/dnm/ - darknet markets

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New Market Hermes Market 05/14/2021 (Fri) 21:34:36 [Preview] No. 175 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
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Hermes Market:

We are finally open for registrations for Vendors and buyers. Hermes is a walletless traditional Escrow (FE for trusted status vendors) multi cryptocurrency market.
No storing money/crypto on the market, a unique escrow payment address will be generated upon checkout and you pay directly to that. Our support is ticket based and we also
offer a bitmessage support service for those extra time sensitve issues. Please go take a look and see what you think. Visit the Faq's page for further details.

Hermes Market.


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NIGHTMARE MARKET SCRIPT FOR SALE Jerry 05/07/2021 (Fri) 18:44:32 [Preview] No. 173 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I have complete NIGHT MARKET MARKET Scripts, Including Database and Private Keys, Every single needed information is available FOR SALE, SHOOT ME AN EMAIL AT: [email protected]

DPR 07/06/2021 (Tue) 18:44:50 [Preview] No.204 del
Esta é a gorda que os confrades estão falando? Caralho, acordei inspirado. Além de pelancuda, macaca (da Silva), nariguda e feia, também é burra. Tomou no cu com a reply no fio da deRuy2er, a baleia achou que estava no azulzinho e foi brigar lá. Vi umas fotos dela nas redes sociais dos parentes e fiquei com um puta nojo, imagina o fedor de suor entre as gorduras, os pneus cheios de celulite e a buceta preta nojenta. Não como esta porra nem de graça, kra kra! No máximo gozo nesta cara de cavala. Já temos os dados de toda a família, se preparem, tem coisa grande vindo aí. Mais tarde dou mais detalhes e compartilho todos os dados da putona com vocês. Preciso planejar o ACTVM SANCTVM com mais cautela.
O que eu posso contar, é o básico: a internet, energia e água da casa dela estarão cortadas no prazo de 15 dias. Também já vou declarar a vadia como morta aqui no SUS, a esquerdistinha nunca mais poderá usufruir deste sistema porque o estado dela será de ÓBITO. O confrade ariano vai meter uma engenharia social na vadia, mas isso é com ele. Mando os nudes quando realizar o backdoor. Os confrades argentinos cuidarão das 88 empresas abertas no nome dela por aí, ela vai chorar na SBT igual aquele pretinho que sujamos o nome, kra kra! Also, o pretinho até hoje não conseguiu provar que não foi ele que abriu as empresas e não consegue comprar nem um bujão de gás usando o próprio nome.
>aiin mangina
Já sei bem sua cor, animal. Toma ban aí, preto desprovido de inteligência. A foda fora, shill do Salmão. Todos os confrades sabem que a deRuy2er nunca concorda e nem contribui com nossos atos porque é cheia de não-me-toque. Mangina é o caralho, porra. Ninguém aqui liga pra mulher não. Que se foda Kyo também, se ela vier falar bosta vai tomar de volta.
By the way, continuo com o mesmo TorMail.

I pay $2000 for login/pass at this website: http://cibeadmin.lbftravel.com/Pages/Logon.aspx n0b0dy777 04/25/2021 (Sun) 21:51:29 [Preview] No. 168 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
I pay $2000 for login/pass at this website
If you have many accounts, I will buy them all
Jabber: [email protected]
Telegram: @n0b0dy777

Anonymous 04/28/2021 (Wed) 05:58:06 [Preview] No.169 del
I have what you are looking for. However, your jabber nor your telegram are reachable. Please use email service, there are plenty hosted in onion land to improve security and privacy.

Yea easy emogee 05/05/2021 (Wed) 15:55:32 [Preview] No.172 del
There's a pretty obvious flaw in their implementation that makes them vuln to LFI. So this can be done. serious about the 2k?

Just a reminder that New Haven Market is open and accepting vendors and buyers alike! Established vendors reach out to support for a vendor bond waiver.

Hash: SHA512

New Haven Market is open and welcoming new vendors!

$500 Refundable Vendor Bond
5% Market Fee
2.5% Market Fee for any clients that join using your referral code!



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WARNING BIG BLUE MARKET HANDING OVER DB TO LEA Anonymous 04/09/2021 (Fri) 21:16:11 [Preview] No. 166 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Taken from dread forums.
Big Blue's Final Announcement
by /u/Blue_PR Manager • 5 hours ago in /d/BigBlueMarket
Hello all. I just wanted to state that Big Blue admin has left the building as the blue admin. Big Blue has stopped all operations since yesterday, given how our other markets are listed and got banners on dread and passed threw un-detected by the gate keepers of this whole industry ( /u/hugbunter ,/u/paris ,/u/darkdotfail ,/u/darknetlive ) Big blue is no longer needed.. its just a pile of evidence at this point. Given the sheer amount of abuse we have received, due to being overtly vocal on the power structure that currently rules this industry and saying the quite part out loud. Blowing the whistle on how the (dread , ddf, darknetlive ) takes a percentage of an exit scam's in order to push the market visibility. You can see why blue marching to the beat of our own drum has made many enemies.. its affects how the top makes there money.

