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vendors of visa prepaid/cloned cards is authentic vendors or rippers or recommends for authentic markets sell visa prepaid cards Anonymous 11/07/2021 (Sun) 20:16:48 [Preview] No. 247
hi i am new to the dark web i am interested in buying a visa prepaid card or visa gift card that is at a good price as i was scammed and ripped 3 times light money, torbuy and a nigger that sold me a fullz not working and ripper i did not use escrow, a few weeks ago I found two stores but I have some doubts are real the seller of cashcards has sent me some real images of the card via telegram and sent me some links to escorw but this has given me more doubts about these pages they scam you or steal the money I am a serious buyer, I need one of these cards to pay for my basic needs and improve my quality of life, I am poor living with an abusive family that has many needs and to recover some money stolen by them I depend on an emergency basic income from the government that does not reach me at the end of the month.

and i am thinking of using a cleanweb escorw service to do business with the vendor cash cards for not ripped me, if anyone has bought cloned and prepaid cards on the dark web please send me proofs in video or images or anyone has bought from vendor cashcards is it real or is it just another scammer of the bunch

is it safe to use the cards and shipping to my country also what authentic market do you recommend me to buy visa prepaid cards or visa gift to withdraw money in atm. one of these cards would be my salvation after so much suffering and buy the things i need and recover all the money lost from the scams and rippers and steal money my abusive brothers

greetings from latin america

cash cards wth474sv6ct4glwiowjipvr6ydeg6tbxlenxqibe5vno7ivmeqlumnid
multi escrow voww4t3kpku6ak73z6cocpummzjchaxrbrnfjpv4xaj5unxyaqxmumid
safe escrow doplbqohmtiozaeae5bxdzjnjvbuajty3wx3z6tyqrmcrm74z6udmkqd
Trust BTC qxpta72ntfvjeqw44unuer6oaoojlsoaqmycwxs6hxu2jewci2yorlid
CASH CARDS "REVIEWS" u5lyidiw4lpkonoctpqzxgyk6xop7w7w3oho4dzzsi272rwnjhyx7ayd/cash-cards-original-site/
Black market blackmamonp2gagujxor53txwa4dmben3viuznhbfc2klsn7cqqkxbqd/credit-cards
DEEP MARKET deepmexzsejpzqid3k7knaas2p73dko6kxgpou7oey7vqtmrhopjyqyd/b2b-cards

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