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The Next Gen #decentralized launchpad $UNCX πŸ“£ Unicrypt 04/29/2022 (Fri) 18:59:31 [Preview] No. 38
The Next Gen #decentralized launchpad $UNCX πŸ“£

As the DeFi space continues to boom, many projects are building infrastructure to accommodate rising user base. 🀝🏻

New projects face many difficulties while their presale, because most of the platforms are centralized which are controlled by small group of people. however to overcome this, Unicrypt Network has decentralized platform having distinct features from centralized launchpads. 🀩

$UNCX does not discriminate any projects, they provide fundings, promotion and support. All the process are automate, thus anyone can launch ILO. 🀝🏻🀝🏻

$UNCX already gave 100x launches like #BabyDoge (16520x), #CULT (315x), #QBIT (105x). πŸš€πŸš€
It is giving tough competition to its competitors @TheDaoMaker & @AvaxLauncher.

$UNCX is a cross chain decentralized service provider. It is also integrated with liquidity locker, which allows locking of liquidity on Uniswap of other AMMs.

Launch your project on @UNCX_token and take your project to the new heights πŸ“£πŸš€

βœ…Website: unicrypt.network

βœ…Twitter: twitter.com/UNCX_token

βœ…Telegram: t.me/uncx_token

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