/bnk/ - The Bunker

A place to watch the world burn in /comfort/.

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Welcome to the last place normalfags and Satanists can't reach on the Clearnet. Don't namefag or slide, and enjoy!

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Copium Dump Thread Anonymous 09/03/2021 (Fri) 23:01:05 [Preview] No. 3
This thread is dedicated to all the wholesome, relaxing things that can distract us (even if only for a minute) from the hell that is the Earth right now.
All is welcome lads, just nothing too (((average))) if you catch my drift.
How is everyone's day? Anything you lads need to get off your chests?

Anonymous 09/04/2021 (Sat) 22:21:04 [Preview] No.4 del
I want a girlfriend

That's all

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