/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(305.42 KB 1457x1331 Expansion.png)
Expansion [upgrade] CoreGod 10/22/2020 (Thu) 14:46:11 [Preview] No. 390
Expansion: The complex process of expanding without hurting some being. Link:Handling complexity,Space control,Peace,External beings,Can change,Eternal methods,Borders

Biggest: To be the maximum possible in terms of physicality. Link:All,God of All,Absolutes,Omnipresent,Knowing the limits,Physicality,Abundance,Handling quantity,Awesome
Growth: To have more material/matter than before. Link:Quantity,Ethical assimilation,Handling quantity,Progress,Unconscious / Matter,Handling excess,Methodology,Integration,Density problems
Explore: To explore and discover all that is possible to explore in external reality (maybe using probes). Link:Omniscient,Curiosity,New,Research,Unknown,External,All,Real reality,Sonars,Sending,Experiences,Perception
Reaching all: To reach all places with clarity (easy flow in-out). Link:Omnipresent,All access,All,Clarity,Fluidity,Sonars,I/O,Localization,Exchange,Transport,Interconnectivity,Reciprocity,Monitoring,All at once

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/200/expansion

The image-diagram is the same as >>273

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