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(12.88 KB 458x358 Unizen..jpeg)
Unizen $ZCX will build out a huge ecosystem🤯. Unizen 07/03/2022 (Sun) 18:07:06 [Preview] No. 48
In this bear market, be a warrior not a worrier & to be strong like a warrior, you need to invest in strong fundamental projects.

Who wouldn't want to invest in a project which had strong fundamentals and secured a $200 million 🤑 capital commitment from GEM investment group that too in a BearMarket 🐻.

Gem is a $3.4 billion investment group that focuses on emerging markets, it selected $ZCX with the aim to “have a hand in technology that will shape the future of finance.

$ZCX is an undervalued project with Marketcap of $15.8 Million.

Unizen $ZCX will build out a huge ecosystem🤯. Fully expand on their team, ZenX incubation and become THE CeDeFi ecosystem for insti0tutions 💪.

Be wise and invest in $ZCX today.



🌈 Telegram: https://t.me/unizen_io

🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/unizen_io

🌐 Website: https://www.unizen.io/

⭐️ Medium: https://unizen-io.medium.com/

📌 Contract Address: 0xc52c326331e9ce41f04484d3b5e5648158028804

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