Anon 11/25/2020 (Wed) 11:33:36 No.6902 del
>High energy and consistent posting. Consistency draws a crowd. If there's always something new when you visit, you're more likely to check back sooner.
The longest lasting boards on endchan have had serious discussions and longer posting over speed. Sometimes a speedy board would appear and then die real quickly. Though some of these newer boards have lasted longer without that model.

Old model:
>>>/pol/ >>>/AM/ >>>/kc/ and here. Hell, /kc/ and /endpone/ I've seen mentioned around as two of the best examples

New model:
>>>/ausneets/ >>>/imouto/ >>>/yuri/
Don't ask me about these circlejerks other than they are 8chan refugees.

>Holy shit this place is dead. We're going to have to do a lot of ponymancing to get this place up and running again.
It used to be deader and the ponymancing has been going on for awhile. At one point there was only two anons and I was just watching waiting to see if it finally would die. Only one person may have

>Everypony's got to do their part to get this place rolling again. It would be nice to have more than 10 posters here.
I think it would be possible for /endpone/ to grow to this frankly. if we can get Bridgefag to finish his OC and have regular posting of Spotline reviews