/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(51.44 KB 675x675 Security.png)
(342.92 KB 1417x1325 Security.png)
(506.42 KB 245x200 Eye of Sauron.gif)
Security [upgrade] CoreGod 09/19/2020 (Sat) 13:52:44 [Preview] No. 367
Security: All related with defense and administration of Justice. Link:Limiting,Limits to others,Handling external manipulation,Global boundaries,Justice

Protect: Keeping everything in a safe state (safe from harm). Link:Completely safe,Indestructible,Invulnerable,No weaknesses,Highly protected,Preparation,Robust,Maintenance
Prudence: Careful. Don't take high risks, specially if there is no necessity of it. Link:Continence,Responsibility,Patience,Calm,Early detection,Preparation,Beware of pretending,Untrustworthy,Risky,Fearless
Monitoring: Keeping an eye on everything. Link:All access,Checking,Omnipresent,Reaching all,Perception,Always awake,Verification,Analysis,On watch list
Defense system: All mechanisms/strategies used to ensure security, including weapons. Link:Invincible,Ready,Handling everything,Shields,Filters,Using force if necessary,Methodology,Logic,Machines,Motors,Programs,Efficiency,Effective

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/114/security

My fellow readers: Stay safe!

There is a section of EndChan that is called 'Eye of Sauron' that shows the new posts on EndChan: https://endchan.net/.static/sauron.html
Eye of Sauron is like an all seeing eye in the Lord of Rings (books/movies).

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