlGD930E _Pio7D1sA8M Xyp6AJ43L1E _xOErpPa_8E -hQZtCJ61A4 R15JbMx54HY CfZAMEOjGmE nj6kfZr1QAA xGBNpFTmnTc NkN-MWvXPDM KyqMSNuTqYs pOs4Td1gpis ax3Ev8ksgqI -Lvjz7YUz8Q cL1QWBO7E-Q uL9134Do2_0 Vkvhp-0Hg88 2Y-ZcI0sf38 WlU-aWT-G_4 d2sQE0Kh2iA bcefdCpuVxc OIdPWFDO0Ns ZBbrRqrnN54 8R8f29B7rn8 pMI15m522IE 8CzFfbv7kbc tVWSXLCA7BY gVuXRUXJypo tkZa4tVV3hQ
Found zero in web.archive.org! Why?

>You walk into the party, only to see that SME stole your marefriend
What do?

Already being useful again:
>Sorry \ This host has been already captured 250 times today by your user account. Please try again tomorrow. Please email us at "[email protected]" if you would like to discuss this more.
Redirects to https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=-Lvjz7YUz8Q :
>$ echo https://bafybeiegz656arku6lm3thqjtpvw5co2u475qg5hevexbkizilylvemliu.ipfs.dweb.link/?$(echo https://youtube.com/watch?v=cL1QWBO7E-Q [Embed] | base64)
>$ # | xsel -ib

Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 01:27 [Preview] No.9393 del
(7.21 KB 581x278 AndIShallCallIt.png)
(9.35 KB 602x375 ThisLand.png)
Windows machine, has moved from PC to PC, always a version of Windows. Not sure how far I'd trust the information, but ...
get-file in PowerShell has this to say

Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 06:15 [Preview] No.9394 del
Searching "how to tie a noose" in YouTube = zero results:

It's not these:

In tpa - "My Little Pony Tenacious D Tribute":

2014 video not in TPA - "Tribute PMV":

Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 08:43 [Preview] No.9395 del
Uploading it:
>$ cd ./put/ia/+; utc; ~/Downloads/ia upload 812163582552678363137859911067 "brony.fandom.com" --metadata="title:WARC: brony.fandom.com" --metadata="subject:brony.fandom.com; fandom.com; Fandom; Fandom Inc.; wiki; MLP:FIM; wikis; Wikia; website; site; image; images; MLP; FIM; My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic; My Little Pony Friendship is Magic; Wikia.com; brony; bronies; formerly Wikia.com; formerly Wikia; pony; ponies; mare; mares; little mare; little mares; little pony; little ponies; fan; fans; fan-made content; fan-made wiki; MLP fan; MLP fans; friend; friends; My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic; user; users; warc; grab; webpage; web page; webpages; web pages; fanmade wiki; fanmade content; Fandom Inc; Brony Wiki; Polish-language wiki; Polish; Polish text; Polish language; Polish brony; Polish bronies; My Little Brony Wiki; fandomowi; serialu; series; My Little Pony: Przyjaźń to Magia; My Little Pony: Przyjazn to Magia; Przyjazn to Magia; TV; cartoon; television series" --metadata="description:From https://brony.fandom.com/pl/wiki/Brony_Wiki as of 2021-04. Brony Wiki is an MLP-related Polish-language wiki at https://brony.fandom.com/pl/ and this grab contains multiple URLs which are missing from web.archive.org. Around the time when wikia.com changed to fandom.com, mass purges happened due to some content not fitting Fandom Inc's brand image or whatever. I definitely know that some wiki article revisions have become basically lost forever (and I can prove that). See also -- https://archive.org/search?query=%22brony.fandom.com%22 -- similar data, but had no matches before uploading this." --metadata="mediatype:data" --metadata="collection:opensource_media" --metadata="date:2021-04"; utc
>[in progress]

How would I view

>"WARC: vintage.ponychan.net" (2020)
Another helpful thing about that: more insight into when something was deleted. YouTube video 75jP7CzmgW4 was deleted, but when was it last up, and when was it first seen as gone? This shows that it was deleted sometime within this decade:
> https://web.archive.org/web/20140512032142/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75jP7CzmgW4&feature=youtu.be
> https://web.archive.org/web/20140512032138/http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/75jP7CzmgW4/maxresdefault.jpg
> https://web.archive.org/web/20240101121608/https://img.youtube.com/vi/75jP7CzmgW4/hqdefault.jpg

Some text from
>$ curl -sL https://archive.org/download/755cd7b3662ae68182e8f46411b98b/vintage.ponychan.net/tmp/wpull.log | tail -n+105100 | head -n 200100 | grep -v " ‘https://vintage.ponychan.net/"
>2020-10-24 21:30:15,302 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://img.youtube.com/vi/75jP7CzmgW4/hqdefault.jpg’: 404 Not Found. Length: 1097 [image/jpeg].
Narrows it down: deleted some time between 2014 and 2020 (6 years instead of 10).

>use MFS
Helpful for find-ability, and MFS makes IPFS closer to replicating whatever popular filesystem anyone uses as you can move and copy files/folders around to various folders and do other things. Feels like text files can poorly replicate filesystem indexes of data. Plain text files = obviously not data which is directly a part of a filesystem format. Text file index = not tied to the data itself. Filesystem index = obviously tied to the data and also contains it elsewhere in the FS.

Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 09:08 [Preview] No.9396 del
https://www.onlineocr.net/ says "[a bunch of crap, no newlines]" so I'll type what I've covered:
, mode , LastWriteTime , Length , Name
, ------ , 10/10/2011 7:41 AM , 18461980 , CMC_tribute.flv
, -a---- , 11/5/2012 7:58 AM , 22276689 , MLP-Tetris.flv
, ------ , 10/23/2011 9:58 AM , 18068179 , PMV_ChopSuey.flv

You might be interested to know that this shows the timestamp to the milisecond and also the timezone (run this in cmd.exe):
>wmic datafile where name="C:\\path\\to\\file" list/format:list
for files and
>wmic fsdir where name="C:\\path\\to\\folder" list/format:list
for folders

Doesn't work (404, bad gateway):
>Support multilingual wiki pages

Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 09:41 [Preview] No.9397 del
This 2013 video is kinda interesting - "Feeling Pinkie Keen Review" (joshscorcher):
- Twilight does bad science, other thoughts

>WARC: ml.ponychan.net
Probably has lots of URLs in there which aren't in WBM, such as
>2020-10-24 13:39:06,207 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://ml.ponychan.net/arch/src/1389238856350.jpg’: 200 OK. Length: 162665 [image/jpeg].
>2020-10-24 13:42:02,991 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://ml.ponychan.net/oat/src/1429842629951.png’: 200 OK. Length: 956735 [image/png].
>2020-10-24 13:56:21,887 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://ml.ponychan.net/site/src/1407808752824.png’: 200 OK. Length: 464426 [image/png].
(also not in wbm at the same urls minus "ml.") Text from part of
>$ curl -sL https://archive.org/download/75689cc179881574617267468223b3/z1/data/4443494/ml.ponychan.net/tmp/wpull.log | head -n 5000

>Filesystem index = obviously tied to the data and also contains it elsewhere in the FS.
*Filesystem index in the FS as part of the FS data (not really a file/folder in it) = obviously tied to the data and also contains it elsewhere in the FS.

>URL bug in this site

Didn't see a GIF of Twilight Sparkle moving Pinkie Pie's tail away from her face:

Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 10:30 [Preview] No.9398 del
>WARC: brohoof.kilorat.com:8880
>[total size of requested files (120 GB) is too large for zip-on-the-fly]
Some URLs from there which are seen as deleted today, were live in 2020, and are not in Wayback Machine:
>2020-12-19 17:28:20,570 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://i.imgur.com/p8ShNvd.webm’: 200 OK. Length: 361266 [video/webm].
>2020-12-19 17:19:33,412 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/topic/58080-grief-in-ponyville/’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2020-12-19 17:20:20,136 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/topic/55630-ponybound-forum-rp-sci-fi/’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2020-12-19 17:28:25,201 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/user/40126-elite4161/’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2020-12-19 17:28:23,668 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/user/29542-nightlyskies/’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2020-12-19 17:19:50,994 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://brohoof.kilorat.com:8880/forums/user/41456-flam-the-buisness-pony/’: 200 OK. Length: unspecified [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2020-12-19 17:28:24,023 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/9/14/979457.png’: 200 OK. Length: 179611 [image/png].

Text from part of
>$ curl -sL https://archive.org/download/750142375737467665727802752579/brohoof.kilorat.com_port_8880/tmp/wpull.log | head -n5000

"cruelshyVOODOO.flv" + MP4 derive:
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmUyGCJGmgQ7H2UkQiL1LKGr45HfJJ9n3nqan9rGCzADAh
.. YouTube video ID? Parody of?
.. FFmpeg, which was built with gcc 11 (Ubuntu 11.2.0-19ubuntu1), said "httphostheader : v6.cache7.c.youtube.com"
.. host uptime = more than 15.0 days, so longer than send.cm's file retention duration

Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 17:31 [Preview] No.9399 del
(40.24 KB 736x672 1703824732708.jpg)
>lynx-cur_2.8.8pre4-1_i386.deb at ipfs://QmUkqd82nSpPSK9Ap6MQNEbcjAJVpjYBk1rBUwddk2HYJP
Apparently, DEB files can be installed by running "sudo apt install ./file.deb", so that's nice.

"More importantly", the 2020 grab of vintage.ponychan.net has this which is not in wbm:
>2020-10-24 22:40:21,231 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://img.youtube.com/vi/yTG175TXR9k/hqdefault.jpg’: 200 OK. Length: 14045 [image/jpeg].

No idea what that was if all you have is this - "nothing" in the following links:

So thanks again rome. And look at this, metadata on that video ID which was shared in Ponychan!
> https://filmot.com/api/getvideos?key=md5paNgdbaeudounjp39&id=yTG175TXR9k
> [{"id":"yTG175TXR9k","uploaddate":"2013-04-17","duration":134,"title":"Kenshiro and Raoh look for 1:06 before final blow","channelid":"UCOdCtcU52psBiEzG9U8bFBg","channelname":"SamuraiMotoko"}]

Image from Ponychan - I noticed that the number in the HTML title decreases with each post read or scrolled into view:

Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 17:51 [Preview] No.9400 del
This thread shows that Ponychan supported two consecutive spaces, neat:

Or did it? Doesn't have two consecutive spaces in here:

Perhaps those are backend files which I got from that one guy uploading raws to IA. So then maybe the frontend/CF/whatever modified the HTML to remove double spaces. Not sure what the answer is.

I know that 4chan replaces /\s\s+/ with /\s/, I'm guessing Endchan does the same. Two spaces between here: -> <-. Also, check 'em >>9400

Anon 01/19/2024 (Fri) 20:11 [Preview] No.9401 del
>run this in cmd

Typing anything close to what you suggest yields "invalid query"
Typing wmic /? starts with
WMIC is deprecated

and following what I thought were correct usage from the output of its help page yielded refusals, usually of the aforementioned invalid query form but sometimes it liked me even less than that.

Anon 01/20/2024 (Sat) 02:23 [Preview] No.9402 del
>This 2013 video is kinda interesting - "Feeling Pinkie Keen Review" (joshscorcher):
That guy's "headcanon" in regards to Pinkie Sense reminded me of ideas along the lines of the following quote. Earth ponies have a special connection to the Earth. Bound to the Earth, be wary of those who speak of the otherworldly.
>"'Remain faithful to the earth, my brothers, with the power of your virtue! Let your generous love and your knowledge serve the meaning of the earth! That is what I ask and beseech you. Don't let them fly away from earthly things and beat their wings against walls of eternity! Alas, there has always been so much virtue that has flown astray! Like me, lead your straying virtue back to the earth--yes, back to the body and life, so that it can give the earth its meaning, a human meaning!'" --https://archive.org/details/isbn_9780486437118

> >>9400
Endchan bug: self-referential post reply links to a 404 page at https://endchan.org/pone/res/9400.html#9400 . Video from

Those wmic commands work in Windows 7. I guess you are using Windows 10. Can you use stat in Windows Subsystem for Linux which I hear is installed by default?

Anon 01/20/2024 (Sat) 02:45 [Preview] No.9403 del
(612.96 KB 680x240 🥺👉👈.gif)
Upcoming change to derpibooru.org:
>Some of our subdomains are being deprecated. Effective March 1, 2024, www.derpibooru.org and www.trixiebooru.org will redirect to their non-www counterparts. Read further / discuss here [ https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/deprecation-of-the-www-subdomains ].
AT says that "Subdomains...are entire sites":

I'm guessing that these are exactly the same: www.derpibooru.org / derpibooru.org and www.trixiebooru.org / trixiebooru.org.

YT video yTG175TXR9k was deleted, in case that wasn't clear.
>Two spaces between here: -> <-
Nope, Endchan also does /\s\s+/\s/.

Anon 01/20/2024 (Sat) 04:58 [Preview] No.9404 del
>Can you use Windows Subsystem for Linux
Bad Golly is that a whole mess.
And no, I'm running "ameliorated" windows so all the needed components for WSL, and some other things, have been ripped out.

Anon 01/20/2024 (Sat) 09:43 [Preview] No.9405 del
"Celebrity news". BlackGryph0n created videos such as "An unexpected visit from Pinkie Pie..." ( https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=Gkvc_gyVgCg ); 10 months ago he commented on "Barrett .50 Cal." at https://web.archive.org/web/20240120091049/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=K2tKMR6wKlM&listen=0 posting "FANTASTIC video! Makes me proud to own a Barrett! <3". So maybe BlackGryph0n owns a classic Barrett .50 caliber rifle, not a watered-down variant. Barrett Firearms Manufacturing created the first shoulder-fire-able .50 caliber rifle, and this "light .50" was added to the US Army's arsenal in or around the 1980s.

Neat, this WebM played in Safari in an iPhone at magrathea.endchan.net/pone/thread/9086.html. So I think Endchan implements brion's ogv.js. More on that: https://archive.palanq.win/wsr/thread/1405633/#1415886 and below posts.

1488-KiB video not in TPA from
4.4-MiB video from

Anon 01/20/2024 (Sat) 18:01 [Preview] No.9407 del
(108.67 KB 1024x1024 twibooru-2938753.jpg)
(124.53 KB 1096x747 twibooru-340940.jpg)
2012 video not in TPA - "[PMV] Mercy" (Kanye West):
- "I'm in that two-seat Lambo with your girl she tryna jerk me."
- from a pony-focused channel

>view video list of a channel > click on html divs regarding video IDs that I want to download > IDs keep getting appended to clipboard with " " or "\n" delimiter.
Didn't see an extension to do that, so I made this basic userscript which does essentially the same thing:
// ==UserScript==
// @name        get links
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match       https://iv.ggtyler.dev/*
// @version     2024-01-20T18:00:13.379922562Z
// ==/UserScript==
// thanks https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19846078/
console.stdlog = console.log.bind(console);
console.logs = [];
console.log = function(){
    console.stdlog.apply(console, arguments);

// mouseover=log link
links = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
  document.getElementsByTagName("a")[i].addEventListener("mouseover", function() {

// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/keydown_event
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/KeyboardEvent/keyCode
document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
//press RightShift to get mouseover-ed links
  if (event.isComposing || event.keyCode === 16) {

Anon 01/20/2024 (Sat) 19:31 [Preview] No.9408 del
2018 video not in TPA - "Joji - Slow Dancing In The Dark (PMV)" (unlisted!):
(other video from that channel - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=B2z-n8MrU3U - npr, he said "Grandma, I love you, but it's time to die.")

"MLP_21stEquCur.mp4" (32 MB):

>YTPrenewed UCoslyRBSl-JlRMrisSUottg
Downloaded, I thought the Donald Trump vs. Trixie Lulamoon video was somewhat interesting.

>Atlas Nixon UCtTPOt9b-lIgeH58AZWxVsQ
Downloading, video from

>Schrodinger Excidium UCF-ZYlFvtPH03Yn7sBVbIqw
Got IDs of videos I wanted to download thanks to >>9407 "get links version 2024-01-20T18:00:13.379922562Z" - mouseover is better and easier than onclick. (Skipped Schrodinger's antifa "crap" videos.) To download.

Anon 01/20/2024 (Sat) 20:25 [Preview] No.9409 del
(675.10 KB 1280x720 nam.png)
2011 video not in TPA - "MLP FIM PMV - Run Through the Jungle" (CCR):
- small channel

2014 video not in TPA - "PMV-PonPonPon":
- small channel, "crap"

Anon 01/20/2024 (Sat) 21:29 [Preview] No.9410 del
Woah, this is like a video to watch while high on LSD.

BTW, I've been serving this mostly MLP image data folder from a RAM disk in a "lower propagation" computer:
(Other shares ITT=served from a "higher propagation" computer unless marked as "lower propagation".)

Anon 01/20/2024 (Sat) 22:15 [Preview] No.9411 del
Got both, sharing one:
. CAR file, 24-hour temp share:
.. https://put.icu/29cllpm9.file
. Longer-duration share (probably):
.. https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmVS6NoWHucVAkt37ZqKizp4wJeBgLUjQBUS5NUQMCuCKC/RollinAwayTheDew_UCkzaahbuSDEqmUpmViY81FQ
... IVIgVosr5II local, remote, top, video file at ipfs://QmWgZiu4sVgVm2vR4ecBg7vxU71W5DNjnH93GLCvAXXwoF (attached)


Anon 01/21/2024 (Sun) 07:10 [Preview] No.9412 del
A while ago I searched for a PMV of "Full House" ( "Full House - Intro [HQ]" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=2EL65KLdEHE ), didn't see anything. Then later I randomly happened upon "Friendship is Magic - Foal House | Official Parody Music Video üöã #ESTin83":


I should make IPFS copies of all of the torrents that I have 100% of, so that I have better redundancy in local storage. (I currently only have CIDs for some of them.)

Some of this text shows up as red in the mobile version, I think because of double equals signs from Base64 strings.

Anon 01/21/2024 (Sun) 09:02 [Preview] No.9413 del
>[other urls in .warc but not wbm]
So how would I easily extract those URLs? (No hacky methods like >>9195.) Some suggestions here - https://superuser.com/questions/628350/extract-files-from-a-web-archive-warc - such as using this site: https://webrecorder.io/ redirects https://conifer.rhizome.org/ and apparently conifer.rhizome.org can store 5GB for free. (Maybe rhizome.org only allows WARC files to be uploaded.)

>QmYH...GL5Q [low propagation]
Stored offline in an HDD + shared online via a RAM disk, which was created like this:
>$ sudo mkdir /mnt/tmpfs
>$ sudo mount -o size=1G -t tmpfs none /mnt/tmpfs
>$ cp -r .ipfs /mnt/tmpfs/
>$ IPFS_PATH=/mnt/tmpfs/.ipfs
>$ ipfs daemon & disown

Attached video isn't really pretty, but I thought it was funny. Satire from

Anon 01/21/2024 (Sun) 12:53 [Preview] No.9414 del
(190.07 KB 1200x1600 Zdjęcie1189.jpg)
Couldn't register at https://conifer.rhizome.org/_register - it said
>We had trouble verifying your details. Please refresh the page and try again. If this problem persists, contact [email protected]

Extract one webpage or file from WARC
. installed and tried https://github.com/internetarchive/warctools
.. Ran: warcfilter -U "https://www.ponychan.net/trash/thumb/mtr_1703036702077.jpg" "./warc/006/www.ponychan.net-trash-2024-01-08-da1d6e36/www.ponychan.net-trash-2024-01-08-da1d6e36-00000.warc.gz" > file.bin
... It extracted that single web file from that .warc.gz; if you look at the top of file.bin, you will see WARC and HTTP headers (JPG payload data after that)
. considered https://github.com/recrm/ArchiveTools#warc-extractorpy

File "./put/ia/+/brony.fandom.com/tmp/wpull.log" references multiple pinger.pl links ( https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_pinger ) which aren't in wbm and the live version is gone, such as:
. 2021-04-22 18:19:39,122 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://b1.pinger.pl/0db7e788547dc110041035d3af57f2d0/PinkiePie.png’: 200 OK. Length: 207268 [image/png].
.. http://b1.pinger.pl/0db7e788547dc110041035d3af57f2d0/PinkiePie.png 1619108379 - - XQC2UHAER3SZBSA6WOF74HPITV4G2AOQ 208151 808810027 brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855-00002.warc.gz <urn:uuid:4e8d8914-7ef3-465b-8da0-cb4f945d89d3>
. 2021-04-22 18:19:36,510 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://b1.pinger.pl/4bda55182968e6c63c38be564f660b6f/ae116559635f61144d3dc7f00492b9f9.jpg’: 200 OK. Length: 18164 [image/jpeg].
.. http://b1.pinger.pl/4bda55182968e6c63c38be564f660b6f/ae116559635f61144d3dc7f00492b9f9.jpg 1619108376 - - ZRCPRJZBJWMKF3HHCHSEKDFZIWREL5LR 18218 807421693 brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855-00002.warc.gz <urn:uuid:cc7f981b-15dd-482f-9b37-2dced4b3e7dd>
. 2021-04-22 18:19:38,830 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘http://b1.pinger.pl/b8539fcbabdcbd4e18925bc5ab1ec2c3/20160612_191613.jpg’: 200 OK. Length: 43164 [image/jpeg].
.. http://b1.pinger.pl/b8539fcbabdcbd4e18925bc5ab1ec2c3/20160612_191613.jpg 1619108378 - - ZM22ZCXURL2IWT7KSCOZF7ESIR6VIIHT 43840 808569238 brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855-00002.warc.gz <urn:uuid:3f9a0b5a-5b81-4131-abea-3eab89a66722>

Image from "wpull.log" -> links to http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3en-b2oBHKk/VOTYezIicnI/AAAAAAAAAGs/A7OfxDYRXuw/s1600/Zdj%C4%99cie1189.jpg

Audio track:

Anon 01/21/2024 (Sun) 14:24 [Preview] No.9415 del
2015 video not in TPA - "Waiting for love [PMV]":

2022 video not in TPA - "[MLP/SFM] After Dark PMV"

(Unique frames.) Image: A real equine being, and a real hero.

Anon 01/21/2024 (Sun) 15:36 [Preview] No.9416 del
(202.41 KB 400x404 PinkiePie.png)
It took about 13 minutes to extract this PNG from that 5.0 GiB .warc.gz file:
>$ utc; warcfilter -U "http://b1.pinger.pl/0db7e788547dc110041035d3af57f2d0/PinkiePie.png" "./put/ia/+/brony.fandom.com/warc/brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855-00002.warc.gz" > PinkiePie.png.warc; utc
>$ utc; cp -n ~/Documents/PinkiePie.png.warc ~/Documents/PinkiePie.png; utc
>$ vim ~/Documents/PinkiePie.png
>$ # PNG starts with 0x89 then "PNG"

Source of this image:
>WARC-Type: request
>Content-Type: application/http;msgtype=request
>WARC-Date: 2021-04-22T16:19:38Z
>WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:8b9b370e-906b-4992-838d-e42fe7846fdd>
>WARC-Target-URI: http://b1.pinger.pl/0db7e788547dc110041035d3af57f2d0/PinkiePie.png

Anon 01/21/2024 (Sun) 22:21 [Preview] No.9417 del
(30.22 MB 854x480 MLP_AplsnPsych.flv.mp4)
Original files + MP4 derives of
"Maretrix.flv" - FFmpeg said "httphostheader : o-o.preferred.integra-pdx1.v3.lscache3.c.youtube.com"
"MLP_AplsnPsych.flv" - FFmpeg said "httphostheader : v24.nonxt7.c.youtube.com"
"MLP_FrWASmgc.flv" - FFmpeg said "httphostheader : o-o---preferred---sn-pouxbg5-2qme---v23---lscache3.c.youtube.com"
(I think I first saw that MLP_AplsnPsych or a PMV with same music diff. video years ago; MLP_FrWASmgc=popular so I also first saw that ~10 years ago)
>Vandalizing on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Wiki (6/18/2015)
"Crappy" short video, MP4 derive in here:
>[MLP/SFM] After Dark PMV
Audio track (sVx1mJDeUjY):

Qmdr...Tvty, Qma8...hmnx, and Qma5...Aigy = in "lower propagation computer", and I'm considering enabling accelerated DHT in there:

I also cleared tint/Tetris with the bottom 8 rows filled with random pieces.

Anon 01/21/2024 (Sun) 23:00 [Preview] No.9418 del
>I think I first saw that MLP_AplsnPsych or a PMV with same music diff. video years ago
I only know of this one implementation, which is also in the PMV/video thread nearby in the catalog here.

>In that case, I recommend doing this:
>1. Install Cygwin

Not interested.
I did look up what the deal with WMIC was, and Macro Shaft wants to shift the script kiddies from using sound, reasonable CLI tools to learning Powers Hell to achieve identical results. IE, it was in the name of cybersecurity.

Get-ChildItem <file> -Force | Select-Object FullName, CreationTime, LastWriteTime is the new hotness.

And no new information was added, so I'm not repeating that output here.

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 06:52 [Preview] No.9419 del
Source, probably:
"PMV - Appleloosan Psychiatrist [Reupload]": https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=O8Eyf07vmKc

Rewatching this video made me think: Apple Bloom is a little girl, and also a horse, cute. Rated-explicit image: You may not be able to put your entire erect penis into Apple Bloom's little pussy, but if you stick it in her butthole you can go balls-deep, smart.

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 06:57 [Preview] No.9420 del
Lolz, while using https://magrathea.endchan.net/pone/thread/9086.html I set the images to "[x] Spoiler" but it did not spoiler the images when looking at the post. That post is as follows (two images of it not attached):

Anon 1/22/2024, 6:52:00 AM No. 9419 [Preview] [Reply] report
Source, probably:
"PMV - Appleloosan Psychiatrist [Reupload]": https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=O8Eyf07vmKc

Rewatching this video made me think: Apple Bloom is a little girl, and also a horse, cute. Rated-explicit image: You may not be able to put your entire erect penis into Apple Bloom's little pussy, but if you stick it in her butthole you can go balls-deep, smart.

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 07:08 [Preview] No.9421 del
I don't know how to delete posts that I made here. I tried deleting this, but it didn't work. Test: trying to Spoiler another two images while posting at https://magrathea.endchan.net/pone/thread/9086.html

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 07:13 [Preview] No.9422 del
Endchan bug: cannot spoiler images when posting at magrathea.endchan.net

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 07:22 [Preview] No.9423 del
>Get-ChildItem -Force | Select-Object FullName, CreationTime, LastWriteTime is the new hotness.
So I think that only gets the timestamp to as specific as the minute. explorer.exe > show properties of a file > time resolution is more specific, down to the second, but that is GUI, so not easy to use with a bunch of files (explorer also puts some weird non-printing characters in the timestamp parts of file properties windows).

>not interested in getting file timestamps down to the second, millisecond, time zone
This is where our interests differ. I'm the type of guy who's annoyed that Endchan only shows post timestamps down the minute and not second (but I am posting here so evidently I don't care that much about it). Specific metadata=lost.

Anon Board volunteer 01/22/2024 (Mon) 07:33 [Preview] No.9424 del
(273.80 KB 800x400 Newsworthy.png)
(341.34 KB 659x774 CoveredUp.png)
>Endchan bug: cannot spoiler images when posting at magrathea

Friendly neighborhood Vol to the rescue.

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 07:37 [Preview] No.9425 del
Better link:

Looks like someone, no me, fixed it for >>9419

Hobune.stream guy, if you're here, do you have the comments on https://hobune.stream/tpa-h/videos/ZLvIyme2MU4 ?

Control test: spoilering an image I jacked off to, posting at https://endchan.org/.static/last50.html?b=pone&t=9086#bottom

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 14:27 [Preview] No.9426 del
(129.46 KB 800x800 QACGr.png)
I found a deleted Imgur image which isn't in wbm:
>$ ipfs ls /ipfs/QmfA6WsZ9XhQJUDNtj8u2dhMi7ikd3feKNLGpEppmL9Kg7/archive.org/compress/ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked/
>QmSpmoYaoPDVG4KWemGHrGVLU9NaTkeWTRWCv551Rd5YAT 1261421032 Unconfirmed 168564.crdownload
>$ # QmSp...5YAT = part of a ZIP file
>$ # ...extracted: "QACGr.png" from http://i.imgur.com/QACGr.png as of 2012-08-01 00:31:10 -> https://archive.org/download/ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked -> ... -> https://archive.org/download/ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked/Spread%20Pony%20Legs.zip/Spread%20Pony%20Legs%2FQACGr.png ]

173 MiB of data from IA item ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked is online here, from "lower propagation computer", compressed and inflated:

Or download the whole ~1.5GB thing here, only the compressed files will be downloaded:

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 14:36 [Preview] No.9427 del
>Maybe search for it in wbm snapshots of YouTube from years ago. >>9123 what's the timestamp on MLP-Tetris.flv in your device?
So, it is that particular .flv this thread is searching for right, and it is in the webm catalog here? Hmmmmmmmmmm... I would like a link but that seems familiar to me.

/endpone/ has a local vol? Who knew?
Thanks whomever you are.

Foalcon is the one taboo I will never get over. I don't consider it to be one on one with edophilia. Just grosses me out from the idea of it and makes me want to protect Apple Bloom like some Russian anons would, lol.

>And no, I'm running "ameliorated" windows so all the needed components for WSL, and some other things, have been ripped out.
Ameliorated Windows? I don't know if that is the smartest idea. It just feels like a really vulerable way to go about things, at least from what I know, Windows Defender not working and all the safeguards gone. Now, I am not giving you grief, the safeguards are also spyware, but, my next point... isn't Windows 10 sort of spyware at a more fundamental level? I have always thought something like Windows 7 behind a external firewall that only whitelisted a few sites or something would be safer.

...you know what, perhaps reply to me to that in /chat/ or elsewhere on the board, feels a little too off topic.

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 14:41 [Preview] No.9428 del
Forgive me for being retarded, but
>"lower propagation computer",
Is that a computer you run that you refer to as that?

>web link
What a electric mix, clop mixed with random stuff like Little Dark Age PMVs. That meme unto itself feels weird mixed with MLP.

That is the most wholesome attempt at being sexy ever.

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 15:02 [Preview] No.9432 del
(70.72 KB 1024x703 fcL0I.jpg)
(135.53 KB 1024x945 lWzRN.jpg)
https://archive.org/compress/ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked = "Length: 2398368103 (2.2G) [application/zip]"; something I can check: does the top of it match to the first blocks of "Unconfirmed 168564.crdownload"?

QmPZ...DLzW also includes a PMV which was deleted off of YouTube:

Music by MGMT, call it "My Little Dark Age". Many videos with the "Little Dark Age" track were deleted or whatever off of YouTube due to niggardly copyright holders, so you currently cannot reupload those vids to YT. In the past I was going to do more research on links related to this situation, but didn't. Explicit-rated images from

Anon 01/22/2024 (Mon) 15:52 [Preview] No.9433 del
>>>from "lower propagation computer"...: ipfs://QmPZPLT3wKTdo22qVBvxtGbgpkL3tvDpKuVMZuQ9boDLzW
>>"lower propagation computer",
>Is that a computer you run that you refer to as that?
Yes (pinata.cloud isn't the actual host, just a gateway to access data from various users that have their data online; if you have a Pinata account you can pin 1GB there for free, so then Pinata will also/only be the actual host). If you didn't know... here https://ipfs.tech/ it says "IPFS is an open system to manage data without a central server". Basically there are two parts to IPFS: storage and networking (which is peer-to-peer). Everyone can easily store stuff, but to share stuff over the Internet: that's rarer and can wear down and eventually break HDDs too soon (due to high usage) if you don't know what you are doing. So unless anyone else hosts or seeds or stores /ipfs/QmPZPLT3wKTdo22qVBvxtGbgpkL3tvDpKuVMZuQ9boDLzW (QmPZ...DLzW) it will remain only stored and hosted by me. No worries of HDD wear: seed IPFS CIDs via a RAM disk and also store them in a HDD; however, you cannot share tens/hundreds of gigabytes of data this way unless you have a crazy amount of memory. QmPZ...DLzW will be accessible online at the upload speed that I have for as long as I have it up, unless anyone else also seeds it, in that case it would be accessible and up at speed=me+swarm and uptime=me+swarm. It's just like how in BitTorrent various peers can keep data up for longer and at a faster speed than just one guy. (I think you can also pay to have IPFS data stored in Filecoin, which is off-chain storage, not sure about the whole deal with propagation in that case.)

I use 3 computers: a main one, a "higher propagation" one, and a "lower propagation" one. In both the higher and lower propagation computers I self-host IPFS data from a ram disk; said data is Internet-accessible. Uptime in "higher"=currently about 19 days (plus another 9 days if you allow for an hour(s)-long period of downtime >>9209); uptime in "lower"=currently about 3 days. See how long the ipfs daemon has been running:
>$ ps -o etime $(ps aux | grep "ipfs daemon" | head -n1 | awk '{print $2}')
One computer is "lower propagation" due to how my local network is physically set up. Maybe in the future I will change it up to have better throughput. I was also thinking of connecting a "consigned to die" 5TB HDD to a computer; that way, I could share hundreds of gigabytes via IPFS over the Internet and not worry about it. Currently only sharing on a "rotational basis" where online stuff which is also stored offline might get rotated out with newer stuff, so it may go offline within the next ~weeks due to storage limitations of the RAM disks.

Anon 01/23/2024 (Tue) 09:27 [Preview] No.9434 del
(89.65 KB 600x600 1v4xB.png)
>If I can't, I can recover most of that set of torrents from this other slow local HDD (hope it doesn't die in the process)
Looks like that "backup" HDD died today. It worked for a while days/weeks ago. I unplugged it a day or two ago because it wasn't being used for a while, plugged it in today, two bad clicks, "disk" showed up for that in "lsblk" then disappeared ("NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS[...]sdd 8:48 0 4.5T 0 disk" - soon later, sdd no longer showed up in lsblk). Shouldn't have unplugged it. Seems to not be much of a lose because that almost-full 5TB HDD has most of its data saved on other drive(s), if I'm not mistaken.

Another deleted Imgur image not in WBM:
>2012-08-01-00-31-11 - http://i.imgur.com/1v4xB.png

>QACGr.png [also keyword "4chan"]
Referenced here according to whoogle.tux.pizza: https://www.scribd.com/doc/187591671/Log - get pages:
$ lynx -source https://www.scribd.com/doc/187591671/Log | grep "html.scribdassets.com" | grep jsonp | sed "s/.* //g" | sed "s/\"//g"
scribd.com really puts all of its pages on separate files like

Anon 01/23/2024 (Tue) 12:51 [Preview] No.9435 del
(245.88 KB 1000x1000 3M1z0.png)
>> >>9248
>> FYI
>> Users can now request their data to be removed, preferably before the site goes down: https://www.ponychan.net/chat/res/123305.html
>> Also said here: https://archive.org/details/vintage-80
> >>9254
> This sort of thing always has left me conflicted. I can totally understand not wanting something stupid you said up somewhere for all entirety but often in places that enforces these deletion policies context and culture can be lost from deleted posts and users.
Everyone should realize that archive.org is certainly not a website where you can upload static content that will remain static "forever". Like if some idiot comments on an upload that will add a review file which will make the item desync with any hashtree anyone had of that archive.org item. Speaking of archive.org idiots, get a load of this guy: https://archive.ph/2024.01.23-121956/https://archive.org/details/@cinemainfotv - "Cinema info TV". He has only 5 "crappy" uploads of definitely non-rare media which is search engine-findable on other websites. I don't care about that as much as I find it stupid that he links to his donation page on his user account and also each upload page ( example: https://archive.ph/2024.01.23-121859/https://archive.org/details/ant-man-and-the-wasp-2018-trailer-a-4k-prores-5.1-watermarked ). And why is a 4K 1m42s video 7.47 damn gigabytes? Maybe that's the case with 4K (4096x1716). And he didn't state the source of the video at ant-man-and-the-wasp-2018-trailer-a-4k-prores-5.1-watermarked (I suspect it is from YouTube or Blu-ray then probably upscaled/other crap). I feel a bit dumb for caring or being annoyed at this, dumb users and other crap are on all websites.

Imgur-deleted, not in wbm from
>2012-08-01-00-31-15 - http://i.imgur.com/3M1z0.png

Anon 01/23/2024 (Tue) 13:22 [Preview] No.9436 del
(100.39 KB 544x460 D7h4Q.png)
Added to memoryhole site:
>u https://www.trixiebooru.org/images/3286379
>d 2024-01-23T13:02:32Z
>s http://i.imgur.com/fcL0I.jpg
>t explicit, fluttershy, pussy, anus, crotchboobs, solo, on back, outdoors, day, cloud, grass

Saw one of those YouTube video essays on that crappy series: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=Ds_hr2BQzp8&listen=0 titled "How Young Sheldon FIXED The Big Bang Theory".

Imgur-deleted, not in wbm from
>2012-08-01-00-31-42 - http://i.imgur.com/D7h4Q.png

Anon 01/23/2024 (Tue) 18:21 [Preview] No.9437 del
On trixibooru it has the artist-needed tag, even though who the artist is, is pretty obvious.

Also, that image is here

(hint: it's cartoonlion)

Anon 01/23/2024 (Tue) 19:10 [Preview] No.9438 del
(568.58 KB 1200x824 deletionbooru-14440.png)
>...something I can check: does the top of it match to the first blocks of...
I checked the first 181.32 MiB of both ZIP files - they don't match:
$ head --bytes=190123456 ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked | sha1sum -
6db68d77e45ce48dbbd20509f10bc25c2ce04902  -
$ ipfs cat -l 190123456 QmSpmoYaoPDVG4KWemGHrGVLU9NaTkeWTRWCv551Rd5YAT | sha1sum -
845cdce98ac076a439a979d1a6657195854d3a3c  -
$ # no match with the first 1901 bytes either; same with first 190
First bytes of each file:
$ # "ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked" (size=2,398,368,103):[...]
00000000: 504b 0304 0a00 0008 0000 b175 3658 8ee1  PK.........u6X..
00000010: e1b6 11d8 ac00 11d8 ac00 1400 0d00 5370  ..............Sp
00000020: 7265 6164 2050 6f6e 7920 4c65 6773 2e7a  read Pony Legs.z
00000030: 6970 5554 0900 038f 7fae 658f 7fae 6550  ipUT......e...eP
$ # /ipfs/QmSpmoYaoPDVG4KWemGHrGVLU9NaTkeWTRWCv551Rd5YAT (size=1,261,421,032):[...]
00000000: 504b 0304 0a00 0008 0000 aa66 b256 8452  PK.........f.V.R
00000010: 6e4b 6bca 0f00 6bca 0f00 1d00 0d00 4d61  nKk...k.......Ma
00000020: 6e65 2053 6978 2050 6c6f 7420 616e 6420  ne Six Plot and 
00000030: 5661 6769 6e61 732e 7a69 7055 5409 0003  Vaginas.zipUT...
This means that archive.org's zip-on-the-fly feature at https://archive.org/compress/[ID] creates non-deterministic ZIP files, and one of the reasons IA does this is because it doesn't consistently sort the files in the ZIP file. It would be better if IA generated deterministic ZIP files.

>Also, that image is here
That a similar, but different image (attached).

Anon 01/23/2024 (Tue) 20:44 [Preview] No.9440 del
>similar, but different
good grief, man.

Anon 01/24/2024 (Wed) 09:15 [Preview] No.9441 del
Waiting_for_love_PMV-Maria_Briz-20150621-youtube-1280x720-nachsDZoGDA.* at
- significant video editing, lower propagation computer, 41 MB, WebM video file at
- nachsDZoGDA local, remote, top

Music by Avicii ( https://wikiless.lunar.icu/wiki/Avicii ). Swedish DJ Avicii killed himself with a sharp piece of glass in 2018. For those who reject or deny life, suicide is the realization of their truth, to the degree of themself.

>I should make IPFS copies of all of the torrents that I have 100% of, so that I have better redundancy in local storage. (I currently only have CIDs for some of them.)
magnet:?xt=urn:btih:70f05b65e956da00b1bbd73f6f16ba94781cde3f&dn=demon%20slayer%20S04E02-Yoriichi%20Type%20Zero.mkv&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fnyaa.tracker.wf%3A7777%2Fannounce -> "ipfs add -w S04E02-Yoriichi\ Type\ Zero.mkv" -> ipfs://Qma6cicf8YkBnFUxjNAuAnCb3rBsHmjFvZChSnd7dwi5j3

I didn't put in the effort to search by tag (before or after). I did do an image search here https://derpibooru.org/search/reverse before uploading - but it found no match for that image >>9432 https://endchan.org/.media/64c70336f1bbc0ef0a13272b22b92348-imagejpeg.jpg

Anon 01/24/2024 (Wed) 09:42 [Preview] No.9442 del
(175.97 KB 712x817 Nwu0J.png)
>derpibooru/search/reverse found no match
Because it sucks ass this hard: the same image at 1200x824 and 1024x703 does not show up in search results and it will say "We couldn't find any images matching this in our image database." Also >>9230

Added >>9439 to memoryhole website:
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3286844
>d 2024-01-24T09:29:16Z
>s http://i.imgur.com/F9esT.png
>t rarity, solo, pussy, anus, spread legs, blush, eyes closed, pussy juice, explicit

Imgur-deleted+no-wbm from

Anon 01/24/2024 (Wed) 13:34 [Preview] No.9443 del
(356.74 KB 688x731 RoMv3.png)
You can share public files with a short link with that website which says "Upload up to 500 MB \ Files stored for 1 day". Example:
$ curl --upload-file ./wget-log https://transfer.archivete.am/f; echo
$ curl --upload-file ./datetime.txt https://transfer.archivete.am/; echo
$ # no output filename specified = sets to input filename
$ # file wget* in ipfs://QmW5rYoyNuik3wTeKWPFWxMm1SBvXaveGpLvofPbxD9PWF
$ # file date* in ipfs://QmcZdjrs331NoXJjrTvrvuJhFgxjLtUeyjCdLVC2T5fjGc
(I sorta miss x0.at, BTW.)

>The Danielsaur
He made MLP chiptune music. I'm thinking of downloading his YT channel sometime. Reminds me, >>9276 - listen to the music:
$ lynx -dump https://milki.org/aggression/ | grep http | tail -n+2 | head -n-1 | sed "s/.*https:/https:/g" | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo $args | sed "s/.*\///g"; mpv --no-video "$args"; done' _

>So, it is [MLP-Tetris.flv] this thread is searching for right, and it is in the webm catalog here? Hmmmmmmmmmm... I would like a link but that seems familiar to me.
Thanks to this guy's research -- >>9385 >>9386 -- we think it's YouTube video ID YMFVY57dksE. However there's basically no metadata for that YouTube webpage at all. What was the title, uploader, etc.? See >>9388 + constrained to time 2012-05-11 >>9396 (likely uploaded before 2012-05-11).

Imgur-deleted+no-WBM from

Anon 01/24/2024 (Wed) 13:50 [Preview] No.9444 del
(215.75 KB 960x1280 T9Qce.png)
Anonymous: "Why are you the sexist pony out of the mane 6?
Applejack: "Just look at me."

*likely uploaded before 2012-11-05

Imgur-deleted+no-wbm from

Anon 01/24/2024 (Wed) 14:03 [Preview] No.9445 del
>>9443 *constrained to time 2012-11-05
>>9444 *mane 6?"

"Taste the Rainbow."

Anon 01/24/2024 (Wed) 19:05 [Preview] No.9446 del
2022 video not in TPA - "MLP PMV: California Girls":

2020 video not in TPA - "Equestria Girls (California Girls Parody)":

( no rap radio edit, npr: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=LgBPDZL6zSA )

This message at https://web.archive.org/save/https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=backrooms&pid=42 :
>This host has been already captured 2,003.0 times today. Please try again tomorrow. Please email us at "[email protected]" if you would like to discuss this more.

Anon 01/24/2024 (Wed) 20:56 [Preview] No.9447 del
The following two Rarity-focused PMVs make me think/imagine something like the following. A really sexy and beautiful high school girl (was thinking human, but could be a mare) who is popular; she's also a mean girl, but she has a heart of gold.

Is in TPA - 'Rarity My Little Pony G4 AMV - "Your Love Is My Drug" - Ke$ha' (uploaded in 2010-09-30 20:35:53 GMT):

2012 video not in TPA - "PMV - Sexy Naughty Bitchy Rarity.mp4":[1]

Someone's post (www.youtube.com->iv.ggtyler.dev):
>First G4 fan song: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=atnSTtiWU5E
>First G4 PMV: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=7LE6DJj0ngU
>First G5 fan song: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=63Yzx4CNSI4
>First G5 PMV: ???

[1] I downloaded that small channel: Apple Dash UCYApxt-C8NrVKJhjkj-B76w (videos not in TPA). Videos from
> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmeG51bRCHqyxZRQCaAUKAzuB3BMDdYwHBZCtEwcWR7NAX /Apple_Dash_UCYApxt-C8NrVKJhjkj-B76w and https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmPSc5MKZfyhPgADPCRYGbhwbRsLcM9QLRSEMc3RyZphfq /MLPBubbles_UCMoJiNCAQCaibHkOG6tmMJQ.partial
>> in "lower propagation" computer
>> ipfs://bafybeiaqmiyz5uithj4lgcfxcdhcuapxiugjpuygdgaga5vkyuuf6hrsyq/MLPBubbles_UCMoJiNCAQCaibHkOG6tmMJQ.partial/Rarity_My_Little_Pony_G4_AMV_-_Your_Love_Is_My_Drug_-_Ke_ha-MLPBubbles-20100930-youtube-1280x720-7LE6DJj0ngU.webm
>> ipfs://bafybeieshscffmduuzfo7k6xtwnlii7czhwpuerxxmfmsa3ql655qqsp2i/PMV_-_Sexy_Naughty_Bitchy_Rarity.mp4-Apple_Dash-20120409-youtube-492x360-ymlSDkXC6UM.webm
>> ipfs://QmYBVkjaQWjSD7CQVwFbXUU1EN2Lo8QuocKrKggVnX9dgm/Teenage_Dream_PMV.mp4-Apple_Dash-20120409-youtube-960x720-UHD69dMeNUw.webm

That folder
also includes a 52-MB PMV of "Through the Fire and Flames" by DragonForce (a TTFAF PMV which was linked in /mlp/):

Rarity is a fashion pony.
- 7LE6DJj0ngU local, remote, top
- ymlSDkXC6UM local, remote, top
- UHD69dMeNUw local, remote, top
- FGpdrxHr3Cw local, remote, top

>Qma6...i5j3 [npr]
offline folder stored, online folder in other HDD unpinned and gc'd, online as a torrent

Anon 01/24/2024 (Wed) 21:24 [Preview] No.9448 del
>Love that sexy sassy Rarity
It's worth restating that that is the first known G4 pony music video, called an AMV back then. Uploaded in 2010-09-30T20:35:53Z, 7LE6DJj0ngU uses video from promos/trailers, before FIM S01E01 first aired. Copies of that "Your Love Is My Drug" PMV:

ipfs://QmPSc5MKZfyhPgADPCRYGbhwbRsLcM9QLRSEMc3RyZphfq -> https://bafybeib3tyyisjrl24wkneq7tmzrv44jcnt4ayl6544r2eiwngzxgubol4.ipfs2.eth.limo/
= has better files than The Pony Archive's copy

= The Pony Archive's (TPA's)

. also added to higher propagation computer: bafy...bol4
. ipfs2.eth links to a dead gateway; example:
.. https://gw.gcp.prod.lastmilelabs.systems/ipfs/Qma529MYsM19N3pEa9hqQ2QJU1TxES7KGUpaooLs9TXQva?filename=1_profile_picture_1.img.png
... file attached

Anon 01/25/2024 (Thu) 16:03 [Preview] No.9449 del
(391.37 KB 748x748 unnamed.png)
(490.83 KB 2048x1152 channels4_banner.jpg)
Is in TPA - "[PMV] Hot n Cold (Pinkie Pie)":

2011 video not in TPA - "MLP PMV - Hot n Cold":
. from a small channel: ArAhnID2323 UC74-U1csdMeWtcwxnI-8zJQ

2015 video not in TPA - "Rap God PMV":
. from a non-small channel
. npr folder ipfs://QmSwPRDFAbArarfcLotgNhminTSqTBVb4b3TNq2RmpQjib incl. "Eminem - Rap God (Audio).mp3"

Reason #7,512,938 to not use Microsoft-related things: If you are using NTFS (and not a better FS like ZFS), you have to use chkdsk in MS Window$ in some situations. Windows 10 ISO which I guess I can boot as a liveboot then use chkdsk in cmd.exe (I sorta checked its SHA1 hash against other sources):

pfp, banner from
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240123140015/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=0Zhj-KRkSZg&listen=false - clicks "Load more"
.. https://iv.ggtyler.dev/channel/UCekrS7_Xh4o1RfbZerNYrLA - @SolarFlarehorse commented on video "The Man Who Broke God of War in Half"
... channel "Solar Flare" has some MLP-related videos

Anon 01/25/2024 (Thu) 17:33 [Preview] No.9450 del
"WARC: brony.fandom.com":
start URL = https://brony.fandom.com/pl/wiki/Brony_Wiki


I hope everyone here uses archive.ph in addition to web.archive.org (Wayback Machine), because Wayback Machine has basically deleted stuff before. archive.today: "Loading." ( https://web.archive.org/web/20230805050423/https://archive.is/loading.gif and https://web.archive.org/web/20230805050423/https://archive.is/loading.gif )

Sometimes linked in YT video descriptions - example being '[PMV] Rainbow Dash "Burn it Down"' (Linkin Park):
-> https://web.archive.org/web/20140813014245/http://pmvtoday.com/2013/01/united-state-of-pop-burn-it-down/

Downloaded one channel:
. 67 MB: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmP8jLvAoQHj8Px4pEt5B1uVAk2RGjuRMr44sXBRJtAUhN/ArAhnID2323_UC74-U1csdMeWtcwxnI-8zJQ
. CAR file, 24-hour temp share: https://put.icu/z6t1bowp.file
.. max DL speed = ~11.1MB/s

Video from

Anon 01/25/2024 (Thu) 17:43 [Preview] No.9451 del
(29.20 KB 480x360 hq3.jpg)
*and https://web.archive.org/web/20230805050423/https://archive.is/loading1.gif

rOSG86aqxKY and other videos from that channel= local, remote, top

Anon 01/25/2024 (Thu) 20:03 [Preview] No.9452 del
Test on a URL like >>9446 ->
-> redirects to a random image that I saw under tag "my_little_pony": https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9031384

For wbm, it worked!

According to this, tmpfs can easily be resized without data lose:
>$ mount -o remount,size=new_size /path/to/tmpfs
>$ mount -o remount,size=10G /lib/live/mount/overlay # for example

>Eminem - Rap God (Audio).mp3
which is https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeier2k3f36aqlj6aua3p3xho5lqetuxpchuxhdmag2f57kjvk72kda ( also, in that folder, I liked "All That Remains - The Air That I Breathe lyrics.mp3" https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeih7pilpyp7xd6anhzcabnqbvtociay4dnejpiwwlrbdxkrutuweru )

>Rap God [+ponies]
Video from
. https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXQu4YdfPjqi5YvGj3YGupH2QHoJwsuujZrGWHDprNEfW?aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLm9yZy9kZXRhaWxzL0BsYW5nZmxhZwo=
.. -> https://archive.org/details/aftermonty-youtube-archive -> ... ->
... https://ia902602.us.archive.org/31/items/aftermonty-youtube-archive/AfterMonty/Rap%20God%20but%20every%20word%20is%20a%20different%20image%20of%20Dolores%20%5BuTF3V028NXQ%5D.mp4

"So Ray J went straight to radio station the very next day\'Hey, Fab, I'mma kill you'\Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed, (JJ Fad)\Uh, summa lumma dooma lumma you assuming I'm a human\What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman\Innovative and I'm made of rubber, so that anything you say is\Ricochet in off a me and it'll glue to you\And I'm devastating more than ever demonstrating\How to give a motherfuckin' audience a feeling like it's levitating\Never fading, and I know that haters are forever waiting\For the day that they can say I fell off, they'll be celebrating\'Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated\I make elevating music\You make elevator music\'Oh, he's too mainstream.'\Well, that's what they do\When they get jealous, they confuse it\'It's not hip hop, it's pop.'\'Cause I found a hella way to fuse it\With rock, shock rap with Doc\Throw on 'Lose Yourself' and make 'em lose it\I don't know how to make songs like that\I don't know what words to use\Let me know when it occurs to you\While I'm ripping any one of these verses that versus you\It's curtains, I'm inadvertently hurtin' you\How many verses I gotta murder to\Prove that if you were half as nice,\your songs you could sacrifice virgins to\Unghh"

Anon 01/25/2024 (Thu) 20:39 [Preview] No.9453 del

Anon 01/26/2024 (Fri) 12:16 [Preview] No.9454 del
(649.42 KB 2500x2145 1352136760717.jpg)
(315.25 KB 1000x1000 e13KH.png)
>>[BLOCKED:] 3tDhOcljYpA IZ3VAD07MxA llOdcr-Fw9E KwBeR_6b-OU 746lRMrUEE4 EEjSGvQunBs iL8VHoxALuk aOdBZ0CbeXQ A1uHBsKiPMY 1NYqlGD930E _Pio7D1sA8M Xyp6AJ43L1E _xOErpPa_8E -hQZtCJ61A4 R15JbMx54HY CfZAMEOjGmE nj6kfZr1QAA xGBNpFTmnTc NkN-MWvXPDM KyqMSNuTqYs pOs4Td1gpis ax3Ev8ksgqI -Lvjz7YUz8Q cL1QWBO7E-Q uL9134Do2_0 Vkvhp-0Hg88 2Y-ZcI0sf38 WlU-aWT-G_4 d2sQE0Kh2iA bcefdCpuVxc OIdPWFDO0Ns ZBbrRqrnN54 8R8f29B7rn8 pMI15m522IE 8CzFfbv7kbc tVWSXLCA7BY gVuXRUXJypo tkZa4tVV3hQ
>not in wbm/youtube
. Also zero in wbm cdxs for video files and webpages of vid.puffyan.us invidious.lunar.icu invidious.protokolla.fi y.com.sb
. Also zero IDs are linked in desuarchive/mlp

Images from
. https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/1352/13/1352136760717.jpg
. imgur-deleted+no-wbm ipfs://QmS8NRjNn3yQtWAZewobbcsLDCjQqZJsHCHyzavvGncnKS/e13KH.png - from
.. 2012-08-01-00-31-13 - http://i.imgur.com/e13KH.png

Anon 01/26/2024 (Fri) 13:25 [Preview] No.9455 del
(126.00 KB 700x612 lUxbd.png)
. JxaMH4hgwPw local, remote, top
. from lower propagation computer in which I had these errors -- "dial refused because of black hole" -- after running "ipfs swarm connect /ip4/[Internet-routable IPv4 address]/udp/54211/quic-v1/p2p/[...peer ID of higher propagation computer...]". Oh, because "ping: google.com: Name or service not known". So, also in higher (last uptime of lower=7-02:55:45)

that channel banner is similar to this one: >>9173

>QmSw...Qjib [npr]
unpinned+gc'd, stored offline. Imgur-deleted+no-wbm
> 2012-08-01-00-31-50 - http://i.imgur.com/lUxbd.png
>> ipfs://bafybeibyjfpbjxla2hie77h6gjyqxfakno7d6r4hca3cx6vq5z2i2bkj5e/lUxbd.png

Anon 01/26/2024 (Fri) 13:57 [Preview] No.9456 del
(146.87 KB 600x800 o5ldi.png)
Added to Deletebooru
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3288149 >d 2024-01-26T13:34:22Z >s http://i.imgur.com/lUxbd.png >t rainbow dash, pussy, mare, solo, explicit, white background, blushing, pony, pegasus, open mouth, pussy juice >i

Derpibooru claims to have a Tor hidden service -- https://derpibooru.org/pages/onion -- but it doesn't work. Checked with multiple Tor IP addresses:
>$ torsocks wget --spider http://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/
>$ sudo systemctl restart tor; torsocks curl -sL https://checkip.amazonaws.com/
I got:
>[...]failed: Connection refused.
>[...]failed: No route to host.

Also fails:
>$ torsocks curl -L http://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion
>[...]curl: (7) Couldn't connect to server
>$ torsocks curl -sL http://darkfailenbsdla5mal2mxn2uz66od5vtzd5qozslagrfzachha3f3id.onion | lynx -stdin
>$ # clearweb = https://dark.fail/

"No results" at https://archive.ph/derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion . Imgur-deleted+no-wbm
> 2012-08-01-00-31-39 - http://i.imgur.com/o5ldi.png
>> https://cf-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafybeibyjfpbjxla2hie77h6gjyqxfakno7d6r4hca3cx6vq5z2i2bkj5e/o5ldi.png

Anon Board owner 01/27/2024 (Sat) 03:40 [Preview] No.9457 del
(571.56 KB 1280x705 3288199.png)
Thanks a billion!

>local vol
Yes. We do.

It is working for me. I think you might be running into two issues.

One, it requires a login to work. If you are just trying to access it to scrape or whatever, you need a account. I am uncertain if their API would even work with that.

Two, another potential issue is that they use a old https cert for the hidden service. Don't know why:
>Mon, 18 Sep 2017 23:09:00 GMT
>Sun, 17 Dec 2017 23:09:00 GMT
It is a normal let's encrypt cert too.

Also of possible interest:
>Derpibooru provides a JSON API for major site functionality, which can be freely used by anyone wanting to produce tools for the site or other web applications that use the data provided within Derpibooru.

>Note that if you are looking to continuously scrape the entire website, we offer nightly database dumps instead. Consider if these suit your needs first, then rely on the API if they do not.

Anon 01/27/2024 (Sat) 22:28 [Preview] No.9459 del
(1.65 MB 1489x1984 twibooru-3042210.png)
2016 video not in TPA - "My little Borat" (from small channel Joshua Dunford UCK3dE6FGEVQRxmUxVmsS-Cg)

Borat (Spike) also sang "Throw the Jew Down the Well" - in:

Number one prostitute in all of Yakyakistan! Very nice!

I know about certificates with clearweb sites, didn't know about them with onionsites. Same error, but "Connection refused" means something is there in all cases basically:
>$ torsocks wget --spider --no-check-certificate http://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/
>Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
>[...]Connecting to derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion (derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion)||:80... 1706394354 ERROR torsocks[121111]: Connection refused to Tor SOCKS (in socks5_recv_connect_reply() at socks5.c:543)
>failed: Connection refused.

Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 00:16 [Preview] No.9460 del
Looking for something in the previous thread and saw this text...

>(1.25 MB 1600x1440 1774610__safe_artist-colon-dimwitdo...)
>In fact. Getchan, a site that split off of ponychan and later absorbed Lunachan has just recently died and merged into bunkerchan, a 8chan leftypol bunker.
Didn't know that.

>[ I didn't read most of this 01/25/2022 post in ipfs://bafybeif7akj4qbwymtyz3gr7ea3vyeclzu3yszp44vluqzsuqxzzx7y4ge/go1/https-endchan.org-pone-res-3148.html.brave.txt ]
>This is the second group I alluded to. It would be given instructions on the basis of distributed actions. Say, no one wants to spend their day archiving a website on archive today but if a dozen chip in a archive 5 pages that would helpful.
>distributed actions
Decentralized alternative to Wayback Machine = InterPlanetary Wayback: https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb
. feed it warc files, this software works in Windows 7, also (to a lesser degree) it's an alternative to archive.today
. (that guy's username, oduwsdl, sounds like this one AT guy)

> >>8965
> Hi again. I'm still going through that list of potential pony blogspot links from ArchiveTeam. Found this one: https://lcponynerd.blogspot.com/ There is pony in there, but not sure if enough? I'll let you decide I guess.
> Also did you want blogs like this? https://leighisapony.blogspot.com/ It's previous generation pony and very short.
I think I saw/read this post before, but not sure. More "todo": >>8976, >>9081, etc.

...didn't find the post I was looking for (yet?), but here's part of my reply:
* https://archive.tech/ - DNS address not found
* https://archive.io/ - for sale
* https://archive.rip/ - has the text "research prototype -- work in progress" (reminded me of an idea I had for an alt-frontend for IA)
* https://archive.yt/ - "for YouTube", DNS address not found

>Princess Luna
I also liked "4everfreebrony - Sister Luna (Scars On 45 ponified).mp3" in
> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4ce2cc82c906a383aa418b6a179dd26b25d8e26f&dn=Everfree_Radio_RIP&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.trackerfix.com%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.openbittorrent.com%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.tfile.me%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbigfoot1942.sektori.org%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker4.piratux.com%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.trackerfix.com%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.pomf.se%3A80%2Fannounce
> ( https://inv.us.projectsegfau.lt/watch?v=4eur8dSyigc )

Video from

Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 00:44 [Preview] No.9461 del
>Looking for something in the previous thread
>didn't find the post I was looking for (yet?)
It's this post - >>9127 - more on that later maybe (keyword: "archivist").

>Joshua_Dunford UUK3dE6FGEVQRxmUxVmsS-Cg
Here's that YT channel >>9459 :
- BJA75JJlCyk local, remote, top

GETchan YouTube channel, apparently:
- commie music channel

Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 10:52 [Preview] No.9465 del
>took about 13 minutes to extract this PNG from that 5.0 GiB .warc.gz file
Was thinking of extracting more, but warcfilter doesn't work with streamed data:
>$ curl -sL https://archive.org/download/812163582552678363137859911067/brony.fandom.com/warc/brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855-00002.warc.gz | zcat | warcfilter -U "http://b1.pinger.pl/4bda55182968e6c63c38be564f660b6f/ae116559635f61144d3dc7f00492b9f9.jpg" - > ae116559635f61144d3dc7f00492b9f9.jpg.warc
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/warcfilter", line 8, in <module>
> [...]FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '-'
>$ curl -sL https://archive.org/download/812163582552678363137859911067/brony.fandom.com/warc/brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855-00002.warc.gz | zcat | warcfilter -U "http://b1.pinger.pl/4bda55182968e6c63c38be564f660b6f/ae116559635f61144d3dc7f00492b9f9.jpg" > ae116559635f61144d3dc7f00492b9f9.jpg.warc
>Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/home/ubuntu/.local/bin/warcfilter", line 8, in <module>
> sys.exit(run())
>[...]TypeError: cannot use a bytes pattern on a string-like object
>$ # warcfilter --help

Those other pinger.pl links in brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855 are maybe MLP-related.

Added that LOLcats/i can haz cheezburger? classic meme to crapsite (source=pfp):
>u https://www.derpibooru.org/images/3289437 >d 2024-01-28T10:49:16Z >s >i >t safe, twilight sparkle, meme, image macro, solo, mare, unicorn, pony

>resized tmpfs
BTW, this worked, did 1GB->2GB days ago. (Shutdown ipfs daemon before doing it to prevent locks getting possibly messed up or something - maybe an unnecessary step).
Daemon in higher propagation computer went offline in the past days occasionally, probably due to /cow running out of space and having to balance blocks out into /tmp.

Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 11:16 [Preview] No.9466 del
>It is working for me.
For that onionsite, I see that one can't really access HTTP, but one can access HTTPS. Fail:
>http://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/ ...

>$ torsocks wget --spider --no-check-certificate https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/pages/api
all paths HTTP 302 redirect to https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/sessions/new if not using auth cookies or whatever.

I considered grabbing lcponynerd.blogspot.com and leighisapony.blogspot.com today, but I'm basically out of storage space.

>warcfilter lacking this one feature
warcfilter failed quickly on that, in less than 10 seconds, so it's not like anything consumed the whole 5 gigabytes before failing. (So maybe edit the code of https://g.opnxng.com/internetarchive/warctools until it has that feature, or make my own thing.)

Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 18:23 [Preview] No.9467 del
(794.94 KB 1280x720 img.png)
Added pic related sus amogus to Deletedbooru:
>u https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/images/3289499 >d 2024-01-28T12:03:23Z >s >i >t safe, youtube thumbnail, among us, video game, rarity, baby pony, mare, snot, unicorn, human, mop, cotton swab, pony, baby

>YT channel with a focus on PMVs of non-popular pop music tracks
Would be neat if there was a pony music video of "OMYGOD!" by Kate Nash ( https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=LZVkNcaOV9w ), also an underground pop music track, one that I liked in the past. ("Foundations" by her sounds too British.)

>offline in the past days occasionally
It might be getting OOM'd; it needs likes 400 to 600 MB of free memory, at a minimum.

>or make my own thing
I used more "script kiddie-tier garbage" to do that:
>$ wget -O- https://ia801308.us.archive.org/22/items/812163582552678363137859911067/brony.fandom.com/warc/brony.fandom.com-pl-wiki-Brony_Wiki-2021-04-22-a6d5f855-00002.warc.gz | zcat | head --bytes=22111000 | grep -ai -A999111222 "WARC-Target-URI: https://videos-fms.jwpsrv.com/0_6081ca75_0x7653d6e55a22393cd692875b10aa3c8281ba09c8/content/conversions/cGlKNUnj/videos/5WhciD6T-30813215.m4a" > f.bin # grep -A = lines after, but what's an option for only showing the match plus a certian amount of bytes after?
>$ vim f.bin # delete "WARC-Type: request" parts, edit out everything that isn't the wanted "WARC-Type: response"; no ending newline ":set nofixendofline" and save it ":w 5WhciD6T-30813215.m4a"
>$ truncate --size=7183963 5WhciD6T-30813215.m4a # remove last newline byte if needed, filesize was 7,183,963 (check last byte with tail and xxd)
>$ sha1sum 5WhciD6T-30813215.m4a
>db4e684f1ad8d2fa5e583e52c30b127ecdc413be [...]
>$ curl -sL https://web.archive.org/web/20220916043927if_/https://cdn.jwplayer.com/videos/jdrSOuAm-LiJWxqIn.m4a | sha1sum -
>db4e684f1ad8d2fa5e583e52c30b127ecdc413be -
>$ # SHA1 hashes match to wbm
That M4A file was kinda funny. (Pipe into vim: "$ echo something | vim -".) Consideration with grep (works on a file but not a stream, I think):
>-m NUM, --max-count=NUM ; Stop reading a file after NUM matching lines. [ https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man1/grep.1.html ]
as for "only showing the match plus a certain amount of bytes after", someone said "grep is line based" = can't do that with grep, but you can do " | grep -ai -A1234567890 pattern | head --bytes=1000". I assume grep will quit outputting lines once head reads the top 1K bytes.

Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 18:44 [Preview] No.9468 del
(74.87 KB 800x800 pV9O5.png)
My high score in tint (Tetris) = 2100. My high score in "STREAM ONLY" at https://archive.ph/2024.01.28-094009/https://archive.org/details/tetris_1987 = 4000.


>get urls
Otherwise, if you have the space, ipwb is a nice method to get the raws and and index thereof of all of the files in .warc.gz files. ipwb worked in Windows, but I think I never got it to work in Ubuntu.

>oom, offline
Guess I'll "restart everything", so those gigabytes will be offline for now. Last uptime of "higher": 23-02:19:31 (better than the previous uptime of 9 days).

Imgur-deleted+no-wbm basically from
>2012-08-01-00-31-31 - http://i.imgur.com/pV9O5.png
> ipfs://bafybeibyjfpbjxla2hie77h6gjyqxfakno7d6r4hca3cx6vq5z2i2bkj5e?format=car

Anon 01/28/2024 (Sun) 19:03 [Preview] No.9469 del
*raws and index thereof

added to shitsite
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3289662 >d 2024-01-28T18:57:48Z >s http://i.imgur.com/pV9O5.png >i >t twilight sparkle, solo, mare, pony, g4, pussy, anus, spread legs, white background, explicit, unicorn

Derpibooru, like other philomena-based boorus, does not support no-derive images. However, it might be possible to get the non-"losslessly optimized" original image immediately after posting. (Also I reset my password on that site because my previous one was somewhat weak.) https://derpibooru.org/api/v1/json/images/3289662 says
so I will have to try a different image if I want to try to catch it.

Anon 01/29/2024 (Mon) 00:22 [Preview] No.9470 del
(169.06 KB 600x600 img.png)
>we offer nightly database dumps
links to https://derpibooru.org/pages/data_dumps which says
>These data consist only of publicly accessible database contents
So it does not include stuff like comments on deleted image posts. Those comments are either completely gone or non-public.

>all paths HTTP 302 redirect to login page
After logging in in Tor Browser and getting the cookie at Developer tools > Application > Cookies, this works to get any webpage raw for sometime after closing Tor Browser:
>$ torsocks curl -L --insecure --cookie "_philomena_key=QTEy[...]" https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/images/826656 | head -n3

>you can do " | grep -ai -A1234567890 pattern | head --bytes=1000". I assume grep will quit outputting lines once head reads the top 1K bytes.
True (tested). I was almost certain it was going to act that way.

All of the Imgur images in folder "Spread Pony Legs" (bafy...kj5e) seem to have been deleted off of imgur.com and wbm has none of those URLs as warcs. Here's another one not seen here derpibooru.org/search/reverse:
>2012-08-01-00-31-54 - http://i.imgur.com/zDUUF.png
> https://ia601303.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/31/items/ImgurClopCompilationV2Repacked/Spread%20Pony%20Legs.zip&file=Spread%20Pony%20Legs%2FzDUUF.png
added to memoryholebooru
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3289854 >d 2024-01-29T00:15:41Z >s http://i.imgur.com/zDUUF.png >i >t rainbow dash, solo, mare, pony, g4, blush, pussy, anus, crotchboobs, 2011, spread legs, spread wings, full body, explicit

Anon 01/29/2024 (Mon) 17:30 [Preview] No.9472 del
Chiptune/keygen music variant of "Greensleeves": https://milki.org/at4re/AT4RE%20-%20Registry%20Fast%204.0%20kg.xm.mp3 . Also nice: https://milki.org/baka/BAKA!%20-%20Adion%20djDecks%200.8crk.it.mp3

. fxPUCNpPr-c local, remote, top

>offline at ipfs://QmbV3oy6kBF3Mwk19yqSBjq34ZbzWdUyWH5AH5o9yfqooq
Now online here:
This helped:
>$ scp -r ./youtube/MrPonylover91_UCf6zF2sQXVnWK5DDY418p4A [email protected]:/path/a

I ran
>$ unionfs-fuse $HOME/.ipfs/blocks/:/tmp/blocks/ /tmp/union

Video from
(Was going to watch more from that channel but can't right now)

Anon 01/30/2024 (Tue) 09:51 [Preview] No.9473 del
I guess sometimes I could wish for a little more metadata.

Pokehidden remix? How did I get this? Really, the maker of "banned from Equestria" flash game made a ten minute remix of 'beyond her garden' ?

I guess I haven't gone looking for Yelling At Cats old stuff, but I know he changed his stage name again. Here was his first piece as the artist formerly known as Yelling At Cats.

And who is Lighty? Not that old a file, but I can't find it on bandcamp or youtube. I might, video NyVXT1EZ7zg is cute and old and I think I've never seen any PMV of Light Them Up but the attached isn't related. Lighty is the artist. At least that's what I recall, and my naming standard implies that. What I recall is it was one of the better songs of a not-for-free-today album so I managed to download this one and ... forgot what album? The file is only a couple years old, why isn't it still on Bandcamp...
Hmm. It's sitting right next to Scarborough-pony-fair, which I recall posting in, probably the chat thread around here; I may have mentioned what album that was from, and I bet they're together.
The last thing here I have no concrete memory of, and recognize none of it.
I think it was posted on another site's zoo-board and I saw it on the overboard as it went by. Some guy talking about his irl-filly as it turned out, and just attached this to be attaching things.

Have an SFM rainbow-reacts-to-batteries as a response to that string of events, if you like. Or have it context-free if you don't like. (cue 'we are siamese' song in your head if you do that, though.)

Anon 01/30/2024 (Tue) 17:05 [Preview] No.9474 del
I spent some amount more than $400 on 3 more HDDs.

Fluttershy's little birdy friend from
(The brightness is too high in this video.)

Horsefucker phenomenology Anon 01/30/2024 (Tue) 19:25 [Preview] No.9475 del
>I think it was posted on another site's zoo-board and I saw it on the overboard as it went by. Some guy talking about his irl-filly as it turned out, and just attached this to be attaching things.
Reminds me of what I was thinking about in the past: sex with IRL horses. The sex part would be nice, I think pony pussy is tighter than horse pussy. However, everything else about the experience would be somewhat shallow (IRL horses are not as smart as humans to a large degree). As a human or Equestrian pony, if one did somehow go to Equestria and develop a relationship with an equine, then one could experience higher levels of spirit. One could share such a mutually intimate, romantic, and pleasurable experience with a beloved mare. (Typically in bed with closed doors or occurring in a different private area.) This is because an aspect of snowpity is human-level intelligence or consciousness or awareness.

Anon 01/30/2024 (Tue) 21:26 [Preview] No.9476 del
(71.13 KB 905x1280 3zSN6.jpg)
2021 video not in TPA - "Walk of Life PMV (Time Capsule Version)" ("found footage", unique frames):
- from ~medium-size channel Natrix4Life UCOOhgESdE6ncQ9l0WnWIObA

I like this video, which is in TPA - "Dancing Through Life PMV" by nevergrowup:
( same song, different video: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmXvyXoc5mcsztcnvtdvo9HAUAQGDBcT569m4ERZMTu6RW/6_My%20Little%20Wicked%EF%BC%9ADancing%20Through%20Life%20Remastered%20%28MLP%EF%BC%9APMV%29%20%5BrS5hizpkmOQ%5D.mp4 )

Neat, got it - in lower propagation computer (which is no longer "in a black hole"):

(It reminds me of https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeicrjtjovu3e7by76tfllayb7e4p2hpi4jw4atvsd5jwxqchg5thm4 - "Permanently drifting pickup truck".)

This (which was linked from their website) also doesn't work: ipfs://bafybeic5r5yxjh5xpmeczfp34ysrjcoa66pllnjgffahopzrl5yhex7d7i - write anything in the "Paste your web3.storage API token here" field or put a valid token in their - both have the remote server returning nothing. It at least can be used to get a CID match with w3s, check against "$ ipfs add -wr --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 --cid-version=1 /path/to/something" which should have the same settings; not sure about -H and maybe some other things.

Image from Imgur-deleted + not in *erpibooru.org/search/reverse + not in wbm:
. 2012-08-01-00-31-54 - http://i.imgur.com/3zSN6.jpg
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeibyjfpbjxla2hie77h6gjyqxfakno7d6r4hca3cx6vq5z2i2bkj5e/3zSN6.jpg
... bafy.kj5e=back online (nearby=https://web.archive.org/web/20230510124027if_/https://i.imgur.com/3ZSn6.jpg Eminem in Black History Month)

Anon 01/31/2024 (Wed) 21:36 [Preview] No.9477 del
>image at https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafybeifdwzqsejoyltdcsuh6b4v73gjzjeiq4iqgy2ks4vzldoifsfh2ru [I'm glad there's an "Unhide image spoilers" in Endchan]
Added to a crappy HTTP site:
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3291641 >d 2024-01-31T21:33:19Z >s http://i.imgur.com/3M1z0.png >i >t fluttershy, solo, mare, pony, pegasus, pussy, anus, spread legs, tongue out, full body, explicit

TAR and Gzip both have this problem: can't easily read from the middle or end of a file. With TAR files it's easier to read the middle or end as it isn't compressed. https://farside.link/gothub/devsnd/tarindexer = tarball indexer, so you don't have to read the whole multi-gigabyte files each time you want to extract just one file. GZ is harder to deal with, since it's compressed. If you have a multigigabyte .gz file, you can still apparently make an index or read and end/middle part of it without having to read the whole thing:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20180708075208/http://www.gzip.org/recover.txt
. https://serverfault.com/questions/927956/how-to-print-the-last-line-of-a-gz-compressed-file-in-the-command-line
.. "I've developed a command line tool which can make a tail (-t) or even a continuous tail of a gzip file (-T) as it grows. (Many other options available): https://github.com/circulosmeos/gztool \\ So for your case: $ gztool -t myfile.gz | tail -1 \\ Note that for any of these actions gztool will create a little (<1%/gzip) index file interleaved with that action. The advantage of this is that all next "tails" or extractions on that file will consume almost no time/cpu as the file is not decompressed again entirely!"

That emotional connection goes a long way.

Anon 02/01/2024 (Thu) 12:34 [Preview] No.9478 del
source=suspected/confirmed source, uploaded=likely uploaded before:
> CMC_tribute.flv -> derived /ipfs/QmYkhbrMEdnS3zYG6VbUUkLZRga3QVVvbDvYFEuMBLox3p?filename=CMC_tribute.flv.mp4
retitled: Tribute by Tenacious D (CMC PMV)
source: unknown nnHZrr7dwnk ywBEPSdNiv4
uploaded: before 2011-10-10
webpage: unknown
update: FOUND, probably - 'The Cutie Mark Crusaders sing "Tribute"' in https://farside.link/invidious/watch?v=WS0P_mVRQTM&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fbronies.cz%2F&feature=emb_imp_woyt and tpa

MP3 from

Anon 02/01/2024 (Thu) 13:20 [Preview] No.9479 del
title and source=suspected/confirmed, uploaded=likely uploaded before:

> CMC_tribute.flv -> derived /ipfs/QmYkhbrMEdnS3zYG6VbUUkLZRga3QVVvbDvYFEuMBLox3p
title: The Cutie Mark Crusaders sing "Tribute"
source: youtube-WS0P_mVRQTM
webpage: https://web.archive.org/web/20171205223809/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WS0P_mVRQTM&gl=US&hl=en
notes: >>9478

> MLP-Tetris.flv -> d /ipfs/Qmdf9aE4rsFMXRcDdthizLpN2yvuqYJZFzgYK2ZcbbGytM?filename=MLP-Tetris.flv.mp4
title: The complete history of Soviet Equestria arranged to the Melody of Tetris
source: youtube-YMFVY57dksE
webpage: none
uploaded: before 2012-11-05
notes: lots of metadata missing, like the uploader. (I have a new high score in "tint Tetris": 3132.)

> MLP_21stEquCur.mp4 -> /ipfs/QmPK3dJnAx6s6tqMexp6dzdV45J7Z3F6vsrcX4AqZ1iDTx
retitled: 21st Century Cure by Terrance Zdunich (SFM)
source: unknown
webpage: unknown
uploaded: before
notes: lyrics at https://dm.vern.cc/Terrance-zdunich-21st-century-cure-lyrics

File from
> Modify: 2023-11-27 23:25:10.022884285 +0000
about a deleted folder:
>https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0-KB68b6VYvDj3De1TxT-7sQ [not in wbm, archive.ph, desuarchive]
> "mimeType": "application/vnd.google-apps.folder",
> "owners": {"kind": "drive#user","permissionId": "05899559062444116702","id": "107968794583986798767"
> "title": "MLP",
> "createdDate": "2013-03-05T21:39:56.619Z",
> "modifiedDate": "2016-01-02T04:02:15.729Z",
> "quotaBytesUsed": "0",
> "version": "311198",
> "resourceKey": "0-KB68b6VYvDj3De1TxT-7sQ"
Seems like I didn't do a folder pass on "./from_gdrive-reskey-adder.user.js_file/", so I don't have it. This
>ht tps://clients6.google.com/drive/v2beta/files/0-KB68b6VYvDj3De1TxT-7sQ?openDrive=false&reason=1001&syncType=0&errorRecovery=false&fields=kind%2CmodifiedDate%2CmodifiedByMeDate%2ClastViewedByMeDate%2CfileSize%2Cowners(kind%2CpermissionId%2Cid)%2ClastModifyingUser(kind%2CpermissionId%2Cid)%2ChasThumbnail%2CthumbnailVersion%2Ctitle%2Cid%2CresourceKey%2Cshared%2CsharedWithMeDate%2CuserPermission(role)%2CexplicitlyTrashed%2CmimeType%2CquotaBytesUsed%2Ccopyable%2CfileExtension%2CsharingUser(kind%2CpermissionId%2Cid)%2Cspaces%2Cversion%2CteamDriveId%2ChasAugmentedPermissions%2CcreatedDate%2CtrashingUser(kind%2CpermissionId%2Cid)%2CtrashedDate%2Cparents(id)%2CshortcutDetails(targetId%2CtargetMimeType%2CtargetLookupStatus)%2Ccapabilities(canCopy%2CcanDownload%2CcanEdit%2CcanAddChildren%2CcanDelete%2CcanRemoveChildren%2CcanShare%2CcanTrash%2CcanRename%2CcanReadTeamDrive%2CcanMoveTeamDriveItem)%2Clabels(starred%2Ctrashed%2Crestricted%2Cviewed)&supportsTeamDrives=true&retryCount=0&key= {api key}
now says
> "code": 404[...]"message": "File not found: 0-KB68b6VYvDj3De1TxT-7sQ"

Perhaps I would have got it before it died if I had more and computer resources at the time. Also I was busy downloading a bajillion bytes from Google Drive folders linked from /mlp/ back then. (So basically, give me money.)

Anon 02/01/2024 (Thu) 13:25 [Preview] No.9480 del
Ugh, I'm stupid, that's the resourcekey, not folderid. Anyways, I should confirm that I never did a folder download pass on that set ("from_gdrive-reskey-adder.user.js_file") then download it when I can. Seems I will have to specify the resourceKey when setting up rclone remotes of those folders.

Anon 02/01/2024 (Thu) 18:24 [Preview] No.9481 del
I randomly saw that
> https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafybeiaclozjpgzy5dujt4tomnoezqe2fvwhnkqeohrp2j6ma75b7uvoze/Revenge_Minecraft_Creeper_Song_feat._CaptainSparklez_PMV-Emma_Schmudlach-20140619-youtube-640x360-7ZFKRX7sQQY.webm
is basically an audio replacement of this video:
> /z9/youtube/Apple_Dash_UCYApxt-C8NrVKJhjkj-B76w/DJ_P0N-3_Got_Us_Falling_In_Love_PMV.mp4-Apple_Dash-20120407-youtube-640x360--EamlAnv0tA.mp4
In video -EamlAnv0tA: images are related to what is sung.

CREEPER (Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots), AW MAN! https://wikiless.tiekoetter.com/wiki/Creeper#Other_uses

https://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/04/21st-equine-cure.html -> https://youtube.com/watch?v=aExPD0II1jo [Embed] (not in TPA)

Not in these similar things I think:
. thread https://mlpforums.com/topic/141767-grave-robbers-at-large/
. YT https://invidious.drgns.space/channel/UCygCGpW9RHL1NmAhxDzSCsQ

Anon 02/01/2024 (Thu) 19:03 [Preview] No.9482 del
Looking more like I didn't get those folders which may require those resourcekeys to get. Checked:
>$ grep 0B5uVZg_lPI2GZEFVcGhXVm9IcDQ /z9/metadata/z7-put.txt
(z7 has some/all from google drive in z8; /z7/put/->/z9/put/=synced, deleting sending side now)

2021 MP3 from
>/z9/put/z8-put-gd-from_desumlp_drive.google.com_search/0folder/1DsuSCdVJW2-wwwl11ZSE5OwxVIwOuPvP/Luna Vists you in a dream - Lu.mp3
>Mare Frigoris /frɪˈɡɔːrɪs/ (Latin frīgōris, the "Sea of Cold") is a lunar mare in the far north of the Moon. --https://wl.vern.cc/wiki/Mare_Frigoris

Anon 02/01/2024 (Thu) 22:43 [Preview] No.9483 del
2015 video not in TPA - "PMV: Under Pressure | David Bowie / Queen":
. channel size = ~medium
. ( sampled by https://milki.org/brd/BRD%20-%20REALBasic%20Professional%202008%20r3.1%20kg.xm.mp3 )
. this channel made me think to play https://en.akinator.com/game - tried to get it to guess Milkmare of Trottingham, but it failed: said "Zecora" then made me pick "Milky Way (OC Tumblr Pony)" in a list. Then it said "Bravo, you have defeated me ! \ Character Already Played 2075 Times \ Last Played On 22/01/2024 - 09H50". Who's that white pony OC with the red and black hair? Not sure if I can think of many OCs right now.

In Twibooru, the tag "anthro" = "Short description: Disgusting character with semi-human but not fully human anatomy" --https://twibooru.org/search?q=anthro - also, odd redirect here:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20230315124645/https://twibooru.org/search?q=anthro
.. https://twibooru.org/posts/1109750?q=anthro+on+human+action

So I thought episode #84 of "One Piece" captured the "anthro abomination" idea somewhat nicely. In that episode ("Blue-nosed Reindeer! Chopper's Secret!" I think) one of the things that happens is an anthro reindeer goes into a town looking for friends, but the humans there see a monster and shoot their guns at it.

Anon 02/01/2024 (Thu) 23:22 [Preview] No.9484 del
(103.60 KB 524x599 twibooru-2949530.png)
(262.35 KB 600x600 3340446__993163261.png)
Fluttershy looking extra white in that video.

> https://en.akinator.com/game
Tried to get it to guess Aryanne = it failed, not in its DB. What it guessed:
. https://photos.clarinea.fr/BL_25_en/600/partenaire/x/3340446__993163261.png - "Roseluck"
. https://photos.clarinea.fr/BL_25_en/600/partenaire/d/1520390__1122572532.jpg - "Unkown Assasin \ Hero", wtf, no
. clicked quit playing accidentally
. https://photos.clarinea.fr/BL_25_en/600/partenaire/p/6891896__547467095.png - "Maud Pie \ MLP: FiM"
. https://photos.clarinea.fr/BL_25_en/600/partenaire/w/3298870__1953365744.png - "Octavia Melody \ My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"
. [didn't copy the image] - "Djinn \ Demon"
. quit at about question #73

> Who's that white pony OC with the red and black hair?
That's Lilith, likely more obscure than Aryanne, so Akinator probably wouldn't know Lilith. From my "old time memory" -> https://twibooru.org/search/index?page=6&q=oc%2C-anthro%2Cfacesitting%2Cfuta -> https://twibooru.org/424275?q=oc%2C-anthro%2Cfacesitting%2Cfuta -> [...] -> https://twibooru.org/416186?q=oc%3Alilith - I had remembered this image as not being anthro

Anon 02/02/2024 (Fri) 03:32 [Preview] No.9487 del
Haunting as it could be someone who wipped their social media presence years ago. With only a collab or two and a few videos circulating around to be remembered by.

Some of this complications of memories and stuff might be a better fit for the WebM thread with so much video and audio content. I am a lurker here and not one of the mods. I like the random highlights either way.

>I spent some amount more than $400 on 3 more HDDs.
Capacity? Curious from price to GB ratio.
Sex with IRL horses is scary. Not only in the risk of death from getting kicked but from the fact that it messes them up harmonically. There is a reason why horses and other animals who had owners caught doing such a thing are usually put down.

>That's Lilith,
For a second I thought you were saying that G3 Aryanne was Lilith.

Anon 02/02/2024 (Fri) 03:47 [Preview] No.9488 del
Yeah, you'd be surprised how far and wide decedents of Ponychan are. Even >>>/yuri/ on endchan I believe is something like a great gandson of Ponychan (their was a board on 8chan that was a founded as a causal hangout free from the drama of the other various avatarfagging and namefaging pony boards and it gradually got less pony focused) and you see some of the same names there from time to time. Does anypony remember Stevenmagnet chan?

>more on that later maybe
On the proposal I do think it is something to look at even if I still think the anchor system is a good idea. Bridgefag had been talking about it for a good two years or so if I recall in various forms.

I wonder if it would make sense to have some sort of cycle archival thread or something for one of the projects? Like for high volume, scattershot posting verses lower volume posting? Only issue is that it is convenient sometimes to look back beyond 500 posts so their would have to be a way to archive.

Anon 02/02/2024 (Fri) 23:25 [Preview] No.9491 del
title and source=suspected/confirmed, uploaded=likely uploaded before:

> CMC_tribute.flv
> MLP-Tetris.flv
see >>9479

> MLP_21stEquCur.mp4 -> /ipfs/bafybeiaoojybyjfptyiznldtd5vzynbyl3hyeogr37jn24w2szxj6qsvwm
title: 21st Equine Cure
source: youtube-aExPD0II1jo
webpage: none
uploaded: before 2012-04-17
notes: missing metadata like the uploader, see https://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/04/21st-equine-cure.html and video=gone at https://web.archive.org/web/20150609205615/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aExPD0II1jo

> MLP_AplsnPsych.flv -> derived /ipfs/QmPpk3Bpjt6CBm37UTU7RDpTGBcw4mjd9pQWkf3h1VCZM6
title: PMV - Appleloosan Psychiatrist
source: youtube-ZLvIyme2MU4
webpage: https://web.archive.org/web/20140314115015/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLvIyme2MU4
notes: I reprovided QmPp...CZM6

> MLP_FrWASmgc.flv -> d /ipfs/QmNyz6MPRtZgXH6Nux1NKcvUP4E5XSywEtruGpCD3EgUK9?filename=MLP_FrWASmgc.flv.mp4
title: My Little Pony: Friendship was magic
source: youtube-ApDAJJONn9I
webpage: https://web.archive.org/web/20240202223147/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=ApDAJJONn9I
notes: kidna crazy that this has 46,215,274 views

> MLP_RavIsPrincess.flv
with MP4 derive here (ffmpeg said "httphostheader : v24.nonxt4.c.youtube.com"):
( it made me think of this music by Vitalic: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e856d33c70c002f73d1a7b1fa2f2e1fe5541d9f3&dn=ok%20cowboy - torrent pieces in lower propagation computer at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeig6v373kdicsczt4ykbykqu2gk347dx7owlaytjf5ag552peyumx4 )

added to crap HTTP site:
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3293042 >d 2024-02-02T23:09:55Z >s http://i.imgur.com/3zSN6.jpg >i >t raised leg, explicit, solo, dildo, pegasus, pussy, mare, rainbow dash

>also nice
happy music: https://milki.org/brewers

Anon 02/03/2024 (Sat) 12:47 [Preview] No.9492 del
(124.88 KB 1024x853 6k3QJ.jpg)
Cool! I can play MP3 data from a WARC file:
>$ zcat /z9/warc/007/milki.org-2024-01-09-6a3f30d8/milki.org-2024-01-09-6a3f30d8-00000.warc.gz | head --bytes=90123456 | mpv -
Only issue: can't easily tell which MP3 file is playing. This works too: simply catting a bunch of .mp3 files into one larger .mp3 file. (Also, I guess if I had a CAR file of Everfree_Radio_RIP I could play all of its music from one file.)

This gives extra motivation to grabbing HTTP copies of torrents or sets of music. For example -
- there's like more than 100 MLP-related audio files in this torrent and I know that it is also hosted in this one website. So if I got .warc.gz files of that I could have a copy of web data, plus I could play ~hours of music from just one file.

Image from Imgur-deleted + not in philomena/search/reverse + not in wbm:
>2012-08-01-00-31-51 - http://i.imgur.com/6k3QJ.jpg
> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeibyjfpbjxla2hie77h6gjyqxfakno7d6r4hca3cx6vq5z2i2bkj5e/6k3QJ.jpg

Anon 02/03/2024 (Sat) 13:10 [Preview] No.9493 del
>Sex with IRL horses is scary. Not only in the risk of death from getting kicked
Like an anon said before: Sex with horses is not for the faint of heart. Also, a man is less likely to die from anal destruction from gay sex with a pony than a horse (because a pony's penis is probably smaller than a horse's).

>but from the fact that it messes them up harmonically. There is a reason why horses and other animals who had owners caught doing such a thing are usually put down.
I didn't know about this with horses. Years ago, I heard about something similar happening with dogs, like if a man fucked a bitch it would mess them up behaviorally, don't remember the details.

>Also, I guess if I had a CAR file of Everfree_Radio_RIP I could play all of its music from one file.
Tested with
>>$ ipfs add -rHw "./t/audio/music/IRON MAIDEN - DISCOGRAPHY (1980-15) [CHANNEL NEO]/[1980] Iron Maiden [1998 Remastered]"
>>>$ ipfs dag export QmRx9xypYdHezHBzpr3Bcjsu367swgWh64YJmNdYgSkUbH | mpv - # = a folder with MP3s
It worked, but the streamed CAR, played by mpv, had some audio glitches "[ffmpeg/audio] mp3float: Header missing \ Error decoding audio." It mostly sounded fine, but I would use other methods of listening to it (like zcatted .warc.gz, but I'm guessing those files specifically aren't on any HTTP site). Why the audio glitches? Maybe due to dealing with 256K chunks instead of a non-chunked file.

