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$BOOP Businessperson 01/04/2022 (Tue) 23:56:58 Id: 9a6db8 [Preview] No. 50 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
If any of you fags wanna make it checkot $BOOP on FTM. Its the first reflection farming asset on the Fantom Network.

Liquidity burned + Buybacks. BSC is a jeetfest so hop on Fantom

Twitter is @PrinterBoo


BURNED LIQUIDITY: https://ftmscan.com/tx/0x82c49db6fbcf2564bdea59bc7d05a64f55661190a26b05724fe1e8c72d77c84c

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bestwinsite Businessperson 11/15/2021 (Mon) 04:12:32 Id: 7beb74 [Preview] No. 49 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
within the night time he reduce out the work, and went to bed early, that he could likely get up and beginbetimes next day; however he changed into saved all the hassle, for while he got up in the morning the work became completed equipped to his hand. speedy in got here consumers, who paid him handsomely for his gadgets, so that he provided leather-based-based sufficient for 4 pair greater.he reduce out the art work once more in a single day and placed it carried out in the morning, as before; and so it went on for some time: what turned into got organized in the midnight have become continually completed by manner of daybreak, and the best guy soon have become thriving and nicely off again.pink wine and cheese is one of those couplings - like of the and western - it sincerely is so automatic that few people withouta doubt save you to recall if it sincerely makes experience. why no longer, for instance, country and southern, on the grounds that that is wherein a lot of the music comes from except?don't forget the usual workplace celebration. it's after lunch, so all of us is complete. then, in comes a luscious chocolate confection.

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Businessperson 11/14/2021 (Sun) 11:53:03 Id: 1cbdc6 [Preview] No. 47 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

loAd ya BaGz boyz Businessperson 11/14/2021 (Sun) 11:54:41 Id: 1cbdc6 [Preview] No.48 del
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bsc pancake swap


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So I made these crypto talibans Businessperson 09/13/2021 (Mon) 12:15:11 Id: f0212f [Preview] No. 46 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Tbh I try to collect enough money to start a farm.
I'm disabled and my country fucked me and I have no right to work I'm a forced neet.
This is the first part of my project I have other project coming after this one, this is some kind of a training ground for me: I have to learn how everything is working and it's damn complicated !

10k NFTs
1 NFTs is 7.77 Matic
100 NFTs airdroped every 100 new members ( 1k NFTs to airdrop )


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Negative Interest Rates Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 21:08:20 Id: 18836b [Preview] No. 20 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
For all of you who live in Europe, how have the European Central Bank's (and the central banks of Sweden, Denmark, and Switzerland) negative interest rates affected you? Have you been converting everything to gold? Are you at peace with it?

How worried should I be about them hopping the pond to America? Pic related.

Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 21:11:45 Id: 175204 [Preview] No. 21 del

Businessperson 08/19/2021 (Thu) 01:06:32 Id: b67012 [Preview] No.45 del
Who can borrow from the ECB?

Monetary science behind low central rates according to Euro is that with such a large population base having adopted Euro and such a small supply compared to dollars, these negative rates keep people from saving too much cash in the bank and driving up the euro exchange rate which would make exports less competitive. It is a trick to balancing conservativism in the financial system. If they would follow America's lead they would get the shaft, they could raise rates and people would save more, the euro would appreciate and governments would compensate by increasing spending, then the euro system would be hooked on a export defecit like the USA.

Money Businessperson 08/11/2021 (Wed) 04:16:40 Id: 2ba065 [Preview] No. 44 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
What we need is 0.1% benchmark rates permanently.

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Businessperson 05/16/2021 (Sun) 22:42:38 Id: 7a5895 [Preview] No. 43 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
why haven't you taken the ebay pet rock pill yet mateys?

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Businessperson 02/07/2017 (Tue) 05:56:35 Id: 141cae [Preview] No. 30 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Which chan actually has a good /biz/ board? cuckchan /biz/ is dead and halfchan /biz/ is cancer.

I just want to exchange useful information with other business savvy posters.

Businessperson 02/07/2017 (Tue) 06:22:56 Id: 15995a [Preview] No. 31 del
Biz sucks fam, they're not smart enough to be atheists and/or lack the guts.

Businessperson 02/07/2017 (Tue) 06:36:46 Id: 141cae [Preview] No. 32 del
There must be somewhere that I can learn about how to make my shekels.

Businessperson 02/07/2017 (Tue) 11:39:37 Id: 961027 [Preview] No. 33 del
Common sense is the best way to earn your shekels.

Businessperson 02/11/2017 (Sat) 17:06:02 Id: d7fc5c [Preview] No. 34 del
Bus curriculum is full of WSJ conservative sources so why are so many business people ultimately Democrats?

