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Anonymous 06/17/2020 (Wed) 13:19:41 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Welcome to /inn/ a board where we will discuss random topics. This thread will be used to discuss rules among other things.
Main things that are in place currently are
>No wojak and pepe.
These have died due to rampant overuse by cuckchan and trannies. Wojak especially. Pic related. Effectively these two have replaced OC entirely with just tireless edits of wojak and it gets boring. So to improve the range of what is posted I think deleting wojak and pepe should be a key idea.
>No tripfaggotry.
Tripfags are attentionwhores. Simple enough. However they also ruin the point of an anonymous imageboard. A key point being the word anonymous. Effectively these retards attach an identity to themselves which ruins the culture of the board because they start getting under everyone's teeth. This causes major infighting in threads that are completely unrelated to the topic until the board ceases to be anything other than attention fags arguing with each other.
>No baiting in threads
This one is obvious it attempts to derail the entire post into something else entirely completely destroying any semblance of argumentation. For example if I'm in a thread talking about the authenticity of the holocaust and then some fag came in and said >cuckime. Just because the fucking picture has an anime character. Then I believe that should be banworthy. Don't get me wrong I'm not a no fun allowed tier fag. But what I'm saying is that is purposeful derailment of a thread, it's clearly not natural.
>Spoiler porn
Porn should get spoilered in threads. Porn dump threads are bannable.
Edited last time by GrandDukeofOppai on 06/17/2020 (Wed) 13:22:40.
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Anonymous 06/19/2020 (Fri) 11:54:41 [Preview] No.123 del
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>Regarding personal insults
Should personal insults be allowed here?
Imageboard users usually develop a thick skin and habitually call each other names (like faggot) is pretty normal across all imageboards if not it becomes a habit. Just my 2 cents.
I sometimes scream nigger for no reason.

Anonymous 06/19/2020 (Fri) 12:03:55 [Preview] No.125 del
I think they should honestly. Sure they don't add anything but they don't subtract away from a good argument.

Anonymous Global volunteer 07/01/2020 (Wed) 20:28:17 [Preview] No.382 del
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Hello guys.
Hereby I invite you to our monthly Movie Corner.
Next occasion will be on the 4th, with two streams, at 10:00 and 20:00 UTC.
Featured movie is Mad Max 2 - The Road Warrior

Link for the stream: https://cytu.be/r/endcorner
Discussion thread: >>>/operate/10923

Anonymous 07/14/2020 (Tue) 14:22:26 [Preview] No.438 del
Anyone alive?

Anonymous 03/12/2021 (Fri) 23:49:34 [Preview] No.448 del
Looks a little ded

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this board is dead
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Anonymous 08/09/2021 (Mon) 14:44:09 [Preview] No.453 del
You shouldn't give up hope! Try advertising or find ways to attract attention. If not, and you really feel like there isn't hope left, consider migrating to an altchan with like minded people and decent rules that matches the community you wanted to have.

Anonymous 08/09/2021 (Mon) 14:45:07 [Preview] No.454 del
There's also 22chan, they have a similar ruleset and stance on wojack/pepe being gay normalfaggotry

Anonymous 09/24/2021 (Fri) 15:27:49 [Preview] No.455 del
Yeah planning on migrating. May as well keep this place alive just to be sure though. I'll post new threads eventually.

Anonymous 03/04/2022 (Fri) 19:40:49 [Preview] No.458 del
Not if I can help it, dammit!

Anonymous 06/26/2024 (Wed) 06:13 [Preview] No.462 del
Old but 22chan is still alive and kicking dispite being deleted by the previous owner.

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What'll it be? Anonymous 03/04/2022 (Fri) 15:33:18 [Preview] No. 456 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Have a seat, Anon, I'll get your drink in a minute. How was your day? Don't worry, it'll stay between the two of us.

Anonymous 03/04/2022 (Fri) 19:38:03 [Preview] No.457 del
Rum and coke, two squirts of grenadine, go easy on the ice. Just getting comfy to some Minecraft, trying to avoid suicidal thoughts for when I end up waging tomorrow.

Anonymous 06/13/2022 (Mon) 08:12:14 [Preview] No.461 del
A lemonade please barkeep.
Nice place you have here. Just what I need right now. Im tired, but its cozy.

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Imageboard news and drama discussion Anonymous 06/17/2020 (Wed) 14:53:32 [Preview] No. 15 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Discuss all sorts of imageboard drama in this thread.
Edited last time by GrandDukeofOppai on 06/17/2020 (Wed) 14:54:16.
94 posts and 21 images omitted.