Anon 02/03/2024 (Sat) 19:57 [Preview] No.9494 del
(779.07 KB 1366x768 7-08-1-old-costumes.png)
>This works too: simply catting a bunch of .mp3 files into one larger .mp3 file.
For block sharing with 256K chunks - https://chat-gpt.org/chat (I didn't have to think much about math/code!):
>>find the nearest multiple of 16 to my given number n in bash
>[ read -p "Enter a number: " n; multiple=$(( (n + 8) / 16 * 16 )); echo "Nearest multiple of 16 to $n is $multiple" ]
>>find the nearest multiple of 262144 to my given number n in bash
>[ read -p "Enter a number: " n; multiple=$(( (n + 262144/2) / 262144 * 262144 )); echo "Nearest multiple of 262144 to $n is $multiple" ]
>>find the nearest multiple of 262144 above my given number n in bash
>[ read -p "Enter a number: " n; multiple=$(( (n + 262144 - 1) / 262144 * 262144 )); echo "Nearest multiple of 262144 above $n is $multiple" ]
so pad the tail of each file to a multiple of 262,144 with /dev/zero and dd.

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by European Broadcasting Union". Eat shit Eurofags. Here's video "Fångad av en stormvind - Carola - (HQ) Sweden 1991 - Eurovision songs with live orchestra" again:
. "Fångad av en stormvind" is sampled/remixed/reversioned by
.. start=00:03:10 in 'Big Giant Circles - The Glory Days: "Peanut Butter Cupquakes"' at https://invidious.flokinet.to/watch?v=izMEU4orFBU
.. start=00:01:41 in https://milki.org/icwt/iCWT%20-%20Daniusoft%20Video%20to%20Pocket%20PC%
... "iCWT - Daniusoft Video to Pocket PC crk.xm.mp3" also has a "keygen music" version of part of some other track(s).

Saw no PMV, but I did see this, which is related to "Fangad av en stormvind":
. https://mlpforums.com/topic/118426-eurovision-favourite-songs/
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240104234752/https://cookiefonster.com/category/eurovision-posts/
.. https://cookiefonster.com/category/mlp-posts/ -> "Cookie Fonster Reviews Every MLP Episode"
. ( basically not related - EQG+dalle.mini+Eurovision: https://twibooru.org/2733224 )

Image from https://cookiefonsterhome.files.wordpress.com/2023/12/7-08-1-old-costumes.png

Anon 02/03/2024 (Sat) 20:47 [Preview] No.9495 del
Here's proof-of-concept for "Block sharing with 256K chunks, padding, and concatenated MP3 files":
$ ipfs ls QmTyN5RH6BpebN1ofNQHfAwEdai9H87Z11To656GsR9ca3
QmXPwc3EAVQz8TdLHZrLdQEnZFRqQUCuU1cXsVkKu2y26d 12231026 Sim Gretina & Feather - Allons-y (Ephora remix).mp3
QmPwug4HSDXTUygw5FRnZHED7c3kgjJHoU3WWAT6FC9kJQ 8704394  Sim Gretina & donglekumquat - Everyponys Gay For Braeburn.mp3
QmVfWCLkyk5NWHoMfmUN2hpRaKyqqinKE1qGN3AXJh12zf 7914086  Sim Gretina - A Cottage At The Edge Of The Forest.mp3
QmRmVTq8hLe9UcqWriGrtXLZekieGFRXxGPXmqvuVrQYFq 8855774  Sim Gretina - A Story Hidden Beneath Thorn.mp3
QmWboyk3ULoZPjjDh2EEtzzixqSb5jd4JAipxVDfCud6h7 12584942 Sim Gretina - Allons-y (Baq5&Toned Remix).mp3
$ [...]
$ f='Sim Gretina & donglekumquat - Everyponys Gay For Braeburn.mp3'
$ n=$(stat --format=%s "$f"); multiple=$(( (n + 262144 - 1) / 262144 * 262144 )); \
diff=$(expr $multiple - $n); echo $n $multiple $diff; cat /dev/zero | head --bytes=$diff > tempzero.bin
8704394 8912896 208502
$ cat "$f" "tempzero.bin" > pad2.bin
$ cat pad1.bin pad2.bin pad3.bin pad4.bin pad5.bin > padded.mp3
$ ipfs add -w padded.mp3 # *Cottage*.mp3 = first in padded.mp3
added QmdwGugswZp4jRhGPXcgMC96ZgDx6hgPnUUgrqLuLCwRjx padded.mp3
added QmXKyrCAP44dpwKNQQQiCFYWxpYmJtLbKcNG2eCRTj384E [48.75 MiB]
$ ipfs ls QmdwGugswZp4jRhGPXcgMC96ZgDx6hgPnUUgrqLuLCwRjx # blocks in padded.mp3
QmZ8YjijiVarYUPWv8gSUhkA6UgXa17HCyB5tZo3Vh6Sfe 45613056 
QmRHLLQEFdUAQ9tdcu2QMXoBxQ8HgUzrfeCdfoagUekS5s 5505024  
$ ipfs ls QmWboyk3ULoZPjjDh2EEtzzixqSb5jd4JAipxVDfCud6h7 | head -n1 # first block in *Toned*.mp3
QmaY9DyBUttPdy3CpN2anR6R5qGxfoubUtWbr2nTT9abYu 262144 
$ ipfs ls QmZ8YjijiVarYUPWv8gSUhkA6UgXa17HCyB5tZo3Vh6Sfe | grep -n QmaY9DyBUttPdy3CpN2anR6R5qGxfoubUtWbr2nTT9abYu
66:QmaY9DyBUttPdy3CpN2anR6R5qGxfoubUtWbr2nTT9abYu 262144 
$ # first block in *Toned*.mp3 is also a block in "padded.mp3"

So, original files at ipfs://QmTyN5RH6BpebN1ofNQHfAwEdai9H87Z11To656GsR9ca3 share most of their blocks with pad*.mp3 at ipfs://QmXKyrCAP44dpwKNQQQiCFYWxpYmJtLbKcNG2eCRTj384E (so less storage usage) - the only difference is the non-zero-padded tail blocks and zero-padded tail blocks. Why do this? One of the reasons: if you are using crappy software and hardware and want to listen to hours of music. So instead of continually clicking on and opening ~minutes-long audio files, you can open an ~hours-long audio file and listen to it. Most/all browsers should be able to play all the audio of an audio file which is a bunch MP3s glued together. For QmTy...9ca3 vs. QmXK...384E: the difference was only about 1MB or roughly a floppy disk drive's storage capacity (FDD=1.44MB). Padding is needed so that the blocks line up at the same byte offsets.

Anon 02/04/2024 (Sun) 02:12 [Preview] No.9496 del
*kinda crazy that this has 46,215,274 views

This is a PMV of part of "Rave Is King" by Fukkk Off. Not it - titled "Rave Is King ( Original Mix ) - Fukkk Off - 2010":

At the end of that video it says "by TSL". Who's that? Whoogle Search v0.8.4:
. had no results:
.. "rave is king" pmv
.. "Fukkk Off" pmv
. "rave is Princess" = only one result, probably not it
. "Fukkk Off" mlp = links to https://captpackrat.livejournal.com/tag/mlp with desc.:
.. Ponies are ravers. //www.youtube.com/embed/4VtDVNvlB9Q?wmode=opaque. Current Music: Rave Is King (Le Castle Vania Remix) by Fukkk Off. Tags: cartoons, mlp, ...
... https://web.archive.org/web/20230608024154/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VtDVNvlB9Q = private. Searched that URL at twitter.com = no results.

Maybe related (grasping at straws): https://yt.cdaut.de/playlist?list=PL63EF8BF2385257D1 . More related: https://captpackrat.livejournal.com/472362.html -> https://web.archive.org/web/20130625075557/https://www.youtube.com/embed/4VtDVNvlB9Q?wmode=opaque and https://web.archive.org/web/20140717150653/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VtDVNvlB9Q ("MLP: Friendship is Magic - Ponies are ravers. (Extended/Reworked)" also attached).

Less-than-perfect loop to do that, probably works:
$ ls -1 | sort | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do f="$args"; n=$(stat --format=%s "$f"); \
multiple=$(( (n + 262144 - 1) / 262144 * 262144 )); diff=$(expr $multiple - $n); echo $n \
$multiple $diff; cat /dev/zero | head --bytes=$diff > tempzero.bin; cat "$f" "tempzero.bin" \
> pad$(date +%s.%N).bin; done' _; cat pad* > padded.mp3

How does cat sort files? Like this:
$ echo 1 > 1; echo 2 > 2; echo 10 > 10; echo a > a; echo b > b; echo c > c; cat * > cat.txt; cat cat.txt
[ 1 10 2 a b c ]
$ # https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/cat 

Anon 02/04/2024 (Sun) 02:41 [Preview] No.9497 del
^ 6hy4dLkqRO8

Anon 02/04/2024 (Sun) 13:58 [Preview] No.9499 del
Did anyone save a copy of the IA upload of Ponychan when it was uploaded?
Thanks for your guys' work, very much appreciated, here from archiveteam.

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 04:42 [Preview] No.9500 del
>the IA upload of Ponychan when it was uploaded
which one? I have these locally >>9260 >>9265 as of 01/08/2024 (Mon) 13:53 UTC
https://archive.org/details/vintage-80 [still 07-Jan-2024]
https://archive.org/details/arch_20240107 [still 07-Jan-2024]
https://archive.org/details/pony_20240107 [still 07-Jan-2024]
https://archive.org/details/site_20240107 [still 07-Jan-2024]
https://archive.org/details/fan_20240107 [still 07-Jan-2024]

I don't think I have these:
https://archive.org/details/ponychan_rp [10-Jan-2024]
https://archive.org/details/ponychan_rp_202401 [10-Jan-2024]

I also have >>9129
compare to >>9162
so my warc is 4 days before that one by archivebot. Maybe some stuff was deleted between 2023-12-09 and 2023-12-13 due to threads expiring or whatever.

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 04:58 [Preview] No.9501 del
In "/z9/put/ia/":
Those 07-Jan-2024 ones are not empty in IA and my HDD.

I just downloaded those 10-Jan-2024 ones
>https://archive.org/details/ponychan_rp [10-Jan-2024]
>https://archive.org/details/ponychan_rp_202401 [10-Jan-2024]
>$ ia download ponychan_rp; ia download ponychan_rp_202401
and they're empty.

Annoying that those two are gone, I wasn't paying a lot of attention to that uploader over the past, but https://ponychan.net/rp/ was also saved by ArchiveBot in 2024-01-08:
. ArchiveBot
.. https://web.archive.org/web/20240108052659/https://www.ponychan.net/rp/res/41547230.html
... but where? https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://www.ponychan.net/rp/src/1704673241678.png - doesn't specify stuff like >>9242
. SPN outlinks
.. https://web.archive.org/web/20240116143233/https://www.ponychan.net/rp/res/41547230.html - "Attention Required! | Cloudflare", "Sorry, you have been blocked \ You are unable to access ponychan.net"

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 05:07 [Preview] No.9502 del
>but where? https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://www.ponychan.net/rp/src/1704673241678.png - doesn't specify stuff like >>9242
That gives a lot less information now:

2024-01-07 03:18:?? UTC - https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/136014615002.jpg =
>net,ponychan,vintage)/chan/files/src/136014615002.jpg 20240103134752 https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/136014615002.jpg text/html 404 QYPOPDNN5X7JCZJQWXIUH42YBHBJ4E6L - - 1037 2947403670 archiveteam_archivebot_go_20240103145919_979e7207/vintage.ponychan.net-inf-20240101-115910-1qo9v-00050.warc.gz

2024-01-07 03:18:?? UTC - https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/142985048281.png =
>net,ponychan,vintage)/chan/files/src/142985048281.png 20230418105157 https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/142985048281.png image/png 200 EAFIQU2ICZOX7UZUOXE2B6ADCMDKIGFB - - 1492762 869941152 spn2-20230418110113/spn2-20230418093752-wwwb-spn09.us.archive.org-8005.warc.gz
>net,ponychan,vintage)/chan/files/src/142985048281.png 20240101115933 https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/142985048281.png image/png 200 EAFIQU2ICZOX7UZUOXE2B6ADCMDKIGFB - - 1492830 4097210 archiveteam_archivebot_go_20240101141106_5fcad2b9/vintage.ponychan.net-inf-20240101-115910-1qo9v-00000.warc.gz

vs. now:

2024-02-05 05:04:10 UTC - https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/136014615002.jpg =
>net,ponychan,vintage)/chan/files/src/136014615002.jpg 20240103134752 https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/136014615002.jpg text/html 404 QYPOPDNN5X7JCZJQWXIUH42YBHBJ4E6L 1037

2024-02-05 05:05:29 UTC - https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/142985048281.png =
>net,ponychan,vintage)/chan/files/src/142985048281.png 20230418105157 https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/142985048281.png image/png 200 EAFIQU2ICZOX7UZUOXE2B6ADCMDKIGFB 1492762
>net,ponychan,vintage)/chan/files/src/142985048281.png 20240101115933 https://vintage.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/142985048281.png image/png 200 EAFIQU2ICZOX7UZUOXE2B6ADCMDKIGFB 1492830

For some reason, wayback machine is now hiding where the files are stored.

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 05:17 [Preview] No.9503 del
(248.82 KB 1440x1321 gimme_money.png)
>web.archive.org being gay
not the first time that's happened more proof:

>55,117,187,37)/ 20170820074557 text/html 200 G6RX7SFMTFLPKHP723VX6VWEHLPEGWZF - - 656 476937398 liveweb-20170820062144/live-20170820053348-wwwb-app12.us.archive.org.warc.gz
>55,117,187,37)/ 20200819200219 text/html 200 RFN4HTE7CWLI2DQCBBNGMT4SPAUMA42W - - 858 665587377 spn2-20200819223500/spn2-20200819115129-wwwb-spn07.us.archive.org-8003.warc.gz
>55,117,187,37)/ 20200827215733 text/html 200 RFN4HTE7CWLI2DQCBBNGMT4SPAUMA42W - - 858 13071857 spn2-20200827225309/spn2-20200827215445-wwwb-spn09.us.archive.org-8003.warc.gz
>55,117,187,37)/ 20200925131217 text/html 200 RFN4HTE7CWLI2DQCBBNGMT4SPAUMA42W - - 860 231643809 spn2-20200925153513/spn2-20200925114610-wwwb-spn14.us.archive.org-8001.warc.gz
>55,117,187,37)/ 20240114083355 text/html 200 RFN4HTE7CWLI2DQCBBNGMT4SPAUMA42W - - 852 925426259 spn2-20240114070437-wwwb-spn15.us.archive.org-8005.warc.gz
>$ utc; curl -sL https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=
>55,117,187,37)/ 20170820074557 text/html 200 G6RX7SFMTFLPKHP723VX6VWEHLPEGWZF 656
>55,117,187,37)/ 20200819200219 text/html 200 RFN4HTE7CWLI2DQCBBNGMT4SPAUMA42W 858
>55,117,187,37)/ 20200827215733 text/html 200 RFN4HTE7CWLI2DQCBBNGMT4SPAUMA42W 858
>55,117,187,37)/ 20200925131217 text/html 200 RFN4HTE7CWLI2DQCBBNGMT4SPAUMA42W 860
>55,117,187,37)/ 20240114083355 text/html 200 RFN4HTE7CWLI2DQCBBNGMT4SPAUMA42W 852
>55,117,187,37)/ 20240114091530 text/html 200 RFN4HTE7CWLI2DQCBBNGMT4SPAUMA42W 854

>net,ponychan)/fan/src/1555178748395.jpg 20231213061719 https://www.ponychan.net/fan/src/1555178748395.jpg image/jpeg 200 PKY6ZEKCB2DHLUL55LSB42UZ5IYZ6P6O - - 143613 2199013821 archiveteam_archivebot_go_20231213072553_02a00806/www.ponychan.net-inf-20231213-054717-1z50e-00000.warc.gz
>$ utc; curl -sL https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://www.ponychan.net/fan/src/1555178748395.jpg
>net,ponychan)/fan/src/1555178748395.jpg 20231213061719 https://www.ponychan.net/fan/src/1555178748395.jpg image/jpeg 200 PKY6ZEKCB2DHLUL55LSB42UZ5IYZ6P6O 143613
>net,ponychan)/fan/src/1555178748395.jpg 20240108072241 https://www.ponychan.net/fan/src/1555178748395.jpg image/jpeg 200 PKY6ZEKCB2DHLUL55LSB42UZ5IYZ6P6O 143699
>net,ponychan)/fan/src/1555178748395.jpg 20240116144115 https://www.ponychan.net/fan/src/1555178748395.jpg text/html 403 Q2RO4HNHGRUXY2WUX5MKYYCS22IGUCKF 2850

>com,github)/vim/vim/zipball/master 20240115203633 https://github.com/vim/vim/zipball/master text/html 302 3I42H3S6NNFQ2MSVX7XZKYAYSCX5QBYJ - - 1316 352462050 spn2-20240115212318/spn2-20240115201026-wwwb-spn17.us.archive.org-8001.warc.gz
>$ utc; curl -sL https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://github.com/vim/vim/zipball/master
>com,github)/vim/vim/zipball/master 20240115203633 https://github.com/vim/vim/zipball/master text/html 302 3I42H3S6NNFQ2MSVX7XZKYAYSCX5QBYJ 1316

I wonder if this is a ploy for "'donate'/give me money, no one else can easily make an alternative to web.archive.org by downloading, hosting, and providing replays of our .warc files."

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 05:26 [Preview] No.9504 del
>no idea where ArchiveBot/2024-01-08/www.ponychan.net WARCs are
could check the ArchiveBot IRC logs because I think those are public

>no one else can easily make an alternative to web.archive.org by downloading, hosting, and providing replays of our .warc files
Also somewhat the case because as far as I can tell anything not saved to wbm by AT is inaccessible. Example - no one can download anything here:
https://archive.org/download/spn2-* [meaning multiple URLs]

Maybe in the future IA will make AT WARCs inaccessible too. As far as they are, archive.org and web.archive.org (both IA) are great, but I hope users realize that IA is not the only option, nor should it be. As for donating to IA, I can at least say this: it's better than donating to any Twitch streamer.

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 05:45 [Preview] No.9505 del
>empty uploads

>Addeddate 2024-01-10 05:16:22
>https://archive.org/download/ponychan_rp -> all timestamps = 10-Jan-2024 05:16

>Addeddate 2024-01-10 05:54:52
>timestamps = 10-Jan-2024 05:55 and 10-Jan-2024 05:54

If something was deleted after the minute it was uploaded, I think the timestamp on *_files.xml would change to show that. So I'm saying that maybe those two items were always empty. Otherwise, this guy uploaded+deleted items and we don't know about it:
. https://archive.ph/2024.01.08-064558/https://archive.org/details/@zekeroa
. https://dweb.link/ipfs/QmXQu4YdfPjqi5YvGj3YGupH2QHoJwsuujZrGWHDprNEfW?aHR0cHM6Ly9hcmNoaXZlLm9yZy9kZXRhaWxzL0B6ZWtlcm9hCg==

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 06:41 [Preview] No.9507 del
(77.24 KB 1024x784 DPxWe.jpg)
Is that supposed to be Applejack?
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3294619 >d 2024-02-05T06:11:39Z >s http://i.imgur.com/6k3QJ.jpg >i >t explicit, mare, rainbow dash, tears, pussy juice, open mouth, pony, pussy, spread legs, on back

>bafy...yumx4 [npr]
stored offline+online, unpinned and gc'd, but oddly it looks like that didn't free up any space. >>9399 Ponychan at ... = offline for now.

Or, is there a way to have one file which looks like this: 256K (first block), 256K, 200K, 256K, 256K, 6K, 256K, 256K, 80K, ..., 256K, 100K (last block/chunk).

Imgur-deleted + not in philomena/search/reverse + not in wbm:
>2012-08-01-00-32-00 - http://i.imgur.com/DPxWe.jpg
> https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafybeibyjfpbjxla2hie77h6gjyqxfakno7d6r4hca3cx6vq5z2i2bkj5e/DPxWe.jpg
> ( nearby: https://web.archive.org/web/20230427144035if_/https://i.imgur.com/dpXWE.jpg )

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 08:13 [Preview] No.9508 del
(84.53 KB 680x556 ItsDeadJim.png)
Google Cache is kill

Is it the biggest thing in the world? No. Frankly Google Cache wasn't the same type of archive in the same way that IA and archive.today have been, but, it still is a deprecation of functionality. It in the modern age had the niche of caching certain changes and previous versions of pages. I have know a couple of wikis that were suddenly deleted that used it to restore a lot of pages. I also found a part of a thread that had been deleted durring the Derpi drama too. More of a secondary line of defense rather than primary but still useful.

I must say the same to archiveteam. You guys seem to be troopers out there admist the deletion fest everything is becoming lately.

Yeah, IA is one major point of failure and just from sheer size isn't the most resistant to pressure. I still have a respect for them and some fleeting fragment of that old left of center libertarian free info philopshihy even if it has frayed in some areas.

There is a good bit of PMVs that have ascended like that and weirdly even before the whole push of short form content as of the last three years.

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 16:43 [Preview] No.9512 del
That channel has a series called "My Little Pony Through The Eyes of Autism".

Image from

>Goole Cache ended
That sucks. It was a nice alternative to the usual suspects, even if it only worked for more popular or SEO-visible stuff. Now things are more centralized on WBM and archive.today. There's still Bing and Yandex cache as far as I know. Why don't any search engines have "permanent" caches? Probably due to the cost of storage and bandwidth.

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 16:50 [Preview] No.9513 del
*Google Cache

I really like this video from that channel

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 23:19 [Preview] No.9515 del
>which one? I have these locally >>9260 >>9265 as of 01/08/2024 (Mon) 13:53 UTC
Yep, those ones.

The IA uploads add up to 31.7K in size
The ZIP file that was hosted on GETchan on Jan 6th was 1.4G
On the 7th it was 17G and stayed that way until the 15th, might've stayed up longer but that's the last save.

I can try messaging the uploader ZekeRoa and see if he knows what happened.

>could check the ArchiveBot IRC logs because I think those are public
They are but you'll want to check the ArchiveBot viewer

Thank you on behalf of archiveteam!

On a another note, I was looking for ZekeRoa's contact and I found this
Looks like a mirror is being worked on, anyone knew about this?
First save was Mar 09, 2023 https://web.archive.org/web/20230309084726/https://ponybro.org/

There's also this weird "archivebay" website that despite claiming to have "A complete archive of [site name]" seems to only have a screenshot of the front page. It interacts strangely with Wayback Machine.

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 23:22 [Preview] No.9516 del
title and source=suspected/confirmed, uploaded=likely uploaded before:

>CMC_tribute.flv >MLP-Tetris.flv
see >>9479
see >>9491

>MLP_RavIsPrincess.flv -> derived /ipfs/QmY7ERNC8vnAKyhDPAZWHGwB8fV4sDYkmgj7cf6wnd41tq?filename=MLP_RavIsPrincess.flv.mp4
title: MLP: Friendship is Magic - Ponies are ravers. (Original/Short)
source: youtube-6hy4dLkqRO8
webpage: https://web.archive.org/web/20111207141753/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hy4dLkqRO8
notes: It's a PMV of part of "Rave Is King" by Fukkk Off

Here (with some other files):
-> title: MLP: Friendship is Magic - Ponies are ravers. (Extended/Reworked)
source: youtube-4VtDVNvlB9Q
webpage: https://web.archive.org/web/20140717150653/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VtDVNvlB9Q
notes: It's a PMV of a longer part of "Rave Is King" by Fukkk Off; significant video editing

For a brief moment when rewatching "MLP: Friendship is Magic - Ponies are ravers. (Extended/Reworked)" today, I felt that outstanding spark, that magic, like I felt in the 2010s when watching FIM. Maybe like anything was possible, a bright future, happiness, like when "ponies were magical" - [link here].

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 23:38 [Preview] No.9517 del
>"ponies were magical" - [link here]
This one - '"Unbelievable" Multi-Animator Project (ft. Stick Ponies!)':

In the 2010s, there was definitely a joy, enthusiasm, and zeitgeist for a "strange new trend" being the interest in My Little Pony. Taking place mainly on the Internet (HTTP), and focusing on official media, fan-made media, etc. Obviously not the same in the late 2010s and early 2020s. That "Unbelievable" video somewhat captures the "looking-back thoughts". This shift in culture and the culture's understanding of itself reminds me of the first part of the 1807 book "The Phenomenology of Spirit", which covers a similar thing - https://wikiless.funami.tech/wiki/The_Phenomenology_of_Spirit

Anon 02/05/2024 (Mon) 23:53 [Preview] No.9518 del
I tried to download that when it was still up. I used grab-site, but most of the downloads failed. I don't have a significant amount of the outlinks of getchan.net/ponychan-archive/ ->
$ cat /z9/warc/003/getchan.net-ponychan-archive-2024-01-06-f3c2ce20/getchan.net-ponychan-archive-2024-01-06-f3c2ce20.cdx
 CDX a b m s k S V g u
https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/ 1704515804 - - VDMGFAHDU57Y2EOYTKLVJRPAN7A452MK 1841 2785 getchan.net-ponychan-archive-2024-01-06-f3c2ce20-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:0590530c-d836-4eba-89e7-bcef2febd896>
https://getchan.net/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/scripts/jsd/main.js 1704515805 - - 63IMMQZVCWADA6ZOVJVHKYHHNFSUS26H 925 5835 getchan.net-ponychan-archive-2024-01-06-f3c2ce20-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:35fac6bc-35df-4a0c-b547-449021ec5297>
https://getchan.net/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g/scripts/jsd/74bd6362/main.js 1704515805 - - 37MM5DW46QNHOLCGIBQLTKEF4KHCT6E7 4183 7361 getchan.net-ponychan-archive-2024-01-06-f3c2ce20-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:428b8b54-5ec3-4280-8cdd-13495de2dac0>
https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/pony_01-04-2024_173846.zip 1704516730 - - PK72DTFTQNRAY6J7BWJG7DT3WRXWWEPI 371531909 13330 getchan.net-ponychan-archive-2024-01-06-f3c2ce20-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:08f494ba-1abd-4647-8116-8c856d808864>

$ cat /z9/warc/003/getchan.net-ponychan-archive-2024-01-06-f3c2ce20/wpull.log
2024-01-05 21:36:43,279 - wpull.application.tasks.plugin - INFO - Found plugin wpull_hooks_py from /home/ubuntu/gs-venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/libgrabsite/wpull_hooks.py.
2024-01-05 21:36:44,639 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/’.
2024-01-05 21:36:45,303 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g/scripts/jsd/74bd6362/main.js’.
2024-01-05 21:52:09,102 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/pony_01-04-2024_173846.zip’.
2024-01-05 21:52:22,757 - wpull.processor.base - ERROR - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/chat_01-04-2024_173846.zip’ encountered an error: Connection closed.
2024-01-05 21:52:24,282 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/fan_01-04-2024_173846.zip’.
2024-01-05 22:20:20,984 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/pony_01-04-2024_173846.zip’: 200 OK. Length: 371790963 [application/zip].
2024-01-05 22:20:28,433 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/rp_01-04-2024_173846.zip’.
2024-01-05 23:00:02,660 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/oat_01-04-2024_173846.zip’.
2024-01-05 23:00:29,513 - wpull.processor.base - ERROR - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/oat_01-04-2024_173846.zip’ encountered an error: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
2024-01-05 23:00:29,555 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/oat_01-04-2024_173846.zip’.
2024-01-05 23:05:53,882 - wpull.processor.base - ERROR - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/oat_01-04-2024_173846.zip’ encountered an error: Connection closed.
2024-01-05 23:05:55,308 - wpull.processor.base - ERROR - Fetching ‘https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/arch_01-04-2024_173846.zip’ encountered an error: Connection closed.
2024-01-05 23:11:20,660 - wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - FINISHED.
2024-01-05 23:11:20,666 - wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - Duration: 1:34:36. Speed: 138.6 KiB/s.
2024-01-05 23:11:20,673 - wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - Downloaded: 3 files, 354.6 MiB.

>like I felt in the 2010s when watching FIM
Rather, I mean, participating in the whole Internet phenomenon (including watching the show). >>9342 "I know it's a kid's show but... When I was watching the show, I had this bizarre sensation of floating in midair. As if you were on meth."

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 00:00 [Preview] No.9519 del
*when it was still up and looked like this:

Then later when I tried to download it again I saw that the files were 404'd - as noted above in this thread.

Here's that grab (full files without any "[...]"):
. no gateway: ipfs://QmTNXUvndxM3RVBwSp4BvbUSv8YTxnWoGT8qxq1NRC7oe8
. gateway: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmTNXUvndxM3RVBwSp4BvbUSv8YTxnWoGT8qxq1NRC7oe8

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 00:18 [Preview] No.9520 del
(22.29 KB 310x760 1428162192888.gif)
>I can try messaging the uploader ZekeRoa and see if he knows what happened.
If you do, post the conversation here.

I'm downloading this file:
^ wget --spider says it's "Length: 17431835270 (16G) [application/zip]" - odd, I thought SPN could only capture a maximum of 2GB per file. Here's a file that I extracted from that ZIP - "/z9/put/rp/src/1428162192888.gif"; Ron Paul: "It's happening!"

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 00:37 [Preview] No.9521 del
(33.78 KB 240x200 1430108448993.png)
>2GB limit
Fuckin' RIP. Brave Browser only downloaded that much from that URL. Use wget - doesn't delete partially downloaded files on failure like browsers do with .crdownload. So I can get like 2 GB of that 16 or 17 GB file. An incomplete ZIP file is better than nothing. To check: are all of those files in that ZIP also in wbm/warcs at ponychan.net?
> /z9/put/rp/src/1430108448993.png
> https://web.archive.org/web/20231213060014/https://www.ponychan.net/rp/src/1430108448993.png
= is there (HTTP 200)

Since we have a head section of the bytes of that ZIP, we also have the index of all of the files+folders in that "rp_01-04-2024_173846.zip" file even if we don't have the data for the files themselves. What I could get:
>$ wget https://web.archive.org/web/20240106072900if_/https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/rp_01-04-2024_173846.zip
>[...]rp_01-04-2024_173846.zip 12%[===>.............................] 2.00G 2.30MB/s in 10m 59s
>[...](3.11 MB/s) - Connection closed at byte 2147483648. Retrying.
>[I then hit ^C]
>$ stat rp_01-04-2024_173846.zip
>[...]Size: 2147483648

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 01:11 [Preview] No.9522 del
("higher propagation computer" was accidentally rebooted today=some CIDs now only stored offline; I didn't know pressing ctrl+alt+delete in locked tty via "sudo vlock -as" would restart it. I could log in over ssh, but couldn't login as root which is what vlock wanted since I set root to "/usr/sbin/nologin" in /etc/passwd.)

>download failed
= 2, so I think that was part of the reason why it failed. I guess it would have went better if I told grab-site to only download 1 file at a time.

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 01:19 [Preview] No.9523 del
Here's a list of the data in "rp_01-04-2024_173846.zip":
>6099 files, 52 folders
It references files like "rp/src/1501828514893.jpg_original" which I don't think are in wbm (different size than "rp/src/1501828514893.jpg"). Also it looks like the version of 7z that I used only shows the index insofar as I have the data for that metadata. There should be a way to get the list of all of the files in the ZIP regardless if I have the non-metadata parts.

*accidentally rebooted ~5 hours ago today

last uptime of it was about 7 days.

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 03:30 [Preview] No.9524 del
Akinator now has a mode where it tries to guess the object that you're thinking of (other modes are character and animals for a total of 3 modes). Object mode failed and I was not impressed. Maybe chatgpt would be better at this guess game. Akinator gave up on question ~80. I tried to get it to guess Twilicane (The Twilight Sparkle Scepter); results:
. https://en.akinator.com/theme-selection -> other link(s)
.. (A) A guy who gambles on everything \ A smart guy who answers randomly https://photos.clarinea.fr/BL_48_en/600/partenaire/c/912109816__414964438.jpeg
.. (B) SCP-055 \ SCP Foundation https://photos.clarinea.fr/BL_48_en/600/partenaire/k/818055__1337930908.jpg
.. (A) got (A) again

> On a another note, I was looking for ZekeRoa's contact and I found this
> https://ponybro.org/
> Looks like a mirror is being worked on, anyone knew about this?
> First save was Mar 09, 2023 https://web.archive.org/web/20230309084726/https://ponybro.org/
Text on that page: "Future home of the Ponybro image board archive". I think that's the same thing this one anon was posting about in fan site alternative thread in /mlp/. He wanted to mirror various MLP-related imageboards, inspired by how various 4chan archive websites mirror boards, I guess.

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 03:35 [Preview] No.9525 del
^*guessing game

uses this thing which I think was described as a "combined imageboard scraper": https://github.com/bbepis/Hayden

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 16:20 [Preview] No.9526 del
(442.08 KB 800x1200 1.png)
Here's "Mine's Got Rocks In It.zip" (131M) - I think someone was looking for this in /pag/:
. /za/put/z8-put-gd-from_desumlp_drive.google.com_search/from_desumlp_drive.google.com_search_0.cdx
.. basically links to https://web.archive.org/web/20210914035841/https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1wvIziXgmVhCPU38A4uBO7tnAhVZu7k9D

I may already have a WARC of this ZIP file from that URL, so here's the extracted version:
Crappy drawing from

>For some reason, wayback machine is now hiding where the files are stored.
>>web.archive.org being gay
>not the first time that's happened; more proof:
I have likely thousands of these files, downloaded before that data was hidden:
>$ cat /z9/put/z8-put-gd-from_desumlp_drive.google.com_search/0folder/1kgj012D_3i2yWiHai1nKU5T8H1rmA1dl_files_cdx/1NMI8rOMKSVOqFZgchh8Uzx2QhZTLzCjU.cdx
>com,google,drive)/uc?id=1nmi8romksvoqfzgchh8uzx2qhztlzcju 20210913215900 https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1NMI8rOMKSVOqFZgchh8Uzx2QhZTLzCjU text/html 302 5U3TPXIJJUMKETOPKYRBHFHGXRZHJUXQ - - 1156 4332074612 archiveteam_googledrive_20210913215946_3de67d1f/googledrive_20210913215946_3de67d1f.megawarc.warc.gz
>$ utc; curl -sL https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1NMI8rOMKSVOqFZgchh8Uzx2QhZTLzCjU
>com,google,drive)/uc?id=1nmi8romksvoqfzgchh8uzx2qhztlzcju 20210913215900 https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1NMI8rOMKSVOqFZgchh8Uzx2QhZTLzCjU text/html 302 5U3TPXIJJUMKETOPKYRBHFHGXRZHJUXQ 1156
>$ # My files match to https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://drive.google.com/uc?id=$id

I could have downloaded more, but of course back then I didn't know it would get deleted like that.

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 19:42 [Preview] No.9527 del
(872.83 KB 1334x6614 New Chat 13.png)
(872.83 KB 1334x6614 New Chat 13.png)
"exiftool -a $f" didn't work. When researching how to rescene a ZIP weeks ago, I used someone's ZIP file parser. Maybe that will work.

It wasn't better. Also not impressed.

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 21:51 [Preview] No.9528 del
(Data xfr seems significantly faster on newer HDDs: 786,805,985,380 bytes from ~173,970 files in 03:43:02 at ## and ### MB/s.)

This ZIP parser, I think:

From a small 157-MB channel - "My Rifle, My (Little) Pony and Me - PMV"

Anon 02/06/2024 (Tue) 22:27 [Preview] No.9529 del
I guess I did phenomenology at least somewhat correctly there, getting to the essential truth and whatnot. (https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=IvA9FxsM9G8 and https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=y0sLHfcsPAA&listen=false - I learned from these a week ago.) It's interesting how philosophy sometimes seeks such a high quality of truth; with such a high standard it is almost/actually unattainable sometimes.

avg. is about 58 MB/s (13 files/s in that case). Here's sistervigilante27 UCUEpgpBEDG-D3vGuJgUFTWw :

Video from

Anon 02/07/2024 (Wed) 11:20 [Preview] No.9530 del
(1.01 MB 800x1200 2.png)
>image, Mine's Got Rocks In It.zip
Funny text. Here's the only other image in that same subfolder at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmSEBKkDw4GSPZHfMrp7S2ivp93hsyDgC4qPZEAnjcHcbw/

Apparently that ZIP from that link is an incomplete version of "Mine's Got Rocks In It" which is partly lost media; more on that:

I do have thousands of those files; I'm creating an "easy to use dataset" for them. Received CDX files were one of the following:
(1) empty file, from HTTP 200
(2) non-empty file, from HTTP 200
(3) BAD: empty file, from connection failed/refused/whatever
(4) BAD: non-empty file, from HTTP 429, file= https://dweb.link/ipfs/Qmd1HW2KHudXjQu6v9Ci63HuvKcM8JoqSyBeTNXvsyHWBT

Because they (to folder "/za/put/cdx/https-web.archive.org-web-timemap-cdx-url-https-drive.google.com-uc-id/") weren't saved as WARC, I can't really tell if it is an empty file due to (1) or (3). (Don't know which case resulted in the empty file.) I'll also have sidecar files for each file to specify the mtime of the file as a Unix Epoch, so everyone can know when that url from wbm was downloaded.

Anon 02/07/2024 (Wed) 16:08 [Preview] No.9531 del
(309.73 KB 600x600 twibooru-1607145.png)
Low-tech comrade. Another thing I see that crashes and reboots my Ubuntu computer after running it for long enough (battery/electricity problem): ssh and qBittorrent.

I basically finished the data wrangling part, now just a matter of the hash tree finishing then sharing it. I have data from 54,401 URLs which the Wayback Machine tried to memoryhole. Here's the readme file:
$ cat readme.txt
. Info: MLP-related Wayback Machine (WBM) indexes of Google Drive file IDs, downloaded before WBM hid some data
. A use case: if you want to download the WARC file which contains a drive.google.com file
. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://drive.google.com/uc?id=<ID_HERE>
. Paths: ./index1.txt
. List of IDs: ./index2.txt
. View contents of downloaded file: ./https-web.archive.org-web-timemap-cdx-url-https-drive.google.com-uc-id/<ID_HERE>
. Empty files: ./index3.txt
. Non-empty files: ./index4.txt
. HTTP 429: /ipfs/Qmd1HW2KHudXjQu6v9Ci63HuvKcM8JoqSyBeTNXvsyHWBT

(Thing I gotta do today or very soon: initialize and test an 18-terabyte HDD which should only be used for cold storage.)

Anon 02/07/2024 (Wed) 17:06 [Preview] No.9532 del
(829.95 KB 2089x1368 1539577407623-2.png)

Anon 02/07/2024 (Wed) 20:13 [Preview] No.9533 del
(85.60 KB 1280x720 maxres.jpg)
2020 video not in TPA - "The Equestrians (Sopranos Ponified Opening)":

cf. - "Opening credits of The Sopranos from Pilot":

The Tony Soyprano face is from season 4 episode 5 of "The Sopranos", titled "Pinkie-Pie-O-My". In that episode, Tony clopped to this video - https://derpibooru.org/images/3183290 - and made that face.

Anon 02/08/2024 (Thu) 04:02 [Preview] No.9535 del
>Zeke Roka
I thought he did offer to purge certain info some didn't want remembered. I, don't remember details.

>Mirror being worked on
No clue. Albeit, Archiver might, (he might have already replied for all I know, this thread is hard to read through sometimes).

Anon 02/08/2024 (Thu) 17:56 [Preview] No.9537 del
>Ponies Anthology 1 at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmQJhPNVw4hmEV8rJ2haYqKHjZjP8chqKEAjfBYKKg5wYA
This credits a track as Koyaanisqatsi by Koyaanisqatsi. More correct to say Koyaanisqatsi by Philip Glass, from the film Koyaanisqatsi. (At first I thought that music https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=CMV850rhcQM was "Light of the Seven" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=QJHPlKPOc78 or that track from the film Interstellar or something.)

I downloaded 49 gigabytes from that non-small channel The_Ferbguy_UCbcAoV2S0oXfiVUnHx1tgtQ so far. YouTube movie "Resistance is Ponies (2012)":
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-8DxTbW_6Vc [Embed] - I like some parts, like the S1 vs. S2 part.

Anon 02/08/2024 (Thu) 18:21 [Preview] No.9538 del
Pretty sure this is mostly useless, since "/tmp/union/" (the union mount) is read-only, can't write anything new there. (It can show the data from two different devices or folders as if they are in one folder.) Maybe I will try something else (symlinks and unionfs-fuse = both probably nope).

It says
>Ko-Yaa-Nis-Katsi (From The Hopi Language) 1. Crazy Life. 2. Life In Turmoil. 3. Life Disintegrating. 4. Life Out Of Balance. 5. A State Of Life That Calls For Another Way Of Living.
Funny, last night I was feeling hatred a lot. Woke up, surprisingly still "full of hatred". It's faded away now, so that's nice.

>The Ferbguy UCbcAoV2S0oXfiVUnHx1tgtQ
Doing a next download pass on that. He has various con vlogs such as this one on EFNW that I watched:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-OlfepoeU7c [Embed]


Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 00:27 [Preview] No.9541 del
This didn't work on partially-downloaded ZIP file "rp_01-04-2024_173846.zip" from GETChan. It also didn't work on complete ZIP files "anonfilly-windows.zip" and "fillyastray-linux.zip" ( https://web.archive.org/web/20240103045325/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmRDKXUdkZmZXs2xF7cm1bjoBS3NrW9xX5CrgSToWZbBdY/ ). I used "zip_parser.py" before in Windows 7 on ZIP(s) that I made, and it worked. I guess it doesn't work on all types of ZIP files. So, use a different parser or use xxd (hexdump) to get all of the file paths.

Temp share of The_Equestrians_Sopranos_Ponified_Opening-The_Ferbguy-20200401-youtube-1920x1080-n0arei_zSk0.*:

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 00:56 [Preview] No.9542 del
I remembered that the central directory record is at the end of a ZIP file (not the start).
>File Entry 1<data>, File Entry 2<data>, ... File Entry n<data>, Central Directory --https://wikiless.esmailelbob.xyz/wiki/ZIP_(file_format)
so, can't get a full file list of that .zip file. Other simple proof:
>$ tail --bytes=1123456 rp_01-04-2024_173846.zip | strings -11 | tail -n2
>fq1 #tzh"8'
>$ # cf. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeiff6yomkv2ztidpfslmuatzppjluzxcjvwsxcj74amfx6qqdgyqgi

( Nig has spread some false info on ZIP files, he said that partially-downloaded TAR files=can get some files in it=true, but the false part is he said that partially-downloaded ZIP files=likely can't get anything in it. In a recent video from a maybe popular YouTuber "Bad OPSEC - How The Feds Traced a Monero User" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=7CD_Nl3iwhE )

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 01:12 [Preview] No.9543 del
Ponychan data "rp_01-04-2024_173846.zip" (2GB, partial) apparently has some backend/serverside files, such as these:
$ cat config.php~
        $config['allow_self_edit'] = true;
	$config['image_hard_limit'] = 3500;
	$config['reply_hard_limit'] = 4500;
$ cat config.php
        $config['allow_self_edit'] = true;
	$config['edit_time_end'] = 0;
	$config['image_hard_limit'] = 3500;
	$config['reply_hard_limit'] = 4500;

There's also images with _original vs. edit (thinking that that *_original is also server-side only):
. /z9/put/rp/src/1438308267692.jpg_original
.. https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmdMFC8JWaf1TbGWBqT2scUuktZbHt6pCHsgWtd5BNRMvE
... has Apple iPhone metadata
. /z9/put/rp/src/1438308267692.jpg
.. https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmdLTKthLqCNhmKENM8CdZMecJ4XmRFh9qXHmsJghxtq3A
... metadata removed

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 01:26 [Preview] No.9544 del
HTTP 200:

Nothing here, guessing it was never Internet-accessible:

GPS data in
. /z9/put/rp/src/1499194426776.jpg_original
.. GPS Altitude : 242 m Above Sea Level
.. GPS Date/Time : 2016:01:02 21:01:31Z
.. GPS Latitude : 42 deg 42' 2.07" N
.. GPS Longitude : 84 deg 16' 12.71" W
.. GPS Position : 42 deg 42' 2.07" N, 84 deg 16' 12.71" W
= Robohorse fucker here https://latitude.to/lat/42.03450/lng/-84.27000 in 2016 = Woodstock Township, Michigan, USA.

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 01:34 [Preview] No.9545 del
No Google Maps street view there, but I see some houses and a car from the satellite view. Here's 1499194426776.jpg_original from that ZIP: https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmcTFscKqRxmyc9i4xPD5yn9x7GKXiwmFuia9EGRdCaQtL

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 02:10 [Preview] No.9546 del
Probably the only other geotagged image from those 2 gigabytes from Ponychan:
. 2017 cat pic /z9/put/rp/src/1499328359289.jpg_original
.. https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmbnB7gFwBQ5FuT5iwA9uytxn1Yv7T9VaqedrCcqKUBJmG
.. GPS Altitude : 269 m Above Sea Level
.. GPS Date/Time : 2017:07:06 07:56:13.92Z
.. GPS Position : 49 deg 31' 59.08" N, 96 deg 42' 17.13" W
.. Lens ID : iPhone 6 back camera 4.15mm f/2.2
.. https://latitude.to/lat/31.98467/lng/-96.70472
.. Navarro Mills, Texas, USA

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 02:47 [Preview] No.9547 del
(161.09 KB 1600x1122 1613606425289.jpg_original)
Has *_original files, from GETchan:

Has zero "*_original" files:

Image from
>$ archivemount -o readonly site_01-04-2024_173846.zip /mnt/z # fail
>$ # /z9/put/chat/src/1613606425289.jpg_original

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 04:34 [Preview] No.9549 del
(8.97 MB 3840x2160 twibooru-2417185.png)
Looks like these geotags don't point to a specific house or address, just near buildings. Incl. picrel:
. /z9/put/chat/src/1658487406583.jpg_original
.. https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmUYCahPVR9rLDReP8nVUeNeWhakGmTH5TzVfrwZiiGRBi
.. don't see Everclear in this image, which I drank today
.. GPS Altitude : 39 m Above Sea Level
.. GPS Position : 28 deg 35' 3.30" N, 81 deg 31' 2.18" W [ https://latitude.to/lat/35.05500/lng/-81.51722 ]
.. near Rains Road in: Cherokee Falls, South Carolina, USA

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 04:53 [Preview] No.9550 del
Never mind, it does. Google Maps or latitude.to was being stupid.
. >>9549 alcohol photo -> 28 35' 3.30" N, 81 31' 2.18" W -> 1736 Sparkling Water Cir, Ocoee, Florida 34761, United States
.. I can see this dude dealing with those damn tree branches
. >>9546 cat photo -> 49 deg 31' 59.08" N, 96 deg 42' 17.13" W -> 2 Industrial Rd, Steinbach, MB R5G 1W7, Canada
. >>9544 Robot Fucker photo -> 42 deg 42' 2.07" N, 84 deg 16' 12.71" W -> 2359 Hiddenview Ln, Williamston, Michigan 48895

Maybe I can find a Ponychan user near where I live, then we can be friends IRL, haha.

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 07:26 [Preview] No.9552 del
2012 video not in TPA - "PMV: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny":

I think I already downloaded that YT channel.

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 07:57 [Preview] No.9554 del
However, I guess noone has these ones:
> arch_01-06-2024_191639.zip - 1.4G
> chat_01-06-2024_191639.zip - 8.0G
> fan_01-06-2024_191639.zip - 599M
> oat_01-06-2024_191639.zip - 18G
> pony_01-06-2024_191639.zip - 515M
> rp_01-06-2024_191639.zip - 17G
> site_01-06-2024_191639.zip - 1.1G

I did:
> not attached /z8/video/7572657/c2/MANESHARK_UCpITEtVHBK0Pm0p93x7KJQw/
(there's also that one Newgrounds variant "The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Faggotry")

I think that track falls under the genre "list song". Same with these:
. is in TPA: https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=cV-WUh0czNk - "PMV: It's the End of Equestria As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)"
. is in TPA: https://iv.nboeck.de/watch?v=nHbU5MLZl1o - "It's the End of Equestria"
. npr: ipfs://bafybeid4gf7iey6ar72hqtrq2v5bmjyhvxud7rtfiukmfbmwui5xqs4rw4 - We Didn't Start The Fire by Billy Joel

Anon 02/09/2024 (Fri) 17:40 [Preview] No.9555 del
(151.74 KB 1400x550 twibooru-2116831.jpg)
(67.96 KB 600x750 Patriot.jpg)
87 GB = size of most of the MLP-related data from The_Ferbguy UUbcAoV2S0oXfiVUnHx1tgtQ

In MLP_Reviews_S6_Ep3-The_Ferbguy-20160402-youtube-1280x720-mejv-scBW80.webm he reviewed that one episode of FIM where I think Pinkie Pie sold her party cannon. He said that the Twilicane (>>9524) and Smartypants was seen in that episode. When I first watched that episode, I saw the Twilicane, but not the Smartypants stuffed animal.

is in TPA - original animation "Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Harmony (Official Animation)" (1/2M views):

>The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Faggotry
It's titled The Ultimate Orgy of Homosexuality:
https://archive.org/details/ultimate-orgy-homosexuality - from XVideos

Source file of that parody, from swfchan:
^ don't waste time on non-HTTPS swfchan website, solving captchas and shit - here's that same SWF file:
^ instead of wasting time making JSON files to represent parts of swfchan, I decided to just save the webpage raws.

More Josef Fritzl media:
>https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=wdVp4q7PsGI - "The Disturbing Truth Behind The Josef Fritzl Case (Full Documentary) | Real Crime"
>Josef Fritzl simulator: https://y.com.sb/watch?v=LvnMYoSHQWo - "My Eyes Deceive"
>information: https://web.archive.org/web/20181125053612/https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Josef_Fritzl - "Josef Fritzl, an Australian hero"

Anon 02/10/2024 (Sat) 00:48 [Preview] No.9556 del
(Writing this post for the second time since rotating the screen accidentally on mobile resulted in the webpage dying.)

Saw this PNG image in the 'ru, wonder what the story is on it.

Some websites are absolute cunts which resist capture by wbm, archive.today, morty, megalodon - like this one: https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewtopic.php?t=55262 - it is a webpage related to this stupid series that I was watching. Interested in working more on an IPFS-based solution to this problem, implementing PHP and stuff so it can be used anywhere in one's local network. I couldn't get PHP to run certain shell commands, like the daemon, so I could try other stuff, like dealing with web3.storage's newer API.

Anon 02/10/2024 (Sat) 01:27 [Preview] No.9557 del
>Friendship magic
>@pattonoswalt The design of the pony of your daughter is lovely.
>1 hour before the episode and everyone in the fandom is already making fanarts of her. imgur.com/WveLOEJ #MLP #MLPS9
>[|-|]epeBecT[N] TB[N]T
>10:43 [|=||-|] - 4 Ma[R] 2019 r. - Twitter Web Client
>2 OTMeT[KN] <<HpaB[N]TC[R]>>

>fuck tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org
Here's a start - it works (saves the raw webpage and stuff):
$ cd $HOME/Documents/fuck_you:tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org
$ ipfs daemon & disown
$ url="https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewtopic.php?t=55262"
$ urlsafe=$(echo "$url" | sed "s/:\|\/\|?\|=\|&\|(\|)\|,\|+\|'\|*\|%\|#/-/g") # what about ! and $ ?
$ echo "$url" > "$urlsafe.txt"
$ lynx -source "$url" > "$urlsafe.htm"
$ ipfs add -rHQ . > "../$urlsafe.cid"; mv -n "../$urlsafe.cid" .
$ cat "$urlsafe.cid" | sed "s/^/ipfs:\/\//g"; ipfs dht provide $(cat "$urlsafe.cid")
$ # https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipfs/QmXWKKCW9PGy4kncUwbVZmUWFyHjH9bqaLCKcAAZ819v3W 
todo: make it into a shell script; make it use the w3s api or send files and commands over ssh; make it work with PHP + Apache HTTP server; also save a WARC of it; make it move files+folders around so less manual work is needed.

Anon 02/10/2024 (Sat) 08:03 [Preview] No.9559 del

That's just Wind Sprint, isn't it?

Where your .gifs are of Diamond Tiara, who isn't seen with Wind Sprint except in weird everypony-images, or foalcon games like this one

Anon 02/10/2024 (Sat) 08:51 [Preview] No.9562 del
Or at least repeat what he said. I know some can be sensitive about stuff.

>story behind text
Cringe. Foalcon of a IRL person, feels like some moral line crossed. Maybe I am being too much of a moralfag... seems like bridgefag or someone here or some altchan place had a really good opinion on this topic.

Still, archiving the story behind that, as awkward and stupid as it is, still is a worthy endeavor. Just because: too many stories and little interactions become heresay in time. Context lost, and words twisted.

>Diamond Tiara and Wind Sprint
You're telling me they were stored together for some reason? Site is IP blocked for me, weirdly Tor and otherwise.

Wondering if most posts should be saged to preserve bump limit. Thread can last as long as it needs to and be bumped when appropriate.

Anon 02/11/2024 (Sun) 17:29 [Preview] No.9565 del
>GIF: I don't exactly remember this part in FIM
That scene is seen in this PMV: >>9392 -> MLP_ThisIsNMN.flv -> https://ipfs.ssi.eecc.de/ipfs/QmePoRzU9B68xZd6yCZRDZRmP7WR27iX3JNATJXv9NmbZ7 (a lyric: "This is Halloween! This is Halloween!")

( "The X-Files" seems thematically similar to Halloween. Theme from The X-Files, chiptune remix: https://milki.org/cim/CiM%20-%20OK%20Registry%20Cleaner%202.0%20kg.xm.mp3 )

>seed this
I think I'm just now hosting it on low propagation computer. Speaking of, higher propagation computer went offline a day or two ago, IDK why. At first I couldn't ssh in ("ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host"), but I could connect to that peer. Later, I couldn't ssh in and I couldn't connect to that peer ("ipfs swarm connect /ip4/[ipv4 address]/tcp/43582/p2p/12D3Koo[...]" -> "Error: connect 12D3Koo[...] failure: failed to dial: failed to dial"). (Last uptime in days: 3-16:34:45.)

I think I checked http(s)://imgur.com/WveLOEJ* and http(s)://i.imgur.com/WveLOEJ.png* and http(s)://i.imgur.com/WveLOEJ.jpg* at archive.today and wbm. All I found was this 404: https://web.archive.org/web/20230515110724/https://imgur.com/WveLOEJ . Link to the tweet?

sage Anon 02/11/2024 (Sun) 18:41 [Preview] No.9566 del
>There should be a way to get the list of all of the files in the ZIP regardless if I have the non-metadata parts.
That would be awesome.

>I think that's the same thing this one anon was posting about in fan site alternative thread in /mlp/.
I contacted the admin and he gave me
He told me he has 6,254 posts and 3,685 files from /rp/ from 2023-2024. I asked for a dump of the files he has, we'll see.

Yeah he did >>9254
We're looking for what's missing from the /rp/ files since they appear to have been uploaded empty to IA. >>9501
It seems like IA is obfuscating them for some reason so I'm trying to contact Zeke directly.

This is sick!

Have you tried ArchiveTeam's Warrior?

Good idea, I'll start saging.

Anon 02/11/2024 (Sun) 19:24 [Preview] No.9567 del
(551.73 KB 1280x960 1_1.jpg)
Image from

It was offline because it got physically unplugged.

>This is sick!
days ago I rclone'd that folder; how-to: https://iwiftp.yerf.org/access.txt

>Have you tried ArchiveTeam's Warrior?
Yeah, I think I first used it when Yahoo! Answers decided to kill itself. Also used it in various projects like the Imgur purge. As far as I know, it can't be used to save WARC files locally since it is like a community-based virtual machine thing. I use grab-site ( https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/grab-site ) to save warc+no-raws and wget to save warc+raws.

Anon 02/11/2024 (Sun) 20:52 [Preview] No.9568 del
>[The Danielsaur] made MLP chiptune music.
He was also interested in The Legend of Zelda.
>I'm thinking of downloading his YT channel sometime
I guess I could do that now. Oh, and this is The Legend of Zelda chiptune music (I think?):

>[version 1707527605/]
>todo: make it into a shell script
"Done". Version 1707683895 - tested on "My Little Pony: Make Your Mark - TV Show Transcripts" at https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewforum.php?f=1987
ipfs daemon & disown
read -p "Enter a URL: " url; echo
urlsafe=$(echo "$url" | sed "s/:\|\/\|?\|=\|&\|(\|)\|,\|+\|'\|*\|%\|#/-/g") # what about ! and $ ?
echo "$url" > "$urlsafe.txt"
lynx -source "$url" > "$urlsafe.htm"
ipfs add -rHQ . > "../$urlsafe.cid"; mv -n "../$urlsafe.cid" .
cat "$urlsafe.cid" | sed "s/^/ipfs:\/\//g"; ipfs dht provide $(cat "$urlsafe.cid")
-> https://ipfs.ssi.eecc.de/ipfs/QmX49raExa5w2SYMyRtN5fKDaCvCsyFZ45yF7fzCPjvmH3

>>There should be a way to get the list of all of the files in the ZIP regardless if I have the non-metadata parts.
>That would be awesome.
As I remembered here -- >>9542 -- that's only possible if you either have the entire ZIP file or the tail bytes of it which contain the Central Directory structure. As I learned from rescening ZIP files, both 7z and exiftool provide OK file lists, but their timestamps don't match perfectly to what the timestamp bytes in the ZIP file detail. So the best ZIP file list would be something like "7z l $file" + "exiftool -a $file" + timestamp bytes from the ZIP file.

Anon 02/12/2024 (Mon) 06:18 [Preview] No.9572 del
>Wondering if most posts should be saged to preserve bump limit. Thread can last as long as it needs to and be bumped when appropriate.
When I copy and paste posts from this thread into a text file for this thread the the "this post is saged" part doesn't show up in the plain text; that info only shows up in HTML captures I do of this thread.

I've been improving that .sh shell script ( most recent = https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmNxcs4Egopqk3YeABPRHdBD4uWQm7ztHa1w8B5FHn9kyE?filename=1script1.sh ). I guess that site has basically no MLP transcripts due to this:
>Why do you not cover children's shows?
>Simply, we cannot morally or legally monetize these, and unfortunately we need to make ends meet (as well as not fall out with advertisers and/or parents). The odd ones that we do have are more by accident than design.


And wow that website is stupid. If you want to see a certain type of gatekeeping website, look no further than tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org (which is excluded from WBM and stuff):

>If you were unexpectedly directed here after clicking on a link on this site, I apologize for the inconvenience. Due to chronic abuse, I have made the decision to remove all but the last 90 day's links from the episode listings pages. Anyone found to be contravening this Site's Terms of Use will be permanently banned and expose themselves to legal action. You can still find what you are looking for by performing a site search for the exact episode.
LMAO at "legal action"

npr below...

>Can I download...
>Stop! This site does not provide any downloadable material whatsoever. This site is purely for private personal online education and research.
Every time you open a webpage, you download it. This is more of a "fuck you crawlers/archivists" message.

>blah blah blah Failure to comply with these Terms of Use exposes you to permanent exclusion and legal action. blah blah blah
>Quick Version
>It's complicated and we are not experts.
>Don't copy our stuff unless it is less than one season for your private, personal use or we have agreed in writing.
>Even Quicker Version
>If you are not here to just read, leave now!
How about tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org leaves now? Kill your website, but only after all of its data has been copied out so that someone(s) can replace your shit. (And/or quit your greedy ways.)

>About OurBoard \ What's in a name?
>The name "OurBoard" was from the days of Internet forums, and in particular, 3rd party hosted forums. The principle is simple: the forum is created by it's contributors.
>Back in those days, .com signified a commercial website and .org was deliberately chosen, even though .com was available, because it represents a not-for-profit Organization. That intention was as true then as it is today. We are not here to make money; we are here to provide a service and get some enjoyment from it.
The service you provide sucks.

Hopefully more websites in the future don't act similar to this TV Show Transcripts website.

Anon 02/13/2024 (Tue) 02:08 [Preview] No.9573 del
I modified this guy's buggy thing - https://gist.github.com/ourmaninamsterdam/4626375 - to create a Wayback Machine-like index of saved links:

- for timestamps and other info: see notes
- can add more URLs
- usage EXAMPLE:
> page 301 links to https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1AqQSnePenkPvD9oCDvfppfihor9jDNTc at ipfs://bafybeico6xvq3wpo2nogmvsanjttoioh5pujbhrisz4xa2tky7qf73sepa/https-web.archive.org-web-timemap-cdx-url-https-drive.google.com-uc-id/1AqQSnePenkPvD9oCDvfppfihor9jDNTc (timestamp=1701931393, diff. from current ver. of that same web.archive.org url) which says that https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1AqQSnePenkPvD9oCDvfppfihor9jDNTc is in file "googledrive_20210914142547_8025ea77.megawarc.warc.gz" at https://archive.org/details/archiveteam_googledrive_20210914142547_8025ea77

Yeah I know that IPWB already has a thing to do this, but it didn't work well for me. Todo: access copies of urls by url, filter by website, maybe use someone's fork of "js pages", show notes more easily, make "lynx -source" downloader+other-stuff script save a timestamp file, add more urls, have a thing to switch links to http gateway links, other things like resolved IPFS links (minimal path).

Anon Board owner 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:09 [Preview] No.9574 del
(151.20 KB 457x569 2227358.jpeg)
Possibly good idea, IF:
Archivist can work with that.
>When I copy and paste posts from this thread into a text file for this thread the the "this post is saged" part doesn't show up in the plain text; that info only shows up in HTML captures I do of this thread.
Does this interfear with that text file in anyway. Frankly, such information doesn't come across as too important to me.

Sage goes in email field. If you are new to such style of boards (though you could've easily just made a mistake).

Anon Board owner 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:32 [Preview] No.9575 del
(703.52 KB 827x1011 3057942.png)
>He told me he has 6,254 posts and 3,685 files from /rp/ from 2023-2024. I asked for a dump of the files he has, we'll see.
Awesome, /)

>It seems like IA is obfuscating them for some reason so I'm trying to contact Zeke directly.
>I thought he did offer to purge certain info some didn't want remembered. I, don't remember details.
This is true I believe... Need to find where it was exactly said though.

I am uncertain though if that is the reason why. I can understand removing the cringe selfies and times someone doxed themselves but overall I often find stuff like that to be a negative. Depending on how far people take it. Just something to keep in mind.

I thank you in your efforts to contact him, best of luck in how it goes.

>LMAO at "legal action"
>Every time you open a webpage, you download it. This is more of a "fuck you crawlers/archivists" message.
To play discord's advocate. I could see this being some boneheaded attempt to stay "within" the law (even though they are not, lol). It feels like a weird action though. Of any site that could handle large scale web crawling it'd be a text based thing like tv scripts.

This is with me knowing nothing of the site beyond this post.

Anon Board owner 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:48 [Preview] No.9576 del
Oh, I agree it should be, at least count as something. As much as tumblr in the early 2010s weakened and strained such a discourse of harassment with whiny screams and claims of everything = digital rape. I do think some moral line is crossed with something like that.

When you have encountered the situation a artist who used to depict mirrors personal OCs in various sexual situations to mess with them, it is the kind of thing that should creep you out. Now, will I be leading the crusade to purge Wind Sprint clop from the face of the internet? No. This is a long dead controversy and I'll just let sleeping dogs lay. It is good to keep some sense of this and such a thing is not moralfaging unless in the sense of having some moral backbone aside from the semi-nihilistic mass of the worst of "chan" culture. Not everyone means it that way, but in some places that is where it devolves too.

> seems like bridgefag or someone here or some altchan place had a really good opinion on this topic.
I'll have to take a look through the posts. I do recall weighing on this, but not, here on /endpone/.

Anon Board owner 02/13/2024 (Tue) 03:51 [Preview] No.9577 del
This I think is worthy of a note at:

Anon 02/14/2024 (Wed) 02:31 [Preview] No.9579 del
>Todo: access copies of urls by url
"Done", I updated the JS to do that (I could have written better code but didn't):
. ipfs://Qmf8f6JbvzKBteHoKUpbkr4KT4eXQvJtqFNhngxFcnvgwu/saveurls.html?gotourl=[URL_HERE]
. https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipfs/Qmf8f6JbvzKBteHoKUpbkr4KT4eXQvJtqFNhngxFcnvgwu/saveurls.html?gotourl=https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0BwAQOo_PITGIWUk3dHFrbFc3UzA
.. redirects to ipfs://bafybeico6xvq3wpo2nogmvsanjttoioh5pujbhrisz4xa2tky7qf73sepa/https-web.archive.org-web-timemap-cdx-url-https-drive.google.com-uc-id/0BwAQOo_PITGIWUk3dHFrbFc3UzA

If the URL isn't in the JSON, it acts as an open redirect (the case with ?gotourl= and ?gotourlgw*=):
. ipfs://bafybeihzqqsaukpqmo5mywlgxixnjl6eziienclb4vdlxw47c2tyt3sr4q/saveurls.html?gotourl=https://www.googlesnake.com/snakedesktop.php
.. redirects to https://www.googlesnake.com/snakedesktop.php

Can use roughly 16 different gateways (mostly clearweb ones, one darkweb one):
. ?gotourlgw3= redirects to dweb.link
. https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipfs/Qmf8f6JbvzKBteHoKUpbkr4KT4eXQvJtqFNhngxFcnvgwu/saveurls.html?gotourlgw16=https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1--imzIF8cSdqwyDNuPR0R7jddgC4-vDj
.. redirects to https://infura-ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeico6xvq3wpo2nogmvsanjttoioh5pujbhrisz4xa2tky7qf73sepa/https-web.archive.org-web-timemap-cdx-url-https-drive.google.com-uc-id/1--imzIF8cSdqwyDNuPR0R7jddgC4-vDj
... redirects to https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeico6xvq3wpo2nogmvsanjttoioh5pujbhrisz4xa2tky7qf73sepa/https-web.archive.org-web-timemap-cdx-url-https-drive.google.com-uc-id/1--imzIF8cSdqwyDNuPR0R7jddgC4-vDj
. ?gotourlgwo1= redirects to http://fzdqwfb5ml56oadins5jpuhe6ki6bk33umri35p5kt2tue4fpws5efid.onion
. ?gotourlgwo2= redirects to http://fzdqwfb5ml56oadins5jpuhe6ki6bk33umri35p5kt2tue4fpws5efid.onion.ly

Also, consider >>9387

Bostrom consensus computer - always sorta interesting to learn more about that. Some more info:
. https://hackmd.io/@cybercongress/S1GK7pHoq
.. Moon Code video: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmanZyMFnEti618crNPkn93g7MFaoDGrZ4Pta5drfdt9jb
. https://www.opensourceagenda.com/projects/go-cyber
. https://github.com/cybercongress/cybernode
.. I don't have the system requirements to run that (see "cybernode_manual.md")
. https://cyb.ai/robot
. https://gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmQvKF9Jb6QKmsqHJzEZJUfcbB9aBBKwa5dh3pMxYEj7oi
. https://gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmZT67xw14PLH4pgWmZ5uhqYH18myN7t6UwT82ipTbrZcv
. https://snapshot.cybernode.ai/

Anon 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:21 [Preview] No.9581 del
Foalcon, or lolicon, of an IRL person, is maybe weird, but it is not a problem, depending on certain things.
. stupid/problem: trying to be edgy, getting whoever (parents, the kid, et al.) to look at at, "harassment", "cyberbullying", "trolling", and stuff like that
. more or a problem: if there's evidence that a real child posed for some sexual drawing/non-photo that someone created
.. I remember that Shadman made lolicon artwork of some child actor from a "Terminator" movie or something; the drawing was in-universe and based on the character in the movie. This isn't a problem: it is about a fictional character. No would would reasonably think that she posed for him to make the drawing. Even if some artist made a sexual drawing of some IRL kid, I don't see this being a problem as long as the artist has basically no relation to them. It is literally a drawing, it hurts no one. Consider: some guy making a sexual drawing of some kid who lives on the other side of Earth and they never met vs. a father making a sexual drawing of his child. Obviously the latter is more concerning. Maybe the kid posed for him.
... People have artistic freedom to express themselves. If we ban sexual drawings of IRL kids, what's next banning drawings of IRL kids getting murdered? Then think what's after that if we allow prudes or self-righteous moralfags to have control. It is really stupid to limit such imagination-based works.
... Also, now with AI-generated stuff, you can generate many images. And out of this quantity of lolicon, many could definitely look like IRL people as a coincidence. It could just be unintentional. This shows that limitations on bans on these things are unreasonable.

Pony hairstyles from the channel which uploaded 66lDR9h6liU

Anon 02/14/2024 (Wed) 06:27 [Preview] No.9582 del
too many facking typos

*person is maybe weird
*to look at it
*more of a problem
*No one would reasonably
*limitations or bans on these


Anon 02/14/2024 (Wed) 07:00 [Preview] No.9583 del
As for foalcon of a kid's personal pony OC, see the "stupid/problem" bullet point. And if someone makes foalcon of that OC without trying to mess with anyone, I don't see any issue. It's like Chris-chan and Sonichu - "My OC, do not steal!"

I read about the legality in the US at https://wiki.froth.zone/wiki/Legal_status_of_fictional_child_pornography . I'm glad that TOR exists, because USA has overly-controlling idiotic laws which restrict freedom in the guise of fighting "obscenity". Other countries have similar problems:
>United States[...]
>The PROTECT Act also enacted 18 U.S.C. § 1466A into U.S. obscenity law:[130]
>Section 1466A of Title 18, United States Code, makes it illegal for any person to knowingly produce, distribute, receive, or possess with intent to transfer or distribute visual representations, such as drawings, cartoons, or paintings that appear to depict minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct and are deemed obscene.
>Thus, virtual and drawn pornographic depictions of minors may still be found illegal under U.S. federal obscenity law. The obscenity law further states in section C "It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist."
>The first major case occurred in December 2005, when Dwight Whorley was convicted in Richmond, Virginia under 18 U.S.C. 1466A for using a Virginia Employment Commission computer to receive and distribute "obscene Japanese anime cartoons that graphically depicted prepubescent female children being forced to engage in genital-genital and oral-genital intercourse with adult males".[135][136] On December 18, 2008, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the conviction, consisting of 20 years' imprisonment.[137] Whorley appealed to the Supreme Court, but was denied certiorari, meaning the appeal was not heard.[138][139][140]
>[words words words, IDK, the US probably became more tyrannical]

Anon 02/14/2024 (Wed) 17:20 [Preview] No.9584 del
>MLP.flv (878 MB) at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmPDJmxQdD13563gosqJxubzCZSegu6gD3AU3Dmvw2X8nn
Probably going to be stored offline only for a while soon.

Regarding "PMV_Van.Twi.flv" here - https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXVvtCY9i5yJeap7zK7d1W34nTvdzgrSotSExQJkXunLJ - this is "PMV - Vanilla Twilight" (2012-01-12, "Everything in its Right Place" by Radiohead):

>words words words
I read those and got a better understanding of the situation. Lolicon in the US isn't illegal, but it is maybe not entirely 100% legal (it's in the "grey area" section of that article). It is determined by what is considered to be "obscene". In the Wikipedia section "Fictional child pornography [is] legal" it lists these countries: Brazil, Belgium, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan. So that's one criterion in which Germany, Japan, Brazil, and other countries are better than the United States.

Anon 02/14/2024 (Wed) 17:41 [Preview] No.9585 del
Offline for now as "504 Gateway Time-out" = new.theponyarchive.com - see outlinks at

>"Morning in BerryTube.flv" at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmdoP8u4ny7jeEZ4g6ZcvWKn6PZaSuPZ7fVnWj29NRZK57 [FFmpeg says "httphostheader : r17---sn-o097zne7.c.youtube.com"]
Difficult/impossible to find the source of.

>the US probably became more tyrannical
True. In a ~2022 case, United States v. Arthur, the US made a pants-on-head-retarded ruling. Read about it:
>https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=16262092618585197204 - a website called "Mr. Double"
Thomas Alan Arthur got charged with various criminal counts, all based on TEXT ONLY content (stories, fictional). Baffling. Literally banned/burned books.

Anon 02/15/2024 (Thu) 02:22 [Preview] No.9586 del
>Difficult/impossible to find the source
They never really wanted it shared; it was just a fun time the drunks of Berry Tube had at the height of their clique.

Anon 02/16/2024 (Fri) 00:12 [Preview] No.9587 del
>Of any site that could handle large scale web crawling it'd be a text based thing like tv scripts.
True. Pretty much no pictures or videos there either, just a total of like 70,000 human-readable plaintext webpages. More crap I saw on that site:
>img alt=Donate with PayPal
>Don't be a leech! Please either enable ads on this site or contribute towards the running costs. Thanks!
>Read more at: http://bafybeiaywfleofec2jy6y6agsjplyqaq4qzvtbm7pyvvyfewptjyx4kp5e.ipfs.localhost:48084/https---tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org-viewtopic.php-t-67046.htm [The "Read more" part is text which JS inject into the end of the clipboard.]
Fuck does he think this is? BitTorrent? Some FTP server from the 2000s? "Noooo! only I can have exclusive 100% control of 100% of my website! And you can only access it at a rate of 4 webpages per day!" He seems to dislike decentralization/archiving a lot, and on mobile I saw an ad in the webpage like every 3rd screenful. Plus the Google Canvas ad (I think that's what it's called) which pops up, covers the entire screen, and you have to press the close button to remove it. ("Fuck" and "shit" are also somewhat censored on each website.) Looking at a less-open system really shows how good more open or accessible systems can be. That site also blocks vanilla curl: "curl -sL $url"
><h1>Forbidden</h1><p>Access denied!</p><p>There are several reasons why you may be seeing this:</p><p>If you are a new visitor, I apologize:</p><p>If you are using a proxy or VPN, try turning it off. There is no login required on this site therefore it is unnecessary. A previous abuser probably also used the same proxy or VPN.</p><p>If you are a previous visitor, who may have contravened our terms of use, been hammering our server, or otherwise done something we do not like, your activity has been recorded and, after investigation, may be reported to your service provider, as well as any other concerned or affected parties.</p><p>In general, all bans are permanent. Breach of our terms of use leave you open to legal action.[...]

>make "lynx -source" downloader+other-stuff script save a timestamp file
Done, now writes a file specifying webpage-download-complete (Unix timestamp):

So I may never find the corresponding YouTube link+webpage for that. Maybe it was posted to 4chan /mlp/ years ago - search for that:

Anon 02/16/2024 (Fri) 00:36 [Preview] No.9588 del
>PMV_NotAfraid.flv at QmSMCUcSWvqfDd9BcCaDcTwyrnSwdNApSwxWQ715ZFoHio
Not these:
. in tpa, "PMV | Not Afraid", Eminem: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=tK87WlcJnRM
. not in tpa, "Not Afraid -PMV- (2K ESRGAN UPSCALE)", upscale=interesting idea: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=XDQ_RCeKHB0
. not in tpa, "Not Afraid-PMV": https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=tBHUP0Cko_g
. not in tpa, "PMV // Not Afraid //": https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=rEeFfBswVJk
. not in tpa, "MLP not afraid": https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=ztBDpE8X1yA

Morning in BerryTube.flv = download around:
2013-06-02 09:38 AM

*JS injected into

Anon 02/16/2024 (Fri) 00:56 [Preview] No.9589 del
Upscale from

Or, it shows how open systems are taken for granted.

*>PMV_NotAfraid.flv at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmSMCUcSWvqfDd9BcCaDcTwyrnSwdNApSwxWQ715ZFoHio
. Description to help find it: Twilight Sparkles superimposed in top right and left, vignette (transparent inverse black oval)
. Downloaded sometime around 2011-12-16 07:33 AM
. ( music QmSM...oHio makes me think of npr https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=RVIe2hwysW0 )

All videos apparently in TPA

Anon 02/16/2024 (Fri) 04:59 [Preview] No.9590 del
>empty upload
A peculiar similar phenomenon happened today. I was watch this recently-uploaded video, then it stopped loading at roughly 4 minutes in. It stopped loading because that IA item was emptied. You can see capture of it as empty in archive.ph:
Why was it deleted? IDK, maybe IA use a content ID system like YouTube = unfortunate if true. Example of an upload where it's files were deleted minutes later: shown by addeddate and file timestamps.

Those Ponychan uploads, maybe the files were deleted very soon after upload.

Anon 02/16/2024 (Fri) 05:10 [Preview] No.9591 del
*maybe IA uses a content ID system like YouTube

Subject was changed from "Shockumentary" to ".", so I think the uploader deleted it. Also, I'm pretty sure with IA's "HTML Scanner" you cannot upload/create an empty item, but I think that could happen if it sees "bad data". E.g., HTML-upload .png.gz or something=empty upload.

Didn't mean to spoiler those screenshots.

Anon 02/16/2024 (Fri) 21:04 [Preview] No.9592 del
Apparently archive.today automatically redirects to an ad link after having a page open in a tab for long enough. Seen ~twice at the short link of this in mobile (MLP PMVs playlist):

Remember JPEG artifacts? Glad that is less of a problem today. Images with those compression artifacts may feel like older/vintage image files.

Anon 02/16/2024 (Fri) 23:42 [Preview] No.9593 del
Found more info from research:

. October 12, 2011, "Not Afraid" https://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/10/pmv-pinkypie-ghostie-cakes-not-afraid.html
.. "Video unavailable" https://web.archive.org/web/20191216053733/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHzrvAkAYv4
... yes: Thumbnail which matches to 00:03:08! https://web.archive.org/web/20120116103930if_/http://i2.ytimg.com/vi/yHzrvAkAYv4/default.jpg
... yes: see as likely online in November 12, 2012: https://mlpforums.com/blogs/entry/1392-twilightcircuits-amazing-story-part-4-im-afraid-discretion-is-advised-agian/ + https://mlpforums.com/topic/38262-things-left-unsaid/ + https://pastebin.com/3UCfFyhq
... no: https://web.archive.org/web/20160822061542/https://www.youtube.com/embed/yHzrvAkAYv4
... no: https://filmot.com/api/getvideos?key=md5paNgdbaeudounjp39&id=yHzrvAkAYv4
... no: twitter.com url search, archive.ph

From search engine, no search by YT ID:
. "Not Afraid PMV" https://funnyjunk.com/channel/ponytime/Not+afraid+pmv/pLxDGcY/
.. https://youtube.com/watch?v=yHzrvAkAYv4 [Embed]
.. "datePublished":"2012-03-13 01:20:12"
.. https://bigmemes999.funnyjunk.com/thumbnails_160x160/youtube/yh/zr/yhzrvakayv4_3448345.jpg
.. https://bigmemes999.funnyjunk.com/thumbnails/youtube/yh/zr/yhzrvakayv4_3448345.jpg
. "Not Afraid [PMV]" https://teddit.zaggy.nl/r/mylittlepony/comments/1c5y18/not_afraid_pmv
.. https://youtube.com/watch?v=yHzrvAkAYv4 [Embed]
... I don't know a lot about Reddit, but I'm thinking that that Reddit title, Not Afraid [PMV], matches to what the YT title was.

. not in tpa, "[PMV] Not Afraid" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=4rz5RVtNi8o
. not in tpa, bad audio, "Rainbow dash and Pinkie pie Rapping Not Afraid PMV" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=LOtXe396cZs
. not in tpa, not Eminem, "PMV- I am not Afraid" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=lXHitC9XnZs
. eqg, not Eminem, https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=wqils8UKpAk

. also check https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://img.youtube.com/vi/yHzrvAkAYv4/* and not just i and i1.youtube.com through 4
. twitter.com search seems to not work as well as it did years ago. example:
.. https://twitter.com/search?q=i58WsWFWook&src=typed_query&f=top
... doesn't link to https://nitter.moomoo.me/MlPShow1/status/1079716533914517504 - same with https://twitter.com/search?q=%22http%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2Fi58WsWFWook%22&src=typed_query&f=live

Anon 02/17/2024 (Sat) 17:13 [Preview] No.9595 del
2013 video not in TPA - "How to Beat Cyberbullies" (original animation Rainbow Dash near the end):
pic unrelated

Anon 02/17/2024 (Sat) 17:34 [Preview] No.9596 del
title and source=suspected/confirmed, uploaded=likely uploaded before:

> PMV_NotAfraid.flv -> ipfs://QmSMCUcSWvqfDd9BcCaDcTwyrnSwdNApSwxWQ715ZFoHio
title: Not Afraid [PMV]
source: youtube-yHzrvAkAYv4
webpage: none
uploaded: before 2011-10-12
notes: missing metadata like the uploader; see >>9593; music by Eminem

Multiple MLP-related thumbnails in that channel like/only:

Anon 02/17/2024 (Sat) 18:18 [Preview] No.9597 del
>video file /ipfs/QmSzfpLt2ZFDMmHetj6D735Pz8CT6PUWDj9H9xBqy3MJDE
Mostly restored webpage (WARC+raw):

What I learned from restoring that webpage... Downloaded via
>$ wget --page-requisites --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows https://web.archive.org/web/20240114071257if_/https://invidious.einfachzocken.eu/watch?v=ft1QeiAG2fg
In the main HTML I got links that looked like this: "link=default.css@v=1234". The Browser couldn't apply CSS from that, so the raw was modified to look similar to "link=default.css". Without --restrict-file-names it would download it as "link=default.css?v=1234", but that didn't work well at file:/// because it would do some percent encoding stuff with "?". CSS seemed broken in WARC replay, but that's the original data. Nice-looking modified raw - watch the video here (no comments):

Or watch it at wbm/yt, but youtube.com is bloatware. The website knowyourmeme.com (KYM) is also bloatware. KYM has many MLP-related things.

Knowledge of many external things is important, but knowledge of internal things, self-knowledge, is important too. I'm probably interested in archiving, decentralized technologies, data analysis, data wrangling, web development, programming, and digital media. Such interests influence what I do with my time and may also result in me working on IT or computer-focused things outside of the aforewritten.

Video from

Anon 02/17/2024 (Sat) 18:49 [Preview] No.9598 del
>MLP_RumGone.flv was at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmRFMsgANMDo2ABQhx7pvazjcAVUUpHr7x1e3rZwdNRRFB
This is "[PMV] Why is the rum gone?":
- Back online: new.theponyarchive.com
- The rum is gone because I drank it (I drank rum >1 year ago).

Should've said: wbm/invidious.einfachzocken.eu doesn't have the video file, so in the HTML I replaced the broken link with the video file. https://web.archive.org/web/20210409192412/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft1QeiAG2fg says
>itag":137,"mimeType":"video/mp4; codecs=\"avc1.640028\"","bitrate":4617228,"width":1920,"height":1080,"initRange":{"start":"0","end":"741"},"indexRange":{"start":"742","end":"1277"},"lastModified":"1616618597464902","contentLength":"95188892","quality":"hd1080","fps":25,"qualityLabel":"1080p","projectionType":"RECTANGULAR","averageBitrate":3527474,"approxDurationMs":"215880",
>itag":248,"mimeType":"video/webm; codecs=\"vp9\"","bitrate":2646000,"width":1920,"height":1080,"lastModified":"1616618597464902","quality":"hd1080","fps":25,"qualityLabel":"1080p","projectionType":"RECTANGULAR","type":"FORMAT_STREAM_TYPE_OTF"
So I think there was a 1080p version of that video. But if it's a VHS recording, that would probably be an upscale, so 720p should be fine (which is all we have).

Anon 02/18/2024 (Sun) 08:35 [Preview] No.9599 del
>RarityDubStepKill.mp4 at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmc8X8hczeFLz6Kcw5YhUKfqbicfFSneL3jvw97tGvVTDW
Music = "Eyes on Fire" by Blue Foundation ( https://farside.link/dumb/Blue-foundation-eyes-on-fire-lyrics ). Not found:
. 2013 video not in TPA - "pmv eyes on fire" (small channel, unique frames): https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=FqXwkRbAR4I
. 'site:www.equestriadaily.com "Eyes on Fire"' searched at search.nezumi.party
. '"Eyes on Fire" mlp pmv' searched at https://search.nezumi.party/
.. is in tpa, "MLP PMV - Eyes on Fire" https://iv.melmac.space/watch?v=FDyNAwGloRc <- https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/playlist?list=PL17952CF3419B1428 and https://iv.ggtyler.dev/playlist?list=PLAA2C72A079A72D1C
.. 2018 video not in tpa, "PMV - Eyes on Fire" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=isqILwj8ID0

Idea: search by image frames or do other searches.

BTW, I wrote down some thoughts on archiving:

Anon 02/18/2024 (Sun) 09:18 [Preview] No.9600 del
>Music = "Eyes on Fire" by Blue Foundation
No, I found that one -- it's a remix. Did I not say it here? Did I not give you the ID for your fetish?

BH0XFXImKYs, evil dubstep mix 2010 HQ

Searched by the file name, rarity dub step kill, added the song name, and maybe 'pmv' -- found it on the first page within YT.

Anon 02/18/2024 (Sun) 10:49 [Preview] No.9601 del
>Or, is there a way to have one file which looks like this: 256K (first block), 256K, 200K, 256K, 256K, 6K, 256K, 256K, 80K, ..., 256K, 100K (last block/chunk).
I think so, which means that padding isn't needed - example:
$ ipfs cat Qmf8A87kqcJQmE5j16c2ioGsbnpEgKeq9j6GikkTdXZnQY | ipfs files write --create /a/test
$ ipfs files ls --long /a
test	QmSMuCi6ApHsBcQNPSdW2y5SZ6McQjuW7pzrkUQzCXDB6c	4
$ ipfs cat Qmf8A87kqcJQmE5j16c2ioGsbnpEgKeq9j6GikkTdXZnQY; echo
$ ipfs cat QmUonHZDpph17wShobAH2q3di13RZV3xsueFfrdog7PG1G; echo
$ ipfs cat QmSMuCi6ApHsBcQNPSdW2y5SZ6McQjuW7pzrkUQzCXDB6c; echo # trickle dag
$ ipfs cat QmUonHZDpph17wShobAH2q3di13RZV3xsueFfrdog7PG1G | ipfs files write --offset=4 /a/test
$ ipfs files ls --long /a
test	QmRw3iV2ucbeJ8UqSqVu6FHW3YMxvjYaVix5FWTSPrKzEg	8
$ ipfs ls QmRw3iV2ucbeJ8UqSqVu6FHW3YMxvjYaVix5FWTSPrKzEg
QmVaMXfNhaQpyp42Ys1C3ggS2EzWfK8iw83dw4VeuT36YC 4 
Qmc9xETb7kRPGD7tsnVCyUNdZwuE9vqhrRWw2eMCYJGRhj 4 
$ ipfs cat QmVaMXfNhaQpyp42Ys1C3ggS2EzWfK8iw83dw4VeuT36YC; echo # trickle-dag
$ ipfs cat Qmc9xETb7kRPGD7tsnVCyUNdZwuE9vqhrRWw2eMCYJGRhj; echo # trickle-dag
$ ipfs cat QmPqnnwCZrF7qUdFgQ5WVZECWZWQcsw2a3wfVDiTDUukyi | ipfs files write --offset=4 /a/test
$ ipfs files ls --long /a
test	QmdCGo4SJWTPBErZQf5RdJi8UCfJAHk1wuuaqjZnp3zrUk	262148
$ ipfs ls QmdCGo4SJWTPBErZQf5RdJi8UCfJAHk1wuuaqjZnp3zrUk
QmVaMXfNhaQpyp42Ys1C3ggS2EzWfK8iw83dw4VeuT36YC 4      
QmPpc2LEDVPNasHURYBQmQC7qNqF8bhicptNoXjHMoVkQF 4      
QmWf1cFjZFkgzLGrqYLziUU8RMuX79sAQoiVttHseGwTtp 262140 
$ ipfs cat QmPpc2LEDVPNasHURYBQmQC7qNqF8bhicptNoXjHMoVkQF | xxd
00000000: 8950 4e47                                .PNG
$ ipfs cat -l 14 QmWf1cFjZFkgzLGrqYLziUU8RMuX79sAQoiVttHseGwTtp | xxd
00000000: 0d0a 1a0a 0000 000d 4948 4452 0000       ........IHDR..

What fetish? Without an ID or URL, there's less of a connection to the past, less of a continuity. Having the data is nice, but having the data plus metadata is better. (Imagine having a physical book, but all the material indicating its title has been lost; a title could be made up to refer to that book, but that title would be inherently less authentic than the original title that once existed for that book that the author wrote.) IDs/URLs can also help users who are looking for a copy of that deleted YouTube video; for now it can be found from SEO or something, but in the future, perhaps I or someone will make it find-able by better SEO/whatever thanks to our research. Some images from
$ ffmpeg -i RarityDubStepKill.mp4 -r 1/10 RarityDubStepKill.mp4-%2d.jpg

Anon 02/18/2024 (Sun) 11:08 [Preview] No.9602 del
*seen as likely online

hook: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=BH0XFXImKYs

It also comes down to how much one cares about having a more complete copy of a certain entity.

>that deleted YouTube video
don't mean that video specially, I mean the YouTube videos seen as deleted ITT or whatever deleted YT vid

>ffmpeg -i ... -r 1/10 ...
every ten seconds

Anon 02/18/2024 (Sun) 11:49 [Preview] No.9603 del
Also helpful if the video is still live. One of the ways: finding data from searching an alternative combination of strings. I really don't care about SEO, and it's not the goal. However, I know it is sometime a byproduct. Or searchability can be gained in a different way. Example: a video is titled "PMV 001" and no one post about it online; a more descriptive title/metadata is "PMV of Rainbow In The Sky by DJ Paul Elstak". If no one posts about that then there is nothing that can find it from '"PMV" "Rainbow In The Sky" "DJ Paul Elstak"' (or similar). whoogle.no-logs.com and DDG: couldn't find this thread or that video from that search (https://archive.org/details/hardcore.-techno.-clips-2/x265/Dj+Paul+Elstak/Dj+Paul+Elstak+-+Rainbow+In+The+Sky+(Hardcore+Edition).mpg.mp4 - did see this result). Doesn't matter, for I know that this sort of association exists for that. If I really cared about SEO I could post it to Reddit or some similar shit. desuarchive has searchability, Endchan /pone/ doesn't (weeks or months ago I was thinking of making it searchable). Referenced: >>9109 See_Dashie_s_Smile-20darkmoon-20120* https://endchan.org/.media/84eee613c085675505bd9a97e6e41d98-videomp4.mp4

Anon 02/18/2024 (Sun) 18:44 [Preview] No.9604 del
added to a crappy centralized place:
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3304553 >d 2024-02-18T18:39:26Z >s >i >t mare, horse, fluttershy, english, solo, safe, fingers, looking at you, text

>a file with blocks like that
It can be done, but since it uses the trickle-dag format for dag generation and not the default one (dag-protobuff I think) the CIDs won't match. (The SHA1 hash of each file vs. block should match.) However, you can listen to multiple MP3 files in a row, autoplayed; simple HTML+JS to do that (example .mp3s="20 Percent Cooler" by Ken Ashcorp):

Anon 02/19/2024 (Mon) 07:24 [Preview] No.9605 del
Didn't see the set of mane six pussy close-up images in

After QmPD...X8nn was unpinned+gc'd in ramdisk, it really didn't free up space. tmpfs and/or whatever was acting in an unexpected way (works in an expected way in other filesystems like NTFS, ZFS, ext4). It only freed up space once I did this: 1. write all pinned CIDs to CAR files 2. delete all blocks at "$IPFS_PATH/blocks/[2 characters here]" 3. import all CAR files 4. pin the CID in each .car

2012 Left 4 Dead meme-related video from
Meta track

Anon 02/19/2024 (Mon) 09:11 [Preview] No.9606 del
archive today has gotten suddenly very ad filled over the past year. I wonder if someone else has taken over or if they are having money troubles?
On newer pages there can be a boatload of ads sometimes, older archived pages have thus far been spared from what I checked.

Is this two anons or one? I am legit confused at the context of this conversation. My apologies if something obvious.

Interesting thumbnails. I like the art style for some reason that I can't put my hoof on.

Anon 02/19/2024 (Mon) 09:36 [Preview] No.9608 del
Wow, this is a impressive selection of Fausticorn images. Or should I say, like bo/bridgefag's taste in fausticorn images. I might return to one or two of these posts later but I do want to note that if I don't.

