Sunflower 01/15/2023 (Sun) 23:06 Id: ab4e2e No.2664 del
A word on this.

I was thinking about meditating on the "magnesium flower" and told my assistants to remind me later, aiming at no one in particular. The mascot then said
>I can do that for you right away
I said
and she then manifested the flower and sat inside it like a buddha, floating over my right shoulder. She then alternated, doing the hatha yoga exercises I normally do in between and then returned to sit in lotus position in the flower. It really works, I'm doing other things and the effect is pretty strong.

> when I'm able to use the remote
If you really can't get it to work from the sigil, ask a grey to run the installation manually. Or ask a green, maybe the black remote doesn't work as a first device for you. There are slight difference in what frequency they operate on.