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Favorite Clip Ever Anonymous 01/12/2021 (Tue) 22:26:24 [Preview] No. 1398 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Figured I's start a discussion topic since there hasn't been one in awhile

What is your favorite single bubble clip ever?

Mine is Logan Rivers sports car bubble, cause it fits all my favorite aspects:
1) Using old school dubble bubble (before the horrible formula change)
2) View from side and a little behind
3) Done in public
4) Huge, thick bubbles, typical of Dubble Bubble at the time

I will post the clip to the vola

Anonymous 01/13/2021 (Wed) 15:09:07 [Preview] No.1399 del
I feel cringy talking about this but [c4s]556.avi was savage, and I liked sativasfirstbubblebj_002.wmv too

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Source Anonymous 01/04/2021 (Mon) 22:16:13 [Preview] No. 1388 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Anyone know where this is from?
1 post omitted.

Anonymous 01/05/2021 (Tue) 12:28:06 [Preview] No.1390 del
So now's the part where one of us start crying and beggind you to share that knowledge with us right?Are you troll guys so easily entertained?Omg, seriously.

Anonymous 01/05/2021 (Tue) 16:40:43 [Preview] No.1391 del
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>replies to a dead on arrival thread and gets mad at something that hasn't happened.

Take your meds, schizo.

Anonymous 01/07/2021 (Thu) 08:59:44 [Preview] No.1393 del
Damn, that's big! Who is she? Might buy one of her videos.

Anonymous 01/08/2021 (Fri) 01:55:10 [Preview] No.1395 del
u tracked that down

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8ch is back up Anonymous 12/15/2019 (Sun) 05:15:14 [Preview] No. 277 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

Anonymous 12/18/2019 (Wed) 02:00:01 [Preview] No.304 del
ha like anyone wants to be a member

/The Mausoleum/ Anonymous 01/06/2021 (Wed) 08:17:39 [Preview] No.1392 del
The incomplete movie rebellion was written around a forum adventure on mapa forums.

>Hijack thread when stressed by posting saved Bob and George forum comic exploitables

Video available? Anonymous 12/31/2020 (Thu) 13:38:58 [Preview] No. 1384 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Does anyone know if the full clip is still available to purchase from somewhere?

Fag shit Anonymous 12/22/2020 (Tue) 04:35:22 [Preview] No. 1365 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Who keeps posting faggot shit in the Vola. This forum is for bubblegum not your homosexual tendencies. Find a different forum if you want that shit. Iā€™m sure there are fag bubble sites somewhere on the web. Keep that shit off this site.

Anonymous 12/26/2020 (Sat) 23:28:15 [Preview] No.1374 del
>implying fags would stop ruining all heretosexual parts of the internet.

Happy Holidays Anonymous 12/23/2020 (Wed) 02:07:04 [Preview] No. 1366 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I remember last holiday session this being an awesome website. I hope that everyone is able to stay awesome this holiday session. I know that some of the same videos get uploaded here a lot, sometimes it can be helpful when someone request a re-upload. I also hope that, everyone can put their differences aside for the Christmas and New Years. There can be a lot of shit talking on this website. Enjoy some new content and Merry Christmas!

Anonymous 12/23/2020 (Wed) 02:24:10 [Preview] No.1367 del
a pirates life 4 me

Anonymous 12/23/2020 (Wed) 15:31:02 [Preview] No.1368 del
arr arr arr!

Anonymous 12/26/2020 (Sat) 01:39:08 [Preview] No.1370 del
Hey thank you, and Merry Christmas and Happy new year to everyone here! ^^

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Random Anonymous 10/27/2020 (Tue) 15:34:24 [Preview] No. 1298 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Post whatever
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Anonymous 10/30/2020 (Fri) 00:44:35 [Preview] No.1301 del
what 1990ss content u jacking 2 todayy?

Anonymous 10/30/2020 (Fri) 22:40:42 [Preview] No.1302 del
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who's ready for another Sierra dump!!1!

Anonymous 10/31/2020 (Sat) 13:02:38 [Preview] No.1303 del
Trolls on a bigger troll site concerned about trolling? Thats hilarious bro

Anonymous 12/10/2020 (Thu) 13:38:51 [Preview] No.1358 del
Nice pics, I love keeping the pics here and the vids on viola!

Cam Girls Anonymous 10/09/2020 (Fri) 18:33:40 [Preview] No. 1265 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Anyone know of any chaturbate or other webcam girls who blow bubbles? Used to be quite a few but many have stopped camming the last few years.
2 posts omitted.

Anonymous 10/10/2020 (Sat) 00:23:42 [Preview] No.1268 del
Most don't have gum, so even though they say they may be willing, they can't.

Usually there are a bunch of models who keep gum on hand, didn't know if anyone here has come across any.

Anonymous 10/13/2020 (Tue) 00:30:28 [Preview] No.1272 del
I don't think anyone here uses cam girls to blow bubbles, most just seems to be instagram paid private vids and C4S.

Anonymous 10/15/2020 (Thu) 04:01:17 [Preview] No.1273 del
still enjoyng sandi s middle finger?

Anonymous 12/10/2020 (Thu) 13:40:02 [Preview] No.1360 del
Chaturbate has had more girls blowing bubbles but most are from blowpops. Anyone else see new girls on cams?

Anonymous 12/07/2020 (Mon) 19:00:16 [Preview] No. 1352 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
As the pic title suggest, does anyone have the full video or more of her?She's lovely.

Anonymous 12/07/2020 (Mon) 22:59:11 [Preview] No.1353 del
run out of asmr videos to share?

Anonymous 12/08/2020 (Tue) 13:52:47 [Preview] No.1355 del
Sorry, i wasn't the one who shared those old asmr videos ^^

Anonymous 12/08/2020 (Tue) 15:02:25 [Preview] No.1356 del
Btw, thanks to whoever posted the full video! :))

Anonymous 12/09/2020 (Wed) 01:34:49 [Preview] No.1357 del
Thank you!

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Anonymous 12/08/2020 (Tue) 12:11:31 [Preview] No. 1354 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Does anyone has videos about Kimberly from Bubblzone2000?