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Ducktales 2017 Anonymous 11/12/2017 (Sun) 15:58:18 [Preview] No. 259
Took me this long to gleam from the sidelines if this show is worth watching, but as it seems: it's not. It appears to use the existing IP as a crutch to creativity, but when a character from the 50's doesn't fit the mold of Disney XD garbage, they just bald-facedly chance the depth of the character to something that does.
It reminds me of how American dubbers can't handle some ideas that can exist in Japan, and now they're smoothing out American characters from 1950's with replaced personalities. For example, Gladstone Gander was a character you'd love to hate partly because he always has his way by luck without meaning any harm to anybody, but here they apparently made him just downright villanous in some way. That undercuts directly the basis of his character. The whole point of Gladstone is that you can't even hold a grudge because he doesn't deserve it, he's just lucky, but here they make him act in a way to justify a more convenient, immature and judgemental reaction. You're not challenged to explore what it's like to just simply fall short of someone else.
I can take that shit from new IPs like Gravity Falls, but going out of your way to eradicate character archetypes so that you won't have to write unique character interactions that could actually build variety into the American culture just makes you a hack writer, and these people are such hack writers.

Anonymous 11/21/2017 (Tue) 07:52 [Preview] No.260 del
gravity falls had no justification for hating anyone either though, except the people they tried their best to just look like a decent guy
like fucking robbie with his hypno disc

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