Anonymous 07/11/2020 (Sat) 08:31:19 [Preview] No.436 del
Popularity does not equal quality anon. I would much prefer a good imageboard with 5 great users than an imageboard with 100 shitty ones.

Anonymous 07/11/2020 (Sat) 11:18:44 [Preview] No.437 del
Not mocking but if you care about replies what's stopping you from using cuckchan. For every 10 shit reply you'll get atleast one that's genuine.

I read about some board owners of altchans.
Why do these guys reveal their personal details on anonymous Arabian hemorrhoids surgery forums? Any place run by someone who revealed his face/name is an instant redflag. Most, if not all are mentally ill.
Someone important to 8chan was/is an aderall, modafinil addict. Someone was/is a real cuck because of his asian pornstar gf. Another weird story, one of the libreland tranny attempted suicide after people bullied him on stream. He felt sad that he still had a penis after his suicide attempt. What the fuck?

Anonymous 07/14/2020 (Tue) 14:54:47 [Preview] No.439 del
Spent a few days reading much about imageboard history for being pretty much a newfag.
Read mostly about Jim's shitfests back at his place and at alternate places that popped up like 16chan or endchan. Nice to know Jim was in US military (fake? no idea).
The ones still posting at 8kun, even all the mess are too oblivious (or paid shills).

Also read about Alttranny federation - endchan had some part in it too (but they completely noped out of it?). At least Jim was calculated and knew what he was doing, these guys were too funny but also scary to read about.
Maybe the webring and maybe few other places that I'm/I'm not aware of are the last active places left that's even safe.

Anonymous 07/14/2020 (Tue) 15:03:51 [Preview] No.440 del
or maybe not, just because the place is safe more would attack it and that itself makes it unsafe. What can I say, I'm just some schizo rambling.

NiggerCocks Anonymous 09/23/2020 (Wed) 19:19:56 [Preview] No.446 del
as it turns out, all I had to do to improve 9chan was to create my own board

Videogames thread Anonymous 07/03/2020 (Fri) 15:01:03 [Preview] No. 386 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Thread for discussing videogames/related news.

Anonymous 07/03/2020 (Fri) 15:52:23 [Preview] No.387 del
I loved Chrono Trigger as a kid, the game deserves to be one of the greatest games made by a "dream team". In search of a similar game I read many people shilling for Radiant Historia hailing it as a spiritual successor to Chrono Trigger.

Synopsis -
The game is about an aryan straight white male and his bunch of multicultural friends who indulge in time travel shenanigans to save the world. The game is a hybrid of JRPG and Visual Novel. Yep, Visual Novel.
The Aryan Male works under a Jew who gives him the Torah that grants him the ability to meddle with history. The game branches into two paths. One involves overthrowing Communist China ruled by corrupt politicians who installed a puppet W*man as a queen to rule behind and the other is to overthrow techno-industrial America ruled by a Bald Black American in the name of Jesus. With the power of friendship, Thunberg approved eco-communism and gender equality they set to save the world. They travel to Wakanda and meet with niggers, and Columbia to meet with tree-hugging gypsies to find out the truth of why they are forced to fight infinite proxy wars for ruling elites.

Gameplay -
The timetravel is a joke. This game is a VN railroad and you have no influence on how the game ends, except for the bad endings that you're forced to watch if you want the true ending.
The gameplay is NOTHING similar to Chrono Trigger. You had the option to skip battles, enemies run away from you if you're strong. This isn't the case here. It's similar to old Final Fantasy. So similar that the final boss is a blatant ripoff on God Kefka.
All enemies rush towards you, enemies level with you so there's no point in grinding. There's a significant spike in difficulties as you progress chapters. Enemies always appear in 5+ numbers just to shave of a good chunk of your party's health and make you waste time.
Luckily, you get to skip enemies with an easy press to win option but skipping enemies will be punished with stupidly hard bosses.
Boss fights always pack a punch. Bosses start coming with 10k to 20k HP that it'd take 20 to 30 minutes to finish them off. Every boss after a while starts to come with minions, even the boss would be easier to finish off but the minions would need a 10 to 15 minutes to finish them off.
Coming to level design, you get to walk through long corridors, back and forth all over. There aren't any puzzles, if there are they're made to make you waste time. Previous areas you visited have to be revised because enemies level with you and you need to waste time to meet the 20+ hour limit that comes with the Official Nintendo Seal.

