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The goal of the God's Community is that all members reach benevolent God-like status of life.

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Personal theism [comparing] CoreGod 07/04/2021 (Sun) 09:52:38 [Preview] No. 661
In this thread we're going to show you some differences and similarities between personal theism and God's Community.

Estimated schedule of releases of information (dates in UTC of current year):
08 July : Faith
12 July : Followers
16 July : Deities
20 July : Personal spirituality
24 July : Posting it in the main website (https://godscommunity.boards.net)

Faith CoreGod 07/08/2021 (Thu) 14:57:11 [Preview] No.665 del

People, that can be included in some personal theism, believe without any sound proof (like most religions) that there is some invisible God/gods out there.
But also they believe in a lot of other stuff that science can't prove.

It's not necessary to believe in God (or something like that) to be part of God's Community.
Faith in something unknown is not a requirement in order to be part of God's Community.
We have our believe system based in facts, science, experiences, computation of possibilities and logic reasoning; but you still could believe in other unproven stuff.

Followers CoreGod 07/12/2021 (Mon) 13:41:07 [Preview] No.669 del
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Most of the time, people that can be categorized as using personal theism, follow the ideas of an already existent massive religion or other preexistent form of spirituality, but with some small/big differences (within a very different range of creativity and individuality).
Creating a system of ideas (ideology, believe system) from scratch is pretty hard and time consuming, so what they usually do is to take a old ideology and make some changes (upgrade it).

We don't follow others (we are sovereign creators), but we can take some ideas from others and integrate them in our system (integration).
We can have followers too, in other words, people that can follow our work (for very different reasons) but they don't want to get involve too much.

Deities CoreGod 07/16/2021 (Fri) 08:37:13 [Preview] No.673 del
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A lot of religions (and variants of religions) have a huge diversity of deities or special beings, that people worship somehow, or they ask them for intercession to God.
Some examples:
Hinduism: Myriad of local deities (devas and devis).
Catholicism (Christianity): Saints, Virgin Mary variants.
New age groups: Ascended masters and spiritual guides.
Basic spirituality: Ghosts and ancestors.

If we become really gods (being god), it is not surprise that they try to worshiping us.
We will try to have (as we do now) sane/healthy relationships with people.

Personal spirituality CoreGod 07/20/2021 (Tue) 14:30:00 [Preview] No.677 del

Most of what we said about personal spirituality (>>552 or https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/219/personal-spirituality-comparing) could apply to people that are involved in personal theism.
At least they have some individuality and creativity, and maybe are involved in some eclecticism.

We have individuality even if we are a community; we have creativity and we are ready to the eventual process of integration of external ideas (eclecticism).

Posted in the main website CoreGod 07/24/2021 (Sat) 15:11:13 [Preview] No.681 del
>>661 >>665 >>669 >>673 >>677

This thread is posted in our main website (with some small modifications): https://godscommunity.boards.net/thread/234/personal-theism-comparing

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