/godscommunity/ - God's Community

The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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(55.49 KB 675x675 Bad beings.png)
(134.05 KB 1539x1236 Bad beings.png)
Bad beings [upgrade] CoreGod 11/19/2020 (Thu) 19:40:08 [Preview] No. 417
Bad beings: They have negative morality, consciously and intentionally creating problems. Link:Not recommended,Peace treaty,External beings

No enemies: We don't see anyone as enemy. Therefore, we don't have enemies. Link:Care,Forgiveness
On watch list: Watched closely by the security systems (Justice). Link:Justice
Intervention: Actions/decisions taken to intentionally become involved in troublesome situations in order to improve them or prevent them from getting worse. Link:Justice,Actions
Forced isolation: Sometimes is better to lock them up (enclosure/prison) in order to protect the innocent or the well-being of others. Link:Justice,Shields,Filters,Borders,Virtual reality
Expulsion/Disconnection: Sometimes is better to keep them out of some places or without connection with such places and beings. Link:Justice,Interconnectivity

<to further upgrade>

upgrade CoreGod 11/24/2020 (Tue) 08:01:09 [Preview] No.420 del
(196.30 KB 1404x1361 Bad beings.png)
Bad beings: They have negative morality, consciously and intentionally creating problems. Link:Not recommended,Morality,Peace treaty,External beings,All beings

No enemies: We don't see anyone as enemy. Therefore, we don't have enemies. Link:Care,Forgiveness
On watch list: Watched closely by the security systems. Link:Monitoring,Checking,Justice,Security
Intervention: Actions/decisions taken to intentionally become involved in troublesome situations in order to improve them or prevent them from getting worse. Link:Justice,Actions,Handling everything,Apologies
Forced isolation: Sometimes is better to lock them up (enclosure/prison) in order to protect the innocent or the well-being of others. Link:Justice,Law enforcement,Using force if necessary,Shields,Filters,Borders,Virtual reality,Apologies
Expulsion/Disconnection: Sometimes is better to keep them out of some places or without connection with such places and beings. Link:Justice,Law enforcement,Using force if necessary,Interconnectivity,Apologies

<to further upgrade>

Bad beings [upgrade] CoreGod 11/25/2020 (Wed) 13:30:31 [Preview] No.421 del
(384.35 KB 1745x1576 Bad beings.png)
Bad beings: They have negative morality, consciously and intentionally creating problems. Link:Not recommended,Morality,Peace treaty,External beings,All beings,Risky,Heart,To fix,Convince,Chaos

No enemies: We don't see anyone as enemy. Therefore, we don't have enemies. Link:Care,Compassion,All is important,Patience,Desire for good,Positivity,Love,Forgiveness,Hope,Believe system,Can change
On watch list: Watched closely by the security systems. Link:Monitoring,Checking,Omnipresent,Omniscient,Reaching all,Explore,Probable future,Justice,Security,Always awake,Privacy
Intervention: Actions/decisions taken to intentionally become involved in troublesome situations in order to improve them or prevent them from getting worse. Link:Justice,Actions,Decision making,Decisive,Major decisions,Handling everything,Tranquilizing,Diplomacy,Consequences,Controversial action,Apologies
Forced isolation: Sometimes is better to lock them up (enclosure/prison) in order to protect the innocent or the well-being of others. Link:Justice,Law enforcement,Using force if necessary,Limiting,Global boundaries,Shields,Filters,Borders,Virtual reality,Controversial action,Limits to others,Physical limitations,Fastening in place,Density problems,Apologies,Escape of loops,Keep together
Expulsion/Disconnection: Sometimes is better to keep them out of some places or without connection with such places and beings. Link:Justice,Law enforcement,Using force if necessary,Limiting,Interconnectivity,Controversial action,Shields,Filters,Limits to others,Physical limitations,External,Apologies,Keep together

Upgrade of https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/139/bad-beings

Maybe some day the bad beings become the good beings. You know, they can change!

Well, this is the last attribute/aspect of the version 3 of God's Community to upgrade.
Soon the version 3 of God's Community will be released.
The version 2 of God's Community was released on August of 2018 (more than 2 years ago).

inquiry goodguy 02/03/2022 (Thu) 06:17:45 [Preview] No.912 del
What about the Gates-Epstein conspiracy

CoreGod & ControlOfAll 02/03/2022 (Thu) 15:36:09 [Preview] No.913 del

We talked about it a little bit here: >>892
But not directly about Gates-Epstein.

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