On jpeg artifacting:
(just wanted to highlight these posted in chat)

I think I get your argument, but lolicon right up into real people as long as not done with the intent to harm is a touch pill to swallow. Let me think on it.

Anon 02/19/2024 (Mon) 09:37 [Preview] No.9609 del
>touch pill

Anon 02/19/2024 (Mon) 19:55 [Preview] No.9611 del
>mane six pussy close-up images [not anatomically correct if representing ponies]
Applejack, 2012-07-31-23-22-42 - http://i.imgur.com/1RJKZ.png ->
Fluttershy, 2012-07-31-23-22-43 - http://i.imgur.com/66IR9.png ->
Twilight Sparkle, 2012-07-31-23-22-42 - http://i.imgur.com/TaLm0.png ->
Pinkie Pie, 2012-07-31-23-22-44 - http://i.imgur.com/ugDcG.png ->
Rainbow Dash, 2012-07-31-23-22-44 - http://i.imgur.com/xA6GN.png ->
Rarity, 2012-07-31-23-22-43 - http://i.imgur.com/zoIg6.png ->

Which mare has the tightest vagina? One might say that Fluttershy is a virgin because she is shy, but I think Pinkie might be tighter because she's younger than Fluttershy.

>Is this two anons or one?

>>9599 me ; topics: trying to find the YouTube page of an MP4 file, didn't see it from some searches (I should have searched filename-like strings), other ideas
>>9600 not me ; topics: he found the YouTube webpage for that MP4 (thanks), said I was obsessed with IDs
>>9601 me ; topics: about making a file in IPFS with highly variable block sizes (in the interest of playing audio data in this case), on the merits of metadata - no one can find or really describe things without metadata

Anon 02/19/2024 (Mon) 20:38 [Preview] No.9612 del
Historians are ones to care about metadata (incl. IDs). Metadata is data about the data. Before binary computer data, a similar idea would be "information about the information or object". Like if a historian wanted to describe an artifact or whatever, that would be information about the thing; and that information is not always self-evident. Metadata often has information about a thing which is not self-evident.

>imgur images
Added to centralized crapsite:
>{u https://derpibooru.org/images/3305267 >d 2024-02-19T20:14:14Z >s http://i.imgur.com/1RJKZ.png >i >t pussy juice, clitoris, explicit, pussy, vagina, close-up, solo, g4, Applejack} >{u https://derpibooru.org/images/3305269 >d 2024-02-19T20:15:39Z >s http://i.imgur.com/66IR9.png >i >t female, pussy juice, clitoris, explicit, pussy, vagina, close-up, solo, g4, Fluttershy} >{u https://derpibooru.org/images/3305270 >d 2024-02-19T20:17:03Z >s http://i.imgur.com/TaLm0.png >i >t female, pussy juice, clitoris, explicit, pussy, vagina, close-up, solo, g4, Twilight Sparkle} >{u https://derpibooru.org/images/3305272 >d 2024-02-19T20:18:17Z >s http://i.imgur.com/ugDcG.png >i >t female, pussy juice, clitoris, explicit, pussy, vagina, close-up, solo, g4, confetti, Pinkie Pie} >{u https://derpibooru.org/images/3305274 >d 2024-02-19T20:19:38Z >s http://i.imgur.com/xA6GN.png >i >t female, pussy juice, clitoris, explicit, pussy, vagina, close-up, solo, g4, Rainbow Dash} >{u https://derpibooru.org/images/3305276 >d 2024-02-19T20:21:18Z >s http://i.imgur.com/zoIg6.png >i >t female, pussy juice, clitoris, explicit, pussy, vagina, close-up, solo, g4, clitoral hood piercing, jewelry, Rarity}
Of the mane six, Rarity is most likely to get a piercing. (https://www.derpibooru.org/search?q=apocalypse+dash%2Cscreenshot - "Apocalypse Dash" does not have a piercing as I was remembering.) Image from wbm-excluded:

Anon 02/19/2024 (Mon) 20:56 [Preview] No.9613 del
(88.79 KB 282x429 1RJKZ.png)
(86.88 KB 282x429 66IR9.png)
(66.75 KB 282x429 TaLm0.png)
(78.11 KB 282x429 xA6GN.png)
Last year, Imgur decided to delete all NSFW and inactive images. I checked the live version of those links today: all deleted. Roastie images seen as online in these times:

. Imgur IDs are case sensitive
. Case insensitive: https://web.archive.org/web/11111111111111/...
. Case sensitive: https://web.archive.org/web/11111111111111if_/...
. Spoilering images in Endchan: only use the main Spoiler check box; all other Spoiler check boxes do not do anything and indicate an unfinished feature.

Anon 02/20/2024 (Tue) 00:45 [Preview] No.9614 del
(10.79 KB 176x176 channels4_profile.jpg)
(144.60 KB 2048x1152 channels4_banner.jpg)
>Little Dark Age PMVs. That meme unto itself feels weird mixed with MLP.
Guess I never knew that was a meme.

>webpage https://invidious.einfachzocken.eu/watch?v=ft1QeiAG2fg restored at ...
Better restored version of https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=4MTj4FUmQfk (took a while, warc + edited raw for "PMV | Little Dark Age | My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic"):

Watch that deleted video here - it has everything except the pfps in the comments (also, video=720p, not 1080p):
^comments and everything does load on that, but only outside of WBM

$ url="https://web.archive.org/web/20230702104658/https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=4MTj4FUmQfk"
$ urlsafe=$(echo "$url" | sed "s/:\|\/\|?\|=\|&\|(\|)\|,\|+\|'\|*\|%\|#/-/g")
$ utc; TZ=UTC wget -p --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --warc-max-size=99123456 --warc-cdx -e robots=off --warc-file=$urlsafe $url 1>1wget1.txt 2>1wget2.txt; utc
$ # no more file.css?blah or file.js@blah >>9597, some stuff with wombat init in main HTML, some stuff with format=html comments path in watch.js
pfp from
. https://web.archive.org/web/20230702104658/https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=4MTj4FUmQfk
.. https://web.archive.org/web/20230506090543mp_/https://vid.puffyan.us/channel/UCq2kwp908-LKj2l0pUZAmNQ
... https://web.archive.org/web/20230702104440/https://vid.puffyan.us/ggpht/o-MtqlV7odWal4d9M0ETIPaBxufnsphwlmhek8eq8tRD--2hKG0heeK8cPoV-JviE9HVO_EoukQ=s176-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj

404 at full version URL https://vid.puffyan.us/ggpht/o-MtqlV7odWal4d9M0ETIPaBxufnsphwlmhek8eq8tRD--2hKG0heeK8cPoV-JviE9HVO_EoukQ=s0 because he deleted almost everything:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240220003857/https://vid.puffyan.us/channel/UCq2kwp908-LKj2l0pUZAmNQ?sort_by=popular
.. private videos: nIq8xCQrEUw IovAqNaCEJw bh2M64-mVGo

Anon 02/20/2024 (Tue) 03:09 [Preview] No.9615 del
npr, proof, 2020:

video from
the "core" folder took a while to entirely listen to

>older [archive.ph] pages have thus far been spared from what I checked.
Ah, I didn't think to check that.

Anon 02/20/2024 (Tue) 03:43 [Preview] No.9616 del
>oldest G4 MLP PMV, better than TPA at ipfs://bafybeiaqmiyz5uithj4lgcfxcdhcuapxiugjpuygdgaga5vkyuuf6hrsyq?format=car
Also better than TPA - "Tetris in the Key of Pony" in "./rspectcopyrightmyass_UCjUR3pDrPvwvFVZXTuwkp5g.partial/":
( remote pin = /dns4/ipfs-2.lim3.filebase.io/tcp/4001 )

>ssh and qBittorrent [for long enough = computer reboots]
Also, rsync when dealing with a folder with more than one million files. Fault-tolerant rsync (should use find instead of ls):
$ ls -1 /z7/b/ipfs/.ipfs/blocks | tail -n+489 | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do date -u; echo $args; rsync -a --info=progress2 /z7/b/ipfs/.ipfs/blocks/$args/ /z9/b/ipfs/.ipfs/blocks/$args/; date -u; echo $args >> /z9/put/donelist/s1.txt; done' _ # each text file in donelist should correspond to one command for two specific folders.

Anon 02/20/2024 (Tue) 07:36 [Preview] No.9620 del
Fail, accidentally posted that, didn't know I posted that, this site does not work exceedingly well on mobile, intended post below that post. Pic unrelated: not so much "animated horse" as it is "horse in animation".

Anon 02/20/2024 (Tue) 07:42 [Preview] No.9621 del
Another fail. Selected 2 pics, saw 2 pics were attached before posting, ended up with a post with 4 image file link tags.

Anon 02/20/2024 (Tue) 19:32 [Preview] No.9622 del
JSON of this thread, neat:

Here's one of them:
. V0CN93CnN7o local, remote, top
. eHPvslRR7FQ local, remote, top

Which is this channel folder with this file:

Anon 02/20/2024 (Tue) 23:22 [Preview] No.9623 del
Deleted YT video saved thanks to TPA; MP4 derive by me->ffmpeg:
. "Convoy PMV" = title, per https://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/07/scary-evil-ponies-ace-combat-zero.html?m=1
. "Convoy PMV [MLP FiM]" = title, per TPA and https://web.archive.org/web/20150514220840/http://www.youtube.com/embed/MkHnGAWf9do
. "Brett_Turner_UCLt6OY1xWzpUA5aoch4Bt4Q" = uploader, per https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=MkHnGAWf9do
.. "Silver_Bluetip_UCLt6OY1xWzpUA5aoch4Bt4Q" = renamed, per https://iv.ggtyler.dev/channel/UCLt6OY1xWzpUA5aoch4Bt4Q
. in lower propagation computer

This shows that EQD does not always have the correct title for a video, due to shortening it or whatever. Video from

>Ponies Anthology II was at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmaKvL8zP66p22CAHkCHk9kX6EXVheuvh3n9j1pF6Wn34w
I think that video includes this track - I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow by the Soggy Bottom Boys:
. in lower propagation computer

Small YT channel Epic_Nerd_UC_NW1XUAkizOZ0J1kkywkzg = local, remote, top, CAR file

Anon 02/21/2024 (Wed) 07:05 [Preview] No.9624 del
3 in lower propagation computer:
. For 0hLpxb8ov9w: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmbTyQr6uLqSK17xeCXA8j2DuUM4mjQSid7DDmc8d8qRRW/Thumper_Medley_UC3-tQ-h9kAUuTdJltQBV7Eg.partial/
. For 5HdCTKsO5AE: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmVQoD8vcD2LNMq6sxQutJuKzz8AaYyJjfXscAe7pLk1U6/Batsy_UCVvQ5E-M0kjufkdQfPsDVsA.partial/
. For 7Dg2-0HqqOI: https://cf-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmccJSR9tYWSXaz6UYCw4NtygkggwG2CJ8uXUxjVJCzCPS/True_Blue_UCnjNrJw4IIhORvMJVqYuM0Q.partial

Batsy="done". Other 2 channels=use/improve hover-over script to get YT IDs to dl. Software used in 1 out of 3 computers="ipfs version 0.23.0"; newest version of kubo=v0.26.0: https://ipfs.eth.limo/

Anon 02/21/2024 (Wed) 20:20 [Preview] No.9625 del
>webpage https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=4MTj4FUmQfk restored at ...
I was faster at restoring this webpage - warc + fixed raw for "Super Ponybeat - Giggle at the Ghostie (Complete)" from https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=3SY9t81sVsE at:

Watch that deleted video here (no pfps in the comments):
I wish that wget would write "https" and not "https%3A".

wget's --adjust-extension = don't have to change HTML or CSS or JS paths anywhere:
>$ utc; TZ=UTC wget -p --adjust-extension --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows --warc-max-size=99123456 --warc-cdx -e robots=off --warc-file=$urlsafe $url 1>1wget1.txt 2>1wget2.txt; utc
Still had to change path in .js to comments JSON + had to change wombat init vars.

(That folder also contains this nice music watch@v=MunCk4b6ofM.html "Super Ponybeat - Art of the Dress (Complete)", video file at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmcswWPQQRXLDJtnpE82scchAB1T4QyTMMwUiPzSvbc7sc (also in another folder). Other nice music I think I have somewhere in IPFS, npr: "St Elmo's Fire (2004 Remaster)" at https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=AZKch8dZ61w .)

. 0hLpxb8ov9w 5HdCTKsO5AE 7Dg2-0HqqOI (3) local, remote, top

Anon 02/24/2024 (Sat) 09:05 [Preview] No.9629 del
> >>9592
> On jpeg artifacting:
> >>9594 [post in other thread]
> >>9607 [post in other thread]
> (just wanted to highlight these posted in chat)
I read those posts, guessing I won't have if you didn't post that. If you save a JPG with GIMP at 100% quality, I thought it didn't apply any JPG artifacts. OP of that thread:
>Welcome to /chat/! The thread where you can talk about anything! Technically most threads on /endpone/ can meander a bit. This thread is for casual banter and idle chitchat of any topic. Funposting and randomness too.

Feeling like the following text counts as /chat/:
Lower propagation computer was offline for like 36 hours. Back online after ~hours of trying to fix it. Running "sudo apt remove python3" sorta broke its "gateway", so basically don't try to remove python. (What resulted from some of my "important" software getting rekt may have actually been a good thing overall, even though it initially looked like a bad thing.) Successes:
. https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/99106247/#99137238 for basic connectivity
. https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/575178/sharing-wifi-internet-through-ethernet-interface
.. "Setup a NAT" method worked. Maybe I should have used the bridge method instead, because "lower-propagation-computer$ ipfs swarm connect /ip4/[...higher-propagation-computer...]" = errors such as "dial to self attempted" = "low concern" issue. Now=i3=that error. Before=gdm=didn't see that error.

Not particularly helpful: https://web.archive.org/web/20240224080231/https://www.nixcraft.com/t/ubuntu-error-connection-activation-failed-connection-is-not-available-on-device-because-device-is-strictly-unmanaged/4533 + https://archive.today/2024.02.24-080033/https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-20-04-add-network-bridge-br0-with-nmcli-command/ + https://archive.today/2023.08.02-160926/https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-add-network-bridge-with-nmcli-networkmanager-on-linux/ (nixcraft.com and cyberciti.biz seemed to be owned by the same guy)

image from webpage watch@v=4MTj4FUmQfk.htm >>9614 -> thumbnail of "Ways to Die: Octavia in The Underworld's Cello" at https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=KpyY02lzvz4&listen=false

Anon 02/24/2024 (Sat) 21:35 [Preview] No.9630 del
I randomly saw this article about that: https://scribe.rip/cyber-capital/a-solana-critique-lies-fraud-dangerous-trade-offs-76885dbe1ea0

cute, added to small folder "publicdata1":

>>When I copy and paste posts from this thread into a text file for this thread the the "this post is saged" part doesn't show up in the plain text; that info only shows up in HTML captures I do of this thread.
>Does this interfer with that text file in anyway. Frankly, such information doesn't come across as too important to me.
There's a JSON of the thread - https://endchan.org/pone/res/9086.json - how I hope it works: only changes are addition of text at the end, so the first 500 kilobytes of it never changes, for example.

Lower propagation computer ("LPC") = offline again, weirdly, see next thread in /fglt/

Anon 02/24/2024 (Sat) 23:44 [Preview] No.9631 del
(158.82 KB 1600x1328 twibooru-1945215.jpg)
Here's one of those YT channels:
- https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmdaNwiSQ9jeyV8h2aS4QFcfa8dSZ2zU8QiYqcB21fAphc/Frenemies_Forever_UCaSU0Dzh_eoaqFIDVQ_gWRg/
- 24-hour temp share (.car): https://put.icu/1qr0f0k0.file


This image should only have the character tag "twilight sparkle"; instead, it has the mane sixs' character tags:
>frankenstein's monster
"Touch-a, touch-a, touch me! I wanna be dirty! Thrill me, chill me, fulfill me, creature of the night!" --track related to Frankenstein https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=x92ccvZCzlg

Anon 02/25/2024 (Sun) 00:29 [Preview] No.9632 del
>should only have the character tag "twilight sparkle"
in the spirit of "tag what you see", the mane 6 are there, although Pinkamena is implied and offscreen.

Or do you not know what you're seeing? The upper rear legs, and ears are from Fluttershy, the lower back legs are from Applejack, the front elbows are Dash's, the head, spine, and front hooves to the knee are Twilight's.

Cupcakes reference, but as furniture instead of pastry.

Anon 02/25/2024 (Sun) 02:08 [Preview] No.9633 del
(885.31 KB 5484x5000 twibooru-66131.png)
>[Endchan /pone/ thread JSON,] how I hope it works: only changes are addition of text at the end, so the first 500 kilobytes of it never changes, for example.
First 256K block of JSON a while ago:
ipfs://QmeMqMeYBerBUtHws5Lgz4pAnvQMiJiJ6ndbv3ohh7fcJy in ipfs://QmbATGaH1Jfq12bmfxqs9yPetpMbvdFnF82J9GC746C5Pa

First 256K block of JSON, minutes before this post:
ipfs://QmeMqMeYBerBUtHws5Lgz4pAnvQMiJiJ6ndbv3ohh7fcJy in ipfs://QmWJ5k6bL6qVjeDdiH8ipGXt34xKhqggr6Hdk1rpnmdAMC

Cool, so it is deterministic in that way. Other blocks I compared: looks like the only changes to the .json are adding bytes to the very end.

Yeah, I wasn't looking closely. Here's a more obvious expression of those visuals.

Anon 02/25/2024 (Sun) 04:27 [Preview] No.9634 del
I think there's now thousands of broken links in this index - example:
= all HTTP 404

This is what can happen when addressing is based on the host and not the content.

Anon 02/25/2024 (Sun) 04:46 [Preview] No.9635 del
2015 video not in TPA - "[PMV] Star vs. The Forces of Evil" (from a small channel):

Low relation - "the fuck do people call these things. animatic? amv? pmv? isnt that for ponies? its s":

Anon 02/25/2024 (Sun) 05:36 [Preview] No.9636 del
I tried to download that YT channel, but the first video in the playlist had the status of "live stream offline" in regards to "Прямая трансляция пользователя AMV_PMV ROCK":
https://youtube.com/watch?v=kEp6bk7kmSk [Embed]

My channel downloader, specified in "1how3.txt", fails if it hits that rare-ish error, so instead I will just get the videos that I can see from that channel which are seen here (using "1hows1.txt"):

Excited pony from

Anon 02/25/2024 (Sun) 08:00 [Preview] No.9637 del
>offline again
Actually it wasn't offline then: some local IPv4 addresses just got shuffled around for whatever reason.

What a terrible, horrifying sight. Poor little mare, she's crying. But I'd still jerk off onto her face. What's she gonna do? Neigh for help?

Downloaded. Here's that YT channel minus one file - synced by
>$ rsync -a --exclude="PMV_Vodka_-_1_Hour_Version-Konakona_DD-20151129-youtube-1920x1080-SfK1XBp7XNc.webm" --progress=info2 ./ [email protected]:/tmp/a/Konakona_DD_UCQ2rio_e9Bc77cjd2QxCo9g.partial/
from LPC, so not hosted by higher propagation computer ("HPC")

Pony Music Video from
Intro/opening in Korean, npr: https://archive.org/details/svtfoe_kor_s2

Anon 02/25/2024 (Sun) 09:25 [Preview] No.9638 del
I was watching this npr video - "Creeper World 4 - Ever After (21)" - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=a8TsOlk2t7c - and near the end he said this: https://youtubetranscript.com/?v=a8TsOlk2t7c ->
"I've heard that good storytelling one way of looking at it is you you think of a interesting plausible proposition something that's slightly different from reality the smaller the difference the better ... but then you ask okay for this thing to be true that's not really true in real life so we're creating a fictional universe what other interesting things have to be true you know what else would that change in the universe and then you just keep on going forward and forward with that idea well creeper world almost seems like it says okay so we've got interesting premise i think the idea of the continual cycle of creeper destruction humanity you know rebuilding and then getting destroyed i mean it's not the greatest idea ever it's been that similar things have been done in science fiction many times of course but it's not a bad idea for a game or for a narrative you know i don't think that creeper world is built on sand or anything like that but they say okay for this interesting thing to be true what other irrelevant metaphysical hooey can we shoe into this that will confuse the player and you know basically convolute things if it would obey its own internal rules at least for the most part i'd be fine with it but you know the way i look at it doesn't really do that so anyway that's enough about the plot the various you know contradictions within it just make my brain hurt and ..."

This made me think about some things. There's smaller and larger parts of storytelling. In regards to writing MLP-relates stories, I thought of a small part of a story, and was reminded of a "large" story:
. Small part, thought up by me days ago, in regards to "say this one overall interesting thing is true, what else is true":
.. Sometimes humans get hand prints in paint on paper of their children's hands, so you have a record of the size of their hands when they were 0.1 to 5 years old. In Equestria, maybe parents get hoof prints of their foals' hooves. "Awww, look how cute your tiny little hooves were!"
. Large part: getting into the details of the aftermath of a nuclear world war (expressed by characters, stories/narratives, omniscient 3rd-person storytelling or whatever, other story-based constructs). I thinking of this after watching a recent popular video https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=LrIRuqr_Ozg titled "What Happens AFTER Nuclear War?". It's pretty much the plot of "Fallout: Equestria".

CAR file -> 24-hour temp share (download speed of up to 23 megabytes/s):

Anon 02/25/2024 (Sun) 09:40 [Preview] No.9639 del
*writing MLP-related stories
*Say this one overall interesting thing is true, what else is true?
*I was thinking of this after watching a recent popular video

I looked up "my little pony nuclear war" in DDG, first result was this today - "Police called to investigate alleged LGBTQ propaganda at Russian ‘My Little Pony’ convention":

I'm grabbing a level-one WARC of that:
URLs hacks for small->large/original (linked in webpage->derived URL):
-> https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/rockcms/2024-02/240220-my-little-pony-aa-936a-64c5c1.jpg

Anon 02/25/2024 (Sun) 23:14 [Preview] No.9640 del
(40.70 KB 800x798 1580134924573.jpg)
>114,172 blocks (39,586,772 bytes)
Also pinned in LPC. This
>$ ipfs pin add --progress QmTet12TDNzDuo6Pi8aAxb2DFLTRke9HnVyLogDBZpQXrX
said something like "Fetched/Processed 114172 nodes" then immediately after it said
>pinned QmTet12TDNzDuo6Pi8aAxb2DFLTRke9HnVyLogDBZpQXrX recursively
so I think "blocks" means the same thing as "nodes" in this case.

>does: writes a one-link-per-text-file file (EOF=\n)
Thanks to that, I could see that I already captured this one URL, which I captured again today:
. older, Unix Epoch 1708040859: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmQ13LDFhHkxz41dUKZNFoP8yQEkBsbGpgCQCzEyPB2ckx/https---tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org-viewtopic.php-t-67046.htm
. newer, Unix Epoch 1708895599: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmXy6xBPFrUSKfYnHq8ktcTYfe4Fd2WqVUPjnsdLFcw4jn/https---tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org-viewtopic.php-t-67046.htm

I ran this:
>$ grab-site --level=1 https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/police-investigate-lgbtq-propaganda-russia-little-pony-rcna139550 1>6log1.txt 2>6log2.txt
Surprisingly, the size ended up being like 15 gigabytes:
>2024-02-25... FINISHED.
>2024-02-25... Duration: 1:44:52. Speed: 3.8 MiB/s.
>2024-02-25... Downloaded: 4690 files, 15.3 GiB.
I guess it downloaded a bunch of videos. --1 is maybe the same as --level=0

*URL hacks

Image from
Download the WARC:
> resolved: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeib7gklaovaswvssagmcasa5sbjzfjlgv3kgqxdfoep6joptc5outu -> https://archive.org/download/archiveteam_googledrive_20210914201914_2123ad7a

Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 03:15 [Preview] No.9641 del
>Maretrix.flv at https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmNMXE8CK93HYuLi98nUKnSgG6dZiUVsz7uDFn2fqsxAwy
This is "The Maretrix":

About >>9635, not all folders lead to 404s - example:

Agent Smith (Hoity Toity): "Human beings are a disease. You are a cancer of this planet. And we... are the cure."

>todo: add more urls
>latest was at Qmf8f6JbvzKBteHoKUpbkr4KT4eXQvJtqFNhngxFcnvgwu
Latest now=QmNz...jDvG:
. added one URL to the JSON: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmNzVXwTfYT9prqKQ31k6eNrXXQTu2QShafbdQe962jDvG/saveurls.html?gotourlgw6=https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=4MTj4FUmQfk
.. trying to add it via vim = slow, so I used 'sed -i "s/find/replace/g" file.ext'
. added file "notes.txt" for more info about the URLs
. added datatime file for not-seen-before timestamps (shows when some URLs were captured); todo: more stuff related to that
. newer "versions.txt" file, which should be the case with each update
. one deprecated file, to be deleted in the next update

Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 05:11 [Preview] No.9643 del
The Russians have done some level of censorship for years. Derpi having tor wasn't by accident, but it has picked up as of late. Regardless of stance on war, they are going hyper nationalist war crazy and being extra aggressive against anything "western". You might want to put some of the Russian pony sites on your radar in case a purge happens.

Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 07:05 [Preview] No.9647 del
Next version:
. Various changes/improvements
. I didn't write the JS pagination thing
.. Bug: the last page is the last page with n-per-page, not the last page with <n-per-page, so for example, out of the last 15 results the last page shows the first 10 of the last 15 but not the last 5 if it is set to 10-per-page (the next page after what appears to be the last page with content is empty)

>Hoity Toity (Agent Smith): "Human beings are a disease. You are a cancer of this planet. And we... are the cure."
From https://archive.org/details/the-rocky-horror-picture-show-soundtrack (which I dl'd):
>And crawling
>On the plant's face
>Some insects
>Called the human race
>Lost in time
>And lost in space
>And meaning

Hundreds of audio books in mlpaudiobooks.net:
. https://mlpaudiobooks.net/story/103/Rainbow-Factory
.. https://audiobooks.everypony.ru/ENG/rainbow_factory_103_1_8ew557.mp3
. https://mlpaudiobooks.net/story/506/
.. https://audiobooks.everypony.ru/ENG/fallout_equestria_audiobook_ita_506_1_r62883.mp3

Guess I'll grab that site soon, for I think it isn't that big. Image from
https://ipfs.eth.aragon.network/ipfs/bafybeibi2sx2cisd4rmzhnvo4eldet33bcthory5dr74s77yolregaixf4/saveurls.html?gotourlgw6=https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://drive.google.com/uc?id=17TiNQdPCCIjPkFBL_vPMmkh_fPoS0dJg -> https://archive.org/download/archiveteam_googledrive_20210915105742_62d3e3e0

Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 07:14 [Preview] No.9648 del

Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 21:12 [Preview] No.9649 del
I found this somewhat useful in the search for interesting videos:

>Nuclear World War
"In the words of Google autofill, 'explosions are not enough'." - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=5eW1ah2ah0o https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=H1rN-gdkgfU

Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 22:34 [Preview] No.9650 del
I'm downloading this channel:

why - recently - 2014 video not in TPA - "My Little Rocky Horror Show:Touch-a Touch Me (MLP:PMV)" (lower quality audio, cover):

. is in tpa - 'PMV: "Time Warp"' - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=HX7vpGqEgv8
. probably not in tpa - 2014 - "My Little Rocky Horror Show:Sweet Transvestite (MLP:PMV)" - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=HhA90JYqGQc

BTW, I noticed that Pinata block empty folder, for whatever reason:
. not blocked https://web.archive.org/web/20230610200420/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn/
. blocked "This content has been blocked. Please contact [email protected] for more information - ERR_ID:00023" https://web.archive.org/web/20240226221501/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmUNLLsPACCz1vLxQVkXqqLX5R1X345qqfHbsf67hvA3Nn

Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 22:43 [Preview] No.9651 del
Pretty Fluttershy, she would get all of my hugs.

*blocked empty folder

also a cover and/or lower quality audio; original audio is heard in this 2005 video: '"Sweet T."' https://archive.org/details/sweett (https://archive.org/details/the-rocky-horror-picture-show = ISO file of that movie)

Anon 02/26/2024 (Mon) 23:08 [Preview] No.9652 del
>I installed [grab-site] in the other Linux computer. It didn't work in that one.
Seems to be a DNS problem:
>$ grab-site --debug https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZ4BdfeepGr9sgPDToQtDuvWjdiVYchVwLjty8fvicKV8
DEBUG WARC file at /tmp/a/gateway.pinata.cloud-ipfs-QmZ4BdfeepGr9sgPDToQtDuvWjdiVYchVwLjty8fvicKV8-2024-02-26-8fe0299c/gateway.pinata.cloud-ipfs-QmZ4BdfeepGr9sgPDToQtDuvWjdiVYchVwLjty8fvicKV8-2024-02-26-8fe0299c-00000.warc.gz
DEBUG Writing WARC record warcinfo.
ERROR Fetching ‘https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZ4BdfeepGr9sgPDToQtDuvWjdiVYchVwLjty8fvicKV8’ encountered an error: DNS resolution error: The resolution lifetime expired after 5.006 seconds: Server Do53: answered The DNS operation timed out.
DEBUG Increment error DNS resolution error: The resolution lifetime expired after 5.006 seconds: Server Do53: answered The DNS operation timed out.
DEBUG Marking URL https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZ4BdfeepGr9sgPDToQtDuvWjdiVYchVwLjty8fvicKV8 status Status.error.
DEBUG Put 1 poison pill to trigger more workers.
DEBUG Early close session.
Finished grab 8fe0299c2dead257ccd7fbc0abaa7255 https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZ4BdfeepGr9sgPDToQtDuvWjdiVYchVwLjty8fvicKV8 with exit code 4
Output is in directory:
However when I ran
>$ wget --spider https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZ4BdfeepGr9sgPDToQtDuvWjdiVYchVwLjty8fvicKV8
it redirected to https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZ4BdfeepGr9sgPDToQtDuvWjdiVYchVwLjty8fvicKV8/ and said HTTP 200, so I think the DNS issue is specific to grab-site and software specificly related to it. Image from

Anon 02/27/2024 (Tue) 04:40 [Preview] No.9653 del
Now unpinned+gc'd+offlined (not in LPC for now):
. >>9623 bafybeie...auoi = npr
. >>9623 Qmbu...d6Ge = mkv in tpa, mp4 isn't
. >>9417 Qmdr...Tvty = for reasons, such as storage limits, CAR file's online here for 24 hours: https://put.icu/6rf82zcl.file
( Maybe will be offlined in the future: >>9624 ipfs://QmbTyQr6uLqSK17xeCXA8j2DuUM4mjQSid7DDmc8d8qRRW )

Got it. Here's My_Little_Rocky_Horror_Show_-Touch-a_Touch_Me_MLP_-PMV-O_Brien_Productions-20140217-youtube-1920x1080-YQvLpg2ccfA.* and other files in LPC:
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXuZUSNHgYECZspiRpSWXpDSKhJhYJWWKTvnNhcKW8xAu
. 24-hour share (CAR file): https://put.icu/2iblrbgj.file

Other files are:
. The same PMV, but with a non-cover version of the track: "YQvLpg2ccfA_video_x92ccvZCzlg_audio.mp4" (duration diff.=~1sec) + *x92ccvZCzlg.*
. "Deleted" off of YouTube, npr: "The Residents - Tweedles! (2006)-qxkFntzEMGQ.webm"
. "Deleted" off of YouTube, npr: "The Residents - Animal Lover (2005)-12zz4jBAU-4.webm"
. "Deleted" off of YouTube and catbox.moe, npr: "The Residents - Tweedles! (2006)-qxkFntzEMGQ.mp4"
.. "20220829012656-https-files.catbox.moe-o4k44w.mp4"
.. "20240227025340-https-files.catbox.moe-o4k44w.mp4" = a text file which is "404! not found!"

Anon 02/27/2024 (Tue) 07:10 [Preview] No.9654 del
2022 video not in TPA - "Big Mac sings Sweet Transvestite (from The Rocky Horror Picture Show)" (ponified cover, no ML):

"Anything that helps chip away at Discord's market share is based." --a comment on https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=FaFwdf3PT5Q

>2012 video 'PMV: "Time Warp"' - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=HX7vpGqEgv8
Pinkie Pie as Columbia: neat.

Anon 02/27/2024 (Tue) 08:38 [Preview] No.9655 del
>>I spent some amount more than $400 on 3 more HDDs.
>Capacity? Curious from price to GB ratio.
BestBuy... I think it was like 26 USD per terabyte for a 5TB external HDD. It was approximately 19 USD per terabyte for an 18TB external HDD. (External HDDs between 5 and 18 TB = some price between those prices, but not much of a deal IIRC.) Governments be like: "Taxation is part of the underlying nature of reality" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=8HzIlKe--NU

If I buy more 5TB external hard drives from BestBuy, I'm probably also going to buy the one or two year warrant. Because that shit does not last more than like 7 months if used constantly, so when the HDD fails I can get a replacement for free. (Unless the "limited warranty" contract or something prevents that.)

I'm peering with peerID QmcFf2FH3CEgTNHeMRGhN7HNHU1EXAxoEk6EFuSyXCsvRE for that (and everything else):
>$ ipfs swarm connect /dnsaddr/node-1.ingress.cloudflare-ipfs.com
but not for long, I suspect, since I didn't write it to the config file. Docs:
>Generally speaking, users running IPFS at home won't need to set up peering and can ignore this page!
>Peering is most helpful for nodes that have a lot of concurrent connections since it prevents the connection manager from dropping connections it thinks aren't "useful" any longer. If you find yourself running near the connection manager's limit, you may benefit from peering with content providers. --https://docs-ipfs-tech.ipns.dweb.link/how-to/peering-with-content-providers/
Good to know, but probably I can ignore that in my case. I suspect that zero to few users are connecting to my stuff. ("connection manager"? where?)

>that post
"Forgot to sage".

I'm downloading some/most of that channel. Image from

Anon 02/27/2024 (Tue) 09:14 [Preview] No.9656 del
It's interesting (at least to me) to think about my past and where I am now.
. "Long ago" I was operating data in a bad way (not very forward-thinking), though I did have good backups of some/most things, but not of all things, resulting in important stuff being lost.
. "Not so long ago": still operating in a somewhat bad way, but significantly better
. "Now": still not perfect, but significantly better and I don't think I could call it a bad method

Therefore, if I keep operating in a good way and keep paying for it. A tip: remember to have an offline "cold storage" local backup for all highly-used HDDs since that certainly warrants a backup; have local backups for everything else if you can. (Redundancy is good; redundancy is good.) So, perhaps I can seed this until I die:

which is WARC: pbooru.com (897.92 GiB). Would be neat to get all torrents to a share ratio of 15 or more, which is what I try for on some or all of them. Maybe it'll take decades to share that pbooru.com torrent to a ratio of >10. http://pbooru.com/ was an MLP booru (which was titled "PoniBooru" though not the original ponibooru.org). Pbooru had a great feature which basically all current pony boorus don't have, but unfortunately the software it was based on is closed source. Pbooru is dead, long live Pbooru! It's unique data lives on, and pretty much all current MLP boorus are Yet Another Philomena Clone (YAPC) boorus.


Anon 02/27/2024 (Tue) 09:18 [Preview] No.9657 del
Word wrap isn't correct on this post where I "poured my heart out" due to an Endchan bug, so here's that post again minus the line which screwed up readability plus a "typo fix":


It's interesting (at least to me) to think about my past and where I am now.
. "Long ago" I was operating data in a bad way (not very forward-thinking), though I did have good backups of some/most things, but not of all things, resulting in important stuff being lost.
. "Not so long ago": still operating in a somewhat bad way, but significantly better
. "Now": still not perfect, but significantly better and I don't think I could call it a bad method

Therefore, if I keep operating in a good way and keep paying for it I can seed stuff for a lifetime. A tip: remember to have an offline "cold storage" local backup for all highly-used HDDs since that certainly warrants a backup; have local backups for everything else if you can. (Redundancy is good; redundancy is good.) So, perhaps I can seed this until I die:

which is WARC: pbooru.com (897.92 GiB). Would be neat to get all torrents to a share ratio of 15 or more, which is what I try for on some or all of them. Maybe it'll take decades to share that pbooru.com torrent to a ratio of >10. http://pbooru.com/ was an MLP booru (which was titled "PoniBooru" though not the original ponibooru.org). Pbooru had a great feature which basically all current pony boorus don't have, but unfortunately the software it was based on is closed source. Pbooru is dead, long live Pbooru! It's unique data lives on, and pretty much all current MLP boorus are Yet Another Philomena Clone (YAPC) boorus.


Redundancy is good.
Redundancy is good.

Anon 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:28 [Preview] No.9658 del
(71.64 KB 1440x612 header.gif)
>Weird block/limiting page from that site - "TANWP不當資訊防護系統 - 您疑似欲連線至不當網站":
I think because WBM uses proxies in shitty censorship counties. Here's another example (picrel):
https://web.archive.org/web/20240226034248/https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=futa+small_penis+-ai_generated&pid=1638 - Website Blocked, Indonesia

This goes against ArchiveTeam standard:
>Can I use whatever internet access for the Warrior?
>No. We need "clean" connections. Please ensure the following:
>- No ISP connections that inject advertisements into web pages or otherwise scan/filter/change content. The practice is less common nowadays as most sites use SSL which complicates injection. Doesn't stop some parties from trying anyway.[1][...]
>- No major censorship. If you believe your country implements major censorship, do not run a warrior.[...]

Anon 02/27/2024 (Tue) 23:37 [Preview] No.9659 del
*This goes against ArchiveTeam standards

and yeah I know that AT and IA are not the same thing

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 05:26 [Preview] No.9660 del
>the original ponibooru.org
I see something about ponibooru.org raws of basically all of the image file upload webpages. Raws:

It asks for CSS and JS at "/path/to/file.ext", not "./path/to/file.ext". Therefore, it only loads the JS+CSS in a context where you control the root folders/files:
. works: https://cf-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmPVHsK2Kzk4dYfUyULbQqfDGay8RwiLyzGCiamGnCkvro/34766.html -> redirects to https://[cid].ipfs.cf-ipfs.com/34766.html
. works: ipfs://bafybeiarcjmvarsgfcwli7dapxbo7dkfg6375pzmclckpgfzccenhgvqaq/34766.html
. fails: https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipfs/QmPVHsK2Kzk4dYfUyULbQqfDGay8RwiLyzGCiamGnCkvro/34766.html - because root=/ipfs/
. CAR: https://ipfs-comet.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmPVHsK2Kzk4dYfUyULbQqfDGay8RwiLyzGCiamGnCkvro?format=car
. source: http://ponibooru.org/post/view/34766

If the goal is static webpages, then you gotta rewrite the webpages anyways to get the images files to work, may as well change "/path" references to "./path". ( Something about fluffy ponies, IDK: https://web.archive.org/web/20120722045028/ponibooru.org/post/view/166330 )

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 05:35 [Preview] No.9661 del
Ponibooru loaded images from links like this:

Therefore, no hope on that without rewriting webpages or getting JS to load it from elsewhere.

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 07:43 [Preview] No.9662 del
(416.09 KB 1362x1393 34766-html.png)
Coming soon: Ponibooru Restored version 2024.

I posted about Ponibooru.org Restored version 2022/2023 in some threads in 4chan /mlp/ in the past. It worked very well, but it used server-size garbage such as PHP, SQL, and Apache. Version 2024. only uses client-side stuff (so it's a bit) slow, and it doesn't rewrite webpage raws. I modified an already-linked-to .js to link to live image file URLs. I could call this a branch, "branch:server-side"+"branch:client-side", but that level of webdev gayness is maybe too much for me. More on v.2024. webpage are entirely decentralized (BitTorrent+IPFS), image files are on a centralized server.

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 07:57 [Preview] No.9663 del
>"Deleted" off of YouTube and catbox.moe, npr: "The Residents - Tweedles! (2006)-qxkFntzEMGQ.mp4" [in a folder with music from "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"]
Tweedles and Dr. Frank-N-Furter are similar characters. Also
>Deleted off of catbox.moe
Let that sink in...

Ponibooru.org webpages = 2.35 GiB, so I will offline ~all currently-online IPFS CIDs in ramdisks so I can host it.

*only uses client-side stuff (so it's a bit slow)
*webpages are entirely decentralized

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 22:06 [Preview] No.9664 del
Here's ponibooru_restored_version_2024.

Modified JS file in:

View the webpage+css+js+image - example:

brave-browser says:
>cli: [2201:2209:0228/145929.735567:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(974)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -107
>gui: This site can’t provide a secure connection bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu.ipfs.cf-ipfs.com sent an invalid response. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

todo: more stuff

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 22:22 [Preview] No.9665 del
(611.80 KB 1362x2834 archive-ph-V9waj-today.png)
>SSL error
archive.today can load it (picrel):

so it is a problem on my end. dweb.link also has a "root layout", but that seems to want a connection which I don't have:
. cf-ipfs.com = 0.2 to 3 megabytes per second up = fine with it
. dweb.link = wants like 10 megabytes per second up or more

( Other than ipfs://QmeRrgFs8qcRsvChAg8kFpx1qKcLGgVemKK6WZ9dPM6WEV?format=car ) I don't really need anyone to store this, just need users to host/seed it so it could show up in dweb.link. Anyone able to seed IPFS stuff? I can share the CAR file with you. Other issue: "undefined" errors.

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 22:28 [Preview] No.9666 del
>I don't really need anyone to store this
as in: offline storage = not very helpful.

>that image
Twilight can't use magic very well if she's scared, also >rape

Note to self: in LPS, when offlining data don't just delete two-character blocks folders, also unpin CIDs.

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 22:52 [Preview] No.9667 del
(910.17 KB 1362x1662 7150-html.png)
Had "root access layout", but isn't working now (HTTP 5xx or other problems):
>block was not found locally (offline)
>[2153:2179:0228/154515.933453:ERROR:cert_verify_proc_builtin.cc(766)] CertVerifyProcBuiltin for bafybeia6cpucoqwp7ng4qnysv6sarxqydh5jb4hzbwx5v3rd7usffywsfq.ipfs.fzdqwfb5ml56oadins5jpuhe6ki6bk33umri35p5kt2tue4fpws5efid.onion failed:
>----- Certificate i=0 ([email protected],CN=*.fzdqwfb5ml56oadins5jpuhe6ki6bk33umri35p5kt2tue4fpws5efid.onion,O=StorryTV,L=TOR,ST=IPFS,C=MD) -----
>ERROR: No matching issuer found

Image from

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 23:03 [Preview] No.9668 del
(778.60 KB 1362x1892 7151-html.png)

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 23:14 [Preview] No.9669 del
(587.72 KB 1362x1751 7155-html.png)
Has roots, works and everything, but I also get that SSL error:
. https://fleek.cool/ipfs/bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu/7155.html
.. from http://ponibooru.org/post/view/7155

Thanks to iwiftp.yerf.org for hosting the image files.

Anon 02/28/2024 (Wed) 23:23 [Preview] No.9670 del
(322.69 KB 1362x966 7156-html.png)
Dunno why I get an SSL error on like all non- dweb.link gateways with "roots". I don't get that SSL error on dweb.link, but that website has the problem of not easily loading anything.

Here's a ZA WARUDO meme ("JoJo's Bizarre Adventure") from ~2012, before it was a cringe discord tiktok meme. Image = JS-loaded

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 03:02 [Preview] No.9672 del
I really need to get back into this thread.

>BestBuy... I think it was like 26 USD per terabyte for a 5TB external HDD. It was approximately 19 USD per terabyte for an 18TB external HDD. (External HDDs between 5 and 18 TB = some price between those prices, but not much of a deal IIRC.)
I have previously seen some in the last couple years insist that hard drives above 2 to 4 TB were unreliable, but was uncertain on valid that is. Are you having them delivered? I also wonder if that also might have a impact on lifespan.I say this though as someone who has had used drives that were shipped on pretty poor conditions, from ebay,last years!

>"Long ago" I was operating data in a bad way (not very forward-thinking), though I did have good backups of some/most things, but not of all things, resulting in important stuff being lost.
This is probably me right now. It is a disorganized mishmash of old drives and handmedowns. Albeit I don't think all data needs to be backed up in a paranoid way. also,I am more drawn to BTFS and DragonflyBSD's Hammer2 than ZFS, which might be a sin in some circles. Hardly messed with much out of ext4 and ext2... yes,I had some reasons to use ext2 in the modern day.

>Therefore, if I keep operating in a good way and keep paying for it. A tip: remember to have an offline "cold storage" local backup for all highly-used HDDs since that certainly warrants a backup; have local backups for everything else if you can.
ZFS plus constant updates, yeah, I can see how that would kill a drive pretty quickly.

>So, perhaps I can seed this until I die:
>which is WARC: pbooru.com (897.92 GiB). Would be neat to get all torrents to a share ratio of 15 or more, which is what I try for on some or all of them. Maybe it'll take decades to share that pbooru.com torrent to a ratio of >10.
How long have you had this WARC? Did you take it from when the backup site died? I do know that ponybooru went through a instance or two of mostly abandoned backup sites but I know little details on that other than running into the last one and peaking in at the mess that was left.

>http://pbooru.com/ was an MLP booru (which was titled "PoniBooru" though not the original ponibooru.org). Pbooru had a great feature which basically all current pony boorus don't have, but unfortunately the software it was based on is closed source. Pbooru is dead, long live Pbooru! It's unique data lives on, and pretty much all current MLP boorus are Yet Another Philomena Clone (YAPC) boorus.
What was the feature?

Also, twibooru is based on a heavily modified copy of derpibooru's old code base, booru on rails, last I heard floorb/not-twifag or whatever he calls himself practice extreme obscurantism (gropher.. the old rival to the world wide web as we know it, was involved) to with the availablity of the source code and wished to close source it (not sure if he ever did).

Look forward to seeing it!

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 04:37 [Preview] No.9677 del
>Ponibooru Restored version 2024. online at...
It's 2.5 gigabytes. I tried to fit it into a 3 gigabyte RAMdisk in LPC, but somewhat oddly it filled it all up, zero bytes free. I could host it from a HDD, but I would prefer to host it from ramdisk(s), so I'll probably figure something out to host it via two computers (LPC+HPC).

>Are you having [the HDDs] delivered? I also wonder if that also might have a impact on lifespan.
No. That's one of the reasons I go the physical store to get them: less chance of bumping around in shipments/deliveries.

"Print out the worksheet at watchwellcast.com." That site -- https://watchwellcast.com -- is gone.

>2006 album "Tweedles!" at ipfs://QmdCD7KrQ1LE2SRoeEaPHczVFqLedPPhac7eWGkSXDkk6E
Neat music, lyrics, story. It's a thought-provoking album, to a degree.
>I live a life of solitary sweetness! It's a life that's simple and clean! --https://dumb.privacyfucking.rocks/The-residents-almost-perfect-lyrics

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 07:21 [Preview] No.9678 del
>How long have you had this WARC?
I first got part of it from when it was on Google Drive (it's no longer on there). I then got the rest of it (like 96% of the remaining non-downloaded at the time) via BitTorrent thanks to an anon who asked "How can I help?" I asked him to make a torrent of it and he did.

I was looking over the entropy of ponibooru.org webpages. What I saw: too high entropy for <256K block sharing. First part of the text files are unique, which has a tag-based title. Last part of the webpages: also unique with text such as
>Took 23.43 + 2.67 seconds and 6.90MB of RAM; Used 95 files and queries; Sent 9 events; 7 cache hits and 0 misses
>Took 30.27 + 3.30 seconds and 6.91MB of RAM; Used 95 files and queries; Sent 20 events; 8 cache hits and 0 misses
Middle part of the web pages: least entropic (in the range I am thinking of), though it certainly has unique parts. So, I can split up the 2.5 GB set into 2GB+0.5GB or something.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 07:50 [Preview] No.9679 del
(38.65 KB 500x500 deadmetalbr.jpg)
(This video has a comment with picrel MLP pfp: "Tetris 99 - Talk About Games" - https://web.archive.org/web/20240218223229/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=SFDWQjAi97c&listen=0 - I tried multiple times over a period of time, but could never get WBM to load down enough comments to get it. Therefore, I saved two forms of the HTML+data in order to record my experience.)

>How long have you had this WARC?
>How long
I first had it in 2022-11 or 2022-10, and 2022-11-17 was when its hashtree was first shared.

>split it up
Plan: copy the full 2.5-GB set into MFS in both computers' repos, but only pin as much as each ramdisk can hold. HPC is noticeably sluggish with only like 600 MB of free RAM, so don't exceed that or ~700 MB. About 200,000 ponibooru.org web pages, so for 2+0.5 ("split 200,000 into two parts where one part is 4 times larger"): 40,000 and 160,000.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 07:56 [Preview] No.9680 del
More specifically, I "locally saved two forms..." (Did you know, if you don't get a long pieces for a long time in Tetris, that's called a "drought"? I now have a high score of 5931 in tint, which is Tetris variant.)

>[do such and such with that ponibooru.org data]
I read somewhere, forgot where, that someone(s) resurrected ponibooru.org sometime in the 2010s, but that website was only online for like 3 days. Other important data: those one files which specify the MD5 hash of all of the images that were posted to ponibooru.org - I could share a link to that later.

Anon Board owner 02/29/2024 (Thu) 09:22 [Preview] No.9683 del
(110.36 KB 800x400 fluttersandangelpan.png)
>No. That's one of the reasons I go the physical store to get them: less chance of bumping around in shipments/deliveries.
Higher level standards than me and my used ebay drives. Alright, than it is from heavy usage (superstition on 2TB to 4TB drives not withstanding).

Understood, so you weren't the one who made the WARC. I was just curious for timeline purposes and if you knew much on that site.

>I could share a link to that later.
Also good.

> (Did you know, if you don't get a long pieces for a long time in Tetris, that's called a "drought"? I now have a high score of 5931 in tint, which is Tetris variant.)
I did not know that. I hardly know anything of Tetris other than some basic background history and basic gameplay. (the inventor of Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov, sort of disliked the open source movement and didn't understand a non-profit motivation to software. I believe of anyone who held that opinion, I can make an exception for someone who was prevented from making a profit or much credit for his creation under Soviet Union. Even if I still hold that certain things that get to a iconic status should probably have their trademarks and copyrights weakened, for archival sake).

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 09:34 [Preview] No.9684 del
(298.39 KB 1800x1350 LeapYearfromFlutterluv.jpg)
(110.60 KB 1195x547 www_derpibooru.jpg)
(123.78 KB 1186x560 www_trixiebooru.jpg)

Today is the last day one can visit https://www.derpibooru.org and https://www.trixiebooru.org as separate domains over redirects. Truly a sad loss that will impact millions of people (lol). Sarcasm aside, I still like to note and document even small changes like this. Something small to me could still be big to something else and sometimes these details can still be important to timelines and the kind of thing that no one took a record of.

Noting, 80% of the time I BO post, it is a accident.

Very much this. I feel like a lot of the non-english ponynet is very poorly covered by archival in general but such a thing here might be a greater emergency than at first glace. If I had a more coherent internet and a better put together life, I'd probably have spent the a lot of the first couple of months of the Ukraine war doing that.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 18:09 [Preview] No.9685 del
>Other issue: "undefined" errors.
Testing validity of 5000 to 6000:
n=$(expr $n + 1); grep -o "id${n}url.\{500\}" shimmie.js; \
h=$(grep -o "id${n}url.\{500\}" shimmie.js | sed "s/^id....url..//g" | \
sed "s/\".*//g"); mpv --image-display-duration=5 $h; TZ=UTC wget --spider \
https://web.archive.org/web/2/$h # trying for 5000 through 6000, at 5016

>Today is the last day one can visit https://www.derpibooru.org and https://www.trixiebooru.org as separate domains over redirects.
Thanks for the reminder. I wanted to do more with that, such as make an entry to the Deathwatch page in the wiki, but didn't. Also wanted to research it more or ask about it somewhere else, but my computer crashed. Seems not so important as I assumed that it is a direct one-to-one mirror. Is there a way to not mess with cookies and view this with the "Everything filter":

Didn't work:

#56027 = "Everything filter" which shows all, regardless of rating.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 18:44 [Preview] No.9686 del
(166.29 KB 670x567 130731.png)
>make an entry to the Deathwatch page in AT wiki
Also didn't do that because it felt somewhat pointless.

Getting a level-one warc of favorited images (picrel):
(dumped then parsed HTML from logged-in web browser to get all of the image IDs)

Next: some comments/whatever at www.trixiebooru.org in regards to something.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 22:44 [Preview] No.9687 del
>Ponibooru Restored version ... at QmbY...iusu
shimmie.js uses the text from that one JSON from ~years ago which was encoded with urlencode by Andrew McNab ([email protected]). I'm gonna hunt down and murder whichever Stackoverflow user suggested that urlencode be used because that sucks. If the text has out-of-range bytes then it unfaithfully represents it with 0xFF. Example:

I made a newer version of the JSON with better URL encoding (I used python or something), but I'm not sure where that file is. Images from ponibooru.org

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 22:51 [Preview] No.9688 del
urlencode was made by Andrew McNab, if that wasn't clear. I'm gonna find Andrew McNab (who is living in the UK I guess) and sell his organs to the Chinese.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 22:59 [Preview] No.9689 del
>Understood, so you weren't the one who made the WARC.
True. I wish I was better at saving websites back in 2018 and 2019.

To bioluminescence government employees who may be reading these posts: it goes without saying, but these are jokes. Also, CIA/FBI employees: please kill yourself. Your involvement in politics and blatant violation of the first amendment is unforgivable. Strangulate yourself with your necktie. Hand yourself from a ceiling fan. Or, tie a noose to a building and your neck then jump off of the roof of the building.

Anon 02/29/2024 (Thu) 23:03 [Preview] No.9690 del
>I was just curious for timeline purposes and if you knew much on that site.
That website -- pbooru.com (uses Gelbooru 0.2 or something) -- is still a bit of mystery. I wish that version of Gelbooru was open source so I could have the answer. In pbooru.com, image files' filenames are either an MD5 hash or some other longer unknown hexadecimal string. I never figured out what the longer hexadecimal strings were based on.

*Hang yourself from a ceiling fan.

>Or, tie a noose to a building and your neck then jump off of the roof of the building.
Death by neck breaking = more of a painless death than strangulation, I think.

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 00:36 [Preview] No.9691 del
(221.41 KB 1080x810 302008.jpg)
Still grabbing that - from wpull.log, not in WBM before today:

Today is the next month: 2024-03-01T00:32:29.811210107Z (previous day: the 29th). Record of this image:
>https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2013/4/19/302008.jpg 1709239039 - - WM4FKTTGSC44RZCDGU45Q2N3C3QVF27C 203260 1529470159 z9-warc-011-www.derpibooru.org_favs_last_day.txt-2024-02-29-52752c6c-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:519fb5a7-f95b-462b-ab88-15806b7c9743>
>https://www.derpibooru.org/images/302008 1709232333 - - VNUGGLPCPQPJ7DQDVTPP5MLL5SGHM2I2 36941 13830774 z9-warc-011-www.derpibooru.org_favs_last_day.txt-2024-02-29-52752c6c-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:de42a609-f111-4a16-b682-ecee4c3917b0>

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 00:46 [Preview] No.9692 del
>www.trixebooru.org and www.derpibooru.org

>Something small to me could still be big to something else and sometimes these details can still be important to timelines and the kind of thing that no one took a record of.
Oh, believe me,noting this change can be more important than you think. Say, if someone tried to make up some BS and used a out of date screencap. I know web archive/internet archive might note that but the more the better. Especially the exact day. I have seen the most retarded shit matter in various online dramas when someone tries to stir shit to take someone down or someone is legit caught and tries to BS their way out of it.

>If I had a more coherent internet and a better put together life,
How bad is your internet anyway? Sub 100 Mb is unlivable in 2024.

Yeah, probably not worth it.

>Also wanted to research it more or ask about it somewhere else,
I might have the information on that.
Two reasons Derpi has alt domains. To avoid content filters and blacklists and too allow someone to be logged in on more than one account on the same web browser. I imagine by usage, the existence of the .onion domains, And outside of China, VPN access actually being much more common than it was 10 years ago it would be deemed no longer useful or needed.

>Next: some comments/whatever at www.trixiebooru.org in regards to something.
Why would comments be needed explicitly from www.trixiebooru.org if the content is the same?

>That website -- pbooru.com (uses Gelbooru 0.2 or something) -- is still a bit of mystery. I wish that version of Gelbooru was open source so I could have the answer. In pbooru.com, image files' filenames are either an MD5 hash or some other longer unknown hexadecimal string. I never figured out what the longer hexadecimal strings were based on.
Wait, is this the gelbooru that was owned by that booru hosting service? I can't recall the address or name. Sorry.

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 01:28 [Preview] No.9697 del
. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/7OtqCQvonxQ/hqdefault.jpg
. https://www.derpibooru.org/images/1002805
. https://www.derpibooru.org/images/106344
. https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/10/15/1002805.gif
. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/--IwRpZ_7r3w/UOS94BoDWNI/AAAAAAABM5Q/ZJvo4athgKU/s1600/11.png - "Pinky Pie"
. https://115predator.deviantart.com/art/2011-2012-Adolf-Hitler-Pony-364117744
. http://24.media.tumblr.com/ecb8c2d19698734cfb42f7bcf94f3992/tumblr_ms96ot2tW01ri99leo1_500.jpg

I disliked how tumblr.com redirected what looks like image files to webpages (seems they don't do that anymore?). One of the records:
>https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/10/15/1002805.gif 1709234792 - - SBVS63GQHIDOBPOTMGGOE7KRG4N2LKTG 447934 138958639 z9-warc-011-www.derpibooru.org_favs_last_day.txt-2024-02-29-52752c6c-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:8bc98e9c-7a76-47cc-8985-50f95ef663c6>

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 01:44 [Preview] No.9698 del
>Wait, is this the gelbooru that was owned by that booru hosting service? I can't recall the address or name. Sorry.
gelbooru.com and booru.org are separate entities, though in the past I've read that they share server space. FUCK booru.org; they are deletionist CUNTS. I made like 30 posts in the past I about how I hate them. Maybe I will explain it here too. They did give some notice in advance for a mass purge at one or two points in the past, so I can at least give them/slayerduck credit for that. Gelbooru.com (anime imageboard) also sucks: they completely erase posts out of existence.

more outlinks in local warc + not in wbm before today:
. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcdj06dA6o1r97thgo1_1280.jpg and endpoint
. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-i7XAcCQCwu8/UznnU-AK8oI/AAAAAAAAPgw/RjP9V2gnxK8/s1600/275+-+celestia.jpg

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 02:46 [Preview] No.9699 del
and booru.org did own pbooru.com, perhaps unfortunately.

>more ...
. deleted https://78oved.tumblr.com/image/82910581424
. deleted http://abberantintellect.tumblr.com/post/61964806183/sometimes-it-just-doesnt-stop-true-believers
. deleted http://ask-dawnstar.tumblr.com/post/44538861383/askdawnstar-wanna-see-some-alicorn-magic
. deleted http://ask-kloudmutt.tumblr.com/post/29953525175/did-you-put-that-in-your-vag-bonbon
. deleted, only HTTP before https://aikostable.tumblr.com/post/108474858796/stallions-link-flash-version-here
. not deleted https://anonis-almost-art.tumblr.com/post/117053856738/wow-1k-follower-s-dayam-never-expected-this
.. redirects to https://www.tumblr.com/safe-mode?url=[...]
. not deleted http://askbackstagevinyl.tumblr.com/post/95601785271/r63-version-of-this-post-oh-yall-know-me-to
.. redirects to https://askbackstagevinyl.tumblr.com/post/95601785271/r34-version-of-this-post-oh-yall-know-me-to
... which has this webpage (not an image file): https://64.media.tumblr.com/e3bad0aaecd3808852ce53692fdf6984/tumblr_nasi2ojizY1tid40eo1_1280.png
. not deleted https://askeverfreerat.tumblr.com/post/65217083884/i-was-told-this-is-a-ghost-the-sweetiebelle-must
.. images don't show up here due to image->webpage redirect I guess: https://web.archive.org/web/20240301023634/https://askeverfreerat.tumblr.com/post/65217083884/i-was-told-this-is-a-ghost-the-sweetiebelle-must
. only HTTP and CF-blocked before https://8-xenon-8.deviantart.com/art/gO-tO-sLeEp-339042099
. http://archive.heinessen.com/boards/mlp/img/0189/30/1406534424299.gif
.. not here https://desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/mlp/image/0189/30/1406534424299.gif
. only HTTP before https://aryion.com/g4/view/261149

Reminds me: I could do something related to deleted tumblrs. ( Other outlink that I saw - 2013 Japanese book titled something like "MLP hugging pillow cover 【 Twilight Sparkle 】 / Bangalu": https://alice-books.com/item/show/232-23 )

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 03:00 [Preview] No.9701 del
(1.15 MB 6956x6290 971000.png)
Still WWW:
. https://www.derpibooru.org/images/970993/tags

No longer WWW:
. https://www.trixiebooru.org/images/971000
.. redirects to https://trixiebooru.org/images/971000

checked seconds before 2024-03-01 02:55:37 Z.

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 03:34 [Preview] No.9703 del
8.2-GB grab of www.derpibooru.org finished at 2024-03-01T02:55:37.996448227Z. If I had been downloading www.trixiebooru.org, perhaps I would have got a more accurate time regarding when it started redirecting. I can do another download of parts of www.derpibooru.org, maybe it'll catch a more exact time when it starts redirecting.

. http://blondenobody.deviantart.com/art/FASHION-511930481
. deleted https://asknsfwcobaltsnow.tumblr.com/post/35220601937
. deleted http://asklemonpuffs.tumblr.com/post/69049563777
. deleted, only HTTP before https://asktwilights.tumblr.com/post/10512798994/this-might-be-too-extreme-for-some-of-you-ponies
. only HTTP before https://atrylplus.tumblr.com/post/22130662783/big-mac-version
.. loginwalled, redirects to https://www.tumblr.com/login_required/atrylplus/22130662783

tumblr outlinks = gated by https://t.umblr.com/redirect?z=http%3A%2F%2F - example:
. deleted now, but not in 2018: https://web.archive.org/web/20181210061637/http://blackjrxiii.tumblr.com/post/126412160465/mlp-orgy-cadance-x-pinkamena-and-luna-x-celestia

Rainbow Dash you can fuck without worrying about getting kicked from
. deleted now, but not in 2018: https://web.archive.org/web/20181208205644/http://boiler3.tumblr.com/post/27950645664

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 04:43 [Preview] No.9704 del
(716.91 KB 960x480 3045214.png)
Getting some comments and image posts now (https://www.derpibooru.org/comments?page=1&cq=user_id%3A... probably hides NSFW images if you have no cookies):
>$ utc; grab-site --level=1 --input-file=www.derpibooru.org_comments_last_day.txt 1>2log1.txt 2>2log2.txt; utc
Next I could do this: specific uploads.

. https://buffy.mlpforums.com/post_images/img-1557138-2-you_like_ponies_dont_you_squidward.gif
. deleted http://bronybarn.blogspot.com/2015/04/seriously.html
. deleted http://bednarowski.deviantart.com/art/Derpy-296197177
. deleted http://avante92artblog.tumblr.com/post/59512852930/finished-commission-sketch-the-commissioner-asked
. deleted https://banthaart.tumblr.com/post/54318933933/new-attempt-at-humanized-anthro-slightly
. deleted http://baku-my-hakus.tumblr.com/post/119921930372/oh-right-i-had-a-commission-to-finish-from-last
. deleted http://bad-sheep.tumblr.com/post/92971700860/dj-horse-dong-in-da-club-version-included
. https://bit.ly/126Ducn
.. deleted, redirects to HTTP 404 at http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/478/861/7e6.gif

I saw that equine rump was deleted: http://bad-dragon.com/products/equinerump vs. https://web.archive.org/web/20140612235102/http://bad-dragon.com/products/equinerump (now selling https://bad-dragon.com/products/sugarstar instead). Also - "Now 20% Cooler[...]enter the discount code 'JOINTHEHERD' during checkout, at the 'Payment Method' page. \ Make sure you pick up your mare toy fast; they'll be gone in 10 seconds flat!" at https://web.archive.org/web/20120718050558/http://bad-dragon.com/sales/easter2012

archive.today exclusive:

pics unrelated, a bit of the old ultraviolence.

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 08:08 [Preview] No.9705 del
Still WWW (2024-03-01T08:04:45.732808642Z):


ZizzyDizzyMC is "owner / manager of several websites. ThePonyArchive.com , ProjectVinyl.net , DoloresUmbridge2024.com. Apparently [also] Princess Cadence." --http://nitter.esmail5pdn24shtvieloeedh7ehz3nrwcdivnfhfcedl7gf4kwddhkqd.onion.ly/ZizzyDizzyMC . Is Zizzy also a homosexual or transsexual? I think heard something about that in the past, but really IDK. (In this video titled '"Estrogen Saved My Life!" Reacting To Mr. Beasts Trans Sidekick Chris Tyson' https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=BFZRaPkkSA0 Tranny is critical of the transsexual ideology going overboard; I thought that video was sorta interesting.)

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 09:35 [Preview] No.9706 del
(420.15 KB 1362x1690 5103-html.png)
I'm closer to finishing that. Here's the split-up copy:

Usage of that:
. not to be used as the main thing, used to federate it out among computers
.. ponibooru_140k = 1.7 GB; ponibooru_60k = 751 MB
. has a text file index of the current main thing at QmbY...iusu

(https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu/5106.html = Pinata didn't block HTML for me, apparently; but it did for wbm+archive.ph. Perhaps my software detected HTTP 403 Forbidden then said "forget that" then gave me the actual data; actually no, 5107.html had the same "HTML is blocked message".)

Image from this webpage from ponibooru.org at the following link, no SSL error this time:
(http://ponibooru.org/post/view/5103 = not in wbm)

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 12:19 [Preview] No.9707 del
(685.18 KB 1362x1882 7199-html.png)
WWW not gone yet (2024-03-01T12:18:10.206410216Z):

For http://ponibooru.org/post/view/7199 at https://bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu.ipfs.cf-ipfs.com/7199.html - I observed this:
. Brave Browser -> clearweb -> SSL error
. Brave Browser -> Tor -> no SSL error

Anon 03/01/2024 (Fri) 23:50 [Preview] No.9708 del
(1.01 MB 1362x1517 7200-html.png)
Done. I'm hosting those ~200,000 ponibooru.org webpages. ponibooru_140k:1.7G->2.1G on disk; ponibooru_60k:0.75G->?G on disk because I didn't check before and after, but I'm guessing it would be something like a 20% increase: 0.9G. (I also "turned off" GC in config files.) Next: fix any other errors and stuff.

This image is a screen shot of http://ponibooru.org/post/view/7200 at
. https://fleek.cool/ipfs/bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu/7200.html
.. (Note to self: has no SSL errors when opened in Tor.)

( >>9707 WWW is still around: https://www.derpibooru.org/images/1080499/tag_changes at 20240-03-01 23:48:26 UTC )

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 00:25 [Preview] No.9709 del
Booru.org and website under that main site's control are ad farm websites. Being a commercial website with advertisements speaks volumes about their main goal: making money, they care little about images, videos, etc. That fact is also proven by their history.

In Safari in iPone: https://cf-ipfs.com/...=failed/SSL error, http://cf-ipfs.com/...=worked, but that's an unencrypted connection. I think my router is being gay and trying to like MITM me "for my own good". Perhaps if I enable Encrypted Client Hello (ECH, I think it's called) my router could no longer see the domain names that I connect to.

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 02:42 [Preview] No.9710 del
(253.57 KB 1362x1228 10-html.png)
Ponibooru had this favicon back then:

This is a screenshot of http://ponibooru.org/post/view/10 which includes "I'm the asshole who started >implying and I approve of this image."

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 02:52 [Preview] No.9711 del
>[need help seeding these Ponibooru webpages if the goal is faster access to the data]
web3.storage is pretty lame now. Like Infura, you gotta enter a credit card number even if you just want to go with the free option of not using more than 5 gigabytes of storage:
> https://up.web3.storage/validate-email?ucan=...
>> In order to upload data you need to sign up for a billing plan:
>>> links to https://checkout.stripe.com/c/pay/cs_live_... Nitro Data LLC
(Wish I could have know that they were shutting down the old API in 2024-01, could have uploaded stuff there before they shut off upload access from that.)

The term "rug pull" comes to mind.

*2024-03-01 23:48:26 UTC

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 03:04 [Preview] No.9712 del
It was interesting to see that most of those tumblr outlinks from Derpibooru were to deleted accounts/posts. Perhaps most the the tumblr links in all of Derpibooru are to dead pages/files.

Also cannot upload anything there after logging in at https://old.web3.storage/account/ (show the same "API is ded" message).

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 03:47 [Preview] No.9713 del
(1.34 MB 1362x1441 4416-html.png)
(490.08 KB 1280x1280 twibooru-735301.jpg)
*showed the same

"4EVERLAND" was also somewhat disappointing. At https://dashboard.4everland.org/bucket/storage/... I clicked the button to upload by "Selected CID" then picked QmPWL4qHtWhbUZZq8hYzQcrTyJwXrzUpwmpYaa4p7iviTy for 4416.html (picrel). It then gave me https://e57dcb23704ca02bf590823105d08175.ipfs.4everland.link/ipfs/bafkreif6xf75jqs2jneyv44amttczhhramsgjlqdgfkfq47suzgoarlsfm - which uses a different encoding: raw blocks. (I had hoped that it would pin the selected CID, not what it re-encoded it as.) Plus, 4EVERLAND only allows like 1 GB of free storage/hosting, and I would need about 3 to 5 GB minimum for the whole thing.

Screenshot from
>In the episode, Spike said "ew" because he knows what's not good for ponies. He can tolerate strong stuff himself, even a little grain alcohol without getting drunk.

alcohol > food

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 05:07 [Preview] No.9714 del
Tumblr purge was called a purge for a reason. The automated system deleted even a lot of SFW stuff. It was very poorly handled and burned down a lot of old memories there.

I feel that is one thing someone would have lived to see. Tumblr pony blogs were a big force in the fandom and sometimes the source of controversy and fights. Pony was in a interesting place as it was seen as part of tumblr fan culture yet a lot of friction and battles occurred with the other fandoms and groups there. In particular, Steven Universe's and tumblr centric feminism. It would be interesting for someone to make a timeline with those clashes from what can be found now. Not out of pride of, or stir shit up again, but just to make sure something exist that is objective in case those it is ever needed.

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 06:37 [Preview] No.9717 del
(2.33 MB 1399x2352 13-html.png)
Found an imgur file not in wbm before today in this Ponibooru webpage:
-> http://i.imgur.com/31Y1kh.jpg -> update -> never mind, the canonical version is 5 characters, not 6, at:

Looking through those pages, seeing if I can find another "undefined" error so I can fix it, or stare at it.

It's sad to think about think about that tumblr mass deletion again, no more "female exposing nipple". Unsurprising, but I didn't know an automated system was used to mass delete.

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 06:51 [Preview] No.9718 del
(49.53 KB 550x604 poni.jpg)
Ponibooru page ipfs://bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu/14.html links to picrel image=uploaded to crapsite, which should in turn be automatically uploaded to YAPC sites:
>u https://www.derpibooru.org/images/3313545 >d 2024-03-02T06:45:26Z >s https://web.archive.org/web/20140603165154if_/http://www.fun-website.com/tockalice/poni.jpg >i >t connect the dots, monochrome, grayscale, solo, mare, character request, cutie mark, safe, pony
( WWW still: https://www.derpibooru.org/images/3313543 )

What's the name of this pony? Seems to be G3 and not G1.

*sad to think about that

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 07:06 [Preview] No.9719 del
Saw an undefined error here, because the Ponibooru image was deleted or something; I can look into it more:
>[title:] Image 4000: lesbian smoothie Trixie twilight_sparkle
>1 year ago 4000GET

Anon 03/02/2024 (Sat) 07:29 [Preview] No.9720 del
I didn't see ponibooru.org image #4000 in these:
. "old" JSON: https://web.archive.org/web/20220727065923if_/https://ipfs.infura.io/ipfs/QmZLFVYNBa7c7AmfvBttbuM19hmh1LftcLDrmQDeW6gXqT?filename=list.json
. "new" "JSON": ipfs://QmfAUaWbRrqMesYa95AkkfcUtFD5nVQLyWdpTGVJfbDD14
. didn't search for this file: "medium-age" JSON

(Reminds me: pin the folders that ponibooru.org links to in both computers.) I (re)generated the directory listing JSON:
>rclone lsjson --drive-list-chunk 0 --disable ListR -R "remote:archive/Pony/Art/Image archives/ponibooru.org" > Pony-Art-Image_archives-ponibooru.org.json
which took about 3 minutes. Both of these found remote paths:
>$ grep "/3999 - " Pony-Art-Image_archives-ponibooru.org.json
>$ grep "/4000 - " Pony-Art-Image_archives-ponibooru.org.json
so, I gotta find the "medium-age" JSON file or regenerate it.

Anon 03/03/2024 (Sun) 00:19 [Preview] No.9721 del
WWW now redirects to non-WWW - examples:
>https://www.derpibooru.org/images/3313542 - checked at approx. 2024-03-02T23:58:03.426210934Z
>u https://www.derpibooru.org/images/3314117 >d 2024-03-03T00:07:27Z >s http://ponibooru.org/post/view/4000 >i >t twilight sparkle, Trixie lulamoon, lesbian, smoothie, mare, pony, drinking straw, cup, magic, 2011, safe

Thinking of it now, I could have made an automated wbm-related task run, which perhaps would have caught a more accurate time when the redirect started, but eh, I was doing other stuff.

First and last blocks are helpful in understanding that data:
. first: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmUHDfSoASDpw381gfM87R1jExcTdr7dNoNMRP8cVUJ8Cm
. last: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmb5XpdAFpD8DCbg6M6XCVEC55qxX48qAf1QpqgqN2YaKU

Anon 03/03/2024 (Sun) 03:42 [Preview] No.9722 del
>Encrypted Client Hello (ECH)
I think this is available in Firefox, which is only available via snap in Ubuntu. So use Tor Browser 13.0.10 (based on Mozilla Firefox 115.8.0esr) instead? GoFullPage screenshot extension in Tor in Braver Browser doesn't work. I thought Firefox had a built-in thing to screenshot the whole webpage, but I didn't see that in Tor Browser v13.0.10. Tested on

www.storj.io/ipfs -> demo.storj-ipfs.com can host the CID for the HTML as-is, but only for 30 days, and you can only upload per-file:
. for Ponibooru 148474.html:
.. ipfs dht findprovs QmZJPERW48Jj7BNnizozqcqzaAQThjXUMGHU2nT4mogNgU -> ipfs dht findpeer 12D3KooWDjLvUUZPz6qG9mtr3idaDCv6r8hsRG1Rq6Dj66RhqVPD -> /ip4/ and other lines
... similar address to: /ip4/ and other lines <- ipfs dht findpeer 12D3KooWHBPdmAtM8WUgzbB9HLaD2KNNc2k4WJmumBSEXrVjE7Wy <- ipfs dht findprovs Qme8kV3Rqaz3UjW71vCVaUxUqSQx5v6GY4fZQ7G7tiP1oq which is another test upload but not a webpage (it's a .json)

Years ago, before the that purge, I remember very infrequently using tumblr. I remember bulk downloading porn or a porn tumblr one or perhaps multiple times. It had IRL porn (npr probably). Oh, and I remember looking at various porn on tumblr back then. As for SFW tumblrs, like some of the "ask x" ones, IIRC, I randomly saw some posts from those blogs, so I didn't really follow posts from those. I did look at SFW and NSFW MLP-related tumblr blogs. The memories are "memories of memories" now, so perhaps what I remember is somewhat inaccurate now. I even made a tumblr and expressed my negativity; that tumblr had like 7 posts total. I mostly viewed, and participated with an account very little, I never "asked x" or retumblr'd (was that what it was called? no, "reblogged"). My interation with tumblr.com was small or very small. Then, when I learned that they were going to throw away a huge part of their website, my interactions went from small to basically zero.

Anon 03/03/2024 (Sun) 03:55 [Preview] No.9723 del
(334.26 KB 1362x1749 148474-html.png)
Likely not going to use snap for certain reasons.

Doesn't render HTML:

I think I remember this from somewhere - https://milki.org/digerati/DiGERATi%20-%20FunPhotorcrk.XM.mp3 - don't know the name of it now.

Anon 03/03/2024 (Sun) 09:13 [Preview] No.9725 del
Xitter struggle:

. works in archive.ph, not wbm, ">>Found the purple-traitor that caused the leak." ">The perpetrator was a purple traitor"

. This https://github.com/zedeus/nitter/wiki/Instances says that it doesn't work, but it did work. (probably also works in archive.today)

>Due to recent further enshittification of Twitter by That Guy You Know And Love, nitter instances across the globe stopped working.

>Unless you've been living under a rock, you would've known that Elmo (that is, short for Elon Musk), purchased Twitter, enshittified it and turned it into another Reddit.

>Over the last 2 years nitter.cz proxied over 10 Billion requests (>10,000,000,000) to Twitter, shielding you from tracking and ads, while providing a fast user interface. Nitter might be dead, but at the NoLog.cz collective we are still dedicated to providing the public with many more tools and services.
>We never track our users, show ads or sell any data to any third party. Our infrastructure runs on our own bare-metal servers, and we are not dependent on any cloud provider. That doesn't mean it's free. Running our servers costs us ~600€/month, and we are only able to pay for it thanks to users who are pitching in.
"651 USD" per month? That's a lot.

Anon 03/03/2024 (Sun) 10:43 [Preview] No.9726 del
(57.73 KB 1280x720 lovethem.jpg)
Also, here's ponibooru.org .torrent files for image files:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20120622121729/http://www.ponibooru.org/endofanera.html
. https://gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmY9cy1TBqy4z9N8MyagV6ggbeXjVSZXyiJhjXC1pvK5Db
.. thanks to peer QmUgmRxoLtGERot7Y6G7UyF6fwvnusQZfGR15PuE6pY3aB which is
... /dns4/swarm.io.cybernode.ai/tcp/443/wss
... /ip4/

"I've loved mares for a thousand years, and I'll love them for a thousand more." --https://gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmNg25PEvhNAz3HJ2MGyRyXtZ1uGgVANXpfxio4MEukhLx

Anon 03/03/2024 (Sun) 12:31 [Preview] No.9727 del

Restored torrents

Here are ponibooru.org image file torrents which were recently seen as offline, but are currently back online thanks to an HTTP mirror and me:

1 GiB, stalled for about 15 minutes:

1.26 GiB, stalled for about 20 minutes:
> &tr=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ponibooru.org%2Fwaterfall%2Fannounce.php

320 MiB, stalled for about 25 minutes:

Online or wasn't stalled for long

2.5 GiB
3.7 GiB
82.9 GiB
4 GiB
> &tr=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ponibooru.org%2Fwaterfall%2Fannounce.php
22 GiB

All of the above URLs = 100% online, except Ponibooru-Select-Safe, which I have a problem with: stuck at 99.9%. Missing these files:
---start zero percent---
>38666 - polka gif pinkie_pie Ask_pinkie_pie animated.gif
>38678 - rainbow_dash D'AWWWWWWWWW cute -)^ɛ^( filly baby WTF_COMMENTS cuteness_overload pacifier SO_AWESOME.png
>61427 - sleeping apples artist:all_bandana applejack.jpg
>61461 - carrot_cake Mrs_Cake  filly all_my_d'awww artist:cartoonlion ask pinkie_pie Cup_Cake rainbow_dash fluttershy mr_cake.png
>64360 - ask artist:atlur ask_the_pie_sisters dashface -)^3^( Inkie_pie Blinkie_Pie pie_sisters.png
>64361 - ask artist:atlur ask_the_pie_sisters pie_sisters Blinkie_Pie Inkie_pie.png
>198959 - -)^3^( Lyra animated winks.gif
---end zero percent---
---start less than 100 percent---
>64359 - video_game celestia alice_madness_returns pinkie_pie hobby_horse artist:bakki pinkamena_diane_pie parody.jpg
>38665 - pinkie_pie artist:Shout applejack artist:shoutingisfun rainbow_dash date_rape drugs.jpg
>61468 - comic muffin sneezing panel_play fourth_wall artist:solar-slash derpy_hooves pinkie_pie.jpg
>38685 - awesome Bonbon comic Lyra.jpg
>198961 - artist:Spikeandfriends Spikeandfriends crossover Sonic_the_Hedgehog cosplay I_dont_even_know_why_I_did_this rainbow_dash animated.gif
>198958 - fluttershy fighter_jet dandelions artist:envythisroadrunner.jpg
>64368 - artist:DawnAllies deadpool pinkie_pie crossover.jpg
>61426 - armor artist:spaceponies rainbow_dash absurd_res vector hilarious_in_hindsight.png
---end less than 100 percent---
I rclone'd part of Ponibooru-Select-Safe thanks to IWIFTP, but I think one of the files in there is non-matching

Anon 03/03/2024 (Sun) 12:51 [Preview] No.9728 del
>Wordwrap edit

>Filename mismatches
These ones - torrent (original) vs. remote:
38678 - rainbow_dash D'AWWWWWWWWW cute -)^ɛ^( filly baby WTF_COMMENTS cuteness_overload pacifier SO_AWESOME.png
 vs. {"Path":"Ponibooru-Select-Safe/38678 - rainbow_dash D'AWWWWWWWWW cute -)^ɛ^(\\ filly baby WTF_COMMENTS cuteness_overload pacifier SO_AWESOME.png","Name":"38678 - rainbow_dash D'AWWWWWWWWW cute -)^ɛ^(\\ filly baby WTF_COMMENTS cuteness_overload pacifier SO_AWESOME.png","Size":107023,"MimeType":"image/png","ModTime":"2021-03-22T01:42:49Z","IsDir":false},
61461 - carrot_cake Mrs_Cake  filly all_my_d'awww artist:cartoonlion ask pinkie_pie Cup_Cake rainbow_dash fluttershy mr_cake.png
 vs. {"Path":"Ponibooru-Select-Safe/61461 - carrot_cake Mrs_Cake \\ filly all_my_d'awww artist:cartoonlion ask pinkie_pie Cup_Cake rainbow_dash fluttershy mr_cake.png","Name":"61461 - carrot_cake Mrs_Cake \\ filly all_my_d'awww artist:cartoonlion ask pinkie_pie Cup_Cake rainbow_dash fluttershy mr_cake.png","Size":1245957,"MimeType":"image/png","ModTime":"2021-03-22T00:52:58Z","IsDir":false},
64360 - ask artist:atlur ask_the_pie_sisters dashface -)^3^( Inkie_pie Blinkie_Pie pie_sisters.png
 vs. {"Path":"Ponibooru-Select-Safe/64360 - ask artist:atlur ask_the_pie_sisters dashface -)^3^(\\ Inkie_pie Blinkie_Pie pie_sisters.png","Name":"64360 - ask artist:atlur ask_the_pie_sisters dashface -)^3^(\\ Inkie_pie Blinkie_Pie pie_sisters.png","Size":124532,"MimeType":"image/png","ModTime":"2021-03-21T22:42:53Z","IsDir":false},
198959 - -)^3^( Lyra animated winks.gif
 vs. {"Path":"Ponibooru-Select-Safe/198959 - -)^3^(\\ Lyra animated winks.gif","Name":"198959 - -)^3^(\\ Lyra animated winks.gif","Size":580142,"MimeType":"image/gif","ModTime":"2021-03-22T00:02:04Z","IsDir":false},

Also: https://milki.org/dr.xj/Dr.XJ%20-%20WindowSpace%202.5.4%20crk.xm.mp3

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 00:26 [Preview] No.9732 del
(682.18 KB 1362x1904 148471-html.png)
> >>9866
Bro, do you have a time machine? That post hasn't been made yet. I guess I know which post you are referring to though. (I was thinking about time travel in recent popular media or something, forgot what it was.)

Torrent rechecks to 100% done after those renames.

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 05:11 [Preview] No.9735 del
>SSL error
Tried to route Brave Browser through Tor, didn't work:
>$ brave-browser --proxy-server= & disown
>...[14369:14369:0303/184119.249854:ERROR:star_randomness_points.cc(127)] StarRandomnessPoints: no response body for randomness request, net error: ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED

Regarding https://bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu.ipfs.cf-ipfs.com/138474.html (Derpy Hooves image in Ponibooru) for me:
. Not Tor, but with TouchVPN: loaded no problem
.. TouchVPN:
... can exclude websites if you tell it to, wish you could tell it to only proxy specified sites
... https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/touch-vpn-secure-and-unli/bihmplhobchoageeokmgbdihknkjbknd

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 05:16 [Preview] No.9736 del
(1.30 MB 1362x1909 138474-html.png)
With the TouchVPN extension on: "endchan.org says \ Internal server error. Your ip was recognized as a known spammer."

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 07:22 [Preview] No.9737 del
2021 video not in TPA - "MLP: The Magic Inside (Super Mario 64 Version)":

My "hover over to add yt ids" userscript is pretty great, but pressing shift for alert to show the URLs=cannot always show all of the text. All of the text can be copied out of console log. I could change it to log ids only and not urls

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 08:37 [Preview] No.9738 del
Those renames also apply to "Ponibooru-All-Safe", and I guess that that HTTP folder has files with more modified filenames (not just those).

"Google Chrome Version 122.0.6261.94 (Official Build) (64-bit)" = same error:
>[15547:15557:0303/185038.532227:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(970)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -100

>change it to log ids only and not urls
"Done", see below. In the previous GUI thing I was using, I could copy the text seen from alert(), but with the current thing, I can't.
. simple script= https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qme9HABUiG7W1K8wkS3rafu8ue3T9euu29caRYVWSTkcR9
. previous version= 2024-01-20T16:56:42.211256994Z
. current version= 2024-03-04T07:46:12.066602387Z

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 08:46 [Preview] No.9739 del
Got it.

Will be "wasting" an 83-GB read to find filename mismatches. Alternatively, I could mess around with text/vim/whatever, but don't super feel like doing that.

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 10:37 [Preview] No.9741 del
>The Residents
See picrel from Ponibooru. (Also, I thought I downloaded that album "God in Three Persons", but maybe I didn't.)

Many at zero percent:
>100246 - PynkyPy pinkie_pie help caption meta.png
>100256 - twilight_sparkle Snails moustache.jpg
>101183 - book adorkable artist:smittyG twilight_sparkle present spike.png
>102095 - where_is_my_damn_pony ponibooru meta.png
>102096 - meta where_is_my_damn_pony troll pixiv.png
>102295 - demotivator rainbow_dash winter_wrap_up.jpg
>102373 - meta where_is_my_damn_pony i'm_sure_theres_two_sides_of_this_storys meme.png

Anon 03/04/2024 (Mon) 12:20 [Preview] No.9742 del
(407.42 KB 1362x1319 140329-html)
At zero percent and file not found (JSON=modified filenames):
{"Path":"Ponibooru-All-Safe/38832 - highres Quaker_Sparkle oatmeal quaker_oats twilight_sparkle \\ oh_god_get_it_away.jpg","Name":"38832 - highres Quaker_Sparkle oatmeal quaker_oats twilight_sparkle \\ oh_god_get_it_away.jpg","Size":400209,"MimeType":"image/jpeg","ModTime":"2021-03-21T21:45:25Z","IsDir":false},
>38832 - highres Quaker_Sparkle oatmeal quaker_oats twilight_sparkle  oh_god_get_it_away.jpg
{"Path":"Ponibooru-All-Safe/174428 - Sweety_Fighter artist:miss_melissaa Winter_Bluenight fetish_art -\\-\\-\\ eating artist:miss-melissaa tongue_out tongue surprised mouth_open vore.png","Name":"174428 - Sweety_Fighter artist:miss_melissaa Winter_Bluenight fetish_art -\\-\\-\\ eating artist:miss-melissaa tongue_out tongue surprised mouth_open vore.png","Size":163545,"MimeType":"image/png","ModTime":"2021-03-21T17:43:27Z","IsDir":false},
>174428 - Sweety_Fighter artist:miss_melissaa Winter_Bluenight fetish_art --- eating artist:miss-melissaa tongue_out tongue surprised mouth_open vore.png
{"Path":"Ponibooru-All-Safe/158830 - -)^3^(\\ artist:Primogenitor34 rainbow_dash adawable.png","Name":"158830 - -)^3^(\\ artist:Primogenitor34 rainbow_dash adawable.png","Size":793507,"MimeType":"image/png","ModTime":"2021-03-22T08:39:32Z","IsDir":false},
>158830 - -)^3^( artist:Primogenitor34 rainbow_dash adawable.png
{"Path":"Ponibooru-All-Safe/105204 - scootaloo ask_rainbow_scoots \\m- artist:Paucity-Luxuriance rainbow_scoots.png","Name":"105204 - scootaloo ask_rainbow_scoots \\m- artist:Paucity-Luxuriance rainbow_scoots.png","Size":742397,"MimeType":"image/png","ModTime":"2021-03-22T11:59:14Z","IsDir":false},
>105204 - scootaloo ask_rainbow_scoots m- artist:Paucity-Luxuriance rainbow_scoots.png
Something weird maybe happened with image #105204. Files with original names and changed names:

Screenshot of
"The Residents - Demonic! The Residents Live In Oslo!" (in LPC):

Anon 03/05/2024 (Tue) 00:23 [Preview] No.9746 del
>rename these files
Torrent didn't recheck to 100% after that. Why not? One of the reasons: torrent Ponibooru-All-Safe was last seen as complete in 2024-03-03. Last Seen Complete (LSC) means that a peer showed up with 100% of it. I downloaded some of it from that peer, but I got most of it from webdav (web/HTTP, not BitTorrent). So, some of the files were partly downloaded via BitTorrent, and those partly downloaded ones were zero-padded to the full filesize. rclone can do this: "rclone -P --size-only copy source dest" to compare the sizes when syncing - not helpful if the files are padded in that way. rclone can do this: "rclone -P copy source dest" (-P=progress) which I think checks the hashes, but I don't think the webdav thing I was working with can do hashes. I don't think it can check hashes because "rclone -P check source dest" said something like "can't do hashes on this" (check=shows diff. between source and dest folders).

Solutions: maybe that peer will show up again and give me the rest of the torrent pieces. Or, I can replace all of the zero-percent or partly downloaded files with the full files thanks to an HTTP mirror. The problem with solution #2 is this: it is a pain to copy filenames out of qBittorrent. I want to only copy the paths to files which are less than 100% downloaded, so I need qBittorrent to sort it for me to get those ones. If you select a file in qBittorrent you can copy its filename by pressing ctrl+c, but if you select multiple files and press ctrl+c, it only copies the one filename at the top of the selection.

>The Residents - Demonic! The Residents Live In Oslo!
>at ipfs://bafybeies5s44ijl3er3pcd23jaimni2gwenmzhvo2t627j35dbks2awtou
That's this video - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=Fe3FfqajVcU - on which @theheavymetalbrony2257 commented "Wished I was there." Pfp+banner of that channel attached. Also, the studio version of that album "Demons Dance Alone" (2002) has the track "Make Me Moo"; that live version doesn't feature that song:

>That SSL error in Brave Browser and Google Chrome
Same error, but seems to be unrelated because that is about Chrome Driver:
>>>https://archive.ph/ktmmH (research on this error)
>>https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65755603/selenium-ssl-client-socket-impl-cc-handshake-failed and other links
>run the thing with these options
Unsupported options (see "man brave-browser" which should show all of its options):
>$ brave-browser --ignore-certificate-errors-spki-list & disown
>$ brave-browser --ignore-certificate-errors --ignore-ssl-errors & disown

Image from ponibooru.org

Anon 03/05/2024 (Tue) 00:28 [Preview] No.9747 del
>Pfp+banner of that channel...
Also, here's a file that I have partly download in that torrent.

Anon 03/05/2024 (Tue) 05:12 [Preview] No.9748 del
>Other important data: those one files which specify the MD5 hash of all of the images that were posted to ponibooru.org - I could share a link to that later.
Here - "ponibooru.org textual data - comments, images, users, favorites":

It can probably also be used to find partly-downloaded files >>9746 if MD5 hashes don't match.

