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Vola Simp Faggots Anonymous 11/22/2020 (Sun) 17:01:45 [Preview] No. 1324
It never ceases to amaze how the Simp fags on here continually rock the same vids on the Vola. Don’t you idiots get tired of uploading the same trash repeatedly. Keep rocking that limp dick energy

Anonymous 11/25/2020 (Wed) 22:42:09 [Preview] No.1332 del
It never ceases to amaze how the same guy keeps coming back to this site to whine and do nothing but whine.

Guess what, uploads will continue forever :)

Just like you still coming back over and over for no reason other than making posts no one cares about ;)


Anonymous 11/26/2020 (Thu) 02:07:30 [Preview] No.1333 del
Do you retards on here really think there is only one person on here who hates the same trash that keeps being put in the Vola. Sorry you’re dumb and a bunch of broke ass losers who can’t afford current content. Enjoy the fag vids and outdated YouTube shit

Anonymous 11/26/2020 (Thu) 17:37:27 [Preview] No.1334 del
Hey its that same guy again! Love how you keep visiting! Did you see all the stuff on the Vola? Happy Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous 11/26/2020 (Thu) 18:54:32 [Preview] No.1335 del
youtube videos? lame- limp dick

Anonymous 11/26/2020 (Thu) 23:31:30 [Preview] No.1336 del
i don't like animated shit myself but if you don't like what's being posted just get out. nothing's gonna change, fuckhead

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