/bane/ - Bane

With no survivors!

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New Board Owner Brother Board owner 05/17/2016 (Tue) 10:39 [Preview] No. 88 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Ignore everything the previous hothead said. Post some Bane instead.

Brother 05/17/2016 (Tue) 15:10:07 [Preview] No. 89 del
(131.25 KB 1000x670 image.jpeg)

Brother 07/07/2018 (Sat) 18:42:31 [Preview] No.97 del
Crashing this thread

(7.43 MB 540x360 Banegelion.webm)
(1.43 MB 424x228 big gay.webm)
(7.50 MB 1024x576 remove hothead.webm)
Brother 05/19/2016 (Thu) 13:31:13 [Preview] No. 91 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
webm thread

Brother 01/05/2017 (Thu) 01:56:31 [Preview] No. 96 del

Brother 09/06/2016 (Tue) 00:23:36 [Preview] No. 94 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Brother 09/06/2016 (Tue) 01:14:21 [Preview] No. 95 del
if I took U outside would U die?

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Brother 07/09/2016 (Sat) 20:56:53 [Preview] No. 93 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
[Beck's] sartorial bent and the way it was represented in the press didn’t captivate everyone. A few years ago, he bumped into Gregg Alexander, the lanky writer of the huge New Radicals’ hit U Get What U Give, which ended with the vituperative rap of “Fashion shoots with Beck and Hanson / Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson / U’re all fakes / Run to Ur mansions / Come around / We’ll kick Ur ass in”.

“I was in a grocery store and he [Alexander] came running up to me, so apologetic, and saying, ‘I hope U weren’t offended. It wasn’t supposed to be personal.’ I was kind of pleased, because he’s a big guy.”


Sing Street Starring CIA Brother 05/28/2016 (Sat) 15:35:27 [Preview] No. 92 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Has anyone seen CIA's latest hit film?

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U 01/10/2016 (Sun) 00:39:26 [Preview] No. 68 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Doctor Pavel, I'm CIA.

U 02/09/2016 (Tue) 16:49:30 [Preview] No. 86 del
(39.20 KB 1280x720 maxresdefault (1).jpg)
He wasn't alone.

Brother 05/17/2016 (Tue) 15:13:41 [Preview] No. 90 del
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Dr. Goebells? I'm NSDAP.

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U 01/06/2016 (Wed) 00:26:30 [Preview] No. 54 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

U 01/10/2016 (Sun) 19:10:25 [Preview] No. 70 del
(12.56 KB 168x125 eye.jpg)

U 01/10/2016 (Sun) 19:15:00 [Preview] No. 71 del
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U 05/13/2016 (Fri) 19:43:42 [Preview] No. 87 del
(104.60 KB 517x444 cia stunface glorius.png)

Music Thread U 01/03/2016 (Sun) 15:45:19 [Preview] No. 23 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
post banecore
6 posts and 6 images omitted.

U 01/26/2016 (Tue) 04:39:23 [Preview] No. 81 del
(7.83 MB 640x356 bane_star.webm)

U 01/26/2016 (Tue) 04:40:05 [Preview] No. 82 del
(6.09 MB 640x360 B-Zan-E.webm)

U 01/26/2016 (Tue) 04:41:01 [Preview] No. 83 del
(6.79 MB 450x360 FOR_YOU.webm)

U 01/26/2016 (Tue) 04:48:42 [Preview] No. 84 del
(6.49 MB 1280x720 man_o'_the_mask.webm)

U 01/26/2016 (Tue) 09:43:41 [Preview] No. 85 del
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/bigguys/: the only board to transcend memes and make OC great again.

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U 01/10/2016 (Sun) 01:53:13 [Preview] No. 69 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
>taking a shit
>watch greatest movie of all time
>decided to look at related videos
>ad plays
>this shows up

I have a feeling their descent into the atmosphere will prove unwell.

U 01/18/2016 (Mon) 18:23:28 [Preview] No. 75 del
(275.93 KB 720x1280 1408731609967.jpg)
Glad to hear I'm not the only anon who watches big guy videos in the toilet.

U 01/20/2016 (Wed) 11:55:17 [Preview] No. 76 del
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I'm not a /bane/' regular, some might even call me a hothead, but just wanted to show some support for Ur based asses

I gave up polo shirts like a decade ago, but realized I need at least one polo in my wardrobe

U 01/23/2016 (Sat) 02:21:00 [Preview] No. 77 del
>watching doco on mafia in Serbia during th 90's
>Find Bane


U 01/23/2016 (Sat) 02:27:11 [Preview] No. 78 del
How do I even get that url to work?

U 01/25/2016 (Mon) 07:56:23 [Preview] No. 79 del
replace "Utu." with y.o.u without the full stops

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Crash Hard 2: Crash Harder U 01/05/2016 (Tue) 02:32:25 [Preview] No. 49 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Some of U have expressed concern that CIA4Bane is not the BO. However, I feel really in charge right now, and I am power stancing as hard as possible as I type this. However, if he wants, I will add him on as a co-owner.

Stay frosty, we still need some lighter fluid to get the fire going

CIA4Bane 01/05/2016 (Tue) 02:48:07 [Preview] No. 50 del
I'm at the /bane/ communities disposal. If they move here I'll move here. If not, I don't begrudge a companion/competition /bane/ board on this site, but I have no interest in moderating on two /bane/'s.

No intention of stepping on anyone's toes, I'm just willing to serve the majority of /bane/ big guys wherever they end up.

U 01/06/2016 (Wed) 07:30:37 [Preview] No. 56 del
U're a big guy

CIA4Bane 01/06/2016 (Wed) 20:26:04 [Preview] No. 59 del

U 01/17/2016 (Sun) 00:33:28 [Preview] No. 74 del
No, I'm glad that hothead isn't running the show here. He thinks Baneposting is capital and claims everything as his work and gives nothing to other brothers.

Also, he's reddit.