/gf/ - Good Feels

Born to be alive

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Bad feels banned! Good feels only!

(214.77 KB 720x720 feels alright.jpg)
gf 04/18/2017 (Tue) 09:08:36 Id: 67ffc9 [Preview] No. 1 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Zen dictates that there is no good or bad, only feels. However, it cannot be denied that sometimes this site is full of moaning/sarcasm and not enough fun. This board exists to correct the balance.

Look at this kid, just chilling having fun with his birds. This board represents his sincere smile and that we all felt that way once and we can again.

Have fun.

New Feel Good mcfeel 02/17/2022 (Thu) 13:01:02 Id: 001ec8 [Preview] No. 34 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Full Episode Link
➡️ https://youtube.com/watch?v=qtqP_gA0rXA [Embed] ⬅️


My Pal from Boardwalk Empire talks losing weight, directing other actors, fake writers, and especially what the doody is for healthy folks!

Watch & Subscribe

(2.31 MB 640x360 ASMR Darling.webm)
ASMR mcfeel 04/26/2017 (Wed) 13:35:47 Id: 0e1f4b [Preview] No. 24 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
ASMR feels good. Post vids and channels.

mcfeel 04/26/2017 (Wed) 13:57:49 Id: 0e1f4b [Preview] No. 25 del
(56.96 MB 640x360 FrivFoxASMR.webm)

mcfeel 04/26/2017 (Wed) 14:03:59 Id: 0e1f4b [Preview] No. 26 del
(11.65 MB 640x360 Big Miranda ASMR.webm)

mcfeel 04/26/2017 (Wed) 14:15:23 Id: 0e1f4b [Preview] No. 27 del

mcfeel 04/26/2017 (Wed) 19:01:01 Id: 0e1f4b [Preview] No. 28 del

mcfeel 02/16/2022 (Wed) 03:58:54 Id: 26fc83 [Preview] No.33 del
This too

https://youtube.com/watch?v=qtqP_gA0rXA [Embed]

(3.82 MB 356x200 trophic cascades.webm)
mcfeel 04/18/2017 (Tue) 16:03:16 Id: 628a80 [Preview] No. 13 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Good feel webms
3 posts and 3 images omitted.

mcfeel 04/18/2017 (Tue) 16:40:57 Id: 628a80 [Preview] No. 17 del

mcfeel 04/18/2017 (Tue) 18:16:13 Id: 628a80 [Preview] No. 18 del

mcfeel 05/15/2017 (Mon) 08:11:16 Id: 0a6dba [Preview] No. 30 del

mcfeel 05/16/2017 (Tue) 17:25:18 Id: 0572d0 [Preview] No. 31 del
(1.56 MB 360x640 paige.webm)

mcfeel 05/20/2017 (Sat) 08:30:45 Id: e21272 [Preview] No. 32 del
(2.03 MB 406x720 Buffet.webm)

mcfeel 04/18/2017 (Tue) 13:47:24 Id: dc33b0 [Preview] No. 10 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

mcfeel 05/04/2017 (Thu) 17:13:43 Id: c95ab4 [Preview] No. 29 del
(9.78 MB btba.mp3)

Motivationals mcfeel 04/26/2017 (Wed) 09:37:11 Id: d25393 [Preview] No. 23 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]

feely 04/18/2017 (Tue) 10:37:06 Id: bfac30 [Preview] No. 5 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
Define fun.

feely 04/18/2017 (Tue) 10:50:05 Id: 24dec5 [Preview] No. 7 del
I like it, but I think bigger boobs would be more fun still.

mcfeel 04/18/2017 (Tue) 13:53:26 Id: 24dec5 [Preview] No. 11 del
(133.76 KB 800x1200 1.jpg)
sara saijo is my definition of fun, mmm

mcfeel 04/18/2017 (Tue) 13:57:48 Id: 24dec5 [Preview] No. 12 del
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Ambiance feely 04/18/2017 (Tue) 09:15:54 Id: 38d2e3 [Preview] No. 2 [Reply] [Last 50 Posts]
We need css, banners and a spoiler.

feely 04/18/2017 (Tue) 09:25:25 Id: 3bb6e3 [Preview] No. 3 del
Now, where did you fams came from?

feely 04/18/2017 (Tue) 10:32:56 Id: 38d2e3 [Preview] No. 4 del

feely 04/18/2017 (Tue) 12:44:30 Id: 38d2e3 [Preview] No. 8 del
I was reading online about colour therapy and lavender was highly recommended by a few sites, so I have shifted the css toward a lavender scheme.

Let me know what you think.

mcfeel 04/18/2017 (Tue) 12:50:31 Id: 3bb6e3 [Preview] No. 9 del
I think you got it pretty good and it still have the stock css feel for the better or the worse.
I don't have any complaints.