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(40.09 MB 480x269 SJ.S05E04.XCV.webm)
Samurai Jack XCII- Loyal Subject 04/24/2017 (Mon) 05:27:11 [Preview] No. 161
Episodes 1-3 for season 5 are on the overchan: /t/c6bf0d40e8def617d0aea2ac81ac3746d9893c4d
Most of these are sourced from the torrents.
Rendering 06/XCVII as I post

Loyal Subject 04/24/2017 (Mon) 05:42:27 [Preview] No. 162 del
(29.57 MB 320x180 SJ.S05E06.XCVII.webm)
This render got done quicker because scale=320:-1 -crf 32 now. Under 30MB is great for pomf clones!

Loyal Subject 04/24/2017 (Mon) 05:59:25 [Preview] No. 163 del
(28.97 MB 320x180 SJ.S05E05.XCVI.webm)

Loyal Subject 04/24/2017 (Mon) 06:03:24 [Preview] No. 164 del
(14.00 KB 270x270 derp.jpg)
And for the real reason this thread was made!

Loyal Subject 04/24/2017 (Mon) 06:09:10 Id: eed7e6 [Preview] No. 165 del
Seriously hope they don't kill Ashii or Jack.

What if this is Trap Aku trolling Jack again?

Loyal Subject 04/24/2017 (Mon) 06:34:44 [Preview] No. 166 del
(97.40 KB 422x413 mrfw.jpg)
>>165 opinion: spoilers if you haven't seen these
When Jack tells Ashi about how the universe/stars were formed, they were foreshadowing the entire show & ending:
On XCIII they also used raw foreshadow&metaphor of the white fox being Jack. Thus it can be implied metaphors and foreshadows are legitimate plot devices.
I had this long theory that Jack by himself cannot kill Aku, since they are the same coin, good and evil. However Ashi is from the Dark Side/moon, she can and has killed, unlike Jack. On episode XCVI we are proven just that. While Jack fends off the children, Ashi overcomes herself, kills her torturer and destroy the lab.
In the parable, Moon invited Sun to space, riding the Phoenix (resurrection/conviction renewed) and inspiring the darkness with stars of the hope/arrows they shot. In the same way I see that Ashi will inspire Jack not to go back to the past and restore order, but carry on the future and inspire the next generation to come.
I was highly inspired by https://8ch.net/co/res/837383.html#840123
or oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/co/res/837383.html#840123
Although Jack dying and Ashi continuing his legacy would be a profound ending as well.

Loyal Subject 04/24/2017 (Mon) 06:56:11 [Preview] No. 167 del
>>166 I do have to correct myself
Jack did kill by accident, and later to defend himself from the sisters, recalling his father's words during just post Sengoku Era (implied since his father was an Emperor, and those were Shinobi attacking him).
Even artistically and canonically, it's implied Jack is Honda Tadakatsu/本多忠勝
But I mean it more symbolically than anything. The wikipedia entries suggest they might either make more than the 9 episodes with another season, or just finalize it with a movie.

Loyal Subject 04/30/2017 (Sun) 06:44:27 [Preview] No. 168 del
(14.75 MB 320x180 SJ.S05E07.XCVIII.webm)
sorry, was busy shitposting elsewhere.

Loyal Subject 04/30/2017 (Sun) 12:20:52 [Preview] No. 169 del

Anonymous 05/03/2017 (Wed) 01:18:22 [Preview] No. 170 del
>so many good jokes, so much good fan art, so many questions
>why, why on tumblr, of all places?!?
Why do normies do this to themselves?

Anonymous 05/03/2017 (Wed) 01:53:17 Id: eed7e6 [Preview] No. 171 del
>having a tumblr

You /co/ faggots truly have always been fucking cancer.

Anyhow, I'm still waiting for this series to be pozzed somehow, there's still 2 more episodes. If it's not pozzed I'll be shocked.

Anonymous 05/04/2017 (Thu) 00:03:33 [Preview] No. 172 del
I don't, but most of those good jokes and stuff are in fucking tumblr, sadly.

>2 more episodes
I apparently I saw 5 at one point. Would make sense: CII

Anonymous 05/07/2017 (Sun) 07:05:44 [Preview] No. 173 del
(31.25 MB 320x180 SJ.S05E08.XCIX.webm)

Anonymous 05/08/2017 (Mon) 06:53:30 Id: f24c23 [Preview] No. 175 del
file size limit is 350 so don't be afraid to bump of the bit rate next time

Anonymous 05/08/2017 (Mon) 08:51:25 [Preview] No. 176 del
latest goal was less than 30MB for pomf clones already failed
resolution is negotiable, and encoding, as long as it fit above: These are supposed to be BitTorented for cellphones using Tribler or other P2P. I am not going to seed or create the torrents although, but I do recommend others do, esp. when these receive a DMCA.
Plus, unlike the rest of you, uploading this shit on TOR takes minutes/~hour. 350MB is too much, way too much.

It's just weird to me that board owner both decided to add IDs and hidden from front page.

Anonymous 05/08/2017 (Mon) 09:16:31 Id: f24c23 [Preview] No. 177 del
you could cut the episodes in half for pomf

Anonymous 05/08/2017 (Mon) 09:25:57 [Preview] No. 178 del
(182.51 KB yes.opus)
You are such a silly person.

Anonymous 05/08/2017 (Mon) 15:30:44 Id: ef19b1 [Preview] No. 179 del
whats with the ID?

Anonymous 05/14/2017 (Sun) 08:27:44 [Preview] No. 180 del
(22.60 MB 360x202 SJ.S05E08.C.webm)
(68.21 KB 680x961 👍👍.jpg)

Anonymous 05/14/2017 (Sun) 09:00:36 [Preview] No. 182 del
(28.16 MB 360x202 SJ.S05E03.XCIV.webm)
someone asked

Anonymous 05/14/2017 (Sun) 15:34:01 Id: ef19b1 [Preview] No. 183 del
pretty nice anon

Anonymous 05/14/2017 (Sun) 15:35 Id: ef19b1 [Preview] No.184 del

Anonymous 05/21/2017 (Sun) 08:41 [Preview] No.189 del

Anonymous 05/21/2017 (Sun) 08:55 [Preview] No.190 del
Legit spoilers, do not click if you want to be spoilt before the video >>189

Anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 05:02 [Preview] No.191 del

Anonymous 05/27/2017 (Sat) 19:40 [Preview] No.192 del

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