Catalog of /dg/


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Welcome to /dg/. This board was made to look into anything. Could go as far as the identity of a serial killer to figuring what type of food is Odili's favorite. Rules are simple enough
1. No derailment
2. No porn outside of threads where it's expected. Example, Gathering a list of pornstars and providing evidence to make it stronger.
3. Follow endchan's rules.

This thread will be used as a means to make OC and banners as to not clog up the catalog and also act as a thread where you can discuss changes. Get digging friends.

R: 6 / I: 0 / P: 1


I'm looking for any information pertaining to events in China since they went dark. Allegedly Covid-19 was created as a bioweapon; just wanting any and all information available that isn't being reported on already.

R: 5 / I: 1 / P: 1

let's get this first thread started

This is a thread where we will work on the creation of a brand new wiki.

My proposal is simple, we copy over the entirety of wikipedia's content (and also all the content from other popular wikis like infogalactic), then we copy over all the content of metapedia (or other, less-censored wikis like encyclopedia dramatica) as well.

lastly, we begin the real creation process, we editathon the shit out of everything we've gathered together and continually try to recruit (and very strictly vet) more editors in order to continually improve the speed and quality of the wiki's content.

the final product is a wiki that is truly dedicated to truth above all other concerns, made by those who know what constitutes scientific and logical thought, and why it is the only valid form of epistemology.

this wiki is made to be a competitor to wikipedia and other popular wikis, which is losing favor due to issues of bias and censorship, for this reason, all articles will be written with language that is as neutral, objective, cautious, and charitable as possible, the wiki's name will not give it away as being a product of what the average person would be told by the mainstream is "far/alt/white right" (this obviously includes our website and anything to do with it or it's associated culture).

our every claim must be airtight, with citations that ideally fit as many of the following as possible:
a. actually back the claim up. b. are transparent about how they acquired their data or came to their conclusions. c. have been replicated/verified by other, independent sources. d. are from sources that are either seen as objective/neutral or seen as actively biased against the side most supported by the facts they present. e. use language that is not unnecessarily offensive or biased.

R: 1 / I: 0 / P: 1

digging into

Since the thread on /b/ is being spammed by a qtard I have decided to bring the entire situation over here. For those who don't know recently Julay world was accused of datamining user information. This thread is to dig into the claims and figure out whether or not Julay actually is datamining users.

The whole saga begun when alphachan's BO explained that he and Robi were in a collaborated data mining operation. While this could easily have been written off as a troll especially considering pic related. There are numerous things that make it a much more strong case than it may appear. Firstly if this was a trolling attempt he would have mentioned endchan because odili was also apart of the alt chan dicksword however didn't. Meaning either endchan wasn't worth fucking with which would mean being a part of the gayniggerporn federation or that julay was hiding something.
Archive related

Next I decided to personally attempt to get the information out of robi. Which led to nothing for me getting banned for a while. Which did raise my suspicion however Robi made a thread to defend himself. As seen here.
While yes I believe it was good he made a thread to defend himself I believe the response was lacking in some areas and responded back to him twice. While Robi told me to ask the 16chan admin. So I did and here is the actual response I got on the 16chan meta thread.
"Just got back from meeting at Langley with BOss, mentioned your archive post he said he was too busy plotting the overthrow of Iran and the building of Greater Israel and the Third Temple to be bothered with this petty crap right now"
Obviously this did not leave me with a satisfied answer.

This brings us to today where I think digging into the host of called frantech solutions and buyvm is the next logical step in digging for information. For if these people are dangerous then it could mean that Julay world could be dangerous for it's users and I would like as many people to be safe from the government and other entities as much as possible. Thus this thread has been made.
