/KEK/ - We Are Kekistan

Endchan's Kekistani Diaspora

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Welcome to Kekistan! Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 10:10 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
We are not a white supremacy group like how the mainstream media claims us to be. The entire inspiration of the Kekistani people was to make a mockery out of the stupidity of identity politics, what white supremacy is entirely based upon. Kekistanis come from all walks of life and from all sorts of nations and ethnicities. Our president is a black man for crying out loud. We are a diverse people united under one cause, which is freedom. Specifically the freedom to meme/shitpost.

Separate, we are many colors. United, we are GREEN! #FreeKekistan