Neat, one can also upload by pipe to archivete.am - pegasus, wallpapers example:
>$ cat 750142375737467665727802752579.sh | curl --upload-file - https://transfer.archivete.am/f; echo
>$ # see https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmbWzCpZs96ey1rfbkynXr1MHSzJMqLP1Vgk9CpLR73y8J

Anon 03/05/2024 (Tue) 05:48 [Preview] No.9749 del
Unfortunately, itorrents.org is now Cl*udflare-walled:

I noticed that today (a large "get .torrent files by infohash" thing has become less accessible now). Open access for that .torrent file:

Anon 03/05/2024 (Tue) 13:29 [Preview] No.9750 del
(370.34 KB 1000x1000 twibooru-1169087.png)
>archive.today exclusive
Not so exclusive anymore - here's basically the link that I got from brave-browser -> right click on that page -> Import to IPFS -> This page:

One of the reasons: web.archive.org pretty much cannot save archive.today links. brave-browser's webpage to IPFS thing is pretty good, but it could probably be better:
. In the source code of https://ipfs-comet.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmTBPhKr9RPar61feu1yfvxJAPqSsjVifcn5BuaNVZ4Jwz you can see this comment: <!-- saved from url=(0135)https://archive.ph/2014.02.18-055239/http://boltswiftartnsfw.tumblr.com/post/76996376900/im-a-little-late-but-heres-the-thing-i-thinged -->
.. This means that the webpage raw was modified, so not good if you want the original <s>unadultered</s> unadulterated page.
. Don't see the date and time that a webpage was saved. If it's going to put a comment at the top of the HTML, why not include a GMT timestamp? The brave-imports folder only shows YYYY-MM-DD; it doesn't have hh:mm:ss.
. The browser's ipfs repo must be online (daemon running for it) to import it. Also, some other problem...

That page in that "NSFW art"-focused blog has this anthro image - https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmUoAkYXjuEfFEwX5xZ24DhmJ3AbHWGp6tJEoW48jMHm2f - Just fully realized today that that is based on that one scene from FIM with the Ponytones ("you've got the music in you"). I also had a sexual thought when I first saw the scene in that episode. Reminds me of this other "artist's interpretation" of this other Friendship is Magic scene. Anyone annoyed by anthro here? For the past ~3 years I usually filtered out anthro in boorus when searching ("-anthro"). Here's a different rating:e image for now; I like this one.

BTW, I was looking for some indices of IPFS data for whoever's items (like, "random things from not me"). Other than two "main ones" that I know about, here's some:
. https://cyb.ai/particles
.. not stale (but, "too much JavaScript")
. https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmU5XsVwvJfTcCwqkK1SmTqDmXWSQWaTa7ZcVLY2PDxNxG/ipfs_links.html
.. somewhat "stale"; incl. parts of 8ch.net apparently

Anon 03/05/2024 (Tue) 23:46 [Preview] No.9751 del
Or, find sparse files:
>$ find . -type f -printf "%S\t%p\n" | gawk '$1 < 1.0 {print}'

Another archive.today exclusive (live=deleted and not in wbm, "?filename=archive.li_T3Qlv"):
. https://ipfs.ssi.eecc.de/ipfs/QmeL3zMqy2PkKjYUEawmnLGwCv4GEdjFkRSHf74xY8iLP7
.. From https://archive.li/T3Qlv / https://archive.ph/2014.05.06-085014/http://boltswiftartnsfw.tumblr.com/image/84759882959
.. Thanks to TouchVPN for an IP address in: Wandsworth, Greater London, United Kingdom
... archive.today writes the IP address of the accessor into the HTML.
.. title: "BoltSwift's Chamber of Porn and Clop : Photo"
.. main image (gay clop): https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmbxn3DRGZdK3dfcXKTRGwsnnTZk7eJwTdQANEqavjTZmT

Some other webpages which describe that error, maybe helpful:
. https://github.com/magnuschase293/comic_getter/issues/14
. https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/3113648183790787062/

Anon 03/06/2024 (Wed) 00:47 [Preview] No.9752 del
That was a good method; the command finished quickly. Used awk because I don't have gawk:
>$ find . -type f -printf "%S \040%p\n" | awk '$1 < 1.0 {print}' # 040 I think is octal for 020 in hex which is " "

Full version of a sparse file is attached. Repaint because I think there were complaints that the G4 Celestia toy was too pink. (Also in the image: "Watership Down", a book.)

Anon 03/06/2024 (Wed) 02:43 [Preview] No.9753 del
I'm running an automated thing to fix sparse files (replace them with the full versions). Maybe then it will recheck to 100 percent.

>I'm a retard. I can't comprehend simple things that were explained to me multiple times then I go on to misrepresent them and misrepresent things in general. hope that one guy doesn't post in this shitty thread ever again.
no worries, wont be posting in that general with that asshole around. even if he wasn't there i would have little interest as of now.

>other posts
This was said to contain the data on all of the short links in this MLP-related link shortener website - 2 megabytes:

That anon (not the retarded anon) said that no one would tell him that his website was dead, but it was brought up in multiple threads multiple times.

Anon 03/06/2024 (Wed) 03:01 [Preview] No.9754 del
(1.01 MB 4000x3000 twibooru-44846.png)
(Images from ponibooru.org.) Feeling like Luna would be prettier if her mane and tail hair were smaller.

Also: https://milki.org/dynamics140685/DYNAMiCS140685%20-%20Easy%20Video%20to%20iPod%20MP4%20PSP%203GP%20Converter%201.x%20crk.it.mp3

Was Epona a mare? (Epona=horse in the video game "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time".)

Anon 03/06/2024 (Wed) 05:34 [Preview] No.9755 del
Nope. It's at 99.9% now - better than before, but still incomplete. What I guess happened: there were some low-sparsity files that >>9752 didn't detect. "moot pony" from ponibooru.org.

Anon 03/06/2024 (Wed) 10:01 [Preview] No.9756 del
2013 video not in TPA - "My Little Naruto Opening Fighting Dreamers Ponys (music)" (I watched the first 11 seconds, small channel):

No "applejack" tag:

Anon 03/06/2024 (Wed) 11:29 [Preview] No.9757 del
GPS data in ponibooru.org image #102184 (picrel):
>GPS Altitude : 68 m Above Sea Level
>GPS Latitude : 37 deg 21' 58.20" N
>GPS Longitude : 120 deg 35' 37.20" W
>GPS Position : 37 deg 21' 58.20" N, 120 deg 35' 37.20" W

I watched that without audio. I can tell that some effort was put into making that:

Anon 03/06/2024 (Wed) 12:06 [Preview] No.9758 del
(566.47 KB 1362x1256 26805-html.png)
Contains these Ponibooru files:
. meta.sqlite
. pb_archive.sqlite
. README.txt

>$ sqlite3 -column -header -csv meta.sqlite
>sqlite> select * from images where md5sum="b3f6f248defbdba19e058ef3d02bc023";
>26805,b3f6f248defbdba19e058ef3d02bc023,jpeg,Anonymous,"artist:anivasion Bright_Eyes g1 lancer My_Little_Pony_Tales",http://anivasion.deviantart.com,safe,"2011-06-22 07:43:46",Bright_Eyes_and_Lancer_by_Anivasion.jpg,704,558,55645,"26805 - Bright_Eyes My_Little_Pony_Tales g1 artist:anivasion lancer.jpg",0
Image=screenshot of ponibooru.org webpage https://cf-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmeqMsP2Gsro13LWjrfXNNkv95usEqsGprwk11tAZJb7w2/26805.html

Anon 03/06/2024 (Wed) 13:40 [Preview] No.9759 del
See if Ponibooru image files have the MD5 hashes that they should have:
$ cd /z9/t/pony/web_raws/Ponibooru-All-Safe; find . -type f | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo ==== $args ====; sqlite3 -column -header -csv -cmd "select * from images where md5sum=\"$(md5sum "$args" | sed "s/ .*//g")\";foobar" -bail /path/to/meta.sqlite 2>/dev/null; done' _ > ../check.txt # or "cat files.txt | tr -s "\n" "\n" | xargs..."
For those that don't run vim on check.txt:
:%s/^==== \(.*\) ====$\n====/XfMG8e5FwZPufiG3tbkJy \1\r/g

In HTTP, you may see this bad empty file:
>./Pony/Art/Image archives/pbooru.com/ponibooru/44001-45000/44815 - book how_to_use_a_parachute john_joseco parachute pinkie_pie skydiving twilight_sparkle.png
Full version of that is here:
>./Pony/Art/Image archives/pbooru.com/ponibooru/44001-45000/44815 - book how_to_use_a_parachute john_joseco parachute pinkie_pie skydiving twilight_sparkle.png

It did fail to find some sparse files, such as:
>$ exiftool "55752 - caption Cloud_kicker reaction_face reaction_ponies macro.png"
>...File Size : 60 KiB...Error : First 55 KiB of file is binary zeros
>$ exiftool "37908 - fluttershy artist:leighanna.jpg"
>...File Size : 207 KiB...Error : First 86 KiB of file is binary zeros

Anon 03/07/2024 (Thu) 02:06 [Preview] No.9766 del
Long task to automatically verify the files by file (as opposed to by piece, which spans across files, in BitTorrent) did not complete: ended by reboot. I verified the rest of them manually: found 100 mismatches. Bright side: did a thing to more quickly check <s>variadic</s> various stuff manually. What I did in the past:
>'$ h="something1"', '$ cmd "$h"', '$ h="something2"', '$ cmd "$h"', etc.
Quicker method:
>'$ read -p "Enter text: " h', '[input text]', '$ cmd "$h"', '$ read -p "
Enter text: " h', '[input text]', '$ cmd "$h"', etc
= 5 fewer keystrokes. Real examples:
$ # older:
$ h="98294 - rarity artist:brianblackberry.png"
$ sqlite3 -column -header -csv -cmd "select * from images where md5sum=\"$(md5sum "$h" | sed "s/ .*//g")\";foobar" -bail $path1/meta.sqlite 2>/dev/null
98294,fc026712961fead7b390e667a149a3c1,png,Anonymous,"artist:brianblackberry rarity",http://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/989-rarity-lounge-singer-final/,safe,"2011-12-14 09:41:44.510538",gallery_69_17_44320.png,642,826,448227,"98294 - rarity artist:brianblackberry.png",1
$ h="61297 - g1_backstory g1 Moondancer.jpg"
$ [sqlite3...showed no results for hash of file 61297*]
$ # newer:
$ sqlite3 -column -header -csv -cmd "select * from images where md5sum=\"$(md5sum "$h" | sed "s/ .*//g")\";foobar" -bail $path1/meta.sqlite 2>/dev/null
24149,5ddacb3770921123dc417c5595620b42,png,Anonymous,"artist:sanguiniuschan rarity",http://sanguiniuschan.deviantart.com,safe,"2011-06-13 20:18:23",drink_special_by_chistery_by_sanguiniuschan-d3ip3uz.png,1032,774,265116,"24149 - artist:sanguiniuschan rarity.png",0
$ read -p "Enter a filename: " h
Enter a filename: 169759 - Madame_Pinkie_Pie gypsy_magic fortune_teller crystal_ball pinkie_pie animated.gif
$ [sqlite3...showed no results for hash of file 169759*]

I wish that qBittorrent had a thing to only recheck missing torrent pieces. That could be programmed in, and it probably wouldn't mess up verification of the top-level infohash. Otherwise, lots of I/O gets wasted.

Also, whoever made those ponibooru.org torrents like a decade ago: thanks for applying a piece size of 256K. A larger piece size would have been more of a headache to deal with, I think. Image from that website.

Anon 03/07/2024 (Thu) 02:15 [Preview] No.9767 del
Wouldn't have "had" to do this if whoever had 100% of that torrent gave me more than a total of like 2 megabytes of it. LSC = 3 days ago (last I saw that peer). What that seeder sorta did was just poison the data as I ended up with a bunch of sparse files which were padded to the full filesizes that I had to deal with with less-than-perfect software (qBittorrent). I'm not mad though. I'll consider this to be a learning experience. Glad that someone, even if just one guy briefly, is trying to seed it. Image from ponibooru.org

Anon 03/07/2024 (Thu) 02:25 [Preview] No.9768 del
(3.39 MB 2397x2600 twibooru-626733.png)
>total of like 2 megabytes of it
Exaggeration: 23 GiB downloaded from torrent, 60 GiB downloaded from HTTP. Maybe that peer has a metered connection.

>less-than-perfect software (qBittorrent)
also, other software, not just qBittorrent


Anon 03/07/2024 (Thu) 02:44 [Preview] No.9769 del
https://ipfs2.eth/ also does roots. ( That site now resolves to ipns://k51qzi5uqu5dkjw85soqqeuoc0894vwrxyhahaho1u30ps6k4gex1zt63gt8a5/ )

*Quicker method:
>'$ read -p "Enter text: " h', '[input text]', '$ cmd "$h"', '$ read -p "Enter text: " h', '[input text]', '$ cmd "$h"', etc

"Gypsy Bard by Arian Prina and other music data":

Anon 03/07/2024 (Thu) 02:58 [Preview] No.9770 del
>At first I couldn't ssh in ..., but I could connect to that peer. Later, I couldn't ssh in and I couldn't connect to that peer
I guess because that connection was cached.

Gotta remember: posts with long lines of code mess up long non-code lines in that post. If Bash, break up
>codeline1 \
Whatever, no one cares about those posts anyways, haha.

incl. this audio

Anon 03/07/2024 (Thu) 09:58 [Preview] No.9771 del
(195.17 KB 1194x554 Info.png)
>Also, whoever made those ponibooru.org torrents like a decade ago: thanks for applying a piece size of 256K. A larger piece size would have been more of a headache to deal with
Only 3 missing files now:
>182425 - #SWAG 10 DRESS.MOV Mitsubishi Molestia Uc applejack artist:inzane14 car celestia evo evolution fluttershy fourth_wall_breach kiss_my_flank lancer need_for_speed nfs rarity swag undercover x etc.png
>182423 - scootaloo swagger Youtube_caption Sweetie_Belle apple_bloom Cutie_Mark_Crusaders the_show_stoppers.png
>182426 - #SWAG 10 DRESS.MOV Mitsubishi Molestia Uc applejack artist:inzane14 car celestia evo evolution fluttershy fourth_wall_breach kiss_my_flank lancer need_for_speed nfs rarity swag undercover x etc.png
Due to "#" percent encoding stuff I didn't get the right data when fixing files. If the torrent piece size was larger than 256KiB (say, 16 MiB), then one missing file would lead to many missing files if the hashtree has many files. In the file list in the torrent client they would not show up as 100% complete. I guess the admin of Ponibooru made those torrents. Ponibooru-All-Safe was created with mktorrent 1.0 and has a piece size of 256 KiB. This makes me suspect that that admin knew what he was doing and was maybe experienced with BitTorrent.

Sunsetting webpage >>9726 web.archive.org/web/20120622121729/http://www.ponibooru.org/endofanera.html says
>[HTML title tag:] Twilight
>This is official notice that Ponibooru is shutting down.
>3. All above-average images (the same ones chosen for the four "cream of the crop" torrents) are being bulk-imported to Derpibooru, whose admin has assured me that the site will be able to take the load should you be seeking a new image repository to frequent.
Derpibooru probably never added all images from ponibooru.org, and as it says, they only automatically added some of them.

>https://ipfs2.eth/ also does roots.
Will see if I get SSL errors or not with that. I used ipfs2.eth.limo multiple times before, don't think I got any errors.

>( That site [ipfs2.eth] now resolves to ipns://k51qzi5uqu5dkjw85soqqeuoc0894vwrxyhahaho1u30ps6k4gex1zt63gt8a5/ )
/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5dkjw85soqqeuoc0894vwrxyhahaho1u30ps6k4gex1zt63gt8a5 now resolves to static <1MB-folder with index.html:

Hidden file in that folder:
> $ curl -sL https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmcxwpaNZzbbp6gF7Gq95y6QsYrTVBMcGSajP1Ttj1Q9sC?filename=.DS_Store | tr -d \\0 | xxd
-> basically ->
> SSystem/Volumes/Data/Users/avneetsingh/Documents/sshmatrix/Fun/bensyc/bensyc/assets/.Bioliquid.woff
which is related to another file in that folder:
> function pingGateway() {
> const url = 'https://sshmatrix.club:3002/ping‘;
> ...
> .catch(error => {
> if (error.name === 'TypeError') {
> showModal('Success', 'CCIP Gateway is alive', 'success');
Those two files reveal a username (one which sounds Indian); which OS was used, probably MacOS; and something about that guy's relation to sshmatrix.club

Anon 03/07/2024 (Thu) 23:32 [Preview] No.9772 del
(596.90 KB 1362x1477 24005-html.png)
>ENS-based gateway with web root
. no SSL errors: tested multiple times and in multiple devices
. is more friendly than dweb.link gateway
. was faster than another nice/fast gateway in one case (raced to get the same content at the same time)

(Still need help seeding if anyone cares to view whatever Ponibooru page at ...<number>.html quickly.) Picrel from

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 00:30 [Preview] No.9773 del
Here's those 3 files with "especially problematic filenames" (pic related, from ponibooru.org):


I remember that someone criticized me by saying something like this:
>This guy just takes a bunch of already-archived things and saves them to IPFS and Wayback Machine
This is not what I mainly do. And even if I did do that, then so what? And what do you mean by "already-archived"? Saved to web.archive.org Saved to archive.org/details Please realize that web.archive.org can exclude any website they want from being accessed. https://web.archive.org/web/2/http://kiwifarms.net still says "Sorry. \ This URL has been excluded from the Wayback Machine." Maybe in the future they will exclude youtube.com due to copyright laws or other stupid Internet laws. And the WARCs that web.archive.org are based on are not open access, and in 2024 you can no longer find the path to the warc for web.archive.org/[any url]. Data at https://archive.org/details/ (URL prefix is WBM-excluded) can be removed for any reason, like copyright, or if it isn't removed, IA higher-ups may make it loginwalled after consulting with troons.

A solution to this is independent data, such as via peer-to-peer systems like BitTorrent and IPFS, and many things exist in neither of those. We can put less focus on "relying on archive.org to archive things" and put more focus on "actually hosting/creating the archives ourselves and properly dealing with the data+software+hardware"; I bet many archive.org users are inexperienced with the latter.

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 00:52 [Preview] No.9774 del
>accidental blue text
*And what do you mean by "already-archived" ? Saved to web.archive.org ? Saved to archive.org/details/ ?

>the WARCs that web.archive.org are based on are not open access
This is the case for most of them; you can download a minority of them. But then how can you find them for whatever URL? You can't. See the next point.

>[2024 change:] you can no longer find the path to the warc for web.archive.org/[any url]
That folder QmVi...VrfP includes this folder:
which includes this file:
which was saved from:
https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=http://soundcloud.com/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 or
https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=https://soundcloud.com/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 or
as of 2023-11-25 00:52:53 - as specified in:

Comparison of better past with worse future:
>$ echo 2023-11-25 00:52:53; curl -sL https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmdSABwq3ETdSNiw6neWSuQrLqeiSmhLG3YsFQUaFjB4PW?filename=cdx
>2023-11-25 00:52:53
>com,soundcloud)/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 20121024192325 http://soundcloud.com:80/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 text/html 200 PMQK4I432DUMCWQIUHN2L5JMREFTVX7U - - 9848 79234855 alexa20121025-04/51_30_20121024192052_crawl100.arc.gz
>com,soundcloud)/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 20160408080605 http://soundcloud.com/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 unk 301 3I42H3S6NNFQ2MSVX7XZKYAYSCX5QBYJ - - 502 5557814870 archiveteam_wiki_20160408151126/wiki_20160408151126.megawarc.warc.gz
>com,soundcloud)/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 20160408080606 https://soundcloud.com/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 text/html 404 CTYLILPMBTPB3WTVSMV6LBASN3LJZREO - FI 6785 5557815831 archiveteam_wiki_20160408151126/wiki_20160408151126.megawarc.warc.gz
vs. currrently:
>$ utc; curl -sL https://web.archive.org/web/timemap/cdx?url=http://soundcloud.com/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1
>com,soundcloud)/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 20121024192325 http://soundcloud.com:80/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 text/html 200 PMQK4I432DUMCWQIUHN2L5JMREFTVX7U 9848
>com,soundcloud)/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 20160408080605 http://soundcloud.com/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 unk 301 3I42H3S6NNFQ2MSVX7XZKYAYSCX5QBYJ 502
>com,soundcloud)/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 20160408080606 https://soundcloud.com/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 text/html 404 CTYLILPMBTPB3WTVSMV6LBASN3LJZREO 6785
>com,soundcloud)/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 20240106223534 http://soundcloud.com/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 text/html 403 F2LMTQXUENUIXPVDZKJWEE5N2CH4E7UX 1125
>com,soundcloud)/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 20240106223822 https://soundcloud.com/jesse-carlson1/sweetie-bots-big-race-1 text/html 403 SPMFB2N3AU2PQWT67Q6HYGFQXAP5AJ5D 1122

If you viewed that web.archive.org webpage in 2023 you could see that you could download that WARC from the following link. That same web.archive.org "webpage" no longer has that information in 2024-04.

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 01:03 [Preview] No.9775 del
>web.archive.org can exclude any website they want from being accessed
That's a reason to use archive.today in addition to wbm. I recommend this: for every URL you save to archive.today, also try to save it to web.archive.org. (I have another recommendation for a possibly better practice, and maybe I will post that later.)

*That same web.archive.org "webpage" no longer has that information in 2024-03.

That SoundCloud track was deleted, but the 2012 capture of that page includes a link to the original image file posted with that music which still works today:

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 01:21 [Preview] No.9776 del
(11.51 MB 1280x720 twibooru-3095859.webm)
(11.63 MB 1280x720 twibooru-3095850.webm)
>Sexy pretty Pinkie Pie
More stupid sexy Pinkie

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 01:55 [Preview] No.9777 del
Thread JSON for this (#9086) has changed!
- was: first block= ipfs://QmeMqMeYBerBUtHws5Lgz4pAnvQMiJiJ6ndbv3ohh7fcJy in ...
- now: first block= ipfs://Qmbs1pxKD6CpSoH4fVC5mZLm5iaaocKQqdSwyw5Qi23MJm in https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmSKdYWQjXDpVaQSJrm9rNTunykV6ubRx5pAbmBAeEp3CG from https://endchan.org/pone/res/9086.json
- diff (quick check):
'"autoSage":false' ->
'"autoSage":true' (blocks disaligned by 1 byte)

So it seems that this thread has hit the bump limit.

QmVi...VrfP = in LPC (forgot to say that)

>[link] which still works today
Thanks SoundFart

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 06:35 [Preview] No.9778 del
After work, hundreds of gigabytes of reads, and 5 days of being "abandoned" by that one peer who had 100% of it, I finally got "All safe-rated images from ponibooru.org" to recheck to 100% complete (at around 2024-03-08 03:24:21 Z):

pfps from npr
>https://web.archive.org/web/20240307123556/https://y.com.sb/watch?v=Ad4wEgomkVE React OS, An Attempt To Replace Windows
according to the next link, a folder cannot be named "con" or "aux" in MS Windows
>https://y.com.sb/watch?v=Cn1SbmMJxhU A very informal look at ReactOS
. channel aqua = npr
. channel John the Crossover Master = small (29 videos); has some MLP-related videos; description=
>Hi there. If you found this channel, then you've most likely known me for some time now, or you remember me for some dumb internet fad that was popular in 2009. I still do that, but not here. You can find that over at youtube.com/@TehSpartanMaster . I actually released a new video in the year 2023, yay me.[...]
More pony videos in @TehSpartanMaster -> Poetic_Thrill_UCiJMPgJrZIkqRKepvANfv4g = 100 videos

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 06:54 [Preview] No.9779 del
Downloading one of those channels. Select IDs from the other channel = saved to "s.txt". This audio sounds... IDK, flat?

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 07:06 [Preview] No.9780 del
Getting those. I guess this is a "Sparta Remix"

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 10:41 [Preview] No.9781 del
Surprised that fearingfun made this art; I thought he just drew lolicon hentai

It ain't bumpin

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 13:04 [Preview] No.9782 del
(34.51 KB 596x150 tworetards-toilet.jpg)
(42.55 KB 600x150 agiri-panic.png)
(61.87 KB 600x150 batman.gif)
(44.64 KB 600x150 colshy-humanchan.jpg)
(2.44 MB 600x150 dramadramadrama-z.gif)
CAR file of Ponychan folder "static" which includes stuff such as ~all banner that were used on that site:

Here's some of those banners. One has the text "pchan.co"; example URL:

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 14:47 [Preview] No.9783 del
>$ utc; ~/Downloads/ia upload a2c2263a589c5baa8294dab0c5c110 . --metadata="title:SonicHeroesGames - YouTube channel" --metadata="subject:video; My Little Naruto Opening Fighting Dreamers Ponys (music); YouTube; youtube.com; www.youtube.com; MLP:FIM; image; images; MLP; FIM; My Little Pony; Friendship is Magic; My Little Pony Friendship is Magic; FLp9Om3bkB0; FcVKQOVhggA; 7Ci0dzbK-08; API metadata; from YouTube; pony; ponies; mare; mares; little mare; little mares; little pony; little ponies; yOMkK4yBjQU; 25XT5-PMgD4; fan-made content; sdC8qp2VgIE; 6toqwz1CbCA; pC0Aarcv0uE; friend; friends; My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic; eh9hmQhZLOw; 3q1AzdtHtp8; A7Eu31OFps8; ThS0V3DRBSc; IPFS CID; sCeGssxp8CY; tJIKKkgBp6U; gQD3XWzy4jY; h_TpnbQTT84; fanmade content; JviALXzHjso; ys4dP6e4APE; gDIBZ_L8hcw; ej7SoOP0J6s; YBzAR78TX00; gAvJQCHtdhY; 0Pj6QA2rtiE; _IZj5qH5OtA; o_pDGXKLSac; 5QgZIHPEg9c; q0bdrxv3hVg; series; nky_mnxgqKQ; SfzDrzn8A6A; C9CRea5bJ6A; TV; cartoon; television series; QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT; IPFS; CAR; CAR file" --metadata="description:From YouTube channel ID UCtf1Swg27ze7bQgRRHV_QVQ<br><br>Split:<br>$ split --bytes=50M QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car.<br><br>Unsplit:<br>$ cat QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car.aa QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car.ab QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car.ac QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car.ad QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car.ae QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car.af QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car.ag QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car.ah > QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car<br><br>Import:<br>$ ipfs dag import --stats QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT.car<br><br>One unpacked video in this item - SonicHeroesGames_UCtf1Swg27ze7bQgRRHV_QVQ -><br>My_Little_Naruto_Opening_Fighting_Dreamers_Ponys_music-SonicHeroesGames-20130213-youtube-640x480-FcVKQOVhggA.apimeta.txt<br>My_Little_Naruto_Opening_Fighting_Dreamers_Ponys_music-SonicHeroesGames-20130213-youtube-640x480-FcVKQOVhggA.description<br>My_Little_Naruto_Opening_Fighting_Dreamers_Ponys_music-SonicHeroesGames-20130213-youtube-640x480-FcVKQOVhggA.info.json<br>My_Little_Naruto_Opening_Fighting_Dreamers_Ponys_music-SonicHeroesGames-20130213-youtube-640x480-FcVKQOVhggA.png<br>My_Little_Naruto_Opening_Fighting_Dreamers_Ponys_music-SonicHeroesGames-20130213-youtube-640x480-FcVKQOVhggA.webm" --metadata="mediatype:movies" --metadata="collection:opensource_movies"; utc
IA complained:
>Your upload of a2c2263a589c5baa8294dab0c5c110 from username appears to be spam. If you believe this is a mistake, contact [email protected] and include this entire message in your email.

That entire YouTube channel is now in archive.org. "ipfs add -rHw SonicHeroesGames_UCtf1Swg27ze7bQgRRHV_QVQ" -> /ipfs/QmNQ5RmtEmPkgHWyQDDAdh84QeepcEFcaw7HAqsrH5KfWT (offline, but the CAR file is in IA).

"We are fighting dreamers!"

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 15:00 [Preview] No.9784 del
Thought this was an original animation from that channel, only at the end I realized that he used rigging+assets from skilldraw. He still had to put some of it together and make some stuff. Thought the dub at the beginning of this vid was of interest.

Anon 03/08/2024 (Fri) 15:04 [Preview] No.9785 del
Or I don't know what I'm talking about (making assumptions)

Anon 03/09/2024 (Sat) 15:55 [Preview] No.9787 del
Another piece of a story... Cute unicorns picking flowers in the warm daylight which illuminates a nice or grassy nature area.

Comments can get disabled/deleted, for example, on this crappy video:

HTML BR tag renders in mobile version of endchan but not the normal version (magrathea vs. other).

Anon 03/09/2024 (Sat) 17:12 [Preview] No.9788 del

Anon 03/09/2024 (Sat) 17:36 [Preview] No.9789 del
Very incomplete copy. Thinking of getting a more complete copy of that YT channel, same with this guy's channel:

Anon 03/10/2024 (Sun) 02:14 [Preview] No.9790 del
Which is pgj1997_UCUKrfbTSZESWjrzydIT0mSg

Anon 03/10/2024 (Sun) 07:35 [Preview] No.9791 del
This year or in late 2023 I was reading a fanfic. The story had an interesting hook. What I remember of it: anon was at home, he drank a Big Gulp or something. Next he felt a burning pain all over his body. Then, he woke up in a junkyard (IIRC) and a unicorn said something like "Yes, I finally did the spell!" — Seemed interesting, it may have been a greentext. I quit reading when I saw grammar or spelling mistakes in the text, which annoys me. I somewhat wish I could find that fan fiction again. In this image of part of a physical book, you can see neither grammar nor spelling errors, instead some odd letters penned in by the printer or something. Didn't expect to see this when reading about friendship. (This = non-printed "non-font" letters in this photo which was captured ~months ago.)

Anon 03/10/2024 (Sun) 12:07 [Preview] No.9794 del
(980.55 KB 1362x1214 23005-html.png)
HPC, a computer which hosts part of the latest version of Ponibooru Restored, has a program uptime of 33 days and 10 hours. As it's been up for more than a month, if it was an Invidious instance in a domain name, it could be listed at redirect.invidious.io (likely with a ~low health indicator) from what I remember. The other part of Ponibooru Restored is hosted in a different computer: LPC. Best ipfs program uptime in LPC: 60 days, but since that's lower propagation computer, it doesn't really count. Month ago, in LPC with >60 days up, the data was on an HDD, so slowness from mechanical storage drive + lower propagation. About the quickest I can do is ramdisk in HPC, or SSD in HPC, but I maybe won't pay for that (so HDD in HPC in the future, I hope). If I stick 3GB into HPC (higher propagation computer), that data being only Ponibooru Restored webpages, then I can host it all in that one computer with 800 MB of free RAM. HPC, in regards to the current daemon PID: ipfs-total-in=124 GB and ipfs-total-out=140 GB; LPC, regarding the same thing: TotalIn=18 GB and TotalOut=4.1 GB. HPC PID = old-3-08:34:45 + current-30-02:45:40; LPC PID = old-19-10:51:10 + current-9-03:35:34.

Other idea: use JS to bit-identically regenerate those ponibooru.org webpages. So it would load the data common among the webpages all of the time plus the unique data per-ID. However, that's maybe slower than static pages in this case, and it would mean making new data/files instead of just working with the already-existing "old" files from the 2010s. Latest version of Ponibooru Restored = all static data, but it is reliant upon a centralize server which I don't control for the image files. However, the image files should also all be in BitTorrent, and I do control those torrents to a degree.

Could TPA host it? I'm thinking no, for https://theponyarchive.com/ would have to put all of the HTMLs into web root for it to work. Or, theponyarchive.com could host the server-side version, but that uses crap like PHP, SQL, and whatever else gross server-side software. Maybe I'll ask users in the TPA Discord (gross) to seed it. The HTML files = all 100% done, so the only changes go toward the JS in the folders which is used to change the webpages. Therefore, all of the HTMLs would be the same from update to update, so they would all have the same IPFS CIDs. Only changes: the small amount of non-HTML files in the folder(s). Pin updates via "ipfs pin update --unpin=false <older-CID> <newer-CID>".

HTML CIDs would change if I set it to raw blocks or if I modify the HTML files themselves. More likely to do the former (--raw-leaves or something) than the latter. The default thing results in about 3 GB on disk, maybe with raw leaves it could be a significantly smaller size. Other thing (maybe): physically rearrange stuff with LPC so it's not so slow. (Other thing I could do: there's ssh server and ssh client, and maybe I don't need both in a computer if I only ssh into it and never use it to ssh into other computers; or that doesn't matter, so just use key-based and not password-based auth.) Screenshot of https://bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu.ipfs2.eth.limo/23005.html

According to this -- https://web.archive.org/web/20240310075201/https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=history&type=tag_history&id=8272934 -- that video had "funny_comments". All gone now. Fuck rule34.xxx (booru.org).

Anon Board owner 03/11/2024 (Mon) 02:25 [Preview] No.9795 del
(119.33 KB 1071x828 3002768.jpeg)
This thread doesn't appear to bump after bump limit even saging, going to investigate a couple of options before starting a new one. I haven't gotten to read through here in a bit and will check better later.

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 02:45 [Preview] No.9797 del
>didn't search for this file: "medium-age" JSON
I don't really need that JSON because I guess the Browser can compute all of the percent encoding in href as long as it is enclosed in quotes. Only change I'd have to do is unescaping whatever is escaped in the rclone JSON, like "\\"->"\". Maybe there are some filenames with '"'. (Will "regenerate" the data instead of looking for older data, for now.) For ease of use: split and unsplit shimmie.js; the three parts would be before array, multi-megabyte array, and after array.


>bump limit being 500 regardless if posts are saged or not
I first saw that here: >>9777

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 03:01 [Preview] No.9798 del
WARC todo:
. www.canterlot.com
. (deeper)
. audiobooks.everypony.ru
. etc.

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 03:16 [Preview] No.9800 del
That's "Powered by Invision Community", so there isn't a myBB-like easy complete index of all of the threads/post/data as far as I can tell. There's this:
. https://www.canterlot.com/discover/
.. https://www.canterlot.com/discover/?&before=1708796831&latest=1707940129 - diff. 856,702
... https://www.canterlot.com/discover/?&before=1707940130&latest=1707564924 - diff. 375,206

>The Canterlot Gallery is a place where members can share original MLP related artwork that they themselves have created and follow the criteria below.
>...Examples of Prohibited Items:[moralfagging, no hosting, no "low quality"]

>General Discussion
>Chit Chat
>Entertainment and Geekery
>The place for non-pony discussions and current events.
>This is NOT the place for blog-like personal posts.
Blogs section: https://www.canterlot.com/blogs/

Didn't see a total post count on that site. Can't view topics by number:
. https://www.canterlot.com/topic/25247
. https://www.canterlot.com/topic/25247-maremont-street-overnights-open/

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 03:26 [Preview] No.9801 del
>https://www.canterlot.com/discover/?&before= {newest} &latest= {oldest}
Can step by 800,000:
https://www.canterlot.com/discover/?&before=1707140130&latest=1706340130 - shows older posts
https://www.canterlot.com/discover/?&before=1706340130&latest=1705540130 - shows even older posts

but the problem is that it also shows all of the newest posts for all of those links. "?&before=" -> "?before=" makes no difference.

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 03:35 [Preview] No.9802 del
(432.21 KB 1366x768 LunaArmy.png)
Longstanding /endpone/ terminology. PoLS = Proof of Life Shitpost (Or Proof of Life Seapony). It means what it says, yes X anon is still alive/around.

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 03:37 [Preview] No.9803 del
Only shows as far back as 2023-03

Trying to resume a grab:
>At the moment I am able to resume crawls using:
>wpull3 --warc-file=<warc file> --mirror-r -np --page-requisites --no-check-certificate --no-robots --database wpull.db -o wpull.log http://example.com/
>I had some success with
>criu dump --tcp-established --shell-job --ghost-limit 20000000 -t PID
>criu restore --tcp-established --shell-job
>(in a tmux) again, but unfortunately grab-site processes crash about 50% of the time on restore with:...
ivan said:
>As root, I managed to dump and restore a grab-site process on Ubuntu 15.10 with
>apt-get install criu
>mkdir -p /root/criu-dump-gs-1
>cd /root/criu-dump-gs-1
>criu dump --shell-job --tcp-established -t GRAB-SITE-PID
>criu restore --shell-job --tcp-established

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 03:41 [Preview] No.9804 del
I understand. I haven't lurked much here. Was too busy lurking in older webpages, haha.

For grab-site to really work for me, I either gotta get it to work in LPC or use this criu method. Or purchase better technology (nope for now). Will try using criu.

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 04:41 [Preview] No.9805 del
(47.23 KB 1366x722 nigger.png)
Showed errors:
># criu dump --shell-job --tcp-established -t 27184
>Error (criu/file-lock.c:110): Some file locks are hold by dumping tasks! You can try --file-locks to dump them.
>Error (criu/cr-dump.c:1781): Dumping FAILED.
># # where PID 27184 = "/home/ubuntu/gs-venv/bin/python /home/ubuntu/gs-venv/bin/grab-site https://www.canterlot.com/"

Showed zero errors, but it killed the grab-site process:
># criu dump --shell-job --tcp-established --file-locks -t 27184
># # made a 56-MB dump (find PID by "ps aux | grep grab-site | tail -n2")

Restoration failed (moved to "/z9/warc/012/criu/new2/"):
># criu restore --shell-job --tcp-established
>Error (criu/cr-restore.c:1480): 27184 killed by signal 11: Segmentation fault
>Error (criu/cr-restore.c:2447): Restoring FAILED.
># # so try without --file-locks and maybe it somehow still works?
># # same "Dumping FAILED" error with "sudo criu dump --shell-job --tcp-established -t 29094"
># # will see if it can somehow be restored

Tested on this OS version:
>$ lsb_release -a
>Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
>Release: 22.04
>Codename: jammy

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 04:45 [Preview] No.9806 del
www.canterlot.com is not part of the open Internet, so if that forums website dies to Discord this year, then archivists aren't really to blame when the majority of that website turns up missing.

Worked for a while:
>2024-03-10 22:08:37,218 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/8337-carrot-curls-coffee-book/’: 200 OK. Length: 57206 [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2024-03-10 22:08:59,583 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/8326-flower-ponies/’: 200 OK. Length: 53502 [text/html;charset=UTF-8].
>2024-03-10 22:12:06,306 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/6739-omnomnom/’: 200 OK. Length: 90578 [text/html;charset=UTF-8].

>2024-03-10 22:12:06,775 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/4078-cheerilee-socks/’: 405 Not Allowed. Length: 2139 [text/html; charset=UTF-8].
>2024-03-10 22:21:52,481 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.canterlot.com/topic/24557-castspike-the-boldready/’: 405 Not Allowed. Length: 2139 [text/html; charset=UTF-8].
>2024-03-10 22:22:33,460 - wpull.processor.web - INFO - Fetched ‘https://www.canterlot.com/topic/23006-star-wars-rogue-one-spoilers/’: 405 Not Allowed. Length: 2139 [text/html; charset=UTF-8].

Image from web.archive.org/www.canterlot.com... "gallery/image/8326-flower-ponies" >>9787

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 04:47 [Preview] No.9807 del
Maybe if I set a --delay setting in grab-site then I wouldn't get blocked. I would probably get blocked anyways. Even if it did work, it would take way too long with delay on.

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 07:23 [Preview] No.9810 del
(241.81 KB 424x600 test.png)
>That's "Powered by Invision Community", so there isn't a myBB-like easy complete index of all of the threads/post/data as far as I can tell. There's this:
>Didn't see a total post count on that site. Can't view topics by number:
With forums like that, I am impressed when I see activity that is even semi-regular nowadays. The software they use does seem to be a bit of a tough cookie to crack...

>Maybe if I set a --delay setting in grab-site then I wouldn't get blocked. I would probably get blocked anyways. Even if it did work, it would take way too long with delay on.
I wouldn't rule out delay entirely. Now, I don't know how big the site is, but let's say it is 100 GB (uncertain if conservative or liberal estimate). Calculate delay spped/bandwidth against whatever "too long" might be.

>I understand. I haven't lurked much here. Was too busy lurking in older webpages, haha.
Understandably so,
*looks at thread and the one and sometimes two man army saving terabytes of files.
Honestly, I am surprised you have time for much else, even with automated processes!

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 09:16 [Preview] No.9812 del
Another method would be something like what ArchiveTeam does. Somehow make a tracker or something to determine which URLs are 4xx and which are good (redirect or HTTP 200). wpull.log shows HTTP statuses. I didn't see HTTP statuses in grab-site cdx but I did see it in wget/wpull cdx. Will have to wait hours or days for the anti-crawl verification thing to go away on that site for me. Or just solve that crap. At least I know that that site does that.

Next problem would be getting the outlinks of every non-blocked webpage download. Ideally a website would not block a grab at all, that way the program could run for days and get everything without duplicates (then the problem is after-grab additions to the website). With each program termination there's consideration about what was or wasn't downloaded and of what was download, did you get all of the outlinks?

100 GB for that site seems around correct; I guess that it's smaller.

From, partly in this folder:


"My Little Pony Season 5 Episode 26-720p.mp4" for 1 day:

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 09:39 [Preview] No.9813 del
Working on a website per-URL is a pain enough. That would require per-URL and per-status.

>My Little Pony Season 5 Episode 26-720p.mp4
I didn't notice this before: in that episode of FIM, young Rainbow Dash said "Aww, man!". Alternate timeline where a brony went to Equestria? Likely from PonyTube, the SHA1 hash of that file is 5897f4acb62cfcd6527549d0acfc79bcadfb3841 . BTW, I have LPC checking this number for PrimeNet:
. https://www.mersenne.org/M76804397
.. https://www.mersenne.org/report_exponent/?exp_lo=76804397&full=1
. https://www.mersenne.ca/exponent/76804397 = 2^{76804397}-1 (LaTeX)

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 10:25 [Preview] No.9814 del
Note to self: it's in milliseconds, dummy! So don't use
>$ grab-site --concurrency=1 --delay=5-10 https://www.canterlot.com/ 1>4log1.txt 2>4log2.txt # random wait between 5 and 10 ms
>$ grab-site --concurrency=1 --delay=5 https://www.canterlot.com/ 1>5log1.txt 2>5log2.txt # wait for 5 ms
>$ grab-site --concurrency 1 --delay 5 https://www.canterlot.com/ 1>6log1.txt 2>6log2.txt # wait for 5 ms between requests

I went with a colossal wait time of between 5 and 10 seconds:
>$ grab-site --concurrency 1 --delay 5000-10000 https://www.canterlot.com/ 1>7log1.txt 2>7log2.txt
I'm almost certain that my computer will crash before it finishes.

>Calculate delay spped/bandwidth against whatever "too long" might be.
good idea

Some URLs from canterlot.com, not in WBM before today:

Running file "mprime" (64-bit Linux binary) in GNU screen - it said:
>19. Help/About PrimeNet Server...Worker starting...Setting affinity to run worker on CPU core #1 [and #2, 4 cores total]
>[Worker Mar 11 00:55] Running Jacobi error check. Passed. Time: 73.350 sec.
>[Worker Mar 11 00:56] Resuming primality test of M76804397 using FFT length 4M, Pass1=1K, Pass2=4K, clm=4, 2 threads
>[Worker Mar 11 00:56] Iteration: 4994 / 76804397 (0.00%).
>[Worker Mar 11 01:00] Iteration: 10000 / 76804397 (0.01%), ms/iter: 47.667, ETA: 42d 08:48
>[Worker Mar 11 03:41] Iteration: 210000 / 76804397 (0.27%), ms/iter: 47.566, ETA: 42d 04:01
Talk about long-running processes... https://www.mersenne.org/why_join/

Anon 03/11/2024 (Mon) 11:20 [Preview] No.9815 del
2012 video not in TPA - "Pinkie Pie Paranoid" ("Paranoid" by Black Sabbath, small channel with 63 videos):

That folder includes this MLP shitpost video - l73UfKJWLNU - from this channel:

Anon 03/12/2024 (Tue) 04:28 [Preview] No.9816 del
Not blocked yet:
start -> 2024-03-11T10:11:57.051663083Z
now ---> 2024-03-12T03:36:41.353799992Z
unix1 -> 1710151917 ("stat --format=%Y ./www.canterlot.com-2024-03-11-9b3a5a01/id" and normal stat says 2024-03-11 10:11:57.553640017 +0000)
unix2 -> 1710215173 ("stat --format=%Y ./www.canterlot.com-2024-03-11-9b3a5a01/wpull.log" and normal stat says 2024-03-12 03:46:03.762802180 +0000)
size --> 237 MB /z9/warc/012/www.canterlot.com-2024-03-11-9b3a5a01
200x3 -> https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/8158-yama-san-from-the-mountains/ + https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/album/1167-ondrea + https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/8380-rainpng/ (all recent)
est. --> 100 GB final size (with may image files, it could be 200 GB)
ran ---> 63,256 seconds (1710215173 - 1710151917)
down --> 3.747 KB/s (237/63256)
left --> roughly 99 GB (99,000,000 KB)
eta ---> roughly 26,421,137 seconds or 306 days (99000000/3.747 and 26421137/60/60/24)
notes -> The delay file can be change to contain "3000" (or whatever number) while grab-site is still running and it will then have that delay instead. Doing that seems to result in no problems. grab-site option of interest = --permanent-error-status-codes STATUS_CODES = "A comma-separated list of HTTP status codes to treat as a permanent error and therefore *not* retry (default: 401,403,404,405,410)". The wpull.db file can be opened by running "sqlite3 -column -header -csv 'wpull.db'"; then view tables by running ".tables"; then view rows by running "select * from tablename;". What's the fate of this grab? "Probably" my computer will crash/reboot then I won't return to it, so I'll just get a small portion of that site which requires a delay between requests. Or, I could keep working on it in various ways. A dealy of 5000ms-10000ms will take 306 or 612 days; let's say it will take about a year. A delay of 5000ms will maybe take "only" 150 days to download all of that website. I wish that grab-site was more fault-tolerant. Apparently Common Crawl has a lot of www.canterlot.com, but it doesn't have content.invisioncic.com outlinks and recent data.

Anyone rsync millions of files? It was a drag that bash deleted my paused job that was doing that:
>$ utc; rsync -a --info=progress2 /d1/path1/ /d2/path1/; utc # ~2,072,198 items
>[...]479,775,578,488 29% 3.84MB/s 33:05:03 (xfr#1195512, to-chk=849846/2072198)^Z
>[1]+ Stopped rsync -a [...]
>$ ./qbittorrent-4.6.0_x86_64.AppImage & disown
>[2] 69975
>bash: warning: deleting stopped job 1 with process group 2332
>$ jobs -l
>[2]+ 69975 Running ./qbittorrent-4.6.0_x86_64.AppImage &
>$ # Didn't disown it because that stopped rsync command got deleted.

Image/Title which likely references "Blinded By The Light" ( https://iv.nboeck.de/watch?v=Rpq35wyDi7I ) from
> https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/8372-blinded-by-the-twilight/
>> https://content.invisioncic.com/r257793/monthly_2021_04/large.1100033403_BlindedbyTheTwilight.jpg.e0342277d807062e125626fae0cba3ab.jpg

Anon 03/12/2024 (Tue) 04:34 [Preview] No.9817 del
That channel is 3.5 GB. Video related from

>qbittorrent AppImage
Will maybe only run that when I am awake, for reasons.

Anon 03/12/2024 (Tue) 09:38 [Preview] No.9818 del
(552.88 KB 1362x1783 94918-html.png)
Here's a set of those - all ponibooru.org filenames with one or more double quotes ("):

>Ponibooru-All-Safe/94918 - smoking Naruto CherryTwist yaoi sasuke_uchiha Shut_up_Spitfire deidara cherry Sasori cocaine oc cigarette artist:nabbiekitty inb4_"HURR_DURR_NARUTO_SUX!!" ib4_'LUL_SASUKE_IZ_EMO_PONI'.png

Anon 03/12/2024 (Tue) 12:31 [Preview] No.9820 del
Since the text below in this post concerns itself with a similar phenomenon, I will explain the situation yet again.
>such interesting things [sarcasm] as how his scraper found that one source had a URL in lowercase and another source had the same URL with capital letters.
He is referring to that time that I explained how some of the data in https://poneb.in/ is invalid. Well, basically all of the data in poneb.in is invalid due to the website owner modifying newlines and deleting certain whitespace, but that's a different story (and I guess all of the source pastebin.com data/archives that poneb.in is based on is available). The malformed data that I pointed out was this: a likely small amount of paste IDs in poneb.in are invalid due to case sensitivity or insensitivity; I suspect that this has to do with a mechanism in web.archive.org >>9613. Two considerations here:
(1.) Caring about web data being a faithful copy of the source and pointing out when it isn't - this is related to "archive-quality" data purity and the dialectic of WARCs vs. raws.
(2.) Caring about what some random anon thinks is "interesting" or "annoying".

Obviously, I am going to value the 1st point over the 2nd one. So, on with what I was going to point out. Looks like iwiftp.yerf.org has a Windows-friendly-filenames copy of some/all ponibooru.org torrents. Examples:
>Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7177 - pinkie_pie %22original%22_character brundle rainbow_dash.jpg
>Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7177 - pinkie_pie "original"_character brundle rainbow_dash.jpg
the torrent only has the non-Windows-friendly-filename
>Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7643 - %22original%22_character ms_paint funny_to_me skywind weanus alpine_horn comic MetaSue.PNG
>Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7643 - "original"_character ms_paint funny_to_me skywind weanus alpine_horn comic MetaSue.PNG
>Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7641 - artist:wasd999 original_character.jpg
>Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7641 - artist_wasd999 original_character.jpg
related to >>9754
>Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7642 - artist:wasd999 gun.jpg
>Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7642 - artist_wasd999 gun.jpg

URLs look like this for duplicate images where one has a more friendly filename:
. https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7177%20-%20pinkie_pie%20%22original%22_character%20brundle%20rainbow_dash.jpg
. https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7177%20-%20pinkie_pie%20%2522original%2522_character%20brundle%20rainbow_dash.jpg

Those are two different files on that server, and web.archive.org falsely sees them as the same file. ウェブ魚拓 correctly sees them as two different files:
. https://megalodon.jp/2024-0312-2108-56/https://iwiftp.yerf.org:443/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7177%20-%20pinkie_pie%20%22original%22_character%20brundle%20rainbow_dash.jpg
. https://megalodon.jp/2024-0312-2108-30/https://iwiftp.yerf.org:443/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Unrated/7177%20-%20pinkie_pie%20%2522original%2522_character%20brundle%20rainbow_dash.jpg
. (archive.ph also doesn't mess up the percent encoding, and rclone and .warc download should get it right too.)

Other than being somewhat interesting to me, it is useful to know this. A reason: if you rclone those folders from that HTTP website, then you won't get a 1:1 copy of those torrents. Not only will some files be renamed, you will get extra files, which are MSWin-friendly files.

Anon 03/12/2024 (Tue) 12:45 [Preview] No.9821 del
>that referenced file which has the text "I weave my own baskets"
LOL. Some people may call me a "spider expert" or say that this is "having a degree in basket weaving". I vehemently disagree and say that we should settle this disagreement with a time-honored tradition. Let's tie our wrists together and engage in a knife fight.

Anon 03/12/2024 (Tue) 18:20 [Preview] No.9822 del
www.canterlot.com grab ended due to an unwanted reboot. Will have to use wpull or something if I want to keep trying at it. criu couldn't dump and couldn't restore that grab-site PID:
># criu restore --shell-job --tcp-established
>Error (criu/protobuf.c:72): Unexpected EOF on (empty-image)
># # ran that command in a folder with files core-29094.img core-29097.img ... tcp-stream-3e038.img tty-info.img
(By the way, helpful command in tty: '$ read -ei "$(command_here)" && $REPLY'.)

>Ponified Naruto Opening 4 GO!!
Some of the subtitles differ from the original OP, such as
>Let's go on a bucking spree and get the fire!
(intentional). This differs from some/all translations:
>A colorful crow came along, stole the map, and tore it up
ep.78 in this
says "international crow" in a difficult-to-read font (see the YT copy of the first part of that video)

>Naruto sucks
I found that anime series to be less boring than "One Piece" (another anime). There's some interesting ideas and stories in "Naruto".

Anon Board owner 03/13/2024 (Wed) 04:59 [Preview] No.9824 del
(1.50 MB 3072x4096 3122469.jpeg)
Let's see if I can work some BO magic here...

Anon Board owner 03/13/2024 (Wed) 05:23 [Preview] No.9825 del
Nope, I can't! I thought I had found a cheat by setting the bump limit to higher in the settings here, but I guess whatever venerable is fixed at the time of thread creation. My plan was to set the reply limit from the default 500 to higher temporary to bump this thread and keep it on the front page. So there goes that plan...

Back to the drawing board. Permanently raising the bump limit past 500 would mess with the flow of the board but this thread has gone so fast and if such a speed keeps up it would be honestly better if it could be prolonged. I might just pin /go/ to the front page or something.

>"Probably" my computer will crash/reboot then I won't return to it, so I'll just get a small portion of that site which requires a delay between requests.
I think this is probably more reasonable than...

>Or, I could keep working on it in various ways. A dealy of 5000ms-10000ms will take 306 or 612 days; let's say it will take about a year. A delay of 5000ms will maybe take "only" 150 days to download all of that website. I wish that grab-site was more fault-tolerant.
...this. I have crawled sites before but wget and various delays. Albeit, usually text heavy or otherwise small. Still, good thing to consider when weighing options.

> https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/8372-blinded-by-the-twilight/
Wow, that is very late to see custom artwork still being posted to a forum like this.

>He is referring to that time that I explained how some of the data in https://poneb.in/ is invalid.
Interesting post. This is one of those things that shows me there is a lot on this thread that I need to catch up/reread to understand, lol! Lots of snippets of context and such.

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 06:17 [Preview] No.9826 del
What was done in a previous version of Ponibooru Restored: .json -> .js -> JSON.parse. This probably wastes too much memory or CPU seconds. Better (now used): .js -> array. Due to some issues, I gotta regenerate the array. This should be everything to make large diverse text work in JS-friendly strings to be set into HTML TAG ATTR="$string":
. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/First_steps/Strings and https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Lexical_grammar#escape_sequences
.. didn't know about Bash-like concatenation with "backtick" strings
.. from that rclone directory listing, the only escape in JSON is \[something] I think, so look for that. Then look for text which might be seen as escape in JS or doesn't work in src="" or href="". Can be done no-problem to a copy of pony-art-image_archives-ponibooru.org.json: (vim):%s/\\"/"/g

Will do minimal encoding since this works:
>a href="https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmdZhsPE4ZweMSqiVGLDPHc2FoVtiq9bPhhmY4tLMxFf1a?filename=test scootachan ponychan scootaloo.png">test1</a>

Gotta encode " in filenames:
>a href="https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmTUD71Z2GkvbJJ9rgKNsFwNZVR8NKE8iU5WerpiRt8sYF?filename=a %22test%22 fnameis_pinkie and aj oat - trashman.jpg">test2</a>

Test in:
. https://htmledit.squarefree.com/
.. website is down, so use https://web.archive.org/web/20240308001000if_/https://htmledit.squarefree.com/

Some users care about webpage size. In case that matters, this thread is 1.86 megabytes:
>$ curl -sL https://endchan.org/pone/res/9086.html | wc --bytes
>$ # 1,859,170

>He is referring to that time that I...
In case anyone didn't know: I was replying to a post in a different MLP-related website (post number 40 million something), not a post ITT. And https://poneb.in/ has pony pastes from pastebin.com - part of when pastebin.com decided to automatically mass delete or make many pastes unavailable. One of the big things I don't like about poneb.in: start-of-line whitespace characters were removed.

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 06:22 [Preview] No.9828 del
Test. Another Ponychan banner. <a href

>[js:alert() window]
>endchan.org says
>Internal server error. Our system detected your message as spam, please reword it and try again

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 06:25 [Preview] No.9829 del
Test. Another Ponychan banner.
. Can post this: <a href
. Cannot post this: "< a href=" with no space right after "<"

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 06:36 [Preview] No.9830 del
Also must encode backslashes in filenames, because some browsers convert \ to / - try
>a href="https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Questionable/152584 - fluffy_pony_death greentext foal_talk 4chan fluffy_pony_abuse fluffy_pony gore fluffy_pony_story death \mlp\.png">test1</a>
>a href="https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Questionable/152584 - fluffy_pony_death greentext foal_talk 4chan fluffy_pony_abuse fluffy_pony gore fluffy_pony_story death %5cmlp%5c.png">test1</a>

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 07:15 [Preview] No.9832 del
Don't have to encode \ or " because it's already escaped in the JSON/array and is delivered by JS-string->HTML->img-src. Would need to be percent-encoded if it was directly written in HTML->img-src. Well, that's half true, it handles " but does not handle \ correctly (so encode to %5c). What does need to be escaped in the JSON that isn't already is % -> %25 such as
>Ponibooru-All-Explicit/124182 - blowjob now_with_20%:more_wings askr34rainbowdash clop rainbow_dash penis big_macintosh porn.png
Nice thing about getting a blowjob from a mare: their snouts should be long enough that you can put your entire erection into her.
>Ponibooru-All-Explicit/56967 - submissive flutterslave cute_porn S\u0026M artist:buttercupsaiyan fluttershy domination need_to_fap_now nudity.jpg
Haha, someone tagged the other image as "need_to_fap_now". \u0026 in JS string decodes to & in href/src

Anon Board owner 03/13/2024 (Wed) 07:36 [Preview] No.9833 del
Noted. Surprisingly I have never encountered this before in all my years of using this website.

>In case anyone didn't know: I was replying to a post in a different MLP-related website
Roger and thanks for explanation, even if I was going to dig through myself at a later date.

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 08:31 [Preview] No.9838 del
Also need to do this: # -> %23 (for picrel "164000 - fluffy_pony fluffy_pony_imitates_tv greentext#1243496.png" which contains a "Silence of the Lambs" reference I guess). Sometimes with web stuff, you are stuck with having to use paths which could have some no-so-great text characters in it, then you gotta deal with encoding and escaping. Neat thing about IPFS over HTTP: you can use paths AND you should be able to access each file or folder by only alphanumeric characters (Base58 Qm... or Base32 baf...).

So I think that covers all of the text. Needed for \ # % in filenames (what about "?"?). Now all remote paths should actually work. Automatically checking if files exist:
$ grep -vi "^Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack" /z9/put/pony-art-image_archives-ponibooru.org.2.txt \
| xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do stat --format=%Y "$(urlencode -d "$args")" 1>/dev/null ||\
 echo "$args"; done'
images sorta related

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 10:24 [Preview] No.9839 del
>Wow, that is very late [2021] to see custom artwork still being posted to a forum like this.
I didn't see that image in 'erpibooru.

Further along in checking files:
$ grep -vi "^Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack" /z9/put/pony-art-image_archives-ponibooru.org.2.txt | tail -n+88509 | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do stat --format=%Y "$(urlencode -d "$args" | perl -pE "s/\x5cu0026/&/g")" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null || echo "$args"; done' _
Not found:
>Ponibooru-All-Safe/198481 - derpy derpy derpy derpy derpy derpy blindbag.jpg

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 10:41 [Preview] No.9840 del
>was a drag that Bash deleted my paused job that was doing that:
It doesn't normally/usually delete stopped jobs. More "old images", incl. ye olde nyxfag

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 11:29 [Preview] No.9841 del
>Ponibooru-All-Safe/198481 - derpy derpy derpy derpy derpy derpy blindbag.jpg
IDK why that file disappeared off of that website. What it looked like in 2024-03-02 07:19:43 UTC:
. {"Path":"Ponibooru-Select-Safe/198481 - derpy derpy derpy derpy derpy derpy blindbag.jpg"[...]"Size":71004,"MimeType":"image/jpeg","ModTime":"2021-03-21T22:42:31Z","IsDir":false},
.. 404 https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-Select-Safe/198481%20-%20derpy%20derpy%20derpy%20derpy%20derpy%20derpy%20blindbag.jpg
. {"Path":"Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/190001-199640/198481 - derpy derpyˇderpyˇderpyˇderpyˇderpy blindbag.jpg"[...]"Size":71004,"MimeType":"image/jpeg","ModTime":"2012-07-26T22:10:16Z","IsDir":false},
.. 200 https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/190001-199640/198481%20-%20derpy%20derpy%CB%87derpy%CB%87derpy%CB%87derpy%CB%87derpy%20blindbag.jpg
. {"Path":"Ponibooru-All-Safe/198481 - derpy derpy derpy derpy derpy derpy blindbag.jpg"[...]"Size":71004,"MimeType":"image/jpeg","ModTime":"2021-03-21T07:42:29Z","IsDir":false},
.. 404 https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe/198481%20-%20derpy%20derpy%20derpy%20derpy%20derpy%20derpy%20blindbag.jpg

Also missing (JSON from 2024-03-02 07:19:43):
>Ponibooru-All-Safe/98797 - double_rainbow_dash rainbow_dash 3d Rainbow_Dash Rainbow_Dash fix stereoscopic double_rainbow.png
. {"Path":"Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/90001-100000/98797 - double_rainbow_dash rainbow_dash 3d Rainbow_DashˇRainbow_Dash fix stereoscopic double_rainbow.png"[...]"Size":105757,"MimeType":"image/png","ModTime":"2012-07-27T00:04:12Z","IsDir":false},
.. 200 https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/90001-100000/98797%20-%20double_rainbow_dash%20rainbow_dash%203d%20Rainbow_Dash%CB%87Rainbow_Dash%20fix%20stereoscopic%20double_rainbow.png
. {"Path":"Ponibooru-All-Safe/98797 - double_rainbow_dash rainbow_dash 3d Rainbow_Dash Rainbow_Dash fix stereoscopic double_rainbow.png"[...]"Size":105757,"MimeType":"image/png","ModTime":"2021-03-22T09:08:16Z","IsDir":false},
.. 404 https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe/98797%20-%20double_rainbow_dash%20rainbow_dash%203d%20Rainbow_Dash%20Rainbow_Dash%20fix%20stereoscopic%20double_rainbow.png

And (JSON mtime=2024-03-02 07:19:43):
>Ponibooru-All-Safe/98803 - duh the_fun_has_been_doubled fix pinkie_pie double_rainbow rainbow_dash Well 3d stereoscopic double_rainbow_dash Rainbow_Dash Rainbow_Dash luna.png
. {"Path":"Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/90001-100000/98803 - duh the_fun_has_been_doubled fix pinkie_pie double_rainbow rainbow_dash Well 3d stereoscopic double_rainbow_dash Rainbow_DashˇRainbow_Dash luna.png"[...]"Size":700510,"MimeType":"image/png","ModTime":"2012-07-27T06:14:48Z","IsDir":false},
.. 200 https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/90001-100000/98803%20-%20duh%20the_fun_has_been_doubled%20fix%20pinkie_pie%20double_rainbow%20rainbow_dash%20Well%203d%20stereoscopic%20double_rainbow_dash%20Rainbow_Dash%CB%87Rainbow_Dash%20luna.png
. {"Path":"Ponibooru-All-Safe/98803 - duh the_fun_has_been_doubled fix pinkie_pie double_rainbow rainbow_dash Well 3d stereoscopic double_rainbow_dash Rainbow_Dash Rainbow_Dash luna.png"[...]"Size":700510,"MimeType":"image/png","ModTime":"2021-03-22T09:31:09Z","IsDir":false},
.. 404 https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe/98803%20-%20duh%20the_fun_has_been_doubled%20fix%20pinkie_pie%20double_rainbow%20rainbow_dash%20Well%203d%20stereoscopic%20double_rainbow_dash%20Rainbow_Dash%20Rainbow_Dash%20luna.png


Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 11:31 [Preview] No.9842 del
UPDATE. Weird! Some ponibooru.org filenames have control characters like 0xc2a0. Hard to catch, but they're there:
$ stat --format=%n 198481\ -*
198481 - derpy derpy derpy derpy derpy derpy blindbag.jpg
$ stat --format=%n 198481\ -* | cat -v
198481 - derpy derpyM-BM- derpyM-BM- derpyM-BM- derpyM-BM- derpy blindbag.jpg
$ stat --format=%n 198481\ -* | xxd
00000000: 3139 3834 3831 202d 2064 6572 7079 2064  198481 - derpy d
00000010: 6572 7079 c2a0 6465 7270 79c2 a064 6572  erpy..derpy..der
00000020: 7079 c2a0 6465 7270 79c2 a064 6572 7079  py..derpy..derpy
00000030: 2062 6c69 6e64 6261 672e 6a70 670a        blindbag.jpg.
These bytes are correctly captures in the rclone JSON, but Bash/QTerminal/echo just deletes them.

So those files weren't deleted off of that site, they are just hard to reach. 2/2

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 11:41 [Preview] No.9843 del

Anon 03/13/2024 (Wed) 14:46 [Preview] No.9846 del
>Noted. Surprisingly I have never encountered this before in all my years of using this website.
I know you mean noted for can="<a href" and can't="< a href=", but for a second I thought you meant that you didn't see those banners in Ponychan ever before. Maybe I can't post "< script >".

Here's a folder which includes those 3 Ponibooru files:

In part, this should act as a reminder that control characters or certain non-printing characters in filenames can throw a wrench into projects.

Sweetie Belle upskirt

ponybro 03/13/2024 (Wed) 18:54 [Preview] No.9847 del
Sorry for dragging my feet on sharing my ponychan.net stuff. My internet upload speed is garbage, it's taken a while to get all the images uploaded. The .zip for /chat/ is over 6 GB and the upload is always interrupted at some point. Also /fan/ apparently failed too and I didn't notice until now, but it's only 300 MB so it should finish reuploading soon.

I've also been given a dump of the original 8chan boards /pone/ and /mlp/, by the creator of Hayden. He's started a public archive at https://ultra.gondola.pics/ of 4chan and he plans to add every dumped 8chan board to it. He isn't going to host images but said he'll figure out how to get the ones for the pony boards sometime.
https://thereisnosanity.com/mlp.json -- 141 posts
https://thereisnosanity.com/pone.json -- ~31,000 posts

Anon Board owner 03/14/2024 (Thu) 05:05 [Preview] No.9850 del
(6.01 MB 1280x853 InterestingStyle.gif)
Wow, impressed. No apologies on dragging your feet at all, especially considering some of us around. With the exception of archivist lately, most contributors to /go/ seem to have some issue IRL or with the internet or something.

>He isn't going to host images but said he'll figure out how to get the ones for the pony boards sometime.
Taking about ponychan images or /pone/? If the latter I'd be impressed.

Also, know anything on the status of /flutter/? I wonder if that was dumped.

In any case, thank you!

Ponibooru.org was very weird and very broken. I suspect someone probably broke something at some point or file corruption might be the cause of that.

Anon 03/14/2024 (Thu) 06:50 [Preview] No.9852 del
Folder which includes the thing I used to test some links:
(also references the CID for "Gingerbread Man" by The Residents >>9742)

>Ponybro.org's archive of Ponychan.net. Started scraping on February 21st, 2023 with Hayden, continued until the end. This isn't a fully comprehensive archive -- the scraper wasn't run 24/7.

>The .zip for /chat/ is over 6 GB and the upload is always interrupted at some point.
I see that that .zip for /chat/ isn't in here - https://archive.org/download/ponychan_archive_ponybro - so share it with https://send.cm/ or something. Or, upload to archive.org by doing this:
. IA doesn't allow multi-part ZIP files, but you can do this:
.. get 7z to make a multipart ZIP, then compress each part with Zstandard OR whatever: "7z a [text to make a multipart zip]", "zstd chat.zip.001", "zstd chat.zip.002", ..., then upload each Zstandard-compressed part file
... IIRC, it's "7z a -v500m multi.zip folder"
. make a multi-part CAR file >>9783
.. "ipfs add -w chat.zip" (or "ipfs add -wrH chat/"), "ipfs dag export Qm... > Qm....car", "split --bytes=500M Qm....car Qm....car.", then upload each part
. make a .torrent file of chat.zip then add it to that IA item
.. seed it until IA downloads it all
.. I don't really recommend this method because it could still fail to upload it to IA

I thought that chat.zip might be in - but that https://ponybro.org/ website isn't loading:
>ponybro.org||:443... connected.
>HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 504 Gateway Time-out [http://ponybro.org/ = ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE]

Anon 03/14/2024 (Thu) 07:13 [Preview] No.9853 del
(Blocked due to containing HTML tags, so see https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipfs/QmaQxtc7V9JUmeyDS4zmjMbmKSXop2CYat28VtCNwJauhH?filename=testlink.txt instead.) Reminds me, >>9846
>Maybe I can't post "< script >".
Test <script>

Anon 03/14/2024 (Thu) 09:21 [Preview] No.9854 del
I randomly watched this video - https://web.archive.org/web/20240314084453/https://invidious.perennialte.ch/watch?v=Hh5hRZp6Jq4 - it and the YT comments on it are somewhat interesting. It's about gatekeeping and online communities and stuff. I am neither obsessed with nor have extensive knowledge on Jap shit. I have watched multiple animes, fapped to lolicon hentai in the 2010s, read like a hundred pages of the Azumanga Daioh manga, etc. (IIRC I read all of the Uzumaki "spirals" manga.) My point is that I cannot speak knowledgeably on that subculture. People say that 4chan /a/ jannies are assholes, and in my experience, that is the case. However, in context it does make some sense. Anime/manga has been mainstream for years and with so many Twitter/Reddit-tier users flocking to a large fast board like /a/, then users and mods gotta tell them to politely shut up or something. In my entire life I maybe made like 5 or 10 posts to /a/, so I don't know much. I made hundreds of posts to /mlp/ over the years.

This dialectic plays out in various online communities, like when MLP was popular in the 2010s. Part of gatekeeping is "a bunch of users - and where are they and what are they saying". Gatekeeping doesn't really apply to small online communities, I think.

So you were downloading that site from 2023-02 until the end. I think that was a small site at that range of time, but still, did posts of threads get bumped off or expire of old age? I am not sure how that worked, or the 2023 threads became archived in another part of the same part of Ponychan?

Anon 03/14/2024 (Thu) 09:27 [Preview] No.9855 del
*or the 2023 threads became archived/read-only in another part of or the same part of Ponychan? [pfp from that video's comments]

Anon 03/14/2024 (Thu) 11:36 [Preview] No.9856 del
Others not found: files in "./Ponibooru-All-Unrated/" due to the whole "artist:tag" and "artist_tag" filenames thing.

I improved the "get links" userscript and am now downloading select videos from that channel. Todo: update yt-dlp (was seeing "Unable to download API page: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request" and stuff from it). Older video from

Anon 03/14/2024 (Thu) 17:02 [Preview] No.9857 del
>My internet upload speed is garbage
What's your upload speed? Mine's nothing to brag about. Something I noticed - I recently uploaded something via "A command line interface to Archive.org. [ https://archive.org/services/docs/api/internetarchive/cli.html ]":
. 2024-03-14 16:05:54 GMT - upload finished (at ...16:05:54.457325619)
.. uploaded by ia version 3.5.0
. 2024-03-14 16:08:33 GMT https://archive.org/details/... = HTTP 404 Not Found
. 2024-03-14 16:08:42 GMT https://archive.org/download/... = HTTP 404 Not Found
. 2024-03-14 16:08:47 GMT https://archive.org/details/... = HTTP 200 OK

So it took about 3 minutes after upload done for the archive.org/details/ webpage to show up. With IPFS, I can get a new DAG to show up in a gateway in 10 seconds flat.

Anon 03/15/2024 (Fri) 04:03 [Preview] No.9858 del
It can be retarded when you force "purity of culture" too much. Stagnates invocation and new things being added to the culture. I do understand why you would want to have some gatekeeping from the standpoint of keeping people from changing said culture in a negative way (i.e, Twitter and Reddit). I actually like what the OP says here on the topic:>>5559
>This board is not /mlp/, 8/pone, /mlpol/ or Ponychan. Not saying this board is the most unique or wonderful place in the world but a posting style and a limited culture has arisen that is distinct from those models and is arguably in sometimes in contrast. Expect sometimes long meandering discussions jumping randomly from topic to topic and experimental projects of various levels of merit. We also recognize that board culture is not finite and could easily evolve with what any new anon or two could bring something to the table that could alter things significantly. Just don't bring in a mentality of endless low quality threads and shitposting like glimmmmmer! to X is cucked. It would ruin the board and will not be tolerated.
It both acknowledges that board culture can change while also showing examples of behavior that won't be allowed.

Nice! As someone with some nostalgia for ponychan I am glad to see efforts to preserve it.

> ponybro
I haven't seen someone fill out the email field for something longer than saging in a low time. Any reason for doing so?

>Back to the drawing board. Permanently raising the bump limit past 500 would mess with the flow of the board but this thread has gone so fast and if such a speed keeps up it would be honestly better if it could be prolonged. I might just pin /go/ to the front page or something
Making thread cyclic? That would require splitting archiving from the information and historical purpose though something I admit might be needed.

Anon 03/15/2024 (Fri) 04:46 [Preview] No.9860 del
2021 video not in TPA - "[PMV Pony Soul] [SFM] - Blinding Lights [ENG]":

I think ~years ago an anon was angry that Twibooru switched to using WebP image files for thumbnails. I would agree with him. Some of the reasons:
. webp doesn't work in older computers and operating systems or distros
. some websites do not render .webp, and if you try to look at the image in the browser it says "where do you want to download this?" instead

Folder which contains get links version 2024. (simple,playlist,hoverover,shift):
. shows selected IDs in a textarea element and not in alert()
. todo: thing to dedup IDs; show up without pressing anything or show up after pressing something like shift+ctrl

Record related to this Sunshine Daisy image (2019 webpage not in wbm before now):
> /z9/warc/012/www.canterlot.com-2024-03-11-9b3a5a01/www.canterlot.com-2024-03-11-9b3a5a01.cdx
>> https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/8231-sunshinepng/ 1710215844 - - VH3TZKPC4545YIKVDX6CR3P6BZMTHX3R 11672 186265289 www.canterlot.com-2024-03-11-9b3a5a01-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:8f76cb93-1f22-4cbc-a85a-94bc5e45f1ef>
>>> HTTP status?
>> https://content.invisioncic.com/r257793/monthly_2019_10/small.Sunshine.png.09c1f8830325df7d1b4a973f13381951.png 1710214491 - - UKPERQVPX6FTKQGP75SG3LMTI6K4RO2L 39872 181886562 www.canterlot.com-2024-03-11-9b3a5a01-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:f1286b4b-fb46-49cc-983f-5948bfc4b36e>
>>> https://content.invisioncic.com/r257793/monthly_2019_10/large.Sunshine.png.e9893621594e502688f1867ae04365e9.png = no URL hacks

Anon 03/15/2024 (Fri) 07:00 [Preview] No.9861 del
>Pinkie as Columbia: neat.
Not the case with this other vid based on that same track, which is a 2016 video not in TPA - "The Time Warp (Rocky Horror PMV/Dedicated To DaWillstanator & BorisFangirl)":

I am guessing that there is a Shonen-genre MLP fan fiction. Like, unicorns training hard and whatever. Wiktionary definition of "shonen":
. n. (anime, manga) A style of Japanese animation and comics aimed at a younger male audience.
. adj. (anime, manga) Being in the style of shonen comics or animation.

In the popular shonen anime "Demon Slayer" I thought it was cool how those fighters had the word "Destroy" written on the back of their shirts.

Anon 03/15/2024 (Fri) 12:29 [Preview] No.9862 del
Those 8 ponibooru.org torrents are all online now (4 select and 4 all for 4 ratings of safe, explicit, questionable, and unrated). There's some others which are similar and offline; each of the below 3 have saved .torrent files, but the payload data is missing:

> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:54a32d4a49a3fca4e14f54e8912fd8b77453c0b3&dn=ponibooru-comment-html.zip
> https://web.archive.org/web/20230602095609/https://itorrents.org/torrent/54a32d4a49a3fca4e14f54e8912fd8b77453c0b3.torrent
totally gone

> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:737d18417b16abd420886c6dfc8db1e12a1441cd&dn=Ponibooru-All-Safe-rar
> https://web.archive.org/web/20230602174552/https://itorrents.org/torrent/737D18417B16ABD420886C6DFC8DB1E12A1441CD.torrent
was 44% online ~years ago, not sure about now

> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0bb67d65df5d995a1e8270c8f6e3fc26a8e244ce&dn=Ponibooru-All-Safe.zip
> https://web.archive.org/web/20220617154841/https://itorrents.org/torrent/0BB67D65DF5D995A1E8270C8F6E3FC26A8E244CE.torrent
I tried to reconstruct this ~years ago because I had the timestamps on those files (2012 and such). I got "close" but was off by like one byte. Back then I didn't know the specifics about ZIP file timestamps and how very intricate they are. >>9568 "As I learned from rescening ZIP files, both 7z and exiftool provide OK file lists, but their timestamps don't match perfectly to what the timestamp bytes in the ZIP file detail." Knowing that now, it makes that goal even more out of reach.

>download speed of up to 23 MB/s
I saw a download speed of 25.9 MB/s on https://put.icu/s/0nhlt3qu.mp4 = c84f70e48a76ae367b58f4fc19e646015cc0bd5c SHA1 (and 27.7 MB/s on possibly cached file https://put.icu/s/nav7ff9d.mp4 = 148af95ca8ed7ae5c272196747217bf3c4612837 SHA1). That site is ran by TPA guy >>9705 ZizzyDizzyMC.

>references the CID for "Gingerbread Man" by The Residents >>9742
(this one: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmPQRuhy5ZJY4Do6wna7nn5BYeMnNUABxL95SDCzeHr7Ym = still online)

Anon 03/15/2024 (Fri) 14:03 [Preview] No.9863 del
Ironically, with uploads to archive.org, you may never see the system-generated files ever again. This can happen if someone adds a "review" to an item, which will then update the XML files and maybe also the .torrent file. Then, those XMLs and that torrent file will disappear forever because you cannot get the older files. (Check /history or whatever, maybe it's logged.) I could share an example of this, but for now, here's a copyright-deleted IA item:

>Ponibooru.org was very weird and very broken. I suspect someone probably broke something at some point or file corruption might be the cause of that.
It probably wasn't file corruption in the sense that I am thinking of. When data on an HDD gets corrupted it is most likely to destroy part of a large file because large files take up most of its capacity. I have had file corruptions in the past, and it almost always breaks parts of large files, IIRC.

Anon 03/16/2024 (Sat) 03:28 [Preview] No.9864 del
Neat, InterPlanetary Wayback is now working better (https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb/issues/810 = details, "don't" uninstall python). ipwb is a "distributed and persistent archive replay system using IPFS" which works in Windows and Linux. View 20 MB of canterlot.com snapshots here (in HPC):
>$ ipwb -d /ip4/ replay QmdmbJK4PoFxVC4FMJSHDtkktALgrPLihRhLWVjvGLPujC # which is cdxj, files at QmPXHXSNuX7x1WvwTrcpq9931NWf5BHra7nwbUnU7vhQVq and go to http://localhost:2016/ as said in https://github.com/oduwsdl/ipwb

Image from http://localhost:2016/memento/20240311040502/canterlot.com/profile/8369-augercorn/

>copyright-deleted IA item: https://archive.org/details/star-vs-the-forces-of-evil-season-one [filename]
That webpage has been memory-holed, but I think that filename matches with a file in this:
I watched archive.org/details/star-vs-the-forces-of-evil-season-one in 2023, maybe not 2022, and that item was uploaded in 2023, 2022, or before by some user, don't know the username.

Anon 03/16/2024 (Sat) 09:29 [Preview] No.9866 del
Folder which contains userscript "get links version 2024." (simple, playlist, hoverover, shift):
. done: thing to dedup IDs
. todo: show up without pressing anything or show up after pressing something like shift+ctrl

Will probably be getting select videos from pony-related channel True Blue UUnjNrJw4IIhORvMJVqYuM0Q

Anon 03/16/2024 (Sat) 14:17 [Preview] No.9867 del
Months ago in /gap/, Synthbot wondered if CAR files were deterministic, and after testing today, it looks like they are, which is a good thing. I tested this - https://cf-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmNph7CxmCjBNto3zBNUTuNz7tWv9M25U36WwrsaXs8E71 - with a 32-bit and 64-bit version of kubo, and 3 commands resulted in this info (SHA1):
>7f00ba2969744082333f83bfadbdd0b2dce77627 QmNph7CxmCjBNto3zBNUTuNz7tWv9M25U36WwrsaXs8E71.car

>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3323253 >d 2024-03-16T13:42:06Z >s https://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/8372-blinded-by-the-twilight/ >i >t rainbow dash, safe, solo, pony, mare, sun, tree, nature, silhouette, mountain, water

>Check /history or whatever, maybe it's logged
I looked for an older version of Applejack-related XML file 2e0d599431ecf7353d14348bd7611c_files.xml in /history/ and didn't see it. History of IA history log thing - changes:
1. Could view all of the history, incl. Finished tasks and each /log/ entry, even if you didn't upload the item, e.g., at https://catalogd.archive.org/history/MyLittlePonyFull
2. Only the uploader of the item could see the full history and logs https://catalogd.archive.org/history/similac-tc
3. As of now (or year 2023/2024), only the uploader can see finished tasks at https://catalogd.archive.org/history/2e0d599431ecf7353d14348bd7611c for example, but he cannot see any logs. E.g., log record https://catalogd.archive.org/log/3484501616 says this in bold text: "You do not have sufficient privileges to access this page."

Therefore, that file has disappeared. Or, it would have, if I didn't save it to an IPFS CID - that folder is offline in an HDD of mine. Offline folder ipfs://bafybeiftu4yyan5ke6rp3dvcvfnyedgl4zrbx24ofdh5p66sos4jbvkr74 contains that file. Archive.org has made more and more bad changes to their /details/ thing (UGC) over the years. With each bad update to IA, my opinion of that website becomes more negative. Gatekeeping, memory-holing, censorship, etc. - not great because that stuff affects lots of users and means that the information is not in such a good position. Perhaps archive.org becoming worse draws attention away from it and towards P2P, which is as good of an archive as individual(s) make it.

pfp which references "Game of Thrones" (or ASOIAF) from

Anon 03/17/2024 (Sun) 08:28 [Preview] No.9868 del
>$ TZ=UTC wget https://derpy.me/static/derpy.tar.xz -O- | tar -xJ # extracted version
It's in the below folder. That tarball is missing derpy.me short URLs after 2023-02-15.
>copyright-deleted IA item which probably had the same files as that torrent
Here's some PDF files from this deleted archive.org upload https://archive.org/details/hxhunter - in this:
. it's a folder
. says "153 MB", but blockstore/dedup size is 76 MB
. CAR file is here for 24hr: https://put.icu/g4oegr5y.file

>I didn't notice this before: in that episode of FIM, young Rainbow Dash said "Aww, man!". Alternate timeline where a brony went to Equestria?
In FIM season 5 episode 3, Spike said:
>$ grep -liar "\bman\b" . # searching folder https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmTKWyQjynAcATtfWuVZVDF7xgLbU7E9PPYNsm7xjFyPzM
>$ grep -B2 -ia "\bman\b" "./Google_Play_fim_subs/Season 5, Volume 1/subtitles/My Little Pony Friendship is Magic - Castle Sweet Castle.en.srt"
>00:10:26,858 --> 00:10:28,928
>Man, this place looks terrible!
>$ # Episode "Castle Sweet Castle": https://vid.lilay.dev/redirect?referer=/watch?v=MGMZMuS8uw0

Another problem with https://archive.org/details/ is this: if the uploader of an item intentionally sets its visibility to noindex, then there is zero guarantee that it will remain unindexed in the future. Months or years after upload, that item could show up in searches due to some higher-privileged IA user/bot setting it to be indexed (publicly visible) against the uploader's wishes. This is unlike YouTube, where unlisted videos remain unlisted, except in that one mass purge where many unlisted videos became private videos. Archive.org went in the other direction: making unlisted uploads public uploads. Therefore, just don't upload sensitive data to archive.org.

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 06:52 [Preview] No.9874 del
2022 video on privacy - "Don't Hex the Water":

He said something like this: privacy isn't about having a nice place to do drug deals, it's about being left alone. If you aren't worried because "you have nothing to hide", then how about you permanently have your restroom doors removed and let everyone watch you masturbate each time you do and see what material (if any) you were looking at when you were jerking off?

I got them mixed up:
. Ponibooru-All-Safe-rar (multiple files) = downloaded and uploaded zero bytes, the payload is totally gone
. Ponibooru-All-Safe.zip (one file) = 44.6% online, but only from one peer

Description from an XML file:
>In the magical land of Equestria, a kingdom populated only by colorful ponies, TWILIGHT SPARKLE, a studious and slightly reclusive young unicorn intent only on enhancing her magical abilities, has been assigned by her mentor, PRINCESS CELESTIA, a very important task: get your muzzle out of those books and make some friends! In the quaint, fairytale village of PONYVILLE, TWILIGHT SPARKLE meets 5 new ponies, and through funny, offbeat experiences and exciting, enchanted adventures, they teach her about the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship! --https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZRnN6qYESgF6CQJPjZBv4gdxjKUGMfVu4FMJpW8HdXaT

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 07:57 [Preview] No.9877 del
(309.38 KB 1362x1283 100015-html.png)
>tried ...years ago ...Knowing that now, it makes that goal even more out of reach.
Or, knowing more now, perhaps I am closer to being able to do that. More info:
. 2010s: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/0bb67d65df5d995a1e8270c8f6e3fc26a8e244ce
. also probably gone: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:45d9902905e56a6a484aa65c2c8af6bfdf68972d&dn=Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack
.. pieces: https://ponepaste.org/7485
. some of the 2012 timestamps on Ponibooru files: https://ponepaste.org/7516
.. the rest of the timestamps are in SQL files and stuff

Some of the data in "$ cat /z9/t/pony/web_raws/Ponibooru-All-Safe.zip | xxd -a | head -n40000" =
>00442a50: 8b00 0000 0049 454e 44ae 4260 8250 4b03 .....IEND.B`.PK.
>00442a60: 040a 0000 0000 0092 bdfa 4039 f4c8 a10c ..........@9....
>00442a70: 7902 000c 7902 0058 0000 0050 6f6e 6962 y...y..X...Ponib
>00442a80: 6f6f 7275 2d41 6c6c 2d53 6166 652f 3130 ooru-All-Safe/10
>00442a90: 3030 3135 202d 206e 757a 7a6c 696e 6720 0015 - nuzzling
>00442aa0: 7261 696e 626f 775f 6461 7368 206e 757a rainbow_dash nuz
>00442ab0: 7a6c 6520 536f 6172 696e 4461 7368 2053 zle SoarinDash S
>00442ac0: 6f61 7269 6e27 2073 6869 7070 696e 672e oarin' shipping.
>00442ad0: 706e 6789 504e 470d 0a1a 0a00 0000 0d49 png.PNG........I
>00442ae0: 4844 5200 0003 8400 0002 c908 0600 0000 HDR.............
ZIP files look like this for each file in there (Local file header)::
>504b0304[*header signature]0a00[min. ver. needed]0000[*bit flag]
>0000[compression method, none in this case]
CRC32 of that file is
>a1 c8 f4 39
but it uses reverse byte order ("little Endian"?) so it's
>39 f4 c8 a1

The question here is about converting the bytes timestamps back and forth. 92 bd [mtime] fa 40 [mdate] = normal order
>bd 92 [mtime] 40 fa [mdate]
which is what?...

Screenshot of

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 08:50 [Preview] No.9878 del
>>[.zip:] bd 92 [mtime] 40 fa [mdate]
>which is what?...
"File modification time
stored in standard MS-DOS format:
Bits 00-04: seconds divided by 2
Bits 05-10: minute
Bits 11-15: hour
File modification date
stored in standard MS-DOS format:
Bits 00-04: day
Bits 05-08: month
Bits 09-15: years from 1980"


Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 11:57 [Preview] No.9880 del
>It can be retarded when you force "purity of culture" too much.
True. It's like the cringy belief that life specifically has such and such absolute truths or absolute meanings, where such ideas could be seen as purely subjective.

>Stagnates invocation and new things
I can think of examples of that.

Alcohol powder: maybe always stupid to snort.

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 12:03 [Preview] No.9881 del

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 12:05 [Preview] No.9882 del
Safari, bug: attach image and it doesn't show up as attached when writing the post = will not show up after posting

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 14:42 [Preview] No.9883 del
What am I doing wrong here?

Normal byte order
>$ echo bd92 | xxd -p -r - | xxd -b -
>00000000: 10111101 10010010
>$ echo 40fa | xxd -p -r - | xxd -b -
>00000000: 01000000 11111010

> Bits 00-04: seconds divided by 2
10111 -> 23
> Bits 05-10: minute
101100 -> 44
> Bits 11-15: hour
10010 -> 18
> Bits 00-04: day
01000 -> 8
> Bits 05-08: month
0001 -> 1
> Bits 09-15: years from 1980
1111010 -> 122 (not less than 2020)


Reverse byte order (default in ZIP):
>$ echo 92bd | xxd -p -r - | xxd -b - # mtime
>00000000: 10010010 10111101
>$ echo fa40 | xxd -p -r - | xxd -b - # mdate
>00000000: 11111010 01000000

> Bits 00-04: seconds divided by 2
10010 -> 18 or 6
> Bits 05-10: minute
010101 -> 21
> Bits 11-15: hour
11101 -> 29 (not less than 25)
> Bits 00-04: day
11111 -> 31
> Bits 05-08: month
0100 -> 4
> Bits 09-15: years from 1980
1000000 -> 64 (not less than 2020)


>hex_number=$(printf "%x" "$((2#$bin_number))")
>dec_number=$(printf "%d" "$((2#$bin_number))")
> printf "%d" "$((2#10111))"

>100015 - nuzzling rainbow_dash nuzzle SoarinDash Soarin' shipping.png
> Modify: 2012-07-26 22:44:36.000000000 +0000

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 14:59 [Preview] No.9884 del
(92.50 KB 600x470 myuponey.jpg)
>What am I doing wrong here?
Messed up due to endianness. users.cs.jmu.edu/buchhofp/forensics/formats/pkzip.html example:
>File modification time 0x7d1c = 0111110100011100
>second = 01111101000(11100) = 28 = 56 seconds [Bits 00-04]
>minute = 01111(101000)11100 = 40 [Bits 05-10]
>hour = (01111)10100011100 = 15 [Bits 11-15]
>File modification date 0x354b = 0011010101001011
>day = 00110101010(01011) = 11 [Bits 00-04]
>month = 0011010(1010)01011 = 10 [Bits 05-08]
>year = (0011010)101001011 = 26 [Bits 09-15]

So, normal byte order on hex, "reverse" on binary:
>$ echo bd92 | xxd -p -r - | xxd -b -
>00000000: 10111101 10010010
>$ echo 40fa | xxd -p -r - | xxd -b -
>00000000: 01000000 11111010

. seconds = 10111101100(10010) = 36 (18*2)
. minute = 10111(101100)10010 = 44
. hours = (10111)10110010010 = 23
. day = 01000000111(11010) = 26
. month = 0100000(0111)11010 = 7
. year = (0100000)011111010 = 2012 (1980+32)
which is
. 2012-07-26 23:44:36

Similar to diff. timestamp in HTTP:
> 2012-07-26 22:44:36.000000000 +0000

Image from

Anon 03/18/2024 (Mon) 20:41 [Preview] No.9886 del
Full track:
. https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=ZiTVSjlTcvc - "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Opening [Full Song]"
. https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=ZcBNxuKZyN4 - "My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Theme Song!"

I love these little ponies.

>guessing that there is a Shonen-genre MLP fan fiction. Like, unicorns training hard and whatever
I searched and didn't find much - '"shonen" site:www.fimfiction.net' - such as this crossover which is not an original story because it has spoilers for that other story:

Anon 03/19/2024 (Tue) 16:04 [Preview] No.9888 del
>I have previously seen some in the last couple years insist that hard drives above 2 to 4 TB were unreliable, but was uncertain on valid that is.
Those are newer technology, so perhaps not so proven (so possibly unreliable). Other thing to watch out for... In this video - https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=F5HIaRJFL34 - a guy said that his storage cards (SSD) were destroyed because his motherboard supplied too much power to them. I think I had a similar experience where this one computer significantly messed up HDDs multiple times (I know what I am talking about regarding said experience, to a degree).

