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(586.70 KB 800x556 Coopersville street.jpg)
Coopersville Anonymous 01/08/2023 (Sun) 14:07 [Preview] No. 37
Hop: grid.kitely.com:8002:Coopersville

Coopersville is an historical community in Kitely that's created with love and for your enjoyment with the purpose of building community and provide a place for people to just relax, socialize and play. There are shops, residential neighborhoods, a beach, a theatre, a trolley, cars, boats, planes, horses and more. Our focus is 1900-1915 give or take a few years in both directions. This is a lovely community for anyone who loves history, whether it's Victorian, Steampunk, Edwardian or even the roaring 20s.

There is a freebie store for our guests and residents with hand-picked clothing, furniture and vintage vehicles that more or less fit with our theme. To get to the freebie store just go to our landing and there is a teleport there to the store.

We often have free homes and stores for anyone who would like to be a resident or merchant in Coopersville.

Hope to see you soon!

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