Sunflower 05/23/2023 (Tue) 14:41 Id: 7eecd0 No.3299 del
Following this

some trolls started carrying out psychic attacks again. I'm not sure where they were located, probably a combination of astral and physical. One of them who was clearly a human troll (glowie) caught the attention of a fairy servitor who forced her module on him, saying
>He was staring
and this caused it to install on him. The yokais said
>having one fairy servitor doesn't make one a fairy, but we can change him to "goblin" instead of troll (oni) and he can stay

After this, Femme trapped the remaining ones in a hell dimension and made a show out of it, saying some typical "final boss" phrases like
>Welcome to hell, you came to me, now you can't leave

and the yokais said

>Hold your hat, we're turning on the big tap

I didn't have a hat so I grabbed a small yokai who was nearby to wear as one. Then they did open a tap.

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