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(104.96 KB 218x307 Devilman_manga_cover.jpg)
Devil man good man Anonymous 01/14/2018 (Sun) 20:41:15 [Preview] No. 33578
>At the war's end, Satan reveals to Akira the truth behind his reason for defying God: even though God unintentionally created demons, He wished to destroy them. Satan was appalled at this, believing demons still had a right to live. He convinced them to enter a state of hibernation in the ice, to conserve their strength for the final battle with God. Upon awakening, Satan discovered the beautiful planet they fought for had been ruined by the human race. Enraged at this damage, Satan led the demons in a war to exterminate humanity. While Satan explains this to Akira, he also realizes that in the end, he and the demons were no better than God. He begs Akira to forgive him.

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