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me the BO Defender Board owner 06/05/2017 (Mon) 19:41:49 [Preview] No. 500
I'd like to give it back to ##2itToi because I really admired his work, this is an important board and I will give it back at the old owner's request.
Please post ITT with your tripcode and e-mail your endchan username to [email protected] when you'd like to reclaim your board.

For the moment, I'll just preserve the board and will probably archive everything you've put up here.

##2itToi 06/08/2017 (Thu) 09:37:59 [Preview] No. 502 del
Thanks for preserving the board but in my opinion it has already served its original purpose.

There is not much else to say about this although, surprisingly, from what I've seen, pretty much nothing has been fixed yet.

Either way, if you need something else you can message me at [email protected]

Use the attached public key if you want.

Defender Board owner 06/25/2017 (Sun) 00:43:31 [Preview] No. 509 del
Thank you for posting here, my offer still and always will stand if you want this board back for any purpose. You know my e-mail and I know yours, don' hesitate o contact me if you want this board back. Thank you for exposing 8ch, I doubt it will get better there tbh.

Defender 07/13/2017 (Thu) 11:48:46 [Preview] No. 513 del
>Either way, if you need something else you can message me
Is this offer open to anyone or just the BO?
If we contact you do we have to use the public key?

##2itToi 07/15/2017 (Sat) 10:56:46 [Preview] No. 514 del
>Is this offer open to anyone or just the BO?
>If we contact you do we have to use the public key?
Preferably. Torbox is using a vulnerable version of SquirrelMail which potentially allows anyone to have access to the database.
So keep that in mind if you don't want to encrypt the messages.

Defender 07/19/2017 (Wed) 13:50:37 [Preview] No. 515 del
Can you recommend an email client other than Torbox that communicates with Torbox? In my experience with it for the last few months it's becoming increasingly unreliable.

Defender 07/20/2017 (Thu) 11:51:33 [Preview] No. 516 del
Toxbox itself is still probably the best alternative.
They have a list of compatible relays at http://torbox3uiot6wchz.onion/relay-en.php but it seems to be outdated.

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