/8leaks/ - 8chan leaks

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Defender 04/05/2017 (Wed) 00:12:59 [Preview] No. 42
>I wish all the autists (aside from the annoying ones, they can stay on Jimchan) could work together and finally work themselves free of the centralized faggotry.
This. I'm not sure why some people feel they have to be contained to a domain name.

Defender 04/05/2017 (Wed) 00:13:51 [Preview] No. 43 del
Fug. Getting used to this real time muh bad

Defender 04/05/2017 (Wed) 00:16:28 [Preview] No. 44 del
what happened?

8chan wants to stay Defender 04/12/2017 (Wed) 19:28:34 [Preview] No. 403 del
I warned 8/u on their meta thread, and a couple other boards. 8/u responded by saying endchan/8leakjust encypted IPs to catch shooters and were still protecting our privacy, so it was all good. When I said it was highly questionable to keep it secret and there might be datamining, one of the staff deleted my posts.

Enough of 8/gag, and 8/u/ is officially trash. (This isn't the only time I have seen them delete OT posts just like 8/a.)

Defender 04/15/2017 (Sat) 00:38:41 [Preview] No. 434 del
Blockchain is the future. It is trivial to make a Bitcoin clone that stores 10MB of user data for example ad it should be easy, to make a chan that searches for tagged messages in that blockchain. So if someone posts a message with the tag ##endchan#pol, make a new post in /pol.

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