(BTW, I saw this link somewhere - 23/explore/ipfs/QmTjdX3LYZWxBhSnJb2kB8HK3hD4WbNYvMcjJnsASjY4d5">https://archive.ph/2024.03.19-151620/https://explore.ipld.io23/explore/ipfs/QmTjdX3LYZWxBhSnJb2kB8HK3hD4WbNYvMcjJnsASjY4d5 - not really sure what it is, but maybe I have it.)

Anon 03/19/2024 (Tue) 16:12 [Preview] No.9889 del
https://archive.ph/2024.03.19-151620/https://explore.ipld.io/%23/explore/ipfs/QmTjdX3LYZWxBhSnJb2kB8HK3hD4WbNYvMcjJnsASjY4d5[/code]other older than that I probably have offline:
. ipfs://QmScoZeM9xxRWgLfqQMtMLhBiSMDzBim5yqeV3MAvWRHQC?filename=Attack_on_Pony_The_Final_Season_OP_The_Rumbling-%255BULSnaVOc0IU%255D.webm
.. from YT https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=ULSnaVOc0IU

Anon 03/19/2024 (Tue) 16:26 [Preview] No.9890 del
Cannot end code markup if the closing tag becomes part of a link. More older/offline data:
. ipfs://QmR4R7CeXSP2g8EB5kivNTcisCWxTZvyPZfJS2aBGyP2oA?filename=Demon_Slayer_-_Kimetsu_no_Yaiba_-_Gurenge_TV_intro_PMV-%255BagRdFPArudE%255D.mp4
.. Like >>9889, https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=agRdFPArudE is still a public YT video

Anon 03/19/2024 (Tue) 20:41 [Preview] No.9892 del
>He's started a public archive at https://ultra.gondola.pics/ of 4chan
Neat. General 4chan archive. I also saw an sjis pic/text there.

I'm in charge of persistence for 4chan /gif/ videos. https://boards.4chan.org/t/thread/1231730 = /gap/ #2. I am moving this file into cold storage: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e6868b0290596db2f4124d05818c484932fec536&dn=4chan_gif_2022_10.tar
. where? "ipfs add -w 4chan_gif_2022_10.tar" -> offline /ipfs/QmTs49atkpoL8WnHvirYB4ePnMbbd9phCKqkxCwSW6An22
. size? >100GB; 147,412,183,040 bytes; "/ipfs/Qmf2WpizW8Ae5d2rE9xRfvhwoXp7ycti9EAxhP4XpkHEfv 147412183040 4chan_gif_2022_10.tar"
. time? HDD->HDD took about 9 hours; 2024-03-19T10:48:10.216434553Z -> 2024-03-19T19:58:50.974027592Z
. (IPLD? Qmf2...HEfv contains 7,936,671,744-byte chunks and each ~8GB chunk contains more chunks)

Anon 03/19/2024 (Tue) 21:07 [Preview] No.9893 del
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3325499 >d 2024-03-19T21:04:25Z >s https://web.archive.org/web/20230930050926/https://unmeiwokowasu.pagesperso-orange.fr/original/stories/myuponey.html >i It was a period we were all drawing ponies so I tried to do Miundel like this. He's so cute! *_* I'm really proud of this one! XD I want the same Pony!! My Little Pony is a trademark (c) Hasbro. Painter, Photoshop, December 2004/January 2005 >t pony, 2005, solo, safe, text, rainbow, pegasus, heart, speech bubble, day, cloud, sky, full body, black hair, character name, open mouth

In zb - forgot to say that.

With both ZFS and IPFS "overhead", that 137.28 GiB file ended up using 213 GB (zpool list). Roughly, a 55% increase. More reason to use raw blocks and 1-MiB chunk size.

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 08:01 [Preview] No.9894 del
> https://thereisnosanity.com/mlp.json -- 141 posts
> https://thereisnosanity.com/pone.json -- ~31,000 posts
Both files have all of the text on one line. I'm not complaining, but think it would be better if each thread JSON was on a different line. Or, this could be done:
. endchan-pone-thread-${number}.$(date +%s).json
.. each thread .json captured weekly or something
.. "date +%s" = Unix time
. etc.

But where to get all of the thread numbers? I guess the catalog has all of them.

Also moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9b730c5d7c54bc0bb5f79f9a7b3180c0b8b7f6aa&dn=4chan_gif_2022_11.tar
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmZZB5jLgnRp4PwLYWoX7FTn82JGoWjZ195gwZbB7nbVZh <- "ipfs add --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 -w 4chan_gif_2022_11.tar"
. size? 105.24 GiB for file "/ipfs/QmQuegHZV6D6mYxYPtQ9bbkBBLzVptE9iVT3JDUspZG6gJ 4chan_gif_2022_11.tar"; about 106 GB on-disk.
. time? 2nd pass: HDD->HDD took <1 hour; 2024-03-20T01:53:07.347052650Z -> 2024-03-20T02:30:53.912151646Z
. (IPLD? QmZZ...bVZh contains...)

>took about 9 hours
>Roughly, a 55% increase
Unscientific because 10s of thousands of other tiny files were rsyncing at that time, so that other unrelated 5 or more GB likely throws off the calculation.

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 08:14 [Preview] No.9895 del
Timestamps of those JSONs are as follows:
>$ wget --server-response https://thereisnosanity.com/mlp.json
> Last-Modified: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 18:50:09 GMT
> Server: neocities
Which is 1710355809 <- '$ date -d "13 Mar 2024 18:50:09 GMT" +%s'.
>$ wget --server-response https://thereisnosanity.com/pone.json
>Resolving thereisnosanity.com (thereisnosanity.com)... 2620:2:6000::bad:dab:cafe,
> Last-Modified: Wed, 13 Mar 2024 18:50:22 GMT
Which is 1710355822 <- '$ date -d "13 Mar 2024 18:50:22 UTC" +%s'. (Time now=1710922402)

This is about the largest size possible. If you try to set it to something larger then it says:
>Error: chunker parameters may not exceed the maximum chunk size of 1048576

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 08:55 [Preview] No.9896 del
>QmQu...G6gJ contains...
31,746,686,976-byte top-level blocks

Also moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b49adaa22840fcc31fa0b7bd18a0dcfcdc01e572&dn=4chan_gif_2022_12.tar
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmVieDA8e3DmGGZCgmwQ2yDZo7fZUdxXk48BVeSNakdJH3 <- "ipfs add --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 -w 4chan_gif_2022_12.tar"
. size? 91.67 GiB for file "/ipfs/QmT2cbYA4pNJXBoje4FVCfEVxjJYKXhFx7yaH1xu9GRsrv 98430883840 4chan_gif_2022_12.tar"; 92 GB on-disk.
. time? 1st pass (done): HDD->HDD took about an hour and 10 minutes; 2024-03-20T07:28:30.415514880Z -> 2024-03-20T08:39:32.235038030Z
. (IPLD? QmT2...Rsrv contains 31746686976-byte top-level blocks)

I did see multiple MLP videos in 4chan /gif/, but that's like less than 1% of it (such as vidrel), so ignore this.

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 09:27 [Preview] No.9897 del
1 file, "bad test", 4.5 MB/s (147412183040 B / 33040 sec), ~9hours, default, -w
1 file, "bad test", 46.4 MB/s (105.24 GiB / 2266 sec), ~1hour=1st+2nd pass, 1Mchunk, rawleaves, -w
1 file, "good test", 23.1 MB/s (98430883840 B / 4262 sec), ~1hour, 1Mchunk, rawleaves, -w

>Delusions of a pink mare
Apple Bloom: "Do y'all have brain damage or something?"

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 11:37 [Preview] No.9898 del
I've seen multiple comparison videos, such as
. attached, "King of the Hill" opening credits, pony parody, DhXbGInBQVw
. https://archive.org/serve/azumanga-daioh-cooking-is-so-fun-dub-comparison

Genre: tranime. Tearjerker "Naruto" episode: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q124944990

Derpibooru user miky94c added the tag "source needed". Dumb. The source is right there.

Moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c8a0a6dfd9272c80e9fe43b49e4c435f3dd1312d&dn=4chan_gif_2023_01.tar
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmSfZvN71A94n9CuQVn5fc9s6SJsAoTBxbd9vBNp44hV3b <- "ipfs add --chunker=size-1048576 -w 4chan_gif_2023_01.tar"
. size? 102.25 GiB for file "/ipfs/QmRPsARJh56L7WV8Uctk3QEjU21f4jWgh9pMuL8TfQf1wn 4chan_gif_2023_01.tar"; 116 GB on disk.
. (IPLD? QmRP...f1wn has 31746686976-byte top-level blocks)
. time? HDD->HDD took about 1 hour and 10 minutes; 2024-03-20T09:06:59.522664044Z -> 2024-03-20T10:20:56.037138539Z
. speed? 1 file, good test, 24.7 MB/s (109793679360 B / 4437 sec)

Roughly an extra 14 GB (+~13.45%) due to not using raw leaves.

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 13:49 [Preview] No.9899 del
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3326194 >d 2024-03-20T13:45:48Z >s https://archived.moe/gif/thread/24784137/#24784890 >i >t Jenny Nicholson, safe, pony, mare, human, female, woman, irl, irl human, pinkie pie, FBI, FBI open up, has audio, ai content, indoors, full body, webm, video

Moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6d89ef91cba124f33ca48f3fbe6d843526fb9c7a&dn=4chan_gif_2023_02.tar
. where? "/zb/ipfs/", offline /ipfs/QmPJrpzsZfXeEacPFagByurv5N5qqL4VCtFybeh6GbecE4 <- "ipfs add -w 4chan_gif_2023_02.tar"
. size? 81.62 GiB for file "/ipfs/QmV1N8t2UwykDNVkaeFZMzs94MukJ779McACU3bz2xWu5f 87638784000 4chan_gif_2023_02.tar"; 125 GB on disk.
. (IPLD? QmV1...Wu5f has 7936671744-byte top-level blocks, 45613056-byte second-level blocks, etc.)
. time? HDD->HDD took about 2 hour and 10 minutes; 2024-03-20T10:31:28.399765384Z -> 2024-03-20T12:45:52.730709476Z
. speed? 1 file, 10.9 MB/s (87638784000 B / 8064 sec)

Roughly an extra 43 GB (+~53%) due to not using raw leaves and not using a 1048576-byte chunk size. Max chunk size + raw leaves is something of a standard with websites such as 4everland.org. Perhaps the main standard is the default settings. The "non-main"/"secondary" standard uses up less space and is faster, and since this is for offline storage, the universality aspect matters less to me. (Other test I could do: raw leaves with the default 256K chunk size.)

These tests are likely also helpful for lowering the storage requirement of Ponibooru Restored if I feel like it.

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 16:04 [Preview] No.9900 del
>Other test I could do: raw leaves with the default 256K chunk size.
Moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:514f07c721fdc6542123ea024d09d46da70af5b7&dn=4chan_gif_2023_04.tar
. where? "/zb/ipfs/", offline /ipfs/QmenNrszLQokbUgYDe8z7aU8XBDLWBdfvrFVBD3VW5BoAs <- "ipfs add -w --raw-leaves 4chan_gif_2023_04.tar"
. size? 79.66 GiB for file "/ipfs/QmUAdHwm59oHiu6Vx1N9jFpUGZ5JuyaDA4X1tnhg7tHVeN 4chan_gif_2023_04.tar"; 83 GB on disk.
. (IPLD? QmUA...HVeN: 7936671744 B, 45613056 B, 262144 B)
. time? HDD->HDD took about 1.67 hours; 2024-03-20T13:56:33.494758907Z -> 2024-03-20T15:36:34.068124974Z
. speed? 1 file, 14.3 MB/s (85537239040 B / 6001 sec)

Compared to rawleaves+1Mchunk, rawleaves+256Kchunk is a bit larger and a bit slower. 1# MB/s vs. 2# MB/s and +~4.2% (+~3 GB) vs. +~1%. Rawleaves+256Kchunk is the encoding used on that one IPFS folder (not mine) which was online in the past and contained about 1TB of full images from /mlp/ - that data is now a torrent which I hope is still online:
. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9671fb0855c7931fe98f03f7612c18010fb10121&dn=4chan-mlp
.. 1.058 TiB, contains CAR files

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 19:52 [Preview] No.9901 del
Next thing to put into cold storage - "7Z files which contain pbooru.com image file raws":

Ponibooru.org and pbooru.com both have a great feature that isn't found in YAPC pony boorus. Did Derpibooru (webmaster/whoever) create the philomena booru software?

>Neat, can also upload via CLI
I couldn't upload this 102 MiB file there:
>$ curl -F "file=@./videoplayback (2).mp4" https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/api/v0/add
>Request Entity Too Large
So can't upload >100 MiB there or something. Here's that file:
. http://ipfs.anonymize.com/ipfs/bafybeic52ds37pn7xucc54yraaqh7awbxevrzvteiprtvi7hv6q5zu626a
. 24-hour temp: https://put.icu/cn8nut3u.mp4

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 19:54 [Preview] No.9902 del
*both had a great feature
*102-MiB file

Next: could try a 50M file.

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 23:02 [Preview] No.9903 del
Moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9c24b59f5eb7ec6e541a1484655aae7e051431f7&dn=ponibooru
. where? "/zb/ipfs/", offline /ipfs/QmXt6L8GHqWTyBssbFYVhtvs8DWnGiQ32HMyJPNKLcRbLY <- "ipfs add --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 -wrH ponibooru"
. size? 223.10 GiB folder "/ipfs/QmdnRhV8tAAeUsTRx2XRXQ11Ls75Eye3Y1s7CrukqvuyAz ponibooru/"; 224 GB on disk
. time? HDD->HDD took 2.68 hours; 2024-03-20T18:47:40.093464060Z -> 2024-03-20T21:28:38.431252042Z
. speed? 1 file, 24.8 MB/s (239554249564 B / 9658 sec)

.7z is sucking, can't extract stuff from a partially-copied 7Z. Unlike .zip, can't do that with CLI program 7z. Also failed: WinRAR "rarlinux-x32-700.tar.gz". binwalk told me where the images are:
>$ binwalk -ze --size=3 QmWict8io8pnoBQZpZMEWCbYfRW3TkZvDCfZRhzfNnqeBH | tail -n+4
Carve out this file:
>$ n1=71968005; n2=71498489; c=QmWict8io8pnoBQZpZMEWCbYfRW3TkZvDCfZRhzfNnqeBH; stat -t $c.$n2 || head --bytes=$n1 $c | tail --bytes=$(expr $n1 - $n2) > $c.$n2

>Needs pen tool
Oh, I think he's referring to the pen tool in GIMP - used to make beziure curves and stuff.

>PrimeNet search for Mersenne prime numbers [now=32d left on M76804397]
PrimeNet is like the original search-for-rare-numbers distributed/decentralized computer thing. (Not sure how decentralized it is, but it is an instance of distributed computing.) A later popular search-for-rare-numbers decentralized computer thing is blockchains such as BitCoin. With BitCoin, computers have to find SHA256 hashes which end in 3 zeros or something. Downside of BitCoin: mining works best with high-end GPUs. Monero (privacy-respecting currency) is a more fair blockchain because you can mine it with whatever CPU, so like anyone can do it. (Some hashes/checksums: CRC32=for very basic stuff, MD5=toy algorithm but better than CRC32, SHA1=after seriously tons of computing a hash collision can be made, SHA256=used by BitCoin and has had zero hash collisions in all of its history I think, RandomX=algorithm used by Monero and IDK if it is a hash.)

Anon 03/20/2024 (Wed) 23:06 [Preview] No.9904 del
Correction: 309 files, not "1 file".

Anon 03/21/2024 (Thu) 08:56 [Preview] No.9906 del
Next thing to move to cold storage:

>$ printf "%d" "$((16#f))"; echo
>$ printf "%d" "$((16#30260))" # ff=255 and fff=4095

>file carving by doing...
Inefficient, didn't use "tail --bytes=+n" which starts at byte specified by integer n.

>7Z being weird
Without using binwalk and stuff, I'm surprised there isn't an easy way to extract files from a 7Z file which has zero compression and was partially copied. It would be harder to do if the .7z had compression. TAR is easier. With a tarball, such as "./bronibooru/s3.tar", it starts at plain text file path bytes (usually human-readable). TAR has some bytes to separate each file/folder, and .tar ends in 2904 binary zeros from what I saw. Why use ZIP instead of TAR? Because .zip has an index and .tar doesn't. This matters more if there's many files and the final tar ends up being like 80 GB. Not having an index doesn't matter with small tarballs. https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/99548793#99574085
>Is .tar really still the archive king?
>It obviously works and is a well-known standard, but the fact that it lacks indexing seems like a major limitation.
It is a major limitation due to less immediate usability (could use tarindexer, but still a pain).
>Is there a common alternative to .tar that preserves Unix metadata but has indexing, and maybe other features?
Does ZIP not preserves Unix metadata? Maybe TAR saves file permissions and ZIP doesn't, IDK. ZIP timestamps are not sub-second, but that info can be gained from running stat on the files and saving that metadata to a text file.

Anon 03/21/2024 (Thu) 10:02 [Preview] No.9907 del
Moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:16bab76f8fde6732aeeca6132d7a4770f4b80189&dn=bronibooru
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmSnxKqAeE1Xu43fUbejek9X7fbQre2qu8RQS52hfPhCLJ <- "ipfs add --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 -wrH bronibooru"
. size? 101.08 GiB folder "/ipfs/QmQnXFzYCU1byE9EpPMGMVK4nVnZhdbNtXfeQJWBht6oVd bronibooru/"; ~same on disk
. time? HDD->HDD took 2024-03-21T07:58:01.471984739Z -> 2024-03-21T09:30:49.301680476Z
. (IPLD? QmULKDb4JKKcG9DyVqyg2cL7RHu6yYy4NmtmvQ9j5WbL7m contains top 31746686976 B, middle 182452224 B, bottom 1048576 B)

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:da0def7b2cce92bfad80adaf35490d4557a91962&dn=Five%20Finger%20Death%20Punch%20-%20War%20Is%20The%20Answer%20%282009%29
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmVCiLtxog7iu5zVHcY7azfQQ7KbHacvZV6YxUHaC4uJ57 <- 'ipfs add -wrH "/z9/t/audio/music/Five Finger Death Punch - War Is The Answer (2009)"'
. size? 126.09 MiB folder https://web.archive.org/web/20230707062717/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmegputWgWWAUWQYkWmeNdHCDuywcWvMh4TXd1tCuisaz2/
. time? HDD->HDD took 2024-03-21T09:50:28.682171646Z -> 2024-03-21T09:50:45.875163193Z

Readme file about bronibooru.com and stuff:
>This torrent contains the entire image archive of Bronibooru at the time of its
>shutdown on March 6, 2021.
>Bronibooru was built on top of a customized installation of Danbooru that was
>last branched from the upstream repository as of commit 1fc96ba, which may be
>accessed on GitHub (as of March 10, 2021) at: \
>https://github.com/danbooru/danbooru/tree/1fc96ba2c3658f5e1335ed9c6e0f1ce16ae8c356 \
>The schema of the database dump included in this torrent is a strict subset of
>the schema used in this Danbooru commit.
Here's that commit:

Image from http://bronibooru.com/

Anon 03/21/2024 (Thu) 11:07 [Preview] No.9908 del
Moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7c668cd796438c4b01bf4c2bce07b9ca48d62c48&dn=My%20Little%20Pony%201986-1987%20Disc%202%20ISO
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmZ7UeUbYp6dmixMzUTJzFdHy7ZibRBakgANteCdfvY4Tp <- 'ipfs add -wrH "My Little Pony 1986-1987 Disc 2 ISO"'
. size? 7.09-GiB folder /ipfs/QmQwmfA2g23rwHBywZ4Cfs3YZ1tTfz4njw4csaBvrSXGYx
. time? HDD->HDD took 2024-03-21T10:11:15.646433158Z -> 2024-03-21T10:30:47.805955756Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5fd8f5f164c03db94e40c6196b49ae572ae5cc11&dn=My%20Little%20Pony%201986-1987%20Disc%203%20ISO
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmS95nDvXe2ktPRkSb9S8JYDyRPGH3bayKV45DEUjawk42 <- 'ipfs add --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 -wrH "My Little Pony 1986-1987 Disc 3 ISO"'
. size? 7.17-GiB folder /ipfs/QmUVGygAfcs1wCwRzVVgUGrPUo1NWz7g91GwrYw6CTv7xm
. time? HDD->HDD: 2024-03-21T10:37:26.572170070Z -> 2024-03-21T10:47:18.986735451Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0ab1de0941fba50772df55b3f0c968d72249518c&dn=My%20Little%20Pony%201986-1987%20Disc%204%20ISO
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmRBGp4As1HB76do1J2cAkX37VCsE9onrSPPsQgZSFXC8Y <- 'ipfs add --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 -wrH "My Little Pony 1986-1987 Disc 4 ISO"'
. size? 7.40-GiB folder /ipfs/QmbQETXpr5NDfDcMbAmnzEBdcmvC8G8q1yZtwH8SH5zcQE
. time? HDD->HDD: 2024-03-21T10:53:54.804891642Z -> 2024-03-21T11:01:04.520401095Z

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:12406618d8c96ff359de10a3b2dbcd180f956758
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmTeeKCjjRKpAPXEPnBf7sC7dFJEAnFYTaQVYWgmmvYxkr <- 'ipfs add -wrH "The Pretenders - Learning To Crawl [ChattChitto RG]"'
. size? 94.07-MiB folder /ipfs/QmRGEqhNe4onzcTxWYhxMNFudufAH63SVKJ79GFyRRbeUD
. time? HDD->HDD: 1711018991 -> 1711019003

Anon 03/21/2024 (Thu) 11:39 [Preview] No.9909 del
I couldn't upload this 57-MiB file there:
>$ utc; curl -F "file=@/z9/youtube/Ariana_Chim_Chim_UC9DdUaW9lRyPcRJr7cUUBDw/I_SMILE_MLP_MV-Ariana_Chim_Chim-20190714-youtube-1280x720-TZgKPmnQpDA.mp4" https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/api/v0/add; utc
>{"Message":"committing batch to datastore at /: storjds: db: failed to connect to
host=crdb.ipfs.demo.ops.storj.io user=ipfs database=ipfs_node
: hostname resolving error (lookup crdb.ipfs.demo.ops.storj.io on server misbehaving)","Code":0,"Type":"error"}

>$ utc; curl -F "file=@/z9/youtube/Ariana_Chim_Chim_UC9DdUaW9lRyPcRJr7cUUBDw/I_SMILE_MLP_MV-Ariana_Chim_Chim-20190714-youtube-1280x720-TZgKPmnQpDA.png" https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/api/v0/add; utc
>{"Message":"committing batch to datastore at /: storjds: db: failed to connect to
host=crdb.ipfs.demo.ops.storj.io user=ipfs database=ipfs_node
: hostname resolving error (lookup crdb.ipfs.demo.ops.storj.io on read udp\u003e127.0.0.1:53: i/o timeout)","Code":0,"Type":"error"}

>$ # ^ ~700-KiB file also failed
That thing is broken now. Video from not in TPA:
dunno if this is based on some anime specifically. link in desc:

Moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:70f05b65e956da00b1bbd73f6f16ba94781cde3f&dn=demon%20slayer%20S04E02-Yoriichi%20Type%20Zero.mkv
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/Qma6cicf8YkBnFUxjNAuAnCb3rBsHmjFvZChSnd7dwi5j3 <- 'ipfs add -w "S04E02-Yoriichi Type Zero.mkv"'
. size? 314.84-MiB file /ipfs/QmXHaAhhpJYMWRL9CvHY6SVpCLjgFTSRnq8KXF5XboryED
. time? HDD->HDD: 1711020984 -> 1711021060

Anon 03/21/2024 (Thu) 12:02 [Preview] No.9910 del
I didn't know that the grave text character (`) activates code markup. (AKA backtick.) Here's those lines as I intended them to show up:
{"Message":"committing batch to datastore at /: storjds: db: failed to connect to `host=crdb.ipfs.demo.ops.storj.io user=ipfs database=ipfs_node`: hostname resolving error (lookup crdb.ipfs.demo.ops.storj.io on server misbehaving)","Code":0,"Type":"error"}
{"Message":"committing batch to datastore at /: storjds: db: failed to connect to `host=crdb.ipfs.demo.ops.storj.io user=ipfs database=ipfs_node`: hostname resolving error (lookup crdb.ipfs.demo.ops.storj.io on read udp\u003e127.0.0.1:53: i/o timeout)","Code":0,"Type":"error"}

In the past I used AnyDVD+ImgBurn to get .iso files of DVDs - moved to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:44a9f92626a9e99fe2191fb539bf9cf17a7b0d9e
. where? zb, offline from me https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmYxfr7hKyKKcu7s6GpLuYcVFPxDpNUijrJHaK5SnwoNiM <- 'ipfs add -rwH "AnyDVD HD FINAL + Crack [www.Tech-Tools.ME]"'
. size? 15.56-MiB folder https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmbBibguTojpPu7339UoSfX5848QodFJB5WHminxhqosd4
. time? HDD->HDD: 1711021840 -> 1711021841

Anon 03/21/2024 (Thu) 16:39 [Preview] No.9911 del
2015 video not in TPA - "[PMV] Trixie's Fancy Footwork":

GitHub Pages thing linked from:

text by that guy which I found interesting/informative:

Anon 03/21/2024 (Thu) 18:52 [Preview] No.9912 del
I downloaded that channel.

Crappy website due to: walled+JS+ads. Better:
. webpage https://web.archive.org/web/20100117104931/http://soundcloud.com/ahlstrominfo/essential-mix-10-06-2007
. audio https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafybeic52ds37pn7xucc54yraaqh7awbxevrzvteiprtvi7hv6q5zu626a

Anon 03/21/2024 (Thu) 21:23 [Preview] No.9913 del
(255.56 KB 1362x1467 58945-html.png)
That folder includes this video:

A comment on that:
>Ponycord lost.

. 2011-09-16
.. 'somepony seriously need to make an AMV [thinking he meant "PMV"] with the song "Death Death (Devil, Devil, Devil, Devil, Evil, Evil, Evil, Evil Song)" \\ cmon, people!'
... Ponibooru.org webpage https://bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu.ipfs2.eth.limo/58945.html (Temp peering with /dnsaddr/node-2.ingress.cloudflare-ipfs.com @ peer ID QmcFmLd5ySfk2WZuJ1mfSWLDjdmHZq7rSAua4GoeSQfs1z = maybe helped because this webpage took a while to load.)

Such videos were created:
. 2012-08-08 - "MLP PMV - Death Death Devil Devil Devil Evil Evil Evil Songs":
.. https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=D-5PBudefOE
. 2014-01-23 - "Sweetie Belle PMV- Death Devil Evil Song- Voltaire":
.. https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=CLa-beJavYA

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:fd9e01e087296c74edb5a5b8081c481cd21a38a4&dn=4chan_gif_2023_05.zip
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmQLsJZaRGS64KfRuy2bTSRrAJsoG9s7BevgqsKp2tYf6r <- "ipfs add --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 -w 4chan_gif_2023_05.zip"
. size? 80.46-GiB file /ipfs/QmUEKMtU8Eq24GHW2d6axBSmBd3ptKyomAsHdewDUEQjD9
. time? HDD->HDD: 1711045060 -> 1711049225
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:108975d1e1da87a6d46ad4457c9a3c739b798c1c&dn=4chan_gif_2023_06.zip
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmWcx1BhXu9TSNX5fNFvWC4hoxBWUUNv97H9pEqCwiESPm <- "ipfs add --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 -w 4chan_gif_2023_06.zip"
. size? 67.72-GiB file /ipfs/QmYoX87d6WqngoZHJL6jBd6PaNcQo2LiTSnWk2Ryndi8Nm
. time? HDD->HDD: 2024-03-21T19:40:55.312495694Z -> 2024-03-21T20:33:35.277661163Z

Anon 03/22/2024 (Fri) 05:41 [Preview] No.9914 del
Webpage now missing an image file:
( https://web.archive.org/web/20240322053444/http://web.archive.org/screenshot/https://ipfs.ssi.eecc.de/ipfs/bafybeiegz656arku6lm3thqjtpvw5co2u475qg5hevexbkizilylvemliu?aHR0cHM6Ly93ZWIuYXJjaGl2ZS5vcmcvc2F2ZQ== )

Personal MLP-related website https://haltie.com/ says
"Website is back \\ My website host died. I moved to another host, but it will take some time to make the site all pretty and functioning again."

Browser/GUI: "undefined"

Anon 03/22/2024 (Fri) 08:55 [Preview] No.9915 del
Many websites are blocked by The Great Firewall of China, such Derpibooru:


derpibooru.org Beijing BLOCKED
derpibooru.org Shenzhen BLOCKED
derpibooru.org Inner Mongolia BLOCKED
derpibooru.org Heilongjiang Province BLOCKED
derpibooru.org Yunnan Province BLOCKED

Cannot watch this sexy/porn video in China:

That webpage linked to this site, in which I saw this video about statistical anomalies and such in the 2020 US presidential election:

Saw that domain name before, just now fully realized that that's a Naruto reference.

Anon 03/22/2024 (Fri) 08:58 [Preview] No.9916 del
*such as Derpibooru

(created by default settings)

Anon 03/22/2024 (Fri) 11:09 [Preview] No.9917 del
>Understanding data is a hassle, but you gotta do it if you want your software to be correct, like the Ponibooru Restored thing I am working on
>Understanding data is a hassle
In a way, it's fun and interesting to do. Simple data = don't have to put as much effort into dealing with it. More odd files/folders:
>Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/101955 - youtube _/ meta.png
>Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/105204 - scootaloo ask_rainbow_scoots/m- artist_Paucity-Luxuriance rainbow_scoots.png
>Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/158830 - -)^3^(/ artist_Primogenitor34 rainbow_dash adawable.png
>Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/174428 - Sweety_Fighter artist_miss_melissaa Winter_Bluenight fetish_art -/-/-/ eating artist_miss-melissaa tongue_out tongue surprised mouth_open vore.png
>Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/198959 - -)^3^(/ Lyra animated winks.gif
>Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/38678 - rainbow_dash D'AWWWWWWWWW cute -)^£õ^(/ filly baby WTF_COMMENTS cuteness_overload pacifier SO_AWESOME.png
>Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/38832 - highres Quaker_Sparkle oatmeal quaker_oats twilight_sparkle/ oh_god_get_it_away.jpg
>Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/61461 - carrot_cake Mrs_Cake/ filly all_my_d'awww artist_cartoonlion ask pinkie_pie Cup_Cake rainbow_dash fluttershy mr_cake.png
>Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/62045 - wuna meta oh_god luna -)¯3¯(/.png
>Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/64360 - ask artist_atlur ask_the_pie_sisters dashface -)^3^(/ Inkie_pie Blinkie_Pie pie_sisters.png

These are folders with just one file or folder due to the filename text. Such as:
. https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/174428%20-%20Sweety_Fighter%20artist_miss_melissaa%20Winter_Bluenight%20fetish_art%20-/-/
. https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/174428%20-%20Sweety_Fighter%20artist_miss_melissaa%20Winter_Bluenight%20fetish_art%20-/-/-/
. https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/64360%20-%20ask%20artist_atlur%20ask_the_pie_sisters%20dashface%20-%29%5E3%5E%28/
. https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Art/Image%20archives/ponibooru.org/Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/misc/101955%20-%20youtube%20_/
.. Browser view: doesn't show hidden file ".png".

Anon 03/22/2024 (Fri) 15:59 [Preview] No.9918 del
Here's some of the differences between Ponibooru-All-Safe and Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack:

In the filenames in Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack, some of the text got mojibaked and stuff. In that text file, I replaced /artist_/artist:/ to try to easily find and remove same filenames in vim, but due to many other diffs., it didn't work (I can do a more aggressive find and remove). Image=
>107036 - Questionable hater p+§risee Ebin es _D XD Sp+§rde paint finland Spurdo haters gonna.jpg 3Kz5ToDDMMoi Ponibooru-All-Safe-Repack/100001-110000/
>107036 - Questionable hater pärisee Ebin es :D XD Spärde paint finland Spurdo haters gonna.jpg 3Kz5ToDDMMoi Ponibooru-All-Safe/

Anon 03/22/2024 (Fri) 23:16 [Preview] No.9919 del
In the past, I checked for these: images listed in the Ponibooru image info DB ("meta.sqlite") but not in the torrents or any collection of ponibooru.org images. I found multiple MD5-matching files, multiple heuristic-matching files, some other files, and multiple lost files. Today I did this: found image IDs which were deleted when Ponibooru was still around. 8368 images were found to have been deleted back then. 191273 images were not deleted. (191,273 + 8,368 = 199,641.) The file count in the torrents for the 4 ratings is 191,277 (7975 + 8405 + 166644 + 8253 and is a bit more than 191,273 due to readme files and whatever). Only one of the deleted images showed up in the SQL file:
>$ cat poni_del.txt | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo =--= $args =--=; sqlite3 -column -header -csv -cmd "select * from images where id=${args};foobaz" -bail meta.sqlite 2>/dev/null; done' _
>198564,660245ba3fe21842eb78ea32daf438de,png,Anonymous,dolan_is_best_pony,,safe,"2012-06-14 23:13:07.008639",tumblr_m5llx7zvYF1ryv213o1_500.png,500,562,179059,"198564 - dolan_is_best_pony.png",

Three-test: 195484.html + 59794.html + 18353.html from 2012-10-18 and 2012-07-28 =
>No image in the database has the ID #195484
>No image in the database has the ID #59794
>No image in the database has the ID #18353

Almost no way to know what the remaining 8367 deleted images were. Maybe some of them (or their webpages/thumbnails/whatever) were saved to WBM. Here's "poni_del.txt":

Anon Board owner 03/23/2024 (Sat) 03:27 [Preview] No.9922 del
(128.53 KB 1875x1125 3177817.jpeg)

I have not forgot of this thread. Internet just sucks sometimes. Hope everyone here is doing well.

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 06:47 [Preview] No.9923 del
I saw some more of those - "hang-on-my-refrigerator-tier" artwork:
. MLP_NSFW | OpenSea https://opensea.io/collection/mlp-nsfw
.. Luna Back View (NSFW) https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/39505386902707092563015707625506759477345437895785678768346936709553814765569
... https://dl.openseauserdata.com/cache/originImage/files/34d10119d84193f221a502e529941085.jpg
... d https://i.seadn.io/gae/WG-pZlHm0HMPBVzOg2M1cIHQzZE6395H8rBaJ4aCMRjYDusEJP03RHuK-lS5hFSSKNc-PRL2NRraX94F0MhyvDTud5sDo18VQZYvYg?auto=png&dpr=1&w=9000
.. Fluttershy Riding (NSFW) https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/39505386902707092563015707625506759477345437895785678768346936708454303137793
... https://dl.openseauserdata.com/cache/originImage/files/405bf295717cfb437a6c383dd4539177.png
... d https://i.seadn.io/gae/hVsQG9hAglOa12Ju6rPUj3rjgaVsKbZv23uliwCjZ0MVPFn4FuxO4OoHWbgN1Xu8ZoPXVL1uFbzsdhQqrKkMQUOjCelX3QsBqoyg?auto=png&dpr=1&w=9000
.. Cheerilee Back View (NSFW) https://opensea.io/assets/ethereum/0x495f947276749ce646f68ac8c248420045cb7b5e/39505386902707092563015707625506759477345437895785678768346936710653326393345
... https://dl.openseauserdata.com/cache/originImage/files/18ff2506b2cbe0c2539f9cef723e2f8f.jpg
... d https://i.seadn.io/gae/s65ZnTpj9LdLuNiJXk7Y4JmPkoWW2Za9YZ0bdte9I0nerIrojqaLnm4VGNy-odW0SLEJYS2E2_Hwy9P4Pzjz88MSBYNpm7631Gjh?auto=png&dpr=1&w=9999

I saw that someone recently downloaded MLP G4 DVD ISO torrents. I wanted to locally duplicate those, but for now - copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:dec6392af6cae3e63c8540ddc88f063af84a5e7f&dn=Macintosh%20Plus%20-%20Floral%20Shoppe
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmVptfQ8XjFfo8eTrwZPUiGHhZQWFppEFpb85mv9hQgs2J <- 'ipfs add -wrH "Macintosh Plus - Floral Shoppe"'
. size? 502.62-MiB folder https://web.archive.org/web/20230705053005/https://dweb.link/ipfs/QmeeHUDuiTrFhFF5no6GcEDkeeotUKKe7uraRsnX5j8qBz/
. time? HDD->HDD: 2024-03-21T21:39:10.923317046Z -> 2024-03-21T21:40:08.693789390Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8c6b81f29fdc8e7fcbe92acf8beec5413f52d0e7
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmbxmuKUbxUaJFjadPWoYFDnegV94mD7sVcrSSnbwoAsXe <- 'ipfs add -w "David Icke - Dot-Connector - Ickonic. Twitter Censorship, Trump, Soros, Clinton, Epstein, Climate, 5G, & More October 3, 2019.mp4"'
. size? 263.13-MiB file /ipfs/QmdCskknvVrJT9UgfFa5MXVvkYUPSc8dnixPVojoja7CUB
. time? HDD->HDD: 2024-03-21T21:35:06.944753822Z -> 2024-03-21T21:35:39.749662572Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9a17c3724751903d60db6e8fae99a78b819be9f3&dn=Ringo%20Starr%20-%20Y%20Not%20%5B2010-MP3-Cov%5D%5BBubanee%5D
. where? zb, offline https://web.archive.org/web/20231226001404/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmQimTs3vgqdhtR3ocA6VTdpAqcMZE93AK6bada4vgWnnZ <- 'ipfs add -wrH "Ringo Starr - Y Not [2010-MP3-Cov][Bubanee]"'
. size? 71.92-MiB folder https://web.archive.org/web/20231226001615/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmafSybQnTXaZFCbmXneziR9g7UQ4MzghgCG5YM7os4Rav
. time? HDD->HDD: 2024-03-21T21:42:41.975322613Z -> 2024-03-21T21:42:52.847574176Z

>Macintosh Plus - Floral Shoppe
"リサフランク420 現代のコンピュー" is maybe the most popular or most well-known vaporwave track ever; here's that "A2 - リサフランク420 現代のコンピュー.flac" (popular music/pop culture):

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 07:04 [Preview] No.9924 del
I see that I mentioned these before ITT, so I'll take this moment to point something out. "Who cares about 'Floral Shoppe' by Macintosh Plus?" It's worth consideration or posting about because it's part of pop culture, and pop culture ends up everywhere. Example:
. https://archive.org/search?query=%22Macintosh+Plus%22+%22Floral+Shoppe%22
.. anthro pony image https://archive.org/details/updated-crimson-experience-wxd6nd
... Queen Chrysalis https://archive.org/download/updated-crimson-experience-wxd6nd

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 08:46 [Preview] No.9925 del
I usually skip over EQG videos, but I cannot really ignore these due to the view count (>1M and about 750K) and one or both have non-deleted comments sections

2017 video not in TPA - "Shape of you (PMV)":

2021 video not in TPA - "Flashlight mlp pmv stereo hearts":

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 08:54 [Preview] No.9926 del
>I usually skip over EQG videos
In discovery/searching, that is. If I download part or all of a YT channel then I will download basically all MLP-related videos (incl. EQG).

(BTW, computer LPC no longer hosting Internet-reachable data since an unintentional reboot at around unix time 1710944660 or Wed Mar 20 14:24:20 2024 UTC. It was online for like 100 days straight with month+ program uptime. Better host HPC=program uptime of about 46 days now and still running.)

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 09:04 [Preview] No.9927 del
Shit 4chan says: "It has 1.2 million views, but every single one of them is a Barbiefag retard."

Shit Reddit says: " This some Minecraft shit: https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=zs-zATBh_Ho "

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 09:34 [Preview] No.9928 del
2021 video not in TPA - "Daft Punk - Digital Love - Rainbow Dash PMV Collab (feat. SpenceMan667)":

Part of the description:
>Okay, so this PMV has a weird story. Back when I joined the Herd, about... February, almost two years ago, I had a cold and therefore fever dreams. One of these dreams was an incredibly vivid visualization of Rainbow Dash, paired with the song "Digital Love". It was a really surreal experience.

I had multiple more dreams of ponies, but have not recorded/shared those experiences since someone told me to like shut up about pony dreams.

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 10:18 [Preview] No.9929 del
Fix for empty file
>Ponibooru-All-Safe/90558 - book artist:john_joseco how_to_use_a_parachute skydiving twilight_sparkle parachute pinkie_pie.png
is bit-identical file
>../pbooru.com/ponibooru/44001-45000/44815 - book how_to_use_a_parachute john_joseco parachute pinkie_pie skydiving twilight_sparkle.png

>original animation, small channel
Got it
I also updated yt-dlp - older "/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp" binary is in this folder ("[email protected] from yt-dlp/yt-dlp"):

CAR file became available within a minute, but I did get a "504 Gateway Time-out" in the start. It would be cool if I had the technology to meet or exceed the minimum requirement to run an "L1 node" for this thing - https://docs.saturn.tech/requirements - which is:
> Node hardware requirements
>> 10Gbps upload link minimum (Why 10Gbps?)
>> CPU with 6 cores (12+ cores recommended). CPU Mark of 8,000+ (20,000+ recommended)
>> 32GB RAM minimum (128GB+ recommended)
>> 2TB SSD storage minimum (16TB+ NVMe recommended)
>> Linux server with a static public IPv4 address \ Root access / passwordless sudo user (How to)
>> Ports 80 and 443 free and public to the internet \ Docker installed (Instructions here) with Docker Compose v2

Pretty out-of-reach for me, but I could make something of a step towards that, such as getting a computer with 6 or more cores and a high "CPU Mark" (whatever that means). Or, buying SSDs.

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 11:33 [Preview] No.9930 del
I bet Pinkie Pie enjoys eating candy or sweet food when masturbating or having sex.

CPU Mark is a column here - https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu_list.php - includes some/all AMD Ryzen 7s and Intel i7s. Which is more pro-FOSS: AMD or Intel?

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 11:58 [Preview] No.9931 del
>Letters from Celestia
>Into the trash they go
Fuck the government.

>includes some/all AMD Ryzen 7s and Intel i7s
That are >8000, that is.

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 12:55 [Preview] No.9932 del
I was comparing these two tracks:
. Loyalty by MandoPony+AcousticBrony
.. MKV only at https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=ZWgvJ-sTG-c
. Pony Waifu
.. https://endchan.net/.media/3af542697f37bd416cf8fb090afa2ff4-videowebm.webm

"Loyalty" is great, and I like all of it; it's about twice as long as "Pony Waifu" (which I also like). I slightly dislike Pony Waifu, mainly the last ~40 seconds; perhaps someone/ML covered it. When I first heard them, I heard Loyalty first.

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 13:15 [Preview] No.9933 del

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 21:46 [Preview] No.9934 del
I copied multiple My Little Karaoke .iso files into cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c86e8d1141004c22b03754718b6359c912319528&dn=MLK_AC.iso
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmZxyqwd1rmMunNJk8Qe3TR7bcyjySLSAGrFhrHwbkjMfU <- 'ipfs add -w --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 MLK_AC.iso'
. size? 2.60-GiB file /ipfs/QmTbD1TS1HtifEwjx7DqUthT7EkjRmTubT8g8kSZS7N9MG 2786734080 MLK_AC.iso
. time? HDD->HDD: 2024-03-23T20:35:11.401102986Z -> 2024-03-23T20:36:54.835640124Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9973aef788bd76269466f265e4b695d15d2a3044&dn=MLK_AC2.iso
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYKQHEYePN4Yf9g6a2hNA54APyNu8Bd4tVwKMWSBhkn6g <- 'ipfs add -w --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 MLK_AC2.iso'
. size? 2.96-GiB file /ipfs/QmUxhgpxusP5Rm1TGq2SnS7bnMiVmCENPyt96CiT5qFmjt 3180709888 MLK_AC2.iso
. time? HDD->HDD: 2024-03-23T20:41:26.966602369Z -> 2024-03-23T20:43:51.703712597Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:82b18bd8bd0cc3535e89dd2cc221e7364dd7e059&dn=MLK_AC3.iso
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmTmX78EMtJk24AE1QmQD3LBwdGMfFR1iWx4JN2macSRni <- 'ipfs add -w --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 MLK_AC3.iso'
. size? 2.14-GiB file /ipfs/QmVPPX1NKDmumSs4BVYJWcapWBG8StWH38NCE2JULYCRZ3 2293866496 MLK_AC3.iso
. time? 2024-03-23T20:49:23.671018765Z -> 2024-03-23T20:51:27.778800571Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5a085ce4a7381bbf2c57b0a21fcf145a2acdaaf7&dn=MLK_SIM2.iso
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmbDSk1Hp33cnfBCZDgwms1RM58YdL1TvDVGR4uhdYeUeC <- 'ipfs add -w --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 MLK_SIM2.iso'
. size? 2.87-GiB file /ipfs/QmcqtDwi6SoD78PpFsajNueWg3yQ2uVzLVPYqU9LKAHFec 3077660672 MLK_SIM2.iso
. time? 2024-03-23T20:54:28.377309645Z -> 2024-03-23T20:56:40.487801251Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ff241a7b7b5e5e2fdf9fdff78ee673be9638f4e9&dn=azumanga%20daioh
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmVKUeHSK9B2jY6imnJTzH3yUwkJk3HQJBvrtfVRSgoxz4 <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "azumanga daioh"'
. size? 5.88-GiB folder /ipfs/QmWDc6mJLJN2zn68ERUAnzBr4xKGdwWihU6vVEp1jvtt5Z

I'm using ipfs's MFS thing to help keep track of duplicated torrents:
. "/cids_in_mfs/" - keeps track of CIDs copied to MFS
. "/torrents/by_infohash/" - keeps track of torrents copied to IPFS
. cmd: "ipfs pin add {h}; ipfs files cp /ipfs{h} /cids_in_mfs/{h}; ipfs files cp /ipfs{h} /torrents/by_infohash/${i}"

I could also replicate whatever file paths are used for these files in IWIFTP. (With no duplicates or symlinking headache or whatever due to MFS being a part of the block sharing system.) Mine="/z9/t/pony/fan-made/video_game/". Created in mfs for remote="/iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Games/Fan-made/Digital/My Little Karaoke፡ Singing is Magic/v2 (Legacy Version)/Game files/" (also dl'd other files in that folder and pinned them). CID of that "Game files" folder as of now is probably this: offline /ipfs/QmcRwyJocUQyg1WcPwEK7QrRUT6HTKEMyu6vR4mQhLPH3Y

Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 21:50 [Preview] No.9935 del
cmd: "ipfs pin add ${h}; ipfs files cp /ipfs/${h} /cids_in_mfs/${h}; ipfs files cp /ipfs/${h} /torrents/by_infohash/${i}"

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 02:35 [Preview] No.9937 del
I say Equestria Girls still counts as broadly "pony" in the same way that humanized content is. It is not quite as important but still counts from a history and cultural perspective.

What is the issues with your Internet anyway?

What does reddit say have to do with ponies or
anything you said earlier?

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 03:14 [Preview] No.9938 del
>copying torrents to IPFS
Results can be the outcome of:
(a.) getting a copy of a partially-downloaded torrent - copy to /torrents/by_infohash/${i}.partial in that case
(b.) getting a copy of a fully-downloaded torrent, but the folder contains extra files/folders which aren't part of the torrent
(c.) getting a copy of a fully- or partly-downloaded torrent, but some files/folders have been renamed

Case (a.) example - 44.6%-downloaded where the rest is gone and it has a piece size of 2 MiB:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0bb67d65df5d995a1e8270c8f6e3fc26a8e244ce&dn=Ponibooru-All-Safe.zip
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmWKMmCdUweQxxAcrjvNBsxuygSJX31HWhqNYi64w8Q9ji <- 'ipfs add -w --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Ponibooru-All-Safe.zip"'
. size? 82.86-GiB folder /ipfs/QmbLRDDkrYtKEb8RNFK8zXJKSe7XJKBVeesvGezi238JHn

Case (b.) example - has IA-derived files such as "76752CB1198327A3F70211C9B0143C078E9486A5_torrent.txt" (from "76752CB1198327A3F70211C9B0143C078E9486A5.torrent") which helps due to listing the original paths in the folder so you know which files or folders came from the torrent and which didn't:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:76752cb1198327a3f70211c9b0143c078e9486a5
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmR8tzekkxjvoGoAWgUjMxWuP3ueARssv3vfFxGdwTJGVF <- 'ipfs add -rHw "40 OMG Sexy Milky Boobs Exposed By Adriana Lima"'
. size? 10.47-MiB folder /ipfs/QmQ1A2PBvAEj8c4C3cvhGgz5Zf5kaFjQTxH1kg1vCBUgoN

Comparison of 100% complete hashtrees:
. BitTorrent: for the data, all SHA1 hashes must match. Otherwise, files and folders can be renamed and extra files or folders can be added to a folder.
.. applies to example infohash of 8327a3...9b0143
. IPFS: for the data, all multihashes must match. If a files or folders is "renamed" then that means it won't match to the original folder CID. If extra files or folders are "added" to a folder, then it also won't match to the original CID.
.. applies to example CID Qm3c...5Zf5

BitTorrent and IPFS both have various settings for chunks/pieces, but not getting into that in the following:
. The idea with BitTorrent is like this: the .torrent file has the original file/folder layout and paths. The save path can have renamed versions of those files and added data. The save path contains the same data insofar as the SHA1s match and it can largely differ beyond that.
. The idea with IPFS is like this: as specified by the CID, this file is exactly this file and that folder is exactly that folder. Any difference like renaming files or adding data to a folder = different folder CID. The save path is basically "$IPFS_PATH/.blocks/" and users are almost always expected to not interact with .data files in .blocks/ as they don't need to (you can rsync them from repo to repo to get more blocks...).

With torrents, the original path(s) can be decoupled with the save path(s). The original layout is contained in a BitTorrent seed file. Therefore, IPFS seems to be a more sane way to contain whatever file(s) and folder(s). Unless you make an effort not to, saved data for torrents has the meaning of "here's these files/folders which may or may not match to the original paths and may or may not have extra data". With torrents, you also must know the infohash that applies to that folder/file: check $HOME/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/BT_backup/*.fastresume for that. Even if you try to keep original and save path one to one, it could be difficult. For example, if you run this -- "rsync -a --info=progress2 /a/trnt/ /b/trnt/" -- and your computer loses power or something, then rsync will leave behind a temp file in the format of ".filename.txt.Blah4" in one of the torrent folders. Another issue is with various platforms like Windows, which doesn't like characters such as ":" in filenames. In that case, you cannot keep it one to one for torrents which contain filenames with ":" or "^" or whatever; not a problem in IPFS.

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 03:19 [Preview] No.9939 del
A better name is probably "/pins_in_mfs/"

>CID of that "Game files" folder as of now is probably this...
Not very meaningful because different chunk/block settings were used on files in folder QmcR...PH3Y

>What does reddit say have to do with ponies or
>anything you said earlier?
Since I was posting that, I felt like pointing out a similar idea. Reddit hivemind: known for having a certain type of humor. Probably also know for having certain stereotypical comments, such as certain types of comments or messages from comments as seen in YouTube comments. (I basically never posted on Reddit before, also never really lurked there.)

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 13:28 [Preview] No.9967 del
It took ~hours over days, but I finally got all of the MLP-related video IDs from this channel: True_Blue_UUnjNrJw4IIhORvMJVqYuM0Q which now has 3744 videos (19 pages, ~200 videos per page). At times it was "painful" to do this. I used the hoverover to get IDs userscript that I created - about the best way to get select IDs from a channel. Number of select IDs from that channel: 1178 and next step=download them.

Copied to cold storage:
. what? All safe-rated images from ponibooru.org
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9de279a03c2e759249b47f7504bc34f2e14855df&dn=Ponibooru-All-Safe
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmPV584mGFYPPgAwXLEe1Kgh2H4jVcqnw8YrvRB2f9VE2v <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 Ponibooru-All-Safe'
. size? 82.82-GiB folder /ipfs/QmTGv1LArKKfW245GfJ8gvLpRdcLerMvZnaRTeW3PambyH
. time? 166,644 files + running rsync at the same time = about 11 hours from 2024-03-24T01:40:16.089136892Z -> 2024-03-24T12:43:50.702306542Z
. note? It took like an hour after 100.00% first showed up in the progress line because it was hashing all of the hashes together or whatever. If it was just one 83-GiB file instead of 166644 files, then it would only take like 1 second after 100% in progress line. Also, the meaning of "saved data for torrents" >>9938 carries over to this CID. Not sure if that folder had extra files from rclone or not. It's possible for anyone to confirm that that torrent results in that CID from those settings.
. what? PPP AI Dub of S01E02 of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6c302885bcb858aff7015e6aa9602089490dd2aa
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmVLVmsCWfhZEaqSbvwqPVtwidR5GipKJGohhSbNC4Pm14 <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "PPP AI Dub Episode 2 1080p.mp4"'
. size? 483.87-MiB file /ipfs/QmPbcMVLS7KK1fQfPHLu4vFmuX6bkt7HPRew2Bged3ridx
. note? The "-wrH" settings can be applied to a file and not just a folder. This is helpful to use the same command for files and folders.
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6008ead2c06787f71230a6ca7ac0de4fa008a496
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmbCngvV6ctDtXDtszN97BWU1MicawDsTERTmcLrCpwjRr <- 'ipfs add -w --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[SR] Kodocha Season 2 Laserdisc Boxset Extras.mp4"'
. size? 1.27-GiB file /ipfs/QmSWW18hVRVjx2vbzyy7NDcX4rrKtvQ3NdMGUaw4z3sL37

>$ rsync -a --info=progress2 /a/trnt/ /b/trnt/
This only shows a progress line of "[bytes xfr'd | percent done | speed of xfr | time remaining | remaining items out of total items]" and any IO error it finds along the way. A way to show which file that that rsync command is currently working on is by running this: "ps aux | grep rsync" then "lsof -p [rsync PID]". (Similar command: "$ rsync -av /a/ /b/".)

Videos from the following:
>redub, simple, food, G1 I think: /z9/youtube/Scootertrix_Studios_UCB0qq3SOsKZGwM4prKK1xmA/Mostly_Vegan-Scootertrix_Studios-20230226-youtube-1920x1080-YdVjrDWyi7g.webm
>redub, simple, LOL: /z9/youtube/Scootertrix_Studios_UCB0qq3SOsKZGwM4prKK1xmA/Pathetic-Scootertrix_Studios-20231019-youtube-1920x1440-b7XTGxYCXNQ.webm
>redub https://youtube.com/watch?v=nHxV_MjNYMU [Embed] not uploaded here: "Pony_Real_Estate-Scootertrix_Studios-20240221-youtube-1920x1440-nHxV_MjNYMU.webm"
>original animation, G5, late G4: /z9/youtube/Scootertrix_Studios_UCB0qq3SOsKZGwM4prKK1xmA/Sunny_meets_Twilight_Animation-Scootertrix_Studios-20220919-youtube-1920x1080-mFRvcJUFYkI.webm

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 13:41 [Preview] No.9969 del
V button not working so well

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:92cabe1f8b3a09fca44561b639ad6039163a4e53&dn=What.CD_Goodbye_Release
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmUYv1Ek8Xdg2xHgcWLEcug8VyUqMVNFjWB6ttSbd8DDzS <- 'ipfs add -w --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[SR] Kodocha Season 2 Laserdisc Boxset Extras.mp4"'
. size? 717.62-MiB file /ipfs/QmekK7TixjkS8onfHhv3YkuSCk5HahheyHjMNv1rw64jAJ

And wow torrents are a pain sometimes. No qBittorrent, I don't want you to move the data, I just want to set the location to another HDD so it can be rechecked there. That wasted some time for me.

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 13:45 [Preview] No.9970 del
It would be informative if torrent clients had an option to see how much the save path matches to what the paths in the .torrent file is. So it would say which files were renamed, and it would say if there are any extra data in the save path folder which isn't a part of the torrent.

> <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "What.CD_Goodbye_Release"'

Anon 03/24/2024 (Sun) 20:23 [Preview] No.10013 del
>My Little Pony Generation 1
MLP G1 ISO file copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:fcb97f40033034e9c1c373860ebe50ae308749f8
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmbWj3jQYo77TMSG4PknRqVhM2wmBR2obg2QdkCuFKkzJH <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "My Little Pony 1986-1987 Disc 1 ISO"'
. size? 7.23-GiB folder /ipfs/QmVMfVwTDGp3FmUgRPNHbLspKZTnLQhg8RxMApHo24DqKK
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b3b4ec3858b6e03d376b4fcc44effeea19c2609a
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmXcA2WEnuWuTfxQtKnevBP6g2SEr1TtMy88fT7jFKPSAP <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[2000-2002] Azumanga Daioh_笑園漫畫大王(あずまんが大王)_ONA.MOVIE.TV"'
. size? 94.94-GiB folder /ipfs/QmPuPBs5CxVNdBKdgJB4usNr9DQCUoEUNTjpVFW76qqB4f - took about 1 hour
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:645a119ff57596d6c53a5d144d6570288be1bb8b
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/Qmb6gcaEbox844kYPhkK3o35gN2pyYdvqbTiFJvCpY7LYw <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Death Note [2005-2008] [Ultimate Collection] By Kira [SEV]"'
. size? 128.29-GiB folder /ipfs/QmaZhJEF4pSzfY5wCJznCofaYL4ZYys2PT6nWGEd7FgNdQ - took about 2 hours

Transcript of that video: https://youtubetranscript.com/?v=b7XTGxYCXNQ -> not autogenerated, improved by me ->
>*Crying* \ Shady. \ *Crying* \ Shady. Get over here. \ Blahglaaeeeeh. \ What are you doing? \ *Sniff* \ Crying. \ Look at me. \ What are you crying for? \ Oh. *Sniffs* I'm just sad. \ What you gotta be sad about, Shady? \ Well-- You see-- \ You live in like a fuckin-- Garden of Eden for Equin. \ Like-- How old are you? \ 3. \ You're 3? \ Yeah. \ God that's... \ See I envy you. I envy your youth. \ *Sniffs* \ You do? \ I'd give anything to be 3 again. \ You see these pigtails? \ Yeah. \ I regret it. \ Oh. \ Don't live like me. \ Okay. \ Enjoy your youth Shady. Cause it goes by fast. \ One minute you're 3, the next you're 8. \ And you'll be like, GOD. What have I been doing with my life? \ You're 8? \ Yeah. Almost 3 times your age. You don't see me crying. \ You ever been to the third grade? \ No. \ It sucks. Your life's basically over by that point. \ Ooh... \ I've wasted my entire life... finger painting. \ You ever finger paint, Shady? \ Well I-- I'm a pony. \ You ever read books? \ I'm a pony- \ I know what your fuckin race is Shady. \ Let me give you some advice. See there's this poem, right? \ Written by one of my favorite authors. A guy called... \ Doctor Sues. It's called The Sneetches. \ The what? \ You never heard of the sneetches Shady? \ No. \ Well it's about these sneetches on these beaches, right. They're always-- \ What are sneetches? \ ... \ So these sneetches right? They're envious of these other sneetches \ with stars on their bellies. \ So they try to get stars on their bellies. \ And it's about-- Like-- It doesn't matter what you look like. You know? \ And then this one guy shows up and-- Don't give your money to people. \ They'll take advantage of you. Do you understand what I'm saying? \ *Sniff* \ No... \ Fuckin lost cause. \ Well maybe when you're my age you'll understand. \ *Crying*

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 05:47 [Preview] No.10017 del
43 posts between then and then. Trying for 10K GET I suppose. Not ITT: >>9980 >>9990 >>10000 >>10010

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a8ed48dc7402905beb098566283dae3b0e652902
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmaBJoLooT5gRMHpEUnHXc3cEe724uxCsmER6Lk4khSDt4 <- 'ipfs add -rHw /z9/t/pony/video/leaks/Holidays_unwrapped_packed/packed'
. size? 12.67-GiB folder https://web.archive.org/web/20230924032818/https://gateway.ipfs.cybernode.ai/ipfs/QmeoiscbvumvuKmgi6f6YCUR5ZkMgb3LQCsWBnz5sZzaYt/ - took about 30 minutes
. note? This is a leaked Equestria Girls video (showed up before an official release of it) with this metadata: "2019-10-12 08:10:16 ....A 66654832771 [uncomp] 13602421630 [comp] Holidays Unwrapped.mov". File timestamps can be faked, so where's the first webpage(s) that link to this torrent?

npr copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f94c5f2b271391376ee84463c28ff287fe67ce26
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmY2FFK8dRAL42CdBBzBQyvBnrgudjgbeLKmwgJfH3pnFF <- 'while [ true ]; do utc; ps -o etime 2037988 || ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[1995-1998] Kodocha_玩偶遊戲(小孩子的玩具,こどものおもちゃ)_TV.OVA"; utc; sleep 100; done'
. size? 43.77-GiB folder /ipfs/QmYfjPQAYQhtmhTzj7CQej7p4kKPYxwEbmwwg5b5o4kTWq - took about 1 hour
. note? That processed it >4 (~4.5) times instead of 1 time. Should have had a break like this: "$ while [ true ]; do stat aaa && echo y && break; sleep 1; done".

What did I learn from that? A command can be ran after another hour-or-more-long command ends, but make sure to have a break in there so that the loop doesn't needlessly and wastefully run it over and over; something like this:
>$ while [ true ]; do utc; ps -o etime 2037988 || ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 ... && break; utc; sleep 100; done

>liked "4everfreebrony - Sister Luna (Scars On 45 ponified).mp3" in Everfree_Radio_RIP
Copied that to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4ce2cc82c906a383aa418b6a179dd26b25d8e26f&dn=Everfree_Radio_RIP
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmU6KWPmEQpjXqX9f1qnUSqkCymnP1GsqQUDVTQiBoxpZy <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 Everfree_Radio_RIP"
. size? 54.59-GiB folder /ipfs/QmXgeV71vzEySEbp37x83wBtyULvsBEqdhgXizkinVe9yb - lots of files, took about 2 hours
. what? friendship-related series, npr
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1b80a97b85c8e723da70c834c891864e6d754b04&dn=Naruto%20%282002%29
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmU2EVXsyko4nHC27HXGc3Yb3fs8KZqNc7yLc46eMfwoG4 <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Naruto (2002)"'
. size? 36.62-GiB folder /ipfs/QmeMLfiMEAvnwneGVoeeF6JKTyTKm6AQLgwxGUoK4x1pk2 - took about 1 hour

Anon Board owner 03/25/2024 (Mon) 05:49 [Preview] No.10018 del
(104.50 KB 959x642 46256.jpg)
If anyone who only tracks /go/ and doesn't venture out of here much is wondering about the sudden jump in post count and this thread being all the way down on page 3. It is from some sort of spam/raid that happened earlier.

I won't let this place be stuck in page 3 for too long. For the moment, I will let it in case the spammers come again.

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 06:11 [Preview] No.10020 del
(38.39 KB 960x720 twibooru-378620.jpg)
>What did I learn from that? A command can be ran after another hour-or-more-long command ends, but make sure to have a break in there so that the loop doesn't needlessly and wastefully run it over and over; something like this:
>$ while [ true ]; do utc; ps -o etime 2037988 || ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 ... && break; utc; sleep 100; done
I've had this problem before with Bash: in a loop, "&& break" breaks out of it even if the previous command didn't run successfully. This should fix for that:
>$ a() { ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "EYrD2qXcEYyvgxh0" && break; }
>$ while [ true ]; do utc; ps -o etime 2150952 || a; utc; sleep 100; done

>It took ~hours over days, but I finally got all of the MLP-related video IDs from this channel[...] Number of select IDs from that channel: 1178 and next step=download them.
I have an idea for how to move files around so that I free up storage space to do that.


Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:99fa44215032c5fee2e0e35f02e11f7b8b4000bf&dn=Case%20Closed%20Seasons%201-5%20%2B%20Movies%20Uncut
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmW8Whj5yC8UNRbCZ9bUR22BQd9Tu5jkJZRbsVgW56ruVL <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Case Closed Seasons 1-5 + Movies Uncut"'
. size? 38.36-GiB folder /ipfs/QmdBgKAm4Xp6Bf25vJ9vAH39e7y5icrgxERPVCSC98WEJf - took about 1 hour

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 11:13 [Preview] No.10025 del
Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0a28fe146ed6d80f2e5f2921f1cd39400aa794b2&dn=Ponibooru-Select-Safe
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmeWeDr8xWE9b8vrWjeQBt6B4ivELdDiR6SFgNqVEc9o7s <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 Ponibooru-Select-Safe"
. size? 22.15-GiB folder /ipfs/QmWjwSx6GzCTBb7Prv2RCqSyMyRrDoyocryJgPrdqMUvTo - many files, took about 1 hour 30 min.
. note? these blocks should deduplicate with Ponibooru-All-Safe QmPV...VE2v >>9967

Piece of shit. It processed 71.78 GiB of data 5.5 times instead of just one time:
>bash: break: only meaningful in a
while', or `until' loop [but if I put break straight in the loop and not the function then it doesn't work right]

So use sleep instead - something like this:
>$ a() { ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "foldername" && sleep 1234567890; }
>$ while [ true ]; do utc; ps -o etime 2150952 || a; utc; sleep 100; done # ctrl+c later on
What I got five times:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d9b91b3c4a3adc82b60e5c77d64faef501b9eadf&dn=xbooru.com_some_irl_porn
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmZ9BxQRkBUJcdzY9SykwsdKmYD4VpqnfDfXwAxmEY5WyU <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 EYrD2qXcEYyvgxh0"
. size? 38.36-GiB folder /ipfs/QmY4jZnDckozHKerJXpWeKJnsLy4P8pZiZRtYsw22PT9CT - took about 1 hour

>idea for how to move files around so that I free up storage space to do that.
Going to move these two torrents (linked above) to cold storage: xbooru.com_some_irl_porn and 4chan_gif_2023_05.zip

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 11:18 [Preview] No.10026 del
bash: break: only meaningful in a `for', `while', or `until' loop [but if I put break straight in the loop and not the function then it doesn't work right]
Image from magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0a28fe146ed6d80f2e5f2921f1cd39400aa794b2&dn=Ponibooru-Select-Safe

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:08 [Preview] No.10027 del
>2TB SSD storage minimum (16TB+ NVMe recommended)
I think NVMe isn't possible with just a USB connection:
>NVM Express devices are chiefly available in the form of standard-sized PCI Express expansion cards[4] and as 2.5-inch form-factor devices that provide a four-lane PCI Express interface through the U.2 connector (formerly known as SFF-8639).

>10Gbps upload link minimum
Sounds expensive. In ~2020 I think archive.org said that they had some trouble getting a 50 GB/s connection.

>sudden jump in post count
>It is from some sort of spam/raid that happened earlier.
Since I think those posts were deleted, what was the general or specific idea conveyed by those posts? Curious to know because I have a speculation as to where said poster(s) came from. Was it advertisements, a general/specific "screw you", totally off-topic shitposts, or something else? (Related to trying to get post #10K?)

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:41 [Preview] No.10028 del
Years ago, ArchiveTeam saved lots of DeviantArt webpages to WBM. Many of those snapshots show up as "you have been blocked" (maybe some other 4xx like rate limiting). Not AT - Here an offline set downloaded before katiecandraw deleted her DA (dl'd by gallery-dl):

Pretty sure katiecandraw was an illustrator of FIM comics.

Oh, so it looks like it wasn't what I speculated: >>10023 - posts related to wbm-excluded website. They maybe have a screenshot of 10K post or other deleted posts over there. Not that I really care to see said deleted posts.

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 14:54 [Preview] No.10029 del
>Scootertrix Studios
That channel description - https://web.archive.org/web/20240325143335/https://inv.tux.pizza/channel/UCB0qq3SOsKZGwM4prKK1xmA/community - links to this:
>How to Beat YouTube's "Made for Kids":
>Mostly Vegans Backup:

Huh, what a coincidence, just looked at https://wiki.archiveteam.org/ because I wanted to look at the DA article and saw this:
>Warrior-based projects
>ArchiveTeam's Choice: DeviantArt
Thing I noticed about running an AT Warrior in the past: needs medium or high IO to work, doesn't work with low I/O.

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 15:00 [Preview] No.10030 del
>Groups Redesign
>On 2023-09-27, DeviantArt unveiled a new layout design for Groups.[5] While initially opt-in, they later announced on 2023-12-06 that inactive groups will be automatically migrated on 2024-03-25, with all remaining groups being migrated by 2024-04-08. As part of the migration, all data pertaining to custom widgets, favorites, group affiliations, countdown timers, admin forums, and admin announcements will be lost.[6] A DPoS project was started to grab this data.

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 16:38 [Preview] No.10031 del
(44.13 KB 640x480 clgJQzCj3mM-maxres.jpg)
Pony Life video:
>ERROR: [youtube] clgJQzCj3mM: Video unavailable. This video contains content from Hasbro Studios, LLC, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds
>youtube.com/watch?v=clgJQzCj3mM", "title": "John Kimble's Reaction: Campfire Stories", "description": null, "duration": 19, "channel_id": "UCnjNrJw4IIhORvMJVqYuM0Q", "channel": "True Blue", "channel_url": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnjNrJw4IIhORvMJVqYuM0Q", "uploader": "True Blue", "uploader_id": "@atruebluefriend", "uploader_url": "https://www.youtube.com/@atruebluefriend"
Blocked in 32 countries (blocked in 249 countries=blocked worldwide):
Todo for channel downloader thing: "mv -n s.txt ${folder}.partial" instead of "mv s.txt $folder"; also, get "yt-dlp -j --flat-playlist UU... > 1plist1.json" for ${folder}.partial/.

>G1 MLP video "Mostly Vegans Backup" [different from Mostly_Vegan-Scootertrix_Studios-20230226-youtube-1920x1080-YdVjrDWyi7g.*]
. https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1wt8cA0YgbfoPpqZBSii_iGmMJfX_K6xC
.. https://drive.usercontent.google.com/download?id=1wt8cA0YgbfoPpqZBSii_iGmMJfX_K6xC

Better track list in desc.: https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=9VAs1CIdh-Y ("Justice - BBC Radio 1 Essential Mix 2007")

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 16:51 [Preview] No.10032 del
*instead of "mv s.txt ${folder}.partial"

Videos from 11-GB folder with 4117 files currently:
short clip
short clip
audio replaced
Glim-based PMV

Anon 03/25/2024 (Mon) 22:56 [Preview] No.10033 del
I downloaded that video thanks to a German Tor IP address. Renamed "John Kimble's Reaction: Campfire Stories [clgJQzCj3mM].mkv" to "John_Kimble_s_Reaction_-_Campfire_Stories-True_Blue-20200729-youtube-854x480-clgJQzCj3mM.mkv". Other than that, also had to download thumbnail+desc+apimeta (API youtube/v3/videos) because that vid was geoblocked for me. Already had infojson (so 5 files per video ID).

. MKV from True_Blue_UCnjNrJw4IIhORvMJVqYuM0Q.partial/: final size of the part of that channel that I have is now 11 GB from 5895 files.
. WebM: I found this video to be sexy; Twilight Sparkle, pregnant, sex.
.. Related video with Snickers pony: "Signs a mare is getting close to foaling" at https://y.com.sb/watch?v=d68SAcEenZ4 from a small channel
... Some signs that a mare is getting close to giving birth: squishy, jiggly rump; substance on tits.
. GIF: Pretty sure I also relieved myself to this video (but maybe I didn't, hard to remember).

That thing is gone now:
. https://www.storj.io/ipfs now redirects to https://landing.storj.io/permanently-pin-with-storj-dcs
. "curl: (6) Could not resolve host: demo.storj-ipfs.com" <- "curl -F "file=@/path/file.txt" https://demo.storj-ipfs.com/api/v0/add"

(For a while, Infura had a thing where any users would use HTTP only to upload files and Infura would temporarily pin/host them. Later, Storj did for a while, now gone. Perhaps older than both are these two IPFS file sharing things which have been gone for years: glop.me and maybe https://web.archive.org/web/20210202041206/https://lain.la/ where anyone would upload a file to the site using HTTP only. Wonder if there's any other thing for file sharing that way. Host-based file sharing site https://smutty.horse/ = "Issued certificate has expired." as of now.)

Anon 03/26/2024 (Tue) 15:33 [Preview] No.10034 del
>Full My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic opening theme song
I saw another video with that:

Copied to cold storage:
. what? Gzip-compressed tarball which contains roughly 200,000 ponibooru.org webpage raws
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:909580c34af14007ac06ec08ae885ede14f9cecf
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/Qmb9XKX8kVUXxyKWe1VY3Wz8CyEJ6zaVm9Dg55attPHE9u <- "ipfs add -wrH metadata.tar.gz"
. size? 208.33-MiB file /ipfs/QmNWqA12W6cHB794PLQNcLMr4v2z5Dh1TYVcKfRsTXafpK - took <1min
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:de555eb0787bbb60e59aa6a5d8bec9ed4334aebf
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmUaZs7LzWrFPXSySonA9TNu5qonepCzLXTBHrmSDoGnx5 <- 'ipfs add -wrH "40 OMG Sexy Milky Boobs Exposed By Evelyn Sharma"'
. size? 6.11-MiB folder /ipfs/QmWDuTrq9TK9VrDyBkR7miWxHpwCysAhRWxGZb8L16CBLC - took ~2mins
. note? has extra data (IA)
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4ced178241ea826b42c8849185a6cc406ed56a72
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmSadTytwvZzBcQ5G3SMrDk4EF8re2MELAwLF6Sx2GDRjv <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[nighthwk] Kodocha (Kodomo no Omocha) Vol. 1-4 [DVD 480p AAC]"'
. size? 8.38-GiB folder /ipfs/QmXfhg6H6F9Qbtwm8D2U2caUz1n2rJZ8MZRAXaRJGqA7GB - took ~7mins

Anon 03/26/2024 (Tue) 21:09 [Preview] No.10035 del
> EdgeOfEverfree - Pinkie Pie (Krypto...) [.mp4]
> >>7888
> Speaking of trying to remember music, your post caused me to look up and find a song, a parody of Kryptonite by Three Doors Down with honestly some pretty cleaver lyrics even if I consider the vocals a little weak at times.
I see an MP3 of that track in the Everfree_Radio_RIP torrent:
. magnet link, QmU6...xpZy >>10017
. https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafkreiani5bm3xjodxywjc4nmu6rqrh3xm2bhrclwh5rdli75c36ldffhi?filename=Everfree_Radio_RIP_file_list.txt
.. 1057481733 8112446 [b'4everfreebrony - Sister Luna (Scars On 45 ponified).mp3']
.. 18996375452 9438326 [b'EdgeOfEverfree - Pinkie Pie (Kryptonite Parody).mp3']
.. https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Music/Fan-made/Music%20archives/Everfree_Radio_RIP%20%28incomplete%29/Everfree_Radio_RIP/EdgeOfEverfree%20-%20Pinkie%20Pie%20(Kryptonite%20Parody).mp3
.. etc.

Posts >>9153 and >>9460 - QmSK...p3CG links incl.:
. PMV_-_Kryptonite-Cupcakesyumy-20120417* https://endchan.org/.media/2200e61ec0c341d871ba8117db5cfa99-videowebm.webm
. 4everfreebrony\ -\ Sister\ Luna* https://endchan.org/.media/f8c038e76d5f4edc5eed62ca6a6bada7-audiompeg.mp3

I've been creating more offline copies of online public data - such as:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:accd85b5054b6c5f3443e91226cfbf7e364403b5
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmfG2LumvYvrk86KSCvD6VRSgqxLToDuxS4E44zDcp6qqJ <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[nighthwk] Kodocha (Kodomo no Omocha) Vol. 6 [DVD 480p AAC Dual Audio 10-bit]"'
. size? 1.02-GiB folder /ipfs/QmZV8PdcDXQF4evdYceZhGxChTSt5qhmBgTRs6WiArccar - took ~3mins
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0d4633d5fb9b3b108f24d307fe35f50cfd161cf1&dn=4chan_gif_2023_07.zip
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmbuMELUZzqBJabYM3hT1p8FtLCoUTojXxbp8aeN8RaPr4 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2023_07.zip"
. size? 73.44-GiB file /ipfs/QmVE65jUziH2UcQC3Ay6a8PTWZBKu5epMtmdQLVe9tkjyx

It takes a while for some of the 50+ GB ones (especially if doing other I/O tasks with the same HDD). Nice thing I noticed about QTerminal: you can clear the screen with ctrl+shift+x even with a process running in the foreground, so no need to do ctrl+z then enter "clear" then enter "fg" or "bg". This is helpful when copying text in QTerminal to text file(s).

Anon 03/27/2024 (Wed) 07:26 [Preview] No.10036 del
(1.13 MB 2500x2000 31.png)
"Main computer" now has an uptime of 7 days. This means that if this behavior keeps up, then I can do at least a week-long grab of www.canterlot.com or other websites. In the past months it would only have a max uptime of like 3 days at a time (sometimes rebooting every day or ever other day or in more frequent intervals). What changed? Lower propagation computer (LPC) is connected to and only gets its Internet access from main computer. In the past months I ran an ipfs daemon in LPC. This made a "medium amount" of Internet requests. After LPC rebooted (>>9926) I instead used it to check numbers for PrimeNet. Doing that also makes Internet requests, but this time it appears to make a "low amount" of Internetwork requests. Based on this one OS runtime (or two of them), I'm thinking that the more-than-low amount of network requests from LPC was what was causing main computer to reboot so frequently. (Also, perhaps not really worth running IPFS in LPC, for even in higher propagation computer, which runs IPFS, the latency is sometimes ~high on some things; HPC does a "high amount" of Internet requests.)

www.canterlot.com has been around as such since about 2011, more than a decade ago. See >>9766
>http://www.canterlot.com/gallery/image/989-rarity-lounge-singer-final/ , safe , "2011-12-14 09:41:44.510538"

LPC probably uses this version of Linux Mint:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b0aaad320310d1d1205d509b6589352da6bf0b16
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmTKqtb7K88qghM426fkPkdspYXegmaZt8A1kgR8orDWNg <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 linuxmint-21.1-xfce-64bit.iso"
. size? 2.47-GiB file /ipfs/QmfG7WBcueu5ru4PHYJysnPhitj5rCSW98AR9zCGMzP7qN
also copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f3a6f6a42382c3b53a46a0aed7c0ef550a011b09
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmRiffDzYUMVfKGvXnYqy8o3TMVm8q37JabRBrNBPhYi5W <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[nighthwk] Kodocha (Kodomo no Omocha) Vol. 7 [DVD 480p AAC Dual Audio 10-bit]"'
. size? 969.94-MiB folder /ipfs/QmaSh3caXDwTZNtqhGHjKTe2ycf4yg5dmjfFH9LFa3kotJ

*no need to do ctrl+z, copy the whole QTerminal tab's text into a text file, enter "clear", then enter "fg" or "bg".

Anon 03/27/2024 (Wed) 08:01 [Preview] No.10037 del
This website seems to show random safe,vector images from 'rpibooru:

I didn't know this was ML-generated until I saw the tags:

Anon 03/27/2024 (Wed) 17:40 [Preview] No.10038 del
If you view webpages in lynx browser, such as picrel 74653.html (QmXZ...DSZ8), then you can autoreject cookies by running:
>$ lynx -cookies https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmXZvULjkg2BhnjvZdAvozDwDpWS59TxM9Dy8Swxd3DSZ8

These pages look identical in CLI-based lynx browser - they're the same file, but one has CSS+JS and the other doesn't (plain HTML):
>$ lynx -cookies -dump https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmXZvULjkg2BhnjvZdAvozDwDpWS59TxM9Dy8Swxd3DSZ8 | grep -v "cloudflare-ipfs\|shishnet\|wikipedia" | sha1sum -
>039a0cb3541f5a183c7c1043ef03003e87b92f5c -
>$ lynx -cookies -dump https://web.archive.org/web/20240327171931if_/https://bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu.ipfs2.eth.limo/74653.html | grep -v "ipfs2.eth\|web.archive.org" | sha1sum -
>039a0cb3541f5a183c7c1043ef03003e87b92f5c -

I read some other ponibooru.org webpage in Lynx - something about how anon(s) wanted to see AC/DC PMV(s).


I saw this pony banner ad at the bottom here - https://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/99665304#bottom (/fglt/):
>img: https://creatives.cdnbo.org/vmrj7WC-c73ce52b92fc8d411ccd1ba8b6473ac2b6d9a957.gif
>link: https://hakurei.cdnbo.org/gate?r=SSobKsbCPx&d=27&dest=boards.4chan.org -> https://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/40938235 [ https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40938235 ]
>desc: some sort of auction/donations for IRL horse activities from what I read

Anon 03/27/2024 (Wed) 20:26 [Preview] No.10039 del
The youtube folder in z9 (an HDD) has 200 GB of MLP-related videos. About 99% of them are not in TPA.

>Webpage now missing an image file:
Still missing the following image:

Anon 03/28/2024 (Thu) 01:02 [Preview] No.10040 del
2019 video not in TPA - "[PMV] So happy together Pear butter and Bright mac (SUB) Español" ("crap" with midgrade audio from a small channel):

>b64 link
Which is https://archive.org/web/images/icon_savePage.png . Also, now using this as IA user's default pfp (instead of what was used before): https://archive.org/images/person2x.png

Anon 03/28/2024 (Thu) 01:28 [Preview] No.10041 del
(155.59 KB 640x360 vlcsn001.png)
Goodness, Archivist, do you ever take a break? Not that I am complaining. I need to go through some of my stuff and see what I have. My archives are way more scattered.

>"Main computer" now has an uptime of 7 days. This means that if this behavior keeps up, then I can do at least a week-long grab of www.canterlot.com or other websites. In the past months it would only have a max uptime of like 3 days at a time >(sometimes rebooting every day or ever other day or in more frequent intervals).
You have a lot of rebboting issues, you also mentioned here:
>I could make a longer post instead of two smaller posts, but I don't trust the computer I'm writing this on to not suddenly reboot.
Same computer, or do you have multiple computers with this issue? In either case, I can sort of relate from my own personal computers which I kept using. Sometimes would randomly reboot or just lose power. My recommendation is to copy past post to a dump text file (one you just have for that purpose). Safer in not losing anything and can help keep your thoughts from becoming disjointed.

>What is the issues with your Internet anyway?
Long and complicated story. A combination of circumstances in life, with the latest thing now being stuck with a all over the place mobile data to wifi router thingy.

Explanation from one of the admins on what happened:

Anon 03/28/2024 (Thu) 12:23 [Preview] No.10048 del
"LARGE" folder copied to cold storage (picrel):
. what? "WARC: pbooru.com"
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3850e42c8449a43e2959db46ad4985ded54408aa&dn=pbooru.com
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmUkD1dQv74Jk1e8q37QtZBi1KEn6KEJXuRXNH6Wt9LzKn <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 pbooru.com"
. size? 897.93-GiB file /ipfs/Qmb1fUSGTq9eWBNQZ5GVcbTxE7Zt6g4m8bBu78qFf49UY9 - "CumulativeSize: 964188102843 [bytes]"
. time? HDD->HDD: about 20.5 hours, second pass = 2024-03-27T15:14:37.340771674Z -> roughly 2024-03-28 12:00:01 GMT (1711552477 -> 1711627201)

Also copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d1aa126382dc10a39de2f1734d94a6b5bc07c632&dn=4chan_gif_2023_08.zip
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYwf7wEd8GgTZskqRAFJ2m7mdL6RJjyiuKVGfvMEbupAu <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2023_08.zip"
. size? 72.24-GiB file /ipfs/QmcgsyY9gbgW64mMBnRuwq8aw4NnRZPtD7iUqQUT1u6pkN - 77563427419 bytes, finished at 2024-03-26T21:31:26.987727686Z

More like 600 MB of free RAM as of now. Run in screen because you basically can't disown this process:
>$ ssh [email protected] 'cat /path/to/QmbYszVbDz9TNvFGmvvTVVyL3M2vmiMDHj8NwyL3h8iusu.car' | ipfs dag import --stats # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/147023/how-to-pipe-a-remote-file-to-stdout-over-scp-or-sftp
HPC stats before I deleted all non- ponibooru.org data in there a day or two ago:
>[uptime:] 50-11:34:45
>TotalIn: 199 GB
>TotalOut: 263 GB
>RateIn: 59 kB/s
>RateOut: 127 kB/s
Main computer BitTorrent stats as of now: 274 GiB ul'd in this session.

Anon 03/28/2024 (Thu) 12:29 [Preview] No.10049 del
>Same computer, or do you have multiple computers with this issue?
Same computer

*897.93-GiB folder

Pieces Anon 03/28/2024 (Thu) 16:56 [Preview] No.10050 del
Part of a picture/image has meaning similar to how sentences from a book are quoted. Such as https://endchan.org/pone/preview/9402.html "Remain faithful to the earth, my brothers, with the power of your virtue! Let your generous love and your knowledge serve the meaning of the earth! That is what I ask and beseech you." Sometimes, it's hard to find the source of a cropped image, like words of an unknown book.

Speaking of /*/preview/, I think I know why it doesn't show all of a longer post - like https://endchan.org/pone/preview/10048.html "Message too long. Click here to view full text." - but I think it would be better if each ./preview/ HTML showed all of the post. It would be more like a textboard in that case (and Endchan already has the "view last 50 posts of a thread", similar to textboards).

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 00:07 [Preview] No.10051 del
2021 video not in TPA - "Machine Gun || MEME || My little pony": (5,689,292 views, "crap"):

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3cafc706a852bd18e9471ec5e1ce01f48f4eb4e6&dn=Antithologyfinal3%5BUnofficialAudioFix%5D_new%20720p.mp4
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmUudZvtWGdftaNWPfkGJ3WTBMnTemtwopKx2isyyseYWg <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Antithologyfinal3[UnofficialAudioFix]_new 720p.mp4"'
. size? 1000.99-MiB file /ipfs/QmXPbnHjUA19MQdR4csC8pzrXrf5XadQUTi92qa7dGzih9
. time? ~1min, 2024-03-28T21:58:24.920888984Z -> 2024-03-28T21:59:32.859577278Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f0a91effb2fed8124f069ca3ee68795af03630e4&dn=4chan_gif_2023_09.zip
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmVic5c6WXeo2JSotzRE5ycQB623qmiUtxoL9WRFRN5omF <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2023_09.zip"
. size? 66.02-GiB file /ipfs/QmW2UCbCr6Y4wgcmsXCUuALpsPa4NseXeBTPkkvphQ4tRv
. time? about 2 hours, 2024-03-28T12:33:29.768818857Z -> 2024-03-28T14:41:15.687870670Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:08343f129542e3923baf63776f83b9c35eb6470f&dn=4chan_gif_2023_10.zip
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmZDDeKRVmCKd1XXuapZyT8jBbe6KJFRHw4KJoE2o1hKfN <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2023_10.zip"
. size? 68.22-GiB file /ipfs/Qmc87Wy4rT86m4W5qyzyU6Z47gg5sWFm7LEsXmSHpUv7Et
. time? about 2 hours, 2024-03-28T15:22:51.057050157Z -> 2024-03-28T17:12:38.815019295Z

>torrent 3cafc706a852bd18e9471ec5e1ce01f48f4eb4e6
That's /mlp/ the Antithology 2021. Some details:
. torrent from https://pony.tube/videos/watch/1f56eb22-dece-4cb8-b111-601fdaa20d19
. also in this website: https://archive.org/serve//mlp-the-antithology
. related to IA upload: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/37649056/#37688065
. censored version deleted off of JewTube due to "hate speech": [YT ID/URL here]
. 00:10:40 - Terry A. Davis
. 00:12:33 - Dude! Let me in! I'm a pony!
. 00:17:17 - Pony on the run
. 00:22:34 - Gaston, parody, cover, music
. 00:26:36 - Fresh pone of Ponyville
. 00:27:47 - "If you're anti porn what the fuck do you think about all day" (music: Little Dark Age by MGMT)
. 00:31:36 - Alex Jones
. 00:32:31 - (I think this is) Israel, fake Iron Dome thing
. 00:34:01 - Maud Pie, music
. 00:55:25 - Kill her. Kill her now
. 01:00:42 - Don't woof (Glim)
. 01:11:23 - end
. ??:??:?? - mentions how Aryanne was purged to some degree off of Derpibooru
. ??:??:?? - includes a track from "Learning to Crawl" by The Pretenders >>9908

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 02:57 [Preview] No.10052 del
It's Free Real Estate

Copied to cold storage:
. what? MD5+SHA1 hashes of 60084657 mostly image files - pony and furry-related
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:72715062f3e2b4a7187e6ac996ca775cb46baf3b
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmUzjEZ8oAxRzucCc6mjnEUP2XTdUyR2NPMN6Lv6Ctku7Q <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 9a07ab9b0610c0ef26f891bf5d14ab"
. size? 32.61-GiB folder /ipfs/QmfDkGisoHSuuUeRVDYH1sLbbuDqGnTFMkrESYrWFr1LBb - from 2024-03-29T00:02:31.514036812Z -> 2024-03-29T01:32:28.654654839Z

>00:31:36 - Alex Jones voices Pinkie Pie
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2940a3207c0cd86a4a1afeb9b82f36a4fe791231
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmQVLFVdHZ9iLCEnPN4Y2PFfFwwbbE4pL4B7x8FQ8QZkKY <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Alex Jones - Dark secrets inside Bohemian grove (1st) (english) (2000).wmv"'
. size? 376.38-MiB file /ipfs/QmbhT9hGjnhg247CMFNdTZeYFmX1HFKvy8zpyNEXffEbwU
. time? <1min, 2024-03-28T21:55:06.917653080Z -> 2024-03-28T21:55:34.462493059Z

Next month:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d978b6852cba549f85e4f2bf9e40f6c5b7e9548f&dn=4chan_gif_2023_11.zip
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmcNr1m1yPrMQPzofFuCmNyAWCW8xKfsFQimWt9JHLUwKj <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2023_11.zip"
. size? 77.25-GiB file /ipfs/QmNb8HUdjWXM6PfV7SxhGYQe9PUWQJsPBbrNEuSU8x7jYi
. time? about 2 hours, 2024-03-28T17:15:55.149878168Z -> 2024-03-28T19:43:53.001569812Z


Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 03:04 [Preview] No.10053 del
Tab crashed twice trying to upload that 73.82-MB file at https://endchan.org/.static/last50.html?b=pone&t=9086 so I turned off JavaScript at brave://settings/shields then posted said file via https://endchan.org/pone/res/9086.html which worked.

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:79719864fe637d9d3a602c8da4df28415d4ec7bc
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmWw1uqSp3CyA4SNALzAr8eEJA4pyK5kti1gxVg19GYGW9 <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "FINAL 12mbps anti2022 silenced - reencoded 1080p.mp4"'
. size? 2.97-GiB file /ipfs/QmcAs4TycGXpseBcwpFbskuNUPaEKnpSZJ6FVAL4m6Gs2A - from 2024-03-28T22:30:04.527321553Z -> 2024-03-28T22:39:05.434864058Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e99d156a7eae444463a0326b10f73cabd6c62c6a
. where? zb, offline from me https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmPwuwFrZbbhSJqDrfUKYxVWw4pFmLwvhuvGCrTRpvkaSm <- 'ipfs add -wrH "Halo 3 OST"'
. size? 191.52-MiB folder https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmaEqXCPDgiB3KUNrVgVKPtEQb7b3im6GvnWCreafiDzqJ
. time? ~1min, 2024-03-28T22:40:48.259811224Z -> 2024-03-28T22:41:20.119190728Z

I think that's /mlp/ Antithology 2022

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 03:08 [Preview] No.10054 del
wonder if last50 is leaking memory

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 03:52 [Preview] No.10055 del
56-MiB file "/z9/youtube/Kristaliron_UCpohNDXfhymK5RYlmsixMcw/Rainbow_Dash_-_Stand_Up_And_Shout_PMV-Kristaliron-20130627-youtube-1920x1080-zWd9y6LBa9s.webm"

Someone's thoughts on 4chan /mlp/:
>it's like the average IQ here is 80

. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ce6567410bd2644e7692c8a19dbb70eadc9d4946
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmWFjCKV83RWZg7yJqhRQq4uKJqNGBoS2S3YLCANixiCz4 <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[nighthwk] Kodocha (Kodomo no Omocha) Vol. 5 [DVD 480p AAC Dual Audio 10-bit]"'
. size? 816.87-MiB folder /ipfs/QmPwbjeQ6wk2hvrQMokbTiB8d1NKBPi9iDfN55LcPa7ZNr
. time? <1min, 2024-03-28T21:27:23.045914873Z -> 2024-03-28T21:27:57.876175581Z

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 03:57 [Preview] No.10056 del
>56-MiB file
No tab crash with that. Doesn't work well with >60MB or >70MB for me.

