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(11.06 KB 400x400 unicrypt.jpeg)
Get Hodl of this Gem Unicrypt 05/09/2022 (Mon) 17:00:09 [Preview] No. 43
Despite the Crypto market is in red, $UNCX is hitting highs and it's price is going up like crazyπŸ”₯

In such a dicey market conditions, Unicrypt staking is still not impacted. As promised all the rewards will be shortly added in staking pools soon. πŸ“£πŸ“£

With strong fundamentals and excellent #defi services $UNCX continuously rewarding it's community members and helping new projects to grow. πŸš€πŸ’ΈπŸ’·

Initially deployed on the queen of smart contract blockchains, Ethereum (ETH), UniCrypt has rapidly expanded to other networks. The protocol is now accessible on the BNB Chain, the Gnosis Chain, Avalanche (AVAX) and finally the Polygon network (MATIC).

$UNCX us native token of Unicrypt. $UNCX was priced $17.7 in Aug 2020 & now it hovers at around $440, which is 25x.
This is the great performance indicator of the project πŸ“£πŸ“£

Three key services offered by Unicrypt are
βœ… #ILO Launchpad
βœ… liquidity lockers
βœ… Token Vesting

With such a strong fundamentals and clear roadmap to provide automated, decentralized, Scalable multichain technology unicrypt will become skyrocket soon and always rewards its community members. πŸ’ΈπŸš€πŸ’·

join the revolution in #Defi #UNCX πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ“£

βœ…Website: unicrypt.network

βœ…Twitter: twitter.com/UNCX_token

βœ…Telegram: t.me/uncx_token

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