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What should I do? OU812 06/07/2020 (Sun) 19:17:13 [Preview] No. 262
I was approached by this pedo.
Reinex Kristofer
[email protected]

Approached my user name on OnionSocial asking about if I wanted to trade pictures of 6 year old naked girls.
Said he had a vast collection, over 1TB huge of this junk.
I reported him to the police in his area and also have Doxxed him, as dumb fuck left his email as a point of contact.
This also started over a conversation about smoking meth and having hours of sex. He joked about women his age couldn't get him off, so he would drug children to fuck them and make videos to feed his meth habit.
Fucking pissed I even had a chat with him.
Figured this is the place to lay the shit down.

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