Businessperson 11/16/2019 (Sat) 00:15:48 [Preview] No.42 del

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/altcoins/ Businessperson 10/12/2017 (Thu) 18:17:58 Id: c7aa29 [Preview] No. 36 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Crypto altcoins thread? Personally I think crypto is the future. No more centralization, no more states fucking you in the ass.
I also don't want to become a wage slave so I hope to make it thanks to crypto. Life is too short to not do what you like.
What cryptocurrencies have you invested in anons? What are you bullish on?
It would be cool that we all make it.

Personally I am extremely bullish on Bitbay. I missed the Ethereum train but I think Bitbay will be the next moon mission in 2018. It is the sole working decentralized marketplace and trustless contracting platform while fixing many BTC flaws and planning to have a decentralized peg that brings price stability by preventing volatility, especially from whales shady manipulation. The price is still fucking low (23m market cap) so there is a lot of growth potential. For instance, to have a x2 ROIs with ETH, it would need 30 fucking billions of dollars, while with bitbay it would only need 23m. It is far more likely in the latter for this very reason.
Pics related why I am bullish on it. It has both mainstream and darknet potential.

Businessperson 10/12/2017 (Thu) 18:24:55 Id: 7e1b02 [Preview] No. 37 del
Alright shill i'm listening. Post your infographics and Slack invite or be banished.

Businessperson 10/12/2017 (Thu) 18:46:46 Id: c7aa29 [Preview] No. 38 del
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Slack invite for you.
Also pics related are the official roadmap and features infographics (although it miss some features as it is old).
I hope you read my two screenshots in my original post too.
To be honest, I looked at literally all decentralized crypto marketplaces projects like Syscoin, Safex and Particl, and sadly they were all shitcoins that had either no released product or had HUGE flaws like centralization problems and depreciated tech like PoW.
Overall crypto to take off need what all economies need: COMMERCE!
And moreover it needs stability (including price stability) and security while not compromising DECENTRALIZATION.
And basically, Bitbay is the only one doing all of these rightfully, while having a good & reliable team, and an extremely great roadmap.
It is not vaporware, you can download the client and test it and you will see that overall it works as intended.
It still has much things to improve but they will deliver as they always did.
Bitbay also have a partnership with Blocknet, the first decentralized crypto exchange ever that has atomic trading.
Literally the future is being developed right there.
I am extremely bullish on it, especially as it is still very low marketcap so you can easily have tons of ROIs.
By 2018 It will have certainly moon. Comfy holding tbh anon.

Businessperson 10/24/2019 (Thu) 23:02:22 [Preview] No.40 del
should I buy nkn

Businessperson 10/24/2019 (Thu) 23:06:26 [Preview] No.41 del


fuck off

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Corporate Sadism Businessperson 12/31/2015 (Thu) 03:05:02 Id: b6d33a [Preview] No. 13 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
For whatever reason I really enjoy watching once mighty companies go bankrupt. Liquidation is the most entertaining to watch, but restructuring is okay too. Am I just really fucked up or are other people like this?

Businessperson 01/02/2016 (Sat) 21:11:54 Id: 488f5f [Preview] No. 14 del
Depends on the company. I personally can't wait to see most of the tech giants die. Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microshaft, Apple. I want to see them burn.

Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 09:41:24 Id: ed91ac [Preview] No. 16 del
Why contain it?

Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 12:15:03 Id: d4ef6a [Preview] No. 17 del
What are the collapses that have given you the hardiest erections, OP?

Businessperson 01/03/2016 (Sun) 20:59:19 Id: b6d33a [Preview] No. 19 del

Using a different connection, ID might not match.

The first time I remember being excited by economic failure was in 2008, when I saw an article about the Dow falling 800 points in one day. I was dissapointed the next day that there was no repeat performance.

Borders Books & Music is the gold standard for me when it comes to bankruptcies. National footprint to nothing in a few fateful months. Sold the inventory, the property, the shelving, the web servers, everything.

The Unicorns (Unicorpses?) have been getting me hard as diamonds lately. Living Social, Grupon, Zynga, Foursquare, all those third generation (after Facebook) social networking companies have been struggling for the last few years or have given up the struggle and died.

The devaluations of Snapchat, Square, and Dropbox drew me like the smell of blood and I have popcorn ready for when they drop into the abyss.

Most of the companies I like seeing collapse are in tech/retail/media because their misfortune is very public. Appalachian coal miners are of less interest since there are no mines nearby and their affairs tend to be not as well documented.

Businessperson 12/05/2017 (Tue) 17:54:57 Id: 4323b9 [Preview] No.39 del
me too op, consolidation is destroying the world and making a plutocracy stronger
https://youtube.com/watch?v=00wQYmvfhn4 [Embed]