Reminds me to check if I did in fact download some "cringy" Kodocha+MLP crossover YT vids; I think I did. Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d936b57de3e6916ae387cd6dddd867b50afddc6c
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmNqFSNNKZxE9mB8rnhLGGVdtX4eipR4NN83Ep3EweC7s1 <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[nighthwk] Kodocha (Kodomo no Omocha) Vol. 8 [DVD 480p AAC Dual Audio 10-bit]"'
. size? 910.19-MiB folder /ipfs/QmRQkz1Vk9ep3KPXFxu5tAV6dJVD19UxPVFbCCB1o5qSnt
. time? ~1min, 2024-03-28T21:38:21.268181147Z -> 2024-03-28T21:39:26.494554776Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ee7986edd26ed6f7ca06ebbfaff50fff4d25e8ce
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmPY5zKGRNTCPrM1rZytEaPyGw1L6vAZVGvCtZRz8bUjDc <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[nighthwk] Kodocha Vol. 1 (v2) [DVD 480p AAC Dual Audio]"'
. size? 2.26-GiB folder /ipfs/Qmb2kre8moVCqg2bGtTFGNmxksL932wQLLQMTc13pSFfPf
. time? ~2mins, 2024-03-28T21:42:12.457125053Z -> 2024-03-28T21:44:54.297087573Z

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 04:16 [Preview] No.10057 del
>video timestamps
Google "delete your files after a year or two of inactivity" Docs information on that:

Linked from PonyTube, doesn't have video timestamps, but maybe the threads linked at the bottom of the Google Docs do. Did I download Gdocs 1WOB7HRP8eW6rvUaxcmxKUsYqsAoBemSt1wUUfoPmchA? If I did, it's in one or both of HDDs z8 and za. Or, make another copy of it sometime. It links to:
>WATCH IT HERE: https://pony.tube/videos/watch/1f56eb22-dece-4cb8-b111-601fdaa20d19 or
>https://pony.tube/videos/watch/063726d6-16ec-40ec-8ba5-a0f9d1bcee9f (version with chat)
>[https://u.smutty.horse/ links]

Also copied:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:dffd550e6e434cb11fe598054267d750c3735905
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/Qmf4wrBHsEVGkS2bvhn4cMg4bqxcbZhjpsA5Y2BJGvjF4g <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[nighthwk] Kodocha Vol. 6 [DVD 480p AAC Dual Audio]"'
. size? 1.82-GiB folder /ipfs/Qmd91qtJFPhtp3ZDgz9pyoRDMAC5WL2Z9vpTEAbGe6ZzaD
. time? ~2mins, 2024-03-28T21:47:26.093403763Z -> 2024-03-28T21:49:00.172486495Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:867908a931be387ca0bf6965c2d3e74ea504ce01
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmeFoYYoVmhJibkSwjTB7ZcdWYyJBK79oFxNmoG9uwKEkK <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[SR] Kodocha Season 1 Laserdisc Boxset Extras.mp4"'
. size? 1.91-GiB file /ipfs/QmTQvpyhjgqJGgjtLW5P9CLkbN2brnLGJwX3GKeqx1Q1MD
. time? ~2mins, 2024-03-28T21:51:36.655414884Z -> 2024-03-28T21:53:12.556266517Z

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 12:22 [Preview] No.10058 del
"LARGE" folder copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:88756d5f383e585c111d794b13e756686b2ce88e
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmaMxGzKC6SVaBUPWjpig7ettZwhXfAxCT9Pzpx42dtABv <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "MLP DVDs"'
. size? 278.51-GiB folder /ipfs/QmPsDQJBaXdjZGoFxSLctV9Qb6kyjzkKmn258vuotX6CDp - from 2024-03-29T02:23:43.123384014Z -> 2024-03-29T07:17:19.177448850Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:224ed767bdf882514d734811f21d602bc618ad46&dn=bodhi-2.4.0-32.iso
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmaFheHpVaMAqiR5x7Rv3k193r3xkJ6fgaLar8cbgZu799 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 bodhi-2.4.0-32.iso"
. size? 585.00-MiB file /ipfs/QmZ9inN2wYBLWjBXcSMmjb9qjS3aoEGQcm6paHdkHJnYgR
. time? <1min, 2024-03-28T22:06:00.835698383Z -> 2024-03-28T22:06:32.214720305Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:fc0ce1481f9ec08d3d187b3dcb50a557574fcd17
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmTYpwMj4uMDttmQ8cPXxHnASSJE8ktDSsMZprCr2KCFNk <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "[MiniDual] Kimetsu no Yaiba - Katanakaji no Sato-hen (Demon Slayer - S3) - 5 (Dual Audio).mkv"'
. size? 406.35-MiB file /ipfs/QmRvkDECExWyEc4taMSE8iDVTHsL1hgCU4UeAZHp77GeqS
. time? ~1min, 2024-03-28T22:09:06.330646373Z -> 2024-03-28T22:10:24.279402388Z
. note? in the filename there's two spaces between "hen" and "(Demon"
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0208daf51ece8213d57c5ae885108bacd1f7d7da
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmbtrrCBXnGyFVaWKw8E4PKBD8gwZwGurE2ftEwvZuq4DA <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "S4E04-Thank you, Tokito.mkv"'
. size? 403.15-MiB file /ipfs/QmfVEBBZ8nvVGxPQ17tynqwwKSMEi7vXjHXE9GhBXWorb5
. time? <1min, 2024-03-28T22:13:20.470920303Z -> 2024-03-28T22:13:40.246292440Z

Contents of torrent "MLP DVDs": ISO files, picture files.

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 12:56 [Preview] No.10059 del
(222.12 KB 1047x1500 81h2oNa5qrL._SL1500_.jpg)
>Contents of torrent "MLP DVDs": ISO files, picture files.
Alt name, not "&dn=MLP%20DVDs", would be:
>[2010-2019] My Little Pony DVD ISOs (FIM S1-S9 + EQG + 2017 movie + specials)
so this:
(it contains at least one special, which is "Rainbow Roadtrip")

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 13:09 [Preview] No.10060 del
(145.72 KB 1064x1500 81Zkvefee-L._SL1500_.jpg)
>alt name
[2010-2019] My Little Pony FIM S1-S9 + EQG + 2017 movie + specials [DVD ISOs]
[2010-2019] My Little Pony (DVD ISOs) (FIM S1-S9 + EQG + 2017 movie + specials)
[2010-2019] My Little Pony [DVD ISOs] (FIM S1-S9 + EQG + 2017 movie + specials)
[2010-2019] My Little Pony (FIM S1-S9 + EQG + 2017 movie + specials) [DVD ISOs]

I think the first one
>[2010-2019] My Little Pony FIM S1-S9 + EQG + 2017 movie + specials [DVD ISOs]
is the most "scene approved", but IDK.

. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:78b6fcf7c765e7f82f314af0f502d79c2396e458
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmQPSZ8dhVAyUhFeNDw5U9eeGt5cNULGZ2uA73ZprgSdEg <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "S03E07-Awful Villain.mkv"'
. size? 360.43-MiB file /ipfs/QmRuuLz81zKvrmLvgwaGha21DS3JLachtDuVxv299uDvCK
. time? <1min, 2024-03-28T22:15:09.860081978Z -> 2024-03-28T22:15:25.887796918Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ddabc2d6635ce4a2e6b61f0c4aacd25ad9edd85f
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmUW5LNHerWTKbRA6bKnQnRtegsWZMQ9STR9KUm9CCek98 <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "S04E01-Someone's Dream.mkv"'
. size? 663.03-MiB file /ipfs/QmQoFKh5XMaS3RX4cdCeGnTN3rKUWy8xVvdekPAVgbfbXp
. time? <1min, 2024-03-28T22:16:30.290790591Z -> 2024-03-28T22:16:59.913950535Z

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 13:17 [Preview] No.10061 del
because that torrent maybe didn't get much traction, so perhaps some users are interested in post-S4/S5 FIM DVD ISOs and would want to know about it.

>Main computer BitTorrent stats as of now: 274 GiB ul'd in this session.
Got to 338GB before qBittorrent died, perhaps as a result of memory issue >>10054. More stats - all-time qBittorrent upload size: 17.655 TiB.

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 13:28 [Preview] No.10062 del
pre-S4/S5 FIM DVD ISOs = linked in YayPonies
post-S4/S5 FIM DVD ISOs = part of that torrent

Maybe the most I uploaded in one qBittorrent session (program uptime)

>alternative names
I hate naming things - Rick and Morty:
>filename "booger aids".
>Every file is "booger aids".
>I hate naming things, just search for...


Anyone use any VPS service? Was thinking of using Vultr in the past, due to it's privacy. This title is a bit worrying - "Vultr Claims Rights to Sell Your Data & Programs?" https://invidious.drgns.space/watch?v=LGwvLB7rhCE

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 13:54 [Preview] No.10063 del
ponibooru.org clop files copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c7392840b9858b9b88071c888d1dd2b2ab5db7c7
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmWsSMs83bRJ5JVsPryR1sH4wMBL4ZB7eRqKhwjXwR7b4Q <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Ponibooru-All-Explicit"'
. size? 4.04-GiB folder /ipfs/QmXvfzWtH1D58vBp7312vWv4ccjCDXCnMvoBmquEH4dfBq - from 2024-03-29T12:54:40.642978593Z -> 2024-03-29T13:19:33.398892561Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:90d1ae4adbb43f56a5778ee7196182b375b79036
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmPtdWxoxDx3siqvnN8QAUmJtaeMHoeWKSnefHn26U5aqK <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "S04E03-A Sword from Over 300 Years Ago.mkv"'
. size? 380.24-MiB file /ipfs/QmcfRui3ttWRqLwKxUAC5GdGmKpTrrc3RPEAqYFngSqwgH
. time? <1min, 2024-03-28T22:18:29.480856376Z -> 2024-03-28T22:18:50.751815655Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5e913e4c01b15c9ad1e2df43119dccc4f14461cf
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmW7LeLJWZcYgAnseD7SCXj1pYAsR8W4k3RSArPiuumChc <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "S04E06-Aren't You Going to Become a Hashira-.mkv"'
. size? 363.86-MiB file /ipfs/QmZUVVfb4EwfcnKCZemW2cf93Gkzqdah7C9Y1fFE8kc3i8
. time? ~1min, 2024-03-28T22:20:34.220131702Z -> 2024-03-28T22:21:42.050061842Z

I wonder if there's a Tor-based VPS, and I can pay for it anonymously or something. Not that I would be doing anything crazy illegal, just would be neat to use a Tor VPS in case of sensitive data and just for privacy in general.

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 14:24 [Preview] No.10064 del
>derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp
>derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp
>derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp
Didn't see that image here:

Was a bit surprised to not see it there (DNP maybe?). I suspected that coomers would have obsessed over clop and re-uploaded every single accessible pony porn image.

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:abdac39265a3825a5fb3fe3895912f0729fbbd80
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmPwLGjVGUJouLvAU6g8aTRFreN88ztUZCQhEYqKdz8hHu <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Duran Duran - Notorious (1986)[FLAC]"'
. size? 314.91-MiB folder /ipfs/QmQBss3n5kmeyovurjE6fBhceXMBvq9NMzQwdPEpejenHe - from 2024-03-28T22:23:28.754869381Z -> 2024-03-28T22:28:17.523561682Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3bd49f1e0bfe331a559f10c87c5bb2aff7a34d14
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmSj9kqrYL7orxMRGqsgmDXeYLwx5ncGEFJmBKEqyCsV4f <- 'ipfs add -wrH "Hot Chip - In Our Heads (2012) [FLAC]"'
. size? 393.09-MiB folder /ipfs/QmWbmpk5HtSfCPhnD8vbeD862GTrdv5wtqYtcNTBi2SHQU - from 2024-03-28T22:42:53.961141222Z -> 2024-03-28T22:43:52.172850233Z
. note? https://web.archive.org/web/20230705123110/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeibppmaqx4ynv26tt6cc6zfnafr7q5zryjumpgjkow3ge6ltctk77u/Hot%20Chip%20-%20In%20Our%20Heads%20%282012%29%20%5BFLAC%5D/
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1c49a133d8104190d2063d5f1f3dc98bfc106213
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmY59XEzTEwBEt8arpu2yFpzcnySothxNCe2gnTNUhp37b <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "IRON MAIDEN - DISCOGRAPHY (1980-15) [CHANNEL NEO]"'
. size? 4.75-GiB folder /ipfs/QmbXBDJC58vAru5wFcBV5HRvgBBeGzCYugjdwCWLQu2hS6 - from 2024-03-28T22:46:04.444480763Z -> 2024-03-28T22:51:39.945285541Z

In the past, I searched for any "Hot Chip" PMVs: saw none (music wasn't popular enough or wasn't "fitting").

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 16:56 [Preview] No.10065 del
Copied to cold storage - someone's view of "the best" clop from Ponibooru.org:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f14024d292c1332fc867d09df54cce9a5d5c5120
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/Qmbe2yki1Jz1YvDoHwhN2bm4LDrbUoM9AZQNeB1rkBHNwc <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 Ponibooru-Select-Explicit"
. size? 1.27-GiB folder /ipfs/QmTgakWubdtky66LX6HwqQyjFor9BtRN3DJq2yKdTRx5pa - from 2024-03-29T15:38:17.469000129Z -> 2024-03-29T15:41:37.760485095Z
. note? blocks should dedup with Ponibooru-All-Explicit >>10063
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:384ceba3746ab163e9e88f1961a42f2abb112737
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmeeNSHouXQPGBtQpLXk6DAcrsBieDbjzccijprkB46Hos <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "One.Flew.Over.the.Cuckoo's.Nest.1975.1080p.Bluray.x264.anoXmous"'
. size? 1.39-GiB folder /ipfs/QmfE6U8aHk6er6skonbQ5o4aSykzDbPDDYYxYQcFzft7ZT - from 2024-03-29T12:40:26.049109914Z -> 2024-03-29T12:42:44.873992157Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6db1b2844aca277c98a527423963583395b881b1
. where? zb, offline from me https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmZdZivuq9znqcbezyRejafMfiws9oiaVjFpw1nggsVzFj <- 'ipfs add -wrH "Parliament - 20th Century Masters The Best Of Parliament(2000) vtwin88cube"'
. size? 155.32-MiB folder https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmb4LkrA8p5sER6n9spFcd7NvGT2pjwzcbHHnknS9vif9g - from 2024-03-29T12:45:07.349807538Z -> 2024-03-29T12:49:43.001703865Z
. note? misconfigured gateway: https://eu.starton-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmZdZivuq9znqcbezyRejafMfiws9oiaVjFpw1nggsVzFj - shows a non-rendered HTML for the default directory listing (a binary file such as https://eu.starton-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmQ2xWqGBWpux2gi9LxyQ4DRK1Y52V4K3ECAvR51jQVWFV works fine)

Images from
>/z9/t/pony/web_raws/Ponibooru-Select-Explicit/97403 - tagme futanari rainbow_dash futa porn.jpg
penis is too big and long; missing tag=solo
>/z9/t/pony/web_raws/Ponibooru-Select-Explicit/61697 - pinkie_pie human_on_pony_action rainbow_dash artist:cartoonlion porn futashy nudity fluttershy humanized.png
"pony on human female action" - which is a "rare tag"
>/z9/t/pony/web_raws/Ponibooru-Select-Explicit/46522 - applejack candyvag nudity oh_megasweet_yer_so_random plot lesbians artist:megasweet humanized rarity.jpg
similar to "pony on human female action", tail isn't in the right place
>/z9/t/pony/web_raws/Ponibooru-Select-Explicit/101677 - fluttershy futashy santa_outfit futanari rainbow_dash artist:cartoonlion porn nudity futa.png
simple background
>/z9/t/pony/web_raws/Ponibooru-Select-Explicit/103564 - artist:TheBlackDeer porn twilight_sparkle Discord sex.jpg

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 20:51 [Preview] No.10068 del
Here's that video, extracted and converted:
>$ 7z e -so "/z9/t/pony/video/disc/MLP DVDs/Friendship Is Magic - Season 7 DVD (Shout Factory, USA, 2018)/Disc 4/MLP_S7_D4.ISO" "VIDEO_TS/VTS_10_1.VOB" > VTS_10_1.VOB # then, it was converted to MP4 via FFmpeg
I didn't see this video in YouTube.

. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:72b85f498babaff9fcae926580e466453cffbc4d
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmTyfNNss4JXo3cJpEqPhP2vxTE6cJdZhkhemWL2nwtnBi <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Kevin MacLeod (Royalty Free Music) - Jazz"'
. size? 199.16-MiB folder /ipfs/QmXhihXaPprUmWFN7DPLUjqbtN7BZLmDXkmFGH3rUK5Q1S - from 2024-03-28T22:53:10.284833965Z -> 2024-03-28T22:58:12.694349206Z
. note? has extra data (IA)
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a31a8e823e4402084a91231ba44d6699b31a2071
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmcCnoxFpnaWWJ3Zm7aJfoXuTFYUijBquBrmCZDYCSHThA <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Led Zeppelin - Discography (2008) [EAC FLAC] [Japan SHM-CD] vtwin88cube"'
. size? 3.68-GiB folder /ipfs/QmdAXWUrrVZJmUnTZ5BsaT9FKChT7eshZXCrmXaSVvqgjy - from 2024-03-28T23:40:04.569134160Z -> 2024-03-28T23:52:48.479426378Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6400a3be5630a5f3256f532934573706dc4aa72e
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmeqDmaW7Eun6CXrFs5x4eKJSmMAuumwixVoAh9sCCxpLW <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Occupation 101"'
. size? 1014.61-MiB folder /ipfs/QmRJL9QydoG5iyqVRnVTWn6K4hxaffwqdneT4AJA9CaY34 - from 2024-03-29T12:29:25.665931043Z -> 2024-03-29T12:30:48.195133059Z

There's at least one (is there multiple?) pony video based on music by Kevin MacLeod. Multiple pony videos are related to Led Zeppelin. (Main computer uptime: 9 days, nearly 10 days.)

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 23:27 [Preview] No.10069 del
>Goodness, Archivist, do you ever take a break? Not that I am complaining. I need to go through some of my stuff and see what I have. My archives are way more scattered.
I'm on a marethon right now, maybe.

More info - copied to cold storage:
. what? FIM anatomically correct episode edits
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0718a93f56e1fc1c9a1f9f1349b53caf20202fc3
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmXxd6gCWpro84tspDgAZEGHvJF9WNhdp9gkWTNp3Ebp8w <- 'ipfs add -wrH "unedited original files"'
. size? 1.04-GiB folder /ipfs/QmZwXEV5YUhRbmsheoP3oDsacPyvWigttRo2rH1Hbermkp - from 2024-03-29T17:18:19.294473060Z -> 2024-03-29T17:25:02.456531142Z
. note? QmZw...rmkp is a folder in QmV8...WKEX. An API says that the parent folder is remotely pinned and stored by miner f01392893: https://api.nft.storage/check/QmZwXEV5YUhRbmsheoP3oDsacPyvWigttRo2rH1Hbermkp -> '{"ok":false,"error":{"code":"HTTP_ERROR","message":"NFT not found"}}' and https://api.nft.storage/check/QmV8oRhzTzebik25tCcsNQi4JFqav3jxt2yhRdWt9sWKEX -> '{"ok":true,"value":{"cid":"QmV8oRhzTzebik25tCcsNQi4JFqav3jxt2yhRdWt9sWKEX","pin":{"cid":"QmV8oRhzTzebik25tCcsNQi4JFqav3jxt2yhRdWt9sWKEX","created":"2023-10-01T04:51:03.916+00:00","size":1638135061,"status":"pinned"},"deals":[{"status":"active","lastChanged":"2024-03-29T23:05:04.724906+00:00","chainDealID":58935631,"datamodelSelector":"Links/178/Hash/Links/222/Hash/Links/1/Hash","statusText":null,"dealActivation":"2023-10-21T04:48:00+00:00","dealExpiration":"2025-04-05T04:48:00+00:00","miner":"f01392893","pieceCid":"baga6ea4seaqjqcnkxpcmphtrrmkhen455bu2wgt643dffbnw2coxuggm6lahiky"[...]'
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:cca2e6453e084858c948e7d36bf0be8184174955
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmXJD9UFGAvssegXSwmhk2BfvxSxsf1bPxsSUZn7NabUi6 <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Star vs. the Forces of Evil (2015) Season 1 S01 (1080p WEB-DL x265 HEVC 10bit AAC 2.0 RCVR)"'
. size? 3.03-GiB folder /ipfs/QmRubCfkzcW5ZQKnxqYN1XV9kooZ8PwMMjzfLgt1HSonyH - from 2024-03-29T16:38:07.340270116Z -> 2024-03-29T16:43:23.385668656Z
. note? >>9635 >>9864 Also, I kinda like the EQG PMV of the OP of "Star vs. the Forces of Evil" which is in TPA, seemed fitting.
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:6e73d341b12f19b74d27a7214dd5fed164a9760b
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYWxLf3V1hVLFwq4SfnR5WUTLoqKSPAYnQEsZg3zcZpkZ <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "The Money Masters"'
. size? 1.37-GiB folder /ipfs/QmXdMW6VjjxuEVVzgZ3cmN8KxA2riVCzR2NTi8atsBs5nf - from 2024-03-29T16:45:27.411522162Z -> 2024-03-29T16:47:41.847512146Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1488d454915d860529903b61adb537012a0fe7c8
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmVAmuXB2WJWh5xsXYX15BHojyDDo1F4JzDqTFiZ5VX3im <- "ipfs add -wrH ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso"
. size? 1.48-GiB folder /ipfs/QmbLdSnTd3ujyS9Ku512mT5LZFQtPB2mZAqCxqmBNpesD2 - from 2024-03-29T16:49:40.801943568Z -> 2024-03-29T17:11:11.842590164Z

Anon 03/29/2024 (Fri) 23:54 [Preview] No.10070 del
>stored by miner f01392893
and 7 other storage providers, such as https://filfox.info/en/address/f097777 = neat. Storing these files (pony videos from that torrent, pony NFTs from OpenSea):

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9b5ea88b270acc982120152bb89d6e9586c3eb54
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmWPyw6s49x989c3Vt2ZtwxNxdqs76NJdRx7ctwsLJ3yUD <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 Ponibooru-All-Unrated"
. size? 2.59-GiB folder /ipfs/QmU5Mgfyx5FmJZX6fabCx8ECyWS8PEVFQPHQeSd17hGhCU - from 2024-03-29T14:34:28.313706524Z -> 2024-03-29T15:05:08.124893420Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:acc0852fbdf6793ba516fde575232b7de11648c0
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmWaGAwtdjFBsR3hQWDUR2ouss3qT8WKFNHd5hZ5cG4zuz <- 'ipfs add -wrH "Skrillex - Scary Monsters And Nice Sprites (2010) [EAC-FLAC-LOG-CUE]"'
. size? 341.18-MiB folder /ipfs/QmZiQVk39FJ5T72DcEUDim5wFeEHydXE2HqHeRmC32efhL - from 2024-03-29T16:17:04.574831624Z -> 2024-03-29T16:32:51.100399223Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4063bbc5d3ea61fc498a14a84de965dcabd2de93
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/Qma8NEVtnBpKEy3QiTVtNhyMAe6TJ2oEyQWWndQt1Adc9n <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Source Code (2011)"'
. size? 551.34-MiB folder /ipfs/QmfA1kKiUTT1H7LxSg991NtmQHFwAigRfGN1dp3R5fGC1Z - from 2024-03-29T16:34:43.908635842Z -> 2024-03-29T16:35:02.773345814Z

10K GET image and other images from ./Ponibooru-All-Unrated/.

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 01:18 [Preview] No.10071 del
/fileshare/ thread: https://endchan.org/pone/res/6627.html

/go/ #1 is on page 3: https://endchan.org/pone/res/3148.html

That's not much of a problem if the torrent only contains one file. Then, a concern is if it's 100% completely downloaded or not.

Copied another ponibooru.org folder:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:f18baeca3507395281afc2ff620d718e5a79fcbe
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmSdE8zMtFv3TJRP51qEcutkkPygtFFPD6XajmM5mVfRhS <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 Ponibooru-All-Questionable"
. size? 3.72-GiB folder /ipfs/Qmacfgy8qa624itJRbooTYnb13n989pCZwNHGK9Bmaa79K - from 2024-03-29T13:37:09.556751470Z -> 2024-03-29T14:23:07.659395738Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e856d33c70c002f73d1a7b1fa2f2e1fe5541d9f3
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmeyExUnHPkcjFd99XadpkhgpqjmRy91vCnSsf4KcbM9YG <- 'ipfs add -wrH "ok cowboy"'
. size? 364.96-MiB folder /ipfs/QmS4fj4HD1kCPj597cVXBRj6Zp1FmaNkHQdfnHP4NGVVPb - from 2024-03-29T12:34:06.995935809Z -> 2024-03-29T12:35:23.720875124Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c0108c93a682939c059809021d6f11174730267b
. where? zb, offline from me https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmVAHowKHqEsHAeiCyX7dV5MvR2UkesE1QCbU35zuwL55Z <- 'ipfs add -wrH "Stan Rogers - Home in Halifax"'
. size? 69.82-MiB folder https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmQQD8xHt5rruAFmfgyuoPxwwVmt5hARr1f4D7mU6ZT6w4 - from 2024-03-29T16:36:26.681942386Z -> 2024-03-29T16:36:37.165766894Z

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 08:47 [Preview] No.10072 del
Copied to cold storage too:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2c85d81a1e30bb5b9f84fe562af479e1851193f8
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmXTLhSbeoAGF3GRu1JbgRo6suSDoy8VjHHXDa15haS8Re <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 Ponibooru-Select-Unrated"
. size? 326.99-MiB folder /ipfs/QmUNc1chZMH3eQanUAnW8CE4R3MFD9yYft4ci4GEbfUx8j - from 2024-03-29T16:07:50.924490694Z -> 2024-03-29T16:08:35.315188776Z
. note? this should dedup with Ponibooru-All-Unrated >>10070
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:5d8b38cc34f3e2ff954627a7ee4917de181ce1eb
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYYD7GH9FagUFhnmS1CMxQG7LXzHdPBLvvrwMNfQXPGr1 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 various-artists-american-psycho-ost"
. size? 474.49-MiB folder /ipfs/QmbqkvfUTuu4yVgdykgLjQcphT5XjyxCKmU2YzW5tFENGo - from 2024-03-29T17:30:26.388714618Z -> 2024-03-29T17:38:33.793573627Z
. note? from IA; crossover I've observed: AI Spike voice for Bateman
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ec47427a3f4123fb117e930ecfef260fa8e45b0b
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/Qmdj5SN1yj6PVEcpq5sMrY8gxeTwyRtkAB6NdSsyBoqoUS <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 wicked-2003-broadway-cast"
. size? 537.42-MiB folder /ipfs/QmY3dmX7kPq9viEyCkKz25xoD6aMVNnvwCyTpJvaDLh8kd - from 2024-03-29T17:47:55.241303806Z -> 2024-03-29T17:51:47.678843706Z
. note? from IA; crossover I've observed: official, fan-made

(I was reading this Ponibooru-Select-Unrated file 10142* to the tune of a certain song, https://invidious.jing.rocks/watch?v=1vrEljMfXYo "Take Me Home, Country Roads" maybe.)

I am probably going to run this in regards to two folders in different HDDs:
>$ rsync -a --delete --info=progress2 /path/a/ /path/b/ # --delete ; delete extraneous files from dest dirs
Be careful with --delete; with the case I am dealing with, it makes sense to use. It should make the dest folder look closer to the same as the src folder. rsync normally doesn't delete extra data in dest, but with --delete, I think it does. Reminds me, >>10071
>That's not much of a problem if the torrent only contains one file
>That's not much of a problem
The extra data problem, that is; renaming or forced renaming is still a concern.

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 12:44 [Preview] No.10074 del
Then it would be ./post/ and not ./preview/

That's small channel Zrainm_UCiLsUXNvJNQueQ7kgHg3SGA - I can likely download that soon

>> 10142 - everypony comic parody mst3k absurd_res.png
> la la la
IDK if that image refers to a song specifically, and if it does, how hard would it be to find it? Maybe it's this: "Hermes House Band - Country Roads (Party mix)" https://piped.smnz.de/watch?v=fa46L50MaTk

. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:272b2d8d73781c6e08474833aaa7a23486aef6a1
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmctLwGrrHxoLWMDrpvLndjcGdDDp4TXapsMpkzrfAWYQd <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 Ponibooru-Select-Questionable"
. size? 1007.61-MiB folder /ipfs/QmfSoWhoxogY7ZDXJXgEuuEdEswDXjStJW77d9Qt8o3sKe - from 2024-03-29T15:50:13.022676055Z -> 2024-03-29T16:04:14.751723825Z
. note? blocks should dedup with >>10071
. torrent? >>10051 4chan_gif_2023_10.zip -> source/extracted version
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmeuUqr4SWR3aZiagbBSLKy5wcS6wDohEcmwRxLL5Dd1AF <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2023_10/"
. size? 68.21-GiB folder /ipfs/Qmanj8wB8C8ngPFy5pnQKc85b73ezLmhUT9ZzyPsM5kdAv - from 2024-03-30T00:58:48.197125132Z -> 2024-03-30T07:20:22.749742785Z
. torrent? >>10051 4chan_gif_2023_10.zip -> where last bytes = be1ed032a19acbb749f149ef6f3c200cb791303d3edb745657b7889a1f9db7d76069ea03ef182d04b67ec03a10
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmZF6jZDAt77FwgULcjyWD83Pn2KmNYvvat6uRyp6UY9GM <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2023_10.zip_"
. size? 67.59-GiB file /ipfs/Qmaz86msTwurraXGanmdG6RsfoMvmJhLPqyuSjEZSDqVvb - from 2024-03-30T08:01:09.917166136Z -> 2024-03-30T09:39:39.521299096Z

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 15:41 [Preview] No.10075 del
(1.78 MB 1362x2000 24115-html.png)
Copied a video and some ISO files:
. what? PPP AI Dub of S01E01 of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:71786f1b9d0ec9640eb065ce525d1dd78a95935f
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmSskRFnKm1XVrmsNf5Lg5RMNstC6NjfSeGACCJDGT5a9M <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "Episode 1 1080p.mp4"'
. size? 476.88-MiB file /ipfs/QmTc4NXwLjpj4b9Hi1GGRDeLtaLXJsK79BjLFzZDQ1t65V - from 2024-03-29T16:11:40.887082078Z -> 2024-03-29T16:12:19.568274450Z
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:cf55343a422d6c0b2650eddf48337ecae272c92f
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmfRLmFiEkntHWZZBXwaaqoyu6WtpRvb4rcKsf8RwSfxpD <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-BRD-EQG.iso"
. size? 15.85-GiB file /ipfs/QmcfMiuXzz58DFTm7JsthAR7DBsknsHeFqwGSoiRfFHDxo - from 2024-03-29T17:56:08.848221380Z -> 2024-03-29T18:37:45.174261670Z
. note? Bluray / Equestria Girls / Simple Layer
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:78c3416b98ac144f9903f90da9a1d358d6b5e701
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmUNonr8deFn786jbr6tNCoWxqhyXhLpX4NMwG68sRURut <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-BRD-EQG2.iso"
. size? 16.68-GiB file /ipfs/QmZTXGPobwfuMVDzbi6rkSJPkZAZsRLfgU6mQ7i9nuJa69 - from 2024-03-29T19:53:52.694947945Z -> 2024-03-29T20:36:19.909066517Z
. note? Equestria Girls 2; Bluray ISO / Single Layer / YayPonies
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9e75a205a303a024e881b4fa3978dd5d6df4a1c1
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmWRE5FRPi75kZLG9LQzgw6dyAGq9GVBfzsYJ5Z7VcBegZ <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-EQG.iso"
. size? 4.38-GiB file /ipfs/QmNsQhNyHmkgwsU9wbZaEdL7uPoQwwyHzohdxvsb8BZ4Mg - from 2024-03-29T22:46:29.223382331Z -> 2024-03-29T22:50:24.634562063Z
. note? DVD / Equestria Girls / DVD5
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3b6d16a196e4ed92d7501d5a903ed585dc843c97
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmVPNrtzVbjDM2AH8vEjX6mPFXnTHoYKHMnY97KLd6dq7k <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-FE.iso"
. size? 7.31-GiB file /ipfs/QmcbMN7wdDCeixEKWRntNXqMAPAmzHTR8EB4eqK61hP9XK - from 2024-03-29T22:53:06.062486852Z -> 2024-03-29T23:00:43.401390691Z
. note? Friendship Express; DVD ISO / DUAL LAYER / OFFICIAL

Image = screenshot of
got it to show up in part by
>$ ssh [email protected] 'h=bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu/24115.html; ipfs cat $h | head; r=$(ipfs resolve $h | sed "s/\/ipfs\///g"); echo $r; ipfs dht provide $r'

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 15:50 [Preview] No.10076 del
>Copied to cold storage
Also, these ISOs:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9dc50edfeef703217824229a5010f7b33f101107
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmXyjmedpNd8NTskH5USMPRT24cj8iTEUA8v1CDsWXbqrQ <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-PPP.ISO"
. size? 5.42-GiB file /ipfs/QmQBzPFCREwFbe1TpXPutYQSLDf83NQWJB5LrHh1f5JzG7 - from 2024-03-29T23:02:40.847981568Z -> 2024-03-29T23:31:12.703206149Z
. note? DVD / Pinkie Pie Party / DVD9
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8d3f52e249cdce5c9d891dae6bda121b1b7c5b49
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmY8XGBrtcYcXUiwLNtDfbJgRwWSxxHjJ3U3MbqLcAQt63 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-PTS.ISO"
. size? 4.16-GiB file /ipfs/QmWy4NdkGUuVZymAj2wQ1NkdMxNipq81uWwE6dnKLWsuBW - from 2024-03-29T23:44:25.196791306Z -> 2024-03-30T00:03:41.996554987Z
. note? DVD / Princess Twilight Sparkle
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:39e5b20166bf8666f6773b7706eb0fa391d6ffa1
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmecWk2QZ7wYfUW2Nc963H3MWXScvD7exA2VpUmtiGf673 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-RPW.ISO"
. size? 4.16-GiB file /ipfs/QmfC66gs3dWKKgn4LhAsCNwKhQDSfUHyfZnYnAUzPDkVk9 - from 2024-03-30T00:07:41.680901513Z -> 2024-03-30T00:12:23.981556662Z
. note? DVD / Royal Pony Wedding / DVD5
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:795052f64f50922dfe4c83e173485d84e7634740
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmRZMTcDcsxu371SjTT9JtirQWKN6HKyG5eotySkgrDDmj <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S01D01.ISO"
. size? 7.30-GiB file /ipfs/QmaKdizBu5qek9B5Q8fd3U9Q3bH2JfjUvFjeSG79NJWMwR - from 2024-03-30T00:34:23.295958574Z -> 2024-03-30T00:43:23.780979312Z
. note? DVD / MLPFIM DVD Season 1 Pack / Disk 1 of 4 / DVD9

>[image uploaded in June 13, 2011]
>I expect someone is going to fucking record it!
Did anyone? 11:30am, 1pm, and 3:30pm in Wednesday, July 13, 2011, Coca-Cola Stage

>ssh hpt@10...
*ssh hpc@10.

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 16:17 [Preview] No.10077 del
Maybe it was referring to 2012 and not 2011.

July 13, 2012 video not in TPA - "My Little Pony Live at the Coca-Cola Stage":

(Essential mix for Skrillex https://iv.melmac.space/watch?v=e50tEorQ2ck wasn't as good as the one for Justice.)

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 20:00 [Preview] No.10078 del
It seems that all Invidious instances don't work right now. I wish that Piped would work without JS.
>$ lynx https://piped.privacydev.net/watch?v=WaYgun8WOgs
> #Piped
> We're sorry but Piped doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.

>Copied to cold storage
Also, these ISOs files:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2d9047eb47ef7df580c30db62cb3468c07d02757
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmWmgFvKcuNa9sAucoqemDaoswNKMLXraXBq6RubAb84qn <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S01D02.ISO"
. size? 6.23-GiB file /ipfs/QmarNQEKrWusSBFG4uVT4i2xCAsqimLVGyatHYYxsTF4Vu - from 2024-03-30T12:25:10.306697254Z -> 2024-03-30T12:51:33.620741965Z
. note? DVD / MLPFIM DVD Season 1 Pack / Disk 2 of 4 / DVD9
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:2f65f68e9648a7932b1c17d20dbcc590645d812c
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmQDgcwguGszMCXYofqaGcSMo7ko3s4di1JRajtviLZab7 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S01D03.ISO"
. size? 7.28-GiB file /ipfs/QmQriYUvSmGv36WJx1QxyDvvqKCk3Cxj1z2chwff4JKcnb - from 2024-03-30T12:54:38.172862164Z -> 2024-03-30T13:16:05.741621589Z
. note? DVD / MLPFIM DVD Season 1 Pack / Disk 3 of 4 / DVD9
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e1ffb47f3730b345e0732ffb188562a52be1b7cd
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmZZN9JLn48oNaJnTV1NKbXse55vPQZHvDyjxyF7QTpwjk <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S01D04.ISO"
. size? 1.91-GiB file /ipfs/QmVLYhwGLB3hBwh8uT1zrSsArnG7zzcrYyhv6N96h6tGyG - from 2024-03-30T15:06:12.037659984Z -> 2024-03-30T15:43:29.301407860Z
. note? comment=" Torrent downloaded from torrent cache at http://torrage.com " - I don't have the original .torrent file

Original animations (low/medium effort):

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 20:10 [Preview] No.10079 del
YP-DVD-S01D04.ISO = 6.63 GiB, not 1.91 GiB

Copied more multi-gigabyte files:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:fa9f52ef09717f0888b442feddafc2c9f0e43a7a
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmXzkcxQfqujajMkzRV7BqEDUPnioQWNHeyvrXFaaMMsfR <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S02D01.ISO"
. size? 6.90-GiB file /ipfs/QmZM8aAASVymiUVV7nyBhjezy9NDcKJFudZ92CrjgJWSLu - from 2024-03-30T15:53:51.920005786Z -> 2024-03-30T16:15:25.959168741Z
. note? DVD / MLPFIM Season 2 Pack Disk 1 of 4 / DVD9
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:573dd0ac29be293ed92f39a5a9ff68fe4fd2e391
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmTTroocHoNTmDcFvpG9Q3aVntiSyeBaGFjCchpjMDcX7P <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S02D02.ISO"
. size? 7.01-GiB file /ipfs/QmY1oSb2ZWUueZ1YqgYJcNoeg2ZRteJTmj9mEvi35r9P5Z - from 2024-03-30T16:36:39.896649105Z -> 2024-03-30T16:57:38.080280218Z
. note? DVD / MLPFIM Season 2 Pack Disk 2 of 4 / DVD9

>"Machine Gun || MEME || My little pony" (5,689,292 views, "crap"):

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 20:36 [Preview] No.10080 del
Downloading that small channel UUDQhjJj0JemrHCYWhTboTrw with "I pity the fool" channel description:
>When you're desperate for entertainement. Really desperate. I pity whoever came here willingly.

Other video not in TPA - "MLP Live: The Canceled Live G4 Stage Show" (bloatware webpage from youtube.com below):
. resolved channel ID: @OkamiGirl64 -> UCGsEzBAXrTgq59gljHhcDkA
.. the size of this pony-focused channel is medium or large

(I think I downloaded this webpage https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewforum.php?f=1980 -> offline /ipfs/QmW3S6xXUbAaj5nyczRz8LQVTi2FS61RC6Si3W2ofymo2k as a test a while ago, gonna have to check back on that.)

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 21:52 [Preview] No.10081 del
Here's a video that I found to be sexy. It like, a sexually objectified mare, in detail:

>seems that all Invidious instances don't work right now
This issue:

ShitHub says:
>This comment has been minimized. Sign in to view
on multiple comments

Anon 03/30/2024 (Sat) 22:47 [Preview] No.10082 del
Downloading that channel

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b9a8020fdc253e9dc0535fc4c5a13e34fb8c472f
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmXBPb2vdbDu5czLTxLRy5UNRq9i5Rp7TFmt9GJBXUTEWW <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S02D03.ISO"
. size? 7.17-GiB file /ipfs/QmS1oadHMCuvaKHxHX746sfL595LBRY5ZWXfmv2gaNT8Vj - from 2024-03-30T17:06:07.375453935Z -> 2024-03-30T17:53:51.531779330Z
. note? DVD / MLPFIM Season 2 Pack Disk 3 of 4 / DVD9
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a28e56433df09082761142c2785490e7e3f39283
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmbwaZqJmF4HqQKfeNRb3PnZboHR6CpvsvK5L4yRiTEkws <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S02D04.ISO"
. size? 7.33-GiB file /ipfs/QmeBmCseeRHePtzipVmJUWZWp1363xszH96UHDvB15uSHC - from 2024-03-30T19:30:09.516040761Z -> 2024-03-30T20:41:29.120845835Z
. note? DVD / MLPFIM Season 2 Pack Disk 4 of 4 / DVD9
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:dc4391f40a082d000f606eb233708b2724594967
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmXG8ti5AAbx9fvtidDFTF9EaCvk7nTsdkRemfhE9XvQrD <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S03D01.ISO"
. size? 7.17-GiB file /ipfs/QmY1vJ6EFjLY7atoDdE6J85uxUhMr9XLUx1VZjBds6UVpn - from 2024-03-30T20:55:02.850973758Z -> 2024-03-30T21:15:07.797252480Z
. note? DVD / MLPFIM Season 3 Pack Disk 1 of 2 / DVD9
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:ceed183b45e9537bf066da66d39f385b89be215e
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmQ1gU69rZrLbuuNBUVwY8SWmGoTfeS21GN8iaJ8Jaj9jS <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S03D02.ISO"
. size? 7.37-GiB file /ipfs/QmQ6aioUe4u6DiGwE95sC3amZ89BwtS4tDtuGMZEhLVVgM - from 2024-03-30T22:10:07.920324787Z -> 2024-03-30T22:37:57.267876154Z
. note? " Torrent downloaded from torrent cache at http://zoink.it " - don't have original .torrent file

Anon 03/31/2024 (Sun) 02:14 [Preview] No.10084 del
Trying to host all of Ponibooru Restored in HPC, I saw that I ran out of disk space even though I have hundreds of megabytes free ("df -h"). Errors:
>Error: import failed at block "QmPi1Y9gMXnMUD6cHKxbAeusfqNvXGTFNMc6hqSsdcfvBv": open ...: no space left on device
>ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘.../.ipfs/blocks/6G/CIQNASIEZZSY2WRRTW4EUVFTX6ZQYG7VBJTL54UR5G6BCRXCRBVT6GA.data’: No space left on device

After researching, I saw this - https://askubuntu.com/questions/919748/no-space-left-on-device-even-though-there-is - which says to run "df -i". Sure enough, that shows that I ran out of inodes; I never had that happen before. I have a total of about 212,693 + 212693 inodes with 67,594 free in /tmp and zero free in /.

Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1cff264164d87168a6c11c5664c48792029044b2
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmVbi85nA1YV1jodUnQ6t6UdRDC1EqeU6PuGXGi1Xc1kUB <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S04D01.iso"
. size? 7.17-GiB file /ipfs/QmS6TKkT7wRreiYfhXiJGoh5FHu2d7XE7j2LJ3LsU2zAKf - from 2024-03-30T23:13:20.478187417Z -> 2024-03-30T23:53:09.042587836Z
. note? "MLP DVD Season 4 / YayPonies"
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:534b640871a65134d3ee20e3b30bc1ebc91b48a4
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYCihDvVXxRds7hky3PqtYPnS6ohLGJTxnVGKDTNTDgis <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S04D02.iso"
. size? 5.60-GiB file /ipfs/QmeAUpSjmLPCi1gPJyg3xLWiU9u4vB6huD4WjDDqjLsiNa - from 2024-03-30T23:54:13.500993709Z -> 2024-03-30T23:58:49.384055944Z
. note? "MLP DVD Season 4 / YayPonies"
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:defcbd92c8c1f1baabc469bce454d6bcc0804435
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmbeWvBqbGFDRmE4rMwnp1YyPJHtQe2JaLNCEMjaSaJxp6 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S04D03.iso"
. size? 6.67-GiB file /ipfs/QmVEHh5H49bsHmJrK7vwzM5JCbgdwk6RUULYYqtLZpJgKg - from 2024-03-31T01:34:35.093591694Z -> 2024-03-31T01:48:10.827055058Z
. note? "MLP DVD Season 4 / YayPonies" - torrent comments are lazier than ISOs for S3 and before

Squishy Rarity, I didn't expect that:
I downloaded 7.9 GB from that OkamiGirl64 UCGsEzBAXrTgq59gljHhcDkA channel.

Anon 03/31/2024 (Sun) 11:08 [Preview] No.10085 del
Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7b29766367c09d5d75abe98e2ee35c0b70713c3b
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/Qmbb6ybngQBPGXU8kioqFxs6XsBos7hoodBSK6Ft1eAyJY <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-DVD-S04D04.iso"
. size? 7.75-GiB file /ipfs/QmQqgXQqUXw7hyFDeuLoEUA7DADv4q7FiTKRsrhAwjyQcL - from 2024-03-31T01:53:49.864792895Z -> 2024-03-31T02:23:46.137552654Z
. note? "MLP DVD Season 4 / YayPonies" - torrent comment
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:23e3a1d80ce3a6a2f23530eb869fcced336fc32f
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmbJ6z5HXMRDZ42MwpXZZ922uTivt8mUTZivRj6JrmEJmY <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 YP-JUNKDVD-S02D03.ISO"
. size? 6.96-GiB file /ipfs/QmPckQrdbxyTuHjQYh2Js9tw7G4MPkeaRaV5xxacqL8dUu - from 2024-03-31T02:29:00.649964652Z -> 2024-03-31T02:55:04.596278158Z
. note? "JUNKDVD / MLPFIM Season 2 Pack Disk 3 of 4 / DVD9 / NO DERPY"
. mutable source? https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Website%20archive/Fan-made/www.ponychan.net/extra/
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmeYm48Dawm7goEFHsMpCZ1Yif83xG4vA2BSN2mAQiYg3q <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 Pony-Website-archive-Fan-made-www.ponychan.net-extra"
. size? 45.44-GiB folder /ipfs/QmaD5zfGrAqWNa1CNoCiDuSzJqujjAd5EYvpMUbws7NCzw - from 2024-03-31T03:19:54.323720569Z -> 2024-03-31T08:09:25.203220113Z
. note? from https://getchan.net/ponychan-archive/ - my small WARC of that: https://web.archive.org/web/20240206000028/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmTNXUvndxM3RVBwSp4BvbUSv8YTxnWoGT8qxq1NRC7oe8/

rsync's --delete worked as expected:
>$ find /dest/4chan.org/gif/4chan_gif_2023_11 | wc -l # 226,797 before, w/lots of empty files
>$ utc; rsync -a --delete --info=progress2 /src/4chan.org/gif/4chan_gif_2023_11/ /dest/4chan.org/gif/4chan_gif_2023_11/; utc
> 0 0% 0.00kB/s 0:00:00 (xfr#0, to-chk=0/30375)
>$ find /dest/4chan.org/gif/4chan_gif_2023_11 | wc -l # 30,375 after, took about 6 hours

Anon 03/31/2024 (Sun) 11:34 [Preview] No.10086 del
(259.59 KB 720x480 MLP_S7_D4.ISO.mp4)
> BitTorrent DHT - indexed by various projects who tend to get shut down sooner or later:
>> [...]
>> iTorrents.org - torrent cache, run by the operator of limetorrents.cc (see whois for contact information)

Here's a critism of itorrents.org: I am almost certain that it overwrites torrent comments with an advertisment to their site. Torrent comments are helpful, such as >>10085, a torrent with only the name "YP-JUNKDVD-S02D03.ISO", but the torrent comment says:
>JUNKDVD / MLPFIM Season 2 Pack Disk 3 of 4 / DVD9 / NO DERPY
meaning it's like the Derpy Hooves removed version.

>TV show transcripts OurBoard (not excluded as of 2020-04-18)


I think qBittorrent created this .parts file - not really sure what it is; it seems like a temp file that somehow stuck around. IPFS helped me visualize the data in a general way (has multiple megabyte-large zero-byte sections which are bafkreib...6lla):
>$ utc; ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 /z9/t/anime/series/naruto/.1b80a97b85c8e723da70c834c891864e6d754b04.parts; echo; utc
>added QmYTBnZi44ZBh8NjPe7aHGGi5mgUsuCEBksmjaeAW2FFPg .1b80a97b85c8e723da70c834c891864e6d754b04.parts
>added QmU5w9CNhDGX5GPJGd2K7azn82unVh1Ks3g11csfjWLsZB
> 16.04 MiB / 16.04 MiB[...]
>$ ipfs ls QmYTBnZi44ZBh8NjPe7aHGGi5mgUsuCEBksmjaeAW2FFPg
>bafkreibbz3yejxoz2oecamcqpcdsyhp3sp6iupys4vzbboegkjykpjy7ha 1048576
>bafkreibq4fevl27rgurgnxbp7adh42aqiyd6ouflxhj3gzmcxcxzbh6lla 1048576
>bafkreibq4fevl27rgurgnxbp7adh42aqiyd6ouflxhj3gzmcxcxzbh6lla 1048576
>bafkreibq4fevl27rgurgnxbp7adh42aqiyd6ouflxhj3gzmcxcxzbh6lla 1048576
>bafkreibq4fevl27rgurgnxbp7adh42aqiyd6ouflxhj3gzmcxcxzbh6lla 1048576
>bafkreibq4fevl27rgurgnxbp7adh42aqiyd6ouflxhj3gzmcxcxzbh6lla 1048576
>[7 blocks, not bafkreib...6lla]
>bafkreibq4fevl27rgurgnxbp7adh42aqiyd6ouflxhj3gzmcxcxzbh6lla 1048576
>[3 blocks, not bafkreib...6lla]
>$ # online: https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipfs/bafkreibq4fevl27rgurgnxbp7adh42aqiyd6ouflxhj3gzmcxcxzbh6lla

Video = crappy copy of FIM season 7 disc 4 DVD menu (from VLC, not VOB)

Anon 03/31/2024 (Sun) 11:40 [Preview] No.10087 del
Here's a 4K upscale of FIM that someone made - 417 GB:

I have that in a non-attached HDD - hope to make another copy it.

>megabyte-large zero-byte sections
I meant "megabyte-large binary-zero sections".

Anon 03/31/2024 (Sun) 11:54 [Preview] No.10088 del
*Here's another criticism of itorrents.org
*overwrites torrent comments with an advertisement
*hope to make another copy of it.

Non-original modified .torrent file for "NO DERPY" ISO:

Comment replaced, unfortunately:
>Comment : Torrent downloaded from torrent cache at http://itorrents.org

This is a reason to not put comments into torrents when creating a .torrent file. I've created hundreds of gigabytes of successful/popular-ish torrents, never put a comment in the .torrent files; sometimes I felt like putting something in that Comment field though. Or, if you do put comments in; try to preserve the original .torrent file in a way that doesn't rely on .torrent caches which do that (could be possible if you torrent is popular enough).

Anon 03/31/2024 (Sun) 12:02 [Preview] No.10089 del
Here's like the oldest large set of 4chan /mlp/ images (I didn't make an IPFS copy of this tarball as-is):

(Not to be confused with https://iv.datura.network/watch?v=V0DmliiUFHk which is an Invidious instance.)

*could be possible if your torrent is popular enough

Anon 03/31/2024 (Sun) 14:56 [Preview] No.10091 del
>ran out of inodes
I pinned a 2,071,738-byte file (seven 262,144-byte blocks + one 236,730-byte block). That used 9 inodes: 8 blocks/files + 1 unknown file.

"MLP YTP" video from
I am pretty sure that I heard some of that music in milki.org. It's credited as "UltraEdit 12 Keygen". ("/z9/warc/007/" contains "milki.org-2024-01-09-6a3f30d8/" and "milki.org-2024-01-09-b86e70c1/".)

Anon 03/31/2024 (Sun) 15:22 [Preview] No.10092 del
Description of that video:
>Fluttershy finally loses her cool. This is basically a test of editing ability in Sony Vegas 8.0 using Fluttershy. Some things tested are using the title sequence and mixing different sources into the video. Enjoy


rclone is helpful to see the difference between folders (and it can work on local-only folders). Examples:
>$ rclone --size-only check "/src/t/anime/series/fullmetal_alchemist" "/dest/t/anime/series/fullmetal_alchemist"
>[datetime] ERROR : [AOmundson] Fullmetal Alchemist Complete Series 1080p [Dual]/01. Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)/Menu/Fullmetal Alchemist Menu - 13.mkv: File not in Local file system at /src/t/anime/series/fullmetal_alchemist
>[datetime] ERROR : [AOmundson] Fullmetal Alchemist Complete Series 1080p [Dual]/01. Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)/Scans/Special Book/33.png: Sizes differ
>[datetime] NOTICE: Local file system at /src/t/anime/series/fullmetal_alchemist: 135 files missing
>[datetime] NOTICE: Local file system at /dest/t/anime/series/fullmetal_alchemist: 191 differences found
>[datetime] NOTICE: Local file system at /dest/t/anime/series/fullmetal_alchemist: 191 errors while checking
>[datetime] NOTICE: Local file system at /dest/t/anime/series/fullmetal_alchemist: 112 matching files
>[datetime] Failed to check with 192 errors: last error was: 191 differences found
>$ # fullmetal_alchemist torrent magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e56027c0278424b582f4da6a0b4943f262b3f2bd is 0.5% downloaded in src and 1.9% downloaded in dest.
>$ rclone --size-only check "/src/t/anime/series/death_note" "/dest/t/anime/series/death_note"
>[datetime] NOTICE: Local file system at /dest/t/anime/series/death_note: 0 differences found
>[datetime] NOTICE: Local file system at /dest/t/anime/series/death_note: 273 matching files
>$ # same in both HDDs

Crystal Pony Board owner 04/01/2024 (Mon) 09:15 [Preview] No.10098 del
(320.87 KB 388x600 CCCCCCADANCE.png)
New thread coming soonish. When? IDK, depends next time I get access to stable broadband but let's say within a week. Though y'all still have over 200 posts before you get to the absolute reply limit.

>/go/ on page 3
and this thread as well. I might have found a glitch in the matrix that will allow me to bump this thread past the 500 mark while keeping the other threads at 500 post limit, but, I am not 100% certain will work. Will cross that bridge when we come to it and will explain it better later.

>/fileshare/ thread
That thread hasn't gotten much use but maybe something to link in the top of the next thread here. I can see situations where someone would want to dump files but not in a archival context and I have a personal interest in endchan and other chan's usefulness in distributing files and such.

Some of these musings and postings might be better here:>>5560

Oh, and don't mind the sudden changes to everything, we have just had a minor regime change that has totally nothing to do with a certain date:>>10093

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 09:39 [Preview] No.10100 del
pink posts?

>Though y'all still have over 200 posts before you get to the absolute reply limit.
I didn't know about that, so it's 1000 as the limit (like textboards).

>I have a total of about 212,693 + 212693 inodes ...
More like a total of 212,693 inodes only because parts of / symlink to /tmp (/ and /tmp = two different devices/FSs). Each symlink takes up one inode, same with each file.

>Use this command to get an ordered list of the subdirectories with the most inodes used:
>$ sudo find . -xdev -type f | cut -d "/" -f 2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
>Run this in your root folder, then drill down until you find your culprit.
df -i says:
>Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
>/cow 212693 212693 0 100% /
but that ...uniq -c... says that not that many inodes are used:
> 2 root \ 8 boot \ 156 sbin
> 167 bin \ 1216 etc \ 5644 lib
> 6140 var \ 60321 home \ 79788 usr
>$ # 153,442 = 60321 + 79788 + 6140 + 5644 + 1216 + 167 + 156 + 8 + 2
>$ # /tmp has 67,594 free inodes
because I only checked file-type and not link-type:
>$ sudo find . -xdev -type l | cut -d "/" -f 2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
> 1 initrd.img \ 1 media \ 1 vmlinuz
> 20 bin \ 89 sbin \ 126 lib
> 228 var \ 811 etc \ 21056 usr
> 145066 home
>$ # 167,399 = 145066 + 21056 + 811 + 228 + 126 + 89 + 20 + 3
>$ # 320,841 = 153442 + 167399, so "over the total by 108,148"?

Files+links in home in / = 205,387 (60,321 + 145,066). Can't symlink a folder, only files. Conclusion: this system has a total of like 212,693 inodes. It would need to only use up 12,693 on initialization to have 200,000 free which is about the number of free inodes that I need. However, 1216 etc + 5644 lib + 6140 var use 13,000; + 79788 usr = 92,788. But, running "find $HOME | wc -l" says 206,460. Deleting all of the .data files in $HOME = 6364 used and 206329 free inodes. If each Ponibooru webpage is <256K, then that's 200,000 files. However, the JS thing to get the live image links is like 40 MB, so that's 156 blocks doesn't matter.

Doesn't show the right number of ChildBlocks (because that would take too long I guess):
>$ ipfs ls QmbYszVbDz9TNvFGmvvTVVyL3M2vmiMDHj8NwyL3h8iusu
>QmeqMsP2Gsro13LWjrfXNNkv95usEqsGprwk11tAZJb7w2 - ponibooru_restored_version_2024.
>$ ipfs files stat /ipfs/QmeqMsP2Gsro13LWjrfXNNkv95usEqsGprwk11tAZJb7w2
>Size: 0
>CumulativeSize: 2543210216
>ChildBlocks: 256
>Type: directory
"ipfs dag import --stats QmbYszVbDz9TNvFGmvvTVVyL3M2vmiMDHj8NwyL3h8iusu.car" says... whatever it says, that may not correspond to the total count of DATA files that it uses up.

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 12:27 [Preview] No.10102 del
(56.26 KB 512x387 d-3011058.jpg)
(567.93 KB 1000x704 twibooru-1274640.png)
Images disappeared (one found, one not found):
. https://web.archive.org/web/20231226190004/https://endchan.org/pone/
.. 404 https://endchan.org/pone/res/9133.html - MD5s:
... 411.37 KB 800x600 1ChristmasWith2Sisters.png https://endchan.org/.media/d9527975dc7e3ec87e6c17105b2e3081-imagepng.png
... 567.93 KB 1000x704 1274640.png https://endchan.org/.media/dd5f32ef090b18297c569b1410950e10-imagepng.png

Found - "1274640.png":
>$ sqlite3 -bail -csv -cmd "select * from local_files where file_hash_md5=\"dd5f32ef090b18297c569b1410950e10\"; blah" database_pony_furry.sqlite 2>/dev/null
>"Pony/Art/Image archives/twibooru.org/2020/07/18_(1)_500k_file_limit/1274640.png",1632413246,581565,0a35299ee0bef920b6937a5ea442ef2f01cde7a6,dd5f32ef090b18297c569b1410950e10
>"Pony/Art/Image archives/twibooru.org/2020/07/18/1274640.png",1632413246,581565,0a35299ee0bef920b6937a5ea442ef2f01cde7a6,dd5f32ef090b18297c569b1410950e10

Not found - "1ChristmasWith2Sisters.png" (800x600 thumbnail? d9527975dc7e3ec87e6c17105b2e3081 = MD5):
>$ sqlite3 -bail -csv -cmd "select * from local_files where file_hash_md5=\"d9527975dc7e3ec87e6c17105b2e3081\"; blah" database_pony_furry.sqlite 2>/dev/null
>$ # I'm not sure where "website-warc-image-hashes.sql" is.
I maybe have this not-in-wbm file in a WARC of mine in z8. ("1ChristmasWith2Sisters.png" showed up in a Google search, linked to endchan.gg and enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion.ly -> /pone/)

Otherwise, would have likely been at
. https://magrathea.endchan.net:8443/.media/t_d9527975dc7e3ec87e6c17105b2e3081-imagepng
. https://magrathea.endchan.net:8443/.media/d9527975dc7e3ec87e6c17105b2e3081-imagepng.jpg


GIFs: https://derpibooru.org/js/app-3485f5ccca9145c81cad31ef9808ca78.js?vsn=d
:%s/{baseurl:"/\r{baseurl:"/g :%s/,/","/g :%s/""/"/g :%s/\("["]*gif"\)/\r\1\r/g :g!/baseurl\|\.gif"/d :%s/\({baseurl:"[^"]*"\).*/\1/g :%s/\n^"/"/g :
then run this a bunch of time:
then run
:g/{/d :%s/https:\/\/derpibooru.org\//g

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 13:04 [Preview] No.10103 del
>vim commands to get URLs out of that JS file
Multiple not in WBM before now, such as:
. https://derpibooru.org/ponies/princess%20cadance%20%28teenager%29/stand_left.gif
. https://derpibooru.org/ponies/double%20diamond/doublediamond-idle-left.gif
. https://derpibooru.org/ponies/songbird%20serenade/songbirdserenade-trot-left.gif

Here's that URL list (grep -v '"'):
. https://ipfs.ssi.eecc.de/ipfs/QmVYU7nzV2EzxHkx6EWgZi8atawxedZwKj8p8yPMdcZj1Z
.. I can get a WARC of those

>markup in code (grave/backtick used)
`:%s/{baseurl:"/\r{baseurl:"/g :%s/,/","/g :%s/""/"/g :%s/\("[^"]*gif"\)/\r\1\r/g :g!/baseurl\|\.gif"/d :%s/\({baseurl:"[^"]*"\).*/\1/g :%s/\n^"/"/g :` then run this a bunch of time: `:%s/""\([^"]*\)""\1""/""\1""/g` and `:%s/^{baseurl:"\([^"]*\)""\([^"]*\)"\(.*\)/{baseurl:"\1"\3\r\1\2/g` and `:%s/^\(.*\)\n\1$/\1/g` then run `:g/^{/d :%s/^/https:\/\/derpibooru.org\//g`

Record of one of these images:
>https://derpibooru.org/ponies/princess%20cadance/cadance-flight-right.gif 1711976185 - - 3K2J5IYOBMUJ36XFQQWQTVARJ4SW7FKE 35546 20340473 z9-warc-014-derpibooru-easter-2024-in.txt-2024-04-01-8a7f8b4a-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:e3b1e654-f3f8-4170-86b0-c12fe2698953>

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 15:44 [Preview] No.10107 del
>212,693 total
>"ipfs dag import --stats QmbYszVbDz9TNvFGmvvTVVyL3M2vmiMDHj8NwyL3h8iusu.car" says... whatever it says, that may not correspond to the total count of DATA files that it uses up.
>Pinned root QmbYszVbDz9TNvFGmvvTVVyL3M2vmiMDHj8NwyL3h8iusu success
>Imported 254327 blocks (2538815644 bytes)
254,327 blocks means that there's not enough inodes to host it all in that system. It would maybe fit if I used 1Mchunk+raw leaves, but I'd rather not do that. I wonder if I can zero out free space in that device then repartition it to something else which has more inodes. Or, I could do a different solution. (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/inode says "(computing) A data structure representing an object such as a file or a directory in a Unix (or similar) file system." - also includes symlinks.)

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 16:11 [Preview] No.10108 del
web.archive.org: 190 seconds between save requests = still get HTTP 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS (wget --spider). Months ago, 45 seconds between save requests was totally fine (all HTTP 200).

>video about statistical anomalies and such in the 2020 US presidential election:
Trans sisters...
>To Honor Biden's Declaration of Transawareness Day We Are Now Transbooru. Click Here For Our Statement
>[Statement:] The most popular president in American history (by number of votes) has rechristened Easter Sunday as Trans Awareness Day. Here at PonerPics, we like to do things after everyone else has already done them. Therefore, we are declaring Easter Monday to no longer be associated with a Christian Holiday, but with trans visibility, so that for one day out of a 366 day leap year, we may remember that Trans people exist. And of course, go back to forgetting about them the other 365 days a year.

>Or, I could do a different solution
Going with the non-repartition solution for now...

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 19:08 [Preview] No.10110 del
2011 video not in TPA - "What I Like About You PMV.wmv" (small channel, unique frames):

pfp from "The Romantics - What I Like About You (Video)"
(that channel now has an npr pfp)

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 19:14 [Preview] No.10111 del
(98.59 KB 1147x746 6920342.png)
>, depends next time I get access to stable broadband but let's say within a week.
>Long and complicated story. A combination of circumstances in life, with the latest thing now being stuck with a all over the place mobile data to wifi router thingy.
Can you seriously not post at times? That seems like a lot of hassle...

pink posts?
Very pink. Actually, these theme doesn't hurt my eyes too bad and is sort of fun, though it isn't as good as the Nightmare theme last April Fools.

Oh, are you scraping the JS ponies from Derpi?
>https://derpibooru.org/ponies/zipporwhill/zipporwhill-fly-left.gif 1711976352 - - JKKE4ZYNGIWSX5ROXXTBOVO4WOVE6C3O 5253 33058992 z9-warc-014-derpibooru-easter-2024-in.txt-2024-04-01-8a7f8b4a-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:8f6a5f15-3cc2-4836-b100-1187d55c7d99>
>https://derpibooru.org/ponies/zipporwhill/zipporwhill-fly-right.gif 1711976353 - - D2U275S5IRJ2RGSMX5TPGRPRBT5UEIMG 5257 33064852 z9-warc-014-derpibooru-easter-2024-in.txt-2024-04-01-8a7f8b4a-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:6584dcbd-cba2-4e3c-b326-7e1ebaa4d0c5>

I do believe that is a pre-existing open sourced project but it doesn't hurt with how many things I see just disappear over the years when everyone thought it would be safe.

>web.archive.org: 190 seconds between save requests = still get HTTP 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS (wget --spider). Months ago, 45 seconds between save requests was totally fine (all HTTP 200).
The problem with scraping web archive is that they know all the tricks with web scraping and understandably their bandwidth is pretty precious as is, considering all the data that is being kept online. I can understand them not wanting scraping as multiple people running scraping operations would probably be a huge drain on their resources BUT I also think the information there is a chaotic mess and their is some instances were have to scrape it.

>trans sisters
>ponerpics... aka, Trixiebooru
I usually can't stand politics jokes, but, this time, my sides.
> Still better than derpibooru.
He may still be right on that.

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:08 [Preview] No.10113 del
>Going with the non-repartition solution for now...
Some info for that - ponibooru_60k is this: /ipfs/QmS4EfzF2rQir4ZbE7zdTu46YyAVvY43STEwhzJN7CRzFF

>small channel

no pink posts here (any last50): https://endchan.org/.static/last50.html?b=pone&t=9086

>Oh, are you scraping the JS ponies from Derpi?
I used vim -- NVIM v0.6.1 -- to get all of the .gif file URLs that load from .js (I think today I was significantly faster at doing such a thing than I was in the past). I think Derpi only uses one .js file to load them, so that covers all cases (different overlay GIFs load based on character tags). All of those GIF animations are in:
. warc.gz https://endchan.org/.media/ab0aba07daca938a0c6a3909818c7307-applicationgzip.undefined
. cdx https://endchan.org/.media/735ab0b26a4ba1678231844d02f04438-applicationoctet-stream.so

>I do believe that is a pre-existing open sourced project
That might be "Desktop Ponies".
>but it doesn't hurt with how many things I see just disappear over the years when everyone thought it would be safe.
Reminds me of LiveLeak: gone with zero warning. As for "Desktop Ponies", those files likely exist elsewhere, but those URLs to those files are unique and only exist in that website (unlike IPFS). That WARC shows the mtime of those files there and the server used plus other stuff; Derpi uses this server: cl*udflare.

>>web.archive.org: 190 seconds between save requests = still get HTTP 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS (wget --spider). Months ago, 45 seconds between save requests was totally fine (all HTTP 200).
>The problem with scraping web archive is that they know all the tricks with web scraping and understandably their bandwidth is pretty precious as is, considering all the data that is being kept online. I can understand them not wanting scraping as multiple people running scraping operations would probably be a huge drain on their resources BUT I also think the information there is a chaotic mess and their is some instances were have to scrape it.
I meant "save requests to wbm"; I was saving those https://derpibooru.org/ponies/*.gif files to WBM. I see that's unclear, and I think you think I was downloading from wbm. I even got HTTP 429 with a 290-second wait between save-to-wbm requests: hoping this is an April Fools joke.

If web.archive.org was annoyed by users downloading web files/pages from them, then they should offer info as to where their WARCs are located (which they don't anymore), in case they are annoyed that users are creating WARCs of their WARC replays. But then, many of those .warc.gz files are unable to be downloaded. More on that: >>9774. If archive.org was more open, then there could be non-IA archive-focused websites which could easily get just about any snapshot replaying on their server from just about any WARC. As it is now, this is the case with archive.org:
. ArchiveTeam-created+uploaded WARCs: open access
. WARCs uploaded to IA by normal users (at /details/): open access
. All other WARCs (everything in web.archive.org other than the above two case): NO open access and there is no longer a way to tell where they are stored in archive.org >>9774
.. this includes captures of sites which are and are not excluded from WBM

Why do they do this? Maybe they want to be the only one who can "archive the web" and provide replays. And/Or, they do it so that no one can know which file really stores whatever shit but them, so no one but those who have access to archive.org's backend can request that a WARC file be deleted (or they could just delete it with no request process). Anyone can see which replay contains whatever at web.archive.org/web/... but not anyone can know the WARC file that it's based on. Deleting replay due to excluded or whatever + deleting WARC (private backend) = basically totally gone.

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 20:40 [Preview] No.10114 del
>multiple people running scraping operations would probably be a huge drain on their resources
Such as: downloading many URLs from web.archive.org. I think it's less resource intensive to just download one multi-gigabyte file which has everything. WARC files are multigigabyte and "have everything" in some cases, but in other cases they have many "non-target" URLs in them. Hope that there's users/organizations/whatever other than me, and more interested than me, who would want to download hundreds of gigabytes from IA even if only a small percent of the WARC data contains the URLs of interest. And then they could provide public replays of them and try to archive them. Maybe such possible organization would be more interested if the data was more publicly available. I can think of some such similar independent "organizations": one related to the Yahoo! Answers purge (Quantserver or whatever it was called) and theponyarchive.com. (Also, maybe FAGMAN companies like Cloudflare, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple.) IWIFTP guy said he wasn't really interested in downloading lots from IA/WBM without reason.

>in case they are annoyed that users are creating WARCs of their WARC replays
So either engage in the "clown world" of making WARC files of WARC replays, or just download raws. Months ago, I used a program to download raws from WBM, not great because that would be missing stuff like headers which get replayed in an altered way: "x-archiv-*" or whatever.

>Why do they do this?
Not sure. Maybe they think what they already do is "enough" (I've had similar thoughts). It cost more to pay for hot storage than cold storage. But then, I don't know the details of IA's financial situation; they could be swimming in donation money for all I know.

Trixie-focused PMV

Crystal Pony 04/01/2024 (Mon) 21:07 [Preview] No.10115 del
>Also, maybe FAGMAN companies [would be interested in archive-focused stuff]
. Making money off of user data, data brokers and the like (anti-privacy)
. Training data for AI - OpenAI got most of that from archive.org IIRC

Speaking of AI:
>JP FIM OP Eurobeat remix https://endchan.org/.media/b06c42e3c04ab10a0b6568c2826ccb6d-audiompeg
Wrong answer at https://chat-gpt.org/chat - didn't say "Mirai Start"
>>Asian music which sounds like "dakata hi hi hi"
>One possible example of Asian music that features a similar sound to "dakata hi hi hi" is the traditional Japanese folk song "Soran Bushi." This lively and energetic song is often performed at festivals and events, and is known for its catchy lyrics and repetitive, upbeat melody. Additionally, there are many Asian pop and dance songs that feature similar vocalizations and catchy hooks that may also fit the description.

Crystal Pony 04/02/2024 (Tue) 00:17 [Preview] No.10116 del
>I even got HTTP 429 with a 290-second wait between save-to-wbm requests: hoping this is an April Fools joke.
So far haven't seen any 429s with a 400 second sleep between requests. That's about one order of magnitude longer than what worked fine in the past.

>ponibooru_60k: QmS4...RzFF.car
which is:
>76415 blocks (750096454 bytes) [~60K files, default settings, imported in about 1 hour from 2024-04-01T21:12:52.440924702Z -> 2024-04-01T22:09:34.860576019Z into a HDD]
254327 - 76415 = 177,912, so I have enough free inodes for the other part which is larger. Thing I noticed when backing up: if you copy the files in /a/.ipfs/datastore/ to /b/.ipfs/datastore/ without overwriting any files in /b, then everything that was pinned in /a won't show up as pinned in /b. However, after doing that copy, you can do the hours-long pinning process in /b to pin all that was pinned in /b, assuming you already rsynced all of the blocks in ./blocks/ from src to dest. "Hours-long" if you have tens or hundreds of gigabytes, and it can be done completely offline; gotta do a similar thing when rechecking hundreds of gigabytes of torrents after moving from one HDD to another. (If you rsync /a/.ipfs/ to /b/.ipfs/ and /b was totally empty before, then it will instantly have all of /a's pins due to the 1:1 copy of ./datastore/ plus the blocks and maybe a couple other files; datastore is an essential part because if that folder is empty then it shows up with zero pins).

Crystal Pony 04/02/2024 (Tue) 00:27 [Preview] No.10117 del
*process in /b to pin all that was pinned in /a

Warrior princess from
which someone is downloading now.

Crystal Pony 04/02/2024 (Tue) 16:42 [Preview] No.10118 del
??:??:?? - "Pony has AIDS" / AIDS in my butt so glue my butt shut https://u.smutty.horse/maoqxkwtxjh.mp4

Applejack-focused PMV
Paid ponified cover

>Unsplit: [cat [file a b c] > complete.car]
Don't have to do it like that. Can import from pipe instead of file:
>$ split --bytes=100M QmfVm4P7FtR9RMgcTwkKUip94FTFnPWmi1j2E7ip5Vn4c7.car QmfVm4P7FtR9RMgcTwkKUip94FTFnPWmi1j2E7ip5Vn4c7.car.
>$ cat QmfVm4P7FtR9RMgcTwkKUip94FTFnPWmi1j2E7ip5Vn4c7.car.aa QmfVm4P7FtR9RMgcTwkKUip94FTFnPWmi1j2E7ip5Vn4c7.car.ab QmfVm4P7FtR9RMgcTwkKUip94FTFnPWmi1j2E7ip5Vn4c7.car.ac QmfVm4P7FtR9RMgcTwkKUip94FTFnPWmi1j2E7ip5Vn4c7.car.ad | ipfs dag import --stats
>Pinned root QmfVm4P7FtR9RMgcTwkKUip94FTFnPWmi1j2E7ip5Vn4c7 success
>Imported 1428 blocks (371642649 bytes)
>$ # per xxd, looks like CIDs don't show up in CARs in plain text
Text from docs (which makes me think of something else):
>The pinning of the roots happens after all car files are processed, permitting import of DAGs spanning multiple files.

Crystal Pony 04/02/2024 (Tue) 19:13 [Preview] No.10119 del
Here's that.

Screenshot of

. torrent? >>10052 4chan_gif_2023_11.zip -> source/extracted version
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYgLeLuSgz3poTfHyW8zLrBdrs1vFv9XaYxXfqgGfQ58X <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2023_11/"
. size? 77.24-GiB folder /ipfs/QmRayfs1QtJiNsmNtWrnoeZ9hBMG87tj2baWFnkg7tYgrs - from 2024-04-02T13:51:31.938061017Z -> 2024-04-02T18:51:19.067219920Z

Crystal Pony 04/03/2024 (Wed) 03:07 [Preview] No.10120 del
That's small channel Mariii UC1ULWHLjbAQCpYf5FA_jZmg = downloaded. Of some degree of interest:
>pop music, "Me_too_PMV-Mariii-20160830-youtube-1280x720-_cKdsvRSenA.webm"
>pop music, title, "Never_give_up_PMV-Mariii-20170827-youtube-1920x1072-c1VkUHxIMMM.mkv"
>most-viewed video from that channel, pop music, "Shape_of_you_PMV-Mariii-20170422-youtube-1920x1072-Nps9RH60Kbg.webm"
>attached, "/z9/youtube/Mariii_UC1ULWHLjbAQCpYf5FA_jZmg/Dark_horse_PMV-Mariii-20161111-youtube-1280x720-dBtcUmG_K-w.png"

>Low relation - "the fuck do people call these things. animatic? amv? pmv? isnt that for ponies? its s":
Meanings of "PMV": pony music video, picture music video, porn music video. Meanings of "AMV": anime music video, and maybe also animated music video.

>rainbow text from [ meme ] [ / meme ]
4chan has rainbow text also now -- https://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/99786840#p99794867 -- but I guess it's only for those who wasted $20 to buy a 4chan pass.

Crystal Pony 04/03/2024 (Wed) 13:53 [Preview] No.10121 del
(328.99 KB 400x298 sparkly.gif)
>So far haven't seen any 429s with a 400 second sleep between requests.
Saw one:
>HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS

>those URLs to those files are unique and only exist in that website
Other reason: since they are used as a software thing, those paths must continue to point to non-404 URLs/files for that web software to work in the future.

now says "This video has been removed by the uploader"

Motherfucker, I was just about to download that.

Image from

Crystal Pony 04/03/2024 (Wed) 14:41 [Preview] No.10123 del
pop/rap music, mostly EqG. Here's channel banner, community tab. Channel description was
>"I don't know, you describe me, ¿how would you do it? \\ No lo se, tu describeme, ¿como lo harias?
Now is
>No se
meaning "don't know"

>Flashlight mlp pmv stereo hearts [98ViMH14Ibg].mp4
Moved to this better path for that 2021-04-03 video:

In regards to moving data from one HDD to another, it seems that repinning for IPFS takes longer than rechecking for BitTorrent. (Main computer uptime: 14 days which is 2 weeks.)

Crystal Pony 04/03/2024 (Wed) 15:00 [Preview] No.10124 del
spaces in URLs = broken URLs. Did grab-site get the right URLs? >>10103 >>10104 CDX says:
>https://derpibooru.org/ponies/mr%20breezy/mister%20breezy%20trot%20right.gif 1711976118 - - AODMXFXJPQ7MKZ2FGWMURZ3ZT4GRIQIP 12988 12689406 z9-warc-014-derpibooru-easter-2024-in.txt-2024-04-01-8a7f8b4a-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:e3968232-0d84-46b7-ad80-0183d801cef6>
>https://derpibooru.org/ponies/mr%20breezy/mister%20breezy%20blink%20right.gif 1711976118 - - 34MNMGJIPV4W6DM3MA5CHBVEDPVA5WPP 2375 12741809 z9-warc-014-derpibooru-easter-2024-in.txt-2024-04-01-8a7f8b4a-00000.warc.gz <urn:uuid:687e2bd9-ebc9-4873-94d0-ff43eca87613>
>https://derpibooru.org/ponies/mr%20breezy/mister breezy trot left.gif
>https://derpibooru.org/ponies/mr%20breezy/mister breezy trot right.gif
>https://derpibooru.org/ponies/mr%20breezy/mister breezy blink left.gif
>https://derpibooru.org/ponies/mr%20breezy/mister breezy blink right.gif

so yes, it did. Image from
DDG "kept me safe/private" by proxying HTTP to HTTPS

Crystal Pony 04/03/2024 (Wed) 17:39 [Preview] No.10125 del
I wonder if a 32-bit Linux computer can use a ZFS HDD.

>4chan rainbow text
Doesn't show up in desu - https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/99786840/#99794867 - so use morty, archive.today, etc. BTW, how do you roll dice in 4chan /mlp/ ?

pfp from npr "BIG security issue, Redis ditches FOSS, future of Linux is bright: Linux & Open Source News"
. https://web.archive.org/web/20240403001418/https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=tVvbLS2Bm8c&nojs=1
.. this channel with low relation videos commented on it: https://inv.tux.pizza/@DashieTM

Crystal Pony 04/03/2024 (Wed) 19:14 [Preview] No.10126 del
>I wonder if a 32-bit Linux computer can use a ZFS HDD.
Yes and no. I installed zfs-fuse i386 0.7.0-10.1 ( https://zfs-discuss.zfsonlinux.narkive.com/2NMY6B8g/zfs-on-32-bit-linux-system ), but it doesn't work with a newer ZFS format:
>$ sudo zpool import -a
>cannot import 'z7': pool is formatted using a newer ZFS version
>cannot import 'z7': pool is formatted using a newer ZFS version
>$ # sad :(

Damn, didn't work. I had one terabyte in z7->ipfs; that data was ready to go. (Backup location of z7->ipfs=z9 and zb.) Guess I will reformat that HDD with ext4 or something else that works. Program uptime of that computer in which I ran "zpool import -a": 57 days straight (HPC).

Maybe Mister Breezy is Scottish or Irish. (Anyone watch a crappy TV show called "Outlander"?)

Anon 04/04/2024 (Thu) 06:12 [Preview] No.10128 del
(321.98 KB 693x197 FIMFiction_beta_logo.png)
Doing some research, not sure if anything will come of it. While doing so found pic related. For some reason I like this old logo. I think it fits in a meta sense when you compare Fimfiction to most contemporary fanfic hosting sites.

Pic is from here:
but is converted back to a proper png with ffmpeg.

>Maybe Mister Breezy is Scottish or Irish.
Or Scots-Irish (which is NOT a mix of Scottish and Irish, despite what many claim).

>(Anyone watch a crappy TV show called "Outlander"?)
A family member did for a little while, I only saw a few scattered scenes, time travel to Scotland and tried to "fix England" back in time, right?

>I wonder if a 32-bit Linux computer can use a ZFS HDD.
>Yes and no. I installed zfs-fuse i386 0.7.0-10.1
<: ( sadface

> (Backup location of z7->ipfs=z9 and zb.) Guess I will reformat that HDD with ext4 or something else that works. Program uptime of that computer in which I ran "zpool import -a": 57 days straight (HPC).
You're setting up a secondary 32 bit computer for a backup? My personal philosophy, I wouldn't worry as much about having it be ZFS. If ext4 is what works than use it. Still better than a secondary backup not existing. Still, having everything ready, yeah, that does sound frustrating. Is the machine running something like Debian, I presume? That is like what I run on my 32 bit laptop now and it still works pretty well. Linux Mint has a 32 bit version of Linux Mint Debian Edition but I haven't tried it yet. Have tried Hyperbola (obscure GNU Arch Debian hybrid thing) and it ran well enough but the packages were often way out of date. (I have also tried many different Debian offshoots to success; MX Linux and stuff like that).

Anon 04/04/2024 (Thu) 11:35 [Preview] No.10129 del
(80.23 KB 1067x623 Aaron_Clarey.png)
More examples of archive.org being stupid. Due to DMCA, they took down these items which are just image files: front cover of two books. Email links to the wrong URL:
> https://archive.org/details/73745f647361706172616d5f646174
> https://archive.org/details/coverofworthlesstheyoungpe
wrong, correct link is https://archive.org/details/coverofworthlesstheyoungper

Index https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmaZ3sK93tgAMEhsTnHB8DT5dz765u2BAu1kpKHy6eYiHA says:
>[ offline ipfs://bafybeiayanrivopmdqmeepp6veo3f4y4n2fttc2pwkex27sis3b762c6ra ] 73745f647361706172616d5f646174: Cover of Enjoy the Decline: Accepting and Living with the Death of the United States - Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major, by Aaron Clarey, Aaron Clarey, photo, English text, book, cover, Enjoy the Decline: Accepting and Living with the Death of the United States, Worthless, Enjoy the Decline, front cover, back cover, book cover, USA, United States, America, archive.is, from archive.is, www.amazon.com, amazon.com, Amazon, book by Aaron Clarey, deleted, 29qqrpqhNJg, YouTube video 29qqrpqhNJg, deleted YouTube video, YouTube, YouTube metadata, metadata, title, title of 29qqrpqhNJg, webpage, 29qqrpqhNJg title, web page, web page files, webpage files, Enjoy the Decline Accepting and Living with the Death of the United States
>[ offline ipfs://bafybeihkhzqakknbmhikzp5z22dwjqrvk7zkkqdm4363czzc3hcdzfbcd4 ] coverofworthlesstheyoungper: Cover of Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major (2011 book) - book, cover, book cover, Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major cover, Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major book cover, book cover of Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major, Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major, cover of Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major, 2011 book, cover to a 2011 book, Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major (book), Worthless: The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major (2011 book), Worthless, The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major, Worthless The Young Person's Indispensable Guide to Choosing the Right Major, Aaron Clarey, front cover, back cover

More IPFS data in cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c8cfcda336f9227892d5fee1b2d9d9f69c928e07&dn=4chan_gif_2023_12.zip
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmZBvSvd4dRueogFQdvxp72KBZrjseTiuuSF2qspNWDZUd <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2023_12.zip"
. size? 57.17-GiB folder /ipfs/QmZf31SoqaRNv4fLq6bv3y5xjGWQBcyZg6SmjAWboUSQeL - from 2024-04-04T07:09:53.020969741Z -> 2024-04-04T09:29:16.200681944Z

Anon 04/04/2024 (Thu) 12:04 [Preview] No.10130 del
3.9 terabytes of torrents:
- over 1 or 2 TB of MLP torrents
- download from the infohashes/magnet links, not the CIDs
- reference copy v1; todo: copy torrent from other HDDs into this "/torrents/by_infohash" MFS folder

>Deleted off of IA, but stored at /ipfs/bafybeiayanrivopmdqmeepp6veo3f4y4n2fttc2pwkex27sis3b762c6ra and /ipfs/bafybeihkhzqakknbmhikzp5z22dwjqrvk7zkkqdm4363czzc3hcdzfbcd4
I can host these again after syncing in blocks from z6 and copying over level DB files.

>More IPFS data in cold storage
. torrent? >>10129 4chan_gif_2023_12.zip -> source/extracted version
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmSBuNbA7dJfvQFgyryvfM7MyhkWtHmYUS88SsTF34ntW4 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2023_12"
. size? 57.17-GiB folder /ipfs/QmQDGjQJ6sGgr3taWU3UvrR83okekcF3nrVF8mdXQQPgwa - took >1 hour, from ? -> 2024-04-04T07:04:59.097413392Z
. note? Konsole ate the older scrollback

Video from small channel

Anon 04/04/2024 (Thu) 12:12 [Preview] No.10131 del
>You're setting up a secondary 32 bit computer for a backup?
I am only using one 32-bit computer as of now; basically all other computers that I have are 64-bit. (Not all versions of ZFS work in 32bit, but I think all versions of IPFS work in 32bit.)

*57.17-GiB file

Anon 04/04/2024 (Thu) 17:29 [Preview] No.10132 del
Copied a >100 GB folder:
. mutable source? Google Drive
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmSmPbR3uBcdwXR3a71HUBoiqDPeAMqwyU7Dap1odPbRMS <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 brohoof.kilorat.com_port_8880"
. size? 120.40-GiB folder /ipfs/QmQmiHnrDCrhfWC4Vfxe8ZYU1fZ6LUXt4i5mPR9C9zpxs8
. note? empty https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Website%20archive/Fan-made/brohoof.kilorat.com%3A8880/ ; in IA https://archive.org/serve/750142375737467665727802752579

>fucking ridiculous "DMCA takedown" on a few picture files
Archive.org has reached Derpibooru levels of stupidity. Those were certainly fair use, so what that whoreson Araon Clarey did was issue a DNP takedown, not a DMCA takedown.

"Do not post" takedown and randomly issuing DMCA requests on things which are remotely related to an IP: I certainly can't respect that. (Example of randomly issuing...: Laika's archive.org copyright takedown of the DVD opening of "Coraline" which showed zero scenes from their crappy stop motion.) I don't really respect copyright in general, but I will say that the copyright takedown of a scene from "The Shining" in archive.org was more of a valid one.

Anon 04/05/2024 (Fri) 02:41 [Preview] No.10134 del
"We know drama" is something of a motto in 4chan /mlp/. How can we learn more about friendship problems (drama)? One way is by looking at various drama events then explaining the lessons that we learned, like naming the dialectics and stuff. Understanding this stuff is important because over MLP-related history, drama events sometimes stand out. Ideas from crap that I watched ( watched all of https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=s4BFIDYYYCA + watched about 1/2 of https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=m9fkdpmJD4o + watched all of https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=0pT-dWpmwhA ):
(a) Being uncritical in a discourse vs. trying to understand the complexity of it
(b) Being rude towards those who do important work but rarely get much thanks for it vs. not
(c) "Stealing" high-effort things and using them to benefit yourself vs. not

Thoughts on (a): I don't like DarkViperAU for some reasons and disagree with him on reaction videos, but I gotta agree that not being dismissive and simplifying things in a drama situation can be important. One of the reasons one would essentially say "that guy criticizing me is just an idiot or is completely wrong because he's x" is because it feels good or is satisfying. This is a false satisfaction if you've shown yourself to not really understand the situation. You can make such a simple claim ("this guy is an asshole" or whatever), but it will only be true and justly feel good if you have demonstrated that you at least understand the entire situation. I have likely been guilty of making snap judgments on things/individuals because it feels good to think I really know the thing/entity and categorize it as whatever, positive or negative. However, maybe I never realized that I didn't really understand it and that was a psychological failure to reason better.

(b): Users ought to/should be more respectful to each other. Maybe it's dumb to value respect so much, but that's kinda how I think. Perhaps it's part of my culture, like "honor culture" or whatever it's called.

(c): DumbViperAU is wrong about reaction videos. Similar to how communists say that such and such is exploitation and Postmodernists put an essentially negative view on heterosexual sex (framing it in terms of power relations and nothing else), it's a matter of perspective and comes down to what quality of a thing you determine to be the essential truth of it. (First, reaction videos aren't "stealing"; stealing would be taking Pinkie Pie's one-of-a-kind cake under the cover of darkness, so only the thief has the object at that point and no one else. A reupload of a live video means that two copies exist in the world for now.) Second, this is the type of "abuse" or "exploitation" that I don't care much about. Solutions to this supposed problem could be bad for the Internet.

Reminds me of artist being angry about users copying their works to boorus. I say screw their DNP/DMCA, because information wants to be free and "the more data the better". Something along those lines, I think I wrote about that before. Also, it's funny how AI can make artwork which is as good as or better than the art that some human artists were getting so butthurt that people were "stealing" and reposting to whatever site. That generative AI puts those artists in their place. Even in a case were it was train on data that everyone 100% consented to it training on, it could still basically make art as good as it does. If an artificial thing can synthesize such art from looking at a bunch of described art, and a human can only make crappy art and get angry about it being reposted, that speaks volumes about how art isn't that hard or special of a thing to make. AI art may be slop in some cases so I know there's something of a difference when art has a "human"/"hand-crafted" element to it.

Anon 04/05/2024 (Fri) 02:41 [Preview] No.10135 del
>Copied a >100 GB folder
Another one:
. mutable source? Google Drive
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmbF6UjCXGmLxFBbBiREAyxJozdu4n6b7yLFW2zirRZE8N <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 equestriadaily.com"
. size? 238.48-GiB folder /ipfs/QmTii5DRVzy6qAotVQeNoa3HZqPHepqhncn5LUrU4piCTU
. note? https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Website%20archive/Fan-made/equestriadaily.com/ = empty! I hope this is just an April Fools day joke.

Anon 04/05/2024 (Fri) 05:10 [Preview] No.10136 del
>Copied a >100 GB folder: equestriadaily.com WARC
Also around that size - >50 GB folder:
. mutable source? Google Drive
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmdyZTovHgFrGRdTfa2LHJi4GwUTfeaAAx8onqHZndz467 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 canterlotavenue.com"
. size? 70.33-GiB folder /ipfs/QmYoLtLWngue33VNvwEDwpwxtasVbCfiYzD2tGVWV1VG4m
. note? empty: https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Website%20archive/Fan-made/canterlotavenue.com/

Argument against taking someone's entire work and reuploading it without permission:
. "illegal"
. "morally/ethnically bad"

I'm glad that in the MLP community there's websites like Ponerpics and Twibooru that say no to this moralfaggotry and legal kowtowing. Maybe those sites will only exist in Tor if Internet stuff gets worse in the future.

