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Party thread Anonimka 04/06/2019 (Sat) 16:59:10 [Preview] No. 41
Ölkəmizə 10.000.000nuncu paz gəldi! Təbrik edirik!!!

Azerbaijan has now 10.000.000 crazy cunts!!! Congrats!!

Anonimka 04/06/2019 (Sat) 17:11:40 [Preview] No.43 del
i don't know nothing about that
but i met this one girl from azerbaijan and she was wife material

Anonimka 04/06/2019 (Sat) 17:14:30 [Preview] No.44 del
where's azerbeyjan

Anonimka 04/06/2019 (Sat) 17:15:34 [Preview] No.46 del
Care to explain throughly

t. horny
In Hell

Anonimka 04/06/2019 (Sat) 17:20:02 [Preview] No.48 del
>Care to explain throughly
it's an "acquired taste", you prob wouldn't care for it
she was petroleum engineer student, short with no tits, short (very) black hair, and was very organized / professional
she also spoke russian
i think she liked me as well? but we never talked about that

we worked on some projects together, and i impressed her with my work, especially in contrast to how lazy everyone else was being

>t. horny
ehh, it's more of a romanic thing than a sexual one
hope to find another girl like that again some day

Anonimka 04/06/2019 (Sat) 17:20:25 [Preview] No.49 del
>i am now a brazilian
well then

Anonimka 04/06/2019 (Sat) 17:22:39 [Preview] No.50 del
>i impressed her with my work
Impressing azerbaijani females are hard thing to do
Good job

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