/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(295.95 KB 1511x1392 Unconscious _ Matter.png)
Unconscious / Matter [upgrade] CoreGod 11/03/2020 (Tue) 15:58:48 [Preview] No. 402
Unconscious / Matter: Miscellaneous of beings/things within a range of low consciousness to none. Link:Consciousness,External,External beings,All beings,Unused matter,Nothing

Directed: They are directed/guided by us to a benevolent end/goal. Link:Good guiding,Director,Leadership,Government,Benevolence,Morality,Teaching
Incapable of morality: Not Intelligent enough to understand basic benevolent morality. Link:Morality,Intelligence,Understanding,Benevolence,Capable of morality
Evolution: It is possible that their consciousness or physical form improves. Link:Consciousness,Improvement,Ascension,Learning,Body,Growth,Physicality
No attachments: No exaggerated psychological attachments (obsessions) to material goods. Avoiding greed. Link:Purity,Well meaning,Self-control,Self-discipline,Will power,Attraction,Love,Heart,Global globalization,Conscious problems,Escape of loops

<to further upgrade>

CoreGod 11/05/2020 (Thu) 19:03:37 [Preview] No.403 del
(29.81 KB 901x814 Jew cat.jpg)
Some humans have some heavy psychological attachments to objects. For example: Hoarding disorder.
Hoarding disorder is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding disorder experiences distress at the thought of getting rid of the items.

Added some meme.

Another upgrade CoreGod 11/06/2020 (Fri) 11:25:25 [Preview] No.404 del
>>402 >>403
Unconscious / Matter: Miscellaneous of beings/things within a range of low consciousness to none. Link:Consciousness,External beings,All beings,All ways to think,All physicality,External,Unused matter,Nothing

Directed: They are directed/guided by us to a benevolent end/goal. Link:Good guiding,Director,Leadership,Government,Benevolence,Morality,Teaching,Global goals,Global plan,Global boundaries,Intervention
Incapable of morality: Not Intelligent enough to understand basic benevolent morality. Link:Morality,Intelligence,Understanding,Benevolence,Capable of morality
Evolution: It is possible that their consciousness or physical form improves. Link:Consciousness,Improvement,Ascension,Learning,Adaptation,Body,Growth,Physicality
No attachments: No exaggerated psychological attachments (obsessions) to material goods. Avoiding greed. Link:Purity,Well meaning,Self-control,Self-discipline,Will power,Attraction,Love,Heart,Global globalization,Conscious problems,Escape of loops

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/203/unconscious-matter

Buddhists take seriously to have no attachments.
<related pic attached>

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