/asmr/ - totally not gay

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Anonymous 11/03/2017 (Fri) 18:07:44 [Preview] No. 5
The first 5 minutes were really nice - lots of wonderful sleepy tingles - but then it started to hurt some. I asked her to ease off a bit, and that's when four guys came in and grabbed my arms and legs and held me down in the chair while the lady started ramming that stick into my eardrum as hard as she could. Then she dumped some green toilet scouring powder on the other end, turned it around and really went to town. After about half an hour of that, my ear canal was completely gone and she was basically polishing bone. Thankfully, I had lost consciousness by that point, but it wasn't from ASMR.

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 00:00:31 [Preview] No.6 del
i can't see your link or photo

Anonymous 10/04/2019 (Fri) 00:18:44 [Preview] No.7 del
sounds just like a typical heavy metal night for me behind the bar

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