/christianity/ - Christianity

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We now have our own site! https://christchannel.xyz

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8chan refugee Anonymous 09/13/2019 (Fri) 10:27:45 [Preview] No. 186
I am posting here because I used to go to /christian/ on 8chan but now the website is dead. Does anyone know where the anons went?
Pic unrelated

Anonymous 09/13/2019 (Fri) 11:39:37 [Preview] No.188 del
>>>/christian/ had some posts recently, I don't browse it so I don't know the situation now, if you won't find them there then maybe that'll be a lead

Anonymous 09/13/2019 (Fri) 11:55:08 [Preview] No.189 del
Thanks man, just went there and it looks like I'm not the only one

Anonymous 09/13/2019 (Fri) 15:48:10 [Preview] No.193 del
(203.27 KB 932x832 tutor discord.png)
8/christian/ is not migrating anywhere, and even if 8chan comes back online the BO here admitted that he did not believe in it in the first place. 8/christian/ was just a board for a catholic discord community.

This board is a bunker for 8/christianity/, where we actually believed in imageboards as a platform for Christian discussion.

Anonymous 09/14/2019 (Sat) 08:53:35 [Preview] No.196 del
>we actually believed in imageboards as a platform for Christian discussion.
And you were right.

Anonymous 09/15/2019 (Sun) 20:18:05 [Preview] No.207 del
Some went to halfchan /pol/ and posted a bunch of RC threads. They failed miserably

Anonymous 09/23/2019 (Mon) 04:50:12 [Preview] No.268 del
do you have the link to that discord server. I really liked 8/christian/ and i want more

Anonymous 09/23/2019 (Mon) 12:47:08 [Preview] No.269 del

I'm warning you: it's a frustrating timesink full of socially challenged teenage boys.

Anonymous 09/23/2019 (Mon) 14:11:45 [Preview] No.270 del

>I'm warning you: it's a frustrating timesink full of socially challenged teenage boys.

To be fair, that's pretty much anonymous image board culture as a whole.

Anonymous 09/23/2019 (Mon) 14:44:36 [Preview] No.271 del
It's not readily apparent on an imageboard because each thread is on a certain topic. Discord is a groupchat.

Anonymous 10/02/2019 (Wed) 17:35:47 [Preview] No.291 del
(34.43 KB 292x479 1537916240267.jpg)
>using satanic botnet

Anonymous 10/03/2019 (Thu) 20:44:33 [Preview] No.295 del
So I've been a refugee for a day or so now, going from website to website. It feels pretty bad.

Anonymous 11/03/2019 (Sun) 06:56:56 [Preview] No.342 del
8kun has come online but is very laggy at the moment. The Christian boards haven't been migrated. Someone please tell the BO of /christianity/ to contact the admins to migrate the board.

Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 14:39:52 [Preview] No.359 del
Are there Bible passages about warning against devilish, fool-shaping speech like ebonics or that vile language used in the OP's image?

Anonymous 05/06/2020 (Wed) 14:43:23 [Preview] No.360 del
Tutor was a horrible BO, and I don't like saying that because it sounds like I hate him, but I do not. His reign has been plagued with incompetence, and perhaps the worst thing to happen to the board was not stepping in when a couple of fools DESPITE A FEW OF US WARNING THEM thought it prudent to advertise the board on reddit. Reddit is a hugbox of conventional "moralists" and those who would prefer religion as a hobby. After that, /christian/ become something much worse. At one point I could have genuine religious, spiritual discussion, but no longer.

Anonymous 12/04/2022 (Sun) 20:32 [Preview] No.378 del
When yellowposters on /b/ from the most popular image board showed links to the server of that thing, I knew something wasn't right.
Good for yellowposters trying to convience mods of that imageboard to remove porn, but that link just ruined it for me.

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