02/11/2019 (Mon) 02:46:27
386 Build: 3 Floppy Drives, SD card, Networking
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yw8moAQ1wTA [Embed]
Duration : 47:59
Published : 05 Jan 2019
"This is the final part of my 386 machine build series.
Sadly, the 386SX mainboard died after briefly coming back to life in the last video.
I went hunting for a new one and found a gem of a 386DX40 mainboard. Its BIOS supports 4 floppy drives, but for reasons I only had space for three. But how often have
you seen more than two floppy drives on a DOS computer?
I'm also adding a network adapter so I can go online with this machine.
All the hardware I am using gets a major refurbishment and cleaning before using. This results in a very pleasing to look at computer in a relatively small case.
I'm really happy with the outcome of this and I hope you enjoy it, too!
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