/amr/ - anime, mango and Rūru

/am/ with quality control. no bully.

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welcome animay fan 03/01/2016 (Tue) 17:56:03 [Preview] No. 11 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
welcome to /amr/. /amr/ is /am/ with quality control. please no bully.

>obey global rules
>has to be anime. this is not /b/
>spam will not be tolerated

enjoy your stay.
6 posts and 2 images omitted.

Anonymous 03/03/2016 (Thu) 17:33:25 [Preview] No. 20 del
/am/ is on the verge of having negative rules. it will influence other boards to take theirs away.

fucking /m/in stole /am/ and took his rules down, that was a good start.

Anonymous 03/04/2016 (Fri) 23:13:06 [Preview] No. 21 del
/am/ has always had 2 of the 3 rules written here, the first and third, because they go without saying for all boards, and the 2nd is not necessary because people have the common sense not to post shit nobody wants or cares about, and to ignore threads they don't like.

Anonymous 03/04/2016 (Fri) 23:14:59 [Preview] No. 22 del
>people have common sense to not do shit

you give people too much credit.

Anonymous 03/04/2016 (Fri) 23:24:33 [Preview] No. 23 del
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I give /am/ all the credit. I trust those nerds to bring us only the best content the internet has to offer. It probably won't last forever, but for as long as /am/ has lived at least, those nerds have delivered.

Anonymous 04/21/2017 (Fri) 16:37:39 [Preview] No. 29 del
Perhaps finally a board will embrace my meme of slowboarding, for slower boarding. I've been forcing it for three years, it just won't catch on because I post anything maybe once every two months.

Anonymous 08/05/2016 (Fri) 14:52:09 [Preview] No. 27 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I have come to inform you that this board is a massive failure. It is unfortunate but it is true. Its all because you added rūrus to an cartoon board. You tried to take away the essence of /AM/ with nothing in return.
I pray for your salvation but do not expect it.

Anonymous 08/07/2016 (Sun) 18:38:31 [Preview] No. 28 del
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I play New Board Owner in attack mode

Everyone's banned

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Anonymous 05/15/2016 (Sun) 09:31:13 [Preview] No. 24 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Can anyone recommend me any good cuckime? I want to research and bask in degeneracy. Also I want a good story-line and want it to be fappable. Is there an anime for me? and fyi I'll post this on every anime board until I get a serious answer.

Anonymous 05/15/2016 (Sun) 09:38:03 [Preview] No. 25 del
>he actually posted it here

Anonymous 05/15/2016 (Sun) 09:38:24 [Preview] No. 26 del

Anonymous 03/01/2016 (Tue) 18:43:28 [Preview] No. 15 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I like anime.

Anonymous 03/02/2016 (Wed) 00:50:56 [Preview] No. 16 del
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I also like anime!