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family Anonymous 05/25/2018 (Fri) 02:17:06 [Preview] No. 1
Although disappointed in me, still feels paternal love and is happy that I'm self-improving. Main reason I'm not kicked out from the house.
Fluctuates between doting affection and extreme anger towards me- usually the latter; often compares me to more successful siblings, tried to kick me out multiple times but dad wouldn't let her
>Older sister (25)
Careerist bitch who incessantly gives me pull yourself up by your bootstraps kind of sermons. Was actually close to her as a kid but the past few years have made her really obnoxious
>Younger brother (17)
Taller, stronger, more social than me - get along well but I sometimes feel a suppressed resentment towards him that I think he can feel as well, especially after mum lays into me. Often play videogames together, I help him with his schoolwork sometimes

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