Sunflower 05/18/2023 (Thu) 18:12 Id: e6bf8f No.3251 del
All I can say is that virtue is that white material and it feels like cream in some way, it fills the air like silver light around you, it may be that it manifests in many different ways depending on the context. Strict rules won't create virtue, it must come from your own active choice and usage of your mind and body. Being enlightened is to see the truth of complex situations, but you won't get virtue or gong for free, you have to constantly exercise that understanding and transform it into action, that is how you gain more virtue. Stagnation and attachment to one thing you enlightened on, will cause degradation in other areas. Once seeing the truth, you will have to defend it against those who refuse to see it out of personal investment into the mud that you left behind. That part can be very unpleasant, it's not as simple as just seeing the truth and acting according to it, most beings won't see it and will attack you for acting according to what you understand.

>what exercise can you recommend
Read the Pradipika and try the exercises as you read it, one by one. Sit on your mat while reading, test it as you read. Then pick a few exercises that you can do, and do them daily. When you feel that you have mental space for more, return to the book and rehearse another exercise until you can do it, then just work that way until you have a decent program.

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