I watched more on that situation - all of https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=Xey9lpi0Go0 "How YouTube's Copyright Blunder Sparked a Hate Campaign Against Me" and part of https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=-uwPY458y0s Chud Logic. Xey9lpi0Go0 = made me think even more so that Dviper's views are stupid and he's a little bitch. I could explain more as to why I think he's wrong and refute/deconstruct his ideas: maybe later. I kinda agree with the guy talking in opposition to Dviper at the end of Xey9lpi0Go0. If Dviper read what I wrote ITT perhaps he'd still say his truth is the absolute truth, fucking numpty. From an archivist's perspective, his rabid attitude against people sharing and talking about things is ridiculous, and I wish less people acted like him on the Internet.

Anon 04/05/2024 (Fri) 14:54 [Preview] No.10138 del
Here's a text file which includes CIDs of website WARCs from 2014.bronycon.org to lyrabooru.org; the grabs are mostly from IWIFTP:

(Disapointing thing about 4EVERLAND: I uploaded a folder there, but it only showed the navigable folder layout in the webpage. It didn't pin the folder CID; it only pinned all of the files in the folder.) Part of that text shows that this >25-GB folder was copied:
. mutable source? Google Drive
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmPefu4wooeYMh8j2F3fu9cAeiu9rdU4qajYXbJYYM19PZ <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 brony.fandom.com"
. size? 39.50-GiB folder /ipfs/QmPTspDfMcQLGWYt63BBAbptCQkFcPcsjvwV4yd7KtkEhB
. note? empty https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Website%20archive/Fan-made/brony.fandom.com/ ; in IA https://archive.org/services/locations/812163582552678363137859911067

Image from Better-than-TPA:
. https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=ZWgvJ-sTG-c vs.
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmR9CbGkqRzWRX96iPyFsoBFfB1EKD5yRHnGgjSYJcDeDF

Anon 04/06/2024 (Sat) 01:57 [Preview] No.10139 del
I was reading this text file, which is a story, I think:
( https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmc12qFyYfKm7B31mvbugMft8Rw6j9MvVMXzGS7WqHNoeU/19db0ac/critter.cloudns.nz/anonfiles/critter.cloudns.nz_stories.7z_extracted/stories/Freedom/ )
>At this point in time the world’s amount of drinkable water was at an all time low, and population kept doubling every 50 years like it had steadily done for 2000 years prior. There was plenty of water yes, but no pegasi to work their magic on it, and most of it either muddy, flooded with toxic waste from factories, farms and factory farms, or sitting in the ocean full of salt.
>He sends me a link and I know what it’s going to be. He sort of dragged me kicking and screaming into the MLP fandom a while back. It was more of a return than a first exposure, since I had played <em>so</em> many games with those pony toys as a child, but it was still something I wouldn’t have been able to hold on to were it not for him. That’s... uh... about all he’s ever done for me. Which is awesome, just doesn’t sound very good on paper. I think he helped with the rent once. I don’t usually ask for help from anyone, except for food of course that totally doesn’t count.

>Is the machine running something like Debian, I presume?
It's running a Ubuntu-based OS (Ubuntu=Debian-based). (BTW, CentOS=Red Hat-based and openSUSE=previously SUSE Linux.) I wish I had a faster upload speed; it's maybe painful sometimes. Total international Internet bandwidth as of late 2023 = 152 terabytes per second https://blog.telegeography.com/total-international-bandwidth-now-stands-at-1217-tbps and submarine cables can carry tens or hundreds of gigabytes per second. (Part of the etymology of "marine" is the Latin noun "mare", which means "sea".)

Anon 04/06/2024 (Sat) 06:42 [Preview] No.10141 del
Based take.

>I was reading this text file, which is a story, I think:
Maybe it is just my limited reading comprehension from tiredness but just skiming through it feels very scatter shot and weird. I cannot tell if this is some sort set up for porn, semi-autobiographical life story or musing, or transport to Equestria fic.

Feels this place was where someone composed MLP fics.
Take this for example:
>“Grandpa, what are you doing 30 miles into the death flats!”
>“Creating life!!”
>“Grandpa, you’re a mad man!”
>What did I get into?!

>Implied heavily that a war destroyed the old world.

>Slowly revealed that it was fomented due to an unknown energy wreaking havoc on the universe itself.

>...pony planet blowing up?

>Taking advantage allowed super weapons, accelerating technology.

>So old recordings are like “this new energy is going to destroy everything! Our whole society is dependent on scarcity and redistribution! one man with this much power, it’s only a matter of time before— we have to destroy it!”
(this seems more like a personal note or something, still, a odd way to store such files).

>She meets other “constructs” over the exploration, usually made via ancient fabricator platforms that used to make military arsenal on the spot (dispensers wat). They’re typically single-use, since they can’t be recharged. Vast majority are just dead. In theory, a break to the winter weather could start the solar panels charging up again. Most have long ago decayed though. Most are machine-like but still sort of sentient-ish. Follow orders, don’t care about things. The only one Dinky finds that has a personality also thinks that it’s from another world, thus confirming that she’s....... still completely alone in a strange world with no way of knowing if her people made it or not.

>End game: Dinky finds her people lost in limbo, gets allies (probably not that asshole) to study the platforms, identify how to fabricate solar panels, install them in a big platform, then find a still working platform in order to fabricate the greatest flyer to ever come out of Cloudsdale. Derpy Hooves! She cleans up the sky, and the sunlight charges the fabricators, allowing Dinky to bring her ponies back into the real world, and reunite with her mother, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

>Fabricator they’re at turns out to be site of ancient city, now site of new pony city-state, wh

>It's running a Ubuntu-based OS
I wasn't aware of any Ubuntu based OS still supporting 32 bit after Ubuntu stopped doing so. Are you sure it isn't Debian or is there one I am not aware of?

Anon 04/06/2024 (Sat) 13:15 [Preview] No.10142 del
Finished reading that. I got the feeling that it was "more boring than the first pages of 'The Sound and the Fury'". The end of that chapter somewhat made me want to read the next one. Here's a "spoiler" from chapter 1:
>I... may have been interested in ponies more than just my friend’s nagging. It was just too perfect. Most animal stories even fantasy ones made them incompetent, not builders or movers or shapers, but just animals struggling to survive. Even Tailchaser’s Song really struggled to escape the mundane life of alley cats. Honestly I like that Golden Road series better. But putting that aside, ponies were an incredibly successful creature with great skills in art, in building and machines, and in food preparations. And not just that they were in touch with the land and the weather so intimately, I loved the idea of being a part of the universe instead of just being an accident that the universe just hasn’t stamped out yet. So... ponies were my ideal scenario. Except that they weren’t ferrets. But like I said, and I really meant it, the magic is what’s important, not whether you’re pony or human or wildebeast or woozle. If only Friendship was Magic in the real world. I’d have magic up the yin yang (though I wouldn’t be able to remember it). If you’ve ever seen a professional full time friend, then you’ve also seen a jobless bum.

>Using a Ubuntu-based OS which works in 32bit
I am using an older one: Lubuntu based on "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS trusty". Not sure how concerned I should be about that in terms of security. Maybe it is a horrible mistake because it is Internet-connected. Like what if a hacker gains access then sshs in to another computer on my local network, or does some other nasty shit? Perhaps ssh on a 64bit computer would be fine, so he couldn't get in there; still, I should quit being lazy and used key-based auth and not pass-based auth. (BTW, Lubuntu comes with openssh-client already install, you have to install openssh-server to ssh into Lubuntu.) Other concern:
>CPU0: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 1)
>CPU1: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 1)
Linux, do your thang, don't let a core meltdown happen.

Anon 04/06/2024 (Sat) 17:16 [Preview] No.10143 del
Comments on that EQD-featured PMV were deleted, and I didn't see them here: https://hobune.stream/tpa-h/videos/ZWgvJ-sTG-c

>z1 data (was looking for z6)
Maybe I should physically label my storage devices for better organization. Multiple of them look the same, and I don't know which are which. I'm on to z2 (Power_On_Hours=5432 which is >4000, zpool health=ONLINE, speed=sluggish): syncing blocks from it to another HDD now. (Also, I moved blocks+pins from $HOME/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs/ to zb which freed up 3 GiB.) I've been putting data back online now that I am using spinning media in HPC instead of ramdisk(s); it's slower, but more can be stored and online at a time. Such as picrel and another video:
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmUBkdxztUqb8qbxQ9LFuCcJWGQaQctJiMt3p64F5TAFJA/New_My_Little_Pony_VS_Old_My_little_pony-SonicHeroesGames-20121216-youtube-1440x1080-A7Eu31OFps8.webm
.. Applejack is treated like a background pony in this video.
. >>9417 npr https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qma5fJG3uwHhjz9m5ysBu6sisBewmjeJc3GEDf6evPAigy?filename=sVx1mJDeUjY_youtube.mp4
.. related to /z9/youtube/ItzSpecky_UC-ws_qzOMbh1T8E4Vw6cFeg/MLP_SFM_After_Dark_PMV-ItzSpecky-20220927-youtube-1280x720-tnjXMKGIgqI.mp4

Computer HPC hosts data from a 5TB HDD, but for how long? Probably/hopefully multiple months, maybe not longer than one year or 6 months. HPC program uptime=60 days (and its OS isn't running on that HDD). The ext4 HDD that HPC uses will probably die in month(s), and that's the plan.

Anon 04/07/2024 (Sun) 15:56 [Preview] No.10144 del
Here's 69-MB YT channel 321MLP_UCy8N1ojbEH2bYqcZWALBl6Q:

Anyone else annoyed that you gotta see likes/dislikes in booru search webpages? Why do I constantly gotta know the opinion of those who voted? "Random" example:

. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmfJvUgU1yrbLQZMnGr4AWk42MHhDcumz5gu4guPprK1MD
.. Flash animation "baby_contradictions_by_mrponiator-d4me8vc.swf" can be played in a browser with Ruffle here: https://web.archive.org/web/20230114130117/https://dweb.link/ipfs/QmPzVwFZVKnSDpznqVDCUfhZme82vdZbPKAXpcymM8xbdq
. GIF from small folder https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmQvvG4LL9gTXrm7KwSxH3dhChTNXJq9UFCnmQN41tuaBo

Anon 04/07/2024 (Sun) 18:42 [Preview] No.10145 del
What are some well-liked MLP fan songs? Maybe I have heard them all? I can think of some obvious/older ones like "Emerald Eyes", FiW music, etc. Not really interested in ML tracks (e.g., sus Cadence, Sin City by RD)

2023 video not in TPA - "HarmonyCon 2023 Coltchella Day 1 (partial)":

(Also, in https://inv.tux.pizza/channel/UCtwPBSnKnAsvZeKLLig774A?sort_by=newest there are some newer videos.)

Three-test - these random Ponibooru webpages all showed up on the ~first try, neat: https://bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu.ipfs2.eth.limo/54155.html + https://bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu.ipfs2.eth.limo/24155.html + https://bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu.ipfs2.eth.limo/4155.html and a comment on that is
>redweasel: lauren has commented that the main cast are "grown up" and of age according to their culture, but that due to how fast real horses grow up their mental/emotional maturity is more akin to that of a teenager.
>personally i don't like ponies in "that way" but i also recognize this is an argument that nobody is going to win, ever

Anon 04/07/2024 (Sun) 20:48 [Preview] No.10146 del
(3.03 KB 400x400 1pfp2.img.png)
I'm downloading that >10-GB channel Coppertint_UCZyrHu9EqqrRIM4kh4Of-LA (picrel=pfp)

Second one went poorly ("$ time wget --spider ..."). Guess I will have to go ahead with a certain fix for that.

4chan_gif_2024_01 = 77 gigabytes from 27,432 files.

>see "man brave-browser" which should show all of its options
It doesn't show all of the options (such as --enable-chrome-browser-cloud-management):
>$ brave-browser & disown
>[1] 2042831
>$ [2042837:2042837:0407/143249.168615:ERROR:policy_logger.cc(156)] :components/enterprise/browser/controller/chrome_browser_cloud_management_controller.cc(161) Cloud management controller initialization aborted as CBCM is not enabled. Please use the
command line flag to enable it if you are not using the official Google Chrome build.

Anon 04/08/2024 (Mon) 00:01 [Preview] No.10147 del
2013 video not in TPA - "The gypsy bard extended lyrics":

Online redundance for "The Gypsy Bard - Extended (Unofficial/Fanmade)" https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=2ixvsV-ahI0 ->
. MKV https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=2ixvsV-ahI0
. MKV https://files.catbox.moe/eol3b3.mkv - same as this from months ago:
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmaVZYZj4rK7nFzMe9k1GMAkEji75xPWpbVDhQKNCF95fM

>MLP fan songs
I watched the first 2 minutes of this, kinda like it - "I had a dream I was a horse + Twilight Sparkle Kiss On Me - EFNW '23 Ponystock":
. https://inv.n8pjl.ca/watch?v=opUjk01iIbU
. /z9/youtube/Coppertint_UCZyrHu9EqqrRIM4kh4Of-LA/I_had_a_dream_I_was_a_horse_+_Twilight_Sparkle_Kiss_On_Me_-_EFNW_23_Ponystock-Coppertint-20230815-youtube-4938x4320-opUjk01iIbU.webm

>been putting data back online now that...
Faster pinning method - run this in GNU screen in HPC where main computer's daemon=offline:
>$ ssh [email protected] 'export IPFS_PATH=/zb/ipfs; ipfs dag export Qmc12qFyYfKm7B31mvbugMft8Rw6j9MvVMXzGS7WqHNoeU' | ipfs dag import --stats

>backtick, unintended text
$ [2042837:2042837:0407/143249.168615:ERROR:policy_logger.cc(156)] :components/enterprise/browser/controller/chrome_browser_cloud_management_controller.cc(161) Cloud management controller initialization aborted as CBCM is not enabled. Please use the `--enable-chrome-browser-cloud-management` command line flag to enable it if you are not using the official Google Chrome build.

Anon 04/08/2024 (Mon) 02:57 [Preview] No.10149 del
Wow, somebody actually agreeing and disagreeing with specific points rather than dismissing something wholesale the moment someone utters one thing they don't like. Like, on smaller sites without hivemind's I do see it but even then it has gotten rarer. We need more stuff like this not in a centrist sense, but I see so many valid points or people who grasp a certain nuance being attacked as wishy washy.

Anon 04/08/2024 (Mon) 07:33 [Preview] No.10151 del
Also, newer videos in this channel, like Princess Celestia and 18 pounds of cokane:

Additionally, 4By8YHOnILo (full FiM opening song, "leaked") - sometimes the high point of a song is the message or ideas that it conveys; in that case, the non-vocals matter less.

Don't think I saw any MLP video or image related to that White History-related series. I did see MLP images related to some other crappy series (which is similar to Star Trek but maybe/probably better than recent "Star Trek" shows): "The Orville". (Here's 2 episodes of that that someone made videos about: https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=ZEH12QwqPfA "The Orville Predicts a Social Justice Dystopia (Spoilers)" and https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=UjGpHbf1m1Q "The Orville: Immortality, Transhumanism, God and The Human Soul").

Anon 04/08/2024 (Mon) 16:24 [Preview] No.10152 del
(1.78 MB 1362x2915 4155-html.png)
Doesn't include www.bronibooru.com because that's in the W section. "warc_www.bronibooru.com.torrent":
. Is this online in BitTorrent? IDK. Someone downloaded it sometime months ago.
. (I noticed that ipfs.desmos.network doesn't redirect to ${cid}/ for folders.)


*Online redundancy

Folder "Coppertint_UCZyrHu9EqqrRIM4kh4Of-LA" = 78 GB so far.

Anon 04/10/2024 (Wed) 15:33 [Preview] No.10153 del
>"Coppertint_UCZyrHu9EqqrRIM4kh4Of-LA" = 78 GB so far
89 GB = "done" now. Issues:
. Everfree_Northwest_2022_Livestream_Day_3-Coppertint-20230114-youtube-1920x1080-uH5dRNjzu5c.apimeta.txt
. Everfree_Northwest_2022_Livestream_Day_3-Coppertint-20230114-youtube-1920x1080-uH5dRNjzu5c.info.json
= no video, .description, and thumbnail
. Everfree_Northwest_2022_Livestream_-_The_Gala_Afterparty_Day_2_evening_2_2-Coppertint-20230114-youtube-1920x1080-SwQ4HR3Tr_Q.apimeta.txt
. Everfree_Northwest_2022_Livestream_-_The_Gala_Afterparty_Day_2_evening_2_2-Coppertint-20230114-youtube-1920x1080-SwQ4HR3Tr_Q.info.json
= same

>check if I did in fact download some "cringy" Kodocha+MLP crossover YT vids; I think I did.
This channel:
$ echo $h; utc; ipfs files ls $h | grep "mp4$" | h=$h xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do id=$(echo $args | grep -o "...............$" | grep -o "^..........."); ipfs files mkdir /video/youtube/video/$id; ipfs files cp $h/$args /video/youtube/video/$id/mp4; done' _; utc; ipfs files ls $h | grep "mkv$" | h=$h xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do id=$(echo $args | grep -o "...............$" | grep -o "^..........."); ipfs files mkdir /video/youtube/video/$id; ipfs files cp $h/$args /video/youtube/video/$id/mkv; done' _; utc; ipfs files ls $h | grep "webm$" | h=$h xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do id=$(echo $args | grep -o "................$" | grep -o "^..........."); ipfs files mkdir /video/youtube/video/$id; ipfs files cp $h/$args /video/youtube/video/$id/webm; done' _; utc
$ # ran for findability and organization
which is online at

YouTube files that I have = 460 GB (z9->youtube + MFS->youtube, which is 290 GB + 171,164,190,159 B). OK personal collection, but I'm pretty sure that there's other users who have terabytes of pony-focused YouTube files.

Anon 04/10/2024 (Wed) 16:06 [Preview] No.10154 del
Have you been to maremaremaremaremaremare.com? I saw a WARC of that here -- https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeie56zxniyjqrcrd4dvcxkomxlnccwus6ljsdqy4vnvinzktdpc7qq -- when pinning web3.storage folders in HPC. Due to changes in 2024 (such as >>9711), web3.storage remote pins have become degraded or have disappeared. I repinned more than 400 of those folders of mine from online and local backups. It was a pain to do because I maybe wasn't using the right HDD, but probably less of a pain compared to trying to restore data from some traditional cloud storage website that poofed out of existence or deleted all of your files due to inactivity. This is the settings that web3.storage used for files and probably also folders:
>$ h=https://bafkreig2tpcfpvngfzusjgj24olnzu6gbenu6uow5ilxzjgtpzijtyu2xa.ipfs.w3s.link/?filename=DzVGLMVXcAU9i4Z.jpg
>$ curl -kL "$h" | ipfs add -wr --cid-version=1 --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 --stdin-name=DzVGLMVXcAU9i4Z.jpg # IIRC, didn't use -H
>added bafkreig2tpcfpvngfzusjgj24olnzu6gbenu6uow5ilxzjgtpzijtyu2xa DzVGLMVXcAU9i4Z.jpg
>added bafybeihrcmxewkwartarqllntwrkflbz4gqnz2landj3vykv4hbylknhbu
>[...]$ # --cid-version=1 implies --raw-leaves (docs: "Passing version 1 will cause the raw-leaves option to default to true.")

Other criticism of web3.storage: wasn't nice to Tor users. E.g., not allowing access:
>$ TZ=UTC torsocks wget --spider "https://bafybeigaglxnpuxw2izzr3dw54hwzoojgteqqivlf7ylepnmurxjhq2fq4.ipfs.w3s.link/ipfs/bafybeicvwkcqjdxydhqgkyvdkbq554vtc3cm4tgajtjqdbcmhk5es47ys4?filename=PP%20RAP%20V1%20MLP%20422.mp3"
>Spider mode enabled. Check if remote file exists.
>--2024-04-10 15:53:58-- https://bafybeigaglxnpuxw2izzr3dw54hwzoojgteqqivlf7ylepnmurxjhq2fq4.ipfs.w3s.link/ipfs/bafybeicvwkcqjdxydhqgkyvdkbq554vtc3cm4tgajtjqdbcmhk5es47ys4?filename=PP%20RAP%20V1%20MLP%20422.mp3
>Resolving bafybeigaglxnpuxw2izzr3dw54hwzoojgteqqivlf7ylepnmurxjhq2fq4.ipfs.w3s.link (bafybeigaglxnpuxw2izzr3dw54hwzoojgteqqivlf7ylepnmurxjhq2fq4.ipfs.w3s.link)...
>Connecting to bafybeigaglxnpuxw2izzr3dw54hwzoojgteqqivlf7ylepnmurxjhq2fq4.ipfs.w3s.link (bafybeigaglxnpuxw2izzr3dw54hwzoojgteqqivlf7ylepnmurxjhq2fq4.ipfs.w3s.link)||:443... connected.
>HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
>Remote file does not exist -- broken link!!!
>\$ # Sometimes, it looked like files would only show up in an HTTP gateway (no Tor) and not in IPFS. I had ~hundreds of folders remotely pinned to web3.storage, where the oldest are ~early 2023.
That MP3 file is BG music of Pinkie Pie rapping in that one episode of FIM in which ponies were trying to help Rainbow Dash learn. Rainbow Dash = birdbrain, as bullies may say.

Anon 04/10/2024 (Wed) 16:21 [Preview] No.10155 del
Today, web.archive.org says that it will take more than one hour to save a new URL to their website. With each failure of archive.org, it makes decentralized web archiving options such as InterPlanetary WayBack (ipwb) more relevant. You can still view whatever web.archive.org URL with "no delay", I think, just can't quickly add whatever to WBM. Concern with ipwb: adds a pin for every file in the WARC. Solution: compare pinset before and after indexing with ipwb; then do stuff so that recent ipwb pins are only under one pin instead of multiple.

*Other criticism of web3.storage: wasn't nice to Tor users; doesn't allow access:

Other audio that I added to web3.storage - was more interested in this one: (probably) Lauren Faust singing a "beta version" of the FIM opening theme, dated 2009 or early/mid 2010.

Copied the ZIP file for that:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3f22f4ef8369bd9b55f2740e5fafe1d269d002e5&dn=4chan_gif_2024_01.zip
. where? zb, offline https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmdGaWZSrXqhB5RD5ViGW8rpLk57CE4LE11kiWtq852ueR <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2024_01.zip"
. size? 74.81-GiB file https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmRkB3g4oWPZPiiK9P3EiUVTPxoS3JfvVQNiEY7tY6pRmx - from 2024-04-09T01:24:21.617508826Z -> 2024-04-09T02:41:56.795444644Z
. note? 80-GB file 4chan_gif_2024_01.zip (folder QmdG...2ueR) is online as a torrent; it is also pinned and online in HPC.

Anon 04/10/2024 (Wed) 17:00 [Preview] No.10156 del
(1.19 MB 3230x3367 twibooru-2382223.jpg)
That uses only one web seed URL: an IPFS gateway link to a file (assuming &ws= is hashed by the infohash like &tr= is). Months ago in /mlp/, someone wondered if archive.org could be used as a webseed. A reply was basically this: data can be uploaded to IA via torrent(s), but IA will only leech it (and may not seed it while leeching) until 100% then stop interacting with it; then IA will only seed the autogenerated torrent. What was missing from that reply: a webseed URL -- such as https://archive.org/download/deskjetf2400allin1driver/DJ_AIO_06_F2400_NonNet_Full_Win_WW_140_175-4.exe (for "HP DeskJet F2400 All-in-One Printer Driver" in BitTorrent) -- can be used in a torrent and it will work. As long as that archive.org link is not loginwalled and not deleted, then it will work in such a torrent. Also, don't use a resolved link like https://ia802908.us.archive.org/28/items/deskjetf2400allin1driver/DJ_AIO_06_F2400_NonNet_Full_Win_WW_140_175-4.exe because those are unstable. For web seed links to work, they must to be all of the following: HTTP(S), online, accessible, and matching to the torrent file.

I have seen web seed URLs used for single-file torrents, but do they work with multiple-file torrents? IDK. How I think that could work: you could specify a URL like https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeieuw6nzerkvpgn2n4ltaphhowdetpxpwpamboqhzttrqo4gucaglq/ (offline) and have a torrent which contains all of those files related to that HP DeskJet driver; then, it would check that gateway.pinata.cloud webseed link and add the filenames to the end of the URL. It either works as a 1:1 mapping or a 1:many mapping. With 1:1 you have to have a webseed URL for each file in the torrent. With 1:multiple, you could have one URL -- say https://example.com/myfiles/ -- and it would then check https://example.com/myfiles/[torrent_file_1], https://example.com/myfiles/[torrent_file_2], etc.

Speaking of a hashtree or folder with multiple files, here's the CID for the extracted version of that torrent (copied):
. torrent? >>10155 4chan_gif_2024_01.zip -> source/extracted version
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmRmgpxbXLQmWS2g8CeZFBULfSym3YzxzxEFC8DhjPiSUs <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2024_01"
. size? 74.81-GiB folder /ipfs/QmcGwnEiFJJzUcBDzPnfdLE1AcudVjGD115oyMdzaQDjPj - from 2024-04-09T02:48:31.552446889Z -> 2024-04-09T07:46:18.818101180Z

Anon 04/10/2024 (Wed) 18:22 [Preview] No.10157 del
That's " BGM, Pony Degeneracy UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA " - file from

>Concern with ipwb: adds a pin for every file in the WARC. Solution: compare pinset before and after indexing with ipwb; then do stuff so that recent ipwb pins are only under one pin instead of multiple.
What I did for that, would be easier for other users/me if ipwb had this as a built-in feature (!!!!):
$ ipfs pin ls --type=recursive > p1.txt
$ ipwb index maremaremaremaremaremare.com-2023-07-11-999f817e-00000.warc.gz >> f1.cdxj
$ ipfs pin ls --type=recursive > p2.txt
$ cat p1.txt p2.txt > p3.txt; vim p3.txt
$ # vim - remove CIDs in both by running this: :sort and :%s/^\(.*\)\n\1$\n//g
$ ipfs files mkdir -p /web/warc/ipwb/data0000; ipfs files mkdir -p /cids/pins_in_mfs
$ cat p3.txt | sed "s/ .*//g" | h=$(wc -l p3.txt) xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do grep -n $args p3.txt | sed "s/:.*//g" | tr -d \\n; echo -n "/"; echo $h; ipfs files cp /ipfs/$args /web/warc/ipwb/data0000/$args; ipfs pin rm $args; done' _
$ ipfs files ls --long /web/warc/ipwb # copy the CID for data0000, which is:
$ ipfs pin add --progress QmbrMh1Ku99kqPjuD7R8Q1QrsRyX44MM4k2Jt4m62YVAp1; ipfs add f1.cdxj
$ ipfs pin add /ipfs/QmVaQycySqU6ejZfPgQ7HmzV2kCaiT8XMmLpFxFkCPYVs7
$ h=QmbrMh1Ku99kqPjuD7R8Q1QrsRyX44MM4k2Jt4m62YVAp1; ipfs files cp /ipfs/$h /cids/pins_in_mfs/$h
$ h=QmVaQycySqU6ejZfPgQ7HmzV2kCaiT8XMmLpFxFkCPYVs7; ipfs files cp /ipfs/$h /cids/pins_in_mfs/$h
$ ipfs files cp /ipfs/$h /web/warc/ipwb/f1.cdxj
Content Address aRchive files (24-hour share): https://put.icu/0tobd49o.file and https://put.icu/9sw8ex84.file

WARC replay:
>$ ipfs daemon &
>$ ipwb replay QmVaQycySqU6ejZfPgQ7HmzV2kCaiT8XMmLpFxFkCPYVs7
It also works in Lynx browser (picrel=Brave browser, zoomed out):
>$ lynx http://localhost:2016/memento/20230711112608/maremaremaremaremaremare.com/powerabove.html

Anon 04/10/2024 (Wed) 19:38 [Preview] No.10158 del
Neat. One of the topics: drinking pony urine. I imagine that all piss tastes bad or very bad, but maybe magical mare piss doesn't taste so bad. Made me think of this documentary I watched which explained that some Indian people drink cow piss, and one guy said it was a nice drink. Doubt. JuJUMKcc2HE is related to that tea salesmare, from that episode that I just watched recently for the first time.

Anon 04/11/2024 (Thu) 02:19 [Preview] No.10159 del
Found this to be maybe more interesting:
>(probably formerly)
It's an age restricted video which didn't play here:
That video contains role play, but I thought that was against the rules in 4chan /mlp/. Maybe it is allowed as long as it doesn't go too in depth

>magical mare piss
Reminds me of some video which I don't entirely remember where Fluttershy said something like "I poop rainbows and fart butterflies."

>two PTS videos from that channel
Both include ML audio. Video about fooling an LLM (AI/ML which predicts text based on text and/or a statistics-related representation of language as a result of lots of training data, parameters, and compute power) into saying things it was designed not to say: https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=zn2ukSnDqSg

An above post ITT says that an image was missing from a major WBM webpage. Timeline:
. broken before and as of https://web.archive.org/web/20240330221942/https://web.archive.org/save/
. fixed? https://web.archive.org/web/20240401232834/https://web-static.archive.org/_static/images/icon_savePage.png
. fixed https://web.archive.org/web/20240405151854/https://web.archive.org/save/

Anon 04/11/2024 (Thu) 03:14 [Preview] No.10160 del
>Fluttershy said something like ...
Not in Ponies The Anthology 1:
. 00:13:05 Bake a Cake song from "LazyTown"
. 00:20:10 Beavis and Butt-Hoof

Maybe the second one:

>that tea salesmare, from that episode that I just watched recently for the first time. [Watched it in PonyTube]
This episode - Discordant Harmony (S07 E12):

Anon 04/11/2024 (Thu) 14:34 [Preview] No.10161 del
I looked through these 22 pages and was only really interested in a small amount of the videos; Source Filmmaker animations are mostly not great IMO:

Yes, the second one:
. 00:17:12 - Fluttershy: "In my world, everyone's a pony, and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies. *Squee*"

Anon 04/11/2024 (Thu) 16:18 [Preview] No.10162 del
Not that I'm really annoyed, but I think it's worth taking a moment to think. If ZFS just werked in that computer, then I could have spent less time repinning things. ext4 is a filesystem which works in more systems than ZFS, so it seems. Maybe btrfs works more universally than ZFS too. Thing I saw: fdisk said that it didn't understand GPT/GUID, so could only format a 5TB HDD into like 2TB of usable space, so as fdisk suggested, I used GNU Parted which was able to reformat to ext4 with the full capacity (~5.00 trillion bytes) as usable space.

JPGs deleted screen shot of
descending - Ponychan had a /media/ board:
ascending - bafybeif...64by is in this folder:

>documentary I watched which explained that some Indian people drink cow piss
This one:

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 07:11 [Preview] No.10168 del
(560.94 KB 1280x770 98954.png)
Okay, taken a little bit longer for new /go/, I have a question for you: Is there any links/resources/anything you'd like me to include in the new OP or early posts? I am asking Archivist, but this goes for the other two the three contributors who have been contributing somewhat regularly over the past 4 months as well and any oldfags here, like YT!

For example,an IPFS explanation to how IPFS works and and what you are doing with it to easily link to anyone knew who might question it. It is not a demand though. Regardless, I am going to see if I can get this up on the weekend.

Might also thrown in a spin off thread, /culture/ or something, for certain deep dives into stuff and maybe give topics that might get neglected here, but I am still not 100% I feel up to doing that just yet because, infection that my body has been trying to fight off leaving me exhausted! . Note, this should have no impact on /go/ posting and what is allowed here and isn't a splintering. If I want to autisticly deep dive in to all the arguing on Cozy Glow and have 20 or 30 posts devoted to that, it would be nice for a place to dump such a topic, separate, even if it is in this place's purview. that is seriously something I could do...

I also intend to link file share thread in the OP as well, just to bring a bit of attention to that place (hey, you want to dump some random pony stuff, try here!).

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 11:06 [Preview] No.10173 del
Dweb.link sucking more: this deleted Ponibooru page shows up fine for me - https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafybeihvcxfqtlydt6le4zs2r7pyau6bc6vfi5l6xl2gkpfv5civh52cgu/24119.html - but WBM and archive.today couldn't get it. It is like it only propagated to me, or Protocol Labs is limiting or discriminating by IP addresses.

Have to look at upvotes/downvotes on Philomena booru image posts all of the time like it's fucking Reddit.

>IPFS, how does it work?
For now, I can say this. Don't consider this to be a definitive guide:
. General idea, from one perspective. Are you interested in BitTorrent, but wish it was as elastic and expansive as the web? IPFS may be your solution! It takes good ideas from various things, such as HTTP and BitTorrent. Similar to the web, which has many various things, try not to rely on others to host IPFS data. In BitTorrent you can somewhat rely on other peers to host "important data" (read: some retarded TV show/movie/anime/video game/etc.) forever. Can't expect other peers to host your HTML or folder forever.
. Online storage. Use Filebase + 4everland + Pinata to share a total of 7 gigabytes. Web3.storage and Infura require a credit card number even just to use their website for free (will be charge only if you store more than 5 GB); both offer 5 GB for free. NFT.storage: "unlimited" as long as it's NFT-related. Filecoin: "unlimited" as long as you pay for it. Self-hosting (dedicated computer/storage/stuff): make sure to backup all data because a constantly-working HDD will die quickly. You could self-host it on a ramdisk and not worry about that dying, but that is a small amount of storage limited by your amount of computer memory - around 5 or 10 GB (around 100 GB if you have "lots of RAM"). Also make sure to locally pin any data you pinned to whatever website.
. Offline storage. For large amounts of data (meaning, a significant part of a HDD, so terabytes), use raw-leaves and maybe also the max chunk size, which is ~1M. Do this to make adding data faster. (I think the website lain.la mentioned this too.)
. Organization. You could just have a list of pins from "ipfs pin ls --type=recursive", but it is probably better to organize them in MFS by using the "ipfs files" set of commands. Using MFS makes it more like a traditional filesystem that people are used to. Recommended folders in MFS: "/a"=put everything in here so you can get the MFS root CID by running "ipfs files ls --long /", "pins_in_mfs"=so you know if a pin is already in mfs, "not_pinned"=for CIDs that are not pinned for whatever reason, "mfs_root_history"=kinda self-explanatory. For the last 3 folders, the name of each subitem is a CID.


Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 11:25 [Preview] No.10174 del
. Hardware suggestions. Recommend using medium or high tier stuff. May not work very well on low end tech. An upload speed of >5MB/s is nice, same with using a RAM disk or SSD. It also works in 32-bit computers and in BSDs (so I've heard).
. Software suggestions. Use IPFS Desktop for GUI (according to some this not so good) and use kubo for CLI. Recommend using a filesystem that doesn't suck. NTFS has screwed me multiple times (including in regards to an old version of kubo) and is bound to Windows. Use ext4 for 32-bit and 64-bit computers. Use ZFS/btrfs/whatever for 64-bit computers. If you have to use MS Windows, maybe it is better to use FAT32 instead of NTFS. I think FAT32 has a 4GB max file limit. Not a problem in IPFS because the repo won't contain files larger than 1 MB in blocks or larger than ~100MB(?) elsewhere.
. Accessibility. ipfs:// is faster than https://ipfsgateway.com/ipfs/. Some gateways work better than others. Also, mount it to folder "/ipfs" or somewhere else for arbitrary file/folder access (more on that below). Ever use Apache HTTP Server for accessing local files anywhere on your local network? You may see that it is slow sometimes due to I/O saturation if your storage device is also doing something else. Apache web server can also be used with IPFS, and in some cases that could help you access the data quicker. Simply run "ipfs daemon --mount" (gotta publish whatever to your IPNS name beforehand) then make a symlink in your web root folder to /ipfs. In /var/www/html/ (web root) you can make everything password-protected; like if you live with other people and are worried they might be going through whatever is accessible by your server software. However, locally, Apache uses HTTP and not HTTPS, so there is the privacy concern of it not being encrypted. This is a concern because if you live with a techie maybe he will be reading your basic HTTP data which is plaintext/plaindata.
. Dynamic data. Use IPNS. Don't lose your private key as specified in the file "config". Maybe backup your key. Don't share your key in an unencrypted way. Filebase can help with IPNS, but they don't tell you the private key in one method.
. Sharing. Seems you gotta talk to people in popular places like Discord (cringe) or something in order for anyone to also pin/host/store your stuff. Of course they will only get/host what they are interested in. Being an antisocial, loser, I have been trying less to tell users who may be interest in my stuff about it. Maybe I am afraid that they will call me an autistic faggot. Or, I don't feel like taking the time to got to some Internet place for IPFS users (or some other popular/mainstream place) to tell them about it.
. Backups. IPFS repos use a fairly simple structure. Because they are simple, it is probably easy to backup stuff. You can rsync blocks from one repo to another. Sync /path1/blocks/ to /path2/blocks/ ("optionally" in non-overwrite mode). Then non-overwrite copy .ldb files from repo 1 to 2. Then pin them in repo 2. Otherwise, backup via CAR files export/import which is faster because it works in offline mode. Or have both repos online then pin whatever is missing in the other one. CAR files can be streamed and imported over ssh; run this (preferably in GNU screen): $ ssh [email protected] "export IPFS_PATH=/something; ipfs dag export Qm..." | ipfs dag import --stats. (GNU screen: press ctrl+ad to return to normal and screen will keep running whatever then run "screen -r" to bring the screen session back to the foreground; exit exits screen.)


>offline storage, raw leaves
Raw-leaves seems to use significantly less storage space

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 12:20 [Preview] No.10175 del
>infection that my body has been trying to fight off leaving me exhausted!
Get well soon.

>and what you are doing with [IPFS]
Some of the things that I am doing:
. Self-hosting data, should be online for at least month(s). Repinning everything ITT and maybe in other threads or files into the online/hosting computer called HPC.
. "Mostly" done: backups of basically all of my Internet Archive website uploads and copies of basically all of the torrents that I downloaded.
. Sharing YouTube channels that I downloaded. Accessible via descriptive paths (descriptive folders+filenames) and via ".../video/youtube/watch/[videoID]/[file type of webm or mp4 or mkv]" thanks to IPFS's "block sharing and automatic file deduplication for the masses". Todo: add more YT folders to IPFS's MFS.
. Website WARCs by me and not me, and web replays by using Interplanetary Wayback (ipwb)
. Ponibooru.org Restored. Todo: switch JS file to the better one that I basically am done writing; add some of the webpages to nft.storage in a CAR file which includes different mlp-related web data that I grabbed from opensea.
. Other "large" data/projects; syncing in blocks from other HDDs (takes days)
. Titled images/data; Various data or other stuff

>Accessibility, Apache server
Accessing IPFS data from an Apache (or nginx?) server is a bit like running your own local gateway, and it should be faster than accessing it from any remote gateway. Localhost and local IP address using HTTP still has that privacy concern. I referenced a fix for that in the past. I didn't implement that fix (yet?).

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 17:30 [Preview] No.10176 del
"Wicked: Friendship is Magic" is a playlist with a private video.
. Inaccessible here: https://invidious.jing.rocks/playlist?list=PL580F028B57BB89BF
. Accessible here as a WebM: https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=IsetyKPspNE

Sometimes, the images/data are only linked in the description, as is the case with this image upload:

Could loosely call that an "Apache IPFS Server" (or an "Apache IPFS Gateway"), and I can run that in a 64-bit computer; maybe I can also run that in a 32-bit computer. Related video which I think I found to be interesting - "Best 32 Bit Linux Distros in 2023":

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 19:21 [Preview] No.10177 del
>/a/web/warc/ipwb/ [has folders data0000 and data0001]
Should include in that folder:
. File start_urls_1.txt
. File all_1.cdxj (I added >>9863 data+CDXJ to that)
. Folder warc0000 (to contain grab-site/wget/wpull-created WARCs)

>ipfs daemon --mount & disown
That's an experimental option (so less likely to work in a 32-bit computer). Docs:
> --mount ; bool - Mounts IPFS to the filesystem using FUSE (experimental).
Fix for error
>mount helper error: fusermount: failed to access mountpoint /ipfs: Transport endpoint is not connected
= manually unmount /ipns and /ipfs:
>$ fusermount -u /ipfs; fusermount -u /ipns

>Repinning everything ITT and maybe in other...
Unless there's some desire for it, I won't be repinning: "huge ones" ones (like full site WARCs which are >10GB); those not intended to be online, like backups of torrents; and maybe some other things.

>twibooru.org/3198978 outlinks
WBM was sucking at saving those files, as requested by a CLI (wget --spider). So I just got a 325-MB WARC of those. Here's that and the replay files:

Bug - ipwb replays from Qm... and not bafk...:
>$ ipwb replay bafkreic44im7s6qqtzq7gh3ose7nwkmmrohgmbyhqvxsdp3w5m6j6qdgeu
>Using custom port 2016 for replay.
>IPWB replay started on http://localhost:2016
> * Serving Flask app 'ipwb.replay'
> * Debug mode: off
>Retrieving URI-Ms from bafkreic44im7s6qqtzq7gh3ose7nwkmmrohgmbyhqvxsdp3w5m6j6qdgeu
>[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'bafkreic44im7s6qqtzq7gh3ose7nwkmmrohgmbyhqvxsdp3w5m6j6qdgeu'
>(<class 'FileNotFoundError'>, FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory'), <traceback object at 0x7f9f6166da80>)
(So run this: "h=bafkreic44im7s6qqtzq7gh3ose7nwkmmrohgmbyhqvxsdp3w5m6j6qdgeu; ipfs get $h; ipwb replay $h".)

Includes this text:
>com,maremaremaremaremaremare)/about.html 20230711112609 {"locator": "urn:ipfs/QmX6BYigTbzs13RxjNBxnoRRpzq71wMBii3TAnKNf8JEnE/QmcJnVFPBJPmMNXnDo5QLBBG7y7fXEaq8A6KZCYnYQQ5pm", "status_code": "200", "mime_type": "text/html", "original_uri": "https://maremaremaremaremaremare.com/about.html", "title": "Faust bless Gene Ray, 1927 - 2015"}
>com,maremaremaremaremaremare)/index.html 20230711112610 {"locator": "urn:ipfs/QmUfxSJWeRddG7yKNgX2KvfgxcRogv73QRYcBihcYFDYC4/QmUwZDhBy7uJZD31QQ4MoeMe3RQjR72AGRQsB9fkPQydEu", "status_code": "200", "mime_type": "text/html", "original_uri": "https://maremaremaremaremaremare.com/index.html", "title": "Cute mare post mare mare mare MARE MARES MARE AMRE MARE"}
>moe,catbox,files)/xmky3f.png 20240412175026 {"locator": "urn:ipfs/QmejBhpY1C84HUGgirMyLoKEFVaSY881txW8JhQ8knwR9L/QmTzZ1buXuwBYxBcjq1Gjt9a7sTymdZd8wN3TGvHwcCuum", "status_code": "200", "mime_type": "image/png", "original_uri": "https://files.catbox.moe/xmky3f.png"}
Image file CID has the text "Cuum" at the end, like a vanity hash (called a "Satoshi hash" or something in Wikipedia IIRC).

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 19:39 [Preview] No.10178 del
>Nice video - music, G1, 1983, theme song, ...
Here's that file: "My_Little_Pony_-_40_Years_90_s_Pop_Remix_Official_Lyrics_Video_Music_MLP_Song-My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel-20230907-youtube-1920x1080-tEzr4cFV4IE.webm"

From this small channel: Mr Loser UChUgS319bVxWNp8HP3VKRHw

>Bug - ipwb replays from Qm... and not bafk...
Or, run this (which also works) if you have /ipfs/ FUSE-mounted:
>$ ipwb replay /ipfs/bafkreic44im7s6qqtzq7gh3ose7nwkmmrohgmbyhqvxsdp3w5m6j6qdgeu

Anon 04/12/2024 (Fri) 23:34 [Preview] No.10179 del
2019 video not in TPA - "Rainbow Dash - Tarzan Boy (Official Audio Video)" (still image+music):

^Some might comment "Why does this video exist?" I don't feel so "cynical". Call it part of a pony enjoyer's interest in music (as far as I can tell). Also, I think I like these "Essential Mix" sets: https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=1rma3vBSstU and https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=uOnoqA4NMVA (dunno which I like more).

I saw an animation error in "Pony Life" Stop Motion Short Ep. 10 Gypsy Magic which is in this folder:
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXQyN48bRA6CfDirpmEKQpd8Kx6M4xXPp8cWzvXZqGkkE
.. ( in https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeifdw3oaaxcdfv5w3zxd4k7btczdcqq75562b3foosfhntspchbbnq/web/raws/mega.nz/folder-Ji5VkAwY-BYzHARWDjj-djo8e4WTsnQ/Pony%20Life/Stop%20Motion%20Shorts/ )

Anon 04/13/2024 (Sat) 06:47 [Preview] No.10180 del
>but this goes for the other two the three contributors who have been contributing somewhat regularly over the past 4 months as well and any oldfags here, like YT!
Encouraging tech discussion as a secondary topic for archival related reasons?

I know some lurkers here wanted more of a focus on:
>Active archival is a major feature, but a variety of topics are also active points of discussion. From analysis of trends and situations, to self reflection and representation.
and were annoyed by archival derailing it. I understood where they were coming from in the sense that having 100 posts on random crap would derail more substantive discussion but /go/ was kind of like that already, just with a slower tempo. I think having a second, slower/random tempo thread for stuff is much better than trying to split this thread into two or three. A place to stash certain topics sounds way more sensible.

>Cozy Glow
Though such autism might make you pretty sick. Be careful and get well soon.

Might want to compress it down. Do you want him to post that exactly or just a synopsis of it?

>Unless there's some desire for it, I won't be repinning: "huge ones" ones (like full site WARCs which are >10GB); those not intended to be online, like backups of torrents; and maybe some other things.
I am impressed you carry that out at all. What is the total bandwidth cost for those operations? How often does someone download something?

Anon 04/13/2024 (Sat) 17:12 [Preview] No.10181 del
Nearby links:
. https://twibooru.org/search?q=prompter%3Apony+promptsmith&filter_id=2 -> [...]
.. "Catbox Collection": https://catbox.moe/c/iryxae
... Catbox gallery thing is only available for registered users: https://catbox.moe/user/register.php

Today was the first time I saw a Catbox Collection. The info on that one is:
>Small FutaDash
>Created April 4 2024
>Embarrassed futa Rainbow Dash with a small penis
(I looked at the images prompted by pony promptsmith, some just show a normal-sized penis.) I looked up "Small FutaDash" in Whoogle Search (via search.sethforprivacy.com) to see if that link showed up in SEO. It didn't, but I did see these links:
. https://www.fimfiction.net/group/203489/futadash
. https://e-hentai.org/g/1625411/7c236b28c7/

Whoogle Search is described here - https://web.archive.org/web/20240118015239/https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/ggronz/whoogle_search_a_selfhosted/ - as a "self-hosted, ad-free/AMP-free/tracking-free, privacy respecting alternative to Google Search". (I thought AMP-free was in reference to the AMP part of LAMP or FAMP, but that's not the case; *AMP=software stack/bundle such as FreeBSD/Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP.)

Anon 04/13/2024 (Sat) 17:55 [Preview] No.10182 del
>WBM...headers which get replayed in an altered way: "x-archiv-*" or whatever.
Such as
>X-Archive-Orig-Last-Modified: Fri, 05 Apr 2024 03:43:47 GMT
on https://web.archive.org/web/20240413173232if_/https://files.catbox.moe/y6lxmw.png

(a.) Conversation or discussion-focused thread
(b.) Archive or Media-focused thread

Each mode can have elements of the other one, but the determiner is quantity ("mostly a" or "mostly b"). Not saying that anyone here has done this, but I dislike when someone is so dismissive of mode (b). Mode (b) includes these focuses:
. Links, URLs
. Redundancy and uptime
. Software and programming (also hardware)
. Data wrangling and analysis
. Websites, their functionality and policies
. Information, loses and recoveries (like trying to find or know about lost media)

One could put focus on describing media/culture, or collecting it. Difference between the modes = the amount of focus you put on talking about media and the meaning of it. (Like, instead of moving to the next thing.)

Full or original images are sometimes/always loginwalled

Anon 04/13/2024 (Sat) 18:27 [Preview] No.10183 del
Findability, indexing, and organization also matters - I think that's part of "Data wrangling and analysis". Forgot to say: if you look at ArchiveTeam IRCs, you will probably see mode (b). (Also matters: centralized vs. decentralized and distributed vs. not.)

>Links, URLs
Also files.

Did see this in Twibooru before now (multisource doesn't work):
>u https://twibooru.org/3205306 >d 2024-04-13T18:16:29Z >s https://e-hentai.org/s/978668bb5b/1625411-7 https://web.archive.org/web/20240413172938im_/https://fcxqjhj.aestngiicnbe.hath.network:31409/h/978668bb5bd8a282e031b495aa40c756af862bd7-133373-749-898-jpg/keystamp=1713029700-8fc53b55ac;fileindex=79746091;xres=org/IMG_1534425501.jpg >i >t artist:sheela, anthro, penis, balls, breasts, nipples, solo, wings, eyebrows visible through hair, rainbow dash, explicit

YouTube Poop

Anon 04/13/2024 (Sat) 18:45 [Preview] No.10184 del
(55.71 KB 1184x449 twibooru-3178260.png)
It has a JavaScript image loading option which is neat. 3 legs:

>Also files.
Also metadata

>Might want to compress it down. Do you want him to post that exactly or just a synopsis of it?
He said "easily link to", so I was thinking that those posts could be linked to. They show up in preview view without getting cut off:
. https://endchan.org/pone/preview/10173.html
. https://endchan.org/pone/preview/10174.html

pic unrelated

Anon 04/14/2024 (Sun) 02:45 [Preview] No.10188 del
(50.16 KB 800x450 psm.jpeg)
>(a.) Conversation or discussion-focused thread
>(b.) Archive or Media-focused thread
/go/ was often a mix. I don't think this is a bad thing. Example: alternative site general on /mlp/ often acts as a catch all for archival and tech discussion but is moderated arbitrarily because it is supposed to be the alternative site general but sometimes that topic is almost dead, at least my perception. I think as long it is flexible I don't care if one focuses more on one and one on the other. Just don't want anyone to be retarded with it (which I don't think Bridgefag is with how he worded it).

>Each mode can have elements of the other one,
...and you aren't either.

>but I dislike when someone is so dismissive of mode (b). Mode (b) includes these focuses:
Agreed. The archive everything mindset comes from people not archiving enough and sometimes something obscure and unimportant one moment might something you regret later. Like youtube comments, cringe subreddits, etc. It still matters.


Anon 04/14/2024 (Sun) 21:28 [Preview] No.10194 del
>Maybe I should physically label my storage devices for better organization.
I physically labeled 3 same-looking HDDs so that I have some idea of what they contain. Labels say the zpool dataset name.

>ipfs pin ls --type=recursive
Wish that had something to sort by when each one was pinned. A use case: computer crashed, but you didn't record a completed pin to .txt/mfs; so now I gotta search through >1000 pins to try to find it. (I can automate the boring parts, but I think other users can't easily do that.)

>syncing in blocks from other HDDs (takes days)
Synced about 375G (374,737,592,590 B) from z2->zb over >5 days. (Would have been faster if zpool-status-not-degraded z2 didn't slow down and soon gonna die.) Didn't copy .ldb files; "[sender] read errors mapping...No data available" on one file. rsync ended because the computer froze and I manually turned it off (ping and ssh failed from HPC->main computer).

I think Twibooru uses that captcha because site owner is trying hard to gatekeep it. Wish that Twibooru would use CF-captcha. The uniqueness of Twi+Glim captcha is too distracting for me, and it takes too long to complete. Instead, I could just make an IPFS folder which contains two files: file.jpg and file.jpg.txt where the TXT file contains source, tags, and whatever else. That way I don't have to deal with shitty captcha and someone else can maybe add it to some booru later on for more findability. (Your file "psm.jpeg" = "pony stop motion", but my first thought was "pony snowball match".)

Anon 04/14/2024 (Sun) 22:53 [Preview] No.10195 del
>multisource doesn't work in twibooru.org
IIRC someone said that it worked in D*booru. Test:
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3343736 >d 2024-04-14T22:41:59Z >s https://files.catbox.moe/nnoa2p.png https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmSivbeqWU4jCaAH3y4xngkxDbJctXAPSvXvMvngKTrwy9/data0002/QmQ5d6M2iUMuAJeBDwoX7HePygtH2cQPvEgfGSxYT4xS7w >i >t explicit, rainbow dash, ai generated, futa, human, humanized, erection, balls, navel, multiple penises, teeth, open mouth, simple background, nipples, breasts, small breasts, blush, wings, maid headdress, choker, butt, futa rainbow dash
. Worked on try #3 (ipfs->De*booru), tries 1&2 (catbox->Der*booru) = "502 Bad Gateway - Derpibooru" https://derpibooru.org/images
. Stupid Derp*booru alias: "multiple penises -> multidick"
. What will multisource look like when that image gets autocopied to twibooru.org and other site(s)?

This https://derpibooru.org/images/new says:
>The page(s) you found this image on. Images may have a maximum of 10 source URLs. Leave any sources you don't want to use blank.
>[click on "Add source"]

*copies of basically all of the torrents that I downloaded or uploaded.

(If you only use an IPv6 Internet address, then website iknowwhatyoudownload.com currently cannot spy on which torrents you ul/dl'd.)

>automate the boring parts
I think it's faster to look inside of folders and not files, so here's a basic thing to look only in dirs:
$ ipfs pin ls --type=recursive | sed "s/ .*//g" | \
xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do echo -=-= $args; \
ipfs files stat /ipfs/$args | grep "^Type: directory" && \
ipfs ls -s $args | head; done' _
-s (faster): stream nodes as they are found instead of trying to output them all at once. (Also, I found it: ipfs://QmYnVzRDdzkMr9EcxR7QixzmfxjFLi3az1DmhcStBSrZg3 for 4chan_gif_2024_02.zip)

Anon 04/15/2024 (Mon) 15:05 [Preview] No.10197 del
Data from big tech, large datacenters, and AI is somewhat endangered. Mining, production, and cooling use Denmarks worth of water in regards to offline and online technology. AI especially uses significantly more water than not AI, and the energy demand of AI is huge. Environmentalism, or the actual unsustainable disappearance of resources, may lead to bad consequences soon or in the next decade(s). Examples:
. Google deleting YouTube videos which barely get any interactions
. Archive.org more intensely deleting or offlining "hate speech" and "misinformation"
. Water wars - lobbying for privatized water as stated in this video "AI Will Wage Wars Over Water" https://invidious.perennialte.ch/watch?v=F-6la_I-xkQ
.. If you are Libertarian, you may think that private water is good, but they did that in some South/Middle American countries and I think it turned out poorly.

Reasonable solutions:
. Decentralization. If data is distributed and online (via P2P tech or otherwise), then that means that there is no individual entity who can completely delete it.
. Consumer friendliness. Right to repair, no planned obsolescence, etc. Maybe if big tech used more simple webpages (compare Invidious vs. YouTube.com) the that would use less client-side compute/resources.

Unreasonable solutions:
. "Banning AI cringe"
. Mining asteroids for resources

2023 video not in TPA - "The Super Mario Bros. Movie Official MLP Trailer":

>What will Derpib0oru multisource look like when that image gets autocopied to twibooru.org and other site(s)?
Only copies the first source: https://twibooru.org/3206263

Above ITT, there's a post about how rule34.xxx has many comments and they sometimes get deleted. But why? Due to stupid reasons such as "racism" but also possibly because an account got deleted - speculating on two deleted (but not lost) comments near the bottom here: https://web.archive.org/web/20221008023423/https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6244301 -> https://web.archive.org/web/20240415041616/https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6244301

Anon 04/15/2024 (Mon) 19:04 [Preview] No.10198 del
(202.65 KB 547x600 1397200413275.png)
(26.76 KB 284x436 1397209354580.jpg)
(509.74 KB 576x694 1397182409338.png)
I'm making a copy of an extracted version of that.

>Local Apache IPFS Server / Apache IPFS Gateway in a 32-bit computer
Mount /ipfs doesn't work as noted here -- github.com/ipfs/kubo/issues/10264 -- but mount /ipns does work. Symlink /var/www/html/ipns to /ipns ("ln -s target linkname"). Can't update IPNS if it's mounted:
>$ ipfs daemon --mount & disown
>[...]$ ls /ipns
>12D3Koo...Q1v local
>$ ls /ipns/12D3Koo...Q1v/
>[...]$ ipfs name publish bafybeiha6cx7hutdkaybanqlxwlgmw2wjdhqw6gzlme54rxk6xj4v47xu4
>Error: cannot manually publish while IPNS is mounted
>$ # later published this to ipns, which is a set of pins in HPC: /ipfs/QmZTJUUrDsmPjyAVy8dxRkH7VBVCVQihJ7ccRQoUb4kouZ
Problem: = "403 Forbidden" due to Apache not being allowed access to root-owned folders, and when ipfs is mounted, it makes those folders root-owned in an unchangeable way. Trying to make Apache only run as root (not a great idea):
>$ sudo apt install apache2; sudo vim /etc/apache2/envvars
>[... change to "export APACHE_RUN_USER=root" and "export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=root" where root was previously www-data]
>$ sudo apt remove apache2; sudo apt install apache2
>[...]Error:\tApache has not been designed to serve pages while\n\trunning as root. There are known race conditions that\n\twill allow any local user to read any file on the system.\n\tIf you still desire to serve pages as root then\n\tadd -DBIG_SECURITY_HOLE to the CFLAGS env variable\n\tand then rebuild the server.\n\tIt is strongly suggested that you instead modify the User\n\tdirective in your httpd.conf file to list a non-root\n\tuser.\n
Apache startup is ran as root normally ("sudo /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start & disown"), but not child processes. To make it all run as root, seems you gotta (re)compile it with ...BIG_SECURITY_HOLE... Other option, maybe: nginx. Pics:
>not seen at https://derpibooru.org/search/reverse - /z0/data/1735f69/1/archive.heinessen.com-mlp/image/1397/20/1397200413275.png
>aging nerd/hacker - /z0/data/1735f69/1/archive.heinessen.com-mlp/image/1397/18/1397182409338.png
>[nearby image]

>took about 3 minutes after upload done for the archive.org/details/ webpage to show up
Today I uploaded something else to archive.org/details/, and it took about 5 min. to show up:
. 2024-04-15 16:03:34.733398878 Z = upload start
. 2024-04-15 16:04:01.161993953 Z = upload done
. 2024-04-15 16:08:54 Z = HTTP 404 from 16:04 to 16:08
. 2024-04-15 16:09:11 Z = HTTP 200

Anon 04/16/2024 (Tue) 01:10 [Preview] No.10199 del
My Little Porny torrent and other shares = gone. 2014 page "My Little Porny Release Thread #3":
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/17115139/ ( <- https://desuarchive.org/mlp/search/text/fc505f15d558d2f41de2755d9c05f9157524fc9f )

>[anachronism] https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=tMqfc4UNVEI
>https://tpa.mares.workers.dev/?output=html&id=tMqfc4UNVEI , https://hobune.stream/videos/tMqfc4UNVEI

Mentioned here:
>2014-04-21 13:46 - 2014-04-21 13:54 - 336017408 _ () C:\Users\Kevin\Downloads\MyLittlePorny.iso


https://yayponies.no/videos/japan/1jt.php -> https://yayponies.no/videos/japan/torrents/YP-1JP-01x01.mp4.torrent =
https://yayponies.no/books/book.php?category=Generation+5 -> https://yayponies.no/books/torrents/CBZ/YP-CBZ-IDWES.cbz.torrent =
>magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a98e54ba4e04568253252527bd784c94381d16db ( loads from https://yayponies.no/books/resources/book.json )
was messing with https://instant.io/ but it didn't work; Brave returned this error in CLI:
>[515171:515177:0415/185757.951253:ERROR:socket_manager.cc(141)] Failed to resolve address for relay.socket.dev., errorcode: -105

Anon 04/16/2024 (Tue) 01:46 [Preview] No.10200 del
(25.06 MB 1280x720 PMV-PonyStompingDay.mp4)
>My Little Porny
Was looking for it here, didn't see it (so far), but I did see that this PMVs folder contains 836 files and vidrel:

>336017408 _ () C:\Users\Kevin
Endchan reduced the amount of underscores there for some reason:
2014-04-21 13:46 - 2014-04-21 13:54 - 336017408 _____ () C:\Users\Kevin\Downloads\MyLittlePorny.iso

$ curl -sL https://yayponies.no/books/resources/book.json | grep '"torrent"' | sed 's/.*": "/https:\/\/yayponies.no\/books\//g' | sed 's/",\?//g' | sed "s/%0D$//g" | tail -n+5 | tr -d \\r | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do TZ=UTC wget --spider https://web.archive.org/web/2/$args; sleep 5; done' _

>making a copy of an extracted version of heinessen-mlp-images.tar
Konsole got OOM'd twice. Will have to do that later with less stuff running.

>shit not working
maybe get apache to run a .py or .sh script to copy folders so they can be accessed by www-data:

>Didn't copy .ldb files; "[sender] read errors mapping...No data available" on one file.
This one:
>$ utc; rsync -a --info=progress2 /z2/b/ipfs/.ipfs/blocks/ /zb/ipfs/blocks/; utc
>rsync: [sender] read errors mapping "/z2/b/ipfs/.ipfs/blocks/JV/CIQMDJV6W3RLWJDCIQ6CNC3EQH2TMK5CU7B5N4HQCHLM323RPYI6JVA.data": No data available (61)
>ERROR: JV/CIQMDJV6W3RLWJDCIQ6CNC3EQH2TMK5CU7B5N4HQCHLM323RPYI6JVA.data failed verification -- update discarded.
>288,840,359,990 76% 566.59kB/s 138:17:21 (xfr#1462527, ir-chk=3856/1903380)

Anon 04/16/2024 (Tue) 05:56 [Preview] No.10201 del
2022 video not in TPA - "MLP | Applejack Clips In The backrooms by Phutashi_XD":

(That video with Strawberry Sunrise made me think of that one scene from "The Shining".)

>Will have to do that later with less stuff running.
Running on each folder in there instead of the >200GB parent folder.

>get apache2 to run a .py or .sh script
As seen in this video, use cgi-bin to run Bash scripts on the web or local network - https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=Jzcu4JheCtY - CGI=Common Gateway Interface.

Anon 04/16/2024 (Tue) 16:26 [Preview] No.10202 del
YayPonies has hundreds of torrents. I can't abide by this, or that's my initial thought. I'm not really interested in "exploding" qBittorrent with those many new entries to the transfer list. At least, I don't really want to keep them in there permanently. Maybe I'll download many of them with qBittorrent and not seed them at all. That many torrents where each one contains only one ~20 MB file: seems better suited for IPFS. Why so many torrents? Perhaps they could have done this: make per-year torrent sets. Those could include all of their releases for each year that they released. And with torrents, you can have multiple torrents which all are including one specific file path (so many:one with torrents:one_file_path_such_as_/path/example.txt). https://yayponies.no/books/resources/book.json basically has 805 .torrent URLs, such as:
>$ sort -R yayponies.no-books-resources-book.json.torrent.txt | head -n3

Due to WBM's limitations, it's a bit of a pain to try to save all of those links to WBM using automated methods. So here's a WARC of that which has this info:
> wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - Duration: 0:01:56. Speed: 26.0 KiB/s.
> wpull.application.tasks.stats - INFO - Downloaded: 805 files, 4.3 MiB.
(All HTTP 200.) Trying to save those all to WBM = a pain, takes way longer.

Nice video, easy explanation on how to run Bash with Apache. Knowing this, I can now maybe make IPFS more accessible when using a 32-bit computer: just gotta make some .sh files to do that. Notes:
>$ grep -R LoadModule /etc/apache2 | grep mod_cgi
>/etc/apache2/mods-available/cgid.load:LoadModule cgid_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_cgid.so
>/etc/apache2/mods-available/cgi.load:LoadModule cgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_cgi.so
>/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/cgid.load:LoadModule cgid_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_cgid.so
>$ # check that you have CGI
>$ grep cgi-bin /etc/apache2/conf-available/serve-cgi-bin.conf
> ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
> <Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
>$ # where to put the scripts for Apache
If file "a.sh" at is not set to executable, then you will get an "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error". Enable/disable with "chmod +x a.sh"/"chmod -x a.sh". If not executable, lynx shows this:
>500 Internal Server Error \ Internal Server Error \\ The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. \\ Please contact the server administrator at webmaster@localhost to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error. \\ More information about this error may be available in the server error log. \ _[...]_ \\\ Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80

Anon 04/17/2024 (Wed) 02:24 [Preview] No.10203 del
"Heinessen, the 4chan archiver" was the first website to automatically download 4chan /mlp/ images somewhat consistently for months. Copied:
. torrent? related to 221.89-GiB torrent magnet:?xt=urn:btih:79760b305316b095d30e7bdfa49b97d49f236618&dn=heinessen-mlp-images.tar -> an extracted version with extra data
. where? zb, offline, in MFS but not pinned /ipfs/QmcX2DkjkkXmCRBhGn6swbHrQKoY1WT1oXqSRVRYGTqYeY <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 [folders]; [...]"
. size? 238,142,756,028-B folder /ipfs/QmVVnfdiiTP5EoZvzJtBQjJPopwVszRwouKj49kU7SdaMK - took about >24 hours due to problems and it contains 635,770 files total
. note? See below.

Extra data:
. "heinessen-mlp-images_hashes_via.txt" = "readme file"
. "heinessen-mlp-images_hashes.txt.zst" = precomputed data from months ago (which took days to compute); this contains stuff such as MD5 hashes which are relevant to Desuarchive /mlp/. I recently used it to see the file count: '$ zstd -cd /z0/data/1735f69/heinessen-mlp-images_hashes.txt.zst | head -n5499000 | grep "File: " | vim -'

As seen here - https://archive.ph/2014.10.15-042952/http://archive.heinessen.com/mlp/thread/17431556 - heinessen.com image links looked like this: http://archive.heinessen.com/boards/mlp/img/0174/31/1398400892326.png

238 GB here - https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmcX2DkjkkXmCRBhGn6swbHrQKoY1WT1oXqSRVRYGTqYeY - which contains more folders. Folders min+max (regarding the main 81 folders in "image/"):
. 1365/ QmNQ...csZk 310 MB
. 1401/ QmWh...SB8s 11 GB

I put less than 1% of QmcX...qYeY online - this 777-MB folder in there (1342/ QmZ9...3jZp):

Which folder most likely matches to the extracted version of that /mlp/ full images tarball? QmeQ...JKUh:
>$ ipfs ls QmVVnfdiiTP5EoZvzJtBQjJPopwVszRwouKj49kU7SdaMK
>QmdDyrzbS2hv58gLViiJx4N3gm3wZApjEsCSHbn2JbMyai - archive.heinessen.com/
>QmQ6dXpo6MDD4FhcBgiV7XcBxCcWecer6KmbZhsYZ6WCjk 330789466 heinessen-mlp-images_hashes.txt.zst
>bafkreighdoq4cqjf3vt6qtbp54wx7pnznmrbeqfge37wmmazg4xfsip3hi 33995 heinessen-mlp-images_hashes_via.txt
>$ ipfs ls QmdDyrzbS2hv58gLViiJx4N3gm3wZApjEsCSHbn2JbMyai
>QmeQtFP9icmbqJ5RX7gj5vn6W2pz444YwhuSVy8P11JKUh - mlp/
>$ ipfs ls QmeQtFP9icmbqJ5RX7gj5vn6W2pz444YwhuSVy8P11JKUh
>QmX8TZXmP4z4F35w4wjwmiJvp2VRdLpvpAtzwfx6xvxAgW - image/
>$ # picrel from https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmcX2DkjkkXmCRBhGn6swbHrQKoY1WT1oXqSRVRYGTqYeY/http-archive.heinessen.com-boards-mlp-img/archive.heinessen.com/mlp/image/1342/00/1342006351669.gif
238142756028 B (238 GB) = 221.8 GiB, so I think it contains everything from that .tar file. (It's 221.5 GiB not counting the ZST file.)

Anon 04/17/2024 (Wed) 18:28 [Preview] No.10208 del
I'm downloading that channel which has 609 videos.

Here's a folder with a small amount of MLP pics and YouTube-deleted video "y2mate.com - coraline_soundtrack_full_album_rkNQJqi90fA_1080p.mp4" (vid rkNQJqi90fA was dl'd in 2019):

Actually, not deleted, https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=rkNQJqi90fA says "This video is not available" because it's part of YouTube Music or something. (Same message at invidious.privacydev.net, yt.drgnz.club, invidious.privacyredirect.com, and invidious.protokolla.fi.) So I found a video that's blocked in Invidious with that message, but playable in youtube.com. Nevermind, looks like it was deleted, but the metadata remains online in live www.youtube.com (I'm glad that YT is keeping the metadata online for some deleted videos). So that video is only playable in a non-live version or in IPFS.

More MLP images + YouTube-deleted video "y2mate.com - ezikiel_infinity_race_basti_grub_remix_6moW80s8-g0_360p.mp4" in this folder:

>precomputed data from months ago
It's precomputed data from one year ago.

>heinessen-mlp-images.tar -> an extracted version with extra data -> moved to cold storage
(Forgot to say: I struggled with ipfs-adding/pinning that folder months ago, but had much less struggles recently.)

. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:a3aba938f135573d980221325d43a5b825fffd54&dn=4chan_gif_2024_02.zip
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYnVzRDdzkMr9EcxR7QixzmfxjFLi3az1DmhcStBSrZg3 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2024_02.zip"
. size? 65,780,925,876-B file /ipfs/QmRh4P3u6nwQei5Wus7L3jk83SdvUaXyAcMDoUSKMfVAC3

Anon 04/17/2024 (Wed) 19:18 [Preview] No.10209 del
13-video playlist "The Pony Zone" contains private videos:

5 posts made between then and then. Why? Maybe because 4chan seems to be offline now.

My site, which I have the private key to - ipns://k51qzi5uqu5diwzufekv38cynmdqlh0lwic1ve0d9w5a0glpy52qjc0l77h4t5 - is online, but broke continuity with previous versions.

Anon 04/18/2024 (Thu) 06:23 [Preview] No.10210 del
>Nice video, easy explanation on how to run Bash with
I meant Jzcu4JheCtY not eFYFu9ytsVg. Here's youtube-eFYFu9ytsVg from
I downloaded that "MLP-focused" channel johnnybro2883 UCF6w9zSKn1Qoek6LIa1DvSw - size=2.9G and the last commands didn't run due to repo lock, but that does not matter much.

6.9-GB folder containing some episodes of MLP: FiM that were broadcast in 4:3:
. (not gone as of today, "480p.SD.ac3-2CH.x264) [derpyhooves") https://mega.nz/folder/WBhW0CwR#2c5FBzwlDPjyv_Nbxgmumw
.. downloaded by me years ago, here's that copy: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmV2kb9DRjGz2ULgmHPt6gHzg1D1DXKXHGC3dVZazheUk3
... ( matches moreso to subfolder https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmWMM3obMp3kSUAsg1iudmb3kv9ipgMxVJ8X2feZeCUrn2 )
... Folder "2415212" = MEGA folder "MLP 4;3 Hub", and extra data = two TXT files

Related - copied:
. torrent? >>10208 4chan_gif_2024_02.zip -> source/extracted version
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmPdNDrhq6aLH4DZxzew8LcRUxVW5V4toVeGbPwA8mGqDB <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 4chan_gif_2024_02"
. size? 61.26-GiB folder /ipfs/QmS5Z7fWQbBZbyfoa5RirUsKC1zy2Gh7ZLS7odoKEQqwjQ - from 2024-04-17T13:33:11.904789117Z to 2024-04-17T18:10:48.558317253Z
. note? probably/maybe contains video from one of these movies: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmbb17UfyTQ6htjvYjYMfk2KXEAby7f2Jma7iU2seV3rZH

Anon 04/18/2024 (Thu) 17:58 [Preview] No.10213 del
Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:eeca18f72298294bfe52d85293aef1fba9264116&dn=Pony_leak_2019_songs_scripts_etc_unpacked
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmcBZDjyrshjAR8TpTq4vNtg4xH5vyyfQjDBbAQWBiTZg7 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 unpacked"
. size? 211.50-GiB folder /ipfs/QmYHae93tL2TZj5erkkhLahtwGYoR895B1mjE1TpcNAxhJ - from 2024-04-18T07:15:34.421901942Z to 2024-04-18T13:25:00.997941545Z
. note? Example filename: "214/Animatic_Breakdown/REVS_AUG1611/MLP214_089A.aif"
. index? 15 MB from 84,703 lines: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmNpdPL2rWUfZRNaq78z4bB11rJxLsLDQQeByEXPTpWSA9

(Repinned, online in HPC: /ipfs/QmPLsc7998oBVoPC2poWDdvQtmgPi1JW3ohjxZTCuovgkm = 12 GB.) This video could be tagged as "inflation fetish, cringe, weird, wtf":

Anon Board owner 04/19/2024 (Fri) 08:08 [Preview] No.10219 del
/go/ Update
Sorry for the delay. I have been, this >>10214

I have read the posts here on various concerns and opinions on everything and will reply in more detail better later. I might just kickstart and do the thread next time I am lucid enough and have a bit of time on my hooves. Regardless if my Internet is a little slow (I have had some stuff I wanted to upload).

13-video playlist "The Pony Zone" contains private videos:
That is always annoying/sad. I mean, sometimes I can understand someone privating something but it often just... uge.

>5 posts made between then and then. Why? Maybe because 4chan seems to be offline now.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... I haven't checked there in awhile. Seems to be online at the moment.

>but broke continuity with previous versions.
Annoying, at least I assume it is just annoying and not catastrophic.

Anon Board owner 04/19/2024 (Fri) 08:10 [Preview] No.10220 del
*(have stuff I wanted to upload)
As in, I had stuff I have wanted to upload here, bigger files, my internet sometimes doesn't handle that and often doesn't let me post here at all, lol! I wanted to do that with the new /go/ 3 thread but may just go for a truncated route without them.

Anon 04/19/2024 (Fri) 08:44 [Preview] No.10221 del
Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? magnet:?xt=urn:btih:15dc88c5d4d29bd4a9551ec9684ec90f8255466d&dn=Leak_%232_unpacked
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYBSWdKNz9uo3rjnURciBwKMvHbd2mCwXa4BZr4od9Ed9 <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 unpacked"
. size? 289.62-GiB folder /ipfs/QmZCop7XonDrZa8ab8kqoyP6HsUf1mN4WMumesk9CD6NW4 - from 2024-04-18T13:36:57.513305262Z to 2024-04-19T06:47:20.894980876Z
. example path? "unpacked/422/Animatic_Breakdown/MLP422_backwards_rwd_Dec31.mov"
. index? 34 MB from 266,069 lines: https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmZW634bT5hMPbPpjzp1Pu2UwMzaJCR5sKWZKTVoA9xDKp

Folder QmZW...xDKp also includes "coverofworthlesstheyoungper.html" and "73745f647361706172616d5f646174.html" >>10129 - two webpages that that faggot Aaron Clarey had DMCA-deleted off of archive.org. I have the WARC and other files for those two IA items - will hopefully share those later. Details to show the depths of stupidity of the entities involved here:
. deleted https://archive.org/details/73745f647361706172616d5f646174 -> 2023-08-11 snapshot by me, online at https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/Qmaagfzbevo7FGp7Wh4i97EQG7tmdxxLKE44zGzxCabH7g
.. login required; contains publicly-available files from www.amazon.com
. deleted https://archive.org/details/coverofworthlesstheyoungper -> 2023-08-11 snapshot by me, online at https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmdRNW9iQJB34b96TXj295AWLoNrVc7Ems5vtB8AyYxbhk
.. login required; outside front and back cover of a book where image sizes = 1221x1463 and 893x1360.

These deletions are like some Wikipedia-level shit. This goes to show that simple image files, even those which count as fair use and which can be widely found across the Internet, can easily get deleted off of archive.org (even if the item is loginwalled) if the little rat who "owns the copyright" bitches to IA about it.

>[subfolders combined into original larger folder] in MFS but not pinned
Pinned day(s) ago, took like an hour or longer. That folder contains "635,770 [MLP-related image] files". A ~200-GB folder which contains more than 500,000 files = non-IPFS stuff such as Konsole may not work well = may not be able to add it to IPFS all in one go (so add smaller parts of it then add the parts together in mfs then pin that cid from mfs). Today I saw Konsole crash on me, seemingly randomly (so not due to OOM I guess). (Possible solution: Konsole may get stale, so completely restart it every ~3 days.)

>YouTube videos downloaded in ~2019
Original 1.4-GB folder in which those files were found: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmTWodtDCdgF4phsEJbUiNuabBVU6eTnXbjyTvoVod1E1W - contains an npr video titled "mlp" (maybe it was titled that to obfuscate it).

Anon 04/19/2024 (Fri) 18:39 [Preview] No.10222 del
>the main 81 folders in "image/"
Text file detailing the wrapper folders for each of those:

That folder also includes:
. Some MLP images+videos
. Cropped screenshot which has the text "[WBM:] Snapshot cannot be displayed due to an internal server error"

>WARC containing two deleted things: archive.org/details/73745f647361706172616d5f646174 and archive.org/details/coverofworthlesstheyoungper
That's in a folder which also contains a 2023 complete WARC of the MLP Trading Post website: "www.mlptp.net-2023-07-13-1531f230". Those things are offline in this 187.37-GiB folder: /ipfs/QmYwmARaevcTA4y3sT3M65b3p7EnKVVJ9FzyMuxuugBcFJ <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 /z5/tempmove/web".

>file sharing
There's some ways to go about file sharing. Basically all file sharing things are temporary if you think about it, but some are more permanent than others; "free" methods:
. elistist: BitTorrent (P2P), archive.org/details/
. not elistist: IPFS (P2P), catbox.moe
. must sign in every ~5 months, otherwise they delete all of your data:
.. "[fart] cloud storage" such as: Google Drive, MEGA, Dropbox
... P2P: websites Filebase and Pinata
. not elistist: bunch of file sharing websites which say that they are temporary and for how long
.. send.cm has a file retention duration of 15 days
.. These websites are more honest than "cloud storage" shits because they don't pretend to be somewhat permanent

If you have difficulties uploading, I recommend a non-elistist and fault-tolerant uploading method: IPFS. As long as it isn't a "vast amount of data", I can store what you share "forever" and have it online for at least month(s). Program uptime in HPC: 72 days. Also in HPC - I'm importing CAR files over SSH via GNU screen sessions:
. 14895.pts-2.lubuntu (04/18/2024 01:49:15 AM) (Detached)
. 31741.pts-6.lubuntu (04/13/2024 01:14:17 AM) (Detached)

(I should use better names for those, such as "ingress.z9" and "ingress.zb".) I can make more screen sessions to pin some data if someone want so share something.

Anon 04/19/2024 (Fri) 20:42 [Preview] No.10223 del
Thanks to the 2019 MLP leaks, we apparently have the final source file of the 2017 film "My Little Pony: The Movie". Most scene releases of movies aren't directly from a digital source file; instead, they are from a rip of spinning media (DVD/Blu-Ray), or earlier, a CamRip in a theater. (If it's a steaming-only thing it could be WebDL, which is better than WebRip.) Is there a "scene filename tag" for "(final) digital source file"? I guess that could be "LEAKED" or "Leaked". In this case, its "Original" for 129-GB file "MLP.The.Movie.Original.DNxHD175x.VC-3.mov". The overall bitrate of MLP.The.Movie.Original.DNxHD175x.VC-3.mov is 185 megabits per second ("185,391 kb/s"); that's 23.13 megabytes per second. Steams (via ffprobe version 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1):
> Duration: 01:39:23.00, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 185391 kb/s
> Stream #0:0(eng): Video: dnxhd (DNXHD) (AVdn / 0x6E645641), yuv422p10le(tv, bt709/unknown/unknown), 1920x1080, 176160 kb/s, SAR 1:1 DAR 16:9, 24 fps, 24 tbr, 12288 tbn, 12288 tbc (default)
> Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: pcm_s24le (in24 / 0x34326E69), 48000 Hz, 5.1(side), s32 (24 bit), 6912 kb/s
> Stream #0:2(eng): Audio: pcm_s24le (in24 / 0x34326E69), 48000 Hz, stereo, s32 (24 bit), 2304 kb/s (default)
. Video = "DNxHD 175x" (175x is maybe a reference to 185 mb/s).
. Audio = "VC-3" (?) / "pcm_s24le 2ch 48000Hz"

Copy of a folder contain that >100GB MOV file:
. torrent? part of magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b32431c6680e83c34d904b45debe2e282584f350&dn=Full%20MLP%20Leaks%202019
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmTNcXuMMNQX2JFVrxjbiYNGAKuPM3Ri1vUNH8tQ141zcb <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "/z5/tempmove/z6-1694153028-Full MLP Leaks 2019-Movie"'
. size? 129.04-GiB folder /ipfs/QmcyuJZSAWvKpHDyVmGibd8osGKJRiHf6b6FYtuGEuNRbm - from 2024-04-19T16:36:26.500076334Z to 2024-04-19T19:32:40.996868836Z
. note? Torrent has a &ws= https://webseed.ponemusic.net/webseed/ = probably gone

>just gotta make some .sh files to do that
Easier said than done. Problem that I have:
> https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/100046268#100047440
> I have set up Apache to run "CGI scripts". can run basic stuff like
> >whoami; pwd; find .; which bash
> but it cannot run other programs in $PATH. Is there any easy fix for this? How could I get Apache HTTP Server to run any program in a CGI script?
> Maybe related:
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20590478/bash-command-not-running-in-apache-cgi-shell

Anon 04/19/2024 (Fri) 22:39 [Preview] No.10224 del
This MLP fanart is a crossover with the movie "The Thing"; it features cosmic horror. File "Why Cosmic Horror is Hard to Make.mp4" has more information on cosmic horror (H.P. Lovecraft and stuff):

I think this website is helpful for a certain thing: https://textpaint.net/?t=test ( also similar sites such as https://query.wikidata.org/#test )

>>Why? Maybe because 4chan seems to be offline now.
>haven't checked there in awhile. Seems to be online at the moment
I don't have more than ~2 datapoints for that: 2 connection errors/timeouts. Looks like it was briefly down at the time of that post.

Image info
1982 film "The Thing" in IA:

Anon 04/20/2024 (Sat) 01:21 [Preview] No.10226 del
Yup, 1 second of that video = 22 MB. 2 seconds of it = 43 MB. About 1.33 GB per minute, and about 80 GB per hour. I ran:
>$ ffmpeg -i MLP.The.Movie.Original.DNxHD175x.VC-3.mov -c copy -t 2 2s_test_MLP.The.Movie.Original.DNxHD175x.VC-3.mov

. torrent? >>9913 4chan_gif_2023_06.zip -> source/extracted version
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmUwZqRVfwEfU6v6nPxDwEzYHhjGNtYTQJU6wPFbuDoAE9 <- 'ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 "/z5/tempmove/z4-sync_mnt-e-dl-13b48ab/4chan_gif_2023_06"'
. size? 67.71-GiB folder /ipfs/QmabHk5seSq1dQLYrLuDcj4NshX2iq93o8MrQZKx7uYKkb - from 2024-04-19T20:52:18.078126612Z to 2024-04-20T00:40:20.652155340Z

*if someone wants to share something.

Anon 04/20/2024 (Sat) 04:30 [Preview] No.10227 del
MLP-focused folder "youtube" (~380 GB): copying this into cold storage, and later it should also show up in HPC.

>>but broke continuity with previous versions.
>Annoying, at least I assume it is just annoying and not catastrophic.
True. I think the data for that site at that URL is only on a non-attached HDD, so I couldn't update it in a way that references the previous versions and fits into the idea of that site.

That 1.4-GB YT folder includes this:
https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmY7rM78hELVwRNenFoGBLUULuDF8t1PYXoVMBXRRHA2dW?filename=-s-wzTRwJMg (no AI)
>[Verse 1]
>Hey there, people, I'm Rainbow Dash
>They say I'm the cutest mare in town
>My wings is fast, my teeth is shiney
>I tell all the boys they can kiss my heinie
>Here I am at a famous school
>I'm dressin' sharp and I'm actin' cool
>I got a cheerleader here wants to help with my paper
>Let her do all the work and maybe later I'll rape her
>Oh God I am the American dream
>I do not think I'm too extreme
>An' I'm a handsome son of a bitch
>I'm gonna get a good job and be real rich
>(Get a good, get a good, get a good, get a good job)
>... https://dumb.privacyfucking.rocks/Frank-zappa-bobby-brown-goes-down-lyrics

Anon 04/20/2024 (Sat) 21:25 [Preview] No.10228 del
>MLP-focused folder "youtube" (~380 GB)
Moved to cold storage, semi-online here (will be fully online once it finishes copying to HPC):
. created by "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 /z9/youtube"
. 310.85 GiB, which is 334 GB

>MLP+The Thing image
I saw a larger original version of that ( https://derpibooru.org/images/221765 ) in the pbooru.com image file raws torrent.

>think this website is helpful for a certain thing
For putting a non-HTTP source in the Source field (which requires the text to start with /http/i). I could put it in the Description field, but I'd rather put the source in the Source field and not the Description field. If this looks dumb, then blame whoever thought it was fine for HTTP to be the only possible source and the be-all end-all for all of eternity. Image attached to >>10222 ->
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3347817 >d 2024-04-20T21:20:25Z >s https://textpaint.net/?t=magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9de279a03c2e759249b47f7504bc34f2e14855df&dn=Ponibooru-All-Safe >i >t sweet bro and hella jeff, Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff, safe, human, mare, pony

>Problem that I have: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/100046268#100047440
Anon(s) said:
>try adding #!/bin/bash at the top - i have no idea why that could possibly help but you could try
test.sh always had that at the top.
>>sh -c program_name
>Use the full path to the program instead.
Didn't work.
>>other programs in $PATH
>Your path, or www-data's path?
It is in www-data's $PATH.
>>I had the same problem in PHP. I read about that problem and it said that PHP would not run certain "unsafe" programs.
>Are you using anything like SELinux or AppArmor?
IDK. Guess I will have to spend more time researching that.

Anon 04/20/2024 (Sat) 21:44 [Preview] No.10229 del
Trying to upload something with just the bare torrent link = PFUDOR error page at https://derpibooru.org/images
. title: "5XX Server Error - Derpibooru"
. technical details: "::CLOUDFLARE_ERROR_500S_BOX::"

Maybe a better way is this - which links to a .torrent file of it and contains the magnet link:
>u https://derpibooru.org/images/3347827 >d 2024-04-20T21:40:50Z >s https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmY9cy1TBqy4z9N8MyagV6ggbeXjVSZXyiJhjXC1pvK5Db/Ponibooru-All-Safe.torrent#magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9de279a03c2e759249b47f7504bc34f2e14855df&dn=Ponibooru-All-Safe >i >t D&D, sparkleworks, comic, fireball, G3, kimono's townhouse, dungeons and dragons, shenanigans, port-o-bella, soda float, Minty, safe, mare, pony
. ponibooru.org image #118703 - has the text "4 Nov 2009"
. not here: https://itorrents.org/torrent/9de279a03c2e759249b47f7504bc34f2e14855df.torrent

Anon 04/21/2024 (Sun) 00:46 [Preview] No.10230 del
2024 video not in TPA - "My Little Pony: A Zephyr Heights Mystery – Announcement Trailer – Nintendo Switch":

2019 video not in TPA - "Button Mash and Sweetie Belle play Agar io":

2015 video not in TPA - "Agar.io ep 3 with MLP Fans" (low relation, "crap", small channel):

>Apache, CGI, SELinux
This explains more about Security Enhanced Linux: https://invidious.privacyredirect.com/watch?v=KkTDdHDAaYI and https://serverfault.com/questions/815976/why-cgi-is-not-working-in-apache . This explains more about cgi-bin (but not helpful to me): https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=NwRVJX0Ieno

("bare torrent link" meaning "bare magnet link".) pfp basically from

Anon 04/21/2024 (Sun) 22:01 [Preview] No.10231 del
>A ~220-GB folder which contains more than 500,000 files = non-IPFS stuff such as Konsole may not work well
True, and QTerminal works better than Konsole. Copied to cold storage:
. torrent? >>9907 bronibooru -> an extracted version with extra data
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmYRmYZm3FNvfcHzq8o1fF951B5LU6XhZqDrFeZWHpLm6H <- "ipfs add -wrH --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 bronibooru.com"
. size? 93.88-GiB folder /ipfs/QmXSrVhHydKvPYYUR2AaqgHSY1CKW5kUWg8qpQcFQi9njX - from 2024-04-21T13:40:30.840375156Z to 2024-04-21T20:02:46.067128115Z
. note? Contains 313,134 files, including extra data such as bronibooru.torrent and Screenshot*Bronibooru\ .png

Running qBittorrent and ipfs-adding "/z5/Pony/Art/Image archives/bronibooru.com":
. with Konsole = similar to past disappointments, Konsole quit running twice (unwantedly); this wasted 188 GiB of reads
. with QTerminal 0.17.0 = QTerminal worked no problem on the first try, only qBittorrent got oom'd
.. with Konsole, you can save all of the text in a tab to a text file via File > save output; QTerminal doesn't have this option, so I can't quickly save an index

This is probably the "bronibooru.com" folder from iwiftp, which has some empty files which shouldn't be empty files; compare hashes in filenames and in that one sqlite file, and mismatches were seen in the past (empty/partial files).


Low relation folder (20 GB):
. similar to and is IA data
. includes data that was deleted off of archive.org/details/ due to being porn or copyrighted
.. these ones: archive.org/details/53446642 + Shemale + lust.-caution.-2007.720-p.-bluray.-x-264.-anoxmous-1_meta + cross_201608
... at 140*, 382*, 407*, 465*

Anon 04/22/2024 (Mon) 05:41 [Preview] No.10232 del
2016 video not in TPA - "MLP pmv Rockefeller street":

Better PMV for the same track:

2018 video not in TPA - "Dancin krono remix - PMV" (eqg):

2014 video not in TPA - "MIX PMV":

Thing I noticed as of yesterday UTC and today UTC: redirect.invidious.io and invidious.io are gone as "This site can’t be reached"
>Cannot resolve host redirect.invidious.io.
>Cannot resolve host invidious.io.

Other thing I first noticed yesterday UTC and is still the case today: there is one fewer IPFS to HTTP gateway. https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/cid_here now redirects to https://ipfs.io/ipfs/cid_here - proofs:
. No redirect, Pinkie Pie using a wrench: https://archive.ph/2024.04.17-014520/https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmcX2DkjkkXmCRBhGn6swbHrQKoY1WT1oXqSRVRYGTqYeY/http-archive.heinessen.com-boards-mlp-img/archive.heinessen.com/mlp/image/1342/00/1342006351669.gif
. Redirect, IA: https://archive.ph/2024.04.22-042949/https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmZ18mSm6urrD2mxLVX9NHnAPZCxybQnkfkV6Pb4CyTVmW/
.. archive.ph long link does not link to the gateway.ipfs.io redirect for this capture (same with other captures of redirect links)

>cutest mare in town

Anon 04/22/2024 (Mon) 19:39 [Preview] No.10233 del

I have an 18-TB external HDD which needs to be plugged in to an outlet to run. FS=ZFS, and it is 8.66 terabytes full. I left my computer while adding more data to it from another HDD. While I was away there was apparently a power lose because HPC got turned off (main computer didn't get turned off because it is a laptop with some battery life). I come back to see that it is "SUSPENDED" = no big deal, that happens in the few times that it powered down due to power lose. I cleared it to remove that label then reimported it and whatever. Then it said "DEGRADED" so I ran the scrub command. Verbose status of zb = permanent errors on 37 files and 56 folders.

zb Power_On_Hours = about 791 straight, which is less than 4,000 hours. 99.9% of zb is IPFS data, so that should help in the cases where I get:
>$ ls /zb/ipfs/blocks/W7
>ls: reading directory '/zb/ipfs/blocks/W7': Input/output error
>$ # Pain!
So I cannot look inside probably multiple folders - I just get that error. It would be nice to see the contents of those folders, but not super needed because IPFS knows that paths of the .data files in there due to .ldb and pins metadata which I don't think got corrupted. Still, I have 37 .data files which are broken and zb's degraded which basically means "use this as little as possible". 93 items with errors is like the number it saw before that zpool became suspended again.

Backups would not have saved me because I don't have another same-sized HDD, and even if I did automatically backup with some zRAID thing, then that would use too many USB ports (and IDK where my USB hub thing is). I only ever added to that HDD whenever it was on, didn't remove anything or otherwise mess around. And before you do any backups you first have to have a functioning HDD for long enough - which I was unlucky enough to not have. I was backing up lots of stuff in zb into HPC whenever I could, but now I see that it is screwed, so I can't really do that.

