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the Dead Neo-Nazi bort

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The ded neo-nazi bort

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Anonymous 07/16/2017 (Sun) 07:42:36 [Preview] No. 24
London White supremacist charged with acid attack on Pakistani model

>London hate crime acid attack suspect arrested

>John Tomlin handed himself into police after CCTV images of him were circulated by police

>The main suspect in an alleged acid attack in London has handed himself in to police.

>John Tomlin, 24, has been arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm with intent. He remains in custody.

>More acid was thrown at Mr Muhktar before the attacker fled the scene. Both victims suffered severe burns to the face and body.

>The injuries sustained when the corrosive substance was thrown onto them through their car windows are "life-changing". Mr Mukhtar was initially placed in an induced coma and Ms Khan has said she has had skin grafts.

>The numbers of reported anti-Muslim hate crime in the aftermaths of the terrorist attacks at the Manchester Arena and London Bridge have risen.


Anonymous 07/16/2017 (Sun) 07:56:55 [Preview] No. 25 del
literally taliban tier

Anonymous 07/16/2017 (Sun) 08:17:27 [Preview] No. 26 del
Until we have open discussion and equal rights for white british in the UK, shit like this is only going to escalate. Enoch Powell was right, the black man has the whip hand and white british are forbidden from having illegal opinions about it. You can't watch terrorists and rapists walk your streets and be told you are an underclass with no rights without being forced in the only logical direction. It's going to get messy, much messier than this, even with the average brit not living in the SE you can tell the tension is rising.

Anonymous 07/16/2017 (Sun) 12:30:59 [Preview] No. 27 del
It's good to have the anti-socials doing something pro-social.

The real question is, why wasn't she wearing a burqa?

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