Quality -
Production values are good, could use different music because they keep playing the same sobby music everytime.

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Anonymous 07/03/2020 (Fri) 16:05:45 [Preview] No.388 del
Forgot to mention, the world is dying because of the sand plague, I mean, Corona Virus. Everytime they try to do something about it, someone from the behind always try to obstruct them.

Heh, the synopsis came out well. I feel bad if I don't finish off the story.

Both China and America are in cahoots and want total domination. The team led by the aryan male unites niggers, gypsies and sheiks in Dubai to fight against the jewish state. So, as usual, the team succeeds in installing another strong independent women as a queen in Communist China and overthrow the Black American after finding out that Jesus isn't real and he's just using his ideas for his own wish.
Everything goes well, only to find out that they have to perform a ritual to cure the corona virus.

Twist spoiler
The Jew is actually the aryan's uncle. He comes out and explains to the aryan that he was the one responsible for all the problems and he was moving all the goyims. He has another Torah that gives him timetravel power. His motive, he took the blackpill and realized that the world is a cruel mess because of the Communism and Industrialism and this world must end. The final bluepill was that they can't stop corona virus but can only delay it for some time for the civilization to recover till the second wave comes. They need a sacrifice to perform the ritual so he wants to save the aryan. The aryan, thanks to his friends from antifa made him realize that the world is worth dying for and kills himself as sacrifice to stop the corona virus.

True ending
The jew gets impressed by the aryan goyim and chooses to kill himself instead. Everyone else lives happily ever after.

This sounds like a spoof but I'm serious. This is how they're doing it, chances are this game has their brainwashing influences and I wouldn't be surprised.

Anonymous 07/10/2020 (Fri) 13:25:52 [Preview] No.433 del
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Something Something Brigador

C E R E A L Anonymous 07/10/2020 (Fri) 11:07:30 [Preview] No. 432 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Roll 1d12 twice
First Roll Second Roll
1 Special Wheat
2 Frosted Meal
3 Oat Flakes
4 Fruity Charms
5 Mini Crunch
6 Honey Crisps
7 Apple Bran
8 Corn Jacks
9 Raisin Pebbles
10 Shredded Loops
11 Lucky Oats
12 Rice Charms


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Anonymous 07/05/2020 (Sun) 15:06:37 [Preview] No. 395 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Do you think Coronavirus is going to create the "new normal" that fearmongers have been pushing and change the way we've been living so far?
Me thinks no, looking at how many people are desperate to open up the economy and go back to work. Maybe there could be small changes in human behaviour like masks, standing few feets apart but looks like many countries, including wuhan itself has gone back to normal.
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Anonymous 07/08/2020 (Wed) 19:21:20 [Preview] No.413 del
I think they are much more dependent on their jewtubes and facebergs and twatters and leddits (for newer generations; replace with cnn/nyt/fox for the older), since we were talking about opinion formation. they may or may not be dependent on the gov too, but that would be on different matters (e.g. economical). in the whole West there's probably not one gov that has as much power as, e.g., twatter to shape sheeple's opinions

Anonymous 07/08/2020 (Wed) 21:47:05 [Preview] No.414 del
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Funny story:
I was walking down the street today (without a mask of course). Some fat old boomer with the mask and gloves sees me walking in his direction, so he hold out his arms to prevent me from passing too close to him. I could see the anger in his eyes and feel the seething hate radiate off of him as I got too close. This is the mental disease caused by media hysteria: the true modern pandemic.

Anonymous 07/09/2020 (Thu) 13:53:36 [Preview] No.419 del
sure, that's an example (a minor one) of how totally out of whack people's common sense has gotten: masks do serve to reduce the rate of spread of the disease but that's a stochastic phenomenon, the risk reduction is a probabilistic one and needs to be analysed in large enough populations to observe significant statistical significance
but as I said that's a relatively minor example of paranoia, after all masks do offer a certain degree of benefit and, well, they aren't too much of a burden anyway. but just compare that with the absolute insanity of suddenly halting dead on its tracks a major part of the economy of entire countries for fucking months with no more justification other than "those guys over there are doing it too" (and secretly, "and we are too afraid of the backslash in twatter/faceberg/etc if we didn't and we wish to maintain a favorable public image above all"), which is what happened around april or so during the peak of the hysteria (at least in europe). even countries in the global south that at the time were still close to summer climate started to close down schools, businesses and public services
I reached my conclusion then: the western civilisation doesn't have long to go if the pusillanimous scum in mass media and government are allowed to continue to hold this much degenerative power over the minds of the stupid masses. the core of the problem here is the ease with which masses of imbeciles, across national borders, be them part of government or governed, endowed with the right to suffrage, are controlled by the bullshit that some globohomo silicon valley company decides to push to their "smart" devices.

