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(106.90 KB 1008x1020 Andromeda1.jpeg)
Don't Miss It !! Andromeda 01/06/2024 (Sat) 20:52 [Preview] No. 137
πŸš€ Exciting News! $ANDR partnered with @axvdex, the premiere AMM and DEX of @archwayHQ . Introducing #Astrovault, a game-changer with slippage-free trades and innovative features.

🌌 Key Features:

1. External Revenue Generation.
2. Volume Incentive.
3. Sustainability Focus.

πŸš€ Opportunities Await:

1. Enhanced Liquidity and Trading Options.
2. Innovative Trading Mechanisms.
3. Economic Efficiency and Rewards.

πŸ“… Save the Date:

Join @AndromedaProt for a live discussion with the Astrovault team on Monday, January 8th at 12 PM EST. RSVP details coming soon!

Read more πŸ‘‰ https://www.andromedaprotocol.io/blog/andromeda-and-astrovault-join-forces-for-a-revolutionary-dex-experience

Don't miss the future of decentralized trading! πŸŒπŸ’«

Andromeda OFFICIAL Handles:

🌈 Telegram: https://t.me/andromedaprotocol

🐦Twitter: https://x.com/AndromedaProt?t=ohGq-wvn4UMHhDbxGBwO5w&s=09

🌐 Website: https://www.andromedaprotocol.io/

πŸ”₯ Discord: https://discord.com/invite/GBd6buKYyZ

πŸ”₯ Medium: https://medium.com/andromeda-engineering


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