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The soaps are killing people Anonymous 08/27/2018 (Mon) 16:15:26 [Preview] No. 32
People aren't sweating or barely sweating.Feeling hot and sick?The soaps are the cause.The nerve and skin damage.People aren't tanning.People are dying.

Anonymous 08/27/2018 (Mon) 16:25:48 [Preview] No.33 del
This is why I use organic soaps, its not nearly as rough on your skin as the regular soaps (full of toxins) you get at the store.

PS: you can make your own organic soap and shampoo too to save money. Just look it up on Youtube (hopefully they haven't already censored those DIY videos off their platform).

Anonymous 08/27/2018 (Mon) 16:30:57 [Preview] No.34 del
Also beware of vaccines, they are LOADED with toxins to destroy your immune system and keep you dependent on Big Pharma the rest of your life.

Vaccine ingredients (adjuvants and preservatives) and substances used in the manufacturing process, including vaccine-production media that are present only in trace quantities, include: sucrose, fructose, dextrose, potassium phosphate, FD&C Yellow #6, aluminum lake dye, fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate, monosodium glutamate, aluminum hydroxide, benzethonium chloride, lactose, aluminum potassium sulfate, peptone, bovine extract, formaldehyde, thimerosal, ammonium sulfate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, bovine extract), calf serum, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxphosphate sulfate, squalene and ethanol. Vaccinations also contain many inorganic minerals, vitamins, amino acids, salts, and sugars.

Detox is easy too: take lots of curcumin, vitamins, avoid junk foods and corp brand-name sugar products. Drink lots of water and take cod liver oil on a daily basis for a few months. This will help detox you from vaccine poisoning.

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