I had hoped to use this >10-TB HDD as little as possible and only use it for cold storage, but it still got jacked up. I thought I could use it as little as possible ("only for storage") and it would last at least years, but nope, degraded after month(s). What's the less to learn here?
. Don't use >5TB external HDD because those need power from an outlet, and if you lose power while writing data, shit could get fucked up.
. If you do use an external HDD which needs outlet power, only use it an a RAID/ZRAID mirror array.
. Don't use an external HDD which needs outlet power at all; just use internal SATA/non-USB-connected HDDs or anything else (like SSDs or whatever).

This really sucks, and for zb, "smartctl -a /dev/sdd" says Reallocated_Sector_Ct=0 and Current_Pending_Sector=0; so it seems that there isn't a medium/hardware error (like a bad sector or slowness), just something got screwed up with ZFS file metadata or something. I have some of the data on other HDDs, but some things have maybe been permanently lost. I regret deleting "/z9/youtube/" after copying it to zb. Not sure of the best way to recover from this or if I even want to deal with it. I'd have to like buy more HDD(s) to run ddrescue or something. I wish I wasn't making this post because that would mean that everything was fine.

This shit sandwich is a ~$300 disappointment. Hundreds of dollars "down the drain". I was unlucky or this hardware/software is lame.

Anon 04/22/2024 (Mon) 19:48 [Preview] No.10234 del
*What's the lesson to learn here?

A big problem is this: I can have zb with a status of degraded for a while after doing some things, but it soon shows up as suspended after having it mounted for a while and doing things for a few minutes. I have seen this behavior on other HDD(s). Suspended = cannot do any file operations. Did some research, and saw that this guy has a similar issue: https://old.reddit.com/r/zfs/comments/wpvzs2/need_help_with_inputoutput_error_on_zfs_dataset/

Making a backup of ~4 TB of torrents was like a waste of time because zb died like that. I only have ~70% of those torrents now because I deleted some after copying them into zb. What was the other 4.66 TB? Don't entirely know. Some of it was blocks synced in from other repos.

Anon 04/22/2024 (Mon) 20:01 [Preview] No.10235 del
*only use it in a RAID/ZRAID mirror array.

I was sorta sick of just using 5TB external HDDs because each one cannot store that much. In retrospect, I should have just kept using those and not tried something new. (Or, if I did try something new, the whole internal HDDs headache.)

Anon 04/22/2024 (Mon) 20:06 [Preview] No.10236 del
*knows the paths of the .data files in there

Not only is this sad/enraging, but it is also embarrassing. But how am I supposed to learn without making these mistakes? No one told me this either.

Anon 04/23/2024 (Tue) 01:17 [Preview] No.10237 del
After restarting the computer:
>$ sudo zpool import zb
>internal error: cannot import 'zb': Invalid exchange
>$ # great, time to kill myself
Maybe a power surge or something other than a simple brief power outage messed it up.

Anon 04/23/2024 (Tue) 10:35 [Preview] No.10238 del
(524.93 KB 1678x2048 3157666.jpeg)
>Backups would not have saved me because I don't have another same-sized HDD, and even if I did automatically backup with some zRAID thing,
>I had hoped to use this >10-TB HDD as little as possible and only use it for cold storage, but it still got jacked up. I thought I could use it as little as possible ("only for storage") and it would last at least years, but nope, degraded after month(s).
I don't think you should beat yourself up too hard over this. This was a place to dump excess files and you work with a lot of big files. I have a dump drive (not that big) where I have a similar thing going on with no back ups. It is a calculated risk and you just got lemoned.

>then that would use too many USB ports (and IDK where my USB hub thing is)
How many of your drives are external versus internal? Does your case not have a lot of room or was the external thing more for convenience of cold storing it?

>(Or, if I did try something new, the whole internal HDDs headache.)
Dislike messing with internal drives? I can understand that with screws. My main desktop is somewhat beat up Optiplex 320 that has screwless hard drive caddies that are pretty easy to slide drives in and out (downside, it only has two slots fro drives... and is VERY old). There probably is something better than that with modern cases or 3D printing in some of them (unless that is some tech that is hated for some reason or another and went out of style and I am just unaware of).

> I should have just kept using those and not tried something new.
My only advice here is to be a little more conservative with it; next time two drives of a smaller size that you save up for.

> but it is also embarrassing. But how am I supposed to learn without making these mistakes? No one told me this either.
Not too much... I think yours is quite understandable.If anything I am the one with the more embarrassing set up and problems just by default. I have had things stored on a single USB drive and it just die, more than once. My storage wasvery haphazard growing up and I still run into things that are very much not secure. As I said for you, you made a calculated, rational decisions. It failed, but are you stupid for making it? I think not.

Know this as well.

Anon 04/23/2024 (Tue) 21:52 [Preview] No.10239 del
More lessons to be learned:
(a.) 3 copies of something is better than 1, so "always" have at least 2 copies of something.
(b.) If there is a delay between creating at least one backup copy of something, then you might end up screwed.

For (a): even went deleting /z9/youtube after copying it to another HDD, I was thinking that might not be the right move (less able to operate locklessly and stuff). I could have kept the 2 copies, then when the 3 copy was created: then and only then I could have deleted 1 of them.

For (b): I was more focused on adding stuff to zb and less focused on getting backups of stuff on there. For reasons stated above, I didn't think zb would crap out on me after only about 30 days of being powered on. Also, I thought of zb as being used as a backup HDD itself instead of having lots of exclusive data.

As usual, before deleting >300 GB folder "/z9/youtube" I created an index of it. Here that is (I'm now using grab-site to check which of the >5000 YT video IDs are 404 or not):

Update: checked those IDs at id/maxres.jpg">https://iv.ggtyler.dev/viid/maxres.jpg = none not already noted are 404'd. Just gotta re-download that specific 334 gigabytes from youtube.com :/

Trying to undelete a file in ZFS? You're out of luck. Some links:
. This software didn't work for me https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/611303/does-anyone-know-the-way-to-undelete-file-on-zfs
. Should have used ZFS to make a snapshot before deleting https://old.reddit.com/r/zfs/comments/niyrc1/single_file_undelete/
.. If I made a snapshot then deleted >100 GB, would that free up space for that data to get overwritten? I think it would.

Anon 04/23/2024 (Tue) 21:59 [Preview] No.10240 del
>How many of your drives are external versus internal?
They're mostly external HDDs. I have only ~7 TB as internal HDDs. I have like 17 external HDDs, and ~4 of them are dead (2 of them died in an "expected/non-issue" way). (All "external HDDs" are the same as internal ones: only difference is the external ones have an enclosure which has a thing to switch the connector to USB.)

checked those IDs at https://iv.ggtyler.dev/vi/$id/maxres.jpg[/code]

Anon 04/23/2024 (Tue) 22:03 [Preview] No.10241 del
Even if I did use software RAID in that computer, it is possible that both HDDs would have became badly errored anyways.

checked those IDs at https://iv.ggtyler.dev/vi/$id/maxres.jpg 

Anon 04/24/2024 (Wed) 03:38 [Preview] No.10243 del
(27.70 KB 640x480 09MCi8tQRDU-maxres.jpg)
(22.43 KB 640x480 Qjt7FEtDP34-maxres.jpg)
(43.50 KB 1280x720 JsLpilOS8aU-maxres.jpg)
(26.80 KB 640x480 M7K7pNi_I8w-maxres.jpg)
(156.03 KB 1280x720 ZMmfBVtUzbM-maxres.jpg)
>What was the other 4.66 TB? Don't entirely know.
List of pins in zb, recent as of 2024-04-12 UTC (time as of writing this = 2024-04-24 03:15:17 Z):
. 324-MB folder also includes maxres thumbnails of ~5020 mostly MLP YT videos (picrel)
. created due to a missing feature in ipwb and something else >>10157 >>10195
. missing unpinned blocks, such as MFS and the more than ~300 or ~400 GB copied in from z2

>futa rainbow dash [human]
I saw the following npr futanari playlist. I was surprised that some of these YouTube videos have not been deleted yet due to porn/nudity (of course, glad they weren't deleted).

Anon 04/24/2024 (Wed) 18:47 [Preview] No.10244 del
>exclusive data
Such as
. The ~100 GB of films listed here (includes DVD image ISO files and stuff):
.. https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/Qmbb17UfyTQ6htjvYjYMfk2KXEAby7f2Jma7iU2seV3rZH/movies_83a19ff.txt
. Probably not MLP TP WARC /ipfs/QmYwmARaevcTA4y3sT3M65b3p7EnKVVJ9FzyMuxuugBcFJ - don't think I deleted that after copying it

NTFS is basically "The Windows Filesystem", because you have to use chkdsk in MS Windows with it sometimes. However, compared to ZFS, with NTFS it seems easier to undelete files. I may have to undelete said 100 GB of movie data in that NTFS HDD. In general and overall, ZFS is probably better than NTFS; New Technology File System is proprietary and/or requires proprietary software to really use it.

>zpool is not importable
I ran this command for more than 24 hours, after which, it showed the following output:
>$ sudo zpool import -f -FXn zb
>Would be able to return zb to its state as of Mon 22 Apr 2024 12:23:06 PM MDT.
>Would discard approximately 35 minutes of transactions.
>$ # https://www.truenas.com/community/threads/zfs-pool-corrupted.98445/
Now running this:
>$ sudo zpool import -f -FX zb
># www.truenas.com forums there became or will become read-only (write something in AT wiki?)

>deleted off of archive.org but saved by me
Missing metadata files (2 XMLs + 1 .torrent) and dervied files:
. mutable source? live=deleted https://archive.ph/2020.05.10-084825/https://archive.org/details/53446642
. where? HPC https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmP8BnpKrupF8Gz2tDDjr8KDv8CuhrjTiY4zejUxGLFcNx <- "ipfs add -wrH [folder]"
. size? 190 MB; contains the main MP4 file and extra data="1.txt" which shows 2 URLs (1 canonical + 1 resolved URL)
. note? npr, porn-deleted

*missing nonpinned blocks

Anon 04/24/2024 (Wed) 21:07 [Preview] No.10245 del
Alex S.
. 2013 video not in TPA - "[MV] Alex S. - Ultimate Sweetie Belle" (medium-sized channel): https://yt.houtworm.vip/watch?v=pEfmS1AKcPQ
. npr, but the video ID starts with "Fim" - "Daft Punk - Robot Rock (Alex S. Remix)": https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=Fim9NzPZNWw&list=PLA911B699D1C3B89B&index=1

2014 video not in TPA - "My Little Beatles: Nowhere Man Pmv":

2022 video not in TPA - "My Hero Academia- MLP FIM [main title] AMV" ("crap"):


32-bit GNU/Linux computer connected to the Internet=dangerous?
. Less helpful or informative video: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=t7IK-2Cace8 ("Network Security Tools to stop hackers")
. More helpful/informative: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=zao2CUAP3dU ("I Exposed a Windows 2000 Machine to the Internet... Here’s What Happened")
. (Try not to use PHP; see the "set charset to remote code execution" thing.)

Anon 04/25/2024 (Thu) 04:27 [Preview] No.10246 del
>32 bit computer
As long as it's updated, it shouldn't be a problem.

That sucks. I don't have much to add to what was said here, >>10238 other than for future drive purchases and storage options you should think about:
>budget, can I afford to buy more than one?
>If I have a dump/low priority drive, would I really care if I lose all data?
>Have a outgrown 5TB?

How badly do you hate internal drive bays? I'd still keep some external bays but I'd honestly wonder if it'd make sense to turn one of your computer's into a NAS with a small number of larger drives.

How bad would it be to lose:
>Would discard approximately 35 minutes of transactions.
35 minuets of transactions?

>Optplex 320
Main desktop? MAIN? In 2024? Did I read that right?

Anon 04/25/2024 (Thu) 04:34 [Preview] No.10247 del
>. npr, but the video ID starts with "Fim" - "Daft Punk - Robot Rock (Alex S. Remix)"
When you have been touched by pony it manifests in strange ways.

>However, compared to ZFS, with NTFS it seems easier to undelete files. I may have to undelete said 100 GB of movie data in that NTFS HDD.
Because NTFS is more braindead than ZFS. ZFS is billion times better but when something goes wrong it can be broken harder because of that. NTFS is awful but due to being the Windows default file systems means there is a lot of user friendly tools and hacks that are known about it.

Anon 04/25/2024 (Thu) 05:33 [Preview] No.10248 del
2016 video not in TPA - "4chan Cup Anthems (2016)" ("low relation"):

2012 video not in TPA - "[PMV] Everyday Struggle / A Day in the Life of a Foal" (rap):
. 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
.. Service info: https://web.archive.org/web/20240425000211/https://tube.netflux.io/feed/popular

>How bad would it be to lose:
>>Would discard approximately 35 minutes of transactions.
>35 minuets of transactions?
Page https://man.voidlinux.org/zpool-import.8#X says this for zfs zpool-import -X (I think I tried to run it without X and it did not help):
>Used with the -F recovery option. Determines whether extreme measures to find a valid txg should take place. This allows the pool to be rolled back to a txg which is no longer guaranteed to be consistent. Pools imported at an inconsistent txg may contain uncorrectable checksum errors. For more details about pool recovery mode, see the -F option, above. WARNING: This option can be extremely hazardous to the health of your pool and should only be used as a last resort.
. "longer guaranteed to be consistent[...] may contain uncorrectable checksum errors." Because it's almost all Ipfs data, that should be less of a problem as it has its own verification thing.
. "WARNING: This option can be extremely hazardous to the health of your pool and should only be used as a last resort."
.. I guess I tried everything else and it didn't help.
.. "extremely hazardous to the health" it was degraded then non-importable, hope this doesn't make it worse.
. ("transactions, txg" sounds blockchainy)

What was it doing in those last 35 minutes? Adding image file raws from another HDD. Images from foalcon.com IIRC. Nothing lost in that hour before things went wrong because those foalcon website files are also in other storage device(s).

Anon 04/25/2024 (Thu) 11:36 [Preview] No.10249 del
That's retropony28's channel. Size of channel "/z9/youtube/retropony28_UCwCiXA60fbS3VCPsAaAxSDQ/" = 15 GB. Some of the videos in retropony28_UCwCiXA60fbS3VCPsAaAxSDQ (asc sort, to pEfmS1AKcPQ) =
Didn't fully/quickly understand this one
French FIM season 1 songs. Incl. "Winter Wrap Up", Cupcakes (French word "cupcakes" means "cupcakes"), and "Art of the Dress"; French Rarity works towards making a magnifique dress.
French FIM season 2 songs (also has such videos for S3, S4, S6). Incl. "Find a Pet".
French FIM season 1 songs, cinema style, diff compared to 9gq-Ce_w24E?
French FIM season 4 songs, incl. "Hearts Strong as Horses"
French FIM season 5 songs, incl. "The Pony I Want To Be".
FIM OP 1 (JP, not TV size), cinema style = a certain aspect ratio it seems
derpian, which is a parody of Debian
Skipped Applejack
Probably from a DVD; download DVD ISOs in that one torrent
See 138-MB folder for "Friendship is Magic [full opening theme]": https://cf-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafybeidkjbajlg5656aqlkn4udqlntm47x2bnbtygxtxmsnchw6wlt7lom
Extension to play MKV in Brave Browser (Chrome)? Filesize=172 MB.

Anon 04/25/2024 (Thu) 12:12 [Preview] No.10250 del
>> 32 bit computer
> As long as it's updated, it shouldn't be a problem.
What if it isn't? What if I went with the default software versions from that ISO file? I wonder if there is an "apt update"/"apt upgrade" thing which only applies critical security fixes, for those who only care about that. And such fixes should be available for "unsupported old distro versions". That computer isn't directly exposed to the Internet, because it is only reachable by the router's IP. It is as directly exposed over the Internet as being able to talk back and forth via popular protocols like HTTP. (I can ping online websites without failure.) Otherwise, it is in a local network ( behind a router, which that guy in youtube-zao2CUAP3dU said something about.

>Skipped Applejack
Not true. I wasn't paying attention or something.

>not TV size [I thought this because it is longer than 30 seconds]
Also incorrect. Mirai Start OP = 1min 30sec; full version = 4min 15sec

(Speaking of OPs in Japanese, one of the worst things about "My Hero Academia" in N*t*ix is that there isn't a translation of any of the opening and ending songs, and I checked English subtitles and English Closed Captions.)

Anon 04/25/2024 (Thu) 19:22 [Preview] No.10251 del
>Tab crashed twice trying to upload that 73.82-MB file at last50.html
Trying to post these five videos -- >>10249 >>10250 -- all in one post = connection error in one or two tries and a temporary freeze in another. Size of those 5 videos = 91.82 MB (3:40.51 MB + 2:51.31 MB).

HTTP 500 is better than HTTP 503 in this case - HTTP 500 Internal Server Error:

I downloaded that in the past:
. Not HTTP 200: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXUg15FzgvRbtHpWmpybTiy3EcNUwaegGupkrJ81qwxzt/Atlas_Nixon_UCtTPOt9b-lIgeH58AZWxVsQ
. Indexed here: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmWRGneJM4YkKWdnofZGyzWHxHrjQdSyHjHw78YrTHwpPU/meta001.txt
.. "/z9/youtube/Atlas_Nixon_UCtTPOt9b-lIgeH58AZWxVsQ/PMV_Everyday_Struggle_A_Day_in_the_Life_of_a_Foal-Atlas_Nixon-20120310-youtube-320x240-2wg8O81HM1k.webm 7702314 15121 81b4 1000 1000 23 1188 1 0 0 1713577244 1701467844 1706619898 1706619898 131072"

As stated above, /z9/youtube/ was deleted. Maybe helpful:
. "Adventure in ZFS Data Recovery": https://invidious.protokolla.fi/watch?v=y7gQwypNMdk
. Top Tools to Recover Data from ZFS Drives. How to Recover Data from ZFS File System: https://invidious.drgns.space/watch?v=Tk-Y9C8wBtg
.. proprietary software, freemium

I didn't download small MLP channel Sovereign_of_Snow_UCqmTEUS9fUV5xV4Dtap89vw.

>deleted off of archive.org/details/ but saved by me
Another one - missing the main video file (on an NTFS HDD I think):
. torrent? probably from a torrent
. mutable source? live=deleted https://archive.ph/2020.06.01-120240/https://archive.org/details/lust.-caution.-2007.720-p.-bluray.-x-264.-anoxmous-1
. where? HPC https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmUFoXGwcPMhsB32Ed3fZxMwpHqLxnqLxtcerZcmwoy7At <- "ipfs add -rH [folder]"
. size? 78 KB; contains 2 two metadata XML files, extra data="1.txt", missing derived file and autogen'd .torrent file
. note? npr, copyright-deleted

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 02:09 [Preview] No.10252 del
2018 video not in TPA - 'My Little Pony PMV - "Killing In The Name" By Rage Against The Machine' (video editing):

2013 video not in TPA - "I Write Sins Not Tragedies (PMV)" (censored, small channel):

2017 video not in TPA - "When i come around- mlp music video" (Green Day):

>deleted off of https://archive.org/details/ but saved by me
Another - missing 2 XMLs, 1 .torrent, and some derived files (also missing autogen'd .sqlite file, but who cares about that?):
. mutable source? live=deleted https://archive.ph/2019.08.21-215140/https://archive.org/details/Shemale
. where? HPC https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXkXrQ9vVQXsZGq2rNqwwCKrTTfF51MZH1oP7aUQsHy8D
. size? 11 MB, contains the main video file
. note? npr, porn-deleted, see below

Extra data "1.txt" says:
>Deletion reason: curation=>[curator]JeffKaplan[/curator][date]20190827232533[/date][state]dark[/state][comment]porn[/comment]
which is text from https://archive.org/history/Shemale - as explained above ITT, IA's item history information has been made completely inaccessible (was accessible in 2020).

Text at the end of main video tumblr_p10hvvekZX1wl1k8g1.mp4:
Supporter of the LGBTQ community
To go to the gas chambers first

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 04:52 [Preview] No.10253 del
2021 video not in TPA - "Fluttercord~Halo {PMV}":
https://web.archive.org/web/20240127195919/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=EKofIlx_pHQ / https://piped.adminforge.de/watch?v=EKofIlx_pHQ (has a "Download frame" button if I didn't mention that before)

>playlist with private videos
It's possible that they were unlisted then we're automatically made private as a result of that one YouTube purge which happened years ago.

>Deleted off of Archive.org
web.archive.org blocks these URLs if they ended in "/" (both are IPLD blocks):
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmVGJCebRxz41WiABvd5Uts9dDaRw3v3axXtmq8fKxJp4G?filename=archive.org/details
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreiegmunevsm4eh6o3ttzsjmrewp5ydfudmum235vo2o6ot7u42blua?filename=archive.org/download
. also blocked if those ended in "/sometexthere"

Therefore, the folders could be named something like this:

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 05:51 [Preview] No.10254 del
>use an extension to play MKV in a web browser
IDK, but this works:

<video controls width="300">
<source src=" https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5diwzufekv38cynmdqlh0lwic1ve0d9w5a0glpy52qjc0l77h4t5/1/QmW9eqNWiQ7xn5avGzquC8ZGE3DFcUPkUfWd9gkdiV4Bp5/Ariana_Chim_Chim_UC9DdUaW9lRyPcRJr7cUUBDw/No_Excuses_PMV_MLP-Ariana_Chim_Chim-20190714-youtube-1920x1080-eMb6L12Ey4E.mkv " type="video/mp4">

Can be ran in https://htmledit.squarefree.com/ - about that specific .mkv: I kinda like that pop music and video; video shows eqg

So that works in Chrome, but probably does not work with all MKVs as stated here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21192713/how-to-playback-mkv-video-in-web-browser - therefore, maybe try this:

It uses JavaScript+web assembly+whatever to play MKVs. Maybe it works on all MKVs and in all browsers. Reminds me of like Brianv's software which plays webms via JavaScript - likely used in 4chan because iPones can't play WebM in Safari.

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 16:24 [Preview] No.10259 del
>Now running this
Fug, seems that I got a kernel panic:
>$ sudo zpool import -f -FX zb # PID 101848
>Message from syslogd@ubuntu-Laptop-main-computer at Apr 26 00:34:40 ...
> kernel:[279654.540599] PANIC: zfs: adding existent segment to range tree (offset=a011368c000 size=8cb000)

That command has been running for nearly 2 days:
>$ ps -o etime 101848
> 1-22:12:47
>$ # HDD LED is still on
That 18TB HDD isn't making noise and it feels cold to the touch - symptoms consistent with being dead. (Think happy thoughts, like the dream I just had where a blonde girl basically went on vacation with me.)

Things could have been worse, obviously. It could have been more entrenched before it "died" + other things I thought of before. For >24 hours now, "zpool list" does not show anything and the only way to end that command is to close the terminal tab (ctrl+c doesn't work). This behavior is indicative of the current kernel session being tainted. Fix a tainted kernel: restart the computer. See info on the tainted kernel: I probably I forgot the command to do that.

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 17:13 [Preview] No.10260 del
*I probably forgot the command to do that.

What to do? Maybe restart the computer and run "sudo zpool import -f -FX zb" again. I guessed that after running "read-only" command "sudo zpool import -f -FXn zb" successfully then the non-read-only variant would complete quickly, but nope, looks like the two commands are not related in that way.

>[Piped] has a "Download frame" button if I didn't mention that before
I did mention that before ITT.

>>cross thread
"Hefty pony thread" >>10190 links to this thread:
>[...](Ignore the following if you want. Thread maybe going to get deleted: >>10196 - I didn't post any thing there; I'm this guy: >>10254.)
it also links to stupid farting thread (all farting threads=stupid).

Frame from https://piped.adminforge.de/watch?v=MHej7qGU6kw > play the video for some amount of seconds > click Download frame. youtube-MHej7qGU6kw is related to "DVNO" by Justice; more on that:
. "Justice - DVNO Music Video Breakdown": https://piped.adminforge.de/watch?v=weJs5ZEdvVM
. It's in the album "Cross", and that should be download-able here: ipfs://QmXEGtzvMf9pQfkDMfvVqnKQMnAXFFdzgLTZcvJMzW4rV3

QmXE...4rV3 = deleted off of IA:
. mutable source? live=deleted https://archive.ph/2020.06.11-163152/https://archive.org/details/cross_201608
. where? HPC https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXEGtzvMf9pQfkDMfvVqnKQMnAXFFdzgLTZcvJMzW4rV3
. size? 107 MB; extra data="1.txt"; missing: derived files, autogen'd .torrent, files XML metadata, .sqlite metadata
. note? "npr", copyright-deleted, ipfs propagation issue

Anon 04/26/2024 (Fri) 21:20 [Preview] No.10262 del
>"apt update"/"apt upgrade" thing which only applies critical security fixes, for those who only care about that
Yeah: https://serverfault.com/questions/270260/how-do-you-use-apt-get-to-only-install-critical-security-updates-on-ubuntu
>$ grep security /etc/apt/sources.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/security.sources.list
>$ sudo apt-get upgrade -o Dir::Etc::SourceList=/etc/apt/security.sources.list

>kernel panic
Yeah, seems I cannot import that zpool. After restarting, I ran that command and quickly got the same error message:
>$ utc; sudo zpool import -f -FX zb
>Message from syslogd@ubuntu-Laptop-main-computer at Apr 26 11:44:43 ...
> kernel:[ 251.805715] PANIC: zfs: adding existent segment to range tree (offset=a011368f000 size=8c8000)
># 2024-04-26T17:46:49.230072201Z
Maybe doing the nerdy shit seen in this video will help:


Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 02:24 [Preview] No.10263 del
I watched this G1 MLP abridged episode/video today (~85 MB):
The original video source is probably VHS, which is 240p or 360p. Here's a 360p version of that video, for an "authentic feel". Like what that one anon said about the medium or form of some media being related to or a big part of nostalgia.

> nerdy shit
Getting into that:

>The precise output of most invocations is not documented, a knowledge of ZFS internals is assumed.
>zdb is an "offline" tool; it accesses the block devices underneath the pools directly from userspace and does not care if the pool is imported or datasets are mounted (or even if the system understands ZFS at all).
>If the pool has not been imported to the current host, or if there is no zpool cache file on the host for a currently imported pool, use the following command: \ zdb -e <poolname> \ This will provide a very large amount of output. To get the MOS configuration, use the following: \ zdb -eC[C] <poolname>
>the ZFS filesystem has a transaction log and it's continually writing to the transaction log ... the more messed up stuff is it just sort of keeps writing. When something weird happens, when an inconsistency happens, I wish that there was an option to tell ZFS: when any inconsistency is encountered that is unrecoverable to put the filesystem into read-only mode. I see why that's not an option [or default option necessarily because ZFS is designed for] racks and racks and racks of disks and you would never ... you would never necessarily want to take the entire pool offline just because there's one uncorrectable inconsistency. But for small installations where small is say less than 10 hard drives it would be nice if it would go into read-only mode because I think that greatly increases the chances that you'll be able to recover.
If only. Next thing he said was:
>I think that in those situations when you encounter hardware that has died that way it is more likely to be a bug at least if working with zdb is really any indication because of space maps and some of the other problems that we encountered I think we're really just down to bugs or very slight inconsistencies in the pool most of the time online when somebody encounters a situation like this they'll say oh it's probably just a little corruption in your pool make another pool and then copy all the stuff out of that pool the corrupt pool into the new pool and everything will be fine everybody does that and it seems to be not really a big deal

Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 03:09 [Preview] No.10265 del
> I wonder if there is an "apt update"/"apt upgrade" thing which only applies critical security fixes, for those who only care about that.
There is systems and configurations that are supposed to be that way. Technically, CentOS used to be the perfect system for someone who just wanted stability because of being run Red Hat, which has version support for 10 whole years, keeping the same kernel and everything, but alas that is no longer the case. Debian would be the closest free thing you could run that way that is free.

>What if it isn't? What if I went with the default software versions from that ISO file?
>And such fixes should be available for "unsupported old distro versions".
Debian is the closet thing that fits that bill, but that is only the final 3 years of support of the normal release cycle. oldstable and oldoldstable.

>That computer isn't directly exposed to the Internet, because it is only reachable by the router's IP. It is as directly exposed over the Internet as being able to talk back and forth via popular protocols like HTTP. (I can ping online websites without failure.)
Then it is connected to the Internet. If you can log in and browse a normal web page it counts as connected. In which case, a potential security risk. How much? Well, some would say you are screwed and already hacked, but realistically you're probably okay. I mean, some retards still use live discs with default root access and if they survive alright. What are you using? Puppy Linux I know likes to use old files and has kept Ubuntu in a zombie state. Are you using some version of Ubuntu or something where the 64 bit support dropped? You should switch to Debian then, they still support 32bit.

>Otherwise, it is in a local network ( behind a router, which that guy in youtube-zao2CUAP3dU said something about.
Don't know a thing about the video and probably won't watch it unless I am board.

Be sure to exhaust all options before declaring it dead. From simple things like swaping cables to letting it "rest". I have had drives be near death and still work just long enough to run recuse job. Depending on how serious the data is. Save the drive and maybe look into VERY COSTLY, drive repair I have heard of people doing it themselves, finding the model and swaping the controller board, but it the newer the drive, the harder that is.

>it also links to stupid farting thread (all farting threads=stupid).
Hope BO deletes it soon.

Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 03:16 [Preview] No.10266 del
They are still going? Wow! That surprises me. I remembered them being the biggest "small" abridge series. They were okayish but I found them a little stale compared to FiW and... well, didn't like MASS either. Still, I am happy to see them still kicking!

Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 03:39 [Preview] No.10267 del
>well I know the ponies look and are stupid

I didn't know that the late CentOS was supported for a decade for each version. I read that someone running CentOS had his computer/server powered on for like 3 years straight (command: uptime or htop).

>Then it is connected to the Internet. If you can log in and browse a normal web page it counts as connected. In which case, a potential security risk. How much? Well, some would say you are screwed and already hacked, but realistically you're probably okay. I mean, some retards still use live discs with default root access and if they survive alright
For years, I always disabled root login in /etc/passwd (setting it to /sbin/nologin or whatever). Thinking of running serverfault.com/questions/270260 commands which are ...tee... and stuff. Also thinking of using key-based auth for ssh because it should make rsync over ssh more convenient along with making the system a bit more secure.

Lubuntu 32-bit. I think I posted the exact version before so that hackers can hack me more easily /s. Lubuntu v.19 or something, would have check what I posted before or something. Neat that Debian still supports 32-bit. I hope it is or can be as lightweight as Lubuntu.

>shitpost thread which we dislike
I read in like Desuarchive /meta/ that some person(s) browse 4chan archive websites specifically to read deleted threads because they are "funposts" or whatever. I think someone was automatically mirroring MLP boards, including /pone/; not sure how fast or expansive that effort was/is.

Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 08:20 [Preview] No.10269 del
>$ zdb --help [...] -e pool is exported/destroyed/has altroot/not in a cachefile
It took ~hours to run this, and it created a 1.2-GB text file:
>$ sudo zdb -e zb > zb_zdb.txt
>[it said some shit here]
>$ tail -n3 zb_zdb.txt
> 16656996 2 128K 128K 1.01M 512 1M 100.00 ZFS plain file
> 16656997 2 128K 128K 1.01M 512 1M 100.00 ZFS plain file
> 16656998 1 128K 1K 4K 512 1K 100.00
>$ # It seems that zb had more than 15,000,000 files/items. Size of most of the files = 1MB or less
I accidentally cleared the active terminal by pressing ctrl+shift+x (I meant to press ctrl+shift+c or something to copy some text and the c and x keys are next to each other), so I didn't record that error message from zdb which looked kinda informative. (I should have just made a 4th QTerminal tab which I didn't want to do but would have avoided this screw up; I'd probably rather have to press ctrl+shift+alt+x instead of making this fatfinger mistake for a ~5th time.)

>folder "Scootertrix_Studios_UCB0qq3SOsKZGwM4prKK1xmA"
Here's this which I watched some time ago, don't remember if it made me laugh
WebM = not posted

>didn't like MASS either
I may have posted this in Endchan before: I didn't like "Mentally Advanced Series" (mainly/only for one reason), and I didn't watch much of it.

Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 17:20 [Preview] No.10270 del
> zdb -e
Took about 1 hour for that to run, each of the two times. Error=last one or two metaslabs are broken, whatever that means:
>$ sudo zdb -e zb | tail # I pressed enter and pasted in "\npasted in a newline here\n"
>loading concrete vdev 0, metaslab 475 of 1047 ...
>loading concrete vdev 0, metaslab 650 of 1047 ...
>pasted in a newline here
>loading concrete vdev 0, metaslab 1046 of 1047 ...size <= rt->rt_space (0x8cb000 <= 0x5000)
>ASSERT at ../../module/zfs/range_tree.c:439:range_tree_remove_impl() 16656989 [...] ZFS plain file
> 16656990 2 128K 128K 1.01M 512 1M 100.00 ZFS plain file
> 16656991 2 128K 128K 1.01M 512 1M 100.00 ZFS plain file
> 16656997 2 128K 128K 1.01M 512 1M 100.00 ZFS plain file
> 16656998 1 128K 1K 4K 512 1K 100.00
>$ # Where is "../../module/zfs/range_tree.c"?
>ASSERT at ../../module/zfs/range_tree.c:439:range_tree_remove_impl()
is similar to
>kernel:[279654.540599] PANIC: zfs: adding existent segment to range tree (offset=a011368c000 size=8cb000)

> created a 1.2-GB text file
And that's the non-verbose zpool "database" before zdb "crashed" due to range_tree_remove_impl() in line 439 of C file "range_tree.c". Last two lines of "zdb --help" are:
>Specify an option more than once (e.g. -bb) to make only that option verbose
>Default is to dump everything non-verbosely

La La La La Luna redownloaded:
Bit odd that this video was upscaled, for it's just one still image.

Anon 04/27/2024 (Sat) 19:01 [Preview] No.10271 del
2021 video not in TPA - "Rock Candy Mountain PMV (Happy Easter!)" ("Big Rock Candy Mountains"/"O Brother, Where Art Thou?"):

Berry Punch in AA: "Life just felt so much more meaningful when I was drunk."

Anon 04/28/2024 (Sun) 00:58 [Preview] No.10272 del
Funny video

This will maybe fix it after 714 hour (about 1 month):
> https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/issues/13963
>> Corrupted single-disk pool cannot be imported anymore. Panics the kernel module, making the commands hang. Also crashes zdb under some invocations.
>> Using "zdb -bcsvL -e big-storage" (command suggested elsewhere) it spent time verifying everything and everything checked out.
zdb now says:
> 981M completed ( 2MB/s) estimated time remaining: 978hr 15min 36sec
Not sure if there's any point to running that command. It takes too long and I may need to research it further. Source code of that C file:
> https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/blob/master/module/zfs/range_tree.c
>> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openzfs/zfs/master/module/zfs/range_tree.c

Anon 04/28/2024 (Sun) 03:15 [Preview] No.10273 del
>Cent OS
Yes, Cent OS was the open source version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, same system minus the enterprise grade support, which is payed for at a premium. The keyword was as Red Hat has tried to lock down access to what is free and open sourced software in a underhanded way that may not be technically violate the GPL but certainly violates the spirit of it.
Now, for your use case, that wouldn't be applicable as I believe Red Hat and any derivative of it have already dropped 32 bit support anyway, I am just saying it in case you didn't know the stupid drama with that.

>For years, I always disabled root login in /etc/passwd (setting it to /sbin/nologin or whatever).
Average live disc user has root completely accessible and sometimes completely out of date applications. I would probably check with a little scrutiny. I think if you weren't doing much internet stuff with it you are probably okay.

>. Neat that Debian still supports 32-bit. I hope it is or can be as lightweight as Lubuntu.
If your machine ran Ubuntu Debian with LXDE or XFCE (selected at install over specific versions now) should do fine. If you have never used Debian before it should be both familiar and a little alien at parts, but easy enough to learn.

>I think someone was automatically mirroring MLP boards, including /pone/; not sure how fast or expansive that effort was/is.
Someone was mirroring here, or 8chan's old /pone/? I have seen this /pone/, I guess I should say, /endpone/, mentioned from time to time but I am slightly surprised if someone had been archiving it outside of here.

>I accidentally cleared the active terminal by pressing ctrl+shift+x (I meant to press ctrl+shift+c or something to copy some text and the c and x keys are next to each other), so I didn't record that error message from zdb which looked kinda informative.
Know this oof. Sometimes you get gibberish and the ONE thing that seems worthwhile is the one thing you miss.

>I may have posted this in Endchan before: I didn't like "Mentally Advanced Series" (mainly/only for one reason), and I didn't watch much of it.
For me, it was the humor was too dry and it felt a little too stale in trying hard to be "smarter humor". Greg, nice guy and he had some interesting side projects but I never liked his main series and the elitism some had for it.

Anon 04/28/2024 (Sun) 03:35 [Preview] No.10274 del
2023 video not in TPA - "Boss of Me PMV":
. music by They May Be Giants
. guess you could call this a "non-classic PMV" because it has post-S5/S6 FIM video

2012 video not in TPA - "PMV - Pinkie Pie Sings Candy Mountain (Knox's Version)":
. music from "Charlie the Unicorn"
. "Kill your parents."

>propagation issue
This finally showed up - https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/QmXEGtzvMf9pQfkDMfvVqnKQMnAXFFdzgLTZcvJMzW4rV3/04%20Newjack.mp3 - one of the highest latencies for something I expected to be available relatively quickly. Odd.

I learned about that scummy Red Hat event when the news on it broke. (IBM owns Red Hat.)

Anon 04/28/2024 (Sun) 05:43 [Preview] No.10275 del
(212.45 KB 1280x720 videoframe_11935.png)
>$ sudo apt update
>$ grep security /etc/apt/sources.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/security.sources.list
>deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security main restricted universe multiverse
>$ sudo apt-get upgrade -o Dir::Etc::SourceList=/etc/apt/security.sources.list
>[...]354 upgraded, 9 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.[...]
>After this operation, 435 MB of additional disk space will be used.

The author of that thread replied that "zdb -bcsvL -e poolname" is unrelated to being able to import it read-only and in the OP he meant that he couldn't import it as read-write. I think the zdb docs basically say that that command just verifies the checksums on all the blocks. Now it says:
> 316G completed ( 19MB/s) estimated time remaining: 125hr 45min 14sec
if that zdb command doesn't check metaslabs I guess it would complete no-problem if there's no checksum mismatches.

I'm using a Lubuntu ISO from years ago, and if I can, it's probably better to use Debian because that's more up-to-date. When I SSH in it says "Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-24-generic i686)".

>Average live disc user has root completely accessible
I see that running "sudo echo" = don't have to enter any password, and I did set a password for my normal user account which I have to enter to ssh in.

Derpian image = Brave > https://invidious.private.coffee/n-0337x_ngM?t=12 > right click on video > Save video frame as...

Anon 04/28/2024 (Sun) 06:19 [Preview] No.10276 del
I saw some MLP book(s) in IA's Controlled Digital Lending thing. I "should have" got on that months ago. Also, I think I saw some books ripped from IA CDL in LibGen. An idiot uploaded a video titled "Why The Internet Archive Is In Danger Right Now..." https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=vdMT-x7CbdU which is about the digital books lawsuit.

If you are a single organization/entity/website operating in the clearnet in the USA and distribute copyrighted material that other entities get mad about (in this case, book company sisterfuckers), then that's by it's nature not a true archive. Any copyrighted material hosted by such a website = in danger. Peer to peer and not-so-clearweb (incl. darkweb, deepweb) is the true archive in this case, and as long as it is seeded enough or cared about enough, it should be available for years. Use BitTorrent and/or IPFS; Library Genesis uses both.

>$ sudo apt update
>$ grep security /etc/apt/sources.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/security.sources.list
>$ sudo apt-get upgrade -o Dir::Etc::SourceList=/etc/apt/security.sources.list
It is better to run this in GNU Screen or as disowned. I stopped seeing anything from that over SSH when it looked like it upgraded some SSH things:
>Setting up openssh-client (1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.13) ...
>Setting up openssh-sftp-server (1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.13) ...
>Setting up openssh-server (1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.13) ...
># I didn't see anything else after this.

about that Derpian image: saw that in D'ru, likely where that YouTube user got that image from if he didn't create it.

Anon 04/29/2024 (Mon) 02:59 [Preview] No.10281 del
^DDG > rip books from archive.org > [ https://red.ngn.tf/r/Piracy/comments/l9exis/how_to_download_books_from_archive_org_and_how_to/ ]

( Recent 3rd-party edit, futa, humanized, disembodied horsecock: cross-thread >>10278 ipfs://QmeCw3nA9tD1kW1KpSemNousZXS6a462Pxko9mHgCTd1m7 ; "Strawberry Fields Forever (Remastered 2009)" in "Pmv i wanna do" https://iv.ggtyler.dev/playlist?list=PLWAcfY_lTZi2c7YaHxKMpUpUyh_oOH4z- ; ipfs.io turned to the dark side, added Cl*udflare captcha: HTTP 403->https://ipfs.io/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/b/orchestrate/chl_page/v1 )

Anon 04/29/2024 (Mon) 17:08 [Preview] No.10285 del
2016 video not in TPA - "Pmv-Pour Some Sugar On Me (Def Leppard)":

Today I dreamt that I listened to "Photograph" by Def Leppard ( https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=NWsSSJ5skx4 ) multiple times. Probably because I recently listened to this "samples set"
>4chan Cup Anthems (2016)
which includes
>00:10:45 - /hr/ - Photograph (Def Leppard)
>00:14:48 - /mlp/ Giddy Up (MLP)

Ponified lyrics of "Photograph" by Def Leppard:

>guides from 2020 or 2021
May not work anymore. That links to this guide which says it will get better-quality book images:

Anon 04/29/2024 (Mon) 22:41 [Preview] No.10287 del
2015 video not in TPA - "MLP GTA 5 LOADING THEME":

>Someone was mirroring here, or 8chan's old /pone/? I have seen this /pone/, I guess I should say, /endpone/, mentioned from time to time but I am slightly surprised if someone had been archiving it outside of here.
User https://ponepaste.org/user/Barney listed /endpone/ here https://ponepaste.org/8236 "Pony Image Boards"

"I learned about that scummy Red Hat event when the news on it broke. (IBM owns Red Hat.)" >>10274 - to clarify, I heard about Red Hat becoming closed source to all but paying customers: https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=Of18sAJgHxE (I watched this video around when it was first uploaded). Corporate greed = non-community-based Linux OS could get paywalled, so use Debian or something which isn't RHEL for Linux server usage: https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=51zYz4CMGgA ("Why RedHat is BAD"). I didn't closely follow the CentOS thing. pfp from recent video about that: https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=mfsjSuE0kSs ("The END of CENTOS matters more than you think!"). (That channel seemed to only have npr videos.)

I installed this "apt install policycoreutils" to see this:
>$ sestatus
>SELinux status: disabled
>$ # However,
Text file "/etc/selinux/config" had this text
which I changed to
will this allow me to run that program via CGI? Maybe. Probably not.

>sudo zpool import -f -FX zb
should have tried to import it as RO instead:
>sudo zpool import -o readonly=on -f -FX zb
which I have been running for about 14 hours now. (I see other hanged RW import commands here: "ps aux | grep zpool".)

Anon 04/30/2024 (Tue) 03:56 [Preview] No.10292 del
Rainbow Dash AI dub of Sonic X OP

Version 1 (includes the original PMV data which was deleted off of YouTube):

Version 2 (CID ends in "ai"):

Years ago, back when I used Windows, I used Recuva a couple of times to undelete files. Not sure how to undelete NTFS files when using Linux. photorec maybe https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/306491/how-to-restore-deleted-files-and-directories-in-a-ntfs-partition

>Know this oof. Sometimes you get gibberish and the ONE thing that seems worthwhile is the one thing you miss.
It's annoying. I hope the devs are aware of how easy it is to make that mistake. In web browsers, you can "Reopen closed tab" if you accidentally click x on one of them. QTerminal should have a similar thing if it keeps using ctrl+shift+x to clear the text (and middle click on trackpad to close a tab).

Anon 05/01/2024 (Wed) 02:58 [Preview] No.10300 del
. >>10292
.. After working on that, someone could have moved the spring sound effect to when ponies bounced up off of that cloud. (Or, remove that sound effect; or move some clips around so the springy cloud plays at the same time that that audio plays.)
. not a pony music video, but is in a "PMVs" folder:
.. https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Videos/Fan-made/PMVs/ThatsMyFetish.mp4
.. https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Videos/Fan-made/PMVs/Season%205%20in%20about%2055%20seconds.mp4
. "Pinkie Pie Want's Nothing But a Good Time [PMV]": https://web.archive.org/web/20240126164313/https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=_MGTvWVqFek&list=PLO-wgwyk6ZnpmqNoZYFtSMzaL-IHpZNGT&index=2
.. in playlist "Pinkie Pie PMVs"
.. I saw that "Snapshot cannot be displayed..." WBM error on this some months/weeks ago
... image: >>10222; webpage: https://archive.ph/2024.04.26-022457/https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/louisiana-judge-sentences-man-be-physically-castrated-after/

HPC had its first thermal shutdown today as stated by the BIOS after pressing the physical on button on the computer. In the past, Synthbot (and maybe also someone else) said that IPFS uses too much CPU. I was curious as to what exactly was meant by that. It means that it heats up the CPU and activates a higher fan speed (if your computer does that); if you use crappy tech, this can lead to the CPU overheating and something failing or the computer turning off to prevent damage. Look at htop or whatever and see something like this: "90% of all 4 cores are being used". Observations on two "old" computers, both with the ipfs daemon running and connected to the Internet:
. 32-bit laptop computer which was apparently high-end for its time: pinning something with lots of nodes (QmVc...eRc6) = Thermal Shutdown; computer was able to start up again.
.. Before shutting down, there was probably kernel messages which looked similar to this: "CPU3: Core temperature above threshold, cpu clock throttled (total events = 9041)" - total events in the thousands or tens of thousands.
.. Possible solution: pin something with lots of nodes via a CAR file = less intensive maybe. Or, throttle the CPU(s) more.
. 64-bit Windows 7 laptop computer: don't remember if it was doing anything extra, but it had an unexpected shutdown (maybe a thermal one); computer was unable to start up again = "burned". This happened months ago.
.. Not as sure how much ipfs is to blame in this case for this hardware fault due to overheating or whatever

These are older computers, so I don't super care if they die, but still helpful to be aware of these things. (In a perfect world bad things like this wouldn't happen, but in reality, with any nice thing: you gotta pay for it; and sometimes there's no way around that.)

Anon 05/02/2024 (Thu) 09:00 [Preview] No.10306 del
Problem with data persistence: people die. Someone could be hosting something in some way, and if they die then their whole thing will be gone in one week to two years. MEGA / Google Drive / whatever cloud storage will delete all of their stuff due to inactivity. If they host a multi-terabyte website, that will disappear if they die; when will that happen after they die? Depends on what arrangements they had set up. Not everyone dies of old age. Some get unlucky or die young for whatever reason like being reckless or getting addicted to something.

I was thinking about this because today I learned that "video game challenge" YouTuber Mitten Squad died at age 27: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=lol5wIVUOtI "Mittensquad Has Passed Away.. (not joking)". (YT ID starts with "lol". When this guy was still alive I watched his Fallout and Halo videogame videos. Maybe he drank himself to death. His video on controlling Fallout 3 with his eyes was interesting.)

Public key authentication so you don't have to enter a password each time:
>computer1$ # # https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=33dEcCKGBO4
>computer1$ # cd ~/.ssh; l # backup any files that exist in here
>computer1$ # ssh-keygen -b 4096 # press enter, don't show private key to anyone
>computer1$ # ssh-copy-id [email protected] # copy public key (*.pub) to other computer
>computer1$ # ssh [email protected] # added ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
If you still have to enter a password, then do it again but with "ssh-keygen -t ed25519"; otherwise:
>computer1$ # chmod 755 authorized_keys # 700 is better if that works
>computer1$ # ssh -v [email protected] # =...debug1: send_pubkey_test: no mutual signature algorithm
Perhaps use "ssh-keygen -t ed25519" to begin with and not "ssh-keygen -b 4096" which I thinks makes a crappy RSA key. As of 2024 Ron-Someone Algorithm = "cryptographically weak". (Also, queue keygen music.)

With no passphrase (key auth) or password (pass auth) to enter, this is helpful if you want to run a bunch of ssh commands one after another. Such as:
>$ h=QmTr5xQaKXo6L3XmYQSTzGLzoUs2x8bN5hkvRAMS3Lb1hi; ssh [email protected] "export IPFS_PATH=/home/ubuntu/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs; ipfs dag export $h" | ipfs dag import --stats; ipfs pin add $h; h=QmTtMifKJqyM6Tw3WYNrFtzo1Tq3m9zfZ23GjrKL1Vjy5k; ssh [email protected] "export IPFS_PATH=/home/ubuntu/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs; ipfs dag export $h" | ipfs dag import --stats; ipfs pin add $h; h=QmUqnP94HRm8tg5nAiyDyz4RPerY8vXP4cVxZzC1VJurjo; ssh [email protected] "export IPFS_PATH=/home/ubuntu/.config/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/brave_ipfs; ipfs dag export $h" | ipfs dag import --stats; ipfs pin add $h; h=QmV2kb9DRjGz2ULgmHPt6gHzg1D1DXKXHGC3dVZazheUk3; [...]
(Wish I setup public+private key authentication months ago, but I finally did this easy task which took a bit of research.)

pfp from npr video about a funny video:

Anon 05/03/2024 (Fri) 03:24 [Preview] No.10310 del
Wow, a lot of stuff I want to weigh in on. For right now, I am going to just mention general topics I saw over linking to everything in each post. Starting with some of the tech discussion here.

>32 bit computing:
Cannot recommend Debian enough. It is probably the most user friendly system that is still in the long haul of supporting 32 bit. I was primarily using a 32 bit computer till... 2020 or so. I speak from experience!

I am more of a skeptic on running something out of date. Other anon is partly right about live disks and there is a whole host of idiotic practices that different people do and seem "okay" enough. Tinfoil hat in much wants to be better than okay.

There is a line between browsing using Windows with no security and having a tinfoil hat and making your life more complicated with what is most likely missplaced paranoia. I lean towards the later, but overall still agree you are probably alright. Just be more careful.

I have been wondering if BTRFS might be better in certain instances and use cases. LOL, albeit I have never mentioned with either.Most of my hard drives are used and relatively small by today's standards and I have yet to figure out the best way they might be employed for such tasks.

>Problem with data persistence: people die. Someone could be hosting something in some way, and if they die then their whole thing will be gone in one week to two years. MEGA / Google Drive / whatever cloud storage will delete all of their stuff due to inactivity. If they host a multi-terabyte website, that will disappear if they die
My take is, one can't save everything but certain important records can be scattered enough that a lot can be saved. Especially with the increases in storage capacities.

> I was thinking about this because today I learned that "video game challenge" YouTuber Mitten Squad died at age 27: https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=lol5wIVUOtI "Mittensquad Has Passed Away.. (not joking)".
Always a little haunting when that happens. Even if it doesn't personally affect me in a sad way and sometimes it does! it does make you want to take things a little less for granted.

Anon 05/03/2024 (Fri) 05:17 [Preview] No.10312 del
In the past, I saw that kubo ipfs did not work as a read-only (RO) filesystem as-is. I speculated that IPFS could work as an RO FS if the read-write (RW) parts of it were operating in an RW-enabled device. I recently found did that; how-to:
1. Have two repos (see also $IPFS_PATH): one is in a RO device and another is in a RW device.
2. Rename folder "blocks" in RW to "blocks_" then create an empty folder named "blocks".
3. Use xargs and stuff to automatically symlink each folder in RO blocks/ to RW blocks/.
4. Copy RO datastore/* to RW datastore/ and don't overwrite any files.

Then it works (it needs RW on at least one file which I think is "repo.lock"), and it's only missing MFS and pins list in RO. What could have I done better or differently? Answer - simply symlinking like this: "$ ln -s /ro/repo/blocks /rw/repo/blocks # ln -s TARGET LINK_NAME".

>Ron-Someone Algorithm = "cryptographically weak"
Butchered that from memory. Trying again from more recent refresher: Ron Rivest + [Fname] Simir + [Fname] Adleman = Rivest-Simir-Adleman algorithm/cryptosystem which is worryingly weak and inferior to AES-256 encryption. "ed25519" is probably also better than RSA.

Before I had this one 64-bit computer die on me, I was more able to rip and burn CDs and DVDs. I think I can still burn a CD or DVD for 32-bit Debian, but it would be more of a hassle than before.

pfps from npr videos
>https://iv.datura.network/watch?v=0t3uaqwBO2o "Halo 3 - Can You Kill Guilty Spark Without A Laser?"
>https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=H6AeSZa3j_M "Can You Beat Halo 3 With Only Melee Attacks?"

Anon 05/03/2024 (Fri) 15:07 [Preview] No.10313 del
SEO - Google search links to porn-website-like ShitTok links (domain name replaced with alt frontend):
. meaning this search link: https://proxitok.privacy.com.de/discover/my-little-pony-my-hero-academia
. not meaning this: https://proxitok.privacy.com.de/@lapetitlapearl/video/7091945474084883758

ShitTok or ProxiTok limits video playback to once, then if you refresh the page you only get an error "There was an error processing your request!" I have seen this about 3 times with ProxiTok so far, and I never got it to work more times than first access.

>100 GB of movies
Was more than 110 GB actually (scene releases+my rips). 107 GB of it:

. export+import CAR over SSH
. export done, import in HPC <- was here last I checked
. import done, pin in HPC <- happens quickly (maybe unneeded as default CAR import does this)

pfps from npr videos
>https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=6akmv1bsz1M title="Something Strange Happens When You Follow Einstein's Math"
I downloaded this MLP-related channel in the past
>https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=ME3XYKZrXQA title="Can You Beat Fallout: New Vegas While Addicted To Every Chem In The Game?" (last video from that uploader before he basically died of alcohol poisoning IRL)
Channel has some pony videos ("misleading" thumbnails sometimes)

Anon 05/04/2024 (Sat) 04:59 [Preview] No.10315 del
-> Official

About optical disc exclusives - these have a play all button and an episode list, not a lot else:
>$ # ipfs daemon --mount &
>$ # vlc /ipfs/QmbeWvBqbGFDRmE4rMwnp1YyPJHtQe2JaLNCEMjaSaJxp6/YP-DVD-S04D03.iso
>$ # vlc /ipfs/QmbWj3jQYo77TMSG4PknRqVhM2wmBR2obg2QdkCuFKkzJH/My\ Little\ Pony\ 1986-1987\ Disc\ 1\ ISO/MLP_ORIGINAL_DISC_1.iso
>$ # vlc "/ipfs/QmZ7UeUbYp6dmixMzUTJzFdHy7ZibRBakgANteCdfvY4Tp/My Little Pony 1986-1987 Disc 2 ISO/MLP_ORIGINAL_DISC_2.iso"
>$ # vlc /ipfs/QmS95nDvXe2ktPRkSb9S8JYDyRPGH3bayKV45DEUjawk42/My\ Little\ Pony\ 1986-1987\ Disc\ 3\ ISO/MLP_ORIGINAL_DISC_3.iso
>$ # vlc /ipfs/QmRBGp4As1HB76do1J2cAkX37VCsE9onrSPPsQgZSFXC8Y/My\ Little\ Pony\ 1986-1987\ Disc\ 4\ ISO/MLP_ORIGINAL_DISC_4.iso
In *DISC_1.iso:
. witch villan Hidia said "I won't be tickled again." Pony defeated a witch by tickling her, haha. Or maybe she was referring to Awg. Either way, she made an anti-tickling potion. (Maybe I mentioned part this in the past, don't remember.) Also, I finished watching the 10-episode Flutter Valley arc of D1 months ago.
. Next episode was "The Ghost of Paradise Estate Part 1" where baby ponies were afraid of a real ghost (so you would think); that one scene: gonna have to sleep in the same bed with a foal to put her mind at ease.
. Part 2: "Unicorns can only wink out through empty space."
. Part 3: "Ponyland is doomed."
. Part 4: More obvious animation errors. Other than that the artwork and animation is pretty good, for the 1980s. Lyric: "With with a little faither and trust, we can fashion dreams from dust. In just. No. Time. At. All!"
. Next episode "The Rainbow Caper": "still gonna make you a saddle with seatbelts." I watched half of this episode.

I watched those ghost episodes today. In G1, Twilight is a pretty mare. Applejack looks nice too. I wonder if there's a creditless opening or closing.

-> Fan-made

mpv also works:
>$ mpv /ipfs/Qme5JFtX73y7Npehux2GMuKJZazSJyfFYvBMZZcaygvxX4/youtube/BGM_Pony_Degeneracy_UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA/
>[file] This is a directory - adding to playlist.
>Fluttershy AI music /ipfs/Qme5JFtX73y7Npehux2GMuKJZazSJyfFYvBMZZcaygvxX4/youtube/BGM_Pony_Degeneracy_UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA/2-BGM_Pony_Degeneracy-20230804-youtube-1280x720-ojY7iarejt0.webm
>AI music, Twilight Sparkle /ipfs/Qme5JFtX73y7Npehux2GMuKJZazSJyfFYvBMZZcaygvxX4/youtube/BGM_Pony_Degeneracy_UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA/AIVA_GPT-J_-_Technology_Prevails_ft._TalkNet-BGM_Pony_Degeneracy-20220530-youtube-1920x1080-pQJiyWgrpds.webm
Neat. (Reminds me of "Technologic" by Daft Punk.)

(HPC went offline today - I tried to hang myself with the Ethernet cord that it was using; just kidding.) All text in this post=2024-05-03 UTC

Anon 05/04/2024 (Sat) 05:14 [Preview] No.10316 del
Oops, imagine that that post does not have these lines:
> >/ipfs/Qme5JFtX73y7Npehux2GMuKJZazSJyfFYvBMZZcaygvxX4/youtube/BGM_Pony_Degeneracy_UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA/Antithology_Submission_-_TD_In_Equestria-BGM_Pony_Degeneracy-20220625-youtube-1920x1080-cyK8iv2Ut2U.webm
> Neat.

Pics from Bronibooru:
File "picture_perfect.jpg" and other files were copied to multiple folders (such as "rainbow_dash"), for I hoped to use a block sharing thing with folder "character". In one sitting:
. 21 character folders
.. 135.3 MiB from 193 image files.
... files were originally hexadecimal filenames only

One can easily rename (to meaningful names) and move about 200 image files to character folders in one sitting. Picrel:
"painting_hooves.png" is related to another image ITT.

>$ sudo zpool import -o readonly=on -f -FX zb # works
Also works now:
>$ sudo zpool import -o readonly=on zb

Anon 05/04/2024 (Sat) 05:33 [Preview] No.10317 del
Typos because today was shitty (I can at least be glad than zb imports as read-only as I found out like 2 days ago):
*Maybe I mentioned this part in the past
*Lyric: "With a little faith and trust, we can fashion dreams from dust. In just. No. Time. At. All!"

>can import as RO
Trying to import as RW = still hangs and/or results in a kernel panic.

du reports the wrong size with this video:
>$ du -sh $f
>23K /ipfs/Qme5JFtX73y7Npehux2GMuKJZazSJyfFYvBMZZcaygvxX4/youtube/BGM_Pony_Degeneracy_UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA/AIVA_GPT-J_-_Technology_Prevails_ft._TalkNet-BGM_Pony_Degeneracy-20220530-youtube-1920x1080-pQJiyWgrpds.webm
>$ # FUSE-mounted IPFS
>$ cat /ipfs/Qme5JFtX73y7Npehux2GMuKJZazSJyfFYvBMZZcaygvxX4/youtube/BGM_Pony_Degeneracy_UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA/AIVA_GPT-J_-_Technology_Prevails_ft._TalkNet-BGM_Pony_Degeneracy-20220530-youtube-1920x1080-pQJiyWgrpds.webm | wc --bytes
>$ # Byte count thing shows the correct filesize: 46,828,439 bytes

Anon 05/04/2024 (Sat) 06:01 [Preview] No.10318 del
>This guy hasn't posted or uploaded in months. Maybe he died.
>*He actually died.*
If I don't post for months without saying something like "I'm taking a long break" then assume I'm dead or something I guess. Maybe I can set up some technology to emit a death message in case I die, LOL.

>duplicate image due to c/v button crapping out
Here's that reflection test image that I meant to post. Read
Other image is like that soyjak pointing meme. Other pics=YT thumbnails:

Anon 05/04/2024 (Sat) 06:22 [Preview] No.10319 del
Meant to paste in the link to that BGM_Pony_Degeneracy edit where Octavia got mad at Vinyl (or was it the other way around?) and say "Neat" about it. (Similar: Epic Rap Battles of History Skrillex vs. Beethoven)

Desc file doesn't have lyrics:
>$ cat /ipfs/Qme5JFtX73y7Npehux2GMuKJZazSJyfFYvBMZZcaygvxX4/youtube/BGM_Pony_Degeneracy_UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA/AIVA_GPT-J_-_Technology_Prevails_ft._TalkNet-BGM_Pony_Degeneracy-20220530-youtube-1920x1080-pQJiyWgrpds.description ; echo -n " "
>DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HLMTCzfFeyYwWnu9XO8qoc0ET3OHvuDD/view?usp=sharing
>INSTRUMENTAL: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12lhbFoGq8nUK67m__tWe64dTuWuHJdUC/view?usp=sharing
>AIVA only version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QEk_HxZf1VJSAVXn923fq0jwi1vc8jxp/view?usp=sharing
>My goal here was to make a song created entirely by AI, therefore I tried to have as little creative input as possible, only keeping things mixed and putting little transitions where necessary. The first four lines of lyrics are written by me, which was necessary for the AI to have the proper context so that it could in turn generate the rest.
>Soundtrack composed by AIVA (Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist): $

>No more at the mercy of the Sun but under our own control.
Thinking this is reference to the dialectic between big tech and literally anything else (P2P/self-hosting/darknet).

Anon 05/04/2024 (Sat) 06:49 [Preview] No.10320 del
Good news friends. I can import zb as read-only (more info above and guide on how to run IPFS as an RO filesystem). Better than nothing, but there isn't a metaslab fixer program; so I guess I'll have to redo that ZFS pool:
1. Spend another fucking 300+ dollars on a HDD which can contain 9 TB or something.
2. (a.) Copy everything to the new HDD or (b.) use the free space of a bunch of HDDs
3. zpool-destroy "broken" pool
4. If (b): Combine diaspora data back into recreated zb (not spelled and doesn't sound like "dispora")

Would have been better if I didn't have to deal with this dumb situation in the first place, but alas. At this point I am more worried about a different ZFS HDD which is degraded: possibly unexpected "lemon", real concerning and maybe will die soon.

That low-pitch short guitar riff sounds kinda French House. (BTW, today I listened to some music that I didn't even know I had.)

Anon 05/05/2024 (Sun) 00:57 [Preview] No.10323 del
2018 video not in TPA - "Pmv-How To Save A Life (The Fray)":

When sharing links in this context, it makes sense to share the channel playlist link of it (playlist which starts with UU or UC and not PL).


What are some online storage solutions? In the past I thought that Filecoin was easier than it really is. Only way to earn in Filecoin is by having powerful hardware or being involved in a datacenter. It is an elitist mining environment as seen by the hardware requirements here:
. https://filecoin.io/blog/posts/a-guide-to-filecoin-storage-mining/
. https://lotus.filecoin.io/storage-providers/get-started/hardware-requirements/

Therefore, if you want to have your data "in the cloud" with this method, users are mainly going to be paying FIL to some Chinaman or whoever to store it and provide retrieval services. Filecoin is like "have IPFS data online and easily accessible/downloadable for an agreed-upon amount of time." Is there a free solution? Yes, 1. self-hosting ipfs with crappy upload speeds and/or hardware (or not). Or, 2. find someone willing to host it on Filecoin for free (not considering gas fees). Or, 3. upload NFT-related data to nft.storage or participate in something else which is part of the Filecoin Plus program. (BitTorrent is also a free solution.)

Other note: in this 2022 Filecoin-related video https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MlhZlKgzSI8 a guy said that "experts believe that the total data created will triple in the next 5 years." So 50 ZB to 175 ZB in regards to the global data sphere. Zettabytes globally (but how much is stored in outer space or not-Earth?). (Also, for non-elitist mining, I would recommend Monero.)

>That guy holding a pony picture

These 3 images were selected with the help of decentralized randomness beacon - rounds 7888, 7788, 7688:
$ r1=$(curl -sL \
https://api.drand.secureweb3.com:6875/52db9ba70e0cc0f6eaf7803dd07447a1f5477735fd3f661792ba94600c84e971/public/7888 \
| jq .randomness | sed "s/\"//g"); r2=$(echo $((16#$r1)) | sed "s/-//g"); \
echo -e "import random\nrandom.seed($r2)\nprint(random.randrange(1, 1811))" | python3 -
$ find . | sort | grep -n $ | grep "^1381"
(It would have been better if I used find on a "popular folder" instead of a "random one" that I have.)

Anon 05/05/2024 (Sun) 02:58 [Preview] No.10324 del
Video which is in TPA - "/mlp/ v /pol/ - 2019 4chan Summer Cup - BronyCon Audience Live Reactions":

Gameplay starts at 15 minutes into the video.

Here's those two items that were stupidly DMCA-deleted off of archive.org:
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeihkhzqakknbmhikzp5z22dwjqrvk7zkkqdm4363czzc3hcdzfbcd4
. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeiayanrivopmdqmeepp6veo3f4y4n2fttc2pwkex27sis3b762c6ra

Here's tty which shows less than 10,000 overheat events per message.

One of the reasons that Filecoin storage providers have to use hardcore hardware is because proof-of-spacetime or whatever requires that they do something like hash verify however many terabytes that they have in the system every day. Imagine using BitTorrent but you have to recheck all 4 terabytes of your torrents every 24 hours. (Or think of using IPFS where you have to run "ipfs pin verify" every day.)

Anon 05/05/2024 (Sun) 23:07 [Preview] No.10325 del
>/mlp/ v /pol/ - 2019 4chan Summer Cup
I maybe felt that that video was more interesting than I thought it'd be, like that last goal by Hitler was a neat play. (Also I think I remember someone said that a non-/mlp/ team betrayed their own team to score a goal for /mlp/.)

>Filecoin one-sidedness
I watched a small amount of this video - https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=XlqW3LrN578&list=PL_0VrY55uV1_Z83vRQq5DsSI20X1YWO4q&index=1 - and found the comments to be interesting; some of them:
. A user said that he had a powerful single-computer server, but another guy responded that that still wouldn't work to do everything, so to be a storage provider (miner) you would need multiple powerful server computers.
. Funny comment: "So centralized Data Centers will run this in a decentralized way. ROFL!!!"

On the one hoof, Filecoin is dumb because not everyone can participate in the main aspects of it. On the other hoof, it's cool because you know that whoever is storing the data will have the power to bring the fire to the decentralized environment.

What are some alternatives? There's Arweave:
. https://viewblock.io/arweave
. 4everland's address: https://viewblock.io/arweave/address/96nQROiF0ahfpMzTtyfpRNa_gu7s7OUWPUhsHSsz5aI
. A block: https://viewblock.io/arweave/block/1117689
. A file/transaction: https://viewblock.io/arweave/tx/GoV0PYq6RVvASxkxoZh05UU5Qjs9zIqroX42BPvZ0lA
.. It's a video file: https://arweave.net/GoV0PYq6RVvASxkxoZh05UU5Qjs9zIqroX42BPvZ0lA

There's also Storj. Don't know about the level of elitism of Arweave and Storj. (BTW, a supercomputer smokes a small cluster of powerful server computers; a supercomputer can have millions of cores, hundreds of terabytes of memory and storage, and takes tens of thousands or thousands of dollars to run per day.)

Anon 05/06/2024 (Mon) 08:16 [Preview] No.10326 del
>magnet and IPFS link for 4chan_gif_2023_06(.zip)
I found some cringe in there. The other attached video is not MLP-related, but it's a wild video.


Video not in TPA - 3 maybe dumb ones:

2021 - "i edited My Little Pony because friendship is magic" (~750K views, ~3000 comments):

2024 - "Open The Door // MLP // Animation MEME":


Anon 05/07/2024 (Tue) 22:43 [Preview] No.10328 del
40 years of My Little Pony - videos

>90s pop remix:
There's also:
. 80s remix: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmXkVuuniXPCqF4B5rdNBynL7RJi3kxEJzhP4NzoHjht7s/youtube/channelname_channelid/My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel_UCPDZUP5JAxet_mhLBPoNn5A/My_Little_Pony_-_40_Years_80_s_Remix_Official_Lyrics_Video_Music_MLP_Song-My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel-20230802-youtube-1920x1080-QDVjSKt9u3s.webm
. Acoustic remix: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeiel2uwpbg63revbr6pxbkvfsvm4oewcgv6gamzdbzsbwvg3tzjvti/youtube/channelname_channelid/My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel_UCPDZUP5JAxet_mhLBPoNn5A/My_Little_Pony_-_40_Years_Acoustic_Remix_Official_Lyrics_Video_Music_MLP_Song-My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel-20230831-youtube-1920x1080-Nq-5LkSc0W4.webm
. Electronic dance music remix: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmadpaQNcPg3pDcW2PTfV6FKjhk66VL779h76tiWpSDUSm/channelname_channelid/My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel_UCPDZUP5JAxet_mhLBPoNn5A/My_Little_Pony_-_40_Years_EDM_Remix_Official_Lyrics_Video_Music_MLP_Song-My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel-20230824-youtube-1920x1080-Xynv9EoC3KM.webm
. Lo-fi remix: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeifwwjdbhwlfuj3bnbaqpe463fruzmx4gix5aq42b7hjtatj4hcsgi/channelname_channelid/My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel_UCPDZUP5JAxet_mhLBPoNn5A/My_Little_Pony_-_40_Years_Lofi_Remix_Official_Lyrics_Video_Music_MLP_Song-My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel-20230817-youtube-1920x1080-yUJqoSPNS4Y.webm
. Remix: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmcY3VWzTtJTbzJoQYAzfu7tYx5EXtyXNr6gNw8sTewvFi/My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel_UCPDZUP5JAxet_mhLBPoNn5A/My_Little_Pony_-_40_Years_Original_Theme_Tune_Remix_Official_Lyrics_Video_Music_MLP_Song-My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel-20230707-youtube-1920x1080--t_e-GLnOqA.webm
. Sped-up remix: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeigs53ceeopd2ozgdrgeikvndls644udhyfc42suqi4vxz5cn3edze/My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel_UCPDZUP5JAxet_mhLBPoNn5A/My_Little_Pony_-_40_Years_Sped_Up_Remix_Official_Lyrics_Video_Music_MLP_Song-My_Little_Pony_Official_Music_Channel-20230810-youtube-1920x1080-AK9v0Uq9IRE.webm

>"High latency"
Doing this seems to help with that: run a one-liner to provide each leaf node to the DHT (also provide zero or more parent nodes to the DHT); use xargs and stuff to do that.

Anon 05/08/2024 (Wed) 00:11 [Preview] No.10329 del
Neat - https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeihjzqtuygfegvyfqfkki2vb7ffbz6bjxp7c6rlur4ohhq6emfpkam/youtube/BGM_Pony_Degeneracy_UCk-L2CG6fxIIe_o6LreemAA/FiM_but_it_s_an_edgy_reboot-BGM_Pony_Degeneracy-20230324-youtube-2560x1440-iNQ_Ef-NYe4.webm - Applejack said "there ain't no damn Sun anymore." A comment="Very accurate and well done. I HATE how every new movie of the past decade is a nostalgia reboot cash grab and every last one has the first part of the theme song played slowly on heavy reverberating piano keys. Every. Single. Time." Also, recently, I was thinking about ponies in bad situations: psychological trauma, physical trauma, whatever.

I move HPC HDD to main computer. ipfs didn't easily work in there due to annoying permissions; about every file in z7 looked like this:
>$ stat /mnt/z7/config
>[...]Access: (0600/-rw-------) Uid: ( 999/systemd-coredump) Gid: ( 999/systemd-coredump)[...]
>$ stat /mnt/z7
>[...]Access: (0775/drwxrwxr-x) Uid: ( 999/systemd-coredump) Gid: ( 999/systemd-coredump)[...]
so I ran chown and chgrp multiple times - took about 24 hours. Most recent:
>$ utc; sudo chgrp -R ubuntu /mnt/z7; utc
>$ utc; sudo chown -R ubuntu /mnt/z7/blocks; utc
>$ # "/mnt/z7" contains roughly a million files. P.S. My high score in tint-tetris = 24,301
Instead, maybe I should have set it to 775 permissions, or whatever allows read+write for everyone. I guess it completely works in Ubuntu now, not sure if it will work in HPC again. (BTW, I saw that zb can upload ipfs data at 2.1 MB/s.)

I uploaded the same file to Arweave twice, and both times it had the same hash/location; it does have deduplication. 3 image files + 1 text file in the Arweave blockchain (picrel):
. https://arweave.net/qdbcvtg971hH37aNFSgAm9Dm3qUP2ccuUFImjvoyAMo
. https://arweave.net/WkSYZZDmwb_o8nPg3nsS5lADZQpgVqZz1dorzrEkQtQ
. https://arweave.net/xEUWDggvrhV6c84Vwf3EkGKJDx00YnqgsPP8Pg6kL9o
. https://arweave.net/Uc-XEnNBGonZFBuQTaSgKkXRjfhkeM1VHNhLHtYYVlg

Anon 05/08/2024 (Wed) 08:17 [Preview] No.10330 del
What happens if you download a YouTube video more than one time? You won't get the same video files: the hashes won't match. YouTube itself and/or FFmpeg combining streams together = non-deterministic data, sadly. (FFmpeg is more to blame I think; if you downloaded just an audio stream or video stream from YT multiple times, I guess it would be the same each time.) Real example - 1st download:
>$ ipfs ls /ipfs/QmWvaCyeUpUnyNvLL6QzW4GeLEHnPPRSLEVBwCkzJkjXQP
>[...]QmW6KkhztTusP1ASFDji8HqnFZnw3JvaurSvkYmenAvfW9 51445407 Through_the_Fire_and_Ponies_PMV.mp4-Apple_Dash-20120409-youtube-960x720-FGpdrxHr3Cw.webm[...]
2nd download:
>$ ipfs add --only-hash --raw-leaves --chunker=size-1048576 $f
>added QmdwALb4k3SS1qeJw2w7xfRgiAg9Rfd8DJsAQSxkSqT9We Through_the_Fire_and_Ponies_PMV.mp4-Apple_Dash-20120409-youtube-960x720-FGpdrxHr3Cw.webm
> 49.06 MiB / 49.06 MiB [...] 100.00%
>$ # same 51,445,407-byte filesize, but no match (QmW6...vfW9 =/= Qmdw...T9We)

Bytes are different even at the start of each file:
>$ ipfs cat QmW6KkhztTusP1ASFDji8HqnFZnw3JvaurSvkYmenAvfW9 | xxd | head -n18
>[...]000: 1a45 dfa3 9f42 8681 0142 f781 0142 f281 .E...B...B...B..
>00000010: 0442 f381 0842 8284 7765 626d 4287 8104 .B...B..webmB...
>[same] Lavf58.76.100D..[same]
>00000110: 0000 0000 0000 42d7 8101 73c5 88ab 290e ......B...s...). [ <- different ]
>$ cat /z9/youtube/Apple_Dash_UCYApxt-C8NrVKJhjkj-B76w/Through_the_Fire_and_Ponies_PMV.mp4-Apple_Dash-20120409-youtube-960x720-FGpdrxHr3Cw.webm | xxd | head -n18
>00000000: 1a45 dfa3 9f42 8681 0142 f781 0142 f281 .E...B...B...B..
>00000010: 0442 f381 0842 8284 7765 626d 4287 8104 .B...B..webmB...
>[same] Lavf58.76.100D..[same]
>00000110: 0000 0000 0000 42d7 8101 73c5 887b 34ec ......B...s..{4. [ <- different ]
>$ # :(

I think I remember a 4chan /g/ anon asking about how to get deterministic FFmpeg outputs. IIRC, the answer(s) were that it was basicly not possible.

Anon 05/09/2024 (Thu) 01:52 [Preview] No.10331 del
Don't have it. That thread = 2023-12-25. What I have = both 2023-12-11:
. endchan.org-pone-res-3148.html-2023-12-11-bdb8b351-00000.warc.gz
. endchan.org-pone-res-3148.html-2023-12-11-0f64be08-00000.warc.gz

>At this point I am more worried about a different ZFS HDD which is degraded: possibly unexpected "lemon", real concerning and maybe will die soon.
It's true that I was unlucky with that one. z8: size=4.55T, 94% filled, frag=19%, HEALTH=DEGRADED and "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdc" says
> Current_Pending_Sector 26
> Power_On_Hours: 2452
> Spin_Up_Time: 1908
> Load_Cycle_Count: 13931
> Reallocated_Sector_Ct + Seek_Error_Rate + Reallocated_Event_Count: 0

It's actually DEGRADED after only 2,452 hours of being powered on (working most of the time I guess). Why? Maybe many reads/writes did it. It can xfr at ~50 MB/s max, so maybe I can copy it all to za before it dies. Avg. xfr = ~20 MB/s. It has multiple no data available errors, such as
>rsync: [sender] read errors mapping "/z8/web/5c7362d/zootube/Mare day creampie [5151].mp4": No data available (61)

>/za/web/5c7362d/zootube/Donkey penis fucking a mare pussy from behind [3451].mp4
Equine penis is pretty long, but not as thick as depicted in porn sometimes. Humans have like the thickest penis, and that's one of the reasons why Ponyville mares like having sex with them.

*basically not possible.

Anon 05/09/2024 (Thu) 04:01 [Preview] No.10333 del
>YouTube = pretty much non-deterministic data :[
Seems to only apply if FFmpeg is involved in combining streams. Same hash from two downloads of a lower-quality video with audio:
>$ yt-dlp -f 18 tr0BzjzFv38 -o tr0BzjzFv38.1.mp4
>$ yt-dlp -f 18 tr0BzjzFv38 -o tr0BzjzFv38.2.mp4
>$ sha1sum tr0BzjzFv38.1.mp4 tr0BzjzFv38.2.mp4
>2362efc09d1788dd9b5d2ca873e6b285f267f529 tr0BzjzFv38.1.mp4
>2362efc09d1788dd9b5d2ca873e6b285f267f529 tr0BzjzFv38.2.mp4
>$ # Should also look similar to this with video-only and audio-only files.
Non-360p video from

>File Mare\ day* = gone [backup location=WARC]
Redownloaded (=same amount of bytes). Another no-data-available file:
Backup location:
. https://web.archive.org/web/20231224233704/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmTrUfaAz7rPZjLSG3HzznSfWpZxcv76DvaCrjV6NPHym9/
.. ipfs://QmRtnKphTm4CDFydn41jzc9YgtFjqtSiAkHXnjrcjEKfcf?filename=www.ponychan.net-2023-12-09-e8526e3c-00003.warc.gz

>why Ponyville mares...
Lyra Heartstrings: "Oh! Put your thick human penis inside of me!"

Anon 05/09/2024 (Thu) 18:12 [Preview] No.10335 del
If you have a degraded ZFS HDD, then I recommend mounting it as read-only. ZFS is "constantly" writing to the transaction log, so to minimize wear on it mount it as RO:
>$ sudo zpool import -o readonly=on zpool_name

Also, before deleting lots of stuff (after copying it to another HDD), I guess it is a good idea to make a snapshot:
>whatever the zfs command for this is
also consider the 3 copies vs. 2 copies vs. 1 copy idea >>10239


Wonder if Bronibooru's S3 bucket has been deleted yet.
. index https://w3s.link/ipfs/bafybeieffk3gnfnvazpeerhytu3utnu7ogmks4cjf7mcok4di2uivjw5ku
. at https://s3.amazonaws.com/bronibooru/[filename]

Looks like the following is the case when uploading to Arweave (doesn't apply to ipfs):
. an image file without any extension = web browser -> HTTP -> download only (can't view image in browser)
. an image file with an extension like .jpg = web browser -> HTTP -> can view image in browser

If the original location is corrupted, then the other one is no longer a "backup location"; instead, it's an "other location".

>xfr speed
I saw it go up to 56.55 MB/s.

Audio files from

Anon 05/10/2024 (Fri) 02:58 [Preview] No.10336 del
Take a set of files and sort by file size. Sometimes, the smallest files are invalid or incomplete ones. I can think of some 4chan torrent(s) where this is the case. I recently looked at Everfree_Radio_RIP -- magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4ce2cc82c906a383aa418b6a179dd26b25d8e26f&dn=Everfree_Radio_RIP&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.trackerfix.com%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fexplodie.org%3A6969%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.tfile.me%2Fannounce&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fbigfoot1942.sektori.org%3A6969%2Fannounce -- and saw some invalid/incomplete files in there:
. "Steffan Andrews - Man of Awesome.mp3"
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreiassdumn7j4pw7l5cfnpqi32le632qyuf6ol3mh2aijqiepxem7oa
.. https://arweave.net/BpFalDUUhjd0WHKd5tWXTSTSthCx-5kDu3aoyyQj8-s
. "StationID - Trevor Devall 4.mp3"
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreicbcy7uiiofkvzfhalvlqc6hqhwvjaaue7m2io6zd2s5bqph7x6va
.. https://ntbta5vcbpgrmyskxufnnebr3wozjt44pjnp4fligx7uyaydqrja.arweave.net/bMMwdqILzRZiSr0K1pAx3Z2Uz5x6Wv4VaDX_TAMDhFI
. "Mixology - DJ Midli - Dr Mad Midlis Mad Machines running wild 3spoop edition.mp3"
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreiah3ezhortbafsg43kywrkdmwpvee5azwkod63kfnqskza352jgnq
.. https://ar-io.dev/khBRYHlH5ho3I8kCdg3CpKHpNgzi2T65QmfTi82Ntik
. "Tara Strong - Take A Letter.mp3"
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreiae3tdazokrg3whfh2x4x3rgdfwnz4dgan7h3b6bo6oxxxf233tvi
.. https://ghnso7knypzhknhrwsfal427dzk6icyavq5bg6ixxl4chhacqdfa.ar-io.dev/MdsnfU3D8nU08bSKBfNfHlXkCwCsOhN5F7r4I5wCgMo
. "Lee Tockar - Steven Magnet ID 1.mp3"
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreidpp7io2uuhr45lrxi7z7ljqvfbkfamwi5xa3e47agxka3qcbaafq
.. https://15998603.4everland.store/Lee%20Tockar%20-%20Steven%20Magnet%20ID%201.mp3
. "Garret - Station ID.mp3"
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreidwwyyrvrrqwbbques7und5xz27ciqmpseb2kttcepfyztujpbgi4
.. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B38kVwl13cntajhYOWlBeXp5UkE?resourcekey=0-RaY4l9KR_fxioswD2mmLxg&usp=sharing
. "Armin Van Buuren - Going Wrong.mp3"
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreiad7amf5lgoosxzbphvfjsfb5gslqzjou27l2ued3wkftvelk7xoq
.. https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Music/Fan-made/Music%20archives/Everfree_Radio_RIP%20%28incomplete%29/Everfree_Radio_RIP/Armin%20Van%20Buuren%20-%20Going%20Wrong.mp3
. "Will Anderson - EFR Station ID.mp3"
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreian75dgloejr6ttwfk4o577kodxtgonsfxkxzpkuznj2vwal34hay
.. https://web.archive.org/web/20230327004510/https://bafybeibrcvt5jhzvln3r2xuwz26binkm6iru3fznwowjtvmseaitznrawm.ipfs.w3s.link/

Anon 05/11/2024 (Sat) 01:53 [Preview] No.10347 del
(1.07 MB 3840x2160 mpv-shot0001.jpg)
I'm a bit concerned about this 417-GiB torrent (last seen complete = 2023-11-09 UTC):

[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale

I was unlucky >>10331 and 20 GB worth of files in that folder got corrupted.
>/z8/t/[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale/
was copied to
>/za/t/[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale/
with ~20GB missing. z8 is mounted as RO, za as RW. I couldn't get qBittorrent to change the location from z8 to the za. I tried doing that when pause, when unpaused, and after force recheck then quickly pause. Each time it tried to move the folder instead of just change its location. qBittorrent v4.6.0 couldn't move it due to being mounted as read-only, not that I wanted it to because each time I click "Set location..." not "Move...". Annoying, so I remove it from the transfer list then re-added it. Before doing that I copied these to files in "/home/ubuntu/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/BT_backup/": "73605190116277ddda6bc24ee91c08a2af27a7e2.fastresume" and "73605190116277ddda6bc24ee91c08a2af27a7e2.torrent". The .fastresume file has bencoded info such as:
= 419,914,650,258-byte folder, last uploaded in 1702585930, uploaded 105,827,164,263 bytes (~105 GB). Save .fastresume files if you want to keep metadata like when you last uploaded that data to someone.

>the 3 copies vs. 2 copies vs. 1 copy idea >>10239
(Or the "Always have 2 copies principle".)

Screenshot of HEVC file "/za/t/[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale/Season 3/MLP S3E01 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv"

Anon 05/11/2024 (Sat) 09:32 [Preview] No.10348 del
No one is seeding that 4K MLP torrent today (I have 95.4% of it). Will post more precise times later maybe. ("Precise" not "percise".) What I'm missing:
>rsync: [sender] read errors mapping "/z8/t/[Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale/
> Equestria Girls/Better Together/Choose Your Own Ending/Season 2/MLP EG - CYOE S2E05 - Accountibilibuddies (4K ESRGAN)/02 MLP EG CYOE S2E05 – Pinkie Pie (4K ESRGAN).mkv": No data available (61)
> Equestria Girls/Movies/MLP EG - Rainbow Rocks (4K ESRGAN).mkv": No data available (61)
> Season 1/MLP S1E02 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv": No data available (61)
> Season 3/MLP S3E01 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv": No data available (61)
> Season 3/MLP S3E10 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv": No data available (61)
> Season 6/MLP S6E06 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv": No data available (61)
> Season 7/MLP S7E01 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv": No data available (61)
> Season 7/MLP S7E03 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv": No data available (61)
> Season 8/MLP S8E13 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv": No data available (61)
> Season 8/MLP S8E16 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv": No data available (61)
> Season 9/MLP S9E03 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv": No data available (61)
> Season 9/MLP S9E10 (ESRGAN 4K Upscale).mkv": No data available (61)

>qBittorrent: couldn't change the location without readding (z8->za)
I could easily change the location of these two from z8 to za for some reason (so qBittorrent is buggy):
. Rare/older version of some MLP-related AI data or software (~32 GB)
.. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c56b7b60b0ac5092d01f26ba92600d7468d76c7f&dn=rendertraces.zip&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fretracker.omsk.ru%3A2710%2Fannounce
. Swedish dub of MLP FIM I think
.. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:eb2f44586e94687ea0c26b51d13cb6fb3b6320ee&dn=My%20Little%20Pony%20V%C3%A4nskap%20%C3%A4r%20magisk&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337

An index of some YT data:

/fglt/ anon asked if I am in fact using a 32-bit computer and not a 64-bit one:

Anon 05/12/2024 (Sun) 01:29 [Preview] No.10349 del
>half of it hanging off of a cliff
Unless there's some magic involved, I don't think that castle is up to code.

Two cases: can easily change location of torrent vs. can't. A third case is this: stuck at "Moving". For like 16 hours this -- magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9671fb0855c7931fe98f03f7612c18010fb10121&dn=4chan-mlp&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker1.bt.moack.co.kr%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.theoks.net%3A6969%2Fannounce -- plus 5 other torrents have been stuck at "Moving". Guess I will have to readd those.

4chan-mlp = ~1 terabyte of full images from 4chan /mlp/.


Want to share a rendered webpage? You can use IPFS or something. Otherwise, I recently saw that HTML files at litter.catbox.moe show up as rendered in some cases:
. same link
.. unrendered HTML: https://archive.ph/2024.05.11-084426/https://litter.catbox.moe/klcjys.html
.. rendered HTML: https://web.archive.org/web/20240511084623/https://litter.catbox.moe/klcjys.html
. files.catbox.moe doesn't render HTMLs at all. E.g.:
.. https://archive.ph/2024.05.11-084416/https://files.catbox.moe/biswtn.html
.. https://web.archive.org/web/20240511084221/https://files.catbox.moe/biswtn.html

Anon 05/12/2024 (Sun) 09:31 [Preview] No.10350 del
Have you seen the "fistful of yen" tag/meme? I first happened upon the source of it when I went to this literal tranime webpage:

I went to that page looking for an uncensored image seen as censored in this video by pajeet - "Why Keffals Is A Complete FRAUD...": https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=Yo1_zQ1iTLs / https://youtubetranscript.com/?v=Yo1_zQ1iTLs

Keffals = lying tranny scum, an asshole online, got Cloudflare to drop KiwiFarms. (Formerly Robert, renamed to Claire.) I am glad that Cloudflare said that their history of non-neutrality/over-involvement and censorship was a bad move business-wise. It hit Cuckflare right in the bottom line: where it hurts.

(Stuck at Moving with z8->za, and I think z8 is very near death.)

>>some post above ITT
Raw block version of that Base64 open redirect:
. https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafkreiddk2j546wiv7lvobb5o2dadytb4aih2gkm5ra2nqt4ntuemvxxqq
.. add "?[base64 enc url]" to the end of that URL and JS will take you there

Restored torrent Anon 05/12/2024 (Sun) 14:03 [Preview] No.10351 del
This torrent has been restored to 100% complete! As seen by multiple datapoints, it was only partially available for months or years. I worked on restoring it months ago, finished today:

More collections of MLP books:
. YayPonies
. My Little Pony book collection v2
.. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:47a39a5a3817bc6f33f069c924a33509e85fb311&dn=My%20Little%20Pony%20book%20collection%20v2
. mlpbooks
.. magnet:?xt=urn:btih:e918b8a664430fa353e75163935d62fea500ab74&dn=mlpbooks
... this is v3 or v1

Rare (I also have this):

That folder is not entirely npr. Lyric video oPz-ClsvN7U -- https://quicknode.quicknode-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafybeicm4rldh5agmbi2zt4dxoqpmujvxm7yksbd27we5vyitiylzen66e/YouTube/y2mate.com%20-%20pink_guy_kill_yourself_lyric_video_oPz-ClsvN7U_360p.mp4 -- references My Little Pony.

I hope that Clownflare doesn't become worse, seeing as a big part of the Internet relies on it.

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 04:01 [Preview] No.10361 del
(180.98 KB 1024x1024 1703806581866.jpg)
>Torrent: [Loyaldk] My Little Pony 4K Upscale
This ESRGAN upscale has been offline for days now (no last seen complete). I have 96.6% of it. Different 4K MLP thing (~700 GB):
. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y5Xw6n4nGwiaISG85dikEmXxtR-AgLbN
.. subfolder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wYOBiI7gY6ecGo4CjLOrcLiN02ROIE21

>Torrent: ~1 terabyte of full images from 4chan /mlp/
Also offline today (no LSC). I have 88.2% of it

>>10353 (cross-thread)
>ipfs://QmbnXCdzdtijip5F35PgkZRAmTBu7MPdsU1po7AXUJG5Bn [semi-online, index]
Somewhat of an MLP-related folder, such as subfolder:

pic maybe unrelated

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 04:50 [Preview] No.10362 del

...but hold your horses,I still have a postor two to make there.Which should be done within the next 6 hours (normal life interruption).

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 06:19 [Preview] No.10364 del
Earlier, I think you asked about links to include in the OP. I thought about this, but never said it - this software:

I wish I would have known about grab-site like 5 years ago back when I had a chance to save a set of sites that were slated to get deleted and AT was unwilling to help me. I cared about those site, but many images and webpages were nonetheless lost forever. Run grab-site in Linux (which is easier than running a fancy wget/wpull command which does about the same thing) and it will download all or part of a website.

Anon 05/13/2024 (Mon) 09:55 [Preview] No.10372 del

I was thinking more of a early post with a lot of useful info (though yeah, it might make sense to put a few of those things in the OP as well), and I did place it as the most recommend option for full site archival:>>10367
You had mentioned it before and this was actually in the draft. So I think we are good there!

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