Some users where able to make withdrawals yesterday , If they met certain conditions.
Conditions are as follows. If you have a dread account that corresponds user/vendor account you where disqualified from from a withdrawal. Also if you vend on monopoly market and also have a blue account .. that money is gone you where disqualified. So only a handful where able to get there money back, the rest have to take there lumps along with the other hundreds and thousands of people that lost there money due to using dread, this is no different if a dread market was to exit scam (Olympus , pax romana , invictus , imypaira , soon darkn0de ) these are just recent examples. If they can do it so can we.

I understand there will be a few smiles on there faces because of this message , so i want to just leave one more thing. I just want to drive home one more lesson bout this game and sticking it dread and the rest. I have taken the liberty to unencrypt the whole db including pass's ,convos ,tracking address, etc etc . In 12 hours time we are going to shoot this db to the 3 letter agency's for maximum damage to the dread community. Maybe this should be a lesson to Hb and paris that they just cant treat people like shit. If they cared , they could buy the db from us ..but don't hold your breath, they are very hardheaded. Anyways Just wanted to put this out let everyone know

See ya on the next market


Members of the dread community have already begun tracing this loose in order to zap him out of existance.

Anonymous 04/01/2021 (Thu) 17:05:22 [Preview] No. 160 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
This message is approved by 9000

Anonymous 04/01/2021 (Thu) 17:07:00 [Preview] No.161 del
(6.60 KB 169x300 9000.jpg)

Anonymous 04/01/2021 (Thu) 18:24:57 [Preview] No.162 del
Go back to dread faggot.

Anonymous 04/02/2021 (Fri) 13:51:50 [Preview] No.163 del
>phone-res screenshot of a facebook-tier meme
you have to go back

Anonymous 05/13/2021 (Thu) 20:16:56 [Preview] No.174 del
fuck off 9000

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Sucking dick does pay off well, Anonymous 03/31/2021 (Wed) 18:12:01 [Preview] No. 159 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Just wanted to give you all a freebie (or you can donate to the addresses below).
Sucking dick does pay off well, specially during the plan-demic. Interesting faqs learned recently during my “Sucking Dick for Crypto” plan-demic limited time tour on the foothills, and hoods of the best state, California. I discovered many people in the San Diego area that would prefer to pay for their dick being sucked by me personally with ETH, BCH, and of course LTC. I was reminded once again that nobody wants to part with their coins that easily, or admit they use the God Tier coin, XMR.
For this I salute you all, tips hat as an ode to the great 9000. Friend, and foe.
XMR and BTC, and LTC donations accepted. Please support ardkore gangstas like me, who do it for the love.

The following donations will also be forwarded to a non profit of my choice securely and anonymously as possible if that helps you sleep better at night.


Feel welcome to use escrow for this also available on drugzlist (http://drugzlisz3nc2cdnyoejpftxqbydlwej3gs4srkj6ep6lu2z5viy4dad.onion/?page=Forums&f=7&ft=711866268456827529)

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Sonar app SonarAdmin 03/22/2021 (Mon) 18:33:53 [Preview] No. 114 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Sonar app admiin here; Contact me for further comprehensive guid on Sonar + server side GnuPG encryption 4096 bit strong for 110% max security in the field.
My contact:
My website:
I'm also available on drugzlist in order to sell or offer PoW work/pay for hire tech work.
I do all the good things rival to /u/mr_white and his fag crew.
4 posts and 2 images omitted.

seee laure 03/29/2021 (Mon) 19:00:12 [Preview] No.147 del

fvfvfvfv laure 03/29/2021 (Mon) 19:01:11 [Preview] No.148 del

jessie laure 03/29/2021 (Mon) 19:01:43 [Preview] No.149 del
juste parler

Anonymous 03/30/2021 (Tue) 16:18:53 [Preview] No.151 del
slanteyed CCP flag shilling for Sonar? not surprised. fuck off gook, nobody wants your RCs and nobody wants to use Sonar

Anonymous 03/30/2021 (Tue) 20:46:19 [Preview] No.156 del
Sonar has been a great replacement for Signal app.

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http://localmonerogt7be.onion/nojs/ Anonymous 03/22/2021 (Mon) 20:13:36 [Preview] No. 123 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Need XMR asap? Look me up, as I am the most trusted seller of XMR in the crypto sphere.
Also available on drugzlist.

Anonymous 03/23/2021 (Tue) 02:26:02 [Preview] No.124 del
I vouch for opticbit but I'm just some anonymous shitposter. Check the reviews, his shit is legit. Nice to know you're DNM-friendly too. If you turn out to be a fed I'm completely fucked lmfao

Anonymous 03/23/2021 (Tue) 06:18:58 [Preview] No.131 del
(9.51 KB 300x300 Busted.jpg)
Nigga is a fed. Got me for $5k on a sting.
I just got out on bail.