Anonymous 07/09/2020 (Thu) 15:06:17 [Preview] No.421 del
You kind of have to stop the economy. One, you don't want to look cruel and heartless to your voters, you don't want it to look like you don't care and two, if other nations do it and manage to get it under control but your's does not then it's your economy that will suffer in the long run when people start opening borders to each other but not to you.

Anonymous 07/09/2020 (Thu) 16:51:30 [Preview] No.422 del
lol no "you" fucking "kind of" don't have to, provided "you" have any integrity, although that might be too much to ask of media, politicians, and people like you. in fact, yours are likely close to the internal arguments a politicians would make to himself.
>don't want to look cruel and heartless
i.e. public image is what matters. some 1000s of deaths (mostly made of old or sick people, so mostly expected deaths that have been accelerated) are too "cruel and heartless", but dumping billions upon billions of $$ of the national GDP, decimating entire sectors of the economy (specially the small, familiar and medium-scale businesses), and harming the economical progression of the newer generations for years to come is compassionate and caring. and as you well know only old and sick people are voters, oh wait
>if other nations do it and manage to get it under control but your's does not
ah, very good, there's that political thinking: groupthink to the rescue. since politicians and proto-politicians such as yourself have no fucking technical clue about what the proper policies should be, and neither do you give a shit as long as it doesn't harm your own purse, you ask yourselves: from a "social" pov what's the safest decision (for yourselves)? the safest decision (for yourselves) is to do the same as your group, to follow the herd like a good sheep. that way, if the herd happens to be moving towards a precipice, then you can excuse yourself by simply pointing out that you were not really out of the norm, you couldn't predict the idiocy of your actions but neither could the majority of the sheep around, so you should get a pass, you will argue. but if don't follow the herd, then the costs (for you) of making a wrong decision are much more serious. in the first place, now that there's no blessed groupthink to guide you, you will have to dust off that old brain of yours and who knows whether that thing still works at all. and if you do fuck up then all fingers will point at you. do you have the balls to stand by your own choices? of course you don't
btw, one of the few countries that escaped the malady of lockdowns (in europe) was sweden, fucking "sweden yes" of all places. deaths/population numbers in sweden are very similar to those of hardcore "curve flatteners" such as uk, spain, france, italy, etc. yet it didn't have to pay several % of its GDP in just two months of mass hysteria

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Photography Anonymous 07/02/2020 (Thu) 14:42:37 [Preview] No. 384 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Why are people interested in photography? Is it because some people appriciate the beauty of nature and want to chronicle it? Do people want to record history? It's one of those things that has a lot of questions with little to Answer them. I believe that photography is actually quite an important profession due to it's power to chronicle the past and allow us to understand how they all functioned. Other things like art and sculptures are made to preserve their culture as well. The beauty of it all from the simple things like flowers to the more complex things like the life of a man is something that can only be done through photography and thus it must give photographers a unique lense on which they view the world. It's certainly interesting for a profession.

Anonymous 07/09/2020 (Thu) 14:30:23 [Preview] No.420 del
hardly a "profession"
it's a either another common low-brow employment (not too different from, say, hairdressing) or a pastime
its importance is overstated, probably because as the saying goes "an image is worth a thousands words": reading takes some effort, images can be automatically imprinted in your brain

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Unsettling Anonymous 07/08/2020 (Wed) 09:09:46 [Preview] No. 404 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I know there are worse anime out there but when I watched this I always felt unnerved. It's just something about the way it's written like how the Plain girl wants to bang her cousin or how that guy wanted to rape the diclonius. It's something that gives a shocking view into the mind of the person who decided to make this travesty, Simply because it explains the type of individual the person is. I personally believe people are defined in what they do and not what they say. Like actions speak louder than words. So when people make stuff like this I really wonder the intent of the person. Has anyone else ever got this feeling, Or do you believe in an entirely different set of ideas?
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Anonymous 07/08/2020 (Wed) 15:40:54 [Preview] No.409 del
Visual novels are the equivalent of low hanging fruit. Most of them are made by people who weren't able to compete with anime. Now light novels are seen as easy revenue. Usually what I would prefer to see in a show where rape occurs is having the rapee overcoming her trauma. Though most of the time when rape is used the girl turneds into a mindless sex doll. I remember hearing one of the worst aspects of rape is how good it feels but people are more than their biological impulses. Soul/consciousness exists as well and disregarding it entirely is retarded. Both biological and consciousness are important. I believe the people that get off to rape are the type of people that want to have complete control in life.

