/DeepRight/ - Deep Right

Deep Right Discussion

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What is Deep Right? Anonymous 05/28/2018 (Mon) 18:17:16 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Deep Right: A fusion of Far Right (anti-socialist) econ, pro-Republic (anti-direct democracy), Identitarian/NeoTraditionalist cultural perspective, Hawkish Neolibertarian foriegn policy (semi-interventionist), Pro-Technology, Respect for Scientody (not politicized “scientific consensus”), Anti-Immigration, Anti-mass migration, Western Chauvinism/ Protectionism, Pro-Life/Anti-abortion, Pro-Gun, Pro-Marijuana legalization, Anti-Hard Drug legalization, Pro-Judeo-Christian culture, Social conservatism (anti-degeneracy).

Anonymous 05/28/2018 (Mon) 18:28:31 [Preview] No.2 del
*puts on British accent*
but that's cherrypicking!

Anonymous 05/28/2018 (Mon) 18:59:45 [Preview] No.3 del
Nobody wants to eat the cherry tree, just the fruit...