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Defender 04/07/2017 (Fri) 20:37:04 [Preview] No. 141
Hi Mr. Leak Man I need the secure tripcode salt for all the boards on 8chan. Actually, I just need 32 boards that got restored first. Actually actually, I only need one of those boards but I dont wanna alert my target so I'd like them all if you can manage it.

Defender 04/07/2017 (Fri) 22:05:31 [Preview] No. 146 del
It's defined in inc/secrets.php in the archive posted at >>1

If Ron hasn't changed it should still be:
$config['secure_trip_salt'] = 'HS25NJE6Fwg16WSP2wzTZ54f86y8jmLI5E81brr52w697CJA6kEe8064SnK7S1Rm';

Defender 04/07/2017 (Fri) 23:02:25 [Preview] No. 148 del
sorry to be the bearer of bad news ron changed it

someone posted in the restore thread and was surprised when their secure trip was not the same

ron confirmed it in response its probably still there in the thread

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