Anonymous 07/08/2020 (Wed) 15:50:16 [Preview] No.410 del
>I get it, rape is sad
lol no you didn't get it

Anonymous 07/09/2020 (Thu) 03:34:15 [Preview] No.415 del
>I remember hearing one of the worst aspects of rape is how good it feels but people are more than their biological impulses.

I don't see how it would. Most women don't even like normal sex all that much to begin with and if they aren't 'prepared' or how ever you would like to delicately put it they either barely feel anything or they actually feel pain.

This sounds like one of those things people make up to justify their own impulses, it's probably in the same vein as the one I have heard for paedophilia. The idea that the vagina produces lubricant even at a young age therefore they are ready for it at a young age. This is technically true but at the same time not really, the lubricant actually also serves as a hygiene tool, so all girls always have it. But young girls and girls that have not been 'prepared' don't have much of it.

Anonymous 07/09/2020 (Thu) 04:07:30 [Preview] No.416 del
But then it may depend on the type as well, one off encounters with strangers would be different than living with or having frequent contact with a rapist. Because in the first it's a random, tense and brief fight and encounter but in the second you might know the rapist and he might have authority over you so you might not resist and if it keeps going on you may of course not like it but your body would begin to know what is happening when this man approaches you and it would begin to get normalised even if it is still against your will.

Anonymous 07/09/2020 (Thu) 07:55:22 [Preview] No.417 del
>I don't see how it would. Most women don't even like normal sex all that much to begin with and if they aren't 'prepared' or how ever you would like to delicately put it they either barely feel anything or they actually feel pain.
Not really women do enjoy sex it's pleasurable. The only way a women wouldn't enjoy sex is if they continually do it over and over again. Or in more simple terms they are a whore.

>This sounds like one of those things people make up to justify their own impulses, it's probably in the same vein as the one I have heard for paedophilia. The idea that the vagina produces lubricant even at a young age therefore they are ready for it at a young age. This is technically true but at the same time not really, the lubricant actually also serves as a hygiene tool, so all girls always have it. But young girls and girls that have not been 'prepared' don't have much of it.
I could definitely see it, a lot of people don't like being opposed to their sick fetishes. So they try to justify them using mental gymnastics. I think that's mainly a problem with modern society because people have become far more deviant. Unlike in the past. It also depends because a lot of women lie about being raped to get something. I.e they use it as a tool to get what they want.

>But then it may depend on the type as well, one off encounters with strangers would be different than living with or having frequent contact with a rapist. Because in the first it's a random, tense and brief fight and encounter but in the second you might know the rapist and he might have authority over you so you might not resist and if it keeps going on you may of course not like it but your body would begin to know what is happening when this man approaches you and it would begin to get normalised even if it is still against your will.
Both of these are true the scenario's can be different and the abuse that comes from the second scenario would be a lot more difficult to handle. Especially if the guys your boss and threatening to cut you off from your job. In that case you would need help from someone.

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Anonymous 07/03/2020 (Fri) 20:11:39 [Preview] No. 389 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I think anime has been on the decline and I wanted to find the cause. Obviously these are just my thoughts but I've came to the conclusion that it is in fact K-On that killed anime Why is this? Well before K-On A lot of show had different and unique feeling to them. Think of slice of life, I.e Great teacher Onizuka, Futakoi, Azumanga Daioh, Pani poni dash, Haibane Renmei, Cromartle high school. All of these have differing executions too them which makes them all distinct. K-On ruined this, Not because of the moe, Azumanga daioh can technically be classified as Moe. But the actual reason is because it started the trend of CGDCT anime which has killed all of the competing slice of life genres due to it's oversaturation and ease of making money. We'll never see something like a modern GTO due to moral corruption and decadance, We'll never see a pure romance, We'll never have dumb comedies. Nothing more than the same recycled shit is all we got now. Which is how the industries worked in the past. However it's never been this extreme. K-On enters the picture because CGDCT makes easy money and all you have to have is pretty visual without any substance or heart to back it up. The endless consumers eat this shit up because he's an enemy of all that is just.
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Anonymous 07/04/2020 (Sat) 02:29:00 [Preview] No.391 del
I actually like current anime, I'm watching more now than ever before.

