Sunflower 01/15/2023 (Sun) 23:13 Id: cd77f0 No.2665 del
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Warning, many questions here...

So, these servitors the "Tomboy Fairy" and probably a few more can cast magic. Can you say more about what kind of magic they can cast? can they learn new magic?

Are the servitors on this link autonomous or do they require commands to do anything?

Interesting. I thought of a Navi servitor like the fairy that Link has in Legend of Zelda.

Does the loli shield creates karma if it kills something that attacks me?

Those souls that spent what appears to them as millions of years of suffering and have no more karma, is there really nothing that can be done for them? Maybe giving them an astral body with a healty mind that's guided by astra or some very benevolent entity? They need to be hugged for many lifetimes I guess. I don't like the idea of unsalvageable souls.

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