/bane/ - Bane

With no survivors!

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(1014.47 KB 1080x1838 2015-12-08 21.07.44.png)
U 01/10/2016 (Sun) 01:53:13 [Preview] No. 69
>taking a shit
>watch greatest movie of all time
>decided to look at related videos
>ad plays
>this shows up

I have a feeling their descent into the atmosphere will prove unwell.

U 01/18/2016 (Mon) 18:23:28 [Preview] No. 75 del
(275.93 KB 720x1280 1408731609967.jpg)
Glad to hear I'm not the only anon who watches big guy videos in the toilet.

U 01/20/2016 (Wed) 11:55:17 [Preview] No. 76 del
(108.36 KB 748x875 1453275164472.jpg)
I'm not a /bane/' regular, some might even call me a hothead, but just wanted to show some support for Ur based asses

I gave up polo shirts like a decade ago, but realized I need at least one polo in my wardrobe

U 01/23/2016 (Sat) 02:21:00 [Preview] No. 77 del
>watching doco on mafia in Serbia during th 90's
>Find Bane


U 01/23/2016 (Sat) 02:27:11 [Preview] No. 78 del
How do I even get that url to work?

U 01/25/2016 (Mon) 07:56:23 [Preview] No. 79 del
replace "Utu." with y.o.u without the full stops

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