Copying is a feature of all media throughout all time. Nothing is ever new, it's always an iteration of what came before.

>Expect pre WWI West level of bachelorhood and the associated problems.

That's actually simply based on a phenomenon the west cannot understand and thus exaggerates and twists. The Sexless Japan thing isn't what they make it out to be, it's simply caused by the Japanese not really having a culture of dating(casual sex) like we do in the west, hence the age of virginity stays quite high, often being similar or a bit lower than the age at which they are getting married.

Anonymous 07/04/2020 (Sat) 07:27:42 [Preview] No.392 del
>Copying was always a problem in Japanese cultural products. Back in the '90s people were crying about Evangelion clones. And Evangelion was a tongue-in-cheek clone of previous mecha shows to begin with.
wasn't the late '00s simply the time when most anime enthusiasts finally got broadband and were able to stay up to date with the ever-current season? Blu-Ray wasn't adopted to the same extent as DVDs and people also got smartphones. Packaged media started dying, (legal) streaming began.
Also, consider that China took over Japan as the second biggest economy in 2008 and that K-Pop has exploded in the early '10s. Japan just stopped being competitive. Dubs in the USA stopped being made, cons started collapsing. Also there was the depression and now there's another one.
Anime has really hit rock bottom recently. Sure I agree that copying is a problem. However there is a difference between copying some elements of a show and blatantly ripping off a previous work. I think people need to understand that. While obviously it depends on the degree and the amount of elements taken. For instance harem anime usually borrow entire character archetypes, similar plot points, usually add their own specific gimmick and call it a day. It makes harem anime feel similar with no distinction to tell them apart. As an example I'll show how a harem anime could be handled.
>MC isn't a completely pussy
>Girls all get a backstory and each one gets explored.
>Make MC help each girl and her problem.
>Tension between the girls to see who can get the MC
>Try to avoid character stereotypes. I.e tsundere kicking MC these are good to build off of but if you don't build then nothing of value comes from them.
>Make the MC actually choose one half way through the show.
Obviously there are multiple different ways you can do this. One way is giving the characters two personality quirks. I.e Girl A is Mischievous but also caring, Girl B is acting stupid but also surprisingly smart Girl C is serious but also condescending. Give them a flaw and a strength and you can build from there. Most authors just use character stereotypes and it get's boring.

>I also like your point about the technological change on the production side. Don't forget about Korean and later Vietnamese outsourcing either... oh CGDCT means "cute girls doing cute things"... nonetheless there was the technological change of CG.
Technological change exacerbates the problem. The problem with CGDCT anime is that they are simple to make and require little effort from the author other than an outlandish premise. It makes things feel the same, The other side of the coin i.e light novels also does damage to the scene with endless amounts of shows with similar premises all executed the same way. Nothing new and refreshing ever comes and the changes in production makes people be safe and not try anything new and distinct.

Anime Youtubers are a problem as well. As they overthink the shit out of modern anime in order to justify there love for them. It's honestly pathetic. To the point where I'm just watching older anime rather than trying anything new.

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Anonymous 07/04/2020 (Sat) 09:55:44 [Preview] No.393 del
Cute girls can't be the reason why anime is shit. Events like embed related are celebrated like superbowl every year there. They WANT this stuff.

Anonymous 07/05/2020 (Sun) 20:01:57 [Preview] No.397 del

>That's actually simply based on a phenomenon the west cannot understand and thus exaggerates and twists. The Sexless Japan thing isn't what they make it out to be, it's simply caused by the Japanese not really having a culture of dating(casual sex) like we do in the west, hence the age of virginity stays quite high, often being similar or a bit lower than the age at which they are getting married.

That's literally what was happening in late 19th century and early 20th century America and Europe. And it still means that guys are not getting sex while they would like to i.e. they're incels.
And I'd argue that Japan is ahead of the curve and chads are having a ton of sex. Maybe there are less promiscous women but they're 1, women, 2, asian so why would I believe what they say on surveys?

Anonymous 07/06/2020 (Mon) 01:24:39 [Preview] No.398 del
It's what happened in Europe from the middle ages onward until the modern times. It's really not new, the age at which people did this sort of thing always used to be high as sex before marriage was shunned.