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Best Anime Service Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 21:35:01 [Preview] No. 32657
What is the best place to find anime, preferably for free? Debate

Anonymous 10/26/2016 (Wed) 21:54:48 [Preview] No. 32658 del
(28.17 KB 234x102 theseeyes.png)
How do I know the japs didn't pay you to ask that so they can shut it down?

Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 01:27:17 [Preview] No. 32659 del
get on the /am/ irc

Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 02:00:20 [Preview] No. 32660 del
Do we have an IRC? I know there is an endchan channel on rizon, but I didn't think we had an IRC for this board

Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 02:22:12 [Preview] No. 32661 del
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Barely anyone on it though, as the protocol it uses can only be received by rabbit ears.

Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 04:41:14 [Preview] No. 32662 del
Kissanime contains both a massive collection of anime movies and TV series as well as a large community of helpful and fun posters in the comments section.

Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 05:27:39 [Preview] No. 32663 del
I think the japs already know, since they make up at least half of the peers on the torrents I download.

Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 23:11:51 [Preview] No. 32668 del
Well I'm convinced.

Anyway, aside from the usual torrents and streaming, I'm of the opinion that you limit yourself by deciding on what's the best place to find anime. If you know how to dig around you can find it anywhere, burnt copies of La Blue Girl in your grandpa's closet, the entirety of LOGH on your buddy's pendrive, even crap uploaded on this very board. You might not get what you want, but that's the thrill of being a treasure hunter.

Anonymous 10/27/2016 (Thu) 23:21:33 [Preview] No. 32669 del
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>the thrill of being a treasure hunter.
Sounds appealing.

Anonymous 11/11/2016 (Fri) 09:57:53 [Preview] No. 32724 del
(174.68 KB 825x823 yum.jpg)
nyaa.se for new stuff, tokyo toshokan for old ones.

Anonymous 02/09/2018 (Fri) 01:11:34 [Preview] No.33589 del

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