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(368.24 KB 1080x1350 bb4dc849766a8e5af4c045.jpg)
Same Troll Anonymous 05/19/2020 (Tue) 20:12:26 [Preview] No. 1081
There are ways to see where posts are coming from on here. Please don't argue with the troll who's only intent is to cause divide on this board. ONE GUY is posting 90% of the trolling comments and responses. Just let him post his "simp/fag/etc" comments and create fake arguments with himself until he finds a new hobby.

Rest of us can continue to share content on the file sharing page, that's the best way to show this person his tantrums are not effective. He obviously is addicted to coming here and attempting to cause trouble. Again, do NOT respond to this juvenile and let's keep making this board better! All bubbles are welcome!

Anonymous 05/22/2020 (Fri) 00:30:26 [Preview] No.1084 del
Its very telling that fucker has a shitty life, and was probably abused by his parents or something. No healthy person spends his time doing the shit he does.

Anonymous 05/22/2020 (Fri) 16:21:53 [Preview] No.1085 del
Prolly similar to that fucker named Storm.

Anonymous 05/29/2020 (Fri) 02:06:18 [Preview] No.1088 del
good to see you are alive and well...now get out!

One guy trolling Anonymous 06/02/2020 (Tue) 03:59:32 [Preview] No.1092 del
It’s funny how all you bubblegum simp faggots on here seem to think only one person despises Storm. You are truly pathetic. Keep whacking it in mom’s basement.

Anonymous 06/04/2020 (Thu) 04:33:36 [Preview] No.1093 del
(248.47 KB 1151x636 FUCK_STORM.jpg)
Its only one person, someone who went out of their way to save a screenshot of Storms post from 3 months ago and then post it in the vola.

Storm post Anonymous 06/04/2020 (Thu) 16:47:27 [Preview] No.1095 del
It shows how pathetic your simp minds are. Just because one person posted a screenshot in the Vola about Storm doesn’t mean that more than one person cannot have a dislike for that shitbag. Get a fucking clue and stop being sheep or continue to and you’ll keep living in moms basement jacking it to bubble vids other people pay for.

Anonymous 06/05/2020 (Fri) 03:20:18 [Preview] No.1097 del
you might try concentrating on th e bubbles instead of a raging hate for someone you have not even met

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