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(251.38 KB 422x521 chrisleicht.jpg)
Dating Scammer, Sextortionist Jonambi 07/17/2021 (Sat) 13:30:49 [Preview] No. 277
Christina Ann Leicht finds and exploits men on dating sites and IRL. She steals from dates. She also sets them up for blackmail and extortion by people she collaborates with. In addition to stealing targets' paperwork and personal info in physical form, she uses iPhone stalkerware, hidden cameras, key loggers, etc. to gain access to personal info and to collect images and material for blackmail. In 2021 she appears to be active in MD, DC, RI, NY and is using multiple Bumble and Tinder profiles.

Christina Ann Leicht
aka Chris Leicht, Kristie Leicht, Christine Leicht, Chris Leichty, etc.

DOB Jan 12 1974

2203 E Lamley Street, Baltimore MD 21231

[email protected]

Physical appearance: 5'4", 145 lbs. Dark hair going gray...sometimes died blonde. No tattoos. 35DDD bra size. Suffers from “lazy eye” and slightly crooked face due to cranial nerve condition.

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